ppvwvenr! .vw. -aw " j. .i tusre-i5r vwwip mrr" ;-F-F-B-nH wm, LiW ,. -rv''''';7;S"'7rw; rt 5" - rtuvsW mmsmBBDWmP- im 'AW-V rtiIMy. If ' I l.rt '"Ji !. Kh !L .. . . f f xr iu . vjueinJDjrv rirj r 'iJSKKSSft, ! iv "-y.,, i '-' "1? 4'; 2 H SHaHa. .?"; 9 f Iffli 1! r m Fidelity Trust Cempaw 325 Chestnut St. 6324 Woodland Avenue, 1431 Chestnut St. Capital 5,20(N00 West phaddPu Surplus $16,000,000 Funds held in Trust mere than $288,000,000 Copper Produced at Less than 7c Net the record for low-cost pro duction established by the Mether Lede Coalition Mines Ce. - UiUd en th New Yerk Curb. Artrae priem com mon stock for first 11 day Jutxm 1922 u 910.00. Duff, Freiday InTOstmenta 5Bzedway Ffet Profits Are Limited Are -Your Credit Lesses Limited? Mannfacturcn' and Wholesalers' net profits are auto matically restricted within close margins. Their bad debt losses should also be limited in a definite way. Especially in times like these, when every dollar counts for te much. There is a scientific, tried-and-proved method for limit ing your credit losses, and that -is the American's Un limited Policy of Credit Insurance. It absolutely guarantees that your losses won't go beyond the normal, no matter what condition or contingency may arise. Thus it safeguards these net profits, eliminates worry, inspires confidence. Can you afford te be without this stabilizing, protective service. We have Limited Policies at lower cost. Claims are promptly paid, and our treatment of Policyholders fair and equitable, says a recent report of the New Yerk Insurance Dept. Every detail which contributes te your satisfaction has been thought of. Won't you at least investigate? Ne obligation, you knew. Payments te Policyholders ever $11,000,000.00 -AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY. CO. of NEW YORK E. M. TREAT, president ISIUIB STANOARO UNLIMITED POLICIKt W. J. MORPHY, Manager J. F. Ma.FADDEN, GcneralAgent 1011 Chestnut St. Filbert 5503 Philadelphia, Pa. Ph one, r While Traveling, What is the Best Way te Care for Securities? py appointing Fidelity Trust Company Attorney-in-Fact, the owner of securities is assured of watchful care of his interests. He. will actu ally have a greater measure of control ever his stocks and bends than if he took them with him en his travels; for the Company will buy, sell, or deliver securities promptly in obedience te any orders which it may .receive by mail, wire, or cable from the customer, and is in a position te act if any rights, etc., are offered during his absence. This question, with ethers, is answered in a booklet, "The Trust Company and The Individual" which 'will he. sent en request. Production, at this record price, for first five months of 1922 mere than 10,000,000 ppunds.er 2,000,000 pounds monthly. This output is expected te be increased te 3,000,000 pounds monthly by October, 1922. Owns and operates one of the richest copper-ere deposits known, located in the Copper River District of Alaska. K s no preferred stock or funded In ...btedness. Majority of common stock is owned by Kennecett Copper interests. Initial dividend of 50c a share has been declared, and the steady improvement of the copper market assures even larger profits te the Company. A circular containing all details with reference te the Company will be seat without obligation te these who ask ter Circular Ne. 10. & Company New Yerk U Every afternoon at the close of the market we send out a brief bulletin en the day's outstanding feature of the New New Yerk Curb stocks. Yeu can get it in our Customers' Roem, have it read te you ever the 'phone, or put en your desk next morning by mail. Ask for "Today's Market Feature" Jenes & Baker Members NewYerk Curb Exchange Direct Private Wires New Yerk Chicago Ooiten Philadelphia JMttiburfb Detroit Baltimore Clerelael PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building Telephone. 5,n Lcl 470 Keyitene Race 5861 BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building Telephone - Plata 8451 iiimirnnnmiiiiiiiimiimuiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiumniraiuii FINANCIAL NOTICE IS llKltniY (11VKN thnt COM. MONWEALTH l'DUEIl KAILWAY AMI I.KiliT COMPANY has elected te redeem en July 7. 122. all of Its outstanding FIVE YEAll HUVEN PKU CHNT snCUUED CON VEimm.C GOLD HON'DS. dated May 1. 1018. Utmed under Agreement of Assignment and Pledge dated us of May 1, 1D1H, executed by the said Company te Hankers Trust Com pany. Trustee, and that upon presentation of ttin said bends, with all Interest coupons maturing subsequently te the snld date here in designated for redemption, at Mie principal office of Hanker Trust Company, Ne. 18 Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan. City. County nnd State of New Yerk, the said bends will be paid and redeemed at 101 of the principal amount thereof and accmed Interest te the said redemption date, after which date the said bends will cease te bear further interest. New Yerk. June ft, 11)12. COMMONWEALTH PnwrjR RAILWAY AND LIQHT COMPANY. By GEO. B. HARDY. President. Proposals THK UAN8VII.LK OA A KLECTWO COMPANY FIHST RKFCNDINO MOIIT OAGE FIVE PER CENT THIRTY-YEAR The underslnned !nltei tenders of above Rends, for sale and delUerv n nf .Tuiv i 1022. at a price net exceeding 105 and ae- cruea iniersii, iu exnnusi siuuu, a sum new available In Sinking Pund. Sealed tenders, stating numbers of hendi offered, addressed te "The Colonial Trust Company. Tnntee. Dansllle Gas and Elee trio (IT. Refunding Mortgage Hend " will Im received until 3 P. M.. June Sl. 1022 fun COLONIAL TRUST COMPANY Trust.. Market and Thirteenth Streets. Phlla June 2. .eRANK C- EVC"' TreaU"''- Special Meetings SB" SPHCJAL MKETINO sr FldelltJ Steruge nnd Warehouse rn panv. 18U Market street. Philadelphia iH bl'ECIAL, OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS; Netice Is hereby given that In pursuance of a. Resolution of the Heard of Directors ? this. Company, a .special meeting efthl stockholders of said Company will be held en the Bth day of Julj. 1033, at 3 e'rl0( p. M.. at the principal office nf the Cdm pany. 1811 Market street Philadelphia. pm for the purpose of etlng for or uealnit i proposed Increase of the capital stock of said Company from HOO.OOu te 1300 000 hi the creation and Issuance of 7 per cent cum. ulatlve. non-vetlnir Preferred Stock te the amount of 1100.000 te consist of 1000 shares of the par value of 10Oeach and calliible at 1105 per share. F. L 1IARMER. Dltldende THE MNAYUNK NATIONAL HANK Philadelphia, Tn , June L'0, 102" The Heard of Directors has this day de clared the regular semi-annual dividend of 77f. nd an extra dlildend of 3 en the capita "lock, pas .able en or after Jnly first, next, until uclv t'me the books will remain C 1100,000 has been transferred te the Sur plus Account, making that account $700,000 Dividend checks will milled EUOENE J MORRIS. Ctshler. MUNICIPAL SERVICE COMPANY 424 Land Title llulldinit, Philadelphia At a 1"f,tJn'f 0f the Heard of Directors held June 10. 1022 a dividend of flOe w? share en th outstanding shares of Cem. men Stock nt no par alue was declar ed payable July S. 10J2. te stockholders of record at the close of business July ie. ie-" Checks lll be mailed " L"" I. 11 IIARVI-.Y. Trea.nr.. rRANRI.IN NV1IONAL !NK Chestnut street eit of Jirnad Philadelphia, June iifl, -ie'" At the regular meeting of the lloard"ef Dlrertnrs of this bank, held this day. nuarterly. dividend I nf fl'c was ilecl'lred paable July ,1. 10J2. te stockholders of record -it the close of business Juns 30. 192J Ciecki will he melled " j v;i. JIARDT, Vne President and Cashier. GOSSIP OF THE STREET The action of Ilie New Yerk Stock Exclinnne nutlierltlcn In Rlvlnff Mox Mex Icnn Pctrelciim n clenn bill e( health, following the receipt of the questionnaires i-cnt te the mem bers of the exchange, killed the last ray of hope the bear camp had from getting out of a very tight cor ner. There has never been any doubt apparently In the minds of these en gineering the remarkable movement In the Bteck about the regularity of the transactions nnd of them being in abso lute conformity with Stock Hxchangc regulations. There were several occa sions, however, since the bulge started when there seemed te be n possibility of disapproval by the Stock Exchange officials of the bullish operations, which might result in suspension of trading in the stock. That dancer nnncars te have been passed and, wblle the life of the shorts has been matle miserable, nothing evi dently has been found which would sug pear nnvthintr nnureniMilnc n comer which Is mere remarkable in view of the known small lleatlng supply out standing. New Yerk Central Movement The manner in which New Yerk Central acted in the trading of the last few weeks was looked en ns significant of accumulation of that stock by strong bankinc interests In connection with lmnertnnt devolenments understood te be close nt hand in connection with the unification of the system. The purchase of the minority holdings of the Clnclm natl Northern, a little ever a week age, was asserted yesterday te be In line with ether steps for solidifying the sjs tern nnd completing physical absorption of various subsidiaries. It is Insisted by some that the next step in this direction will be the ex change of Rutland preferred for New Yerk Centrnl stock, nltheugh no lntl- mntien of such Intentions has come from the New Yerk Central manage ment. National llank Resources Referring te the condition of na tional banks, shown by reports te his office, as of the close of business Mny 5. the Comptroller of the Currency said: "The combined rc-eurccs of all re porting national banks May fi were $20,170.0 1S,000 nnd were greater than nt the date of any previous call since April 28, 1021, with but tv.e excep tions, the amount of reduction since the latter date being .s;s,ii(ii,UUi aim since June HO. 1021. the decline has amounted te .$311,211,000. The con tinued liquidation of leans and dl counts, with the apparent tendency te incrcaM) holdings of Unlit d Stales Gov ernment securities, and ether miscel laneous bends and securltli . with cor responding reductions Incident te liabil ity for borrowed money nnd rediscount paper, nnd a nnticenblc ineiciise in In dividual deposits, appear te wairsmt llie conclusion that our national binl; nre In condition te render ample as sistance te the meiclmnt, the agricul turist or whomseewr may have legiti mate demand for financial iclicf. "Between Jlarcli 10 nnd May 5 the leans and discounts, including redis counts of nation. il banks, declined !?9S,-iG3,000, and en the latter date amounted te SI 1,18 1,110,000. while the reduction in the jc.tr, or since April 28. 11)21, v,as $1,172,514,000. "The deposit liabilitv of national banks en Mny B v. a $1.".700.98S.OOO, mi increase of $370,550,000 mce March 10. 1022. and en Iw-ieiiM of $015,120, 000 since April 28. 1021. Railroad Officials Optimistic Officials of railroads operating east ward from Clilcnge and St. Leuis me optimistic in their views, with the usual qualilicfitlens in reference te the handi cap of the coal strike. AMde fiem this, nearly every industry would be pro viding mere freight than a jear age. Meet nnd iron predui tlen is en a much larger scale nnd this hns increased the amount of freight of this kind ma terially. Building mntcrlals of nil kinds hnve been In demand, with prompt ship ment one of the requirements. Grain movement is comparatively light, but the mecmcnt from the farms will in crease. Railroads arp well equipped te handle the grain traffic and hnve dis tributed cars te vantage points. Me.st of the long-haul grnin traffic is nnturnlly going ia lake but there has been considerable business east of Buf falo nnd Enstcrn lake ports. Less than carload freight is picking up nnd the demand for general merchandise is evi dently brisk. Officials of Southern line report n geed movement of general nicichandise, large shipments of lumber and building material, with u larger tennnge of iron nnd steei products. The sousen was ex cellent for the movement of produce te Northern mniket. Preparations nre under wnv for a big movement of wheat te the Gulf pert for expert as seen ns the winter wheat is available, and officials leek for a geed business for the net few months. Better Collateral Valne In an effort te establish better col lateral vnlues In b.inUs and te stabilize the American maiket in foreign cur rency, government, provincial nnd municipal securities the American IA press Company has just issued a soceniT edition of its comprehensive quotation list for foreign currency securities. That list, which contains quotations, nil in American dollars, of the principal government bends of the world, is be ing sent te lnestment denlers nnd banks throughout the country. The 100 securities quoted nre tirscribed in four teen currencies, and they cover five con tinents nnd thlitj-five nations. "A reliable and comprehensive quo tation sprlce has been the enlv ele ment lacking in the newly de eloped notion-wide inniket for securities ex pressed in foreign currencies," de clared Perry 11. Strassburgcr, general i mnnnger of the securities department of I the express company. "We plan te h- I sue, ns market londltiens nry, these I quotations in elder te deelep a strong- I er tounention for tills essential field of foreign investment." THH TBADElt. N. D. PRIMARY TOMORROW Renomlnatlen of Senater McCum ber Big Issue In Voting Ilismarrlt, N. I)., .Tiine U". - ( lly A. T. I Veter of North Dakota will bal bal eot In a .State-wlile inimniy plretlnn to te to metrow. Ter tin flit time in recent earji t he eutMamlinp euntebt fnr the Uepubliean I'nlteil Slates honnleiial nomination does net inc-ent i-lcnr-i'iit Issue between Nen-I'iiilisan I.e.icueis i and its upiienents. The umttcr nn' "left open fei the jirlmary. ' jj" l'erter .1. Mii'umln'r. Ineumbent, ' 8 ehuliman nt tne enate 1 innnce Com mittee, who has imlnrbPil Coveiner I. A. Nestes, iiulepi'iuleut, for lenoniluu leneniluu tinn, is oppewnc l,,nn .1. J'ni-ier, for sU eais League-Indorsed ioveiner of the Slate, in the Uepubliean Senateilat contest. Ornisby MellarB, of James town, also is a candidate. I)llilemls IIKI'ICK fir 1IIK I'KNNA. SALT Ml"(.. (OMIMNV At ineetliiK of fie llnirO of Directors held this rinv a Qutrterl l)lieml of tue nnil ene-h.ilf per rent as ilcclireii pajnhla July IS, te stockholders of recenl June 3U, m.'j ,IIVV19 I, III US IlldllPlJ I.. A. SMI 111. Treasurer. ie:1:1. Philadelphia, June 20, MAYOR FOURTH ORATOR Will Deliver Address at Exercises In Independence Square Majer Moere will be the speaker of the day at the Fourth of .Inly cxei cises In Independence Square. The Majer hns accepted the Imitation of Councilman von Tngeu, chalrmnn of the exercises, te deliver the tnceeh nt the bquare in which the Declaration of Trnkifondencc was adopted ldfl jears age. riftecn hundred newly mturnllzedl citts'nns will be the guests of honor nt the exercises In the morning nnd n i special section of Ihc grnndstiiiitl will be assigned te the men nnd women io ie cpntly udmltted te full citizenship. In flip nlnpp of tln n Mini tnblpnuv. n chorus of 100 voices selected from thel membership of the Fortnightly Club by Henry Gorden Thunder, conductor, will sing patriotic hjinns. band will play. The police McSparran te Wed Thursday Lancaster, .liine 27. After person- ' ally working in a wkent field stinting his harvest yesterday nnd today, Jehn A. McSpnrran, Democratic candidate HYDMULICDrtMIDC MflCHIHEOTI fiiLraiRj We are equipped te de the work at your plant nnd save you the expense of long tie-up. Phene Wnl. 1HII nnd .Main 3111 flrflnMrfiMuhlnlrti ZI2-222 S.CUKRI1ZN ST. FARM AND GARDEN If VnMwtMMWeljS C(fl w ZI2-222SXIARieNSrl V Buy Direct Frem Manufacturer Fer Quality, Service and Attractive Prices Beautiful l.in nnd riinlen rurnlturc unliiu il t nctle JeelKni ,'iuaniv materials Single Pieces Herv home r-n nfferil - Uerthlntf 5011 tifd, -fj TrplMaes -ArUjr Kntrnnce sk j uu i r-i'i M''ii ti'M ill imi r ! i aDBIn i rK.UCtUL K. IjLKKI LUlYlfAWI 18.ir Market Street, Philadelphia NEW STORE 1727 CHESTNUT ST. BflVl v I t 1 f 'tJidastercraftsmanship-in-Steel . .. ., -..,. ... ACbmbmatkai SteIffice IAGxmlai As an office v.arJrebe. Fer the home, toot Particularly service able for storing linens, woolen, nnd clothing Cesta less than a coed quality cedar chest. THE VAN DORN IRON 454 Bourse Bldg. : : FILES ?.-,.. FIRE'S Constant Raids Demand the Attention of Every Thinking Man FOR NEW APPROVED SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Contractors and Ennincers AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, POWER PIPING, HEATING 3239-1 1 MARKET ST. Phene Prtt(en 6m for Governer, leaves tonight for Mlllls, Mass., where Jie will wed Mrs. Sadie Helland en Thursday. The chaplain of the Mlllls Grange will conduct the ceremony. After u short honeymoon, he will icturn July 3 te begin bis speak ing campaign. 1530 Locust St. New Housekeeping Apartment Heuse S. E. Cor. lGth and Locust Streets. Absolute SSa'lW,!ila lireproet Several e n t s available, also desirable Doctors' Offices. Inspection invited. All modern equipment. Refrigerators, laundry, separate maids' quarters. Private Branch Exchange Many New Features FARM AND GARDEN ana craiiMm ipihp Complete Sets eome of the e ni' s ma Inclutllnif Wooi Arehe lite- IVri, n etc ru ler I i"iii jtjn' V mm. iiii nil liiii 1 1 nil ir1 ) ,! 1 mi ' ' oaraewireDe A N ECONOMICAL solution vLx of the office storage preb- . lem. A neat, compact case of enduring steel that wastes net an inch of SDace. Shelves are adjustable at one-inch intervals te accommodate office supplies and odds and ends of all sizes. Converted into a capacious wardrobe by simply removing the lower shelves and inserting coat red. Surprisingly low in price ! Dimensions- 36l3" wide, 76" high, 34','" deep. Finished in elive-fireen rnameler grained oak or mahogany effect, i'aa Hat key lock. WORKS COMPANY Phene Lembard 6671 STEEL (St, & TOTE4 S5 Via 2 -as-a . i?jys Js ! 1SStl!t'Vil,ltrtlfiV1JtH' I ROOFER'S WOOD Cord Weed Selected Fireplace Weed Wholesale Only ROGER H. CLAPP & CO. Ardmore, Pa. nr Dennelly & .Sens, 1817 Market Ht. n Pat. June 18. 1013 LWCEB -Ne Selash in Sink" "Petive Shut Off" Name "SAVILL" en Faucet "Ask Yetw Plnmbe" Themas Savill's Sena, Mfr. ltlO-12-lt Wall. BU. Phta. reRTAHi.r: atx sTrni. I'hnne Mkt. 1102 or wrllc for prlee. "QUIXET" GARAGES H. F. HILDRETH 12S N 3RD ST. PHILA. Asrnt for tlie D. PRUDEN CORP. Plenty of het water at home Ttenilv wlirri von vant It Just as liet as mj want it -whnn you tqulp with the "ADELPKIA" Ceal Tank Heater A r v jiroKrp"iilve plumljnr will ti'll rui the' ' ly c Intifli. Muiiemril. olflclent t-'l s zps -- fei nil ptrp' Small nvi v f it helltr en'v, Inrer slzen for I, i i tiii'l r.id'ater r p( t thf. lint ln'ikt en ' i 'n' ii it i tliffrrpnt from nil eth. rs l't- i i rlti. or call for clrrulnr. BORDEN STOVE CO. 1313 Arch Street 15 n thretiRh our plumber PURE FRESH PAINT Believe Me Paint Prices Yeu can't judge paint values by comparing prices. Yeu can pay less than Kuehnle prices, but you can't buy better paint VALUE than you get in Kuehnle paints! Try them! "Save the Surface" Kuehnle PAINT&PAJNTING Vine & 17th. Sts. SPItUCE574 RACG7749 These about te build will find our showroom display of modern sanitary plumb ing unusually helpful in their plan3. Haines, Jenes & Cabbury Ce. Plumbing and Ilcalinq Goods 1130-1144 Ridge Ave, Phila. lii il ei ft e. &im one e' the hand'- r , -t n Ph i I 'phlu enti.un ni b U ll.-i i t'i tlir - . ,lf il me of p nut , tu imiiultis; Hint u ill nul til, tct v llnr lyufuf1 'i?jMa tJOOD PAINTING t3TJW I'mnters since JS51 03) Arch Slroet bl'ltl Vi: 8377.8 It cn 4(100-19(17 Jamei S. Wilien Sen. Inc. iiiiiiSiw i?c trr-i m '.. --iVW fl-fl "WL j Vmeeclth. OXS. -iiihiv hm i.i;ni.!,jivni8 SPmJCE5W RACG7749 ' ,' Vr m ,'," , ..V'.,:! ,i , B j M f.l III .1,1 li iiic .'" i 'it j . (llll Mill V Jil-'J Xiik. 11) sn,t. 16 ji i rr i ii i mi 4fi ( "" " CMIK()M .i, r, rrn.t'g5gTOriTTer mx'i.i v ' ;,,;" h',.. '-, ' j ii i I tl!. " - ii 2 1 i ' v !N I I I ' -i I ' i n an I I r 1 -r-. 'MIII uiiHi ".in- ,m v,.,t ji ; iSfc , . I ' i I i i i i 1 . ,1 i I ' ffYVi INHIA ( unit vri M-llll' I IM s i ! pJfel Twar a. ., '.'is. :vh,vf."-- 1 '--.-'iy t ', ' ' , x tir-rlf nt rii.-rneer These about te build will ' &i rHiiJJjLLrHIA i . . ..H VXK'.fjtl 7t3R$&t& 1J &. H M Simelex A gentleman's tmirlnjr sedan. In pcrfMtl merlinnlcnl rendition. Wentlnslieme sK prints, n tires, with spetlnl llnlmlirl r I perfect In every detiill. S?2Sn. Moen Moter Car Agency 8SS V. Ilrentl Pt t'nnlnr 7fin Her Mr. M' ami EDUCATIONAL. CAMPS JU! Men nnil Ilers OCEAN CAMP FOR BOYS Denullfiil location en Caece Hay. Trained eounrllera, all land nnd uatcr sports. $10 for July and Ausuit Kenklet en request, Kll.NESTj: NOIII.n. POUTf.AND, ilH. TlltltiSANI) ISLANDS, N. Y. " CAMP WEE-E-YAH-YAH Ter linje 8 te 17 enr of nite. Jtilr 7 M tat. 81. r37.1. Illuptrnteil booklet en reeaeet. II. II. IIUXTON. t)l) Newell Bt.. Utlcn. N. Y. " - 3 i:ni'cTieNAij llnlli Hees Peircc Sclioel 0 Business Administration Will ou preereis this Summer? r- njn opper'iinitv te inrreaee your icneniedRe Trlrru Wchoel Hummer t nurses will n Id the finishing touches ! .t L'-. nur e W I'll J'mr nuur fjen IIIO St. Went nf Ilrni.l 9m mrr .Srioel Opcni July 5 FRIKNS' CENTRAL SCHOOL, system! Fer Beys and Gtrli Philadelphia, Pa, , , nun i:i.iii:ntahv h(,noei nth A Hnre Mi, 3.1th l.nhe.ister Are. I .Hi .. (ilruril A. (irei-nn St. uh. Scheel Iaa Central Scheel, 15th and Race Sts. I ir i a I whr liluh school ineludlnir rel ke pn-iaratery ilepnrtment Uelepi ihn , cenitru' im fariuties threuch phrlcnl nnit I nirin ii riiMiltii ihriUHh lilenl nn'l nnd nklllful u-e of h.imls as ell as brains . Smn I c ik. enstnnt pennnal enntnet i'li an ra ptlenally nble facult) L.iria Hapreiind kj mnnslum. lunrhroem. splen lilllly I siit. il i id entlliiieil c i;roemi. Upen te, ether ilenornlnatlens Write for ear honk r,nd rateq, (hiirleH lliirten U'nlnh, TrlnrlpM . lth iiifIllnriMt... l-lill iilrlnhlii SlUmTIIAMl M 1 U'Mt IIITINfi Our lie e nnei n rlaHipa In eteneKraphy and eTie tru mIiik inn cnt. el nt nnl time, tn'll I luil Ir'Turt'en helps the student I iree airy ni ijnmn with all modern no nptnent Visit i ,i,rms elcetne. Ua K"it riqSPS i llhluRUe I'llll.X lit '.IM.Sf fni.TXGR anil Celleec of Cemni'rre 171(1 tirket -t.. l'litliilelphlii "Prrn ire for rr'iHiirltv" Plill.idelplihi ln-tltiile of At!lteil I'syrholerf tnd I'h Ii in it hU "Ker lliwlnixx, fnr I ilurnllen nnil for Life" 1 1. " m m t srui:i:r Vnitlll.KT Ml. I. 11,1,1.. M, A.. I)Iri-tiir and nnulllni; l'5 r lioleclnt rrt-Miinnier srlmiH June 211 te July 1, spetlnl ( eniiit itlen It . M tu 0 I SI, Phene .irnci fill'O $5 a Menth Might Srhoel New Open. ra Tuition til a nnth. Ftnrthanl Typewrltlnir. lioel.lti-i'plniT, Sec retnrlil im! Hulne Admlmstritlen by 'ere 11 tnined ftcj-ri Surnrn r rates. i'U.mkii ill mm, 'riinni,, ie .ieth ht. j Cpi i miiii position ion Ti:Ariii:iis I n l'mnt Ml N J nnd N" Y. schools for I Kiptnmli r jf nerr belnn filled 1'ree reels- Meii:iiN Trxriunis' nuiiE.u 1 lf)0JMnrl.et street ' Banks Summer Scheel '"J1"1" train- t irhTi wheee pail nt -mpM'ietf intrue- 1 n 'U tnal?" our nrk n mibie Day sdoel N'lel t Scheel I links IluHinss Col Cel lu 120(1 W-iJmit str.'t l'hllnd.'thli ( ruu:v sriioei, or Mvnnnvii I'lrht IteiMmrnt Armnr. Ilreid A, Cnetblll liiatrtirtlnn llnth Sexen i:,rv Day Mled lliithlne Mill, fteriiniin. Sat. Etc. Per Couple. SI ',() STRAYER'S 1," ,,("'t ""in'" vhoei Pnnltlnn emir in'il. 1'nter no I)n or nlsht. Radie, Chambers Institute Summer II !! I'll l.ee. IB-'iJ "04(1 Areh at. vn:Msiup NOTifF CUNA ANCHOR r lat en i irv i I l II IMI III It). Mi Mil M( 1(1.1 l V Rl UNM un1 -. ithimptet lnl I Aim 1 Auk. J3 IiiIj II ti tr. H An.-. 21) Inh In iii;. n eiit. f ' ' rl 1 I I'amburk- luh I iij. i ept. t lull ." iiu- :ti tin. ft . r - ii i i !.i oipeol i a u nl ( KDI N II t HM im ICM M V l 'i llll V in, i s id ' r m I n v I I M f.l lil ( 1)1 I Mill V MI IIIIMI m ., '; v. e i . jAvuiiUriilTMiii xcri-1 ijiinu I'llne nt Gibraltar Naples Palerme Piraeus Constantinople Klrert f miiietlli Hi - ninlll Si a ItuM in nnil Neir r, it I'ulnH. wivi i viiir hmvii turn Sailings July 1 and August IS I rum 1'iir IS llriinl,n, N '"' " ' ' .' ' ," a' ' ".,,11 iii l 1 il li m r j(in i iim c. t.in r.ih, eent m ui n i'i 1 1 s s ( if "I I I' I I , , -r,,, ALLMYI TRANSPORT Li WES, Inc. Operating U S. Gov Ships Te ApCEION, GENOA MARSE'L-CS NAPLCS." dnd VALF.HCiA S S "Sinsinawa" . June 30 S S "Carence" . Jy 8 Genea Direct uri Ae Yerk 1 i . . I M , nly, GEYELtN U CO , Inc. Philadelphia Ayenta 108 S Teurtli St , Phila. Lembard 514 t Main 7620i -KERR L.ES Operating U S Gov Ships Sailings Frem Philadelphia FOR HAMbURG S S 'Mnrrutewn' (USSBj July 8 S S "Cem n" Juy g HUD50N SHIPPING CO. Inc., Agents 328 Chestnut St., Phila I enibard 52G-1-5 Mai- 7J1 1-12 J JQ9JUkHt H AMEfiJCA (JNE W M.W MlltK TO KOni.llDAM Ml I'lMIIUlllll lllllll&lfnr Snr.Mr N lll.llTll llll .llllj K AlIB I J Kept, Ifl SihiiiIjiii .Jul; 1(S Aim III He lit. 2 I I lliiltrrilum .lnl J! Aiik, V!(l Sent. Ill 1 1 ntlit in lul !') f.fpt, (ict, f I'Ksvrgtr Office, 1531 Waluit Si., PkiU, - x h X u.-hHlAM-MmK,, .-,-? J t tl tlk- m&if r -ife.i.-L1irf. , . r