Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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V "p
NOBODY'S MANxByLPhillipsOppenkim
Wrw raHf, polecat leader,
i.. married or money. lite wife
KASimenl d is interested in hi,
" ' ..innt Antheny Palllser, who ha
WSiMiinMwI. She hat a sudden
SMe or fte disappearance. Lady
..Hhu aristocrat interested in labor
i riimi
nrrailu. inuri-iu mmm
,?"; valuable jioWtcel paper, and
TanaWmcntclihPalliscr en the
Au of a cliff ha ttruck him. The
"'5..V... trifn,!tr. Andrew it heat
nder observation by Inspector Oil
it of the police. Stephen liar
ireu'. the self -sacrificing Laber Parly
liaitr, Kith Miller, a coarse-grained
radical, and Xera Miell, a charming
tnd brilliant ftmlniit leader, offer
Ttlknte Ine J"iemieii. jmv juiim
tktir party, ignoring inducement
tt Herlock, the Premier in office. lll
ttluKil of a peerage causes hi wife
it 'threaten divorce. NeraMiall ex
plains te him the philosophy of the
tie party.
TALLENTE inct the Prime Minister
walking In the park early en the fol
lowing mernliiK. The latter hnd estab
lished the custom of walking from
Knlghtshridge Barracks, where his car
i.nn.ltpd him. te Marble Arch and back
wry morning, and it had come te be
rtceimlzed as his desire, nnd n part
tt the etiquette of the place, that he
rteuld be allowed this exercise with
out weiring even the recognition of
Mssersbv. On this occasion, however,
If took 'the Initiative, stepped Tnllcnte
inrl invited him te talk with him.
"I thought of writing te you, Tal
lenle," he snld. "I cannot bring my
wlf te believe that you were in earnest
en Wednesday morning."
"Absolutely," the etner assured him.
"I hnvc an appointment with Dartrey
In (in hour's lime te close the matter."
The Prime Minister was shocked and
"Yeu will dig your own grave," he
declared. "The Idea is perfectly
Kindnleus. Yeu propose te sell your
pelltlral birthright for u mess of pet-
"I nm nfrnld I can't agree with you,
rir," Tallente regretted. "I nm nt
least ns much In sympathy with the
program of the Demecrntlc Party
it I nm with yours."
"In that case," was the semewhnt
ttlff rejoinder, "there Is, I fear, noth neth
h mere te be said."
There was n brief silence. Tallente
would have been glnd te make his es
upe. but found no excuse.
"When we bent Germany," Hor Her
lock ruminated, "the mnn in the street
thought thnt we hnd insured the pence
of the world. Who could have dreamed
that a nation who had played such u
heroic part, which hnd Imperiled Its
Tery existence for the sake of n princi
ple, wus all the time rotten at the
"I will challenge .you le repeat thnt
itatement in the Heuse or nny public
platform, sir," Tallente objected. "The
present Mute of discontent throughout
the country Is t-elely owing te the
shocking financial mismanagement of
ererj Chancellor of the Exchequer nnd
lawmaker since pence was signed. We
von the war nnd the people who hnd
been asked te mnke heroic sacrifices
nrre simply expected te continue them
aftcmnrd ns a matter of course. What
(han'ce lias the mnn of moderate means
hid te improve his position, te save a
little for his old age, during the lubt
ten years? A third of his Income has
lone In taxation nnd the cost of every
thing Is fifty per cent mere than it was
before the war. And we wen it, mind;
Tfcat is what he can't understand.
We wen the war nnd found ruin."
"Legislation has done its best," the
Prime Minister said, "te assist in the
distribution of capital."
"Legislation was tee slew." Tallente
ft little smile, "I think I can premise
you the Democratic support nnd a vcrjn
certain election."
Tallente found himself possessed of
a haunting, almost n morbid feeling
that n lifetime bad passed since last
his cur hnd turned out of the station
gates and he had xcen the moorland un
roll Itself before his eyes. There 'was
a new pungency in the autumn air,
an unaccustomed scantiness in me
herblngc of the moor and the low
hedges growing from the top of the
stone walls. The glory of the heather
had passed, though here nnd there a
clump of brilliant yellow gorse remain
ed. The telegraph pests, leaning nwny
from the wind, seemed somehow scant
ier; the reud stretched between them,
lonely and desolate. Frem a farm
house In the besom of the tree-hung
hills llzhts were nlrendv twinkling, nnd
when he reached the edge of the moor, ling one hand down te Mm.
i'... ...'.. .
and the sen spread itseit out almost
nt his feet, the slinpen et the passing
with their long trail or
shrubs and bracken hnd lest their
foliage. It wns indeed the month of
desolation. Every scrap of color seemed
le have faded from tlic dripping wet
lnndscnpe, Phantasmal clouds et gray
mist brooded hern und there in the
hollows. The distant hills were wreath
ed In vapor, se that even the green of
the pastures wns Invisible. Every
new nnd then n snipe started up from
one of the weedy places with his shrill,
mournful cry, nnd mere than, once n
selidary hawk hovered for a few min
utes nbeve his beud. The only ether
sign of life wns a black speck In the
distance, a speck which enme nearer
nnd nearer until he paused te, watch
it, standing upon n Utile incline nnd
looking steadily along the rude cart
track. The speck grew in size. A
person en horseback, n woman! Soen
she swung her horse around ns though
she recognized him, jumped u little
dike te reach him the quicker and
reined up her horse by his side, held- ,
1 hope that eirn at the eleventh Heur mi win ic.i-.u
answered bluntly. "Legislation Is only sort. I think that when their time
playing with the subject new. Yeu
sneer nt the Democratic l'nrtr. Init
they have u perfectly sound scheme of
financial reform and they undertake
te bring the Income tnx down te two
shillings in the pound within the next
three years."
"They'll ruin half the merchants
nnd the manufacturers In the country
if they nttempt it."
"Hew can they ruin them?" Tallente
replied. "The factories will be there,
the trade will be there, the money will
still be there. The financial legislation
of the last'few years has simply been a
blatant nursing of the profiteer."
"I need net sny, Tallente. that I
dlsngree with you entirely," his com
panion declared. "At the same time,
I nm net going te argue with you. Te
tell you the truth, I spent n great part
of last night with you In my thoughts.
We cannot ufferd te let you go. Sup
posing new that I could induce Wnt Wnt
kinsen te give up Kendal? His sent Is
quite safe and with a little reshuffling
you would be able te slip back grad
ually te your plnee among us?" ,
Talente shook his head.
"I nm very sorry, sir," he mild,
"but my decision Is taken. I have come
te the conclusion that, with proper
handling nnd nmulgamalien, the Deme
crats are capable of becoming the only
sound pelltlcnl party nt present possi
ble. Jf Stephen Dartrey Is stilt of the
same mind when 1 see htm this morning,
I Bhnll threw in my let with theirs."
The Prime Minister frowned. He
recognized bitterly an error in turtles.
The ranks of his own party were filled
with brilliant men without executive
ghts. It wils for thnt reason he linn
for the moment igneied Tnllcnte. He
renlized, however, thnt in the opposite
enmp no mnn could be mere dangerous,
"This thing seems te me really terri
ble. Tallente," he protested gravely.
"After nil, however much we may Ig
nore it, there Is what we call n clan
nlshness among Englishmen of a cer
tain order which lias helped this coun
try through many troubles. Yeu are
going te lenve behind entirely the com
panionship of your class. Yeu nre
going te enst In your let with the rlff
iaff of politics, the meuly-mnuthed
anarchist only biding his time, the
blntnnt Bolshevist talking of compro
mise with his tongue In his cheek, the
tub-thumper out te confiscate every
one's wealth nnd start a public house.
Yeu won't knew yourself In this gal
lery." Tnllcnte shook his bead.
"These people," he ndmltted, "are
full of their extrarangances, although I
think that the types you mention are
as extinct ns the dodo, but I will admit
their extrnvnguuees. only te pass en te
tell you this. I claim for them thnt
they are the only political party, even
with their strnnge conglemoration of
material, which possesses the least
spark of spirituality. I think, and their
comes, they will try nt least te govern
tins country irem the lelticst pessime
The Prime Minister completed his
walk, the enjoyment of which Tnllente
hnd entirely spoilt. He held out his
hand it little pettishly.
"Politics," he shld, "Is the one
career In which men seldom recover
from their mistakes. I hope thnt even
at the eleventh hour you will relent.
It will be a grief te all of us te see you
slip away from the reputable places."
The Right Honorable Jehn Augustus
Herlock stepped Inte his motorcar nnd
drove nway. Tallente, after a glance nt
his watch, caled n taxi and proceeded te
keep his appointment nt Demes Heuse,
the great block of buildings where
Ditrtrey hnd established his head
quarters. In the lnrge, open wultlng
room where he wns invited te take a
bent he watched with Interest the fnecs
of the nussers-bv. There seemed te
be visitors from every class of the com
munity. A Henrd of Trade official wus
there te present some figures connected
with the Industry which he represented.
Half a dozen operatives, personally
conducted by a local lender, hnd
traveled up thnt morning from one of
the great manufacturlnic centers. A
well-known writer was there, waiting
te see the chief of the literary section.
Tnllente found his period of detention
all tee short. He was summoned in te
see Dnrtrey, who welcomed him warmly.
"Sit down, Tnllente," he invited.
"We are both of us men who believe in
simple things nnd direct action. Huve
you made up your mind?"
"I have," Tnllente announced. "I
have broken finnlly with Herlock. I
hnre told him that I urn coming te
Dnrtrey leaned ever nnd held out
both his hands. The spiritual side of
his face seemed nt thnt moment lilto lilte
gethcr in the ascendant. He welcomed
Tnllente ns the head of n great reli
gious order might huve welcomed n
novice. He wns full of dignity and
kindliness us well ns joy.
"Yeu will help us te set the world te
rights," he snid. "Alns! thnt 1h only
it phrase, but you will nelp us te let
In the light. Remember," he went en,
"that there may be moments of dis
couragement. Much of the materinl
we huve te use, the people we hove te
Influence, the wuy we have te travel,
muy seem verdid, but the light is shin
ing there all the time, Tallente. We
are net politicians. We nre deliverers."
It wns one of Dnrtrey's rare moments
of genuine enthusinsm. His visitor
forget for n moment the businesslike
office with Its row of telephones, its
shelves of blue books nnd masses of
pnpers. He seemed te be breathing a
new n'nd wonderful ntmesphere.
"I nm your man, Dartrey," he
premised simply. "Make what use of
me j en will."
Dnrtrev smiled, once mere the plnln,
M......m .... t !. I.A.. n.... i Mntllv innti nt nffnlrs. i
trying te leek beyond the crying needs "Te descend, then, very much te
of the moment, trying te frame laws the earth' he said, "tonight you must
uuuiucs win resij;ii
me," he added, with
which will be lasting nnd just without go te Rrndferd.
pandering te cnpltnl or factions of nny tomorrow. This tl
ll 111
'T'HE Packard Twin-Six is recognized as a superior
car which performs in a superior way.
There is a firmness and steadiness and surcness in its
every action that far outreaches any ordinary car's
Driving theiPackard Twin-Six, one has the agreeable
feeling that this great car could carry him tirelessly
onward forever.
The powerful, perfectly balanced engine gees en
quietly turning up mileage month after month with
out the slightest perceptible wear.
The Twin-Six Touring, $3850 at Detroit
Immediate Deliveries
319 North Bread Street
J? .n.U'.'FJ'i
smoke, were blurred nnd unccrtnln.
Belew, his home Held, his well-Inclesed
patch of kitchen garden, the long, low
house itself lay like pieces from a
child's playbex stretched out upon the
camet. Only tonight there was no mist.
They iiuide their cautious way down
ward through the clenrest or uarKen
Init atmospheres. On the hillsides, us
they dropped down, they could henr the
music of an occasional sheep ueu.
nubbits scurried nwny from the head
lights of the car, and an curly owl ilew
hooting ever their hcaas.
Tnllcnte, tired with his journey, per
haps n little worn with the excitement
of the last two months, found something
dark nnd a little lonely about the un
occupied house, something u little
dreury in his selltnry dinner und the
long evening spent with no cempnny
save his hooks nnd his nine. I.nter en,
he lay for long uwuke, watching thei
twin lights Hash out ncress the Channel
nnd listening te the melancholy call of
the owls ns they swept buck nnd forth
across the luwn te their secret ubedes
in the cliffs. When nt lust he slept,
however, he slept soundly. I
An unlooked-for gleam of sunslitne
and the dull tear of the Incoming tide
urcu&ing upon iue ueucn ueiuw wimc
him the next morning long nftcr his
usual hour. He bntbed, shaved in
front of the open window, and break
fasted with an absolute renewal of his
fuller interest In life. It was net
until he hnd sent buck the cur in which
he had driven ns fur as the station, nnd
was swinging en feet ncress oel-
hnnger Meer, that lie renlized fully
why he had come why he had schemed j
for these two days out of a life pneked '
with multifarious tusks. Then he i
laughed ut himself, heartily yet a
little self-consciously. A feel's errand
might ct be n pleasant one, even though i
lils immediate surroundings seemed te
mock the sound of hlH mirth. Wool Weol Woel
hnnger Meer in November wns a drear
enough sight. There were many patches
of black mud nnd stagnant wnter,
carpets of treacherous-looking green i
mess, bare clumps of bushes bent nil !
one way by the northwest wind, mnsses
of rock, gnunter nnd sterner new thnt
their summer covering of creeping
Te he continued tomorrow
CopurleM, Bit, Bell Syndicate, Ine
Find 600 Pennies Stelen In 1904
Johnstown, Pa., dune lit). (Uy A.
P.) Six hundred pennies, tnken July
.'1(1. 1IM)4, when tebbers secured the
.$.'1000 payroll of the Purltnn Cenl Com Cem
pnny near Portage, after kllllr Driver
Charles Hays nnd badly wounding Mine
Superintendent Patrick Oiunpbcll. were
found yesterday by some boys n mile
and n hnlf fieni the scene of the hold
up nnd murder and were Identified by
Mr. Campbell.
A M, 000. OCX) HTAKK
run tlw treftfure In Hie held nf the I.tisl I.tisl
Ienia ti rfnoered? L'HPtnln Lmvltt In In
1leen It can, and In planning- te a down
S.10 ff t In a dlvlnsr suit te explern tnn wreck
of thnt Ill-fated esel Ids hop and plana
nre deacrlbrd In an lntrmtln article In thfi
Mnnntlna Section of the Sunday I'cnue
I.riKiUK. "Mnke It a Habit " Adv.
You're bound te have one
If you read aloud from
Through the
By Cyril Alington
A new novel
"Guaranteed te provide amuse
ment." .V. Y. Herald.
At all boeketores or from
64-66 Fifth Ave. New Yerk
As a Condiment and for Seasoning
Use French's Cream Salad Mustard
If you have trouble in get
ting salads, sauces and sa
vories te taste just right,
French's Cream Salad
Mustard will be a great help.
It's a prepared mustard
that 86 years' experience in
mustard-making has made
different. Your taste will tell.
Many uiti ate ex
plained in the little
brochure packed In
every canon with
bottle and paddle.
Try them.
Tht K. T. French
Kechtsur, N. Y.
PhUdftfhia Ofif
ill S. Frem Si.
-m j. Cnreairnt Salad
yvn,'gA"'-.-VvV- tt
i iipmriii
" " aManKBB w naHm kaai
na , $
l ., &
ll 0ia .j Jk Cfrl A11
! "" I i ll ISSbJ ' Oawll
n 81 '
"SEEP 4 .
i picnics. raa ; r
c Bl0
& s
MR Nature's Gate is Ope
SB .Tulv 4th. nur erreat national holiday, has come te be a day ei
Sl Ami it ia a aaie nnri RATip w.iv of snendinR the day.
ifc Pay a visit te Nature. Her front gate is open, and you will find her en
fjifc her perch, radiant in all her beauty, denned in the gownshep of June.
IS Get the folks together, from little Willie te dear old Grandma, and
1E get out in Ged's pure sunshine. Let us help you with your picnic. We
iEJ have a big assortment of everything needed te make your outing luncheon
rg a wonderful sUccess.
HS Our Stores Will Be Closed Tuesday, July 4th
mk Geed Things for Your Picnic Basket g
Uneeda Biscuit pk Sc
All 5c packages of N. B. C. cakes
reduced te 4c.
Cheese n, 21
Yeu will want an extia pound for
the picnic basket. Very fine quality,
Waxed Lunch Paper roll 3c
Petted Mcata can Sc, 10c
Paper Napkins (pkg of 24) 5c
Asce Peanut Butter tumbler 9c
Temter Strawberry Preaerren ...jar 20c
Princess Salad Dressing bet 21c
Asce White Distilled Vinegar . . . .bet 12c
Asce Snrsaparilla bet 10c
Asce Ginger Ale bet. 10c
Asce oet Beer bet 10c
Asce Grape Juice ,..pl bet 23c
Tasty Apple Sauce can 13c
Harvester Apple Butter can 15c
Kraft's Cheese tin 12'2c
Mustard ?eut5c
Reg. 7c tumbler
Reg 12c jar Asce Mustard, cut te 10c
Makes geed things taste even better.
Asce n:j d c iqc
isrieu ueci v u
Packed in dust-proof
Very nice for sandwiches.
Asce Cider Vinegar bet 16c
Calif. Tuna Fish can 10c, 15c
Cooked Corned Beef big can 23c
Juicy Lemens dez. 35c
Asce Cream Mints
Fancy Lemen Dreps
Jelly Dreps
Best Pink Salmen .
Red Alaska Salmen
Stuffed Olives
Queen Olives
Asce Perk & Beans
Stehrer's Pickles . . .
Pure Jellies
.tall can 12c
can 25c
,.bet 12c, 22c
. .het 10c, 20c
can 9c
bet 10c
.glass 10c
Salt and Pepper Shakers each 7"jc
85 Baskets 10c
Just the thing for carrying the
picnic lunch.
n. Chocolate Fingers ib 29c
j Fireside c
- ( Cocoanut Jumbles, lb. . L 1
! &mm mm m&&i&&ii&&mmmmmm&g,, &
Reg 29c can
Big luscious fruit, picked in all their
ripeness and packed in a rich sugar syrup.
A most enjoyable dessert these days.
Victer ucFfc
Bread Lea' Ww
The big sandwich leaf,
for picnics.
Always popular
Victer Raisin Bread
Ever try toasted Raisin Bread?
-- 1 1 I "l 11
The folks are waiting for that Rasp
berry Shortcake you premised them.
Baker's Grated Coconut
Asce Seedless Raisins .
Pure Vanilla Extract . .
Asce Oleomargarine . . .
Marshmallow Whip . . . .
can 15c
....pkg 12',2c
..bet 12c. 22c
lb 22c
. .pkg 13c. 22c
12 -inch Flags each 5'
(6 for 25c)
21-inch Flags, each 10c
Be sure te show your colors en the Fourth.
Gorten's CedQsh Cakes .
Gorten's Clam Chowder
Fancy Wet Shrimp
Asce Breakfast Bacen . .
. .can 15c
, .can 12c
..can 15c
.pkg 17c
- "
"ITk- Jaa-'' 111 aV aM BlaV
ijj """ :
When you taste Leuella Butter for the
first time, you will admit that you never
knew butter could be se geed.
Richland Butter
Pure creamery prints.
Big value.
Don't forget te take along enough hard
boiled eggs for your picnic.
Fresh Country
EGGS dez
Twelve geed ones in every dozen
Caf af" C? carton of
I-AjftA3 twelve
The pick of the nests.
iLi i
1 i 7-r a
July Fourth Meat Specials at the
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday
Regular Hams or Skin Back Hams cwuhti, harf O P C
Smoked Beef Tongues, something fine Ml 1U
Picnic Shoulders or Picnic Hams . , 15c lb.
Bacen by the Strip or Slice. Get It As Yeu J lb.
Like It ZiUC
Legs of Milk Fed Veal for Roasting 1 p lb.
Rumps or Shoulders of Milk Fed Veal IDC
Pin Bene, Rump or Belar Roasts of Beef JbT
Breasts of Milk Fed Veal for Stewing or Roasting Q lbs. 1 Ac
Fried Lean Beef for Soup or for Stewing O for 1 U
Specials in Smoked Liinchinq Meat for the
Fourth of July Picnic
Finest Half Smokes in the City fbT
Best Ham Bologna or Beef Bologna. Special . . 1 UC
Finest Country Style Lunch Rell ' j"h fi
Best Meat Leaf Meney Can Buy . tCeQ
Lebanon Bologna. Nene Better Made aa
Olee or Nut Margarine. " Q lbs7rafa!
The Finest Kind Made Q QUC
5221 Market St. 5939 Market St.
Opam Nt Monday Evtning Until 9i30 o'clock en Account of beina
I '. 'JlJ eletttl all .lay the 'Mth"
Coffee " uV
One of the reasons for
the delicious flavor nf
Asce Coffee is that it
is a combination of hitrli-
grade coffees; another is the secret blend.
Try a cup- you'll taste the difference!
1 Asce Evaporated Milk u" ru f)c
Better than cream for your coffee
I Mr mTi
. h M m al 1 1 ' !
pkB L rai
ft IE Ql'Wl
1 VUftkDiQ1
1 j -lb pkg 23c: lb pkg 45c
Asce Orange Pekoe anil
India Ceylon are best for
Iced Tea.
Three ether delightful hlemh -Old
Country Stjle, Black anil Mixed.
.V I
gg Meat Specials in Our Sanitary Meat Markets
1 Milk-Fed PT Chickem ib 35c
Hrillllllg -w..- -m
H Genuine City Dressed Spring Lamb
Whole Cut
Chuck Roast
Pet Roast
J. aef
Shoulders '" 25' Ix?rs of Lamb
Rib Chops " 38f
Neck " 15'
Rack '" 22
Lein Chops .... "' 15
Sugar-Cured, Hickory-Smoked Hams
T 'Jil ni -w-
inline ris OKin uacK j
Lartce Skin Back Slicing
Small, Lean Regular I
Hams Ib 33
luile or half pieces
lb 17c
Delicacies Ready te Eat
Cooked Tlwiringer Style
Corned Beef hummer Siusage
i lb 12c
whole or half pieces
lb 25c
Celd Iieilcd
y4-ib 20(
.e...;r4., ti i
; eMiu s rremiuni i
Cooked Lamb Tongues j
V, Ih Vle
Smull Jura ETflu raih
iMTgr Juri 7ku mcli
Tliese prices effective in our 1'hila.. Camden and huburban Stores and Meat Markets
Asm I """" a cer. I - -rwwaa
---- r3j i
vmmuwum iniiiuuiiiiwiiiiiiiuiiiiiMuiiiiiiKiin' IllJi WUi imililllill'li!
F ft 1
Si 0
JJ & A i
.' WJMBl m-WcSTi HTM
iJ'IL.J ........,
1 1. fc.an. miwm I m - U.UaW I- Ill .rM.mttJiAtLit, t-Hbi. tMmimJ iSBiJi.V jTT.1 .. ZJ1
r IhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB