BVBNINd- -POBLIO EbBB-HlBADBlEHIA,- WEDNESDAY,, gTJMB: 28, MM- .. - W MBODY'SHIAN t ik i i t :-:ly E.f hips Qppenheim Z... ntflIMH TIIR STORY THIB"--"- -".. . . . -J fjaMlfl 1-jxm Tfliiewci nen.iin : LA1ZnMti ler whey. Hltwle WiSL. ste k oeM and iclli .mm( and m niereiiee " K"& PallUer, who het "".. J 1. ;.ImimI in kin "'TT' "--i 'fiX Ant a U( m . wl'rL." iita Imjiikheb ' "!.:: rj.. h aailW "" Afl auappearamn. sjmy e. ParMnpte. mummy . Im oWileero MirwiMlln labor KT.V. Andrwe hat mined JSWte peIDal PP, end Vamment P'H"" mi59 ELr"? hat ttruek him. The Ereterfl jell ever Andrew it kept f OMcTVOTSOrs Uf nj.vr u,.- & poltefl. Btephen Dar the telf-iaorifieing Laber Party tAtr Will Jsmshts iT""-i; SS. and Nera If a charming J JrtWWnf rrmiw.., v. Jfe, rremiWi. Jemt tktif party, tonertny mw.mviin ' Vsarloeh, the Premier in office. Hit ILiuml of a peerage- cause nu wse threaten vercl Nera Miall tm. 3(fli e Mm the philosophy of the mid party jtffD HEBE IT CONTINUES CHAFXEB XIII wtTOW tnis came bdeus x urai rvcu Jl auite knew,' TaUente remarked, la hour or se later, na he laid down the mmn and smiled across the corner table ja the Httla Soho restaurant at his two "f can tell you exactly, Nera de- dared' le" nr0 ln town Ier n I0W j7ti 0nly, and I want te sec as much of tm as I can ; Suwm here la deserting mi at nlne o'clock te go te a musical enmedy, I particularly wanted a sole (gorges, and I knew, If Susan and I Mae here alone, a person whom we neither of us Uke would come and share mr table. Therefore, I made artiest Inaulrles as te jour engagements for tit evening. When I found that you mopesed te dine alone ln some hidden t,Uce rather ihnn run the risk of mcot mcet Lif any of veur political acquatntances ittnecuiD. i wtm " mh". """ RKestlen." "I ece," he murmured. "Then my brltatien wasn't n spontaneous one?" "Net nt all," she agreed. "I put the Idea Inte your neau. 'And new that we nre here, are you J Ding te stretch mc en the rack and rive for my opinions en nil sorts of nbjects? Is Miss Susan there going te take them clown in shorthand en her cuff and you mnke a report te Dartrey whea he comes back tomorrow?" She laughed at him from under neath her clebe-flttlng, becoming little hit. She was biting an olive with firm hlte teeth. . ... "After hours," sne reassured mm. "Sesan and I are going te talk a little ronsense after the day's work. Yeu may join in If you can unbend se far. We shall probably cat mere than is geed for us I had a cup of coffee for lunch and If you decide te be magni ficent and offer us wine, we shall drink It and talk mere nonsense than ever." He called for tuc wine list. "I thought we were going te discuss the effect of Grecian philosophy upon the Heman f-htcm of government." She shook her bead. "You're n lone wav out." she de- dared. "Our conversation will fcklrt the edges of many subjects. We shall jpenk of tue iiussian iJniieu, etisan and I will exchange n few whispered confidences nbeut our admirers, we shnll discuss every one who comes ln nnd gees out, with subtle references te their clothes nnd morals, and when you and I are left alone we may even in dulge in the wholesome, sentimental exercise of a little flirtation." "There veu hove me," he confessed. "I knew n little nbeut everything else you hae mentioned." "A verv geed opening," she approv ed. 'Keep it till Susan has gene nnd then propose yourself as a disciple. There is only eni drawbnek nbeut this place," hhe went en, nodding curtly across the room te Miller. "Se many of our own people come here. Mr. Miller must be pleased te bee us to gether." "Whv?" Tnllente asked. "Is he an admirer?" HSE pr""! MM UflUi Y I IlkBMliwflllli JIM! II He opened the deer and she pawed ln, looking back at Dim with a little wave of the hand Nera's face was almost ludicrously expressive. T,He would like te be." she admitted, "but, thick-skinned though he Is, I have managed te make him under stand pretty well hew I feel about him. You'll' nnd mm n tnern in your siee, she went en reflectively. "Yeu see, if our party has a fault, it Is ln n cer tain lack of system. We have only a titular chief and no rf ' leader. Miller thinks that pest is hiO.V predestina tion. Your cemlntf Is beginning te worry him already. It was entirely en your account he paid me that visit this afternoon." "Te be perfectly frank with you," TaUente sighed, "I. should find Miller n loathsome coadjutor." "There are drawbacks te everything In life," Nera replied. "Leng before Miller has become anything except a miiinni tn veu. rnu will hnve real- ireil thnt the enlv nelitical party worth considering, during the next fifty years, nt any rate, will ue tne wemecrnm. After that, I shouldn't be at all sur prised If the aristocrats dldu't engineer n revolution, especiuny n -franchise the Susan, you have a new hat en. Tell me at once wuu whom jeu are going te Daly's?" "Ne ene who counts," the girl de clared, with u little grimace. "I am going with my brother and a very sober married friend of his." "After working hours," Nera con fessed, glancing critically at the sole which had just been tendered for lal lente's examination, "the chief interest of Susan and myself, as you may have observed, lies ln feed and in your sex. I think we must have what some nasty German woman once called the man hunger." "It sounds cannibalistic," Tnllente rejoined. "Have I any cause for alarm?" . . ,, "Net se far na I am concerned. Susan assured htm. "I have really found my man, only he deesn t knew It yet. I am trying te get it into his Lnn lit. mentnl RIlffffPRtien. "Yeu wouldn't think Susan would be ., .r..,nVi liinbler thnn I. WOUld yOU? Nera observed, studying her friend re flectively. "I am rcnlly much better looking, but I think she must have mere taking was. Yeu necdn t be nervous, Mr. Tnllente. Yeu arc outside the range of our ambitions. I shall have te be content with some one in ii humbler walk of life." "Aren't you a little ever-modest? he asked. r'Yeu hnven't told tne much nbeut the seclnl side of this new era which ou propose te inaugurate, but 1 imagine thnt intellect will be the only aristocracy." "Even then," Nera sighed. I am lacking ln confidence. Te tell the truth, I am net a great believer ln my own sex I don't see us occupying a very prominent place in the politics of the , two dnendes. The functions of woman were decided for her by nature and a million years of revolt will never alter tnetn." TaUente was a little surprised. "Yeu mean that you don't believe In woman Members of Parliament, doc tors and lawyers, and that sort of thins?" "In a general Tray, certainly net," she replied. "Women doctors for women and children, yes! Lawyers no I Members of Parliament certainly net ! Women wen made 'for ene thing and te de that properly should take all the energy they possess." Ten an full of surprises." Tnl lente declared. "I expected a miracle of complexity and I find you almost primitive." She laughed. "Xnen considering tne son or man you an, I ought te nave gene up a let in your estimation." . . "Then are a very few higher notches," he assured her, smiling, "tnan the one where you new sit en throned." Nera glanced at her wrist watch. "Susan dear, what time de you have te Jein your friends?" she asked. Susan shook her head. "Nothing doing. I've get my seat. I am ffelnir when I've had tnr dinner comfortably. There's fried chicken coming and no considerations of friend ship would Induce me te hurry away from it." Nera tghed plaintively. "Then Is no doubt about It, women de lack the) sporting Instinct," she lamented. "New If we'd both been men, nnd Mr. Tallente a charming woman, I should have just given you a wink, you would nave muuereu something clumsy about an appoint ment, shuttled oil and tinisneu your dinner elsewhere." "Our sex isn't cnnnble of such sac rifices," Susan declared, leaning back te enable the waiter te fill her gloss. "There's the champagne, tee. The meal came te n conclusion with scarcely another serious word. SuBan departed ln due ceurse, and TaUente called for his bill, a short time after ward, with a feeling of absolute re luctance. "Shall we try te get In at a show somewhere?" he suggested. She shook her head. "Net tonight. Pour nlghta a week I go te bed early nnd this Is one of them. Let's escape, if we can, befere Mr. Miller con make his way ever here. I knew he'll try te have coffee with us or something." TaUente was adroit nnd they left the restaurant just as Miller was rising te his feet. Norn sprang into the waiting tnxl with n little lauch of triumph nnd drew her skirts en one sUle te make room for her escort. They drove slowly off along the het and crowded street, witu Its long-drawn-out tangle of polyglot shops, foreign-looking restnurnnts and delicatessen establishments. Every one who was net feverishly busy was seated either at the open windowe or tne second or third fleer, or out en the pavement below. The city seemed te be exuding the soaked -In heat of the long summer's dny. The women who floated by were dressed ln the Ugliest of muslins; even the plainest of them gained a new charm in their airy and butterfly-looking costumes. The men walked bareheaded, walstceatless, fan ning themselves with straw hatR. Here and there, as they turned into Shaftes bury avenue, nn immaculately turned along the baked pavements and dived Inte one of the theatres. Notwith standing the heat, there seemed te be a sort of voluptuous atmosphere brood breed ing ever the crowded streets. The sky ever Piccadilly Circus was almost violet and the luminous, unnceded lamps had a fcstlve effect. The strain or a long day nae passeu. it wan ui pleasure-seekers alone who thronged the thoreughfnres. TaUente turned and looked Inte tne corner ei uie caD, u meet a soft, reflective gleam ln Nera a eyes. "Tan't T.nnrtnn wenderfnl 1 she mur- mnrcd dreamily. "On a night like this It always seems te me like a great human being whose pulses you can see beating, beating all the time." Tnllnnf. n ttersen very little given tn aal'.AnnlvnU. never reallv under steed the Itnpuse which prompted him te lean toward her, tne sugnesc quick enlng sense of excitement with wnicn he sought for the kindness of her eyes. Suddenly he felt his fingers clasped in hers, a warm, pleasant grnsp, yet which somehow or ether seemed te have the effect of a barrier. "Yeu asked me a qacstien at dinner time" she said, ,fwhlch I did net answer at the time. , Yeu asked me why I disliked JatneB Miller se much. "Don't tell me unless you like, he begged. "Don't talk nbeut that sort of person at all just new, umesa ju want te." "I must tell you why T dlBlike him se much." she insisted. "It is because he once tried te kiss me." "Was that se terrlble a sin;- no aaked, a little thickly. She smiled up nt him with the can dor of a child. "Te me it was," she acknowledged, "because it was Just the casual caress of a man seeking for a mementnry emo tion. Sometimes you have wondered or yen may have looked as though you were wondering what my ideas abeat men nnd women and the future and the marriage laws and that sort of thing really are. Perhaps I haven't alto gether made up my mind myself, but I de knew this, because it is part of myself end my life. The ene dcslre I linvn la fni ntillilrim snnn for the StntC. or (laughters who may bear sons. There isn't anything else which it is warm while fet a woman thinking about for a moment. And yet, de you knew, I never actually think of marrying. I never think about whether love Is right or wrong. I simply think that no man shnll ever kiss mc, or held mc in ins arms, unless It is the man who Is sent te rac for my desire, and when he comes, just whoever he mny be, or whenever It may be, and whether St. Geerge's opens its doers te us or whether we go through some tangle of words at a registry office, or whether neither of these things happens, I really de net mind. When he comes, he will give me what I want thnt is just all thnt counts. And until lie comes, i shall stay just as I have been ever since my pigtnll went up and my skirts came down." She gnve his hand a final little pres sure, patted and released It. He felt, somehow or ether, Immeasurably grate ful te her, flattered by her confidence curiously exnlted by her hestltatlng words. Speech, however, he found nn impossibility. "Se jeu Ree," she concluded, sitting up end speaking ence mere ln her con versational manner, "I am net a bit modern really, am I? I am just as primitive as I can be, longing for the things all women long for and un ashamed te cenfebS my longing te any one who hns the gift of understanding, any one who walks with his eyes turned toward the clouds." Their tnxienb stepped outside the situated. She handed him the deer key. "Please turn this for me," she begged. "I am at home every, after noon between five nnd seven. Come and sce me whenever you can." He opened the deer nnd she passed In, looking back at him with n little wave of the hand befere she vanished lightly Inte the shadow. Tallcnte dis missed the cab and walked back toward his rooms. His llght-hcartedncss was passing away with every step he took. The cheerful little groups of pleasure seekers he encountered seemed like an affront te bis increasing melancholy. Once mero he hed te reckon with thia strange new fcellne of loneliness which had mnde its disturbing entrance Inte his thoughts within the lest few years. It was as though a certain weariness of Hie and its prospects naa come witn the temporary cessation of his day-by-day political work, and as though nn unsuspected desire, terrified at the pass ing years, was tugging nt nis heart strings ln the desperate call for aeme tardy realization. DROPSIE COLLEGE ELECTION Same Officers Are Chesen at the Annual Meeting v Officers of Drepsic College were re elected at the annual meeting of the Heard of Governors yesterday. They nre: President, Cyrus Adlcr; vice pres ident, Mnjer Sulzberger; secretary, Ephralm Ledercr, and treasurer, Hor Her nee Stern. Leave of absence was granted Prof. Max L. Margelin for Oie academic year of 1024-25 te enable hlra te accept the nosltlen of nnnual professor of the Scheel of Oriental Research In Jeru salem, te wnicn ne nns Deen eirrieu ny the Executive Committee of that In stitution. . ... It was announced a course or lectures en "The Status of Laber In Ancient Israel" would be given by former Judge Sulsberger next year. T.nfCATIONAT. Jeans' Mm nnd lleyn. Te be continued tomorrow Oopurleftt. 1011. Hell htmdlcate. no. "SAFETY PATROL" FROLICS P. R. T. Is Hest te 650 Children at Willow Greve Park Seme 030 boys ami girls, the "safety patrol" organized by the P. It. '. among school children, left this morn ing In specially decorated cars ever the Sixteenth street line for Willow Greve for their third nnnual outing as guests of the company. The patrol was organized In an at tempt te reduce trolley accidents near the public schools. Tiie cnnnrcn are in ensree ei i.nura M. Rendlfer. "Miss Snfetv First." This afternoon Themas E. Mitten will talk te the children. BRITAIN AND IRAK SIGN PACT Londen, June 28. A dispatch te the Times irem unsra. Asiatic Turkey, says King Felsnl, of the Irak region, and his Ministers and Sir Percy Cox, High Commissioner for Mesopotamia, have reached n complete agreement en the pcace treaty defining the relations between Irak and Great Britain as the mandatory Power, GEORGE SCHOOL Ce-educational with Sep. Dormitory BIdgt. Collene Preparatory, nlse Mnnual Training nnrt Cltlzmihlu courijen 227 ncrjs en No Ne shsmlnv qreek. h'ette Jr .irf- m rt. 'Bex 2S3. (ireritr hclioel. l'n. lyeWTON.N.J. NEWTON ACADKMY Nniltsry country school, boy 10 te IT. Mountain and Inke rmlen. 1! hour from ft, J, EMabllhet,J802. . Calaleeue. aw at ..P " tmnaii rnei.nfcvnxr:, md. Drlarler nail Military Academy, I'oetfrrrille. Aid. Seleet Colloge Preparatory Hclioel for Bey of Character nnd Ambition Fer catalog addreas: Capt. r). J. I-edne. M. A.. 1,1,. M.. Hunt. Cenault P'lWIf l.ilgcr nurwau Binnim camps, y. j. CAMTINO 8ITKH, dealrably altuatad, over looking Ulnrkwoed LaUe, N. J. 11 mllea from city. StlKfnctery referenci-s rrnutred. rHKl lUTKMAV. irenlefh. N. J. .lUHTATIO.VAI. CAMPS UNKKIN, ME. Yeung Women anil Olrla Ledge Lawn C-iuuu for tltrlt. Lleekln Day. LliMklB. Maine. KxclutUe aasocUtlent. All enmp nlruaurra and aperta. taU-nata ni.lhlnjr. Iloeklet. Addreaa Mm. M. H. Pavldaen. 2 he. High Bt.. Uat ehter. Pa. Pine Tree Camp for GirI4r"e r' Philadelphia, Mlaa tllanelir T). Prlrr. 401 Went Scheel I.nne, rhlladelphla. Pa. Once a Knight Owner Always a Knight Owner gW MOT01V CAItS Assured Satisfaction Concentration en accuracy, as practiced in the manufacture of Stearns cars, means the elimination of operating features known as "liabilities." In ether words, a Stearns owner buys assured satisfaction, further guaranteed by the use of the Knight meter at its best. Open Car, $2250 SCOTT MOTOR COMPANY 908 North Bread St Phene: Poplar 3244, 3245, 3246 out young man ln evening dress passed building in which her little flat was j J Interesting Outings One.Day Trip Frem Philadelphia en "The Reading" GETTYSBURG America's $3.50 Greatest n eoeo v. , Battlefield wfthT.dT.'S-el SUNDAY, JULY 2 Special train laavaa Beadlwr Tarmlnal 6:10 A. SI. (Btandard TIma). 7HB A. M. (Daylight Time), ateppln at Sprint Garden St., Columbia Ave.. Huntingdon St., Manaynnk Conahehockan and Nor Ner Nor rlatewn (Da Kalb St.). Tlckats mar be imrchaaed prier te data of cxcuralen. COAL REGION TeTAMAQUAand $ OK MAHANOY CITY &60 TeGILBERTON,$0 EA Mahaney Plane, vOtJlF Shenandoah, Girardville, Ash land, Gorden, Mt Carmel and Shamokin. SUNDAY, JULY 2 Rrertn! train leavaa Rtadln Tarmlnal 000 A. M. (.Standard Time-). ?i00 A. M. (DnyllsM Time), atepplna at Columbia Ave., Huntingdon Bt, Manayunk. Conahehockan and Norriatewa UH Kalb SO. Tlcketa may ba purcbaaad prier te data of excursion. EXCURSIONS TO NEW YORK $9.00 3 KTery Olhrr Hnnda? NKXT KXCOBSION SUNDAY, JULY 9 Special train learea Raadlair Tar mlnal llOO A. M. (Standard Time). SjOQ A. U. (Daylight Time), atepplna- at Columbia Ave., Huntingdon Bt.. Wayna function. IOian and Janklntewn. Tlcketa mar ba purcbaaad prier te data of ezcuraten. 0g jfe -tlpUigr Cuttem-Bullt Touring $1883 Val De Luxa Speedster $2383 Dc Luxa Teurattr $2383 Coach Sedan $3375 ues deP OSS ille iviaae byl61fears of Leadership S v r LfisW Seashore $ .50 Excursions 1 ATLANTIC CITY OCEAN CITY STONE HARBOR WILDWOOD and CAPE MAY, Atlantic City eicuralen tralna tun te and from Mlaalaalppl Ave. and boardwalk. Every Day l.v. Cheauiul Seuth St. Kerrlea Standard I Tima Atlantte City ....8:00 A.M. Additional train (Sunday only! alie July 4).... 6.80 A.M. Fer Ocean City. Btena Harber, Slp.'SSayd'.)H-x.A.. isB&ty(Sr;.)Baep.H. Additional train from Atlantte nitv (Hundav enly: alae July 4)8:15 P.M. Crnwm Ma - -r . : . iweeKaayaj 0:20 P.M. ma P.M. FISHERMEN'S SPECIAL -EVERY SUNDAY for BcbeUtncer'a Landing (Capa May), leavea Cheatnut and Seuth Bte. Ierrle 6:80 A. M. (Btand ard Time). 6i3U A. M. (DaMtgbt Time). (Sundaya) .... Wlldwroed (Weekdaya) .. (Bundaya) . . . . Etena Harber (Weekday ) .. (Bundaya) .... Ocean City (Waekdava) , , (Rundaya) . . , Additional train from e n a n City. B t n n e Harber, Wild Wild weed and Capa .. May. July -t only,8:15 P.M. B:20 P.M. BdO P.M. B-M P.M. B-82 P.M. B-.19 P.M. 020 P.M. Tima 7:00 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 6J A.M. SslB P.M. BUS P. 11 0:20 P.M. Hiii P.M, 0:20 P.M 0.80 PJi 8-20 P.M. 0 82 P.M. (I SD P.M. 0.2S P.M. 0:15 P.M. Where Kissel Has, Been First Here are listed some of the points of de sign and construction that Kissel has intro duced into the automobile industry. Many of these features arc still exclusive in Kissel Custom-Built Sixes. Others have been gen erally adopted by meter car manufacturers. But in every case Kissel was first. Pint te Introduce a ipeclil frame detign that placet the center of gravity ery low, creating exceptional readabiluy without sacrificing read clearance. ' Firit te balance aeparately all reciprocating parti crankshaft, clutch parts and connecting reJi in the tame meter. First te perfect aotematlc eTl control In a meter te supply the correct amoent of oil at every meter speed. First te perfect a method of chassis construction that gees far towards eliminating squealing and rattling of moving parts. First te use double external brakes, thnt doing away with the danger, noise and wear of Internal braUng mechanism. First te merge all electric wires en one central con trol beard, making possible the easy location of wire trouble. First te place a full-width coach design body en an automobile chanis. First te bring out two and three deer touring bodies, First te introduce concealed lights te illuminate the Instrument beard at night. First te place en the market an all-j ear car Kind's Idea that changed the habits of a nation by making winter driving popular. First te see the possibilities of the new unitenatl). used acuum gasoline feed, for it was at the Kind factory that this system wat worked out by its in ventor, Webb Jay. First te substitute oil lubrication for grease cups in t medium-priced car. First te build his enn rear axles, and firsfte offer a luu-neaiing rear axie in a popular priced car. And new first te place en the market a real Cuatem-Bullt Six selling at a popular price, Again and aga1rJ"iurfng the past 16 years has Kissenn'tro Kissenn'tre duced into tHeautomebile industry principles of design and manufacture that were regarded as revolutionary. And again and again have ether manufacturers followed Kissel in adopting these principles as essential in really fine automobiles. New comes further proof of Kissel leadership the leader ship of price. Never before have truly custom-built auto mobiles been obtainable at prices se moderate as these new in effect en the various models of the Kissel Custom-Built Six. The fineness made possible only by skilled hand craftman ship asserts itself everywhere in the performance of these cars. It is evident in the silent, powerful meter that runs without noticeable vibration at any speed; in the low-slung body that clings te the read without side-sway; in the free dom from petty annoyances; in the dignity and grace of line contributed by advanced body design. If you arc interested in discovering a car that will fully meet your conception of a truly fine automobile in every thing but price, we suggest that you investigate the Kissel Custom-Built Six. New en display. ALL PRICES F. O. D. HARTFORD. WISCONSIN GRIEB & THOMAS, Inc. gnPCATaOWAtV CTPCATMaWaVfc Deth Rexea RnUiftatM EMILIE KRIDER NORRIS SCHOOL of expression and stage art re-epena second week of September. Leland Powers System of Expres sion taught. Foreign Religious Dramatic Art in preparation during Summer. New Booklet 1711 CHESTNUT STREETSuile 404 1 H m Kl Peirce Scheel ei Business Administration Stenography BEGIN the Peirce Scheel Steno graphic Course this Summer and be ready te enter business in 1923. Summer Scheel Opens July 5 Pine Street West of Bread Summer Session July 5-August 11 Courses in the ""' College of Liberal Arts awl Sciences. Teachers' College. Scheel of Commerce. Scheel of Music. High Scheel. i riienr. Diamond 0831 ... or write at once for detailed information. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY " llrenil M. Maw IVrka I IMHIiidclplila The Heme Scheel for Exceptional Blind Children Individual nttcntlen that lnnurpa normal development of the blind child Medical consultation for each child Personal supervision of Mrs Jessie Kojer OreaAesi, Principal, for IS year teacher at the Pennsjhntil.a Institution for the Blind ROYER-GREAVES SCHOOL Wayne 307-W. Strafford, Pa. SUMMER ., scoe. SCHOOL Ni(bt sckoei 4V Makes irncllel rmtlnrtt mm and woman. f Indttldual training Ur flelent WaehMt Ambition irwml It fttlent. annsathMla Instruction. Km nullities In nrh student f!teleid Graduates n s'eacty demand tieruiitet it nun saiariei Tuition reason' able Catalogue hanks iirsixr.s coi.i.neB 12(10 Witlnut Pt . Philadelphia ) STUDY STKNOOKAI'IIV NOW tVe teach OrcEsT. the ejus, gpe-dy a J stem, alie Pitman Our Braduitea are In cunxtnnt demand because i irlie practical office training, neclal aummer cla-se Day and. eienlnir New bulldlnc centrally located. Catalogue. rnii.A. nrsiNivs colleee nnd Collece of Commerce i;iO Market M.. Philadelphia E. K. PEALL SUMMER SCHOOL Conservatory Music and Axt A i instrument tauzht. Alan Micat, alKht alnKlna-. ulnd and atrlnar Instru ments Harmony Elocu tion. Oraterv Dramatla Art etc. Catalog 3304 N. Bread St. and 1714 Chestnut St. .. . ie i-iii ittefwlivwiTV.. rnr.i jii.r. . .... " - ""-- t , rhlladrlphln Initltute of Applied l'jcliolerr nnd raychannlysl. . . . . ,, ,. Tet Jlualneim, for IMueitlen nnd for I lfe 1420 WAIAl T STRKKT NORIIKRT MKIAIM.K. 31. A.. Dlreeter nnd CenMilllnB I'mrhelnaiU Hre-Summer Selen New In I'reatreaa Fpeclal Conultntleim U A. 31. te j I. 31. Phene: fprure BCr.O TT7APHFPV Rummer Cenrse rnnr-h Tnlncr rtnnUltepDlnir and Methedas. 1 IVrlte for detail or phone Walnut 0851. The Tnjlnr Scheel. 100'i .Market St. "Where Grrijg Shorthand was first , taught in Philadelphia" I.KONIA. N. 4 OLD ORCIL,RI IIOMK M'HOOI. MIL ERY. Ker healthy, normal children and Rabies. Health first. Selected Iob. Write te Anna i Nee. I.eenlu N. .1 fenult lydcer llurnl WAslll.Nt.TOV. I. f. I.HARN I.ANOUAOE1 at the BERLITZ SCHOOL 1X41 rilKsTNVT ST. (EntranreH en Jfith t.) Ph. Huntce 4Oi Reduced summer Rate HIROPRACTIC KnrtriBnd "y Tuition. IIS. New OpM. tlKUl 1U111UII. . I.e.irn this ne. me.t nrnmUlns of atssf all profculeiw In ttnihlnnen. the natleti'x rani til I I nrlvnleil lulmn tairea for aelf mipiwrtlnir t.tndent-. t'e-edu rational Addre. the ReeUter. RILEY SCHOOL OF CHIROPRACTIC IMP r street Wn-.hliiEten D. C. PIIILAItri.PIU V TfKNGKMl'.INDK llrenil nnd Celumhla Are. inlmmlni; Peel Open Throiicheiit Year Ixfen ln awimtmnc dhlnir and iife-alnE OTmnnalum open. In September. Booklet. Apply at office 170S N. Uread St. anrl f A .. 4 r..m QA .anval ..l-. . location and Instructors are unexcelled. Call. phone or write for rntnletr. Summer rate. l'AI.MKIl HUHINKSS SCHOOL.. 10 8.10th St. sl'MMKIt Tuterlnc for Telleee. rhoel ana Law .Mnjier Prep., tin s. attls bt.,rhlla, eunie Women nnd Olrla ni'NTINfinON. PA. Juniata College Yeung Women nnd filrla (r s Huntlnsden. Pa. T.uti1 Arts (a rt.V fjeneral Sclenee Hi S ) Music S'ehelastlca und UellKlus Idals emphasized Alse hleh grada Vcademj : Costume & Millinery Design If you would erend a rharmlni. aa well aa Instrucltte, hour, call and permit us te deme-istrnte our work our results If te cll la Impracticable, write for a compll cempll compll memery tepy of thM intensely In tereatinc buek "The Seers' of Cestume Lies en " by Haitmin America a premier di-ilmer Tre-n It you "111 learn nl Ik it that wonderful new and rretiliitna pro fession Costume und M.. Unary DslBn FASHION ACADEMY 1432 North llrettd street. Studie L. rKTER'inrRn. ta. SOUTHERN COLLEGE Junier Colleee and rinlshlne Ceursas ISOO. National patrenaae. Sixtieth Year. Historic location ARTIIVIt KYLE DAIS. A. U.. DUO Cullrce Plucr. Petrrsliurc. a. doling Men nnd Besw 1IEIJ.ETONTE. PA. SHAKTI1MORE 1SJSZ, 306 North Bread St. !Z'Z A profitable contract is available for responsible distributors and dealers. If you can qualify nt? will meet you mere than half way. Wire or write today. I Fer detailed Information cemult agentij aee flyen I Philadelphia & . "ThSdiSa" I Reading Railway m. The Reading aiB BBBBiB&'sBaaBssssB.sHiBskssBB BiL'i.AArt'. ,.hu.J, 'va.S., .,.fJ'AmmKK, v k.,TA. ' -v. KISSEL v - e Custom mm "Built Gar The Mary Lyen Scheel t'e Iek preparit - nncl prneril rnui. s TnoretiBli inpu'.ttl n let i-elleRp intrancw i urtilni 1 with cultur.U ceursi't ' r the ! st ile'!upmetit fl tl c '' I 'e it. eial ai'.ult inlf i our-, s . ff. i ,i tn pW. pinLtUiil and . . n i tltm Umph.ix'H plin . il ni Muhie rt Medem l.inpu ipi" nnd II tue tnnkltiK A oeuntr s lioel In f.Oleftrt tfnsn loiatleti tui nitdur t-pnits utiil aetlltlts H irHli(..'t rldlnp hetUev, tiiuiiJ ir iib Athletics fei uxtiv ir il svmii. liung t'ttltural aiUnntatti's f riiil.tdelpht i t Well- appelntnl toem? i-oz tlrppl.ueti, chrtrful living remms ,ind A line riutiht of ceinradtshl.i n ik. Thn Muin l-en Scheel u ifil home rm catalog nUilri s Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Crist, Principals He 1508, Swnrthmere. Pa. Bellefonte Academy "The Scheel in the Mountain" 117th ear. Limited te 100 young men 15 years and upward. 11 ex pert teachers. Students select subjects te fit chosen career. Swimnunc peel, pymnasiu.n, ath letic field. Main step in Pennsyl vania of the Woodrew Wilsen Aerial Mrt'l route near our Ath letic Tic'd. Ri'cs Medentie. Catalog. James N. Hughes, A. M lledninler liKi.i.r.ntN n:. v mmm WliHflllta3slsH i 1 1 rtni-N p I.ITITZ. PA. MN1)I HAl.l. sl'.MIN HV A Klrls' school klnte 17-111 AeuUumi Cellecs Preparater) 4. Hlieclul TeurRes s,.lrBi0 jr em Secretarial Cat He V. Hlrntel 1. !.. Prill . Ilex 105, l.ltlu, p R0SEM0NT PA ROSEMONT COLLEGE A Cntholle felieee f r seune emn uniler the dlrecttcn of the Hetietv of the Hely t'htld Jesus 40 ace campua in beautiful Main Line district, ler tata. lekue nddre.s Till. I'I'.AN. Hex 2 I). Riisemnnt. Pa. 1 j, . , I'j-jjj.tAfeniM'". -'Jj!'ijJLa..twifc.T.H..C....' iU, .A,. -- JlfflgU, .. l."AU.ei. . s OVERUKflOK P "MRS. CASKIN'S SCHOOL Hilt t.lRl.S ANI VOI'M, e.mi:n Pounded In lull S"11 lrrX ''eaiienai Demen.c Arte Music, Streng (Jeneral Course ivn,A-"wWc:.,,j.B:,l,.'-,'i'' MRS. SSSSmffSl' Primel"1 A, Cedar Crest fei.pRi lth modern dortnlterlea ind e luipnit t attraitK.. etiliurhan hire teiiKMiial cmip is hfu. Ueareej and certificate ceurBei. ? ITKCOaEJSffiWWVT! ' . ' V . lfc V. J7r f-rri an ??3 Liberal Arts A. B. Secretarial Science B.S.S. Houtclieltl Aril B. S. Music and Ei Ei pressien A. B. Accrtdittd TeicBtri' Course! Address Wm. J. Curtii, Lit. D., frttlitrA 4-asscstiunss, a sssatyiTSSaWsVf ., . MW jBv mrzi ffi .- t--;r V Wf nmm 8 V?V& ,tw 1l! AtVl vr-:ftrw