I rtO Citffcfl K.C rV TS' PbEMS SELECTED A CONVENIENT. EDITION r- i Fer three score years new Wllliarn 'kller Yeats,, has been generally ad '...j. ;.',lC ,n( the, rhate flure poetry .wrlttenfin English. Irish by 'Ssth W ancestry, ththe Celtic rays ffl 'i hin Very bleed '. by culture he W- 1 I n..l .llnff halne pMt Briten.'1 In his poems meet tiny temperamental influences, viiy Sltlsbcrltlcs be Js' accepted ns a net- la star in me Kmuxy ui iii Ti. i. nnnltnntklnrlHtsand schelnrn Ufa praised for his sympathy with and' Snperary Irish patriots he Is accept Sis for his versing of the sorrows and "fears of, Dark Rpsaleen, ,, ?iVerr welcome then Is the volume et 'jMeeted Poems" just issued by the kjcmniflns. , ( , ka epe interested In the progress and llrit la .authentic poetry can afford te iSm) this' collection.';"' NEW BOOKS General BUILDING OF AN ARMY. By Jehn ICKlnsen. sw xerit; weniury ,um- APcemprhenilV8 discussion of the reer- IB.I10T1 ana exLiaiiviuii ui ie .it..w i it the, United States. 1816-1620. 'lit DISCOVERT OF ENGLAND. Br Ste m nben Leacock. New Yerk: Dedd. Mead f Essays 'of humorous cast, written In the fiurresilen of Londen, British and American Sumer and differences In humor, .the English press, publle speaklnr. politic!, etc. BIOTCA, T1IB PHILOSOPHER, AND HIS MODERN MESSAGE. By Richard Mett Oummere. Boaten: Marahall Jenes Ce. The Inaugural volume of an Interesting aeries of brief, but comprehensive, hand hand hand Eoekf, written with aohelaxly authority, but vUheat pedantry and designed te ahew the Jurltage modern civilization ewes te classic Writers. Institutions and philosophies. The Mrle, called "Our Debt te 'Greece and lEeme." makea a special appeal te the, lay leader Interested In humanism and liberal education. The author of the aeund and , readable first volume la the headmaster of tlit Penn Charter Scheel, and one of th fire co-edltera of the series la Prof, Geerge Stpue Hadzslte. of the University of Penn trrranta, under the auspices et which the pries Is published. CANNIBAL LAND. By Martin Jehnsen. Bos Bes Bos eon: Houghten Mifflin Company. A travel book about the Seuth Seas that it different. The author and his wlfe record heir travels with a camera In the New lebrldcs. 'OUR RAILROADS TOMORROW. By Ed ward Hungerferd. New Terk: Century Company. . . . . A. . A wide-ranging discussion of the American tallwaa and railroaders. ASPECTS OF AMERICANIZATION. By Ed- ward Hale Blerstadt. Cincinnati: Stewart Kldd Company. A practical book en a vital problem the Immigrant and our treatment of him. Based en fact net en empty prejudice, INVISIBLE EXERCISE. By Gerald Stanley Lee. New Yerk: D. P. Dutten A Ce. The author of "Crowds" gives seven studies In self-command with practical sug gestion and drills. An Inspirational book. FACIN'O REALITY. By Esme Wlngfleld- Stratton. New Yerk: Geerge II. Deran Company. Are we socially and morally bankrupt? An et-Fellow of Klng'a College. Cambridge, an swers whether present-day society la capable of solving the new sphinx a riddle of civiliza tion. Fiction ONE MAN IN HIS TIME. By Ellen Olas Olas gew. New Yerk: Doubleday, Page & Ce. One of Jljas Glasgow's Infrequent novels but the richer and mere mature en account of the wait. It Is subtitled "A novel of cour age" and deals with politics and social dis tinctions In Virginia. THE EYES OF LOVE. By Cerra Harris. New Yerk: Geerge H. Deran Company. A humorous and epigrammatic novel, show ing bow a man leeks In ihe eyes of his wife. Told' with the skill that murks the work of th author of "A Circuit Rider'a Wife." THE RETURN OF ALFRED. By the author of "Patricia Brent, Spinster." New Yerk: Geerge H. Deran Company. A lively, sometimes almost farcical tale of mistaken Identity, showing the embarrass ments likely te come te a person who steps Inte another's shoes, especially when the ether has a "record." Alfred's return stirs up and scandallr.es a sleepy Norfolk village, the typical denizens of which are drawn with an acid pen. Of course, there's love love hew would Alfred help It with Margie around? This Is a pleasant and readable comedy-romance. THE SECRET ADVERSARY. By Agatha Christie. New Yerk: Dudd, Mend & Ce. An exciting mystery story et a new sort. CRYSTAL COFFIN. By Maurice Rostand. New Yerk: Rebert H. McBrlde. A novel of original quality, the first book Iv the son of Edmeml Restand: It dis closes the soul of a modern youth, decadent, ttthetlc. neurotic. The excellent translation li by Alys Eyre Mncklin. WILD WOMEN. By Janet Lee. New Yerk: Nicholas L. Brown. This is the piquant romance of a flapper, presenting the wholesome and amusing hap penings et an average American household. C THE SECRET TOLL By Paul and Mabel Theme Hew a young society man, ignoring a threat of death, hunted down an ingenious blackmailer and murderer who had completely baffled the entire police force. $1.75 DODD, MEAD & COMPANY 443 Fourth Avenue, New Ynrk ALL THE WAY BY WATER by Elizabeth Stancy Payne A breezy motorboat story of Leng Island Sound. Delightful summer reading. At all boekitorti. Prict, $1.75 nit. THE PENN PUBLISHING COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. BEST BOOKS of all rcputablcAmtrican and English publishers PRESBYTERIAN BOQK STORE VVithcfspoen Bfaildinj L Juniper and Walnut g-rp Seven 1 Geed Beeks for $1.05 Clearance sals at hundreds et books by popular authors taken oft ur library shelves. 15c, 20c, 25c each p 11 Pick out a, supply for your summer home or vacation. Womrath. Library IW 18 S. Thirteenth St. A W Philadelphia M K'iP'IN r et (ur , SH-SHI SUSPICION. , Merely a Mystery Yarn It 'Seers Tell' -Here Suspects ' Everybody i' , i Policemen jenerallr will net 1 'fclf ?u,,n '" for Pul and Mabel Theme should any of our hard '" bluct pick up a copy of ''The Secret Tell,r (Dedd, Mead & um, the lateat mystery effusion of the authors, of "The Sheridan Read Mys tery," and also laid in Chlcafe. These wearers of the tale Intricate make no bones of their contempt for the de tective ability of the average police man. But in defense of the paid de- k? NM.thcir task 1b much harder than '"" me autner, wne can tie up nil or her story into innumerable twists and then imrrl u k - ii.i. i i.- typewrltcr. And why net? -Wasn't tne answer lurking around when the tw.'St? were supplied? 'The Secret Tell" is frankly a rays tery story no mere and no less. It is net se engrossing or se baffling as a limn menfnl aaimah ik. t.- llke te guess the answer before the last yn8u is rcacnea. A wealthy young Chlcagean is a blackhanders. While thd pollce blun- ucr uieng seeiting ciues, but finding "one, he decides te solve the mystery himself. Ttpfnrn Iia i1nA cm I. ... peels the girl he loves, the private de de tcctlve he has hired and a couple of Italian money-seekers, but finally pins the crime te a respected friend of the family. 'Thn Rlnmr Uoelf la nnnnn.t.1. .. mystery story" standards. Little or no attempt Is made at literary style. Ju w.!litpas? m"ster. but it is far from the "Sheridan Read Mystery" and also vcuiuu ja uracai or Hener," which deserves te be recalled ns probably the best of this year's crop of mystery stories, although it came from across "u vvaitTi WILD ANIMALS Their Minds, Manners and Traits Fascinatingly Described by Dr. Hornaday Wllllnm TV TTni.nn.1av . r,t mammals at the American Museum of Natural History and director of the ew low zoological Park, has writ ten no morn nhle wnffr ttinn '"TV,e Minds and Manners of Wild Animals" (Charles Hprlhner'n Rnnnl nn,l tl.ne has net been a book en a zoological """jcti lut uiuuy it uny lant can com pare In fascination and varied interest With Mils.. HllhHtln.l "A TtnnV f T-. spnal Observations," it has all the nu- rneruy and convincingness of Intimacy with the subject in its close-up studies. Dff. Hernnclnv in nnf nnnnnmnA inl. With Ollnlnt nr nHrl trnlta In nnlmnln but rather with deeper mammalian ca pacities, ue lias assembled out or his studies and hunting and collecting in all nnrtH nf thp wnrlH auep n inn ltf a notably varied and significant mass ei jniormaiien. nut w is mere than a merG rpnril nr nnrnnlnln Fl.. !.,.. day has brought his wide rnnging and Important datn together in n system atic and- logical relation. One of the librarians of Congress used te say, oeoks are raaue irem books," but Dr. Hnrnnrfnv rlnnlnrna v,nf 1.ia KAAi. is net made of quotations. He has taken pains te reiy en -his own experience and pride In being able te de se almost exclusively. Ameni? flin Bllhtanta ,lt,ni,DDn.l ... wild animal crimes and criminnls, lnws i V, jeck.8 ana neras, mental traits or birds, the brightest minds nmens as a ruling passion, the language of ..iiiumia, uiu ngius ei wild animals, animal temperament and individuality nml the wisdom of the serpent. There nrG innnv IlltiatrnHnnu .,.l,ll. r,.l. - i Illuminate the text. BREATHTAKING ADVENTURES TOLD WITH A LITTLE WINK Who In the great "white cellar" army has net allowed his imagination te run riot en mythical adventures in which he, the peer desk-shackled clerk, was the here of jjore-filled escapades? That is just what bespectacled Peter Duff did from his office lift Fleet street. Only he used te put his imagination into words and his chums were used te hear of his breathtaking adventures. Se when n meek-nnnearlne luncheon guest overhears some of these "escapes" et i-eter ne nnmeaiateiy nires him te sail for the China Seas and bring back n hidden treasure. Of course, Peter soils and things begin te happen. Hew could they help It with a rascally mate en beard, a beautiful If unconventional daughter of the skipper nnd a dozen or mere made-to-erdcr adjuncts te a real "penny dreadful" yellow back. Of course, Peter, with experience gained from reading through miles of similar adventures as n sub-editor, knows just hew te deal with every sit uation, and even if his memory should fall Selwyn Jcpsen is there with a suggestion that helps te make "The Qualified Adventurer" (Harcourt. Urace & Ce. ) one of the most delightful tongue-ln-thc-check stories that has cropped up in many moons. "The Qualified Adventurer" is net a satire. It Is just n geed-natured, rollicking story of ndventure en the hlKh seas, told never in a serious vein. but with enough seriousness te make It credible, NEW NOVEL HITS FADS WITH BARBS OF SATIRE Hamilton Kyfe has taken a delight fully batlrlcul flint' nt here worship. femlninb mental vagaries In general and the recent splrltuallbin furore in Eng land in "The Widow's Crube" (Themas Seltzer. Inc.). And even these who will ndlnlt inwardly that the barb of criti cism has struck true, will find thcni hulven chuckling. The Widow lived long and unlntcr chledly with n plodding matter-of-fact ncwHpnpermnn. When he finally passed away, unhonercd and unsung, she ut tered plain nnd unmistakable sighs of re lief nnd "t.et her cap" for a future mat rimonial nlliance with the titled "fam ily friend" who long had been n blleut admirer. The friend discovers writ ings left by the husband and through the clever advertising methods of n wily publisher brings posthumous fnme te the newspaperman and incidentally his re lict. The Widow, basking in unexpected glares of publicity, changes overnight, aiie grndunlly leeks en herself as the "inspiration" of the man she really hint merely tolerated. Cemes the "real Inspiration" of the Hubbnncl nnd then there is n battle royal of women a battle royal that drips with chuckles and the truth of real Inbight. Thut Mr. Kyfe permits the Widow te emerge victorious U something that innpy renders will find fault with, luu when It's all ever they will still be in se jeviul n frame of mind thnt they 11 dismiss such trivialities and hasten te tell their friends of the literary treat that has come ever from England. Popularity of Depew Charles Scribner'n Sens announce that Cbauncey Depew's "My Memories of Eighty Years" Is in Its third large printing. ' " f-" "- j i J - ..-t . - j,. . .. j . m .I l-utTJ- -- i ' ..--.. . - . - BARTHELMESS AGAIN SCORES AS STAR i . m "Senny" Adds te List of Fine Things Den by Yeung Aoter. Other New Films of Week' , Stanley AddM te "TeWe Darld'. and "The Betenth Dty," "Senny" makes the confirmed movte-gotr almost inclined te think that the new com bination of Charles Duell, president Henry King, director, and Bichard Barthelmesi, itar. ipelle the nearest ap proach te genuinely' artistic and con vlnclng film production that the indus try has today. With four or five such organisatiens in the field there would be none of, the present attitude of skep ticism as te the possibility of the screen becoming a medium, for sincere and artistic self-expression. "Benny" is a homely story woven about the old theme of two men who bear such a striking resemblance that thev cannot be told anart. One Is the son of wealthy' parents, the ether a lone child of fate, whom we first meet in bis Hoboken poolroom. The war throws them together, the rich man is killed and the ether, fulfills a dying wish te return te bis buddy's buna metner as her son and te live' the part te spare her the heartbreak of losing ner oey. The whole plot , is worked out in scenario form with exceptional skill and smoothness, and it grips the interest from the start and holds it te the finish. Bartbelmess plays the double part and he does It nrnbnhlv hetter than any thing? hn hna'vet flttemnted. Mr. Duell I has aealn surrounded his star by a .' "hnnrl.n1.tiwl" nnmnnntr and nprjinna HUUU'UtVaVU lM.tM..J , Ma... .- -,'-. nene of them docs quite se surprisingly well as pretty Lucy Fex, heretofore familiar as a serial player with "Hurri cane Hutch" and the Seltz thrillers. Miss Fex shows a premise as a genuine actrecs that should 7be given mere ire nuent nhnertunltv In such roles. Margaret Sedden, appeallngly human as ever, is the blind mother efthe rich youth, and dainty Paullae Garen is a deliirhtful little sister. Herbert Grim- weed plays a character part that ranks among the really revolting vllllans of the screen, .nnd Patterson Dial, just genuine girl, Is fine in the part of the "Y" worker who brings the substitute son home te soften the anguish ei me rienn hnv'it mother. 1 Photography, editing, direction and scenic, settings arc an up te tne nigu level set by the uartneimess erganiza tien in nis previous Hiurriyn vcuH..ca and one of the most pleasing features of this picture, as it has been of the ether two, is the sprinkling of flashes of keen humor of a kind that is quiet but dra matic in its effective contrasts with the mere serious episodes In the story. Karlbon With backgrounds that have Roldem been aDnreacbed. let alene equaled, en the screen and a cast that includes old and new favorites in great profusion, thre seems te be no logical reason why se pronounced a stage hit as "The Man Frem Heme" shouldn't be a world-beating picture, unfor tunately it isn't. The fault lies 'with the scenario writer. As it stands, the plcturlzed version of "The Man Frem Heme" Is an In teresting melodramatic story which drags In spots and becomes mawkish, but which Interests by the sincere per sonalities of the nlavers. Daniel Verhces Pike Is no longer the wonderfully human and understanding "man from home" that Hedge mode him. He is a country bumpkin, who drawls uncouth remarks and acts In a manner quite theatrical. That Is net 5amcs Kirkwood's fault, but that of the scenario and the sub-titles. Kirk Kirk weed does nn admirable piece of work, once the original Pike is forgotten. Anna Q. Nilsben Is the girl who played haunting old-time melodies for Pike en the piano. She is a fascinating figure. Nermnn Kerry casts aside heroics m rever of Italian vlllnlnr. and does his work well. Jee Ruben gives nn especially numiraeie piece or emo tionalism in the role of a crazed peas ant. Then there are Dorethy Cum mlngs, Annette Bensen and Geoffrey Kerr, all excellent. But the most satis fying, expanding performance is fur nished by Jehn Miltcrn in the memorable role of Pike's Rucsfan friend. Director FItzmaurlcc has done his werK mere than well, and nearly every scene is a perfect model of continental, Old-World beauty. Onlv Ifenth fn-ir. ingten and Harry Leen W.ilsen, the uris-iiui numers, nave been . sllsrhted ihe film Is all very well, but itrs net iuu unginni ".Man irem Heme." Arcadia One of these intrepid young Americans sightseeing in Constantinople becomes involved in n typically gerv Oriental ndventure in which he saves an American gin and battles with countless swarthy guards. Thnt'B the pier. or -xne rrepnet's Paradise," which, treated cemlcnJIy, could very easily have been turned Inte n com panion piece for Lloyd's "Sailor Made Man." However, Eugcne O'Brien and Di rector Alan Creslnnd and a large cast have all worked with perfectly serious faces, and the result is a hugely impos impes slble melodrama made of familiar sit uations which biicceeds in diverting be cause of fast action and attractive set tings. Victeria Periodically, Tem Mix turns again te O. N. M. P. (Canadian Northwest Mounted Police) stories, and in "Up and Going" he took a company wny up into British Columbia for the purpose. The answer is plenty of stun ning scenes and countless well-known situations strung together te make a "red-blooded story of the Great Out doors." Tem Mix has te paddle his own canoe as well as sit in the saddle of his favorite horse, and Eva Novak is the girl who provides the love Interest. It's oil very primitive and very hack neyed, but sufficiently entertaining. Regent Anether East Slde family, such ns Fannie Hurst would tell about. serves as the center about which the plot of "Little Miss Smiles" revolves, fihlrlev Masen, net nt all true te tvne. plays the daughter of the household, while Geerge Williams plays "Papa" Aaronsen, Martha Franklin "Mama," and Gasten, mass is the here. The last named, rcincmbercd from "Humor "Humer esnue." elves the best ncrfermuneA. The atmosphere Is correct, but the plot net uiguiy original. ranltel Richard Talmadee dennrtn hluibelf In much the same manner that Douglas Fairbanks did in his earlier Triangle pictures, and In "Watch Him Step" this new star saves the situa tion se cemnletcly that the nicturn u almost continuously diverting. Leaps nml dives and cavertlngs en the reef of a ten-story building are all in a duy's work for young Tal inndce. and his Icadlne lndv. Pth.i Shannen, is almost as daring. "Watch Him Step" hns an illogical and super ficial plot, hut its n cracking geed melodrama, and It might be added that .Mit-s Dmuimiu given premiso of uecom uecem Inir eiu) of the very best ueiuilne enmn. dlennea of the screen If she keeps up me wur one uuua in una picture "IIKFOKK YOU INVEST Investigate," said C. U. Ferbes recently In an article In the nuslnea Section, There are complele data us te price changes and in come yields of hundreds of leading; stoeks and bends published every day In the Dull ness and Financial Section of ths rcsue LuuebJii. "Make It a Habit," Adv. I Photeplayt EUewhcre- PA.LAOB -"Tht BAoheler DadayV rlth The emas Malgrmn, Leatrlee IH mmA T.annna Wlinl. Laurence Wheat. OOlOtfUL "Acress the Continent." a new Byren Morgan automobile . X&" With Richard Barthelmessi M HARJCBT UTRSBT "Orphan! of the norm' with the Qlsh Misters. COpVBT "Find the Weman." mur der mystery story, by Arthur Semera Reche, with a cast includ ing Alma Rubens and Harrison Ferd. NIXON'S AMBASSADOR '"Aihamed.ef Parent" ' BaSkONT "Spanish Jade," taken In iealn. with David Powell. OOLIBXUM"lm Matrimony a Fall- r surer" with f. Rey Barnes' and Tuny Marsnau. aSDAK "Traeked te Earth1 with Frank Maye. x STRAND "The Red Peacoek." with Pela Negri. L&ADBR "The fjoed' Provider," with Dere Davidsen. BrXTY-NINTII BTRBBTr-"l Matrt Matrt meny a Fallur7" with Lele Wil Wil eon and Tully Marshall, MANY GOOD ACTS ON - VIEW AT KEITH'S Summery Bill, With Many Nevel Numbers. Is Offered Keith's Songs nnd dances, pri marily' dances, made up the bill at Keith's yesterday. Adelaide and Hughes, mnstcrs in the dnnclng art returned after four years te receive applause al most unlimited for an offering' of dances old nnd new nnd seemingly just what the devotees of vaudeville had been waiting te see. Harrison nnd Dakin '.specialized in cleverness nnd put In song, dance and music. Opening "The Three of Us" with n clever song they proceeded te n number of mere clever additions nnd ended with a clever burlesque en a three-piece band. Through It all Billy Hogue wa a clever accomplice. Ne less meritorious were Mullen and Francis, the fastest working, hardest hitting, rapid-fire producers of wit ticisms and at times wisdom, that have been seen here for some time. An Interrogatory list draw.n up by the learned Edisen pales into insig nificance before the questioning on slaughts of Mess and Frye, who desire 'te knew, among ether things, if the Brooklyn Bridge was built te shade the fish, and bow wide would the river under It be if it had only one bank. Lucas and Inez, extremely graceful, present "An Art Classic" ftnd with them a boy of very tender years scores an instantaneous hit. Daniels and Walters, in "The Old-Timer"; Whit ing and Burt, in "Several Songs" and Bcssye Clifferd, in "Art Impressions," were ethers te appear. News pictures, snappy sayings and Aesop's Fables were diversions en the screen. dote Mysteries from the Orient and ether parts of the world as well were .offered by Richards, "The Wizard," with amazing results. His act is filled with thrills. Harry Masen and com pany, in nn up-ie-uaie bkh, unieiueti a unique story te the accompaniment of ninnv man-sized laughs. The Eight Lit tle Dells, In "An Afternoon Frolic," sang and danced entertainingly. Geed acts were alt-e offered by Fester and Seamen. comedy; Dave Vnnficld, Jug gler; Fiedl nnd Geetlcr, Beland nnd Knight and the Three Thrilling Ray monds. Nixon Ed Prcssler and Blanche Klaiss have a delightful entertainment nmld a bill fill6d with lively turns. With them nre Geerge Fisher and "Heney" Hurst in "Huts and Things" ; Laura and Billy Dreyert in the "Twen tieth Century Dance Revue " ; Troveto, nn eccentric violinist, nnd ethers, with "The Man Who Murrlcd His Own Wife," a film featuring Frank Maye. Walten Reef Bert Beri danced dances becoming a star, while Shelden, Thorns nnd Babs, all of them dancers, presented a novelty, and the Breudway favorite, Betty Hnle, pleased as well. Kenny and O'Neill were seen In "High Steps and High Cs." OLD FAVORITE RETURNS IN FILM AT ALDINE Leah Baird Is Star In "Don't Doubt Your Wife," Demestic Story Ardine It's been a long time since statucsquely beautiful Leah Baird has been seen here, but she returns, net only as the star of "Don't Doubt Your Wifs" but as author as well. Frankly speaking, her hlstrienlsm is for butter thnn her literary distinction. In "Don't Doubt Your Wife" she Keems te be endeavoring; te create the darkest pessible shadow of suspicion for her heroine nnd then te demonstrate hew unreliable apparently circumstantial evidence rr.ay be. As a warning te jealous hubbands, it may be admired, but as a drumatic structure it is ratlier hectic. However, thanks te Miss Baird her self and n mero than usually capable supporting cast, "Don't Doubt Your Wife" becomes an entertaining if net esneciallv plausible story. It concerns a young wife, with a Jealous husband and n former admirer hovering in the background. A convenient rainstorm and temporary sneuer in a notorious read houfce lays the trap for the wife's undoing, and her husband refuses to.bo te.bo to.be lievo her innocence. The ether man tinnnnna tn be 0110 of tliOSO "sOtlls Of honor" and he eventually saves the sit nation. TMrennl Pell docs excellently as the husband, with never n suggestion of his Usual Orlentnl make-up. The cast also contains Emery Jehnsen, Kathcrine Lewis and Mathllde Brundage. Har Har old Lloyd's "Never Weaken" is nlse shown here this week. BROADHURST FARCE GIVEN "What's Your Husband Delng7" by Mae Desmond Players rvns Keys A alass of absinthe when taken by an inexperienced drinker can lead te all sorts of trouble. This is shown by tne complications which nrise in "What's lour Husband Doing" presented by Mae Desmond and Her Players this week. Tlie famous larce or -uoerge iiread- hurst is presented by an especially capable east which obtains full laugh value from every line. The plot winds threunh n tortuous course ant at t mes it leeks as though the real truth in the case will never be known. When things leek the very worst for nil the innocent persons concerned, there Is a sudden shift in the proceed ings which straightens out the trouble. All the little touches which go te make reality are found in the production. which is one of the best se far given by ...W VW....,.... .. ,.,,.. .,W..,V, CAST OF FAVORITES IN "SPICE OF 1922't 8nappy Revue at Walnut Pro vides Geed Entertainment for These Summer Evenings Walnut There are enough well -liked nSes en the roster of "The Bplce of 1022" te carry almost any show te popular favor and, with all contributing the specialties in a fast-moving melange that leaves the audience scarcely n breathing spell, the new offering makes geed entertainment for a warm summer evening. True, there nre many mo me pents when the word "spice" seems nardly bread enough te cover the quite unblushing intent of lines and situa tions and no ether show bes gene quite se far in the matter of making the girls as comfortably clothed as possible "for this season's weather. If they' were any mere comfortable however, we seem te have lest our viewpoint entirely these days and the Garden of Eden cpl- HCTfMETt RBSORTH ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. The courtesies and conveniences of two hotels at one rate W.50 Dsy Vp. Amrrlr Chin (With MffiU). Hpfrtnl Wrtlttr Our ruests may lira at either house and stlll'fnjey all th comforts of both. This unique rrtHI-ls net extended by any ether hotel. mrt flropreof Annex. Tennessee Avenue near beach, opposite Catholic and Fret- siani enurcnes. rnene 270B, RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM Private baths. Cuisine and service unexcelled, Kreah vegetables. White service, lleautlful solarium. Open surroundings. Orchestra. Dnnclng. Refined patronage. COMUINED CAPACITY 000. Windows screened. Ilathlns from hotels. Oarage. Write for booklet and auto map. Beth hotels under pcrsennl direction of R. II. LUDY, M. D Owner -BEST MODERATE PRICE 4th of July Special $1 Saturday Dinner te $1 O 1 M Tuesday after Supper 1 -i NETHERLANDS New Tork ave.. CO yards from Boardwalk, overlooking- lawn and ocean. Beat located, popular priced hotel. Capacity 400. Ele vator. Private baths, het and cold running water In roems: electric lights. Table abundantly supplied with the' best market affords. Music and dance fleer. Uathlng privileges from hotel. SS.ne up dally, $17. SO up wkly. Amer. plan. Ilklt. M. C. Sweeney. Am. plan S3.80 npiGer.plan SI. 50 upirpl.wkly. ALBEMARLE Virginia avei near beach, block from Steel Pier Ideal spot for motorists; $33,000 this year for Improvements. Electric lights. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Prlv baths; elev.; luxurious sun room; large Colonial perch; bathlnc from house; excel, table, white service; erchestra: dnnclnsr. Ownership management. OAI1LE & DEVITT 4TH OF JULY SPECIAL $"1 O Saturday, Sunday $10 Monday and Tuesday X su KINGSTON Ocean ave., 1st hotel from Bench, overlooking- ecean: central; fireproef: elevater: prlv baths, Ilathlns from hetel: coolest dining room In city, en Otb fleer with ocean view. $3.50 up dly.. spec, wkly. M. A. LEYRKR. $3 op Dly.; Sp. Wkly. Am. Plan (with meals) OSBORNE Cor. Pacific and Arkansas arcs. Prlv. re frleratln plant: electric kitchen open for i inspectien: running water an outsieo rooms:, scrupulously clean. Elev.; prlv. baths, batti- Ins from hotel: bathhouses and showers free. Orchestra, dans'lnit: white service: caracc. Booklet. FRY & IIOCKENDURY. PI ANADF! Jt J$JMMM90JtkM. Whole Bleck en Ocean Frent Coelest location In Atlantle City. Ideal family hotel. Chelsea PecUen. Capacity flve hundred. Ownership direction. Booklet. W. F. SHAV 4th of July Special (1Q Saturday Dinner te $10 X mil Tuesday After Lunch 1 s& AUSTINE Paclfla St. James PI.: close te churches A amusem'ts; run. water In rms. F. II. Jenes. ije preafters. On the Ocean Frent American and European Plant FIREPROOF Afternoon musicalcH and teas, evening con certs. Dancing. New Gelf Club privlleKes. Garatre en premises. Sensible ratjes. TI1 (IF JULV SPECIAL 10 SATURDAY TO TUF.SDAY CAPACITY 2JI0 WALDORF N, Y. ave, nr. beach. Dathlng from hotel. KENTUCKY Kentucky ae. near Reach. Capacity BOO. Runnlns water Private baths. Orchestre. Dancing. 18.80 dally, special weekly. Pbene I auie-w. mxn & i:.itit.iti- C3JL.X1SI .S. Id Tsnnesse ave. near beaeh. Thop Thep Thop eughly medern: rates reasonable. Amsncan ana curepean vimu, aata.it. )uvmi. i-ree. ALTER HALL ATLANTIC- CITY. y. J. S. Carolina ie, nr. beach. Running het and cold water and elect. In all rooms, American ft European plans. MRS. K. RYAN. rin rtrrnn fient at fentnelicr ave. Suite with private bath, running wnter In all rooms, I elevator. American .plan. .Phene 7C0 W II. M. REEVES mm I THURBER AtlanUe ft Massachusetts ava. Capacity 300 All nutslds. airy looms. Bathing from hetaL JI.B0 day up. Special weekly. European plan, i . TZOrtSJ&r m m v.ur. .KiHuuii uuu xn cine Ave. 13 day up. Hpeclal weekly, American & Ian. Running water. Electric lighted, ' athlna prlv. W. L. SCHROEDER. Prep. Kentucky ave. near beach: every meiWa Improvement. Ratea 122.00 up wkly. UklU Open all year. JOHN J. MURPHY. Ownr. GALEN HALL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always Dependable nnd Satisfactory H. L. IiNiHKLL, Mnnncer HOTEL MORTON Virginia Atc. Near Rencli Write for booklet I new brick addition. e Tennessee av. and beach. Running water all rooms. Ilathlner: ahnw.. v.... rean. 11.80-18 day up., spec. wkly. J.J.Jeyce, THE ELWOOD St. James Pun. overlooking Heard. ivalk. Hreproef. Capacity 2SU. Prlvats hams. Running water In rooms, Elm met. K. T. GRAFI'. Owner TABOR INN jjl(1 end Connecticut lde.ll location Uriza airy rms,: excel, table: I'nth seasen: owner mgmt. Season .rates. J. P. & A. M. Dunn STRATH HAVEN Kentucky Ae. near Reach. European plan. Reems only HINDER lines. Hetel BetCOD: Kentucky Av. nr. beiTh rieict uu.vuuci Excellent table. Wkly. rates. 118 up. Th. 117. A. E. MARION S2v vsrl rsarsU amI- a titter of arau li I imin when' Bve'i carefully .arranged leaves Just as carefully leu en during ucr fin ncc With all i of the favorites of revue and vaudovllle seemingly Joined in this big co-operative attempt te put en a bill that wlU survive the unremuneratlve days until fall. It is Impossible te go into any 'detailed description of the acts. The .whole thing is beautifully mounted with a striking use of rich tones and slraple draping lines and masses of color that make almost every scene a delight. There is cleverness throughout a sense of skilled work manship in knitting a miscellaneous mass of material into a coherent offer ing Armnh Kail bears the brunt of the work, but there nre many who share the burden with, him. Charm ng Adele Rewland1 and lflaint MJdgle Miller, Jimmy Hussey with his Inimitable Yid dish dialect songs. Sam Hcarn nnd James C. Morten and Ocergie Price, te say nothing of Vnlcska Suratt, all de the things that the public has long showed it loves te have them de. There is en unusually big chorus that Is quite as attractive as anything else in the show nnd that will be a great factor in tiding it ever the doldrums of the sum mer, f flPatMETi RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. 1. IROQUOIS Seuth Carolina Avenue, lust OR (he Hnardtrslk. Convenient in nil attrac tions. Elevator. Phene 4834 W. HOTELS Hi FRANTIC CITY SLEEP WHERE LIFE IS SAFEST Brick, Steel and Stene Construction Ocean nnd S. Carolina Av, Largest moderate rate house of modern large city construction. Het and Celd Running Water in all Reems I'rlvute UntbJ Elevator French rfief. Excellent tnble. White service. Orchestra Dancing. Fr bathhouses for guests with Boardwalk entrance. All windows screened $3.B0 and up dally, Am plan, 32 up. Eu plan. Special wcekly. Hoeklet with autn rearl map mailed Ph. 4314-1210. PAI'l. C, ItOXECUANB. Owner & Proprietor THE PLAZA 8t- CharKa pacific. Re ann. Open all year. Deltrlch ft Ruseell. MgTs. ESTELLE 20,s Paclfle nunnlnir " water In rooms. Europ. plan. Gedwin IS1 Pacific Ave. Prlr. baths. Running water. Eurepein nlnn. LONOrORT. N. J. HOTEL ABERDEEN cX,r& coast. Directly en the ocean front. 20 min utes by trolley from Atlantle City. Ideal family hotel, 9lntle rooms. $20 week and up. double rooms, $33 week and, up. Amer. Han. New bathln beach. Jehn C. Gessler. OCEAN CITY. N. J. THE BREAKERS Ocean City. N. J. ONLY HOARD WALK HOTEL Special day and weekly rates en rooms with het and cold running water during June and from July nth te 20th. American Plan K. A. Yeung. Mgr. Plymouth Inn ,,la"T ?v ,p'ymeu'h ' PI. Caterlnc te these who appreclate comfort, courtesy and service. Limited capacity. Bklt. Kvalyn Fisher Nulty Travmer eth Wesley. A family hotel Runnlns water all rooms. July rate $3 ftO day. $g0 week UP D. P. FRY. BLSCAYNE Hun'g water In every room. uhivnuiLi Booklet. E. RLUNDIN ROSLYN 1113 Central. Fur. rooms. Near ' .iuii:ii. s, U. UUULjl,, u..u ri Amnr p,,,.n ,nn i-.m Halcyen Hall ,Ameri P1?- l, Wc- lev av Mrs, r. D. Maxwell RPRICEI FY Ueach front; lar;i dry ---- rm. . every en0 wjfh ec(an SCARBOROUGH I water In eery room view. iimninE irnm neu.v Merris Sel'ers. Ocean Ave. near 8th. Enlarged. Runnlns D. n McAllister TKNEYCK-LORAINE Oth ave. Near beach. F. E and Central tkneyck. ILNIF INN Furnished Reems. Centrally lecatea. uiu weeiey Avenue. MELROSE iih and ,A.8.bury- New p". " Itnte. JOHN L. VAN TINK Th Imnerinl Nr Beach. Special June --I- --- rnten M. McOREGQU cellent table; lest serMce. I SWANNOAi?0"Cemral Amer an,, ;,T,0,v . -.- ..J.J v., , ... .f. InKA ISLP, CITY. N. J. Fer Infnrni.ttlen write City Clrrk. City Hall HOTf.I, MF.VKMt- Directly en Heard wall Amer. & Europ. plan. R. T. Slevens. Prep, Surf HeiISC cntrally located en Beach j" "' rrent. W. M Struthers. Pr wiunvoeD, n. j. EDGETON HOTEL hpeflJ,1n5i0u1(m,ner Real Mel Is. Rneklct. W. It. Hudi;lns."'Mgr. Arcadia ricturexque. Unuaual environment. niba Macnella and Pacific. MRS. F. D. MAXWFLL. 10 Lvndhurst " f',,Iilr doer8 r Board Beard ' walk run. w.ti.r. Mr. AtA.M Cedar Hall c'Ur Mf near Beach. Run nlng water. Mrs s Clarke. Hetel Henle ! L,"c0'n-As- enle. r, Hearh & Amusements. Ambassador Am.er-, inr,"5 ?. 0ak' w- tmth stas C n Kane, Q n. FENWICK HeteI and ntaurant. Opp. . Pennt. R II. station Roeklet. I Chelten 143 E Wlldwoed av. Fum. rms. 1 Prlv. of hkpg. Mn. O. L. Jacksen. Delwvn G'en'eud Ave. nr, beach. Run. "J" water rms nitlt Mrs Mnusley. CROMWELL New open. 11th season. M J CROMWELL AYARS NeW Colonial A" out"'d rooms. Prlv. & .. ii . l'ub- bt,h, ? U "Jron.Prep. mariDoreugn Apis 1 2.3 r.fur.lct. hskner. 21B E Roberts Am. MAGNOLIA 111 E Jrannella. !ikp prlv.: near Peach J L Fur rms.; E Jacksen KEYSTONE " Ave. Running water. Am A Lun pi. F. Orslner. TEMPLK HALL V.nfl" new "' e I OP eplar ave. Community plan. SIS wek up. iTTYriTt a ii'U. .. ,.-w ... r-l rtum infers irul,ts. nrtVlLLtt "" ' '. Lnuer new manai.'f'TTiT.nt Hrt.-,." nKi. Homelike, comfnrtable rmj Mr R A Heward Reems nnd .Vnnrtments THE DERBYSHIRE wiLDWenn citr,ST. .v. j. BELMAR & location. Airy rooms, table n.ithin,- . hotel. Nell & Tlmmes. Proes. PELHAM nvender Read. Opens July i. Hcamntnn ft Harburc. CAPE MAY. N. J. MARINE VILLA Centrally and exclusively located en Heard, walk; excellent tnble. 805 Reach Ave . ftpe May, N J KEEP COOL AT CAPE MAY. N. J. Fer booklet, write Heard of Trads AVALON. N. .1. " THE PRINCETON avalen; U , ,""'l'l' NEW JF.KSF.Y Excellent cuisine. Runnlnpr water baths Near beach. JOSHPH Y. DILATl'SII. Trop HERWF.RT O REED rancer ASni'RV PARK. N. J. RRISTOL W.WHED0VRI) &S0M JLDlRECaYON OCEAN rRONT ASDUKT KRR N.J. rV,I l3d IIsfvsTst?l sOfI ITKJIDI A Afitirnv "" wi,uIDIft i"auk"n. J. Ocean front! eaoaelty 100: table and lasrvlw highest standard. W. HARVEY JONES. i iJl OPENS JUNE 241rV ' 1 -LARGEST ON NOHni JmSEV5IIORE J " NORTH ASDURY PARK.N.jT - - -' fr.,. j!HnOM!!i- OCKAN OaeVK, W. t SEASIDE HOTEL Directly en Ocean Frent. All sueat room overlooking sea. CHARLES O. STOCKTON. THE IVITHQilSE mTauTavb. MAGNOLIA VILLA, 11 rilgrlm Pathway. Spec, rates for Fourth. Deuble rooms only. srniMfi LAWK. N. J. " THE BREAKERS Ily lbs flea. Spring Ik Beach, tt'. J. Sea Hathlnsr, Hiding, Peatlng, Orchestra. DanclnB. Privilege of two 18-hole telt courses, Ten Tennis Courts. New Oven. Special June Kales. Phene 80S SS per dayt SSS per wk. op. Amer. plan naAcit HAVEN, v. J. THE ENGLESIDE X Private baths with xm and fresh water! flve tennis ceurts: booklet. It. F. ENOLE, Mgr. Alse the Covington, West Philadelphia. HEAL. N. J. THETREVISAN SgUS&ft,.. The Ideal Herns Hetel! rooms en suite. BEA MBT, N. J. THE STOCKTON SE.TT' A CHAP.MINO NEW HOTEL ON THE OCEAN FRONT! PRIVATE REACH; TEN NISi OOLF. EAOI.ES MERE. PA. EAGLES MERE, PA. The summer resort that Is different becausn It combines mountain and eeashere conditions with unique sur roundings. The sandy beach and temperate water et the Lake of the Englea afford splendid battling- 2200 fect abeve sea One of the finest 18-hole self courses In America. Fer booklet antl rules, write! The Ferest Inn Herman V. Venger, Manager. The Lakeside Jehn S. Kirk & Sen. The Raymond L. n. C. List. Manager. The Crestmont Inn William Words. Manager. MOUNT POCONO. TA. DEVONSHIRE PINES ?nNMva,11 Special Summer Rates. FlshlnK. Bathing nnd Reatlng; Booklet H. D. Humphrey Mount Pleasant Heuse J baths; free parage. W. A. & H. ii. LEECH CANADENSIS. TA. LAUREL GROVE INN Canpdn'nna,,,, Medern: reed tnble: Karaite: $18 weekly, bklt. ZIEOLERSVILLE. PA. HIGHLAND TERRACE INN The most modern hotel en thn Pcrklmen. Uecklet. A. V. UCHULER. Proprietor. ULVTT TOINT. LAKE CHAMPLAIN, N. . I AKE CHAMPLAIN, with '-its magnificent distances, imposes no limitations en Water Sports, which are delightfully provided for at Bluff Point "The Beach of the Singing Sands" J. P. CRE 4VES Nw Yerk OBI. Manager 241 FIFTU AVENUE lioehltt en rmquett HOTEL CHAMPLAIN BLUFF POINT-ON-LAKC CHAMPLAIN N.Y TYEBTTOBT. W. T. STPORT INN ON LAKE CIIAJdl'IIN Hnusckesptnir and non-deusskeeclne retiaees. Own self links, tennis, beatlns. bathlnc flshlne. erche'tra; ttem 'lent Kates J7.00 up. lllk:. II. P. SAnTn. Wertnert. N. V SARATOGA SPRINOS. N. Y. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. 'FOR HEALTH AND RECREATION Ses Sunday advertisement In this paper. Write Publicity Bureau for Information, PINE HILL. N. V. The Cornish Heuse Vn s ."C prevements. Jewish diet. Bathing, flshlnc. rowing, music and dancing. Booklets. F. Berkewltz. Pine Hill. Ulster Ce., N. Y. ,m ?)jaiagSMfcssdsss; STAMFORD. N. Y. Visit Stnmferd-ln-thc-CatklllB, N. Y. for llklt. and Information write Cunm. of Cem. LAKE fir.ORGK. N. Y. Te enjoy n charming summer. Tlslt LAKE (ILORC.E. N. Y. LENOX. MA"1, HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. High and Coel in the Berkshire A HOTEL OF DISTINCTION CXn until Oct. 13. Elevation 1400 feet. lelf. Tennis. Saddle nidlng, Orchestra D. nclng. Concerts Fireproof Garage. L. A TWOIIOGER. Manaser TVlr.ter Resort, Piinrrss Hetel. Bermuda. MILTON. MASS. HOTEL PU5T ,390 Conmenwenhh Aw Doiten, U ThcDlsunctlve S Bosten Heuse S One of the meet hemallka fl t.Wli-a-4-.- IlikliVI nuiiUt " L. Coittlle, 3aid fop0urBeoWcl Vin,iu .! S IILIT, RIDOn .MOPNTAINS. VA. Vacationing In the Illua Rldge Mts.i for de ecriptlve bklt. & list et hotels & brdg. houses tn Hlua Ridge MtB , write Gen. Pasj Agent. Western Maryland Rnllway Raltlmere. Md, CALIFORNIA Southern California Alwiiy Delightful. Send for Informa tion te ALL-YHAIl CLUn of SOUTH ERN CAM V O II N I A . Chamber of Commerce llulldlug, I.es Angeles, Cullfernln. Terus wt.-. World-Famous Cruise en the Great Lakes Transit Corporation Palatial Steel Steamers "TlONESTA" "JUNIATA" "OCTORARA" I VaXi i CpP 'jSC Buffalo te Duluth and I UXURIOUS comtert, beautuul scenery and educa 5 JLv ttenil value. Cruising Lake Erie DetreitRIvcr smi ) KP Lake St. Clair Lake Huren Straits of Mackinac Lake Superior and numerous ether bodies of water making the Great Lakes group. Piiseeyer service ex clusively every three days, stepping at Cleveland, De m rsp' treit, Mackinac Island, biult ete, Marie, Houghten. Rest dining Mivlce and sleeping uccoinuiedatlona In the world Included la fare. DANCING QAMKS OKL'lIKaTJIA . mml U 'Sllf 1 gwlt-t and reservation at luur 'i'swlst - .TT t A. Xlf , v " . , ,iii !?u y J rFrniur .. . n pjK sassMsssgars i " at JJ" tHrTlr1ll)l()l,T. , 9 - t I Ji. rf,7i .VIS ""lfffrWNNNNl(sHWssssss5lLsisN 'tuMBMEvBMMMMMMMiW. Twe famous fW v itwga'i the AUeshadst C7Ae HOMESTEAD 5 I ' ChrtultnS Aiuhnen, Rffdnt M4h Het Springs Virginia Amtriean or Eureptmn Plan Average summer temperature 64 Ne humidity, no mosquitee te disturb deep restful sleep. Hooking ORIce The Rlts-Carltea PACIFIC NORTHWEST COOL SUMMER CLIMATE Trout and salmon fishing, rolling and tM most wonderful natural scenery in all the world, reached by rail, steamer or by IS. 00 miles of eplwidld highways. effr you an Ideal vacation In the Paclfla Nerthvcst, Oregon. Washington and British CelumbU. Fer frse. Illustrated hoeklet and Information about 2R1 reduction In rallresd fares write te HERBERT CI TIII1EKT. Executive fleer. Pacific Northwest Tourist Assoc. L. C. Smith Illdg.. Seattle. Washington TOURS CuisOeLiire lizailca te 500 Gitett . ySm. E-i lit fn if...nls- bv Snedallv Chartered New WHITE STAR Liner HOMERIC 34,000 TONS RECISTCrt Sailing from New Yerk January 20 Returning March 28 Te the wonderlands of the In land Sea by thU marvelous new liner, the largest and most lux urious steJtaer ever chartered for a Mediterranean cruise. The fascinating itinerary em brace Madeira, Spain (Cadiz, Seville, Granada), Gibraltar, Al geciraa, AIglers,Tunli (Carthage), Naples, Athens, Constantinople. Sixteen Days in Egypt and Pales tine Including Caire, Luxor, Edfu, Assuan. Phllae; Haifa, Damascus, Tiberias, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem; Naples, with Amain, Sorrento, etc.: -Monaeo, with Mente Carle and Nice. Sixty-seven glorious days In all; optional visit te Paris and Londen en the homeward trip. Stop-ever privileges, with return by famous whiteStar Liners. FuUUfeTWHticn Upen'Xttjutm THOS. COOK &SON 22B SOUTH RUOAD ST. (below Walnut St.). PHILADELPHIA Tel. Spruce 8830 nnd HHI , Europe Before Sailing OECURB a copy of this Interest ing folder, "Th Charm el England," Issued free by T?ie Londen ft North Western ths premier Reute for Travel In Great iMCZSrai Britain. It will materially assist In arranging an Itinerary te include places of note worthy interest Historic Castles and Strongholds with frowning gates and bastions. The Cathedrals and Univer sities Washington's. Shakespeare's and Burns' Country. The Lakes of England. Scotland and Ireland. Alse the Keserts et North Wales. JOHN TAIRMAN. Agent Londen A North Wmtrrn Railway, 200 P. fifth Avenue. New Yerk Cae Ced and Haw Knaland Point Bally Sarvlca Jal! yar Raund Orchestra Concerts-Coel Comfortable. Staterooms. Leave dally Pier H N R. Fulton St., SJO P. M. Daylight Time. NEW BEDFORD LINE-Te New Dedford and the Islands of Marthas Vine-Yard and Nantucket. Lv. daily except Sunday from Pier 40 N. R. Feet ofHeuBtonSt.oMJDayllgbtTlma NEW LONDON LINE-Lv.dally ex cept Sunday Fler 40 N.R.Housten 8L 5.30 P.M. Daylight Time. INFORMATK r andConselldat Ik Bryant 6700, Ce Tsnii--ir-in-isi INFORMATION and tickets nt pier L3 iuiea i icaetumces.fhena .Cortland 6100, Spring 1961 ejigyrT ERICSSON DAY BOAT FOR BALTIMORE 8 o'clock In the morning dayi!t,-M saving tlme Kirj Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday. Fare i! ei te Ua't mere, IJ.OO round trip. Most beautiful ride out of rnuaeipnm. &. ill NIGHT STEAMERS FOR BALTIMORE Fare $2.00 one way. 13 00 round trip. Dally at 6 P M., S o'clock Saturdays. Deth day and night steamers step at iietterten. Maryland. Send for pamphlet. Bteareer leaves from Pier 3. Se. Delaware Ars. Mm light saving time). NIAGARA TO THE SEA Fer Illustrated guide, msp and rates, ad- , dress Jehn F. Pierce, Dept, 118, Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd , Montreal. Canada. CANADIAN" NATIONAL RAILWAY! ti See Canada This Summer ' Lew Purrs. Fer full details writ. - C. E. JENNEY. O. A. P. D., 1270 Ureadwar, New Yerk. N. Y. f Return 2230 Miles A AK.r,.- . I am StelUead Tlckei UOIm JMI m&m&mwwyMu gKig? ;' - J-VfjtCfurm. ....-.-fyar- f te BOSTON! ' i : SSJ f0.ta ti-w ai i I K i -i