w jaKMa' wjis B'i -uIA'T'S1-J' i m. ,'' K N W Yd .JV 12 EVKNiNU K-BLir LEDUElt PHILADELPHIA, THUii&DA!", JuiNiii , i 2 i WiS mmmm'iTwmzmm .' iVTwj -, . r P? & m Iff. V' ' i" 1 1 m. ft t 1 MM I vim i '111 KM 1 I' rr i' 'an WWII M ME3 Sa Mil Iff V I M' W. vv '-, erii ff & POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL Sold Everywhere SEEK FINGERPRINTS ON ART OF DA VINC TYPEWRITERS ONLY $15.00 Ortr 100 MACHINES of different make thoroughly reconstructed Free 10'Day Trial 1-YEAR GUARANTEE Phene im new Wnlnut 5873-7 4 Claim That Painter Smudged His Picture Is Basis for $500,000 Suit 1005 CHESTNUT ST. BUNDY TYPE WRITER CO. IWOLFINGTON'S Paxntlng, Renovating tup Service and Repair- 1 Slip Cevers Slip covers protect the upholstery from""' the dust of the reid and the Summer sun. Cost very little. -JG years behind our work. Phetic: Poplar 413 The WOLFINGTON Sheps 19th and Buttonwood Established 1S76 VISIT GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD G0O0 MARINES ENCAMPED JUNE 16 TO Jl I.Y 0 PICKETT'S FAMOUS CHARGE ON JULY 3 AND I Cnder Condition! of Modern Warfare REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES Traln Lrntr Hemline Terminal 8:30 A. SI. Weekd.irss 4:33 V. SI. Dully (DjyllEht Time) ONE-DAY EXCURSION Sunday, July 2d Special train leave Reading Ter minal 7:18 A. 51. 'D.iyUsht Time) tepplnir at Sprlnc Garden Pt.. Columbia Ae. Jlur.nncden ft.. Manayunk, Conshohocken and Nornstewn (DcKalb St ) $9.50 Round O Trip Philadelphia & Reading Railway I &B&HrtBifeHHM5p II "OUCH! Hew My Corns.Buniens and Calloused, Burnine.Tired I-eet Hurt what shall I De?" USE, GYPSY FOOT RELIEF Ne mere seakm? the feet in t medicated baths no pewilers, J!stera, nor inconvenience no nuH. no bother' Aptly in one inute, then walk all you Ime nd work en our feet as Ions s ou wish! 1 The excruciates pamj and ehei from cer.j, bur "ns, eal louses, and burn ng. sjre, tired ieet vanish as if by najii.! KILLED SALE, WOMAN SAYS New Yerk, .Tune 'JO. Ppen the nrtis tie habits of Leonarde tl.i Vlnl depends the result of the action filed la-t dan mir.v by Mine. Ancirce lliilin. I'rrneli wife iif an American nlrtniiti. It H was Da Vinci's wnnt te stand off from his -till wet. caiiva-es and, with hN t'lumliH and little litiffer., smudge this and flatlt'ii that. Mine, llnhn thinks that Sir Jeseph Duveen will have te pay lier .?.i(M),000. provided, of eourse, that she can prove it te the tnti-fnrtien of n jury. .t prccnt several lawyers and art dealers are li u-t 1 in tr hither and yen ever I'urepe Inspecting I'm Vii'.ejs with magnify tiix (.iii--,M ixni tlie nppnnitn of flip tli'ser-i ritit expirt. In fict. a rieni'hinnn wlie knew nil abenr the Hei'tlllen siti'in of identltieatien liy flinter prints s i t li tlie party. These I'tinnini; investicaters me werkinc in tlie iiiterests of Stnnehtield V Levy, eotin eetin sel for Sir .TeM'pli. Kvi'f new and then thej eres the trail of Il ai'intln- ItitiRree and Mum. H.ihn who are suitably supported bv fingerprint experts and art connoisseurs 'f varjlnir numbers. Mr. Ilinj:rnu. who is Mine. Ilalin'.s lawyer, and Madame herself are cie-dy npeetlin; the same Ha Vlnets. When tlie trial is called, tliere will be arrayed apainst one an other two platoons of artists and art authorities. i Tlie chance" are that nothing quite like It will have been seen since the j entire Metropolitan Opera Company ap- j pea red before a large Celtic maplstrate in Philadelphia te bear witness of the ' pentle eharaeter of a pocket edition prima tiennn who was accused by a "Oil-pound music critic of hurling him down n llisht of -tops. i Mine. Halin. whose husband is II. .7 Hnlin, fermeiij a eaptnin in the I'liifil Stales Army air service. fetched whaf she ins ts is da Vinci's I.a l'.elie I'erennleie te America, in .Tune, litO. It v..is s( ,. deled te be taken out te K.uis.is City and there lump in the lei :il art institute. Kansas City, Mine. Ilnhn nis, was prepared te Rive her !?e00,0U0 for u. I?ut before It left New Yerk it was displaxed in a Fifth avenue salon for the benefit of a number of interested dealers. Sir Jeseph Duveen happened te be in New Yerk and It is said that lie dropped in te .survey the innsterpiete. Having looked it eer and beiiiR familiar with the I.a Helle Ferenniere that lintiKs in the I.euvre, Sir Jeseph expressed himself as confident that Mine, llnhn possess no da Vinci. Naturally that diseeurnped Kan'iis City. At all events Mine. Halm's paint ins remains in her possession. She s.i that the Leuvre's painting of Lucrezla Crivelli I La I?e!le Ferenniere) is but a copy of hers, the original. Sir Jo Je seph Insists that net only does Mine. Halin huM n spurious copy of this early da Vinci, but that it was exe cuted by a most inferior artist a painter who couldn't even copy adroitly. Therefore. New Yerk is due te have a trial that will create at least one prec edent. It will be the first time that the authenticity of an old master will depend upon linger prins of the painter, who died I'..'! 1 j ears before Alphense Hertillen was born. CHEN CHIUNG-MING, . DR. SUN'S FOE, SLAIN His Troops Ousted President of Seuth China Republic U'lniln l I.. .Tene li!) illv A IV) Chen Chiunp-Ming. whose recent coup d'etat drove from Canten Sun Ynt-Sen, president of the Seuth China rmmlilfn lin hnen nss.is4tnntril no- "iM,,'"li ..... v - ... (erding te a cable dispatch received here tedav from Shanghai by Konglipe, a ' ieial Chinese dally identified with the ( udherents of Sun Yat Sen. Renter's news agencj fails te con- ' firm tlie report. ' San Francisce, June 2fl ( Rv A. P.) . Yeung China, a Chinese language newspaper, published here, announced tedav It had received from Heng Keng a report that General Chen Chiung Minp, tlie enpter of Canten, had been shot and wounded seriously at a meet ing with leaders of his own troops ten miles from Canten. ' ACTRESS AWARDED $25,000 Victim of Theatre Accident Brought IhIh M,tif nn Het II. u xwu, - . New Ilaen, Conn., June "Jl. (Ry I A. 1'.) A Jiirv In the Superior Court late Nosterdny awarded damages of .s'J.V00O te Miss Hoielhea Antel. n, uiudeville actress, in an net ion against S . Rell, theatre owner. Miss An el asked damages of SIOOJKIO for injuries' received In the Palace Theatre. Hurt- I ford, en the night of December 1, Ml'ss Antel was brought into court three times during the trial and testi fied from a cot. It wns claimed she tripped en a ploie of cement near ber . dressing room and fell down ail Iren . stalrwav leading te the stage. lwe dins later she was taken te a hospital ln"Hartferd and lat.-r was remove te a New Yerk hospital. , Princess Mary te Take Rest Londen, June l!fl. It wns nnneunced yesterday that Princess Mary's en gagements for the next few tlieuth will be drastically rclsed, Hhe finds It necessary te take a considerable amount of rest. FLOOD HITS CARB0NDALE Heavy Damage Fellows Rainstorm In Lackawanna County Srranteu. Pa.. June UN. (Ry A. P.) i Heav damnse wns done In (nrbon (nrben (nrbon dale and vicinity by n flood early today follewliiR a heavy rain. That section of Lackawanna County visited by two serious floods In the last few weeks again mfficd greatly. Tliere were washouts nliin-j the Delaware and Hud Hud eon Railroad at Peyntellc. Ararat, llurnwoed and Rrowntewn trains were held up for heuis. Ceal Rroek. unable te tnke the rush of water from the mountain streams, overflowed and Heeded cellars and rail rail lead xards in many parts of Carbon Carben dnle. " LATEST IN KATtlO Hverv dcelepment In thin rapidly d"Vlor d"Vler nc fl'ld of eclonce and amunement In an ah led by Win O. nils, former radio "tprt r S. Navy. rirul.irly In the 1'cnLiC LEDeisn. 5tal It ft Habit." .tcjf. snilviiilsHsiiH&WsssH HRnillMSWialJslsMiH Br Lk J M&mB&r &mslKS5xm KW i 'r iAil?rWfi vVAJW sBksssPrSSw'- BEFORE YOU BUY tee our ADDING MACHINES All Makes, Lewest Prices COLLINS, 831 Chestnut St. rhenet Walnut Sl?3 ITdidirlidbrlSrlSclSrlSrclSrlSaSHSHSEEri? Men who DO things knew the Koh-I-Noer Pencil as a faithful, efficient working-tool of their particular sVVI craft. There are imitations, but no real substitute. Ask for Koh-I-Noer. 17 Ltaii, horn 6B te 9H, ler tetrf ptptr and parpest KOH-I-NOOR Pencils MEPHISTO Cepylaa Isk Peaetla At all high-class Stationers and Dealers tn Draw- inp Material Of Course, They Cheese It ! WHEN ice cream is served, Sister and Brether always want Abbotts Peach. It's a flavor that enjoys great popu larity because its delightful taste of choice peaches blended with the finest pure cream in the Abbotts way, makes an ice cream that truly satisfies. It is no wonder that our dealers order mere and mere. The Abbotts dealer around the corner can supply you with Abbotts Peach Ice Cream for dinner tonight. Loek for the red and white sidewalk sign. ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, INC bbetts PEACH Ice Cream Buy it from your dealer In bulk or in the sanitary nachine-filled package which brings Abbotts Ice Cream direct from the freezer te you, untouched by hand. j$m O Its Dependability Proves Type 61 the Greatest Cadillac With mere than 15,000 of the Type 61 already in use, owners of the car are unanimous in acclaiming it the greatest Cadillac ever produced. Factory Service en the Type 61 for the first nine months has been less than one-third of that required by any previous new Cadillac in a like period. The one fact upon which owners seize, and ardently' emphasize, and recur te again and again, is the new Cadillac's amazing depend ability, which they insist has never been equalled or ap proached before, even by the fine Cadillac forerunners. What bears them out in this verdict, and establishes completely Type 61 pre eminence, is the fact that all former production sched ules have been exceeded and that numerous cities report the largest Cadillac sales in their history. NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Phene Spruce 0210 Branches: Reading, Pa.; Camden, N. J.; Petttville, Pa. C A Standard of the World Rsafgaa Gypsy Feet Relief A Wonderful Secret Frem the Desert. Dees Away With Feet Troubles. KU-M I. Ill, si lis t US II. KM i i,-l l.lKUHt's, (,co. II I t.llls. .IlKllh Urns., MeiuN I'ruir store. Miul'lirrs I'h.ir. (i ui e r aiitp llrus te., M. in Ill lirui: (li.. ( imiili n ( m sill Ilrni in. mw i . mff W OtlOJi trniNca rspvbue prepsbtt) Natural Alkaline Water Unexcelled for Table Use Known and pre scribed by the Medical Profession for many yean as possessing great Medicinal Properties Rgf53 "K YUUK lY3tCWN w& Bettlad at thm Springt DISTRIBUTORS MjULKM ' 39. (.MIAt-lI ItiiL rij RICH YOUTH ELOPES WITH JAPANESE GIRL Contractor's Sen Weds Richard Mett's Ward at Elkton, Md. New Yerk, .lunc 2!'. -Par ReiKnwav was pimii n penulne surprise .ve'crd i.v at the anneum emenf of the rnnrrl ipe of c nlinaiiil Si 1ml. son of Adelpli elml7.. ui i'iiy enntrm ter. and Miss Pendita in," the .''ip-itise ward of Itii'li.ird M..tt. Tlie weildins tenl? plaep at I'lktnn. Md . en Mnv 'Si, and was m.ole public i.'ilv csteri iv. upon llie cve of the r.iiple's dcunrtiirc en a lienewiifMin trip nf uu'.new u ili'sftiintien. Tlie bride, who is bur sxfpf,ni ,, been the wnrd of Mr. Meir, wealthy Intel and renl estate n.an. for the !nit ( si veral eiirs. I'eth s)n. and her Ims-' bind hae roecned the parental bless-j ins1-. I The bride 1 the dnushter nf a Jnp- anrse cliff, rim e einplnM'il at (Jroilerli Hall, Mr. Mett's hotel nt Par lt.uk away, RUSSIA LIFTS MAIL BAN Will New Admit Matter Directed te Anv One In Country Waslilneten. dune ''!). - i Iiv A. IM The Soviet (Jovernmenr nf Iti1ii to day adMsed the Pof-teiboo Uepartinent tiiiir iisrrioiieiis s ie ine aiueuur ni n. ail matter that will be received from ten-is;!! countries into Itussia have been ronievcd. and that new no limit is placed en mail directed (e any one In , that country. i A new (lecroe premulsated by the Se let (ieverntuent, it was Mated, pro vides that clothing, shoes, feed, printed matter and ether artieles may be Fent by panel pet from abroad when ad dressed te Individuals for their personal , ...... tiltli.in, nu lieret.ifnre nlitii il ... . ll"i ,,........, ... permission from it Perclsn Trade De part iiient. All niatter tent by parrel phut, ex cept fnedfituffH, was fc.ild te be hiih jeet te customs duly. The maximum weight of paeknges for pin eel pest te Ku.ssia wan fixed at twelve pounds. Peet's Daughter Wins Scholarship i CunihrlilRP, .Ma.ss.. .lune 'K.l Miss Arvla Maekaye, ifaiii,'liter of Percy Mackaye, poet and dramatist, has been awarded the distant work scholarship at ltadcliffe, College for 10'2'Jt-'Sl. I'hat in ene of the highest nnnunl awarcln at Hadcliffe. Slnee 1020 Miss Muekflye kai been studying at Miami University, THE UNIVERSAL CAR Attention, Ferd Owners! jferd parts, like almost everything else worth while, are counter feited. The manufacturers of these imitation parts are obviously net as interested as we are in maintaining the high standard of quality and the complete satisfaction of Ferd owners. Imitation parts are manufactured te se7 at the highest possible rate of profit and the grades of steel used are consequently net the same high quality, specially heat-treated alley steels specified in Ferd formulas for the manufacture of GENUINE FORD PARTS. Don't be misled Insist upon GENUINE FORD PARTS made by the Ferd Moter Company. By se doing you will get from 35 te 100 per cent mere wear from them, and you will pay the lowest oessible cost the same everywhere. 50 of GENUINE FORD PARTS Retail for Less Than 10c Each. ASK FOR PARTS PRICE LIST When your Ferd car, truck, or Fordson tractor needs attention, call en any one of the following authorized Ferd dealers, who are properly equipped, employ competent mechanics, and use Genuine Ferd and Fordson parts in all repair werk: Authorized Philadelphia Ferd Dealers vjt.st r.in.Min aeknct SS17.lt) . Olrurd Ate. feul-ir 8a:i Kme Bid AI.r.XAMlKIt ALLAN 19 nislilnnci Ac. Chetnut IIIU Che.tnut Hill 1813 IIAMIAM MOTOK ' (IMPANY nidi Aie. . Dupnnt bt. Koiliernusli 0710 .JOHN' IIAUIIKU 8734 llintlrten Ave. Iluktleten H038 K. M. I1ARTI.KTT 431(1 llnmn hi. Sarinc 1531 Ht !058 J. A. rt'NNIVfillAM 1IS(1.R7 Seuth Ilreiicl ft. rri:iiii 4377 K ire 052i RnitKRT k. ron.KRen IJIO.'U niKlne Mm Ave, Fex Chase H08-W HARRY s rm;.NC'l, Inc. HVi I'r.iiilifuril Am. KrniilnAliiii U77H-7U V.,lt "310 IIKNRV & l.t VKI.I5 liiceriKiriiteil 403I-3H Nnrlli lire, nl hi. t)"mliic II7HII II. I'. IKUTMA.V Inrciriinr.iled E2I North llreid St. Hprure U013 Itiire 2471 THK IKIWI.KV lOMl'ANY '.'410 Heillll St, Spruce 8ISn MORRIS .KINKS Inenriinriilril flJOO.m.et.nil Weudblnn 'ire. 0300 Wondblne Ate. DKXVKKH I'. IvIIU II.NUH 72111 Unnilliinil Are, Wendliiml Si 1.1 nOKi.i.i(iHi;K.soei te. Itee. 60JK-2O nermiintnirn Al. Iierm.it'.i n ID'.'3-IU MARdKRUK 1IOTOII I'll. Verli Kami A I Ity Line Onk J.uun 1UH0 TIIOS. II. JIARTINDALK 3137-l.t Nurtli ltre.nl St. Tlnru 11711-77 IMrU 657JI 1VALTJCR TRICK until A. Yerk St. Illnmenil Sr,l l'nrh 3019 Mil TIIWKKTIIUN Atil'.NCY r.Hil A lliiltluuire Ate. U'rcclLind 4W)7-0V Meat 1020 hl'KUKL & HCIIWAIITZ 7241-17 Mitrket lit. LiniKiIetTne 1077 AI.VIN A. SWP.NHON 4134-10 KenalnKlen Ate. Traiikferd S787-H8 Kint 702S LMVi:i(SAr. MOTOR AfiKNCY 3127 I'liektnut St. I'reaten 2HI Went 1789 IVAHKH i KAItl'KI.KH neili t Clientiiul Sl. nelment 3254 H'et 1711 WlltMllillilMIMMmrill.MIMllllMIHimHMHMIWMMIInM(WetMpg5S l m w 5 fie Most Beautiful Carinlmerita. Paigm Stx-66 Lakewood 7-Pauangar Tearing Car. $2195 , U ( fliliSSv l)avqe perfeiyrtance makes oeod owners claims New Paige 6-66 Prices 131-lnrli Wlieelliuee 70 HerMjjpwer Ltkewoed, 7-pu.Teurini;.$2195 Lerchment II, Spert Type. Z24S Diyteni, 3-piti. Re'ftditcr. 2495 Breugtim, 5 pan 3100 Sedin, 7 pan 3'5S Limeuiine, 7 pan 3350 New Paige 6-44 Prices I0-Inrli 'WlieelhitVp fid lloreepewer Toerinr. 5 pan $1465 Spert Type, 4 pan 1595 Sedan, 5 pan 2245 Coupe, 4 pan 1995 Jewett 6 Prices U2-Inrh Mheelbaen BO Horeepetter Toerinf, 5. pan t$1065 Sedan, 5 pai 1395 Priei P. 0. B. Factory, Tax Extra Cord Tire Included en All Medels As a result of a friendly discussion a run was recently made from Philadelphia te Pittsburgh and return by a Paige owner in his own car. The powerful, sturdy Paige 6-66 net only proved every claim the owner made for it, but mere the entire run of 607 miles was made in high gear, in 19 hours and 3Q minutes, averaging 31.1 miles per hour. Forty gallons of gasoline were consumed, making an average of 15 miles te the gallon. Any one familiar with the steep grades and bad reads in the mountain section between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh will appreciate just what this per formance means. Remember, the entire trip was made In high gear. When we say, that en the read, the Paige 6-66 will outperform any ether car, regardless of price, we knew that we can take you any place in or around Philadelphia that you may suggest and prove this statement in stronger terms than we could ever express en the printed page. Fer outward beauty riding ease brute strength reserve power flexibility or any ether points upon which thoroughbred cars are judged, a Paige 6-66 demonstration will make all your ether metering experiences seem tame. jki Li j s : Call Spruce 1410 for our most convincing proof a demonstration t A.WIURV MflTM Ct S Jg9trtera BR9AD STREET AT VINE. PHILADELPHIA ,m kvTft A ., . . i J"!i f .h. .,'AS - &$ wi : fc. fyrujWMiiitini