Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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iTTSlAHxEy LPhiljips Oppenkim
i ' " r '. 1 : ' 1 ' .5fS3
Msen like myaclf, I believe tlint Miller
f tvm MiuueMfl te linve thn aext claim.
i Andrew laiieme. p; " . """' "J
1 le n riifi mi
Wi'marrita fortnenri, n
"W&VuZtn iirienfd nmhUten
kV.v. K.. t mm nnd lefIh tr
L'' "'ttVfiiftrMifi! (n hti irtrrtmv
it- H'fwwr.
Ai tfr
Iisa rt cold flwrt ! ipiiernmriir, nun
...k I.mk lull f (ftiitniiff III.
ITl WnW MWS I"! mnnPiHli11l . ",
a JJtadeit AUflPlclOM rnni iicr niisnanit
OlfT Dr mc nnui'i'tu, iinvi i.i.uv
Inoien, a braullul and turnl-
tterar, inrcrc'cn in lauer jireic
riWMlghber who (iifrrM i4n-
MNv Amlrete hat missen semx
.iifiaLf. Mltncni papers, nun in an nreu-
iiVnf wlh Pnwscr en the ertee e n
Jilff Aa struck him. The secretary I'll
tier. jnfrci d '.epf under ebtcnaltnn
E njpecler Ulfflnn, e the police. (!
Ken Dartre, thr sell-sacrlflclng Laber
tarty leader, utlh Hitler, a coarse,
grained radical, and .Vern .Ulnli, a
eliarmlne and brilliant rmtnln leader,
offer Tattcntc thr premleriilp. lit
j0n (ftelr partu. Ignoring- Inducement
1 ltorleek, the Premier In office, Ufa
ttusal of a peerage cameo il ivllc te
(hrealrn dUercc, Nera Mlall explain In
him the phllonephu of the neie partu and
alto her dislike ler thr fiifriMlre Miller,
irhlch he shares. As Tallente It driving
heme he mrelt a (teman en heise-back.
TALLEXTKl" she exclaimed.
Hew wonderful I"
AVI ..it
nuerrd. n little nKiiel$vhln cjcm ntlll
lixed upon her. "He tlilsMs your room.
I like It. And 1 like "
''JVpII. B'i en, pleitHe," slie l)CRgcd.
i iihc uie Keiuici or your bow.
nnd I M!,c Hip fur iiRnlnM jour tlirent
nnd neck, nnd 1 like (Iiemp buiklcs en
four sliecs, nnd tliu wiiy jeu de jour
linlr. '
Hlie laugliud
He held lier linnd, loekhiR tdend
fitlr, nlmest engerly, up into lier
flushed fnce. Her ejes were filled with
plcatnre. His errnnd, In thoep few
breatlief numients, seemed no longer
the errnnd of n feel.
"I enn't renllzc. It, even new," ehe
vrent en, drnwlng her hnnd nwny nt
last. "I pictured jeu nt Westmin
ster, In committee rooms nnd nil neita
of places. Aren't you forging weapons
te drhe us from our liemeswtnd portion
cut our .nungt.'
"I have left the thunderbolt nlene
for one short week-end." he nnswered.
"I felt n hunger for this moerlnnd uir.
Londen becomes se enveloping."
Tnne at upright upon lier horse
and looked nt him with n mocking
"Hew imgiiltnut ! I hoped jeu had
come te atone fyr jour neglect."
"HnM1 I neglected J cm V" he nked
quietly, turning nnd walking hj her
"Shockingly! Yeu lunched with me
en the M'NPiith of August. I see jeu
egnin en the second of Nevembei, nnd
I de heliee that I shall lmu te save
jeu from stnrvntlen ngaln."
"It's quite true," he ndmltted. "I
have n sandwich in my pocket, though,
in a'-e jeu were nwny from home."
"Wei'M' than ever," she sighed.
'Yeu didn't even trouble te make In--Onirics."
'Triiiii whom should I? Hebert my
'icn.int his wife, nnd a boy te help
In the garden nre nil my present staff
nt the Maner. Hebert drives the enr
nnd waits en me, nnd his wife cooks.
They nr" extlmnhle people, but I don't
think they nre up In local news."
"Yeu were quite safe," she said,
loekim: nheud of her. "I mil never
auaj." i
Tli.' tall end of n ""cat of rain bent
en their faces, l'rem the heller en I
their left, the wind came booming up.
"I should hne thought that feri
th"-p few months just new," be sug-
ceted. "Jeu might have cared for
"I hne my work here, such ns It
In." vhe answered, n little listle-lj.
"If I weie in town, for instnnce, 1
ehnuld have nothing te de."
"Yeu would meet people. Yeu must
ornet lines feel the need of society down
"I doubt whether 1 should meet the
people who would interest me," she
renlied. "nnd in nnj ine I hnve my
erk here. Tlint keeps me occupied.' ,
They turned into the avenue and'
een the long front of the house spread I
Itself out before them. .Innc, who had
been momentarily absorbed, looked down
at her companion. I
"Yeu nic nlene nt the Mnner?" she
fked. (
"ijulte nlene."
She became the hostess dlrectlv thev
bad paved the portals of the house.
Bhe ld him across the hall into her
llttl" eiinctum.
"This is the room," she told him. j
"in which I neer de a stroke of work
sacred te the frhelities nlene. I
ihall send Morten In te see what jeu ,
will h.ne te drink, while I chnnge mv
halill. Yeu must lime something nfter
th.it walk. I shan't be long."
Ter the second time she melded
meeting his ees as she left the room.
Tnllinte steed en the hearth-rug, still
looking at the closed deer through ,
whlih she had nnished. puzled, n little '
chilled. He g"ffve his nuler te the atten
tie butler who presentlj nppeured nnd
who looked lit him with covert interest,
the pi ess had been almost hystcrlc
all jnedigal of his name during the
last fVw wec.ss. Then he settled down
te wait for her return with an im
putleiiH' which became almost uncon
trollable. It seemed te him, ns be
paced restlessly about, that this little
apaitmcnt. which be remembered se
well, had in n measure changed, was
mealing a diffeicnt atmosphere, ns
though In sMiipathj uitli some
conesnendliic chance in Its pre-id-
lng splilt. Theie was a huge and'
well-worn letiih, siuetheied with
cushion- nnd snrgestic of a comfort .
nlme-t voluptuous, .i Inrce easy '
chaii. Inte wlibb lie pre-entlj sank,
of ihr same cbaractei. The weed legs
burning in the giute gave out u plea-ant
fui-e of warmth. He took mere p.ii-
tluilnr note of the nliimcs in the well- j
filled book -cases volumes of peetij.
Freiuh iievelh. with u fair spiinkllng'
of modem KugUsh fiction. There wa- i
a plastir cast of the I'niis Mngilnleni Mngilnleni
ever the deer and one ei t" fe pnlt
etchings, after the stjle of Heillleu, ,
upon the wall-. There was no wilting
table in the room, nor nnj sign- of in-
diihtrv. hut n black oak mite-tilble was i
laden with magiulnrs nnd fashion
pnpeiH. Against the brown walls.
n (lump of llainlng yellow guise leaned
from a dlstiiut lernei. Its faint n-mend-like
fiiiginuce iniiiglliig aiomit aiemit
tlcallj with I lie pejfiiine of binning
legs and a gieat bowl of ill led lavender.
Meie than evir It seemed te Tallente
that the iitiiie-nlieie of the loom Inn
changed, had beieme In some subtle
wny at the same time meie enerviitlng
nnd mere exciting. It was like n
revelation of a hidden side of the
woman, who might indeed hnve had
some pui pose of hei own In leaving
him theie. lie set down his emptj
glnss with the feeling that vermouth
was u henvli'r drink than he had
fancied. Then a stieak of vvnteij sun
shine liltered its way thinugh the
plantation nnd eiept nciess the vvein,
hnnd-eme caipel. He. felt a queer ex ex
Ultntlen nt the sound of her footsteps
outside. Sim- entered, as tdie bad de
parted, without dlieetlj meeting his
earnest gae.
"I hope jeu hnve made jeuitelf at
home," she said. "Dear me, hew
untldj everj thing Is!"
rilie moved about, alteilug the fiiiui-
tine a little, making little pile- of the
magazines, a giaceful. ilegant tiguie
in her dark velvet house (hiss, with a
thin band of fin nt tin neck. She
itiimul siiddenlv aiiiiiiid and found him
switching her. This time she Inuglicd
nt him fiauklj.
".Sll down jit eine," she eideied. I
mntJeiilntr him bai k te his casj -i hair
nnd lemliia hciself te a cm tier of the
lounge. "Ilenieinbei that jeu have a
great deal te tell me and explain. The
newspapers mij such ipieei things,
"Is It Hue Hint I teallj am enter-i
taiuiiig u possible futuic Prime Mm- I
ifiNvSf3Sfefl I t
Krncefiilly cneugli. jet jm ?w rl IS fl m udm
fWB-TI "The
" Yifll 6 'nr '''
JiyJjyJMk among
( WlryrtiMM the pi
fTwQnRmrir jrtt
I'S tSm ceinini
Slip laughed, grarefnlly cneugli, yet
with seniereturii te that note of
model r
tj has Hpien.l
We number
' inujeilty of
and the tun
ilc nmeng the
lean-. Why,
if jeu consider I Me legislation or the
last seven or eight jenis, jeu will S'O
hew they have been driven te embrace
some sort of socialism. Nothing se
dete-tnble nnd short-sighted as our
financial policy has ever been known In
the hl-teiy of the world, 'fhe middle
classes, meaning by the middle i lasses
professional men nnd men of moderate
mennH, bore the chief burden of the
wnr. They submitted te terrible tnxn
Hen, te many prlvntlens, besides the
universal gift of their young bleed. Vc
wen tne war nnd what was ttie rcsuii:
The Avcnlth of the country, through
ghnstly legislation, drifted Inte the
hands of the prellteering clnsscs, the
wholesale shopkeepers, the ship own
ers, the factor.! owners, the mine own
ers. The professional mnn with two
thousand n jenr wns nble te wive a
qunrtcr of that befeie the war, After
tlm wnr, taxation demnnded tlint quar
ter nnd mere for Income tux, thrust
upon lif 111 nn Inctciibcd cost of living,
cut the gietind fiem beneath his feet.
"It isn't either of the two extremes
the nrlstecrnt or the laboring man -where
jeu must leek for the pulse of
country s pre-peillv. It Is te tne
classes In between, and. I.ady .lane,
they nre Heiking te our camp Just n-
fust ns thev can, just ns fust as tne
cetintiy is bending for ruin under its!
present Ueverninent."
"Yeu nre very convincing," she ad
mitted. "Why hnve vnu net spoken se
plnlnlv In the Heuse?"
"The moment hnsn't arrived, "1 ill -lente
icplled. "There will be u gen
einl election before many months have
passed nnd tlint will be the end of the
present feels' pnrndlse nt St. Ste
phen's." "And then?"
"We shan't abuse our power," he
nssured her. "What we nlm nt Is a
National party whiili will consider the
Interests of every clnss. That is our
lending of the term 'Democrat.' Our
program Is net nearly se revnlutlennr.'
ns jeu nre probably led te believe, but
we'ile menu te smooth nwny, -e far
ns we can from n prnctlcnl point of
view, the inequalities of life. We wan
te sweeii nwav the last remnants e
"Tell me why they were se anxious te
gather jeu Inte the. fold?" she asked.
"I think for this lensen," he ex
plained. "Stephen Dnrtrey is n bril
liant writer, n gieat orator, and un
Inspired lawmaker. The whole world
iccegnlres him ns n statesman. It is
his nnme nnd genius which have made
(he Democratic pnity possible. On the
ether hand, he Is net In the lea-t n
politician. He doesn't undci stand the
(.nine ns It Is played in the Heuse of
Ceinmnrs. He lives nbeve these thing,
'flint Is why I suppose they wanted
me. I have learned the knack of np'
debating nnd I understand (be tricks.
V',ven if ever I bcteme the titular bend
of the partv. Dai trey will remain the
soul and spirit of It. If they were net
able te lrij their hands upon some per
son like myself, I believe tlint Miller
wan mippesed te have the ucxt claim,
and I should think that Miller is tbe
one man In the world who might dis
unite the strongest party' en earth."
"Disunite It? I should think he
would disperse it te the four corner i
of the wetld!" she exclaimed.
The butler announced luncheon. She
rose te hpr feet.
"I cannot tell you," he snld, with n
little sigh of relief, ns he held open the
deer for her, "hew thankful I mil that
I happened te find you nlene,"
Te be continued tomorrow
Cnnrlght, Hit, Hell Nundlcatt, Ine
Detachment at Navy Yard Prepare!
for Brazilian Junket
A detainment of seven elHceis nnd
130 enlisted men of the United States
Marine Cerps is being ergnnled for
duty nt the Hrnzlllnn Imposition te
be held nt llle de .Innelre during the
months of September, October
November of this year. This detach
ment Is being assembled at the mnrlnc MB?ine section of th sunrtny Pci
barracks. Pliilndelnhtti
4,alMlti T
Men for thin, detachment are 'J
I specially selccleiY They must b
, built tilivslcnllr. between five I
Inches nnd six feet in height, etM
soldierly bearing and iippearane
with geed conduct records.
this duty Is (enHdered a revvar
faithful service.
C'pn lh trpAtur In thn h-ilri of tM
l.kl. t- ..... ..! ..nn.Mln f .Bulb
muni .-5 iuui,i,hi v.m'i.iii ucnr,n
, lt.B ., ittn ami la hlinn n If, MM, I
nnd I SSO Oct In n rilvlnf null te oxulero 1111
nf Ihnt l i-rntl ert1. 1IF hens una m
nr cterrlb'l In an lntcr"tlni nrtlcl in't
"Make It n Habit."
Ii n rendy prepared, full
flavored, nil purpose
Eight deliciaui
flavors Chocolate,
C re a m Vanilla,
Iieic Vanilla, Ilex
' Vanilla, Orange,
Lemen, Almend
and Spice.
At All Grocers. 10c 15c
Fruit riiitillne Ce., Itnltlnierr, Mil.
with sime return te thnt note of un
easiness. "Yeu mustn't turn my bend!" she
pietested. "Yeu, fresh fiem Londen,
which they tell me Is terribly gay just
new ! 1 wnnt te understnnd ju-t what
it means, jour throwing in jour let
with the Deinecints. My uncle snys,
for Instance, that jeu have abandoned
respcctnble politics te become n Tower
Hill pedagogue."
"Hespectnble politics," he replied,
"if by that jeu mean the present gov
ernment of the ceiintrj. tins been In
the wieng hnnds for se long that peo
ple scarcely renlize whatsis undoubtedly
the fact that the ceuntiy Isn't bring
governed nt nil. A (levernment with
nn Opposition party almost as pewciful
ns Itself, all made up of separate par
ties which nre centinunllj demanding
sops, can scarcely pregiess very far,
can It?"
"Hut the Dcmecrnts," she ventured.
".ire surely only one of these isolated
"I have formed n different lden of
their strength," he jinsvvered. "I be
lieve that It n gcnernl election took
plnce tomeirow the Democrats would
sweep the country. I believe thnt we
should hnve the large-t working ma
jority nnv Government has had since
the wnr."
"Hew terrible!" she murmnrcd, in
voluntarily truthful.
"Your tnme socialism isn't equnl te
the prospect," he remarked, n little
"Mj tame socialism, as you call It,"
she icplled. "draws the line at spring
the ceuntrv governed by one class of
tiersens enh. and that class the one
11 who has the len-t nt stake in it."
"Tjiilv .tnne." he sulil eiiriiesllv. "I
nm glnd that 1 am here te point out t j
you n colossal mistake fiem which vea '
nnd mnnj ethers me suffering. TV
Dcmecrnts de net rcprc-unt labor only. '
"The smnll shopkeepers?" -he sug
gested. "Nothing of the sort," he replied.
New Located
59th and Pine Sts.
Bids WiU Be Received Until
July 31
59th and Pine Sts.
De you want
a clear skin?
treatment makes
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Try it
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Soethinq Mid HeAlinq
Chartered 186
I' W.uumn ...i 1 1 i W iMi 1 1 ml, TiNij
I hmMrKJt3X3SitmV&iVsm
ViX ???$ tfSa$-VW
Senater Capper Writes
en the "Farm Bloc"
The farmer's Bide of this import
ant question is given in the June
issue of The Girard Letter.
Anether feature of this number
is the story of the world's greatest
hatters, the Jehn B. Stetson Ce.
If you desire te receive this and
subsequent issues, your name
will be placed en the mailing
list without charge.
Breid & Cheitnut Sti., Pbiltdclphl
The Circle Hener
The Letters "A&P" with its surrounding Circle
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It is a creed backed by a set of prin
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Specials for Philadelphia, Lancaster, Reading and Vicinity
6 Rolls "PACIFIC"
Red Alaska Salmen tall can 25c
A&P Salad Dressing bet 25c
Lea & Perrin's Sauce bet 25c
Sultana Brand Tuna Fish V2-lb can 15c
Underwood's Mustard Sardines can 15c
Heme Run Sardines can 9c
Cider Vinegar (pure) 24-oz bet 17c
Jiffy-Jell pkgllc
Geld Dust
Palmolive Seap
Fly Swatters . . .
. 6 sm pkgs 25c
cake 8c
. 10-oz bet 9c
each 5c
Fly Paper 2 double sheets 5c
Chip se small 9c; large pkg 22c
Rinse pkg 6c
Window Screens (Eit.) 59c
Masen Jars Pints, dozen 69c; Quarts, dozen 79c
Jar Rings (Red) dez 7c I Pure Grape Juice
A&P Perk & Beans sm can 9c Maraschino Cherries . .
Campbell's Perk and Beans can 10c Sultana Jelly
.pint bet 23c
bet 18c
, 8-oz jar 12c
(Delicious Pure Candies)
Minute Tapioca
A&P Tapioca
KeWs Cern Flakes
Shredded Wheat
.pkg 13c
.pkg 12c
pkg 8c
.pkg He
Glen Resa Orange Marmalade . . . 1-lb jar 25c
Hartley's Marmalade jar 27c
Gulden's Mustard jar 14c
Red Frent Baking Powder . . . 8-oz can lie
Lerna Deenes .
Pineapple Cakes
Sugar Wafers (Asserted Styles) , .
Coffee Contentment from Every Angle in dw
If you are net one of the hundreds of thousands of "Red Circle"
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The happiest of lntids the Gelden West calls you. Answer its call.
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Tickets en sale daily te September 30. Return limit, October 31.
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Telephone Walnut 3003 or Unce ft 14-1
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1 " Mill ! '
J if I WmM
i. jntw h t y
F v : at
m fl
tO i
"Have a Buttermilk
en me, William."
Tomorrow is National Buttermilk Day
All ever Uncle Sam's bread land millions
will drink a glass of buttermilk in cele
bration. Philadelphia will drink its share; for Phila
delphia likes buttermilk, knows its benefits
and realizes that there is no better butter
milk served anywhere. A leader in quality
and popularity is
One of the SUPPLEt-WILLSJONES Products
Order by 'phone, or from
wagon. Alse at soda
the driver of our
fountains and
See our demonstration in the window of The National
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thut might be," be an-
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ift! :
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"I buppese
K ,lm
--Liti' - ' r- "'