P22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1922 n ii i1 Mk ! If I ! iei tar L 'H WHOLESALERS Bankers and investment houses are invited te use our service when desiring te buy or sell any Govern ment Leans. "A Natien-Wide Market" COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reiere Syitera City Hall Square MARKET DISPLAYED DOWNWARD TREND NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Only Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Full Liil Vulnerable Position of the Oil Greup Invited Selling for Beth Accounts We suggest for July investment Joint Stock Land Bank 5s, non-callable for ten years, te yield 4.60 te 4.87. Free of all taxes ex cept inheritance taxes. frRISTINEsce., VneDrtn Building. Phiuwclemia 7, "" iuBtTH Na Iff C i W 1 raKsi ll iB 1 4M ! l llvrgrnj3gryf.t Guaranteed Stocks BANK & TRUST CO. STOCKS MORLEY, WOOD & 00. 333 Chestnut Street Member N. V. l'hlla. Stock rich's New Yerlt. June 20. It lt doubtful whether fcers entertained penri-riiinp tlie threatened walkout of tlie rnilm.nl Imp men hud nnv connection Uh the mndenite lliiiildutlin: wine the central tnarlci-t eneeuntered tedaj. Teehnlenl (diidltleiiM tiuiiueotleuiibly were mete ieviniisble. There ui in nil event' cwry evidence of liiiili1ntinn in dlfTeietit ports of the 1 1-t . thi" helni: met con cen con .piruetf in the petroleum croup. This nltnRether uas n leieiil development In Mew of the recent adroit manipulation cf these shores. The tendency of the ii .irKrt. In ceneiu nee, was renction renctien u durine the creator part of the scs imi. llnllne followed the declines, '-it the market showed little rallying . I "Her. ! there a an appreciate incrcn pi rtlvit.v durlnc the mernlnc. but thu .. entirely at the expen-e of value-. The xinUins spell " surprising te some ' trnt because of the eomewiiat mera hopeful aspect of the coal-strike situa situa t.en evernlclit. as re-ult of President ll.irdlns's summons of the coal opera tors and the union chiefs. Seme effort was mnde te bolster up the market by t'.e blddlnc up of a few highly manipu lative peel Issues of the General Asphalt las. The market, however, was found te he full of stocks- and for peme occult n.iseu a Bend many apparently found 11 JoiiipuUery or convenient te lighten heMlngs in the speculative favorites particularly the petroleum shares, i The croup was found te be In a vul- nerible position as tlie shorts in the whole petroleum division had taken tlight In the wake of the Mexican 1'etro 1'etre li'iim ercy. With the cessation of the eeiering the group naturally lacked or er titielal support and tmlted both renewed 1 ear selling and presit -taklnc. Mexican I'etrnleum, after advanelnc -l points, -e.n toil 11. Standard Oils of California mil New Jersey were 1! te almost in lnts lower. Lesses of 1 te -1 points at the same time were sustained by t'Vlfernia Petroleum. Producers and Refiners. Associated Pacific and IIoux IIeux IIoux 'en. Pierce Oil preferred alke dropped 7 points. Steels, meters and equipments moved nf ut-eilly. while the feed specialties 'were distinctly heavy. The hie de crease In Idle cars and the reported heavy increase In loadings failed te l.elp the rails The dl l-Ien as a whole ippeared te be marking time pending : the outcome of steps Innkiuc toward the solution of cutient labor problems. I Commodity Markets Tinman iijm!J '1!'-1? V " "ms? - 1 VALPARAISO VINA DEL MAR E 8 Highway Improvement E Guaranteed B Sinking Fund Bends E Price $13S pir 1000 Pesos B te yield about 7 3s ' 5 pp.rt threusrh C n iv-us te for- p " ,B en request. Fairman & Company Drexel Huildinp, Phila. l'.st ilill.llp.I ioe C ; i '.emJcit? A. H. Bickmore & Ce. Ill Broadway, New Yerk GRAIN MARKET Chicago. June 'JO. The crnin mar kets were narrow at the opening today ami. while steady in tone, seen de- eloped weakness under bear pressure anil scattered liquidation, lioed rains in the Canadian Northwest improved the spring wheat prospects, and thresh ing returns from winter wheat States were no were than they have been. Outride trade was light and early I sentiment considerably mixed. Cern and eats were dull and easy under scattered local sellinc and fuu'ruble weather reports. Dlv. Jules In S 100 300 200 1100 200 603 100 100 m ioe 100 200 500 100 800 100 CO 200 300 100 100 500 300 1100 500 100 500 100 eoe J 00 100 900 400 200 1400 200 203 3700 1500 500 4803 100 5300 103 300 200 200 400 300 103 100 6300 1503 400 203 400 200 103 400 100 3500 1000 100 100 100 100 1700 400 100 103 200 400 1000 3200 400 4030 103 600 400 100 703 700 10J 100 100 533 300 1030 1700 100 100 1800 Pesslblllt es r f Increase of ( h . mer aier.itr" nv Circular V 1 Trevlnus 1 C1ee9 Open A M fnrn July H2 R2' T U? :i s.pi. ii.-, i;ivtlt iv.n ivm Dec . . 65S (.; i 6V1 Ort1! eit Jul-. ... i is', in w i in i h'i .sept 1.14S 1 I'i'i fl l''i 1 l'S Di-e 1 IS J. 11 (01. IT1 1 is Oati Ju y SH. 3i'. 5T 3i!S 3i'i s. pt. . 30s an 9 aysj ans Otr 4'iH 4JS 421! July Sept. Sdlj Lurd ' .Tulv S7N B rpt. M E 11 30 11 0 11 32 11 05 COTTON MARKET Yerk. June 29. all & i. -r rtrt i'nii (aa T-.-JTrTT-nrrrriyTTfTf; , ew i one. June -"-"--" and i ne truue uuuui iiih .n-i- " the opening today, and prkes advanced 1U te 1(! points en first sales. Showery eeiiditmns in parts of the belt added te the feellns of firmness, but selling pres sure from New Orleans and Liverpool iheiked the rise and brought about re .ii'tlmis of 10 points at the ei:d of the lirst tiftem minutes. V - I'es I,, 'Jl i.J 'i ii.l - i"..mi'"r . -i i . tot er . ii milwr Januury M.ireh Muy . BOUGHT, SOLD, QUOTED American Rwjrs., Inc 7't 1940 American Rwys. 5's, 7'j'j, 8'i Carbcndale Rwy. Gtn'l 5's 1933 Keyitene Power . 6l2'f 1952 Kentucky & West Virginia Pwr.7'j 1930 Scranton Rwyi. . 5", 1932 Wilmington Gai 5'j 1949 Huntingdon Valley Trust Ce. lenkintewn Trust Ce. Samuel McCreery& Ce. ilcmbcri Vluln Sitrk Frt Imnge Franklin Bank Building STOCK UlKh 4 Air Heductlen 53 .. AJnx nubber UK . . Alaska Geld Mines Vi . . Alaska Juneau O M 1 V 4 Allied Chem & Dye 67 H 4 Alllg-Chnlmcrs .... 49 H 7 Allls-Chalmers pf . . 941'j . . Am Acrlc Chem... 38 ft 4 Am Bank Note. ... 67 . . Am Uesch Magneto 38 Si 4 Am Br Shee & Kdy 60"A . . Am Can 45 7 Am Can pf 104 Ji 12 Am Car & lMy 160 7 Am Car & l-My pf.121 Ue Odd I,elH 121 14 5 Am Kpress 132 V . Am Illde & Leath pf 67 H 7 Am Ice I3(4 6 Am Ice pf 88 .. Am Internal Cerp.. 4114 .. Am Safety Razor.. 5J4 .. Am Ship & Cem... 1014 .. Am Smelt 50 & 7 Am Smelt pf 97 Y 3 Am Steel Foundries 36 ! .. Am Sucar Kef 78U .. Am Sumatra 39 H 9 Am Tel & Tel 120U 7 Am Woolen 88 .. Anaconda Copper... 50 .. Asreta Benllzatlen. . IH 0 Asse Oil 113 G Atch Tep & San Fa 98 Vi .. Atlan Blr & Atlantic 3 7 Atlantic Coast Llne102 .. Atlantic Fruit 3" .. At! Gulf & W I S 8 38B .. Austin Nichols 2654 7 Baldwin Locemotlvd 12U 7 Baldwin I.oce pf.. ..114 .. Baltimore & Ohie... 49M 4 Baltl & Ohie pf.... 6014 . . Barnsdall Class A.. 3514 . . Batepllas Mining:. . . Hi B Bethlehem Steel.... 73 J4 E Beth Steel B 75 .. Brit Km Steel 2d pf 30 '4 . . Brown Shee 47 A 8 Brooklyn Edisen ... 1 06 ?4 .. Bklyn Rapid Transit 27 h .. Bklyn RT ctfs of db 23 ?B .. Bkln Union Gas rts 1 J4 8 Burns Bres 129 2 Burns Bres B. ... 43 .. Butte Cep & Zinc. 6?i .. Butterick Ce 23 .. Cadde Cen O & R.. 11 6 California Packing. 77 .. California Petrel... 62 .. Cnl Zinc & Lead.. 7Ji 10 Canadian Pacific... 1 38 .. Case J I Plew 5J . . Cerre-de-Pasco .... 35 .. Certaln-tecd Pred.. 50 6 Chandler Meters... 68 4 Chesapeake. & Ohie. 05 .. Chlcace & Alten.. 9?t .. Chicago & Alten pf 17 . . Chi & K 111 (new) pf 53 .. Chicago & Llr West 8H .. Chi Mil & St P 25 J4 .. Chi Mil .1 St P pf.. 41 Vj 5 Chi & Northwestern 74 ',4 .. CM R I & Pac 42 H 6 Chi R I & IMc C-0 Pf 78 . . Clille Copper 20 V i Clev C.n Chi & S L 74 B Clev Cln C & S L, pf 91 ,. Cluett-Peabody .... 53 ',4 4 Ceca Cela 66 Ji 6 Celum Gas & Elec. . 85 H .. Celum Graphopheno 41 .. Cel Graphophene pt 16 H 6 Cemput Tab Rec... 61 .. Consel Cigar 30 Vi 1 Consolidated Gas... 115 .. Conael Textiles.... 12 .. Continental Can.... 65 6 Cent Insurance.... 81 4 Cern Products Rcf.1031,; 9200 2 Cesdcn & Ce 45J 1 00 E Cosden & Ce pf .... 95 . Crucible Steel 1 7 Crucible Steel pf... 91 , Cuban Am Sugar... 23 V . Cuba Cane Sugar.. 154 . Cuba Cane Sugar pt 34 . Davisen Chem.cal.. 43 i . Debeers C Mln Ltd. 21 U 6 Del Lack & West... 126 1 Deme Mines 29 8 Du Pent (K 1) Ce..129'i 6 Du Pent Ge dt.b pf 81 B Eabtman Kodak new 70 H 3 Elee Storage Bat. . 41 . Elk Hern Ceal 20Vj 6 Endlcott-Jehnson .. 78 . Erie UK . Erie 1st pf 22 , Fairbanks t 8 Famous Players L 80 ' 7 Fisher Bedy pf ...109 5 KUher Bedy of O pf 85 V2 ,. Trtepert Texas.... s3U . Gtneral Abphalt.... 67 B Gtneral Asphalt pf102l4 8 General Electric. ... 165 Vi ..General Meters.... 1 3 Ji 6 Gen Meters D 6 Te pf " Lew 53 14H 1 .Ifl P. M. 53 14- 'a 1' 67H 49 94V4-384-67 -3814-60 4514- 104 159 - 121 12114 132 -67 - 10314 88 - 41 14 J- 5Ji 1814- 58'4 - 58H- 9714 9714- 3b A N'ct Cure, Itt 6714 484 9414 3814 67 3814 60 45 ls 104 Ji 158 121 121 V4 132 67 103J4 88 40 H 5Ji IB H 214 2 Vi 114 Op n Jl 7. 1 V Jl . .. Jl .'iTi'.l Jl 71 jl :i7ti " Jt ''! 21 si 21 1'iTi ji 21 r. 21 is . . 2t. m j'j'j 21 i" 20 si -" Us Lehigh Valley Ceal Sales Southbound Railroad 5s, 1941 Me. Kan. & Texas Ry. AH Bend Issues Wm.C.Orton&Ce. 54 Wall St., N. Y. Tel. Hanover 9G90-9G97 .Ui.IarR$0e. BANKERS Ul Chestnut St.. PhiladelpfaU Established 1837 Manbers New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Estbanzea t NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New erIi, June -' In rcspenn te the peer cnbies from Rnt.il, the leeal I 1 ffii' futures market opened at le- I 'lines ei '.i te s points this mernlnc l.upndiitien in Jul contracts sent tl.ar portion down te IV 03. There Is se little interest bhewn in oeffi-u that e.wiitiiin of very smuiII erdeis easily ntl II IH " til" tu lee treiul. While various Interests claim fiat no (I. eiiiineut hi'ldllU's nf coffee h.'lM. bi II 1 . 1.1 in fills lnitiket. talk of tli.it i-urt ' ,s wurki'il nciiin-i liichir alucs .11 d 1 tin! tu Ineie.ise lniuidntien. In iiimmeiitiiii; upon thi phase of tie -iruaiinn. a pieminent Meer tiader 1 mts 'e the fact t.i'it the former ai;rnt if tiie p.riizlllnn fJevi-rnnient has tinted t'.nt no e.iffei- has been sold for his in- lest, bur tails te plaiu Lew the 1 Ifee whirh was r"ieed In t'ie Frent neer brokers repiesi.ntins Li nnnestsl lut Iti-eeinber, and then-tup' i.pposi.il i.ppesi.il h t ir tlie I'nuillin 1J11vern.nl lit. lias .ilpeaied in the hnuds of lee.il jobbing m i sren I tit iii!. In the opinion ul t.ils Heur hieker. this netlull has killed rel.tlileliee md further clK'i ked pfi'iilatiw nil r- ' est. Jrieus rose 3703 203 600 300 400 103 100 103 603 203 300 200 5J0 100 103 13 JO 100 100 433 103 200 540J 18100 200 100 2900 930 1400 233 103 100 ; 24J3 103 200 100 100 533 14J3 530 800 730 100 100 100 100 1030 5030 6D0 330 1700 1JJ 18D0 833 703 100 1103 1103 530 900 200 700 r.n Met deb 7... 97 .. Glldden Ce 1414 .. Goedrich B F 39 U .. Granby Mining ... 28 7 Great Northern pf 01 4 1 It Ner en ctfs . 3814 . . Gnene Can Copper. 30 . . Guantan.ime Sugar. 114 . . Gulf Mobile Si North 15 . . Gulf Statts Stetl... 76 .. Housten Oil 75 2 Hudsen M Car.... 21 U .. Inspiration Cen Cep 39 .. Inter Cen Cerp ' . . Inter Agrlc pf 38 js 2 Internal Cem Eng.. 2Z Int Great North wl 24 U 'i Int Harvester new.. 99 '4 Int Mer M.irlne... 18i 'e Int Mer Mar.ne pf. . 73 .. International Nickel ltjj International Paper 46 .. InMnclbltf Oil Cerp. 15H .. iron Products . 1 '4 . Islnnd OH 1 ., Kansas & Gulf .... 4H . Kan city Southern 4'a 4 Knn City Se pf 55 'a . Ka 81 r Ce new .... 38 ' a .. Ktlly-Spg Tire 47 H .. Kcnnecett Copper.. 33 ',2 .. Ke stone T & ! ,5 .. Lackawanna Steel.. 73 . . l..ik.' Ei. i' ti West pf 62 36 U 78 Va 3914 120V4 68 5014 Pi 113 9814 3 102 3 37 ii 26 H 110 114 47 60 Vi 3514 Ui 73 74V4 30 U 4714 106 25'b 214 14 128 42 74 6?i 23 Idle 77 60 763 138 5Ji 35 50 68 65 9H 17 52H 8 2414 40 U 73 Ji 41 ',4 78 i 194 73 92 53V4 6614 65 H 41i 16H 61 3814 114H 1114 65 81 102H 44 i 95 71 91 2314 15& 3'. Vi 43 i 21U 126 29 127 804 70 !4 41 ' 20 'a 78 V4 14 'a 12 18 79 U 109 85 '4 22 H 64 J4 10114 16514 134 6214 96 14 3914 23 CO V4 38 '4 29 Jl 114 15 74-4 734 21 39 li 114 38V4 2'H 24i'a 9912 18H 71 14 16 45!4 15 31(4 Js 414 24 55 14 37 V8 47 33 14 15B 72 14 62 Ji ,.i lli 14 la 1 V 7814- 1 39 14 - 120'4 88 -50J4 -14-112 -99 54 3 -102 3 384 1 1 ?i 114 49 114 7314 75 30 14 4714 1064 -26 Ji 224 1i T29 43 - 64 23 11 77 61 - 7H 138 - 5J's 35 50 -68H-65 9H- 17 52H 2514 1 40 14 H 74 '4 424 -73 92 5314 66 Ji -t5H-414 16J4 61 -3814 115 81 - 1 03 14 -454 -95 - 7314 91 2314 154 34 43 4 - 2114 - 126 29 - 12914 81 7014 41. 20 'a -78 Vt 1 4 14 -22 -104 80 109 -f 8514 --2Ji-65 Ji - 101 Yi - 16514 13JJ 14 97 14 - DlV. 8&5t ln RTOCK High 200 2 Lee Jluhber 29Jfi -122 3V" blgh Valley 63 H ' J. ma Ldramnl vi... 06 .. Loew's Ine 1314 7 Louisville & Nash.. 121 14 .. Mack Truck 51 ' 'vre new 151 .. Mnlllnaen Ce 29 V4 .. Mnnati Sugar 4314 7 Mnnhat Kiev Guar. 46 4 2 Mnnhat Shirt 3614 .. Mnrland Oil 4314 ,. Marlln Rockwell... 1614 2 Martin Parry 3114 .'. Math Alkali 42 Ji .. Max Moter Class A 66 Max Moter Class B 23 14 12 Mexican Petroleum. 186 2 Miami Copper 2814 .20 Middle States Cerp. 13Ji .. Mldvale Steel 32 M .. Mln & st Leuis new 11 M St P & S St M.. 55 .. Me Kan & Tex (wl) 17 .. Me Kan & T (wl) pf 37 .. Missouri Pacific... 2114 aie rnclflc pf 52 700 200 930 200 3330 100 1103 400 5033 200 300 000 100 800 6200 100 23001 600 300 100 100 500 400 600 1200 7n2 ' Mo"tRemory Ward. 23 00 7 .-nt Cleak & Suit pf 80 ; Nnt Kn & Stamp.. 50' 122 6 National Lead.... 94 400 300 200 6300 100 Nat R R of M 2d pf 5 Ncv Cen Cenner 1614 G X O Tex & Mex.... 67 6 N Y Central 954 E N" V C A Of T. 71 A 600 24 n-ew Verk Deck'.'.'.'. 38 . . rsew Yerk N 11 & II 28 Ji 2 New Yerk Ont & W 2514 7 Norfolk & Western. 106 B North American.... 62 3 North Amer pf.... 42 !4 6 Northern Pacific ... 76 14 . . Ohie Bedy & Blewer 10 14 1 "i 14 ' 1 li Yt V 14 " Jt Y H 14 ?i s 2 2 li 14 "li 214 14 ii li " 94 4 la 1 Hi 114 li 14 '14 214 14 3 19s 14 14 114 14 la 3400 103 200 400 203 500 100 303 200 100 100 200 30300 17503 5000 403 1030 1003 200 500 2203 230 100 7600 600 6033 3000 303 100 Okla Pred & Ref.. 3 . Ont Silver Mining.. 7 . . Orpheum Circuit... 17 2 Owens Det Mach... 344 6 Pacific Devel Cerp. 64 3 Pacific Oil 56 6 Pan Amer Petrel.. 804 6 Pan Amer B 75 . . Panhandle 8 2 Pennsylvania R R. 42 . . Penn Seaboard Steel 9 B Peeples Gas Chicago 83 I'eeria a Eastern.. ZZ . . Pere Marouetto B Pere Murq pf . . . . B Pere Marq pr pf. 2 Phillips Pet 3 Philadelphia Ce.. . . Plerce Oil . . Plerce Oil pf 46 . . Pttts A W Va 3614 6 Pitts & W Va pf . . . 87 4 3114 69 76 48' 38 8 39 '4 28 81 - 38 "2 -f 2!Jb r- II '4- 15 - 7514 74 - 21 U . 391- 114 . -2414-9914-184-72 16K 4514 -15 -ii J4 -1 4 14 24 -55 '4 37 14 -4714 33 14 -15H 73 62 103 14 per,d Creek Ceal... 22 J4 400 6 Pestum Cereal 78 26033 . . Producers & Ref. . . 46 300 8 Pullman Ce 118 14 703 .. Punta Alegre Sugar 47 6403 .. Punta S right Ji 7033 2 Pure Oil 30 103 8 Pure OH pf 9814 5333.41 Rand Mines 28 14 600 .. Ray Cen Copper. .. . 16(4 300 4 Reading 7414 200 2 Reading 1st pf.... 5114 200 2 Reading 2d pf 5114 103 .. Remington Typew.. 33 'a 700 .. Replegle Steel 2014 1030 .. Rcpub Iren & Steel. 7014 200 .. Rrp Iren & Steel pf 92 Ji 400 .. Reynolds Springs.. 4514 600 3 Reynolds Teb B.... 4514 300 .. Republic Meters.... 11 18335.20 Royal liitch N Y.. 581i 400 .. St Leuis San Fran.. 27 H 503 . . St Leuis Southwest 27 430 .. St L Southwest pf. 434 903 .. Seneca Copper 1314 43383 Shell Transport.... 4011 25330 .. Sinclair Consel 3114 1300 6 Southern Pacific... 88 Ji 1333 .. Southern Rail 23 300 .. Southern Rail pf . . 54 500 .. Splcer Mfg Ce.... 18 15633 4 Standard Oil of Cal10214 2403 B Standard Oil of N J 181 4:0 7 Stnnd Oil of N J pf 1 16 100 7 Steel Tube pf 79 500 2'i Sterling Products.. 51 14 14 i H li 14 114 ' i i H a 14 14 14 14 li hi Ji 1 114 100 a Stewart Warner Spd 42 Ji 100 .. Stromberg Carb.... 45 22100 7 Studehaker 1264 200 7 Studebaker pf 116 3500 .. Sub Beat Cerp 84 2600 .. Superior Oil Cerp.. 7 100 .. Sweets Ce of Amer 314 903 .. Tenn Cep & Chem.. 1014 15303 3 Texas Ce 464 300 4 Texas Gulf A Sulph 4614 700 .. Texas A: Pacific... 27 4330 1 Texas & Pac C & O 27 103 .. Third Ave 21 1300 C Tobacco Products.. 81 6103 .. Transcontinental Oil 14 J4 503 0 Pnlen Bag & Paper 62 630 .. Union Oil 204 103 10 Union Pacific 13014 100 4 Union Pacific pf 7b 103 7 Union Tank Car pf10614 400 .. United Drug 75 203 8 Unlttd Fruit 140 103 .. Unit Rwy Invest pf 2614 31 Jl .. United Retail Stores 66I4 500 .. U S C I P & Fdy... 28 120? .. U S Ind Alcohol... 53 100 . . P S Realty & Imp. 6514 1500 .. U S Rubber C3 5333 B U S Steel 984 333 7 U S Steel pf 12014 200 2 Utah Copper C24 303 .. Vanad urn Cerp.... 43 400 .. Vu-Car Chemical... 30(4 100 .. Va-C.ir Chemical pf C6 100 6 Va Iren coal & Coke, 49 100 .. Vlvadeu lnc 1214 1 03 . . Wabash 12 1433 .. Wabash pf A 29 Ji 103 .. Western Maryland. 1114 100 .. W Maryland 2d pf 19 200 .. Western Pacific... 19S 333 4 W.st hit E M 5914 100 4 Wist E & M 1st pf 69 43J .. Wheeling & L E.... 1314 2700 2 Whltd Eagle Oil.. 27 U 833 .. White Oil Cerp.... 74 1000 .. Whitu OH rts li 203 .. Wick Spine St Cerp 164 1403 .. Willys 0erlund.... OH 103 .. Willys Overland pt. 43 12 103 7 Werth Pump A.... 88 Kx-llMrr.d. Lew 2914 63 1054 14H 12114 5014 154 284 4314 4514 36 424 1614 3014 42 66 22J4 180 28 14 1354 3294 11 55 17 364 2014 51 V 22J4 88 494 94 44 1614 6614 9314 7114 3614 27 H 2514 106M 61 4214 76 10 3 7 17 344 614 54 7814 7214 8 4174 04 83 22 30 684 76 4614 37 Ji 74 42 354 874 2214 774 4114 117H 464 94 29 Ji 9814 2814 16 74 5114 5114 3314 2014 6914 92 45 4514 104 57 Ji 26 li 27 4314 124 40 li 30 94 88 22J4 54 1796 99 !i iee 116 79 519a 42 Ji 45H 12414 116 8 674 314 1014 45Ji 4594 26 2614 21 80 13J4 61 20 94 13814 76 10614 75-140 2614 65 94 20 9b 5214 6514 61 Ji 97 94 12014 62 94 43 29 Ji C6 49 1214 12 2914 1114 19 1994 5914 69 1314 2714 794 14 164 bli 4314 88 1 :an Net P. M. Crura. 2914- 194 6314 14 1054- IN 1494 12114 114 DROOPING PRICES 14 14 114 1 1 14 14 14 14 194 94 94 14 14 14 Fa 51 154 29 -36 -4314 1614 31 14 42 -66 2314 180 -2014 53 17 364 2114 51J4 22 Ji 88 494 94 - 5 f 1614 .. 66 14 - Vi 9594 2J4 7114 30 2874 -6194-4214 764 10 3 7 -17 -34 94- 614-54J4-79 -73 94 8 -41J4- 8Ji 83 22 3114t 09 -I-76 8 - 46 -3614 77 94- 42 94-11794- 47 -H- 3014 98 14 2814 16 -74 5114 5114 92 74 45 -4514 11 5814 27 94 27 43 94 1314 I4 86 J4 2294- 54 - 1794- 1C0 - 18014- 116 - 79 -5194-42 74 45 94- 12514 116 894 7 314 94 27 2694 21 - 80 -14 J4 61 -20 94- 13814 76 10614 75 - 140 94-2894-53 - 6514 62?4 . -2974-t6 -r 49 1214 12 2914 1114 19 - 1994- 5914 69 -131-4 2714- 7 94 14 164 894 4314 80 IN LOCAL MARKET Pennsy's May Net Increase of $2,696,590 Despite Ceal Strike 14 14 54 294 114 1 14 94 14 14 94 14 14 14 14 1 114 14 14 "l4 94 94 14 14 194 4 294 14 4 94 li 94 li Fer the first time in a number of weeks the lecnl market developed nn unmlslnknble drooping tendency. This could be partly nttrlbttted te the un settled condition of the New Yerk mnrkct. Alse te n general indisposition te make new speculative commitments pending the settlement of some of the big problems new confronting the gen crnl situation, nnd also partly as a result of the adjustment Incidental te the approaching holiday nnd the vaca tion season. , There wns no. great amount of sell ing, but the mnrkct, an a whole, was soft and In a number of instances wns found te be quite thin. In the ma jority of the purely lecnl shares trad ing was of small dimensions. In ethers there wns plain liquidation, probably representing ever extended speculated accounts which may have been impaired by tlie recent phulte-dewn en the big benrd. As te the stocks having a dual market here nnd New Yerk, of course, the movement wns cntlrcliy lacking of lecnl coloring, being merely an align ment with the current quotation of the big beard. Among the local eliarcs the further drop ln American Stores te 117 come ln for the most attention, mnlnly be cause of the recent stendlncss of the stock in face of the reactionary currents which linvp slowly been gathering force. The record high price for the stock is 12494. reached a few weeks age, or just prier te the dividend period, s-e the dnv's quotation represented n drop of G fro mthe top. lleth Philadel phia Klectrlc issues sold lower, but re trieved the less. P. It. T. dipped under 83 for the first time since the first week of June. American Hallways common nt the same time yielded te W2 en light sales. Electric Storage Uattcry continued te give ground, showing a retreat nt today's price of 7 points from the yenr's best price. Pcntis.ilvnnlu linllrend remained one of the firmest spots en tlie list. The agreement reached by the ninnngement with the men ever wages nnd ether deputes continued n sustaining in lluence. The stock wns nlse strength ened by the favorable liny statement, showing an Increase of $2,000,5110 in the net operating income despite n de crease in gross revenue of $1.18,012. This brought the increase in the net operating income for the live months of the calendar year up te $24,080.00", overcoming n decrease of $5,415,892 in cress returns. Considering the coal strike the exhibition for the month was very gratifying indicating in a mere convincing manner tliun ever the con trol of the management ever the pre vious burdensome operating costs. NEW ISSUE $150,000 Borough of Conshohocken Montgomery County, Pennylvnla 4 Per Cent. Scheel District Geld Bends Dated July 1, 1922 Interest January 1 and July 1 Coupon Bend $1,000 each, with Provlaien for Registration of Principal Principal and Interest Payable at the Tradetmen's National Bank, Comhehocken, Pennsylvania Tax Free in Pennsylvania Exempt Frem All Federal Income Taxes Ne Certficate of Ownership in Collecting Interest Required Legal Investment for Trust Fund in Pennsylvania FINANCIAL STATEMENT (as officially furnished) Total Assessed Valuation (1922) $ 4,118,280 Actual Value (estimated) 13,000,000 Total Bended Debt (including this issue) $240,000 Less Sinking Fund 19,985 Net Bended Debt (including this issue) 220,015 Ratie of Net Bended Debt te Assessed Valuation S.34 per cent. Population (Census of 1910) 7,480 Population (Census of 1920) 8,481 Wc offer these bencte, if, when and as issued, and subject te approval of legality by Messrs. Townsend, Elliett & Munson, of Philadelphia. MATURITIES $18,000 due July 1, 1927 100.09 and interest 18,000 due July 1, 1932 101.63 and interest 22,000 due July 1, 1937 102.23 and interest 27,000 due July 1, 1942 102.72 and interest 34,000 due July 1, 1947 103.13 and interest 34,000 due July 1, 1951 103.39 and interest Prices: Te Net 4.05 Per Cent. Biddle&Henry Harrison. Smith & Ce. 104 Seuth Fifth St. Philadelphia 121 Seuth Fifth St. Philadelphia The Information and statistics contained herein tiav been obtained from source which we believe te be reliable, 1 14 114 14 I 14 14 'l4 14 1 Philadelphia Stocks 1:15 IJ. M. N.t chge. HlKh Ixiw 515 Am Strs..llf 117 HSVi Vi 15 Am (Jus.. 00 00 00 .. 70 Am Kwys. lKVa 1.1 li 13H 10 uld I.OC.1W& 111 111 Vs 50tll & O... 48 Vs 48Vs 48.. 50tr M & St ! pref.. 41j 41 Va 4iya-f- 50f de pref.. 41 Vi 41i 414 Os KIKlec Ster. 41 41 41 Vi 70 (Jen Asph. 00 05 00 100 de pref.. 102 102 102 i,i ' ' T 214 .15 In Ce X A .IS 10 I.eh Xnv.. 711 20t.Miilllnsen 28 GOtl'ae Oil.. 55 'JOtl'nn-AI'et 78 221 l'entin K It 42 77S l'hlla Klcc 20 285 de pref.. 20 110 l'hlla It T .1.1 H l'hlla Trnc 05 nOtl'ierce OH 8 50 Uadle Cor. 4s lOOtHjl Dutch 58 175tSlnclnir... 11 Vi lOTSitiidehkr.12.1 DOtTexn.s l'ae V & ().. 20 lOOToue Miu. I'll lOOtTraus Oil 14 100WnrI&S 11'. 5()tVill..s-Ov 8Vi tNtt ihariKe mide by cnmi.arli.en Wth last Fak un New Yerk Stock ENchanKe. I'UII.AIir.l.l'lIIA 1IONI1S 5000 Liberty IVis '47 100.01 1000 Liberty 3d 44s '2S 100.01 2000 Liberty 4th 4V,s 'HR Ifwi 7000 Liberty 4th 4Ms 'US... 2000 Victory 4'-Hs "2:i 200 Amer Oils & Klectrlc fis 200 Amer Gas & Klectrlc 5s 0000 Klectrlc & Pee Tr 4s. . . 1000 l'ennsjlvnnln gen 4Vis. 1000 l'hlla Klectrlc 1st 5s.... 100 l'hlla Klectrlc 1st Ss. ... 0000 l'hlla Klectrlc 5V.s 5000 l'hlla Klectric B'fis 5000 l'hlla Klectric (Is? -17Vi 7.1 28 55 "8 41 20 20 12 05 8 4i 53 .11 Vx 125 20 1 14 nv. 8V4 IS -:i .. " tti J 55 IV. ! 7S ii 204 20 Vi :! 05 . . 8 - 4j.. ns v -ll V4 125 r- 20 Va 1.. 14 V4 lVi.. Vi 100.18 100.45 8.) 07 1)1 01) , 00 VI I 100 i . !! 101'i New Issue $1,200,000 Newport News and Hampton Railway Gas and Electric Company Cumulative Convertible 7 Preferred Stock Dicidcndt exempt from the Nermal Federal Income Tax Application will be made te list this stock en the New Yerk Stock Exchange. We have a letter from Mr. J. N. Shannahan, President of the Company, which sets out the strength and safety of this issue, in full detail. We have also prepared from official sources some interesting monographs as follews: Ne. 1 Division during 1921 of Net Income a care ful analysis by departments Electric 56.6, Railway 18, Gas 16.1, Ice 9.3. Ne. 2 Strength and Stability of Earnings the item ized statement of sound earnings for eight years past. Net earnings 1921 four times preferred stock dividend requirements. Ne. 3 Relations between Employees and Company. Ne. 4' A new, logical Way te handle Rate Cases. Ne. 5 A very conservative method of handling Depreciation, as protecting the owner. Ne. 6 Replacement Valuation (Depreciated) equal te $338 per share of Preferred Stock Par Value tlOO per ihare Price 93 and dividends yielding ever 7.50 If interested, write us for Circular N.N.C. and also specify which Monographs Ne. 1, 2, etc.) you desire. Jehn Nickerson, Jr. 61 Broadway New Yerk City 314 North Broadway St. Leula, Me. 114 MARKS TOUCH NEW LOW RAILROAD EARNINGS vr.T jiieuy ami m:.'.s!iiki: l'j.'J li rojue R.rmnn r.,,prenr.v .it .27. AaalnSt tl (IS I lixl", S .1 I ....-.. w-....-s - N.'t llfUT tHX" .. i ji- i ,n en." 1' ir ti jr.th" xrv N. t Afir t..x. x N-1 wr int 'iiw Hi: Us 1 II J.'T l iin THl JT1.K I 1 U Jil 1 III. J It i : 0'ij lliT 7nl i.'iO O'U I i'i pt. mb.r r. i .Wr M in a Mi) . 1 .1 1 "1 li II Ml Oi n Id ii.". 0". II 'III c 'H PENNSYLVANIA KAU.It"AU . . $4(1 hit 4'i !. Fewer Idle Cars I'relEht cam Idle in th linen of t'niiril Maim totaled 41'J.L'IJ en June 1 k ilrcro.ihe of S3 RSu compared ulth the 1 numbr i.nt In ime en June n, ureonllne te I A Jllcil Ulv niiiiru Juut Ilkii with iri.' Amrlc.in Itn.ll- -.V1,0, I)lv wiiy AnteiUtlen. Jf thu total 'JIIH.SH3 wir I ' 'her . nirnlurt fnlu'ht tarn In ki Oil riu.ilr In excel-1 I "l '.'T l.xlensiun t r lulrnmi'm Thla .ih it rc'ilu"tleii i.f If, .Iji, tlihin ii eel( Jim remulnlns 173. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOl'AJl STOCKS , . Did Aiiked ( nsh Hey or, .nil .Inn llutler nil ,07 .MarN.imira ml ,07 ('rem Hilt tl'l ,113 .rwwuy 11 ,13 .Mli'.ih Kxtunnlea 0 ,08 MnriMim OS .11 North Mar in .11 iii'-i j nuiii m . '.! ITuneimh Uxter Hlen 1 IIJ4 1 7."i ' the u.e.t j:nd 01 win iti luu u .ua 'i i'3ii ii II 1,0 Jl ii.' French Bank Statement May treiu . Net alier t.ix"n .NVt ulr. Iivnm" riii m inths' uruss Ni't after Hi'C'" . Nt't epgr Income Nermal of 23.8 Cents New Yerlt. .1'ine 20. retelgn e i linns'' fifines tills hi irnliii' show miirUs nt tit. Ifivintt iininr ..ii f.ir reucheil. i(t (if till' ether I.urmiemi exrllltlllte- 1,1, ...re tr, IKh, (..,, tn i,,,! (,r,iPr in Xcna ., Un shuweil hhiirti ilei line-., which llin-t "f 0 nnrrnal number mult for m-rvlce. " I tl M i 11 . . i.i . ....,1 .1, i .surplus teul car telill lil.HJl', n decreas" .:..:.,.... tun ers nttilliiite te t-iemilntleti mill the ',,,, Jutia H ut s0;i. hiia Humiim imx inn - un s"i IIS SHJ ill xed liijlitii'iil ciiinllticiis ebtnllllllk' 111 r..iH Hiueunted tn ill In, a reduction of Hi w- -s 'i 'ii "in r.r,.. 31IJl A decreHite of 4i,li earn .ih rcpertnl I.-.','..,. .:.,,:,,- Mirept'. ,.,.,, 1" h number of bumuui. mliu mrit within ,l.',s, un. .it. ""I tjuotutieiis ncii'l SterllhU cuhlei h k, the total befiiK 11,10. 'fhere also DIVIDi: STOCKS 001, (ifili Dl'J ll ll' UJtl i, ,3 ).i t Before Investing ecur li l -'' Sliced In the aelectivn of sound tecurltlu. V offer our eri ft te Individuals and Imtltutlena lth funds te Irjteit. CeMjtrvuf.t'e tiHirilnul accounts (iit'ffcii, McGLINN & CO. Hrmbrrti .Yetc Yerk Vferfc Kxrhanga Widcner llldi;., I'liilndclphia m TAX EXEMPT BONDS YIELDING 6 14 V. W. MILLS & CO. ttk KvrhunKv lildk-,, I'lilliulrliilila 1'nrU, Juti .' ' Th v.'kj t.tt. ment of th. lur.k of I'r in h.,n 11 fi .ewinn n ru.t In l"rin -i 'Je I tn hm! 1. r.i.... Ine nnii . r ti h..nd Ini r .mvil Ti ii'ii, n. 1 s ln '" U1.1t n un risi- I 1 " ' 1 1 1110 ti Mur i n nil h II reu,t.d 14 tum 011 in l-pi.i H in - m 1 Ilis7s1.11 h.'ls ll.inunt.il Uli- in-d III. I THl IH 0 lliKHut lir,i'. I ill ."..'0 ''l fr un m lb I hhk a. I uiinl t" 'b- -'it- .en nun 00 j trnnd LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS ritclMirch. Jun. J'.' IC 11, s k. , . pt,, L-'i'i hi .nt Jtnlur IIh.hIm. U I". f 11 je. 'i. nvj .in. I llBht url(ern, III :.' Si! 13 j.lcs j 1 1 ff 1 1 '.'1 slICI'I' Iterelpt 300 lieid Steady sn . i tee 1,1 a 1 iambs fl3 r.e i' I VI- -i -Itecelpt". '.Me hii Steady. Tep. 411 SO. r..,t lIulTnle. N, V.. Junn 21 ( TTI.i: It. . Hii.ia 1 J." b"ad Si. nd . inn r." ' ,tB l'"0 heal 1 leM-r .Mi II 10 IKifjS Hn.lMH 'J.lun ht- id l(iii M.-ady in,i-,t(.l nHi IM111 Jll .".'.1 11 in m.x.il $11 I'i'i 11.3'' serhera, llKht erl.era, 1 id iIk. til 31. reurht $'1, Htaun. I5WD Slillki' AND LA.MHS lletelpla. UU hi ad. Stead. urteharitfed. MICHIGAN CLNTltAL Miy ktesj . Net ip'r Incemn i' e m ntha irre.n. Nil eir lntemn Jil.T-10 us t 1 733 117 30.. '1.1 U.'l 3 .1.17. T73 CANADIAN l'A Ir'IC Mai (-rji.a . 13 Ml 13 N.t f 1. r epfea's J. ll I ill IMi n.enthV ureita CI". I 1.0JO Nil .iftir ixpensua 7 4el,,37 il SS 7.'l nnj OiiO '.Ul '.' hi.mii JJJT 700 mu tm 7 lu 1 let '.d'J.'l.bSO m.ih a ilixrcaue of lis m the nuiuLur of HOCK cara, tlie mini lelnx U'.IIUU, KT I.el'LS sDfTinVU.sTKI'.N &YbTi:M Jt list 1171 lu'i 3.'1 -1 1 H . 1 1 J IJII.33A tl T03.D4I 1 J'i'i III J 1 1. ll I 310 IM'i "i!3 Js est silll :n lO'.l a; 01 1 .'.17. (M4 71 sj 3!) 1H3 10 SD'.I Mnv Kreaa . .SVt nftr taviiji Tetll. IKUII10 Surp.ua after tharsm I'll., months' rns N"t aftir tuf Total inreme urplua uft r eharrtHs MlriSUUm. KAN.sArf AND TUXAS LINKS May urem .. Jl .i'.w inn -..ii inn llalar.'-s after taxes. l.lMn.lJS lla.ance 1.1 J3 HM) rirt muntha' KreH . o7.'J.le.l UalancM uftt-r taxea . 3 01.'.K7H 2.UI.I 3.1 HaUnCe 4.4113.700 2,2110,774 IIOCIC ISLAND LINKS weie -J.rtD'i, ileiiimiil -L.tifsi iniin: milieu iS.Ul'.j, t'heeks fM)i ; UcIkIiiIi imIjIms ".DO, clinks 7.M); llm culiles l.iW, iheuks -l.ti-'t'iJ Swiss flibls Isllll, iheiUs ISi.'.K); Iieselll cables l.".."i2. cheelis ITi.TiU : Iunlr-li nib! 21.;i."i. checks K1.2U. cheelib lti 1 2.".(i(). check!) 25. 5," .!s Ji, cliecKs .lSi.; niiU's ,i. dutieii prevukd for in' riiaslnu the capital Thu Kite of liieilllillll 111 Montreal te- link nt the 'Inbarce I'ledULta ( nrpei ,11'en 1... ... v..... V.,,-1 (n,U win "1 ncr f'-'i " maximum amount of IS.'I.ijOh.iioe te day en .cv leiU iiiliils was 'N iir , ft IBXlraum Kmeunt of l37.334,oue. the cent. The rilte (if discount oil ( ennillOIl 1 nnw nteik tu be cemimanl of Clma "A ' and t'nn.U lii Ven. Yink uns " 1-1(1 ner ' "", 'rdlmry common aharea. Claaa "A" tlllUlS II) .MW KI1K "IIS - J 1 I'sl M,)Ck wl b0 )IU en a 7 .r Lenl ,M1(ll( lm. cent. incdtdlrly Jteldera of rtetall Stores hteclt There uns a heiny tone Ir, the (n- m- .x.h.nw one Matoef talyUKj. ;r tral I.uriiiMii cu nances today, tiieei! A - r,er ccnt iWt u,i en(..hn( lllre in niirtlclllar leciirillll!.' ll bit! (lri)ll. et the lommen ateik Tulmciti 1'reducta Tobacco Merger Ratified New Yerk, June 2t Stockholders of tha luoai.ie rieiluitu Coriruilen jeaterday for- 21 ..'10 J Norway cables mally ratllled the plan te morne with the Swedish calih'h 1 niteu retail nierea i orperittion, wnun uy L'uliiler cublcH 'nrIt ownership controls the United Cigar Dcereaae V - .Vi I- .'. lKla need uf 8S30O for a few H'Vh aMr Mil1 .'neil atrlct InTtatlsa- aWiaW ljaaL. 1'- VrtSE j U.S. Certificates and Treasury Notes '.May ereaa . .. Wiwt ww. w ... 7A- taw Hid Aaked Vlel.1 lT. ",'"' '-"-. .100 S.3a Hill 7-J2 3.00 X0'"1 i'in.h.' crnas 100 T 32 100 11 32 3 12 ' 1 m?tn.,rh taie? inn. toil T in ! 1'. Nit. alter IftXi 1(111 100 3.32 a lii T"'?.1 ."" IOO 100 1.1,1 3 33 ' 10(1 7-1 II 100 17 32 3 31 1 10 13 32 IOO 17-32 3 17 101 100V1 3 11(1 .103 103Vii 4 00 .102 13.10 102 13-10 4.10 :;...' '.,, ,a,k' . .. .11.1, ,,iUlTl 1P23.,.100K V I' 34 Auk . tlj Sept V Sept , 3H (Jet t'3'j D.-i , ,ii Dee, l4l Mar, S"i June, Y.l; June, 3Vi Sept.. flS "''r' r Y'ear 10 2.' IP-'.' 11122 11122 11IJ2 111'.".' 11123 102.1 11)24 1U.H. $10,011 3S J7.17 tlOil I 2s3 (Id3 131 101 1 3311 320 130,773 47.3111 713 0 Oil.'. 324 4 lllll 87(1 130.0X3 4.875 DO.' !)(, hSIl ( Inntfitli.lii. (III. n. .'til'! HlMlllllllllll T'e'174 I .01 ;h i uiilKiirlun .T!l; Serbian 1.27; t.70u. 1.37 1 (V.fcho-Slevukiiin l.DlVf .luse-Sluv- luu ,.'U!h; Finiii-h 2.25; l'ellsh .022; AuBtrlan .0050; llunsurian .010 Vi. YKSTUnUAY'S CLOSINQ yCOTATIONS Sterllnir 1'i.inea Lire Uulldera Demand .. 4.311 8 3HW t tlOVi 3N.30 Cablei .. ... 4.4UV, & 37 4.07 38.35 TODAY'S OI'KNINO QUOTATIONS. Demand . 4.3HHi h,30i'i 4,1131 31 2? i auien Dee, lOlti 10CI t4aW Mar'.. lt2n...lC 10SU 4.14 i nait (row Fedral! normal IncemeWM. i 4.14 4.14 MONEY-LENDING RATES HVW 10KK Meney en call both claaaea of collateral, opened today at 4H per cent for lending- and renewing-. FHILAnEIWHIA Call. 4H te B per ent k.4.(0-4W PrjWUliPVirnraTOIlll Bpr, beliU'ra .nav excltliliue all thflr nlil 'I'.i. baice I'reduc-ta ateck for all new I'laaa "A" Hm ii or may ihoeao a half und half ar. ranjvment. I 3ti'i h 3lVa 4 111 3S.27 Coffee Exchange Closed Monday xr.. Vnrb. .Tunn 'JO. ClovernerH of the New Yerlt Coffee and Hunar nxrhnnare voted ClOSO tna excninaa .uenuay, juijr a, AR SILVER Jlvrr WM-ttBchawd n Xgafaa K.j Raw Sugar Market Quiet New Yerk. June 20. The raw sugar mar ket continued quiet and unchnnt'id with Cuba for June flh'pment quoted at 3'i c. mat and freight, and for July shipment at 3 a.Hlc. coat and frelcht. There wcre no mil" reported yesterday. Cables from Kurope rt celled In the trade late yeattrday confirmed the sale of another cargo of Jaui browns at 17s 4V$d, e, I, f. United Kins dem. Tills Is an advance of 3d from the hint sale of similar sugar te that market. Im portations yesterday Included 23,300 bags Cuba te the Federal Sugar Refln'ns; Coin- ?anv, 33,000 bags te the Wai-air Company! 000 bua-a te the Natilenal. 20l bags te tha American, ami 8200 bags te AMJuelua Breth ers, int local rennea mirmaif Jm dui u .,r pi'iSe-''ili.tiil2ff!sdS'I .01 .01 .G4 .13 .02 .02 ,00'i .03 .0) .O'l'l .11(1 lj .s'.' .02 .01 .02 .10 llreuith Dlildi iMMd" Kxti nblim , . . Dlv Cen DIM'i. r.d Cant Dlv It'irmlll Knox stlu r Klnar Suthmland Tiinui ah Dhld.. . . . . Tnnepah lllmlireuck Vl(..r Dlv Verdi Di 'Am i (JOt.DKlKLD STOCKS Ilnelh 02 Cnmb 1 r te 1)1 f nn Iteijmk 03 Dlam II 11 I'lerimv 13 riiildivd Cen 0.1 (Iiil'l D"V 12 (leldlbl'l Hi-.' 01 (lre.it llm.l Jumbo i:u 01 KiiumiH 02 l.nn.i Star 04 Ore Hid Hills 01 ! Hllur I'lek 1(1 Spearhead 01 MICCIH.LANKOIIS HO 1 1 Amparo .... . Ariz United ... Caledonia . . .. Candelarla. Ilmina Sller Kureka Citiesua Kurcka Helly . . Heil i Marah . . ... Mether I.eda ... st.iv HIHh Nev Wendir .. Kutreba Varnpa Mln .... Volcano White Caps .... Wllbcrt . . .00 . .32 . .liO'i . .30 . .S7'i . 3 S7H . .IS .12 UO , .01 , .2.1 . .Hi , .12 . .41 . .117 . .02 .01 .112 .02 .01 .00 .17 .0.1 .01 .01 .0.1 .0.1 111 .01 1.1 .01 .02 .01 .11 e.t .02 .0) .01 .1.1 .07 04 .02 .01 .01 01 .01 .01 .eaij, 1.00 .10 ,os ..'II 01 .32 1.00 0.12W 20 14.00 112 .2S .10 .1.1 .IH ,0'l .04 MH Total Bends Called In June Highest In Years Payments in advance off maturity reflect refunding operations at lower rates Bends paid in advance of maturity in June, 1922 $28,282,000 May, 1922 $26,095,400 June, 1921 $4,513,300 The long term, but callable, high coupon bends which have been put out during the past few years are being called and refunded at lower rates. Helders of bends selling at or near the call price should exchange their holdings for long term dis count bends without option of prier payment unless at a substantial premium. In the opinion of counsel, the present Income Tax Law will permit reinvestments through an exchange of securities without the profit becoming subject te present income taxes. Reinvestment suggestions in Government, Mu nicipal, Railroad, Public Utility and Industrial bends may be had upon request. Harrison. Smith & Ce. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 121 SOUTH 5TH STREET PHILADELPHIA LOMBARD 6100 Take "Peeping Tem" te Hospital Godfrey Hall, Negro, the 'TeciiIiir Tem" of Glaonbero, N. J., nnd Swedes- bere. N. J.i who w cant'-M last MeBW by rhU employer. Y'Zim'niX'h af,Gl J.ffjenU pa Alan A. Alexander & Ce. Stocks quid Bends Colonial Trust Wdg., Phila. .MMyrar ci v? Mr of 0 r t'-vsau i"Wa,u, Mark.! "wwa-"' V, ISAAC STARR, JR., & United State Govern Securities bought at prevailing market P i. CO. nitat, sol-