EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1922 29, By Sidney Smith wm i t 'J. ni iui ME WILL NEVER DIE By JOHN HUNTER i. -v in MqS. !8r SH n tZ "tlOtM.' Irttafil sag tlMjU kll wiilSl'l . A T. trim IN TIIE BTOKY 1 .BVr Oeeiilll. In , eherae- ('.mini tdlent 88 1 wmirrii ? from ' Mi after, e ero manu w 'i?? Jilt A "" worthy e yBlB.vf-"t,.drw' mother. .(Ill I NLA t. uii. flfi 4 fk "lLaJ bit AuAreu (I Ignorant et 'iii Hi rflvoreert l 0 . JWvnTO.V dlllncu(hfd Krfl- U r.iZnan. of an auilere temperament ''SIXhih'e, who hai returned te Len. M4t - . ..- ...... I.M.. rf htlt (fill In f ''".T.T". ..!." i rfr vf . fiMw"1'' ""' "-z; Jim iii Filled Willi Anger , ninu- his leuve. and two minutes tatcr ne wi " Piccadilly walking Jllr along tewnru me .n.... ...- " ' -ii-.i l.i. Tin linrl trlnmnllpll ..AM til P(I mill. ji .- , ,.j .t,-n Constance Ilrent that lie the wbiphand ; but n rush of . ..1 -.ireinnslnnccs had swept Iilm L. feather might be tossed In the tLj ind all his plans had come te ... -1 I uliennliAil In lit a U( walked en bieu. -""." Ubts. At Swan nnu r.ugar cm- . be stepped anu sioeu eh mu cuSC tit pavement watching the swirling Ac with unseeing eyes. Hew long rtmalned there he did net knew, 1 Ii was a considerable time. Thia his eyes fell upon a lady who picking her way across tnc reau. Uetn3 tlH 'WW. "Mil 'wft'Cww dressed smartly, tee smartly, 1th vivid, If woll-eiiescn, color con cen 11U, Her pretty bnby face suggested Lt-the tiniest bit tee much powder id been used, nnd although her ap- SrtrtCiirnc was neither displeasing nor itr f Mqtjtlre of the demi-mende, there " p general effect that she was ever- ""3-Mwnted. Mere than ene person turned "wart! r ,oel!cd nftcr licr nH sllC pnBSeJ' : Br ibe was Jois ucneign, a rapidly Bief star in the musical comedy world. m ' .a 1-1.1. .. - 11..1 u WFul BiruiKiik Ull lif xiurniiuei "Helle, Jimmy, old tning. leu ioek t tbe man who dreamt he'd broken le bank at Mente and weke tip te id the brokers In. What s the matter ith you?" Harkness reused himself and lifted (1 bat. "Fancy meeting you, Leis." It hardly knew what te sny, for his ltd bad net properly returned. "I dn't knew you were In town." "Well. I am. nnd I don't think you lerd be se cool about it, cither. Aren't pa glad te see me.' ' !"0f course I am." replied Ilnrk- leis. "What are you geln? te de with c new you ve found me? "Allew you te pay for my lunch. 'au leek as though n geed feed would Iit some life into you. Yeu were Ktnnd r en this uavement ns theuch you mm sick. De you think the Savey wild ee nice today.'" r, ft- mlMa. . U Intr Harkne's looked down nt the nrettr "'0lt Wufned face. Leis Denbigh wns nn ir.'l umbM StetH I WH. P.M. for x " Ien. let iblp- ili'.l'i B d chum of his. and Hhe 'undcrslned m perhaps mere than nny ether eman had ever done, for undernenth er butterfly exterior there lurked n n Judgment of humanity. And she is a jelly companion, who lived only 1. L. .1- 111.- ,. !,.- t t iur unj, jiKe 1110 nmjerny 01 ner lad. He felt nt that moment the need f Reme such Influence, nnd lifted hln and te a passing taxi. "The Savev it is." Ii- unlii "Ami theurh It's late for me te gar se. T n,'SBll,t ,e" yu Il0W Jelly glad I am you've M"xppened along." a present for a geed girl." smiled Sels demurely, as she climbed Inte the hi. Constance Brent and Lord Conning- a talked about vnrv lit f In hitf n!rurn I they made their round of the Acad iy, and the conversation was dcsul IT In the extreme. At last they made their wnv out te 'VJ5 Connlngteu's car wns waiting. 'This has been n most fertunntc "ting, Mr(i. Ilrent," unid Connington, mcjr Mid goeu-oy. -And I hope II net tllft lnqr tllne trn clinll , Ann1. r. I eineet Kill nrn m'nra (linf T 4TS been absent from Kncrlnml fnr n ailderable time, and have, there- re, managed te lese track of most of It Deenlf T 1niinr In thn tlrl .In... t nn ,m,""! Bnl once mere Constance urea tne charm of It. "When one '13 Old enp lnvBd tn fnIL- nt. ,. ejple one knew and the things one " ' uuni 11 is aiwaj-H what Is go- m uv udii wunt is going te be ne; in age what has been and what I been ilnn. I uhnnM libe n nnA. niry nf nsvlnfr vnn nsiletnniu it. . ting these old memories. Would you -c me uoner 01 dining witu me to te to 'rrew evening?" "I Shall Marry (he Girl" Ijested Itself te Constance Brent at ce. Lord Connington was asking her dine with him at hi hnnu one! And there could be only one reason r tbe Invitation. tt ,.1.. . K Plalnlv. te rirnn all H,la n. n r,t . "1.1 .,.-: v..". ."" ",' w .... . 7 "'? lr'enusuip wnien wns se Hi lek I ,n,th presence of ethers, and siifsk her te give him back his daughter. 'i IB.h would refuse te go! She must! m. ?en ,8h remembered Harkness, emembcred a hundred trials she had a ridured, and felt the weight of them all. jZ "was net etun te n strong decUlen S-i ;.' ,' Q moment, hut only knew a ., j enaendeus desire te be able te go awny ."' r.iierS(,,,f nn.d cry- When she spoke - seemed as though her tongue was act- .1 , L ? "" ,own Initiative. Her brain i-i stunned. " ,1'i f1 b,e Ter? Pleased te conie," ' aid, and wondered If her fuce was (M. 1 pale as It seemed te herself. Cjnnlngten bowed. There wbb a lit- "l,i l'.S' triumph In his eyes, nnd J . bt,.d.U from vlew- "1 believe f' m ar,?livln8 "car Sevenenks," he f 1 li'.- iJ car wiu meet yur traln t in' .rTln!-re!,s at any time you wish." ". mi.iT. 1. wrl.t? you ,he tInle et my train - 7h. ' said Constance. .'.J? Connington took his leave- of te' n?'nln he.dld net off bis hand "' 2. -?iBn.ce: and slle wondered if Aud- "! 1 1.. tlc.ed u- 15,,t be held Audrey's f ngerS for an nnnrsnlnhU (1,,,,. ..V..I tudied her face. At last he said : "Yeu re like your father's people. I te- t 1 11 , " l"110 wen." LiBUy Barbara wan nlren.i.. iei.i,. n. r. Hbe had net spoken a word. ni "jy.uw away, leaving Constance na Audrey ulene. ami thou rvnni,. n.i.TnW ,t0 c,0,llnPse- The effort of ustaininir Mm ii i,...... i.n .. .l,ll u. 1. , " ".TJiiiicBn ui lllicillX'I CAi e ih?d been w,tb Constance re K UfL.lim','!0 that be huddled In a -lm, nLt "leusine, silent, slinky, fi f PcIrsl),lratl(n standing In bends A 1-- hls ,f?heud. His cjes were jlesed, and his general ulr wiih that of " """ "" lu verge of complete exhuus it en .-f ' H.arbnJ"n set beslde blm absorbed in her thoughts, and I'reslew lounged Jn the oppeslto comer looking out of ! - 11? dew',J And en nl1 the pawing ULC he ceu,d "e Audrey Brent's face. They came te th hmma 1.. Mnnf treet, and Connington went strnlght te iuib nu ui. xnen at inn l.ndy Bar- mtm .uuim uer leiigue, Mtic turned te 0B1UW. "Well." She salll. ".In rni. r.olNe Ctlv What all tllU lnn" rnwew was perfectly cool. "Of "A de," he answered. "The girl ruining her, has developed her wonder fully. Connington will have her back." His mother eyed him coldly. "Yeu take It very well. Yeu knew what you stand te lese In that event, I believe?" "I stand te lese nothing," asserted Preslew quietly. "At least, nothing material." "I fall te understand you. I am In no mood for subtleties. What de you mean?" "I nhflll mnrrv tlia ll l.1 .. - .... ....... j ,,,c ft..., OUIU J. ICQ- low cnlmly. "Se that It will be all the DUI1IB JJ1 UIG CJ1U. Lady Barbara regarded him In silence for some moments. At last she said very slewly: "I had net thought of that." "Ah." observed Treslew dryly. "It Is necessary te think sometimes. De you knew, I prefer this arrangement te the original one. I like that girl." Audrey Doubts After III Pnnnlnirlnn n..i 1. .l driven away, Constance Brent and Au- urejr bideu ier some moments en the pavement without speaking n wcrd. Constance was trying te control the turmoil of her emotions se that she could fnce her daughter and net be tray the fact that she was passing through a great crisis. She addressed Audrey with some Indifference. "Where's Mr. Harkness, Audrev?" Audrey hcsltnted. "He went "off. lie upparaii ly thought we might be With I .Old ('nnnnifi.n -,- .. .. "u . sM...,l(iu lwl u uuiiiiier- .. ',. ' n,nd, l leathered that he felt ......Dm nine in the way." till T'" Ce,nstance felt like two dls-(-elf, tern with anguish, driven bv '.1,'" a y fccn"blng for a cler cniVe,t.hr,T'Bh.uth0 ',nnZ8 ' ber dim fa hi itn'Le .0.the 'etncheil. mechnnl f"nn, A "f the true Constance Brent from the inquisitive eyes of the world n,,.Vteny I?1.". wh,ch bordered danger S& hmelfrtleS8nCS8' S" tr,Cd t0 nein1! T I"1"7 Ac ,?,10Se ,0 tnkc that Weenrimv r Shn" W,C 8treU down te shops?"'y CrCUS and leek nt the Thnv ..I .r i .. . . nsheVi ' iw ' .. " as,lney went Audrev hr Ll i inestlen which had been 1 1 HarKl e,VCr Kslnce Bl,e Introduced Jim Uarkncss te her mother. Harkner?" U 70U llke Jlm-Mr' I flflfn eatn -. llnl. a tn h ... vV. ,cl' i,ttle et nm up DUnnnM?1' "nswered her mother, eves "Ti n Tnt ?hewcd .,n Audrey's vV,?, '"" dcn't mean he Impressed you unfavorably when you first mei Iilm. mnmnm m.. ui'i ipl. i. . expected enthusiastic praise. "" rn;, ceur net' -T0U sl,y child." Constance strove te be calm, and te deal kind v win, a .,.!... el. t"'i. steed hew much n girl must long for i,. .ii "."I'prevni et tne man or her choice. "But you would prefer me te defer mv flpntat,.. ..nn t . , ,- -; "'u iiuin x nm euro of It, rather than come te a hasty regret? ' m g afterward "I suppose I would." Audrey's voice was tinged with doubt. "But first Impressions are generally right, mamma, and it was your first Impres sion I wished te learn." Constnnre bit her lips. Audrey wa expecting her te praise Harkness. nml the Irony of it jarred her alreadv frayed nerves until she felt that she wanted te laugh aloud. Hew could she praise him with the memory of Carteret strong in her mind, with his brutal word te herself still ringing in her ears? And se she hesitated, and hesitated tee long. "Mnmma!" Constance started at the alarm in Audrey's tone. "Yen den t like him! Oh, mamma! I knew you don't, or you wouldn't be se quiet. Tell me the truth." Constance Brent was greatly tempted. Xiere was her chance. She need say nothing definite, nothing direct; but a vague hint or two, some mysterious references te Hnrkness' reputation, might be sufficient te loosen the held he had en her daughter's Imagination and regard. She looked right into Audrey's eyes, and the voice of temptation died into nothingness. She could net de it. It would have been ns easy for her te hnve taken a whip and lashed the girl with It until the bleed came. She strove te any something te appease Audrey's anxiety. "My dear, you must net Jump te such hasty conclusions. I am n business woman, n wnninn nf tlm mm.!.! M.i . have lived long enough te conquer the uuuii in nrsc impressions. When I first meet people I neither like nor dislike them, lipr-nnne T lmr 1mmrmA .!, futility of such a proceeding." "Se you de net dislike Jifn, mam ma?" Audrev was persistent. "If you like him. dear, It la nf- firlftnt fnr mn until T ! i. j opportunity of Judging htm better for uijecu. aeu uuw jet us taut of some thing else." She turned toward the shop windows, and as she did se Andrey laid her hand en her arm. "Mnrnmn!" Tlmm nea .,, - pain In the girl's voice which startled VjUubiuucc. joek; xnere is Jim. with that girl!" ' Constance looked round. A taxi was rlrAwn iin nf flie nrH em.iA .Hit........ away from them, and Inte it waa climb ing a gaviy dressed little lady whose piquant face wns wreathed in a mis chievous, tantalizing smile. Bending ever her, holding the deer open, was Jim Harkness. In fvnnt nf Pntietnti.A nn.l A...l.. two men were talking. One of them MUU fill. imie woman, en;' The tnxl drove nwey. Audrey turned te her mother. Her fnce was a little white. "Mamma, who is Ixils Denbigh that that man should rccegnUe her?" Censtnnce did net reply at once. She felt at a less for words. Then she pointed silently te a paeslng bus. Au- ilpA,. lnnlHfl nn nf It Alum, tl.n uMa VJ .ww..... l.r v a., ...W..J ,IU DtV of its upper deck n great bill was piasicrcu, anu me worm en ic seemed te Audrey te be printed In letters of fire. TIIE ARCADIAN THEATRE I.OIS DENBIOH AND NORVAL TRE8SIDER IN "DON'T TEIJj YOUR HUSBAND" There were ether words, nnd Au drey gathered vaguely that It was some body's "season" nnd that the produc tion was u musical comedy in three acts by somebody else. Jim Ilarknebs had driven away In that taxi with the woman who was acting the leading part in a musical comedy. It was enough for Audrey. Her Ignorance of the world made her jmlKe any uctrcss harshly. She remembered the ultru-smnrtness of the girl, the general air of "shoul "sheul uess" about her. And nhe also re membered the familiarity of ber tunlle and of llnrkness' attitude. A vague doubt crept Inte her mind a query. II ml Hnrktiess known he would meet this girl and taken ad vantage of Lord Connlngten's advent te slip awny for that very purpose? Hurelv he could net have been se cruel! And yet She looked nt her mother. "1 (I lil n t knew .Jim knew a ghl like that," she murmured, aNTINUEDTOMORB0W ? . . JH V cepvrfekr, im. t IV uetrn lMviapr aid: "I say! Sce the girl getting Inte he taxi? She's Leis Denbigh. Smart THE GUMPS Old King Ceal :$;m SVICr-P'NG EM? I fieuT sp MQVM Vh -A.U VnufiitM l. . TWW SUfr1- OtMi.T tA Vrtu trt , ilUSt WALK INTO 1HE QROCEMS SeVe. ww y -eiif we evsfc e tVCtSTHWCi iuw mvb-c euk MOVIES MUST 0"vHt?. VeO 5ft l RVlvniC IH LAVIMh IN A. ORC UIVIIX1 Vnil CAM SWV IT RvftVTf if II VUbvC luAlt TU. the, lT MH4Utt- "SOVJ DON'T CV fM- iniNfc uuu. ou OUST HAVe TO Ht V? VA.2P&.91 0UR cOKL IH , wi? ssLSuvacu r? i n t- w - n n ri E.na slm iil a . . vl' i-f-tAJif u a S.1-.rVS.J"i.- '"wtmu -. .., r vNvrv. wf FOUCCMEVl- 77 "v LVK6 20 fON VMHfVT WEtt Z, oeo ?emt T0r4? -vmi c lvt MuN Mrt)J SOMEBODY'S STENOGThis Mystery la Getting Mere Misty K(IMerel 17. 0. Patent Offlc By Haywqrd But aapy.I TellYU I k'HEp seeiai' him Twice! l See Te Bess caie Place, tviem i see mw AAieTHEt? Place r KNOW HE ISM'TIOH, IT The upper works, mame- n IM SEEIAI DOUBLE au right. That GerteThiwkss&u va6stkaliaj her PERCY HXS Get SbU TRYUl TO TUUZOOT VAITH a Busted serial. -WORMIM BOSS. AIT CAM' ACT!' LIKE A CJVlvae TH0U6H ? - sai-Voe'GctcahB-w WHER6S "TOUR RESOLAR n a S A"r DUAr VM u ITHOUfiHTTjD vwear this Today its Coeler. DOAfT HB. LOOK FUMMf 14 THAT AIEW SUIT S szrzz . - I r. itH. - Aievi There HtR SAVW HlM-OMUYDAlE-OAJE BOSS-rV( COMEAWj! .TER OjEuin weak WJMtEt' COVBOHOVEK TO THE WATER WJK AAi' HAVE AHI6HBALL OAJ AAE ! VOV SURE Ueee t: I 1 ' 51; i v - rTvCV-.Y f JU. v-W) VW rtiVrT I y t i i -ir j Mm. j j n i v x i " ii i i J' X - m X A II -JL I V X? r - .- x m n. i n l v ffffl? ISia&a Tr..yfT ray i w VWELl tfiPis . Come ever Fer A Little DPiAJk-? T Cil TAW Vy. c ikA .t """ j i v-eJ e . T VJ-J ,' f --s r--v A t MA(VAlrN- -J. Coarr'e 7atcw "" The Yeung Lady Acress the Way TAee College Beys Are Net as Brainless as They Seem Bu Fontaine Fed SCHOOL DAYS By DW1G tl 1 I -fl ft i rfem-'vL " "I ViJ PAfHefc seeM5 t , ' $W rlail vmese'e cSL, frep. tau i t wax hewL- ' ' 'if MHSs. QM H.5 MIND ' ?:p W !. iSHSrS iS lT AR"'1- Dpeeft6e0 i' -w Wm?t!jM j&fx IjSaE. Mvfe -feCL a.UuHMANTsrTM , &l whet eh . bw ' lmMl&l tinSffirks liW&fl&Sii J&zSp &Z w0e,8"tv'ejfll'r:5lW 1M" ,? aipr- SS Isjjhe" couidTteldTheT!; b fsfWi 7 'KfHeTtteYauw Jews VeRANtfT Sii L- " I I. -.. -. r 7 j j PETEY-The Flapper Caddie I I !j z : ; j By C. A. Voight '4, ! X UM- t,Sr;t 5w& arc J HP5flse'.! That's L-UWa "llZvAfmun AivTS -eh 5eMtcg. ff ?7i::4, dLZKA t-- wow-tray , rWff MEW IX reRsWRr--7 yr-J V-dau. mekt; n vr1 1 itt GASOLINE ALLEY They're Finished i ': i j j ByKing km0 6IAHD CP AMP CbT SHOT X- ARCN'T VOf 'fRAlD - !iJ " ' ' ri V I s M WTi a0' "OT J ' M fV4- 2eA & ii always wff" i&tsSiA si s -v if g MORE ON THE ROU. AND I WANjJ I CALLOW ,p , RtAiEO J .F V V." ,,, .JlJ!ljl V-N f ONCeZ-lAJ jl ,rti0 . U .... I 5Rfe ywuue nr mvv$ ut turn tS.vg. .'T3UaA.:Ai 'i A jV