;.' "V " 'Iff mwfm mwwm X "7 FS '' -s ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JtNE 29, 1922 T '.V 55 a THE CHICAGO DAILY NEWS i First in Chicago The advertising leadership of The Daily News in Chicago is confirmed and emphasized by the official figures for May, 1922 (supplied by the Advertising Recerd Ce., an independent audit service maintained by all Chicago newspapers), which show (1) That THE DAILY NEWS in May net only main tained its lead ever all ether Chicago Daily newspapers in the total volume of display ad vertising printed, but (2) That THE DAILY NEWS accomplished the far mere difficult feat of beating its own high record for the highest volume of business, ever carried by any Chicago daily newspaper in any month of May by 69,869 lines! Here are the Advertising Recerd Ce. figures show ing the total volume of display advertising printed in each of the six daily and two Sunday newspapers of Chicago for the month of May, 1922. Fer many years and today measured by all authoritative yearly sta tistics of daily newspaper circulation and advertising THE DAIL Y NEWS IS FIRST IN CHICAGO Lines The Dafly News 1,294,221 The Daily Tribune 997,794 The Daily Herald-Examiner . . . 358,217 The American 713,878 The Pest 385,948 The Journal 339,260 The Sunday Tribune 620,167 The Sunday Herald-Examiner . . 357,726 The Daily News' leadership ever the next highest score, The Daily Tribune COMPARISON Lines 1,294,221 997,794 296,427 lines THE DAILY NEWS FIRST IN CHICAGO & m: mi