iA.lt 'k MTi HTlS'a.WJflM' jihk :t.v w a?wi t -,p' -r i! raV"7" "wv wmm jn- LED(ERr- frs. Wilsen Plans JUNE 30, 11)22 Mr Pelicietts Mealsl WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Fair DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S li tf . 1 ' 11 mmmxmmmmmMmsmmmmmmm, EVENING PUBLIC LEMERr- pfilLADELPHlA, FRIDAY, .JUtfE 30, 1922 t vr - I fc JlfcirAv Jfl't'' r ru's'l i'-jcV Km' Mim ' Contain Previsions te uasi unm "fedncttltty V a. MflS. M. A. WILSON ,Wir''''' w VteM rearmed 'VTEIITAIXINO with n Mippir H.i-,.a .r nercli party en the eve- ' inf-fif l'p r'urth H n tlellBlitfut vvny ! ! LtrbrnllnK tills dny, especially If vl flt.r. nhniif tliA Ml Iff it. fnmlly mny elect te hnvc cither , picnic nr fnmlly illnncr nnrt then dee V, jay villi nn Informal lnnqe. The j.. r'nlkM mny hnvc n table for ranis tn. flip veuiwr one nrc tlnnclng. "'. ,.!.. it.la week will need The mill1"-""" tVilenc te Inst rieni Saturday until t ....., ..ml mnnv of the stores Will 1L rap n Monday, or If they de will rS fv,. fresh supplies. , If you plan iitKullv veti loe can enjoy mis uim X. "with just a minimum of work. F.rrftle Menu Frem Saturday Until bu" iriini1nv Eveninir ? ' cLi....U'.i nAn1fat Herrlc's J ndlli" Water Cress rS ruined Hamb Kidneys With Baenn i3 Tnnst -""" ,H Preserves f3 3 ii' i Dinner, 0 P. M. Broiled Lamb "Chops . Potatoes Snap Beans Tomate Salad lee. Cream With Berries Coffee Sunday Breakfast Chilled Cantaloupe Waffles With Preserve Coffee- ,'u Dinner' ' X Cheese Canape Roast Shoulder of Lamb Boiled TBrewn Gravy Currant .Telly 1 t Potatoes Peas Hearts of Lettuce Blackberry Bell Vanilla Sauce J Coffee li e 1 Scrambled Eggs' With Bacen Potatoes nu Gratln Sliced Tomatoes i Bnt Biscuits Stewed Fruit Tea Monday Breakfast , Grapefruit Teachcd RgKS en Toast ' Coffee Luncheon .' Cream of Tomate Vegetable Salad Cooked Stewed Fruit ; Tea Dinner Radishes Chilled Cucumber Celd Cuts of Lamb Mint Telly , . Baked Macaroni - Peas--- Coleslaw " ' lee Cream Coffee Tuesday, he Fourth of July Breakfast Sliced Peaches Tanned Tomatoes Cream Gravy Toast Coffee J " Dinner Chilled Sliced Tomnteei ..Pickles . Coleslaw Fried Spring Chicken Potatoes Pets Beet Salad .'Summer Squash Pie Coffee Supper Kmlnre of Lamb With Green Peppers Creamed Macaroni With Grated Cheese Tomate Salad Chocolate Cake Tea The maikct basket will reeulre rail )"lif. water cress, lettuce, cabbage for lsw, temntne1?, snnp beans, peas, bcetF, pursier, onions, green peppcis, cu (umbers, berries, grapefruit, canta loupes, bum h of mint, potatoes, eggs, hutter, cheese, shoulder of lntnb boned aprl rolled, lamb clieps, lamb kidnes, bicen and the usual weekly supplies. Tanned I-amli Kidneys With Baeeu Wasli four lamb kiduc,s and sll-v In thin slices with Miarp knife; roll In flour, brown quickly In het bacon drip pings; new add One tablespoon of grated onion, On green pepper minced fine, One cup of milk, and simmer slowly until the kldnevs re tender this usually requires about eight minutes. Serve en toast with bncen garnlMi. Summer Squash Pie. Line deep pie plate with plain pas try. New rub through n Unci sieve Oh ind one-half cups of cooled lummer squash, Three-quartern cup, of suenr, One cup of thick cream sauce, One. half teaspoon of salt. One-half teaspoon of nutmeg, Onu teaspoon of grated lemon i(n, i'hi'i'e e one lemon, Tire ttihlcspoem of butter, Yolks of tire cggi. Rent well te blend and pour in (lie prcp.ued pie jilntc and bake In slew eren for thlr'y minutes. I'laitf whites of eggs in bowl and neat until stiff; new bent in ene-half cup of granulated sugar and then fold lfl f irrt taKlntinnniKi P tii-t ti1 mrtrl LllKflt place en the pic and brown lightly In net even. j Things You'll Leve te Make SCARF EVEN GOWN ffiSPS?1 NGEJLV r2 A SCAftr K.VK.VING GOWN Is d- ' "ulitf-il far Ihk- Niuumer affairs. p,U, I'm the cuwn aftrr t rie modish, long I 'hie rffeit. Haw u nnS straight piu-e, nf fiinc.N chiffuu in- ueiiigelln pui.tc! .ill H'tuiiil .lulu tint center of one long ' J-J'Ie te the i-enti-r frnni of tin- funk. I (,l,n- the Julnlng ullli ;i large orna erna n"'iH. 'I he si-iitf ran t lu-ii In ill aped 111 nnj wnj ihm hiits the whim of tin ' 'laid- A SC.MU" IIVIIMM, HUM K1 Will U n( Klrut imiifuii mi IW, lllllll)f.' for , (.n ,,mv tin- si-infl PH n-j e hdmI ufl t.uel hrerzes nftei I if?!ice- FLOKA. Fresh for the Holiday New Frecks of Airy Cottens and Dark Silks, $3 te $28.50 The Wanamaker Down Stairs A Coel Stere r .v . -r vyv v vi sr t jnnr z" m ' x REDUCTIONS Weel jersey dresses, new $3 and $5. Navy tricetine or serge frocks, new $3 and $5. Tricelette dresses, new $7.50 and $10. Tweed frocks, some with capes, new $5 and $6.50. Wide Cheesing at $10 Striped tub silk dresses for young women. Coel foulards in navy and brown. Pongee dresses stitched in brown. Beaded crepe de chine dresses in navy blue. Three styles in plain navy and black crepe de chine dresses, trimmed with fageting. Frecks of small-figured foulard in tan, orchid, led or jade with bodice tops of white crepe de chine. Dotted voiles in navy or black, beautifully made in women's styles. Plain color French voiles trimmed with fagot faget ing. (Mnrlirt) What a holiday flutter pervades the Down Stairs Dress Stere ! Hundreds of airy frocks are anticipating all sorts of geed times at the seashore, in the country, en the river or at Fourth of July picnics. These dresses have vacation jollity written all ever them ! Prices are low se low that you'll probably buy two frocks where you had intended having only one. Dotted Voile Frecks, $3 Coei, simple dresses in rose, Copenhagen and navy with square necks set efT with white organdie and wee bows. Linen Dresses, $6 te $15 A wide selection of charming colorings gray, rose. Copen hagen, pink, green, orchid, brown, white and French blue. Seme have while cellars and cutis embroidered in color. Dotted Swiss and Voile Frecks, $8 The swiss frocks have wide cellars, sashes and deep pock ets of very sheer white organdie and are in black, Copenhagen and jade. Voile frocks are in six different styles and all of very fine quality. In navy, black, brown, rose and Copenhagen grounds with white dots. Seme have scalloped skirts. Special, $28.50 Beautiful Dinner Dresses Of cobwebby laces in black or beige fascinating frocks. Of or Georgette elaborately beaded, white frocks among them. Especially delightful are the frocks of draped chifTen in pastel shades'with bread silver girdles caught with a cluster of fruit. Coelest of All, Sir Palm Beach Suits, $14.50 Mohair Suits, $16.50 The surest way te keep cool ever the holiday is te have one, sir! They are in various cool tones of gray or tan in mixed patterns and stripes. They're well cut and well-tailored. AIl-WoeI White Flannel Trousers. $8.30 Khaki Trousers, $1.85 and $2.73 Men's Athletic Union Suits, 75c A low price for these fine checked nainsoek suits, in cool athletic style with knitted waistband". Silk Half Hese, 50c Pair l'uie thread silk in black, nny, coidewtn anil xineke gray with mpvceiicd cotton top and Miles nnd s-amed hacks. Ahe drop'-Hitch heee of black artificial y',)k they leek like puie silk with cotton tops and sole-'. ((inllir.(, MiirUrl) likes r lines Sale of White Skirts $1, $1.50 and $2.50 All simple, -washable skirts of the type that e.-crvbedv for Summer wear. They're just right for sweaters and their are se straight that laundering them is easy. Twe models in white gabardine at. $1 and tw'e at $l.."i0. One model in white surf satin at $2.50. All in regular and extra sizes. White Baronet Skirts, $5.75 Gathered under a wide belt and trimmed only with pearl buttons en the pockets and belt. (.Market) DORIS PETTICOATS Many women have pro nounced the Deris the best Summer petticoat they have ever seen. Deris petticoats aie made en perfectly straight lines with elastic at the waist and veiy deep hems 20 and 22 inches which makes virtually n double petticoat that can be worn under the sheerest freckj. Of pink, white or orchid batiste, $1. Of fine white sateen, ?2. Of pink, white, navy or black tub silk, $3.50. Extra-size petticoats of tub silk in white, black and navy, $5. (Central) Vestees of Unusual Charm, 50c and $1 Many have cuffs te match and usually they show Peter Pan col cel lars, though some arc roll shape. 50c ones are remarkable of fine eyelet embroidery or snowy or gandie, frilled or plain. All these hnve matching cuffs. SI for lacy vestees or dainty net guimpes with short sleeves and elastic at the waists. (Central) Drep-Stitch Weel Sweaters, Special, $1.75 This attractive, up-te-the-minute sweater that women and girls want, has a round neck te wear with Peter Par. cellars, and long sleeves. In plain pMnk, orchid, buff, French blue and jade. Or in pretty combinations of blue-and-white, navy - and - gi ecn, perjpy-and-gray, French blue-gray-and-white. (t'entriil) w- Li & & - :;; K n s Summer Corsets Must Be Coel Cerselettes at $1 and $1.50 aie the coolest, lightest things we knew of. They serve as corsets and brassieres combined nnd are of n'u-y net and light-weight pink materials. Elastic Girdles at $1.50 te $3.50 These arc in mero than a dozen different models, some lace in back, but most of them hook in front nnd aie icinferced with cetitil. They arc entirely of clastic webbing or of bands of elnstic alternating with broche, ceutil, silk brocades or silk-striped pop lin. Combining Brassiere and Girdle, $3 The upper part of this cleverly designed garment is like n ban deau, the lower part has wide bands of elastic webbing nnd light boning in the front nnd sides. It hooks in back and hns four hose supporters. (C'entrnl) Mesquite Netting Should Ge With Yeu! Many people will want te tack it up all around the Summer cot tage when they go down ever the Fourth. 10-yard pieces, G7 te 70 inches wide, of geed stieng mesh, are in white, gray and black at $1.85 a piece. (CheNtiiitl) Crepe de Chine and Satin Envelope Chemises, $2.65 Coel, lovely chemises in a little special purchase that brings seven or eight pietty styles. In white, pink, blue, orchid and honeydew, some hemstitched and tailored and ethers frilly with lace and ribbons. All priced con siderably less than you would expect! (Viitrnl) Special! Leng Silk Gloves, $1.15 An excellent quality, all in Id-button length, double finger tipped, for extia service. White, black and mastic (Central) Girls' Coel Little Dresses $1, $1.50 and $2 Several hundred fiesh little frocks, simply made and Summery, hnve arrived for all the little girls who will want them for the holiday. 51 dresses nre of gingham in plain colors, pin checks or plaids trimmed with contrasting gingham or white organdie. SI. 30 dresses are of fine-figured voiles trimmed with white eigandie. 52 dresses are of printed batistes in n variety of colors, trimmed with white. Camp Clethes Tweed knickers, tan or gieeu mixtuie, $6.75. .Middy blouses, $1 te $2. Khaki color knickers, $:. (Market) 'US A Fine i Tan Cowhide i Suitcase, $9.50 A suitcase that is vtieng enough te go 'round the world, ' strong enough te stand a great deal of hard usuage. Of thick surface cowhide with , geed catches, a stieng lock and two wide straps all aieund. Cor- ' ners and strap-loops are sewn and thcic is a wide hnndlc of the type -seldom seen en any but expen.-ive luggage. In 2-1 and 2i inch sizes Black Enamel Suitcases $3.50 te $5.50 Shiny black fabric case?, in .'1 si.es, 20, 22 nnd 2-1 inches, are prettily lined and soundly con structed. $.'!.50. Extra-deep , cases with trays and straps across the top are $5. With stiaps all around, $5.50. (Centrall Ratine Is the Sports Material This year's colors and pat terns are se attractive and ratine hns the great vutuc of net mussing easily. Ratine, in white and many leely plain coleis, is 60c a yard; in plaids, stripes and checks, fiec nnd 85c a yard. Imported French ratine in plain coleis (and such beauti ful ones!) is $1 a yard; in de lightful patterns, $1.50. All .16 inches wide. (( entral) Hundreds of Holiday Hats $1.50 te $5 Literally hundreds of the cool, light sports huts, leady te he put en for the Fourth and for similar oc casions throughout the Summei. Leghorns, novelty straws, peanut straws, felts, felt and straw combina tions, in laigc or small shapes. Plenty of the little "fore and aft" hats liked by girls with bobbed hail. Alse some gleaming white baronet satin hats that aie ery attractive, $.1.85 nnd $5. ( Market ) Women's Linen Suits $11.50 All teady for the holiday and correct te wear for such an oc casion! The jackets aie good geed looking and fail ly long. In Copenhagen, brown and a few in white. New navy or black tricetine suits ate showing longer ceat.t and excellent tailoring. Women need such suits for traveling. $25 and $27.50. Coel Tussah Suits in the natuial color of the sill;, aie in various models at $18 75 and $25. (MHrl.el) rim Children's Nightdrawers, 60c Made of cool -wbUe pajanni checks, each one with a breast pocket, they are in sizes 2 te 8 years. Nightgowns at $1 go all the way from -1 te 10 years. All arc of particularly ieft, fine white nainsoek, trimmed with lace beading, ribbon and edging. Creepers at 55c aie durably made of geed blue thambrav. in sizes 1 te ."? ears. (Central) witra What Geed Silk Stockings These Are at $1.25! White, black, fawn, bien.e, gray and cordovan. All fust quality of puie thread silk with seamed backs and mercerictl tops nnd sole.. $4.35 for Sun-and-Rain Umbrellas They show all the points of fine umbrella unusual looking bake lite or fancy wooden handles. Seme with lings or loops and the stub ferrule-, and tips te match. Cevers arc garnet, peppy red, taupe, gieen, navy, blown or black, many with satin berdeis. Slight imperfections class them as "second." Charming New Silk Overbleuses in White Most fashionable te wear with white skirts of till kinds and ever se becoming. There are two model.'' in heavy white crepe de chine at ."5.00. One. in lace-striped tritek-tte, hat a Peter Pan cellar and cuffs made entirely of wee iufflc of naireu lace. $5.25. All have shcrt sleee. Special at $1.50 A thou-und fie-h new bleu-es of dimitie- and eiles, made in niei i- way.i than anybody would care te count. Plenty of Peter Pan cellars. The.v'u- trimmed with littli- full-, touches of feather-stittlung, gingham, picot edges, ntc ( Marl.rt i White Silk Handbags Pretty Pillows, $1.50 Are Having a Vogue Women Are Asking for Dark Wrap Coats Here are .some interesting new ones, suitable for all kinds of Summer uses, nnd moderately priced. A coat of navy or black Teiret twill is quite elaborately embroidered with heavy silk and wooden beads. It is lined throughout with silk crepe, 928.50. A coat of tricetine is trimmed only with elf stitching en the long pointed sleeves which end in heavy silk tassels, cer: v -J. Special Collection of Tweed Capes, $6 te $10 Convenient capes te liae, its they go with almost anything and nre excellent for sports wears! In orchid, inn, blue and rose. (Mark. I) Delightfully uiel and white gees with everything! The bag are of white moire silk and most of them aie nNe lined with white -ilk. Fairly roomy bags, tee, and I geed-looking, with covered 01 metal fiames. it 'iilral , Pantalette Frecks for Bliss 2 te 6, $1.25 Vfr nn'tu and about the nie-t praitical play (rinks a little gill (.eultl weai Of pink, i atiel lil'ie, gieen 01 ein color ihambiav adorned with mni black -unhing en both the tires- and hloeinei. Little flowers ei figuie- aie embreidetcd en the (lies-c- Metheis who Km- little girls of thee age-, will want -eveial for vacation. (i -iiiiiiI flood, puff j. oval nnd round slurred pillows finished with flat, cevcicd buttons, aie covered with veiv pretty cielenne combined with plain-ielnr poplin. Need plenty of suih pillows for petch nnd hrui.c! i rt Nfdll-,,rl,, t rnlriil) 8-Inch White Doilies Frem Japan, 10c Each They ne u-eful for hut plates, or anywhere little deilici ar,. nteded. One has wide not-het edging with i-mbienlere.l cotton icnt'-i. while the ether is nntnely hand crocheted of a heavy white lotion. Stamped Tea Towels 18c and 20c Each Red or blue iheck 01 striped (utten towel- ,ii, m iie pretty .stamped design- l.l tnihe.s. ( rt SrpillPuurU, ( pnlriil) Sale of Women's White Pumps and Oxfords Special, $4.90 and $6.50 Over a Dezen of Today's Most Fashionable Styles L '1 S,J" i .SI. ill! Exactly the types that women and girls want for ever the week-end and Fourth of July, and throughout the Sum- T" 1 1 1 1 t 1 11 . . 1 T j 1 11 ii. . ii men .trices are cieciaeciiy special ter low snees as wen macie ana el as tnoreugniy geed leathers and labrics as are these. Wanamaker shoes in every particular. rAtJ4.90 Mary Jane pumps of white canvas, with button straps, low covered heels and turned holes; Cuban-heel strap pumps of white canvas; niack-and-white oxfords of white canvas, with patent leather winjr lips and waistband and black low heels; Sports oxfords of white canvas, with wiiur tips and waistbands of white calfskin and cerniKated soles of flexible white fiber; Piiickle-strap Mary Jane canvas pumps, with welled soles and low heels; Oxfords of canvas, with straight tips and waistbands of white calfskin, medium heels and welted soles. It lir.lniil) At $6.50 The larger number of these low shoes have been priced considerably higher. Among them are: Very new and popular white canvas sandals, with vertical center straps, generous, cool cuttings ever the instep, lurned sole-, and low covered heel-;; Mary .lane pumps of white leather, like buckskin, with perforations and low covered heels ; White leather oxfords with .straight tips and low covered heels; White canvas oxfords with covered Cuban heels; Oxfords of white leather, like buckskin, with straight tips and the desir able Cuban heel, carefully covered. nrieus ether geed white leather low -hoes are included. A --'J ,li.50 I ,,..'&.. jhL.jvLi ,u. . ...uw .- Z1: JiiL ,i. . tammmmmmmmttmtmmammm