piw!l 1 WM Pf WW ..4 ' i "M, fS ,V Wffl q (li i W. I EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUisE 20, 11)22 2& ft - LONDON 8TOCK MARKET RECE SIN IN OILS FEATURE ON CURB Greup Shows Lesses of y2 te Nearly 2 Points Ree Meters Up New Yerk, June 20. The curb mar ket derelepcd n decidedly henry tone tfter the opening, cspeclnlly In the oil stocks where declines from one-half te nearly two points were shown. Offer Inff, however, were net severe. Standard Oil of Kentucky yielded 1 te 01. Indiana a point te 103, 'Imperial Oil of Canada te 110H, International Petroleum te 21 and Tensland n point te 10. Mexican Sea board, after advancing ever a point, tubfteqticntly lest the gain. Ree Meters moved up a sharp frac tion. Tobacco Products, "when Is wed," jleldcd sharp frnctiens. INDUSTRIALS RAO Acme Ceil . ... 2001 Acme Tucking . . , lOO Aluminum 100 Am Hawaiian ... nnOAmn) leather .... lOOAmal Leather of . lne Atlantic Fruit ... bee mil-Am Tet re. High Lew 1 47e SI is? lOOBrlt-Am Teb coup 17 100 Cur I 400 CM Nip loernro mi .thi jrpi 7n 21) 70fl 12n 714 Jlnele B . 100 C'leelantt Aute IdOO Celum Emerald ten Columbia Met J 00 Davlei Wm A POO Dubller II & n lOODurant Met .. 1000 Emersen Then sersiiiettA s n .. 7000 Oeldwyn Ila .. 200 Goerilesr nf Drler KOQHajea Wheel 29 ree Hawien Rnnm .... 1 SOOI.Ibby McNeill ... 2U 100 Lima Iice rts ... 3 Vne Mar-enl Wlr Am 2 1C0 Marconi Wire Can. 2H lOO Mercer Met 8H 10 ?.ew Jnrmv Zinc. 142 SOO J'ackaM Met 14H 100 Philip Iterrl 1HH ieui'ud acrv j pt..igt iteu jtanie com ROn Radie nrflf I20O Hen Met Truck 1100 Southern CI & It., n.'e Kin Te tn ki rower . , 100 Term Hy TjAP pf ".00 Tobacco Pred . . 1310Tobcce 1'red wl , 700 Tobacco Pred "A 100US1. t II POO Un net Candy ... ree wi sue ueai J pr..l04 :::::: $ k.... 2S 14 24 88 40 21 2.V4 10 3Ti 17 7Sa 6 a'4 21) 07e nt ,2 as ine SlRli 71 2H W a e in 142 ni in M O0e 14 24 Jft IWssne Ccal IV 2(ie Willy Cerp let of. SOU 200 Will a C lat Pf ctfs 2D STANDARD OIT.S POO Ant le-Amer Oil ... IOVj 200 Atlantic lobei ... in 240 Imp Oil Can Ill 2 Ohie Oil .... 2011 4.1 Prairie Pine 24 lsnes n of Ky w 1 92i eu fl'i sei nri'i, 7R4 7S Hi 20 10U v 101 EDO 24(1 SI U If 100 S O of Ind 104 10SW INDEPENDENT 011,8 200 Aetna 1 400 Alcan 7H 700 Ark Nat aaa 10i 7500 Bosten Wye 88c llOOCarlb Synd 7(4 B0 Cities Service 220 100 Clt Serv D ctfe. ... 22 100 Cities Berv pref... 07H 1I0O Creele BynA 2U Bone dishing- ret Be 3000 Engrs retreleum.. 88e 200 Equity Pet pref... 14 4700 Federal Oil 1 1000 Pensland 184 400O Olenreck Oil iI 100 Granada Oil 2 3000 Hudsen Oil is0 3O0O Int Petrel 21 "4 ROO Keystone Benger.. 8,v lOOKIrby Pet nt J"J ','" 8e ine Hturueene 414 inoei,l!nmton Oil .... 2Bn BOO Livingston Pet .. ,. li 10I MI0 P. U 1 4fle 21 2BH lOji 17 7Bn BU 3't 29 70c a 1(10 21BU 7 71 2H 2'4 3 2 "h 1T4 104 M one 14 24 n'i BB4 "9.. 14 7 14 204 20 194 94 110 290 240 92 1034 7! 104 83e 83e 7 7 220 220 22 22 67H 67J4 Be Be 83e 33e 14 14 .1' '"i in is li 14 2 22e 22c 214 21'4 81c 8S0 OH ns 5ft 8c 44 44 JBa 2Bc lli 1'4 "OT-I-yena Tet JOe 79 80 iSS Mrclbe Oil ... an 20 20 20OO Marftnd Me n HU 8 lOOMerrltOH leVi lSS luii 2300 Mexico Oil l' iff iff 2IKKI Mex fleab ... 48 40! 47 2300 Mex Scab v t 0. . . . 4B4 44 444 BOO Mount Pred 14 tl jjjt ,J2 TJ00 Mutual Bet ..... 10 "4 "2 ine n x 011 ....,....; SO JW no 2,.'2J Northwest 200 20e 20e loeNAmon an 2 2i 1O0O Ohie Hanger Be Be Be l9IOOOmar 0U 2A 2. 2 S00gnneck Oil 7" n n 200 Ryan Cena 74 74 71J 00 Bait Creek Pred... lfljf 16 10 Jg" glt Creek Cens... 124 124 124 BOOSapulpa Ret 4S 44 44 200 Shell Un'en pref. . . DO Ofl 90 .600 Blmms Pet 84 84 8U RSOOSkelly Oil ... 104 104 10't ,1922 leuth P li "0 17e 17e 0 22 Seuth Stales l3; 1& is4 lOOSpeneer Pet 24 24 2 4S.tan,en'V flRe '"a "Be ,J0J Tidal Osag 144 134 ia4 2300 Turman 14 il 11? 100 Tidal Osage n v... 134 134 134 MINING 10O Alas rtr Cel .... 314 AU 94 100 Am Explerat 14 2H 2? Boeoiti!. W? ; 13a J J8 ini Jip",en 5.,ent Ct""- 7Re 78e 7.'.a ienn -"jy1"""1 A" 8f,a 83e Sa u?. J.0"." CW. M 4f 4Be 4Se -HI')1' ertez bllver .... 1 1 1 lien uadsden 30 sn ... 1000 Hard Shell .i4e 140 14. 400 Hecla Mining 04 04 n?4 2JO llewg Bound 2t! S 4 24 45S2 Jn(J''n1f L'ed . . . B BOc BnV loenSSi1 DJT " sJS 23e SlS book,.:::- 7SS 7JS S22I! ?!,r.,n "n lf'e 17r 17J. CJnn Sa,,len,l1 Tl" " 8" 30c 3"c 400 Nlplsslng f.t. r,ii "ju lonenex Cens . .- Rr e7 f 200 Shelden ..... il ?S. 7, 52S2g'u" "n .. lie lie iiV4 1000 Stewart Mln tS tS -2 40O Tonopah iVlv . . RJS se2 .JJ lOOTonepah Ext . ill 111 . H 400 Tuolumne .... 03c CaJ' flji1 800 Unity Geld . nii c5? 03,a, BOOlInltSd East I J? ?A ?M 2700 West End C lji 1 If 1000 TerrlnglSr; ... .I" J L J A 000 Yuken G0id :::: ? 8?s R2j . BONDS 1"0 Allied raeker fls.. 83 83 83 i222Am T Os. '24... 1014 101U iniu 70nna-Coi,.,n:,e'? "e3 neS1 lOOOfJeth Steel 7.?2a:iwti je"ltI ,5?u Sae ? s S- ?Oo8Sa!errtST7.r:eJ,4 0 4 L 10r?n S0dr!f h n.Tlr" "i 102T? eS4 1T44 5000 Kennecett C T. i5 2 ini iSit' Ss'" :::: S? S? 8? Bonerhini.w.. ..." .? .r " . .liirtA ii.h. iniu it ...inau inau inau DDUU.W.M Hill T..10.2 IMtf 102. 6 n v ?: .sS-JKff i":.t !5i efi:.""SW i"' i". " r . . Jlf I I 11 7 Ate in' neA.,. i. 'KivaiU SS?2gft!5-VeV..::89. -"' " eiuim nnen 2000 2O0OH 2000 a 1000 Hi-n nil JOOO Swift & Ce 7s." BOOn Texas Ce 7s jone Un en Pred 8a 1O0O VACtltlm fn flOOO Western Elee uuu incnnste KOREION nONDH J"Jl'-"tv sronteMdee .. 07 n.n nm" nnrnn m llOOn Swiss Bi4a 8000 U S Meslr-e 44s . n'l 944 98 974 fl s i.T ...ine 100H 10O4 5.J0IJf 101? ini . . .101 ini in. v ' 4a ..ini4 1044 1044 11 7s ..1084 ion 1004 Slee 7s ..matt 108 JesC r 74. ..102 108 10S EION nONDH ertdee ..97 97 07 'n V,-- 2?,' "f-H 034 JI Kt s. 744 78S 73Z DIVIDEND8 DECLARED Teh'gh Ceal and Navigation, Quarterly 2 per cent, payable August 81 te aleek of record July 81. American Ice Company, quarterly Ht per cent en preferred, and 14 per ent en com mon, both payable July 28 te stock et record July 7, Baltimore and. Ohie, esml-anmial 2 per cent en preferred, payable September 1 te stock of record July 15, New Jersey Zlne . Company, quarterly 3 per cent, payable August 10 te stock of record July 81. Diamond Match Company, quarterly 3 per cent, payable September 15 te stock of record August 81, Atlas Powder Company, quarterly 1H per cent en preferred, payable August 1 te stock of record July 20, Associated Dry Goods, quarterly II en common, payable August 2 te stock of record July'' lei 11,75 en second preferred, and 11.00 en first preferred, both payable Sep tember 1 te stock of record August 12. Charles Warner Company, quarterly 14 per cent en nrst and second preferred, pay able July 27, and quarterly 25 cents en com mon, payabte July 17 te stockholders of record en June 30. Pittsburgh Ceal Company, quarterly 14 per cent en common and 14 per cent en preferred, both payable July 25 te stock of record July 7. Liverpool Cotten IJvernoet. June 20. There was fair de mand for spot cotton today with prices steady en the basis of an advance of 10 pe'nts for middling at 13.10(1. The sales were 10.000 bales. The receipts were 11.000 Mies, of which 8100 bales were American. Futures were quiet In the early dealings. Spot prices were: American, middling fair. 14 nod; geed middling, 13 04di fully m'd. dllng, 13.84d: middling. 18.10d: low mid dling. 12 74d: geed ordinary. 1I.60J, and ordinary. ll,30d. Federal Help In Marketing Creps Washington, June 29. Approval of four application for leans te assist In financing the orderly marketing of cotton and wheat, aggregating linfioe.ooo. was announced today by the War Finance Oerpuratlnn. The applications approved were frem: Okla Okla hema Cotten Growers' Ce-operative Asm. elation, I7.B0O.OOO: Oklahoma Wheat Grow Grew era Asfoclatlen, J2,BOO,000. nnd th Terns Wheat Growers' Association, 1600.000. Dellar Descriptions Lewer Gilt Edged Section Steady Kaffirs Firm Londen, June 20. Specialties were strong features en the stock exchange today and the markets generally were well maintained. Reports about threat ened labor troubles en railroads In the United States had an unfavorable ef fect en dollar descriptions. Repur chases helped home rails. Argentine rails scored further gains, with the feeling cheerful. Optimism ever the monetary outlook caused confidence In the gilt-edged list, which was steady. French leans were quiet around previous levels. Oil shores again moved within narrow limits, with (Changes mixed. Royal Dutch was .10, Shell Transport and Trading 4 11-10, and Mexican Eagle 3 7-10. Knfflrs were firm and In brlsg demand owing te declining costs en the Rand. Industrials were geed In spots, Hud Hud eon Bey was 0 13-10. Profit-taking led te a reaction from top In the nibWr group. Bank of England Statement Londen, June 29. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes In pounds sterling- Total reserve decreased 1.012.000: circulation Increased 1,073,000; bullion Incrsased 63,407s ether se curities decreased 1.070,000: ether deposits Increased 1,931.000; public deposits decreased 404.000: notes reserve decreased 1.0fl,noe Government securities increased 4.102.000. The proportion of the bank's reeene te lia bility this week Is 18 02 per cent; last week it was 10.97 per cent. "BEFORE VOC DVTE Imestlgste," said C. B. Ferbes recently In an article In the Business Section. There are complete data as te price changes and In come yields of hundreds of leading stocks and bends published every day In the Dull ness and Financial Section of the Ptisue Lutings. "Make It a Habit." Ant. M 41 'J 804 414 Give This te Your Private Branch Exchange Operator Every private telephone operator in Philadelphia should have before her the condensed Baltimore & Ohie timetable and the telephone HrWrr1 number of the "Travel Bu- HSk. rcau" at 1337 Walnut Street. 1 Baltimore's Ohie Telephone us Walnut 3602 or Race 5144 or drop a note and we'll send the convenient card. AMERICA'S FIRST RAILROAD t ESTABLISHED 1827 ; -,., - i NEW ISSUE $600,000 Williamsport Wire Repe Company First (Closed) Mortgage 7 Sinking Fund Geld Bends Due July 1, 1937 $600,000. Interest payable January 1st and -Tulv l.r. u-lrVinnf a.a,,: Nermal Federal Income Tax up te 2. Exempt from Pennsylvania State Tax. r; Principal and interest payable at The Guaranty Trust Company, Fiscal Agent, New Yerk N Y Coupon bends in denominations of $1,000 and $500, register-able as te principal only. Redeemable at the option of the Company t.pen sixty days' notice at 107 and accrued interest Sinking Fund beginning July 1, 1923, of $30,000 annually, will provide for retirement of 70 of issue by maturity Sinkinsr Funrl nivm-nii tn TV,,... - . i i!-.i . . ... BUC uy n-aiuruy. t 107W .n,i ;;;:.V.r ". :' ttVrCU !?m':r.null y P rcna" -?nds n the market .- --. ,. .... .miu -.iibicai, n nui oeiainaoie, oenus are te Dc called. Dated July 1, 1922 Authorized and te be issued up THE rKNNSTXVANIA COMPANY FOn INSURANCES ON LIVES AND CHANTING ANNTJTTIFq PHILADELPHIA. TRUSTER nw.iuiu AWNUITIEg, PHILADELPHIA, TIIUSTEE We summarize from letter of Mr. Jeseph W. Cochran, President, as follews: BUSINESS The business of the Company was established in 1887. The Company manufactures wire rene of every quality and for a wide diversification of purposes. The plant is located W IHamspeft Pen, a. The Company is the third I irgcst of its kind in the United States, and maintains SsSd warehouses in fifteen of the principal cities in this country. -""wins emces ana SECURITY , .... T,lc Bends are secured, in the opinion of counsel, by a first closed merteaee en all land bui dings and equipment new owned or hereafter acquired. Jhc plant and equipment arc covered with fire insurance te an amount aggregating $l,GS5,50O; inventories are covered with fire insurance te an amount aggregating $927,356. insurance ASSETS The assets of the Company, applicable te the redemption of these bends amount te S9390 S35 or almost four times the amount of this issue. The net current assets exceed one and one-half times' the amount of these bends. 1 he current assets arc ever five times the current liabilities i ewnSy e? g an"Ua,r ear"in' aPPWe te interest en these bends, for the past six "years have been $227,954.94, or ever five times the interest charges en this issue. SINKING FUND The Trust Indenture provides for a Sinking Fund beginning July 1, 1923, of $15,000 semi annually. Such Sinking Hind is te be used by the Trustee te purchase bends in the emeu market up te 107Mj and accrued interest; if net obtainable, bends arc te be called by let This amount will retire 705c of the issue by maturity. PURPOSE OF ISSUE ' . . Precccclsl .fro" thc ,s:'Ic th.csc be,,(ls will be used te liquidate bank leans and te provide additional working capital for thc increased business of thc Company. APPRAISALS Appraisals have been made by thc American Appraisal Company. AUDIT , The audit has been made by Messrs. Ernst & Ernst. LEGALITY The Indenture securing these bends and all ether legal matters in connection with thc above issue will be approved by Messrs. Cander & Munson, Williamsport, for the Company, and Messrs. Saul, Ewing, Rcmick & Saul, Philadelphia, for thc bankers. Subject te the approval of attorneys, we offer these bends for delivery ichen, as and if issued and received by us at 100 and interest McLaughlin, MacAfee & Company Pittsburgh Harvey Fisk & Sens, Inc. New Yerk Philadelphia Chicago j 7 information given 'herein, while net guaranteed, has been obtained by us from source which we believe te be reliable, Thin udvertfb'emcirt appear as a matter of record only, all the above bends having been sold v I - Bends for July Investment ,We own and offer an extensive list of high' grade bends suitable for the invest ment of funds of institutions, trustees and individual investors. The bends men tioned below are selected from our July Investment Circular, containing a descrip tion of ever 150 issues which we are offering with our recommendation. Our wide assortment assures purchasers of a selection suited te their particular requirements, We deal in all Issues of United States Government Securities Municipal Bends Rata NCM Boiten, Matt., Reg. Tax Ex. in Mass 4 N New Yerk City, Reg. Tax Ex. in N. Y 3la N Northampton County (Easten), Pa. Tax Free in Pa.... 412 NCM State of Maryland, Read & Bridge Tax Ex. in Md... 412 NCM Baltimore, Md., Gen. Imp. Reg. Tax Ex. in Md 5 Meadville, Pa., Scheel District Tax Free in Pa 412 NCM State of Michigan, Highway Tax Ex. in Mich 4l2 UielCa We J . eee va, J. 42 Nutley, N. J., Improvement Tax Ex. in N. J 4l2 C M Les Angeles, CaL Tax Ex. in Cal 5 Hagerstown, Md. Tax Ex. 'in Md 5 Franklin County (Columbus), Ohie, Read. i.... .. ., 5 N C State of Seuth Dakota. ....... . . . .ZZ. -l-l 4 Ashtabula County, Ohie, Read ...-....... $xz Forsyth County (Wimten-Salem), N. C, Read. ....... .v.. 5 Summit County (Akren), Ohie, Read WM. . 5V4 Cabell County (Huntington), W. Va., Read. ............ ... 5 Cleveland Heights, Ohie, Paving.......... ..... . . .,.M..,. 5V2 Danville, Va., Municipal. eJ.jus..iA......ja.J!ls.....jaB...M 5 Giles County, Va., Read.......,,. . . ....'..., 6 Railroad Bends NCM Merris & Essex R.R., First Ref 3V2 N C M New Yerk Central & Hudsen River R.R., Deb. (new Mtge.) 4 C Terminal R.R. Assn. of St Leuis, Gen. Ref ,...x..., ........ 4 Union Terminal Ce. (Dallas, Texas), First. .V..sT.'J... 5 Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry., First ,.VM(4Jia 4 Leng Term Bends Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Ce., First ,,M. Sy2 May 1, 1942 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Ce., First & Ref. ... .......... 5 May 1, 1952 Southern Power Ce., First 5 Mar. 1, 1930 Utah Light & Traction Ce., First & Ref 5 Oct. 1, 1944 Les Angeles Gas & Electric Cerp., Gen. & Ref . . ...... ... . 52 June 1, 1947 Union Electric Light & Power Ce., Ref 5 May 1, 1933 WUconsin-Minneseta Light & Power, First & Ref. .......... 5 May 1, 1944 Alabama Power Ce., First Lien & Ref .. . . . .... 6 June 1, 1951 Columbus Railway, Power & Light Ce., Ref............... 6 Dec. 1, 1941 Housten Gas & Fuel Ce., First ....A.... '...".,.". 5 Sept 1, 1932 Penn Public Service Cerp., First & Ref. A.-A.A....J...BW 6 Dec. 1,1929 New Yerk State Railways, First Cens... j. ............ m 6V2 Nev. 1,1962 Clarien River Power Ce.First..,.,.,..... 6V2 July 1,1947 Canadian, Foreign Government and Municipal Bends . C Dominion of Canada .,.. . 5 May lf 195242 C Province of Ontario, Canada ,M 5 Apri if 1952 C Province of Alberta, Canada. ...... ......... .... .,., ...... 5i2 April 1, 1952 C Province of Manitoba, Canada. .. ,..,., .,..,. ...... .......... 6 Oct l' 1946 Dutch East Indies, Sinking Fund.... ...,1..K.. ...... .. 6 Jan. l' 1947 Dutch East Indies, Sinking Fund... jj.,...,... iiM... 6 Mar. 1 1962 Short Term Bends and Notes Louisville Gas & Electric Ce., First & Ref . . . ... . ... ..... 7 june j 1923 Pennsylvania Tank Line, Equipment. ............. ...... 6 May 1 1928 Utica Gas & Electric Ce.......,.,.,....,.,....,..... .. J.'... 7 Nev. 1, 1924 Doehler Die Casting Ce,............. 7 May 1, 1924-28 N Legal for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in New Yerk M Legal for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in Massachusetts C Legal for Savings Banks and Trust Funds la Connecticut Prlea and Yielding Maturity Interest About May 1, 1934-52 100 4.00ft Nev. 1, 1928-29 . . . 4.05 Feb. 1, 1952 107 4.05 June 15, 1925-33 lv. 4.10 Mar. 1, 1930-52 ,4. 4.15 April 1, 1927-51 . . . 4.15 July 1, 1942 104 4.20 May 1, 1945 103.63 4.25 June 1, 1923-57 ,. 4.30 Aug. 1, 1929-59 ... 4.35 July 1, 1950-63 ..., 4.35 Dec. 1, 1924-31 4.40 Jan. 1, 1931 102 13 4.40 Oct. 1, 1925-31 , 4.50 May 1, 1935-41 M, 4.60 Oct. 1, 1924-31 ,..., 4.40 July 1, 1932-50 mrt 4.50 Oct. 1, 1926-29 ,.. 4.60 May 1, 1923-39 ,. 4.60 Dec. 1, 1943-48 . 5.12 Dec. 1, 2900 Market 4.42 Jan. 1, 1942 Market 4.93 Jan. 1, 1953 Market 5.19 April 1, 1942 Market 5.25 Jan. 1, 1956 Market 5.53 IO212 5.30 Market 5.53 Market 5.63 91 5.70 96ia 5.77 93 5.87 90 5.80 101 5.93 100 6.00 92V2 6.00 98Va 6.25 Market 6.63 97 6.75 Market 5.10 Market 5.12 Market 5.32 108.06 5.40 Market 6.40 Market 6.45 101 5.00 102 5.60 101 6.25 100 7.00 3 i" We invite correspondence. A copy of our July Investment Bend Cir cular will be sent te investors upon request. Ask for Circular F-lll. 1 Harris. Ferbes & Company Pine Street, Cerner William, New Yerk Widener Building, Philadelphia ASK YOUR BANKER About Thit MORTGAGE SECURED PREFERRED STOCK Nen-Callable Fttll Participating Safety Ratie e W first mortgages en improved real estate- te outstanding preferred stock $125 te $100. YieldW (rTunranteed by intcreat lncome from first mortgages), plus E0 of nil profits. Marketability rrice Protected at par, Paying Gunrnnteed Dividends Quarterly January April July October General Mortgage Financing Corporation Ridge and Girard Avenuea (Copyrighted, QUiTC. 1D22) ivrAiniVK nun motion hai.kh A1I1I.1TV going- te tteuiliern Cali fornia, slopping- at Chlcaue, Drmer, Oklahoma. Ban Fr.nclsen. l.m Anaeles. Han DleRu and points at Northern IwrdsrJ ui iiie.iiu. win 1. Ke an assiument, en A REAL OPPORTUNITY , FOR YOUR SON nuslness established for SS year. In. K SMSJ'Ia'Wli '", lnV.S5n, or Rfer.i."r!lJi-VV"lft"l CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY CO. Scries "A" 5 Equipment Trust Certificates ISSUED rXUEll THE lIIIL.triui.rill.V 1'I.A.V Maturities 1924 te 1934 fnces te vield s.lO'e tn K Anc , w .-w. 'O ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. LAND TITLE HLDG., I'HILA. Members A'eip 1'erA: and Philadelphia Sleck Exchanges We are inUrettad in an issue of capital stock of a meritorieui corporation. Wa are in a posi tion te dispose ' of same very C. s. P'JiTTOHtTtOL7'yS ft h-jM '1 ' -t sisfl i $ -1 14 m u .In Ki iifl M m ' -j iw f 'W iff ' I COII1IIH..IUU, ier repui.Die persons, organization. Hank rrr.renrra A t. MtnciKB or Kir w or quickly. Fer sVpMuitment writ a& IUJ.4 M Mi,t,l.-n ,K....i.-J tf .Trut MM,;- ."" ! ' A 427, LED41R OFFICE ". . yv - r'ltr" si ISistli' 1