ft V-rvy ii EMi EVENING 1TBL10 LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1922 DOUBT LEGALITY OF Tl RY HALL FUND Fneer WeiUff, Victer "TnlMitfj JfarMne Ce Ballingcr & J'erret, Enpinrert IT COSTS MORE te erect buildings during the Winter months. cm save this unnecessary ces placing your contract new. Phene Spruce 2103 for our representative. WHITE t CONSTRUCTION Ctx.wc ' Widener Building "LET WHITE talld ,t el CONCRETE" Research Bureau Declares City Architect Was Net Officially Called In ASKS INQUIRY BY COUNCIL GIVE MOTORISTS CHANCE New Ordinance Won't Be Enforced Drastically at Once The new tralDc Inw llmllinn parking In the center of the city will net be enforced today. "While the Ven Tngen ordinance be comes epeintlvp the police will net molest nietuiNts until signs Informing the public of the new rules hue been pi enured by (Superintendent Mills. The kIrhs prebitbl will be leady within n week. Mner Moere has tie iltired thnt he will allow the ordinance te become effective without his lKiiit tute. LEAVES $250,000 INSTATE Husband, Daughter, Grandchildren Benefit by Mary E. Stehrer Will An cxtnte of mere than $200,000 Is disposed of in the will of Mrs. Mary 10. Stehrer, 5133 Baltimore avenue, which wns probated today. The bene ficiaries named are her husband, Harry U. Stehrer; a daughter, Cecilia E. Andersen, and two grandchildren, Mary K. Andersen nnd Geerge II. Andersen. Other wills probated are these of Max Schmidt, 2355 Oermnntewn avenue, IS17.U00: Alice Orahnm, 2000 Seuth , Colerado street, .$7180,. nnd Helena Mr. Slcmnnil slcnienil of 3SU1 V Bth t. In rflumril from Ml. Clemens, Mlrlilicnii wlirrr lie luis leeii 0lK'Wfllll treated for hit lone Munillnir ailment. Locemotor Atiiln. OlISl'l It's something mere than a reasonable price behind the reason why you eventually select your fixture from our show rooms. Come out and let us show ou today. Lighting Fixtures BIDDLE-GAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. Tak Ntl Br Subwft Open St T"l '.' i k '.n n Phene BUT ru i TH0 s UMMER EASHORE ERVICE The Popular Seashore Reute ETTralrn wn n tni w unt thfin at the Hours wnen u hi wim -j Atlantic City Hlld 70 Week Day hetwen 4 no A l P M. PiunJaiJ 1 m Direct through traim te Cheltea Stations 4 Philadelphia Mirk't Strel Ulit' H J I Street station Wc.r rh a it phla ant North Phi nJelph a 50 Ocean City Trains gQ between 4 en v ir rul tern) P it Standard Tlm Adequate ftI e e tt II WVOOP CAPn MAV -F V lell.K CITV. STONE HVRWiK Br Use the convenient all-rail "W Delaware River Bridge Reute $ue DAILY Seashore Excursions I.eie MirL-t htrit Wtarf lant ern vtandarj Tim for i ontle City, ueekdaji, 0 On A T i Ultienal triln Sunday h 30 A M Vat nil eth'r resorts unvkdatii ', .. AM Will. weed S mJavH 1 00 M 5 4S A M and tl 0(1 A M f'jpe ta "-undars. ft 0(1 A M st0n Hart r and Ocean Clt yiincln. M OS AM Alilltlenal tralna te tlanM ,1 s jj July Sent t nnd ai ui-jj .. Auitujt 5 te Sppf-mt-r ' n ii t,. sk Affenis for new saher tlm tabl" Pennsylvania System The Reute el the Broadway Limited J K The lesiilln of nppioprlntleiiM for the still can j proposed Victerj Hull was questioned i teiia in tlie liurenii el Municipal iw ' uy ! ..,.....1 i... ,., ...t ,i,. iI.a Cm -11. . Ill ..1. .Ill' ..'I.l.l. III..L INI i.' Commissioners did net set the eitj anhittst te act as olheiel ailviset. ' An ordinance Is en the calendar et I Council tediM which appropriates an I additional "si 2.000 toward prepaiins 'plans and spttificntieiis for n heldleis' nieiiienal te be Known its Vlctety Hall. ' The bureau h.n's the Cltv Commis. sienets ttitittsl tin fil architect te ,1ihi-i' tlieiu net as i in nt ilittei t, but .is an IndtMiliinl. and thnt the cltv iirihitur pieperl du lined. The litiii'itii sins Count il should consult the (orri'-iiemit me in the case befeie KiiintiiiK uti mere mene te the lem- mlsslent'is The Mint of MO.CMW) id- mid has bei'ii appiepriutid, "TIm' serious question I. Wliv did the Cltj Anhitett refuse the job'-" the ltiue.iu stilted "Here Is a cliv t barter in which Is el up the ethie of Clt Alt llittu-l. for i In i'piess puriee of biltultiK ull the tin hitei lur il wtuK of the local bowmii bewmii iiieiii under one uintiel. The prevision fur this tithi t imposes upon the Cltv Viihltett t!ie tint) of tlclgnlni; u- mi piixHini; the desjnini; of the plans of publli IniihlltiKs te be paid for l meni-v iippieprlntcil In Clt Council Charter Is ((iietnl "The barter further saj thit. It shall bf unlawful te p.i meiie from the cit tte.is i i r ter the ereitien or ceiistiuctltm eT nn pn'ilii' tm i 1 i I n K ''Mi'I't upon et tlticate of tlie I'm Architett that Hie spi i ilicnlien-. dr.iwttiKs und plans of ii li publli' btilhliiu luie been pre ,parid bj lilm or under lis supei vision lln,i ilier,. are ptolsieiis for I lie uppulnttut'lit of spe cial ntihltMts l the Cltv Ari'hlteit In means of competition or ethetwise in i a's wlien- ilesirable ' I'lit1 pelaj of the City Architect s ellui' 'ieweil li'is l)en te "irr e.u templeti'U the spirit of the (hatter an I te t llillll 'l pieittleut if limb pte- N'ssiiui'il siuiiilards in l'mladeli hi i , uiiitui tpal tin hilei ture Win, in tie tin ut the thai tot s mandates nnd ! s own pellm, illil ih.it tithclal in tin iase fi'tl 't nihil upon te decline'? "The answer seems te be that the Citx Commissioners ilnl net leiisult ti I in as C'ltv Arihlteit Theiich Mibi" iiieiitt tlie nillliitted m.r tin Ir 1M. dent s s(i;natiiii' that the it tort Hall prefei t tame pntsi within the terms et the ihtllter st., den ill linini: the Ot Vnliltett s ntfliial ilutits, the nine le In in .i- an imluiilu.il, whom diet in tited te di't lis tht ir etiiti.il professional adtUei (Jf leurse, he iiiiilil ile nothing but peim out that he teuld held no wr wr eml publit position of profit and that he i ettld perform no protessienul sertiu. wltli tefrenue te the proposed biiilditiK ethei ih'in as Cltv Anhitett This fui t Is net .t .Itnr upon tht publli ret erd. It e i sli t te be made le.tr define the additional 12 0(MI is apprepi inteil Sees Need for ttiiin ' Is it net tht time new te et sti.i uhr nil this preposition' lirewnn blv wretiK sttps lute net bet u tnki u The wn seems open for the Cltv Art hi left ti assume Ills leir.lll ueper pllli e in the sKualleti without eteit ilisphu inc the present speeial consultant He. fete Council appietis ant mere meiiPt for the pnllmnnn wetk or nci edes te the unusitul rupiet for nppret.il of tin ( ( olllllllssjelll Is Lourse it siieuid hint' before it the i orrespendeni e h tweeii tlie Cuiiinilsseiiei s antl tin Cif An Inti it In order te knew ei.wtlt what wa the tuiir-e uhith it is nsketl te nppiete l.eeine I' 1 1 iiltii) s piesident of the Ituunl et Ce u u It Commis-iein rs. assort assert ed the beird will ngiijp' in no discussion if the it tm Hall preposition with nut iineliiilal bedt ' If the Itiireuu of Municipal He si null wants te halt the biulillnc of a Victerj Hall bt iiiisIhk tectum ill ties, let it go ahead, he said The matter enn be stalled n, n perfect l.t i j;al wnv ' WORKMEN DIG UP BODIES AT CHERRY ANDJ7TH STS. Friends' Select Scheel Claims Them as Fermer Quakers Reburled While digniti,- for a foiinditieti neir M'tententith inicl ( herrt Htrects testii. nit werl.uien unearth, d seteral bodies in what was fennerh I tjual.ei Krnte tanl It was nor known that am bodies remained after the transfer of 'he i "tiietert some jears age. '1 'ie workmen were undivided what ' tin with the betln -i untl' tht. inw, nuilied the l'rli nds' s,il,ti s,i huel ad ad lemins the prepertt Atruneeuients were mude for the immediate n burial of the bodies in an uneu upieii portion t.f the xreunds Trains 70 10 25 'I While you are antici pating the geed time you are going te have while away this summer make arrangements new te have the Evening Public Ledger sent te you every day. Ne matter what your idea of a vacation may be, or where you may go, the Evening Public Ledger will fellow you and bring with 3'eur mail each day mere news and entertain ing features than any ether Philadelphia evening newspaper. EVENING LEDGER IN BELGIUM American Traveler Sees "Ad" and Writes Here for Booklet 'I UlUlks te u enpv of tlie I'lfMM, Ji in it' Luic.KK. whi h an merliati tinwlet had seen in Helutinu this month further tiuttl infeiitiintien will shortly' In mulled frejn the tithces of the Araerl ittti lKne t'eiiipanv in this iltt V postal aid leuehlng the i tiiees ..f the imnpuiit a few duts age hhews the circulation of the V. nivi, 1'tiiin I,; nuKit Is net cetitiiud te Philadelphia or even te Ainern u It beie a rt quest for n travel booklet, ' 'I he Ainerliun 'liatelpr in Kurepe, ' add ok tlut the adt irtiHenieiit had been si en in the i:h?,'I.NO I't III M liK'M.KK. The postal was Mgm u bt j Delbeke uuj mulled' fteni .Mcule, Hclxlum I YOUNG WIFE MISSING Children Seb for Absent Parent, Deserted Husband Says Abandoning hope of her leturn but j tirRed bt the constant crjleg of bin two bejs, one fourteen months, the ether three jeurn, Herace HRel, 20t3,i Knst Wlllhlin Htieet, appealed te the police i teduy te hd his twenty-two-viur.eld Tilenhene. or eenrl in vnnr .m.- i wife. Kmmu. who disappeared dune 1 1. i WbeJCrlptlen new. for enn, two or three I M'n. NHgel Ik lite feet two Inches in ins, me period jeu win be intay. and bright, anil weighs IU.i pounds Hhe Iieh Noelve our xavorlle neWMnnner tetarly with your dully mull. reg 1-Q & Mkunmer Subscription Rates tUJfWUWi.r(Meri,) S0 29 1.80 'IffMMc-MitrfEvaDt) 50c l.M lu TCMcU4w (Susky) Sic 1.N 1 .58 p, -rwpw wf warn yremt mmmt Bm-arUen -mini n unusBiifl tei brown etes, blml; hair, and en the j U1IV Ol uer iiisujiirumnre were t lliacK anu vtnite hkiti wiiu ttumi te matcli, ' black allli HtecUngH, black shoes nnd a ! black wtraw hat with red berries. She was wearing an engagement rln i pet with a half carat diamond, and her wedding ring IK or TJ1K BEST it la xtTmily doubtful if thart could b lletvl a 1kna of U comle nturi mar uniformly " V"'". tbsn mei wnlait ilv jJHIMM '' im bemig evv.iua !, Knginc-turncd link buttons of 14-kt. Rrte.i Rrte.i peltl, per pair $8. I'seful gifts such as link buttons always appeal te young men. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut St. niAMevn mi:kciiai- ii:vi:m:hs stivrcr.sMiTHs Herdflr, 1342 Hunting Tark avenue, ?8453. Inventories of personal estates of the following were filed : Ilechael L. Rese, S8352.22J William O. Krlder, ?51,-335.30. In Packing Your Grip for the Holidays Don't Ferget Beeks! THREE SUGGESTIONS H. G. Wells' "Attest novel of recent years" THE SECRET PLACES OF THE HEART "Here is a story that demand! and deserves superlatives. It is n miracle of human understanding. It la Wells at his best." $1.75 A thrilling new mystery novel THE SCARLET TANAGER By J. Aubrey Tyson "Pretty near the top in this season's list of Secret Service stories. A logical and thrilling story it gees along in rattling style." $1.76 "One of the funniest books in many moons " THROUGH THE SHADOWS By Cyril Alington "One of the cleanest, jolliest bits of fun that has been en the book table for a long time." "A laugh en every page." $1.75 At all bookstores or from 6466 Fifth Ate. THE MACMILLAN COMPANYNew Yerk i I Sewing Made a Pleasure fl -MM M WE WILL GIVE ONE of the Wonderful New Willcox & Gibbs Portable Electric Sewing Machines te the person that sends or brings te us (in two hundred words or less) the best "reason why" a woman should own and use this machine. Fer the second best reason a S25 credit allowance will be made en the purchase of a W. & G. machine. Fer third best, a S15 credit. Fourth best, a $10 credit. Each of the next ten a $! credit. Contest open te everybody except our own empleyes. Closes June 30. The W. & G. Portable Electric Sewing Machine gives you the means of getting "motive power" from any elec tric current instead of sapping your own nervous energy. It does all the high-class sewing that any ether standard machine will de and will de it in nny room in the house having an electric socket. The speed can be controlled, fast or slew as you wish it. Sews any weight material with equal efficiency. Ne bobbins te wind. Ne tensions te regulata, Your old machine taken in pait payment. Yeu will find it very convenient te have one with you en your summer vacation. tsK Hill DKM0NsTRrit)N. uniMHT Oltl.IOATlOV IN OUK IIOMB. feMAI.L rilliT IWYMIrM: II.VLANLK ON fcASY IKUMM. Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. "Haen Why" Contest Dept., J709 Chestnut St. Phene, Spruce Slet s-...Ptccv rcgpvirp VACATION Fash nouns in Walk Overs "COR mountains or shore pretty shoes whose com fort and correct poise are proverbial. SANDALS sport types oxfords in low or medium heels rubber soles in fact, every correct new' fashion for vacation wear is ready and All are moderately $.50 priced beginning at " Many smart designs in white kid, calf and linen, $7.50 te $10 tu V ! ariAita nHwtJ patent, carmyic red, faivn or gray, $6.50 up $3 All-Silk Bathing Stock ings; fancy tops $- Qg or plain. Special E:slEr vmt'jIbS5 The neat comfortable smart oxfords in town, from $6.50 122& KTA-RKKT Harpers Wa&ever Shots 1022 CHESTNUT in. T- r IH " Ay TB'T TTT7 W. w LAST 3 DAYS JUNE SALE Of Slightly Used Pianos andPlttyers Uprights, Grands, Players and Reproducing Pianos, together with slightlyused, shop-worn and demonstrating Pianos, at Unprecedented Prices. During this sale we will sell every in strument in stock, regardless of cost or profit. HI a upr.gius, $65.00 nyers $1 ftC.OO Grands, As low as ... i I Every instrument we sell has our Manufacturer's Guarantee, and, if se desired, can be purchased en our easy payment plan. aBBaVt 1 tItm iV A s low as $235-00 IT PA YS TO THINK Jfl PIANO 11TH & CHESTNUT STS. OPEN EVENINGS (Factory 50th A Park aide Ave.) cc. s "W t rm IT PAYS TO THINK v tmtti$ g ZuxfififirttenAcl ft DRESSES s CM . Tl -vTv In sizes 16, 18 and 20 years, specially designed for misses and small women. Made from very pretty, cool cotton Ma terials in ever se many attractive styles. Wen. derfully geed for se low a price. Dresses $15.00 . A!!..8,ZJ?8 $ women! A Silk Freck, a Linen Freck, a Voile or Ging ham Freck any one of them for $15.00. On cannot help but wonder hew Dresses se desirablt as these can be sold for i-iie.uu. iveme and them. SM SKIRTS $6.00 Handsome Flannels all-white or in black-and-white stripes and plaids 1 Seft, shimmer ing Baronet Satin in white, flesh, navy or black! Smart White Ratines! Weel skirts, tee! Cheese any of them at $6.00. Blouses $3.90 An excellent assort ment of Sports Blouses and ethers at $3.90 each! Just what one wants for the 4th and the het days te come. They embody all the approved new ideas in Blouse modes! MVVW"': .1.1 111 1 1 1 1 1 I i ' Tl I ir,v -, c,i SWEATERS $18.75 Pure Silk Sweat ers which ware made te sell at $7.00 te $12.00 mere than this special price. The sample line of one of the best makers and repre senting the newest thoughts in weave, design and pattern. Beth Tuxedo and slip-ever styles; plain, conservative shades as well as these blzarrely dis tinctive. This an nouncement should interest these many women who knew their summer ward robe will be incom incem p 1 e t e without a handsome Silk Sweater. These will meet the most ex acting require ments yet the price is only $18.76. , $37.50 Only a small group, but the woman who gets one can he certain of a Summer Suit which assures her distinction and individuality. Beth the Sweater and Skirt te match are made of the finest, heaviest silk in beautiful patterns and coloring. New and net shown before ask te sce them. DRESSES $50.00te$75.00Pure Silk Sweater Suits $5.00 A Friday special from the Lewer-price Garment Section en the First Fleer. These Dresses are net only well styled, but made from geed mate rials With finished seams, generous hems and the ether niceties of finish which Darlington cus cus temeis leek for. Just the type of Fietk of which every woman wants ene or two for the summer. In the same Section are ether werth-while Frecks at: $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 as well as specinl values in Lingerie, Waists, Sweaters n n tl various ether items. We call this Viret irtnn. t! ..... ! 'Economy Square" and you .are always assured of finding thpi erv f't.uii uia t... .. i.. i-i ,., uuit ""(guilt 1018. Helps for Travelers . . 0u,r I-VBBaB0 action is fast gaining an enviable ienu ienu tatien for dependable, geed-looking Travel Helps at surpris ing price moderation. These three numbers aie particularly notewerthy: Fully Equipped Wardrobe Trunks at $32.60 Keund or Squaic Hat Bexes at $5.00 each Kxtia-Large and Streng Suit Cases at $7.50 3Tlscv. It !B .1 0 4t, me lift 1 ; wt ,, m " v i T e M'M f l.tiirt f,V,. BtajVMv i tfj.d.Tn Anv. .j .kV t lif. LV'XU