Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 26, Image 26

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r-jyv ",
29, lt)22
i in
I x
t Cure, rriigleim. mill tin State tine nejOf th-m about new) I car net
tnmnl right tc enforce tlit'ii'. "! ! 0n eutd. I knew. leve huimnktn.t.
only umiH voluntary religion. The Uut Hed i mere uerth 1 fimi
I Snbtmth commandment Is the ff"rtl Se ni te ami irmt 0l met than
I'.iiiininiuiiiieill. me riunrriiiB u . i sna peer. crrlnc lnful man
ci.iKtttiut rmu.it'P.
Letters te the Editor
Ignorance Retarding Harmony
Te the Editor of tli" hrtnlna Public l.titetr nf ,i f culi.iniitltlinent unites'
Blr iRliernn-e 1 enuMtiR tin Clnin-li nrnl Stnte. The State of IVnn-
today te Unlit nKiiln-t tlie M'O things s.y I n n I ta. enforces the fourth (itccetillws
trhleh would benefit Iter like n oleic te t)) own interpretation, because the
chjld fighting HRiiln-t n henllns drnft. Frenth tln. net the fir-t'. N the true
What but Igiieintiee would enti'O Snbbjith) and enforces the third com-
Ged's people te rend and tear nt each nmnilmint.' u it has n lnw against
ether's threats In mad destruction? A'"' l!n.pliem.v.
who can wi wluit their object 1? ' ,s fr iic Snbb.ith. tbeie are at
Question a InueilnR in.in and en will Irast three da v eWtvcil bj l'etitfjWif
find that lie consider- capital his bit- M,M j, tlic Sabbath I'ridav. Sntur-
ter eneniv. rt what could the Inberlne ,ny nnil Sunday. Which should be en-
tnnn de without capital.' jiiciiiu "" terced t ir course. Minuay is me uii.
-f ,. .ixii.iiiiiiiMtlnn iiiiiI Mill will till'I niiirved b tln miiierltv. but
his n'rgniiunt srem te be -emewhrit the-e who keep another day te also
utter this method of ienenltiR: "H'' Keep Sundnv would be stealing their
does net belie e it 1 belleu'. therefore time from them and would be denjlng
he is wrong." irc'luieus llbettv te the oppressed ml-
The men who tirst owned automobile nerity.
were bect with persec itlen ftem these f ,(, sj,t( ,vhes te enforce Sail
who walked or went behind here power (j,n r am t,r ,jj , vvhv does net the
nnd some writer ha hitmeriml told s,,,,,,. ,,ferc,. t,er religion In-tilii-
of the trouble which mine te the prim- , ,, , , ,, tithing, or baptism, or
ttlve mnii who til s Hied te te n wheel tin'i-ideliitr '! Ye. wb net eiifuri'i
nsnn Impimemcnt exei f'tlns lnV " I'arti. iih.r ire r set of need , ,,,.. ,, niUng m, I1)nn. en
en hi b.n k m en a pole. Ihe s.imieiii rheii we would have a se-called Hei ul),h ,.,,nlK ,,, ,,,
nf iglieilline lignum; .i." .Mil) I'll a. Iike "lliiiy llillli. i lVr im stu ulnill net lie fnn nt
in mm nn . mil m i.iiii -ramus
Asks for a Peem
Te the Erffler of the Bernini Public .crfecr.'
Sli Cin eii produce tlie whole of thin I
poem ntnl inu? It mny net lie In tcsulnr I we
Iaute tries te climb tree
J'hllmlflphla. June '.'ft. I''-'
"Rest for the Weary"
Te Hit Trf'fer nf the h:-cntn3 I'libl.f l.'tlg'f
i t will l re inin h iililimsl iu "U 'f
ou vlll print In flip forum the old limn.
Ilp.t for thn Wenri '
Mmi.iu:r m
l'hilaifc phln tuni SI 1f2S
In Ihe Chrlstlin' home of Blnr
te force Thorp m SiiMeur's rene bpfern m .
Te fulfil! in foul's leque-l
Th''", ' iet 'or tlie p.t
Trre u rest for the went
Thet l iei for tlie wen
'll'eri- l rest fei' ou
mi the ethor ' 1 of .ler.l "i
In the ief f eliN nf IMt'ti
hi rp the ir nf llfi- ii l inn;,
I here irt for Jim
knowledge. HiiIii under the LVnr was inueeii a
Women are s'hm's among igneiant IJUssla" lauerding te theli
tribes iiiiiI wne betide the one net of iiWi l'er there the had an etab-
the tribe or wh" ' dltTeicni In li-lu-il t'huieh i which In till case Imp-
WBl Is net isiieinnce the cause of the 1)rn,.d 10 i,0 (.Jn-ek OrthodeM. headed,
iire'sput w.u between the ec for de ,j t1(. IIe! Swiml. and the t'nr en-
net our gieitest men have most rev- fun ed thecliunh laws en lliisla. Ne-
rrcnie for wemankind'' True, women L, ,h was allowed te de mUiennr work J
de iniin wrong things in their strugsle exu.pt in fmer of (ireek Orthodox.
te ftee'theiiiselu's. but there nciiin the 'r intanie. for llaplKt. Methodists
nnswrr Is the -iiine -ign.uaiici ' and ether te conduct evangelistic er f
Hew mini of " he tried desper- te kIm? out or soil lellgieu llteni-
atelv te accomplish vemetliins only te tuie. etc . was crime Seme had been
And all e..r efforts end In failure. .be- exiU- tn Siberia ami . he ' a. , casus
1.. .... Itlll.iltlOk MP sil UIU NIL Ml. Mllllk - I.'. ' " .
little et th whole sreat truth.'
Ignorance of our neighbor. hl nun.
his failure, hi sniping after what e
considers right, though it ui.i be wrong
from our iew point is often the can-i
of nelghborheml ft I'" , ...,,,,
1. It 1 Al l.KM.l'
Philadelphia. .June '.M. 1 '.'-"-.
I'aln or lckn? ne'er hnll enter
lief nor wee tm Hit 1ihII haie
Uiil In 111 it eelli tetter.
I a rrewn of II V "Unit enr i'heiu
Iiath llielf luiH there he atinu hr.l
And h' s'in hull ls wlthduiwp
5hrut fe Bli.ine. M ie rnnsemcil
It ill wi'h je. the rleinx morn Chorus.
te icrtnlii parts of
The Mysterious North
II r frf nr 0 Ihr h IIWO '"bl ' 'lllrr
were restrii ted
Austria under the llapsburgs was
another itistnncc of t'hurch and State,
and in tin instance the t'luiri h w.i
Human Catholic. Te ti te cemert a
t'nthelic te atiiither religion was a
crime And the Austrian Government
men prohibited the l '?eclio-.-sle.ik ftem
h.ulni: the Itlbli in their posseIoii.
although It was smuggled te them from
outside the empire. 1 In se laws did net
"My Old New Hampshire Heme"
T'i llir t'd ter e' the F rnlng Fubltc I.nlgrr
Sir t enJe re. 'nit the fei um nnd Ihe
mini .lent e 1 non- pr nied in t Wi,'
sui Ut("li r'ni Ihe erd of t Old
New Hntnrmh re Menie M 1 V
I'hl.ade phn I ine ja tti.'S
I an ft reader iupp i thi lone
form, hut nil Hint I ran recall et It,
it. v. a.
Mount Airy, t'hl.nilelphln, June 2,1. 102'J.
On the ROlilen piwement MnnJInir.
I'rnm the shipwreck unfely landlnK.
See the ulnrleus scene cspanillns,
Oh, 'tis lteaxen nt InM.
t'hrlst ltlmelf In lllnu splendor
Speak In nccentu mild nnd tender!
I'eine e. b'ed of My father,
Ci me te Item en nt Inst
l'crhnps n teider nf the l'erum enn sup
ply the title ntld the remainder of this
Brethers Ask Police Aid In Locat
ing a $250,000 Bequest
Rebert and Charles II. Carpenter.
brother, may hnvc the unusual experi
ence of finding their fortune In the
Kast while seeking for It in the Vct.
The two left I'bllatleltihln many cars
age te minis. rlche In the Vet. They
telegraphed te Captain of I'eteetlves
Seiider I nd ii. . asklu; help in finding
i SLTitl.tiOO reported beiiueathed te
Charles b nn aunt who died heie.
Rebert we the tirst te hear of the
money, nnd as the brother had drifted
npait. he had a Ions vcatch before he
teiitid him einidejed a a illliwehcr In
1'ueble. Cel. Thiensh Wllllnm f.
Cnffertj . of the Pueblo Siar-.Ieurnal,
the, lmiiiediulel sent the telegram te
the Philadelphia neliee.
Burglars Get $152
Thlexes enleted the home of Theina j
J. llurn. "i:t4 North Opal stieet. lat ,
night, and stele $1.VJ In cash and jew- I
Men Dead and Four Others
Seriously Injured In Smash-Up
Alteena, Tn., June ). (Ry A. P.)
Twe lneii arc dead, another may die
and three ethers nic mere or less so se so
ileusly Injured ns a result of nn auto
mobile accident in llellldnyshurtfearly
this morning. The innchlne from nn
unknown eaitp become imconttellnb'.o
nnd run Inte n large tree, pinning three
of the eccupniits under Ihe wreckage. ,
Willlain Temple, owner and driver of
the car. was Inslmilly killed: Jehn
Adam died Inter in n hospital an.l
Jehn Shep Is believed te be d)lnp
Authorities Net Worried by Repert
of. "Burglary"
Jeseph A. Brown, n former prohibi
tion ngent, nllegcs that his notebook,
denling with 400 dry lnw violations,
Is missing from the seizure room In the
Federal Building. Seme of the enscs
were te be trjrtl seen.
Chief N'lchels, of the Intelligence
bureau of the Internal revenue service,
today denied n report Hint he was In
vestigating the alleged theft. Prohibi
tion Director Davis also said 110 lllVCS-
i tlgntlen was being mnde.
With New Features
The beautiful eepla tones of the man
p etures shewihK the Important persenaite
plaie -Mid esenl uf the w'jrld enhance the
nitraetlNeneps of the nnl letnuraNure sec
tion published b utn IillTitelphln news- '
paper It Is a turt of each Sundnj s rt n
LI i. I.MnirH 'Make It n Habit Adv.
S'upreme in Appearance, Mileacte and
r NencTlad Jecurity
Insist en Ajax from your Dealer
Ajax Rubber Company, Inc.
84(5 North Bread Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Cutter Station Farmer Fatally In
lured by Fall
Kdwnrd Detlercr, u farmer, rcsldl
nenr Custer station, died jesterday
the result of n broken neck, rea
when he fell from a lead of hay.
He lived several hours after the ac
cident nt the Montgomery Hospital.
MJDINOTON' OASn:iU.'. Tn the. First
t'reat.werlAn Church, t'rlnieten J. I.. Ji"V
2T. 1022. by the Itev, Tret. Theodere W.
Miint Conslnnce timet Cameren, ilauitluer
nf Mr. and Mrs. Arneld Ouet Cameren, te
Townsend Ludlngten son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles It. l.udlnglen, et Ardmore, l'A. Ne
llrnilley, ItelntUes III mL . wlf0 sfTeTT.
if ttchuy Kill. . MiBi,1 ;'.'" ' N' S'ith t' Rffi.
.... wnurcn. n.se A. si in, 7i "i. r;
n eiAini!n.j..n- : "" LW""
'. ?LM:?r,.i".!n A.nft?M,i1.aIA.M .
dvcil me, nnil friends. i c.m ''''"..R.ll
Sirlf enh a Poe. a Minims, a lluce , . . i. . .i.,, Hunsanan half of the em
. . . , .. , .n " ' r
were nbenrd tlie .M mil witn .mih.hu-...
en his exploration of the line. Mn))v (,ar ngn Sueipn wa, nnether
What nnter in"
Lutheran t'hurch w.i a crime.
a .i .... i i r n 1 1 : i i
fren,i '": ""':.... . . "ter.,. KiwIUib All thesn laws were enforced in ih
,.l.l .......nrinliTH this content ..f the nam.
modern mKiiir with the
author e i .,,.,, All nreachinc centrnrj te the
. . .... .....I ..nm.,k tf1lllll "IHI.ll . ..-. '
WCiril vtiinr- line ". '-.- ... 7 I ,
Ve..l i W.M-10 . l llll " ".'
pro.T.ie........ - .- Mnmil nf ,.,irK. ,,, ,.hrlst )eri.rM ,
srrat in Uinc ! ""t1 and if drceptlnn of the inet eruI
Te what trciitetideu- perleis in nnm i nflir(.P i i the naue
. .. .niAliillll .m (1111(1 llllH.f ' "
or uniiiui. tiinjit'-i.
A fleet of frozen mps
1 bv
of the Cireat Deceiver.
The time Is coming when Sunday wul
frozen crew- -wines aieunil the North be enforced in America by a nntiemil
Pele. sn the Ircenil- of the IMlme. law. and tinallj with the death pen-
Within blocks of ice tlie tinrei..T..i
forms of Ner-e warriors like Lief the
Lucky hae
Made-op the same -LEATHER' as our
Highest- Grade-Aiding' Bridles
Martina Mahtin "" CHESTSUT' PHILA:' p
ATKEVS. On Junn 27, 1022, EMMA J.
nAIirtAS. widow of Themas C. Alkens.
Ilclstles nnd friends are Invited te the
Renlce, en Haturdav nfternoen, nt 2 e cleelt,
At her lnte residence, 3310 Wallace st. In
terment private.
AI.EXA"Di:n. June 28. ANQEMNE (nee
Itlhbs), need 83 years, rtclntlies nnd friends
Invited te funernl servicer, Frl., 8 1. M.
at the residence of her daunht-r, 2720 W.
Montgomery Ave. Int. private.
UAJLEY. At Mnrrlsvllle. Ta., en .Tune
2R. 1022. Miss ANNA I1AII.V.T, Hired tin
.venrs. Helntlves nnd friends nre Invited tn
the service, en Saturday afternoon, nt 2
n'cleclc. nt tlie resldence of her uncle. Jesse
Merris. -10 Union st. Interment nt Morris Merris
Mile. IlAItn. On June 27. 102. CATHArtlNB
It., widow of Itev. O. T. Harr. In frith year.
Funernl services late resldenee, 8 Sylvan
ave., Itutledse. Ta . Thursday. 3 o'clock.
Int. Illrd-ln-Hnnd, Lancaster County.
diunhter of Alemn A. nnd the lnte Harry
Hills' Demls. aired 18. rtelntlves and
friends Invited te funeral en Thursdav .1
r. M., from rarlers of Arthur M Statler.
Ill die nve. and Mirtln St.. Itoxberouih, In
terment Westminster Cemetery.
IJETZ. Suddentv. nt Seuth Ardmore. June
, 2S. 1022. JtJMUS E. IJETZ. husband of
' Katie lletr (nee Schull). formerly Hefner,
I MKcd A3 rtelntlves and friends, also mem-
1 hers nf St. Paul's Herman Reformed Church,
Wharten above 18th st.: Rese Gun Club,
Phlln. Rifle Club. Cnnstntter Vereln, nre
Invited te nttend funernl services. Sat.. 2 SO
I. M., residence. Mnrthart ave. nnd Darby
i lead. Seuth Ardmore. Int. prlvnle, Fern-
' weed Cem. Vlevvlnir Frl,. 7 te n P. M.
Take trolley et 00th st. for Seuth Ardmore.
i. ,..-" "wniih .,:'
v net ..' .."..'meM ,".
ilenetr Asse.-. are Vn I M'SKS 1
services. Sun., s P. M.. t ii,-"0.n.1.arM
ner sen-ln-lnw, H. I,. vi,,.i. 'll'" 3
st. (24th nnd Cumberland), 'im' $E
mnlns may be viewed Sat., after?' if't."'
COUnTKR. June 20 man ,'
husbnnd of th Inte litary "-p'UU e.
Sirehm) nnd son et f refer an,1"'1". (&
neccn courier. Heiat ves and rliVi.,,M
vlted te attend funeral raPvlcra mi ' &'
ter'n csldenc". 4710 Terresdsl." Jil J"1 I
Thurs 8 P. M. int. Cnima?, rj, K-.. nt,
in. A member of Abltlbl Le.t. "j .""mv
nnu j, ii,, et unvarie --efa, u,
.CRAIO. At Ocean Cleve, v .
28, 1922. MAROARIiT MAVvi' ZAN-
l'nitersen, wire of Ilnbcrt rfiiuKu
O.n 1mm
i-niiereen, wuc or Heliert Crali fv W
Ilea of the. funernl will be clvln f"
residence, -inne Chem,,.., .. R1n, from
DONAHUE. June 20 cath.J
DONAHUE (nee Dvvjer). widow ,lIWl
Donahue. Relatives and ?nds m,.,l?"L 't
te nttend funeral, rr., 8 30 '""W
residence, 1010 Dickinsen siT Sei!;, ll,
Ar sr'is. Vi.iS'cft.r nel",,M l ; Wj
DUI'FET. June "M inoe
husband of lnte Mnry Ann Ijifr.i HA?U
j. v. ii., are invited te mi. ',
0. A. O. It., nre Invited te attend Vir' K
nt.. 8:30 A. M . late residence ri Se""'
ray ave. Solemn reuulem man i n, nl?'
nt'll t'hnrrll Pnaehntulll. . l8.Cln.
" A. M. lij,
.J0N- .0. ,.
M.invu l!
''nee. I..
ent's Church. Paschnlvllle
Hely Cress Cem.
EM.INT3ER. .tunn 5T.
i.ieui.n. jiPinuvPS, TrlPnd nln v,.' .
lxidKe. Ne. 274. F. and a M li'jj?"""!
In..,nl I.-.I n.tn ? .. n' .W'1 IllVltM ..
I.nne, East 'Lanedevv no. 'Del. Ce r' 1f"
Kernvver Cem. v0" '. lit.
EVANS June 27, 1022. HAnnv t t
of Emma Evnns (nee Crlsnln . i"a'liw!,l,8J
friends, also Hsdden Height, iJi'"'"
ai.Sin.A-cA w. A .
funernl services Snt . a I' m , ,,?"
rter.ee. rtunnemede. N. J. tm em r-JS'
Cem. Friends mny call Frl" nft.J kWt
TORD. June aft, CA1 II m?vf r S p-
of William J. Ferd Jr (ii"e e'llrlenV n?
lives nnd friends, also . v t "Li1!''
and Leawue of Sacred Heart of deiu KlJil
te funeral. Frl.. 8'3i) A. M. "tram hiJ!
residence. 1824 InBersellst. Solemn tiL1,"1
mnss nt Churrh of the 0su iea rtj
New Cathedral Cem. ''' hl
OAMKLE. At Seuth I.anjhern P.
June as. RICHARD, husband of th, ffi
nnle Gamble, nucd :.6 nclatlii. .iJ
friends, nlse Amaluamnted I.sce OMni.
nf America, ere invited te attend twSS
Did Aster's Millions Start With
Captain Kidd's Treasure Chest?
PIRATES and treasure lore! A
strange tale of two notable Amer-
Ity When that time mines the licht
n the Statue of Liberty should be (.-
for untold theu-anib of Uncuishcd. for .Vmerii-i. the Hepe or
Tpirs been incised. ' "" """. win n.m- uii.i... ..-.!
T. .. !..-.... ,I.A wAiirce'lUn ni?.'iln.
'lliere is a m.vi'i. ..."... - "; ,,",
and cause of the Aurera ivernu- i...
appeals fully as much te the romanticist
bs te the scientist There are a thou-
S'rawndRc & Clothier. Win. U Wanmnakcr. Win Hepkins Ce.,
Bewkcr i Iiewkcr. Walter (t Heckcr, tce Marshall.
Saddle (trad., mnrk) stamid en very en of them.
sand marvels of life and death te en
thrall the hardy crew of the Maud in
their spven-ear (inn re u i;"-
There Is the likelihood that the Maud,
with ull her airplanes, lumber for
houses en the Ice and surplus store-,
rnav be joined bv rpnwrscle- frost te
the' mysterv fleet of frozen bbip- and
never return. . .
Amundsen Is rmbarked en the nil
.nturc .aRnitice.,ni, uki KUI(,
teverly. N J., .lime 'J'J. 1'.'--.
lint new- nil levers of liberty cm bv
net and pen nnd word and influence
dehiv that time nnd preierve Amcrleui.
liberty jet a little while longer
I'hilndelphia. .lime -jtL V.i'.".'.
Questions Answered
Gelf Ball In the Turf
Tn tl Frf.fe' of the f'lrnirte pub c l.edarr:
Sir I hav recent. v taken up eelf that
I am atfrnptlnc te leirn tn rud merM
nf th sum- -vnd I I lue veu ' if rr.
hthr If a bill i bu-ird In 'h f ' turf
f fal-ay or Bren (.an It Le Mf'ed . h j
rna.l I M
Philadelphia. Jjn 27 1?.'2
Th editor of the rerl s Fetuti s ret
a Fe'fe- hut h Is t Id bj an xp rt
unle- tre ( local rul or st ru a
he ceiirirj the ball mu
1 1
n '
b r a "1 m
"Miles Standish" Net Dramatized
Te l.'i, h'rtx'er of th tl'i.st; P b r I rg-r
s,- i'ii inform no iir i.h u"
um-ii vh-th.-r I enfff lle.v pr.rn Th
np c t be-n
wrts f .ije oqe ienpK-y recivea oeo noe
nrnl Carpntler !2nn nun with .11 pr cent
of th rrevlnB-pii-tur lights divided t'lUally
Poems and Songs Desired
The Old Religion"
Betting and Stock Gambling
Te tilt Kditoret th' Eiem.iB Publir 1 fdarr
S,rr ,-Pe bv veur valuab;.' pap. r
that there is a war en KambUns or
rnther n war en poolrooms where l,rse
raeine bets are Uld nnd plnjed. but I
leek in vain for the news of a raid ....
Meck -broker's place, where --aiiiblliis
that has wreiknl mnnv a home ami
manv a business fleuri.l.e-. e-. it
has 'caused many murders, manj it
v.'i v,nr .mil mnnv .1 jeuus sap-
head has Invested hi- small fort Hie te Our. -hip of Mile. , t..nd.sh '
neau litis '" i ...--i-i, irmit.scd and. if -u. b who
become n miiiieiia...- " "L"-"':. . er.c.RUK nom .
If a census were taken of which doe., MameMn ,,, Jun, . ,
the most harm. hore-raeine nets or, Tn.r. ,, nn rier,i r "Th . nun. hip of
Mock-merkct bctS, which would you ( Mll .-tand th ' fver bens dramatized ,
ay does? .
Oh where 1' the hnn.l of justice when
a judKe will fine a man for bettlns en DempseyCarpentler Fight
horses and nt tin- same time the aiii.' je tiir vtt ter et thr ; mmj Pubhr i rrigrr
indite maj hnvc wen or lest, a small ,,. pel.e ,.h. th following fiBurei in
fortune en th" te. k market .s Hi tfv r.epie . Kerum j
Fame dnv It's mi vven.lir thev Mind- itrda-je ..' -he iempv a-rentie-
fnliled lustii-e It must have erlsin.ll.it flzl.r Hrrrjnt tsl,en 'n at Bt pjr-e for
in PI lilldelphlM courts, for j....i.e H- fl.h'.r. Demp-ev , sh.re and 'Xv' '
lf can't bear te leek at what en '-,.,., Ju; ,;'
Jr. ,hc courts I he peilee and h admen, te ,h. n.m?. r-
clals of Philadelphia keip up ti ir ,r f(Cnt .r, al .d,n ,n ln, N.w
ehildlfh pranks and unjust laws i.iw rTmfi Sut Ilextrit , ornmilen 74 95s
for one and net another, they w 1. 1 haw Thi. ff.0,, Bi4t. r(.,.iPts ,r ji 02.1 .-.e. nt
tn nut another cot 11 areunu in- cui- u. n. k-t re.eip... n -.-.. i..- 11 me purm
.ift Ann
If the Miner thinks he is foeilnR
people, he is' badlv mistaken People
knew wh he 1- lanllnrf the peer sain
bier ond'nllewinK the lich pambler te
set hl.s from th" peer.
(Jno thins. I ..n for lior.e ncitu:
If veu win v 011 1 ..l'i. 1 lln ti" M d.iv.
but if eii win mi -te. Ws tli.-v 1 In...
up (hiinkriii.il l"'ne up pi'is one for fer
Itllie invest. .1 eipi il. m..td"r r .11 01. e
en tli" stork market
In horse 1 i Inj 1 111:1 ti ,.l:ivs ,1 .vs.
tm. se in. i.'li 11 dnv win nr b.-i net h
whole roll nevn A lw 11 v s knew s w h 11
te quit And also when te -t.irt .ls.tin
The bm ket sliep. th.it new iist ut
hit prettv bud when some of their
brother, hi. i.p. be. .111- the storl: sterl: storl:
helders rpitt nnd 1 m te the poeliooir.
te invest 111 the sport of kiiiu'-. knew i.ik
that it is an heiiist jtuiiie ,iiiiI tiet .
bad nt. it Is painted.
Pe, dear friend- if the i.tln 1.1N f.rl
UX tllOUKll tin v would like te '." solid
milling. !t iiimii red the one- tn.it
take jour uiem v m eik 1'imp ..nd th""
KentI veu the sij k"r 1 '. enjliiated hv
P. T, Itiiinum Il.ii-e-tii' in'-' bit. or.
known new 11s Put and Take P.ut the
Uteek svvmille is nil Puts
a sijti".vici:iti:.i that wivs.
Philadelphia. .Inn.- '-''!. 1!'-"-.
' Sunday Law Enforcement
5"0 Hie Krtitef nt llf tiinrjP'ib 1 Inl'Jir
Sir -A few il.iv. iice there .ipM.ired
a letter 111 the 'm Ii.' Keruiii -Isn.sl
"Citi.en" prele-nm; niuii.t th" open epen
lnc of sterp. en Sund.ij. c-p" mliy In
As far II" ill. f ns are inni erni"l. tlie
Mine laws m tin. . euntry that npplv te
jiative-hern should uml de applj with
eqiiul for. e te alien-
New for th" Sun. lav 1 l.-sinc Citi
ren" believes the Sundin law Imin tn ml
nnd therefeie net te n'lieal i' from ill"
Ilnrrisbtiiu .taiute bonks
Hut the t rut Ii 1- this Clinst derlnred
that the C'huph and Mate should be
kept M'paiatr In the winds' "Itrnder
therefore unto ('a.sar tin' iliui!.'s that
lire Caesar's, am' unto !e.l 'he ihlna
thnt arc (Jed's" Alatthew xi. 'Jl. Th"
duty of the Stale Is te enfelce the civil
duties of men m null ether The Iiim
blx of the ten ceiiiiiiiiiuluients refer te
i.inn'R ilut.v te 11. 1111, and th" State an.
t nnssIiiL- laws ncninst murder, etc..
IH Hupmebile iHI
The loyalty of Hup
mobile owners te the
car is deeply rooted
in the saving, continu
ous service which
makes its use both a
pleasure and a profit.
304 North Bread St.
Phene: Spruce 3S06
hi n 1
1 jAiiiiiiiiiiii9Bijj)iiiiiiiii
1 jjjjjilHHiiBiiiiiiHiiBfliiiiiiiiiiil
icans, separated by years and
tance, possibly united by buried treas
ure. Did a carefully concealed fortune
of the wily pirate find its way into the
hands of Jehn Jacob Aster, te form the
foundation of the great Aster fortune!
A story mere thrilling than "Treasure
This weird, fascinating tale appears
in the Magazine Section of the
July 2
Net a New Plan
Immigration restriction is net the startling inno
vation some of its opponents appear te think. Our
j forefathers realized the dangers of permitting the
! poorest of the world's inhabitants te flood America in
'unnumbered millions. The Hen. W. W. Husband,
U. S. Commissioner of Immigration, says we are only
'getting back te the plans of earlier days.
Tn Hi rihler n' 'Ii Ft t 'I1J Publf ! 'i'i'r
r v.. nr nf..rni I 'hit the lt e .1 f
W'in.rft 11 h .'tup!-..' M"lv ti. v OH" ' th
. n rA -'.rii' fi .jj.r nr in j 1 f'li".
v u h ; h.VH net as t fmbnr t w hmi d
.rr i iM spe.d . d" in Thns- vhe th'n
h U, i hi I 'h nk mltjlr.n I. t in
r. .1 n 'h in in it.e fnllnwlnn 'eii.'-m
i hi: ni.r ltr.t.ifit"
Whv eheul't mortal. sV; a n-w
Il'llBlen" Th- el.I fdl'ti shuuM 'e
lli.ck of As" ' Ml fur tn
Let me hlil" ml ."If 1" thr
rf.il r.-11ien' Clm our f ars
v . lav hi.rf nni two thuun.mij rs
Ih r s r.'.thlnu vvranK. -if I en
Hh tru trij 1'lirlstl.init
I. ..tll''. our -v v nr!
If w but Us bl.st tnhlni.") h-rt
"Hut iu- vli ch I.il mn te "leil s iun
Mj'snliiMS thlh tnMhul new one.
Tli, rr e-b 10 wnkh vn- ar
lnrwt.U in-y i'ev fal star.
Iljmrtni' Whv Or w .i
I .a nt ..r. 1 ejfil it? Uhe . is kne v
h.r- iiui l- mrs.p h"re v It.
fi.j..J !. r.'vT-. llll" Is muat trj.
V a thr hrc fenip mn mi it s atih. r.
Whom I tee lan .ilmum nun
1 '.nil
(imre- llaU I'eruli nn
imi ..uh 1 i.i Is d he. 'j
l'hfc Ktrnns: l.r.. mi n II ve "-a'l a'0
Sj il Iun mii M from .111 imitn. 1'iC
'1 h'-nf mm . 1.' n. r tir.ilM ami le
V w vv.jtJ.liiiii.ri. nf lJe.1 .tUev"
t.jr liernei ili-el Ah' th. v ivf-r Kran'l
Waihliu'ten, t.lnieln nn.l CI-veMml
n. ll-OHe .1,4.1 liv who vwil mv
from u from u but j n r.Jn
t nil men nre net v irtliv uf
tiur tiem.ine r.ni'ien.M anil love.
Ken thup tii.ii I ve nt.m.'l ara an'J w i
P.i I llil.i Ik Im.-". prenu 10 err
then, in tin. nm fchnuiil thev
ni . n.i
j ... - ..--- , j. . , i.i. ....". . . ....-.-
enfliri'f lull! I" 11 ivii -, ... 1 C vieuhlpeil unil um.riu.'
- ll.e linnelu if llllMII n'l nf tin'.' cs- ,
.. .1... ...iiiiiimiiilniiMit llllllt i-nvi't- "Ki'llBleti of Huni..nlt
euHiicss. which no hiiinaii luv can en-
force. . , , it miunil. well though A etrlkins: phrane
The llrs't fmir einilluiniiiitMi i rrirr ,.unNme many men the.e Ja
tq man's ilut.v t" uml. mm nre, uhtp-
A tnsve phruHn tills icini te b
TWK?k th, V-m,,U' Kori.re IIJ "PPrsr JiIIt
Pstl'v nrf 11114-mm sPy'
HUtaL - 'WffBnT TT T mWKtm
"A rhapsody nf vvetUs" we tlnd
Influemea a, nhatluiv nilntl,
The old rcllslnn for. rat "of,"
llumanlty iprine ftem InM le.
Ver nw rttllenv'(thcrt'a let
1 hi; last word in de luxe read travel,
the streiijic&t and safest car America lias
ever produced, second te none in the world.
It was never finer than new hlglilj per
fected, up te the minute in every small detail.
It carries a unique Guarantee, prosing the
economy of its excellence. It will he kept in
the lead hy the men who made it fameu. and
who have dedicated themselves te its perfec
tion, working en their old policy of limited
production te insure the highest quality.
Philadelphia Branch
2330 Market Street
Dicing With Death
Attempting te raise tlie
Lusitania, with its l'injr's
ransom in sunken wealth,
will 1)0 attended with haz
ards. Twe continents are
watching the reports of
conditions within the ill
fated ship.
Acress the Centuries
A chance shot during the
World War unexpectedly un un
cecred a Reman ruin in
Trance, uniting in interest
all the history of two thou
sand years.
A New Memerial
While the schoolboy is taught te revere
Geerge Washington as the Father of His Country,
there are hundreds of thousands of American men
who leek upon the first President as a brother.
In recognition of his standing in the ranks of
Masonry, a $2,000,000 memorial is te be erected
at Alexandria, Va., by his ledge brothers.
EDEN PHILPOTS heads the usual display of
notable fiction by writers of recognized merit. Ring
Lardner, Hemer Balmy and the wild humorist whe
writes about Oatman, Ariz., contribute the humor
Rene Bache tells of news in the world of science.
The Feature Picture Section
Printed by the rotogravure process in pleasing
sepia tones, carries the reader te distant parts of the
glebe, portrays important events, personages and
places, is the only rotogravure section published by
any Philadelphia Sunday newspaper.
Six Pages of
Every Week
1Q i tse
The Cemplete.Magazine Section, Beautiful Rotogravure Section, All
Star Comic Section and Magic Ink Picture Boek are all in addition te the
comprehensive news sections of the Sunday PUBLIC LEDGER.
Order your copy today al your newsdealer's
"Make It a Habit"
CYRUS H. Km CURTIS, Publisher
a :M ..-.' ,&