.'. vis ' iJ,,Blr-'' :;-i w,., 2&Satana3teB3DnBS STORE OPKN9 AT V A; M. CLOSES OA the First Fleer . Men' Furnishings .. "Ben's $1 & $1.50 Silk Knit Ties, 35c Pure silk knitted four-in-hands In stripes r -j ninin colors. Manufacturer's rejects J. und discontinued numbers. --. Men's $1-00 Grenadine Silk Neckwear," 48c $ In onen ena si.ye. jyfen's $2, $2.50 & $3 Knit Ties, $1.00 Slight seconds from' a famous maker; pure' silk grenadine ,knit ties In figures, atripes ana piain coiers. Men's 35c Paris Pad Garters, 17e. yen's $2 Shirts, $1.24; whiteMnadras; neck band style. . ' Men's $2.50 Shirts, $1.55 Heavy silk stripes; all pretty patterns and hiah grade Sixes 13 te 17 'Men's $3 Shirts, $1.85; woven madras and woven cords in double cuff, neckband style. Men's $2 Pajamas, $1.89; plain colors; large pearl buttons. Men's $3.95 Pajamas, $1.85; silk and cotton mixed; frogs and large pearl buttons. Men's $12 Pajamas, $5.95; 12 memmie Jap Hen's $L50 Night Shirts, 89c; fine count , muslin with surplice necks; trimmed with White or coiereu uruiu. Men's $2.25 Belts and Buckles, 95c Giant Grip Nen-Slip Buckles and belts of cowhide, tubular, strap and lined, in black, brown and grey. Initials en graved free. Buckles guaranteed. Beys' Furni$hing8 Beys' $1 Sports Blouses, 60c; of fine printed madras in a variety of attractive striped patterns. Sizes 6 te 16 years. Beys' $1.25 te $1.75 Pajamas and $1.50 Under alls, 65c; our entire stock of slightly soiled one- and twe-piece pajamas and nainsoek underalls. Ne mail or 'phone orders. Beys' Blouses, 39c; made in sport, cellar at tached and neck-band style. Striped, per cale, madras, in plain white and stripes; . seme khaki and blue chambray. Slightly imperfect. Ne mail or 'phone orders. Beys' Shirts, 50e;'ef percale and madras, in cellar-attached and neck-band style. Slight ly imperfect. Ne mail or 'phone orders. Men', Beys' & Children's Hats Men's $2 and $2.50 Straw Hats, $1.50; Sennit and fancy yellow straws. Men's $4 Panama nnd Leghorn Hats, $2.55; Alpine, telescope, Bailer and square crown. Men's and Beys' $1.50 Caps, 75c; light-weight 'tweed, also silk and mohair. Children's $1.50 te $3.00 Straw Hats, 75c; sample hats and odd lets. Nobby styles. Children's $1.50 Sailor Tarns, 89c; tarns in blue, white, linen and khaki colors. Hosiery and Underwear Men's 35c Mercerized Socks, 6 pair for $1.25; fine socks of mercerized yarn, with four-ply spliced heels and tees. clack, cordovan, navy, gray. Men's 50c Clocked Socks, 29c Pair; mercerized , (isle socks with embroidered clocks. Black, cordovan, navy, gray," champagne and white. Men's Silk Socks, 45c a pair Irregulars' of the $1.00 grade. Full-fashioned thread silk, with lisle soles. Black, cordovan, navy, gray, white. Men's Silk Secks,-69c Pair; Irregulars of $2.00 grade. Finest ingrain thread silk, full fashioned. All silk from tip te tee. Black and cordovan. Men's 89c Underwear, 45c; balbriggan shirts with short sleeves and double-seated drawers. Men's $1.00 Underwear, 59c; finest white gauze shirts with short sleeves and ankle drawers. Men's $1.00 Tepkis Athletic Union Suits at 65c Fancy white madras and finest nainsoek check material. Seconds, but hurts are inconsequential and will net impair the serviceability of the garments. Mens $2.00 Rexferd Union Suits, 89c; fine ribbed while cotton; short sleeves, ankle length and sleeveless; knee length. Men's $2.00 Seisette. AthWlc Union Suits, $1.19; high-grade "athletic union suits of genuine seisette material. Women's 75c te $1.00 Stockings, 45c Pair; full fashioned lisle and mercerized. Light and memum weights. Firsts nnd seconds. Women's Silk Stockings, 50c pr. Irregulars of $1.00 and $1.25 grades. Pure thread silk ar.d silk and fibre mixed L stockings; black, white and' colors. Women's $1.35 te $L75 Silk Stockings, 95c Pair; pure thread silk with all-ever lace effect patterns and lace effect clecks.Black, white, Russian calf, fawn, gray; also plain silk with embroidered clocks in contrasting colors. Women's Silk Stockings, $1.15 Pair; irregulars of $2.00 te $2.50 grades. Full fashioned thread silk. Black, white and various ether colors. Net every size in every color. Women's 35c Bursen Stockings, $1.50 be of 6 pairs; fine gauge black cotton. 6 pairs of a size te the box. Sizes 8, 9, 9. Women's $3.00 te $3.95 Silk Stockings, $1.95 "air; all silk stockings in lace pattern ankles and all-ever lace effects. Various colors including black, but net every size in every color. Children's 25c te 39c Socks, 3 Pairs for 50c; white mercerized socks with fancy colored tops, AIbe three-quarter length mercer- , ,iz,eu secls in plain colors. Chi,(Wfl 50c te $1.00 Sports Hese, 39c Pair; ribbed mercerized sports hese in plain ..c?lers and fancy tops. Children's Silk Socks, 50c Pair; Irregulars of 51.00 Grade. Pure thread silk in three quarter length. Various colors Including black and white. Women's 39c Extra Size Vests, 25c; Swiss ribbed cotton vests in extra sizes. Women's 50c Vests, 35c; 3 for $1.00; very nnest combed yarn vests. The finest rib made. Bedicq and built-up shoulder styles. Women's 59c Extra Size Vests, 39c; fine ribbed combed yarn vests; low neck, sleeveless and bodice top. v Women's 89c te $1.25 Union Suits, 55c; regular nn 1 1?t.ru B2CS- Fi"0 ribbed combed cotton and lislp union shell edge and lace edge joeso knee and cuff-knee; low neck, sleeve- . 'ess and bodice styles. Women's $1.25 & $1.50 Nushape Union Suits; Uegular Sizes, $1.00; Extra Sizes, $1.25; "" J"lbbed lisle, shell edge loose knee and . cuff knee. ru 65c Extra Sl" Union Suits, 45c; "ODed cotton, low neck, sleeveless, lace ev, .uuoe jtnee ana cure Knee. NELLENBURGN FNTIREBLOCK-MMKET 22fe2?$TBfTS 1 ' ' . " --. . ' ' " ' " "' "', AT 8 P. M. Wonderful On the First Fleer Women's $1.00 Deable Extra Slse Uaten Baits, 75c; sites 46, 48, 60. Fine ribbed cotton, low neck, sleeveless, shell edge, loes knee nd cuff knee. , ' . Women's Gleve. Silk Vests, $1.M; seconds ef $2.50 grade pink, pure silk vests. Bodies tops and built-up shoulders. Women's $5.50 Silk Union Salts, $3.75; Vanity Fair glove silk union suits. .. . Children's 50c Pante, 8 for 50e; white ribbed lisle pants; knee length.. Children's 75c Bleemers, 89c; whits and black knitted cotton bloomers. Beys' Glbb Union Salts, 60e; seconds eTTBe grade. White gauze cotton athletic anion suits. Sizes 28 te 84. boys' Tepkig Union Suits, 55c Fine check Nainsoek Athletic Union Suits. Seconds of Tepkis 76c make. - Women Gloves Women's Washable Fabric Gloves, 85e pair; 16-button length -suede finish fabric gloves in black, mode and grey. Sizes 6 te 7tt. Women's $2.19 Leng Silk Gloves at $1.35 Pair 16-button Milanese silk gloves in whits whits deuble tipped fingers for extra service. Sizes 6 and 6 Mr. Women's $1 Tab Wrist Gloves. 2fc eU lfils small auantltv of waahabls charael gloves in an incomplete line of sites and colors. Luggage Genuine Cowhide Bosten Bags, $1M a limited number of real surface cowhide bags in black and brown. Asserted sitae. Sewed or riveted frames. Seme leather lined. Genuine Cowhide Suit Cases, $Mffj black. Twe solid brass side lever locks. Made of cobra grained cowhide ever steel frames. Women's Hand Bags Women's Hand Bags, 93c te $3.7$; all-silk gen uine leather and some beaded bags includ ed. Fitted Overnight Bags, $5.85; silk lined. Nickel or gilt trimmings. 14-inch site; containing comb, brush, mirror, seap-bex and teeth brush container. Umbrellas Men's and Women's Umbrellas, $246; women's have full length bakelite handles in amber, white and color combinations. Men's have creek styls handles. AH made ever closely woven, piece dyed' union taffeta; a few striped silk umbrellas included. Toilet Goods 25c te $7 Imitation Ivery Toilet Articles, 10c te $2.50; odds and ends in mirror, brushes, puff boxes, hair receivers, manicure pieces, combs and a few manicuring sets. White, blue, pink, black-and-white, mue-and-white and pinK-and-wmte. siignt seconds. William's Talcum Powder, Special at 15c Rese, violet or carnation. Patent Medicines Herllck's Malted Milk, Hospital s'ze, $2.75. Earle's Hype Ced, Special 79c. Teniae, Special 69c. Drags Specially Priced 40c,5-Ib. Epsom Salt, in bag, U. 8. P., 28c. 25c Citrate Magnesia, U. 8. P., 20e. 25c Seidlits Powders, U. S. P., 1 dex, 20c Cleck $1.35 Alarm Clocks, 85c; guaranteed American movements. Nickel case with bell en top and fitted with lever te step alarm. Large clear dial with plain numerals. Silver-plated Ware $2.50 Sheffield Silver-plated Bread Baskets, $1.85; octagon shape, plain polished, raised border and thread handle. $2.75 Silver-plated Cheese Dish, $2.15; pierced silver-plated Helder and fancy etched glass dish with silver-plated knob. Jewelry ' $10 Sports and Outing Wrist Watches, $0.45; Cushion shape, sterling silver case. High grade 16-Jewel movement. Eumineus dial and hands. Nevtlty Jewelry 50c te $1 French Pearl Bead Necklaces, 85c; graduated styles, opera length. Beautiful flesh and cream tints. ' Clearance of 25c te 50c Novelty Jewelry at 18c; bar pins, breeches, cuff links, scarf pins, cellar pins and necklaces. Children's $1 imported Besded Parses, 8Pr attractive colors. $2 te $2.50 Imported Besded Bags. $1.49; attractive colors and designs. All frame styles. Convenient sizes. $1.50 Mean Bags, 75c: silver-plated, unbreak able mesh bags. Various sizes. White Goods Remnants of 19c te 35c White ' Goods at 10c 27 te 36 inches wide. Included are long cloths, nainsoeks, lingerie cloths, pa jama checks, linen finish suitings, ma dras, oxford suitings, etc 1- te 8-yard lengths, all perfect goods. Ne man er 'phone orders. $4.50 Japanese Nainsoek, piece. $2.44; 10-yard pieces, 84 inches wide. Seft, fine texture, en union. $2.25 Longcleth and Nainsoek - $1.33 piece Firm, evenly woven longcleth" and soft fin ish nainsoek; 10-yard pieces. 86 inches wide. Notions Children's Rubberized Aprons, 15c each; in pretty figures and designs. Babies' Rubberized Pants, 10c pair; an odd let reduced for clearance. Women's Sew-en Hese Supporters, 10c pair; well made and strong. Wash Goods Remnants 29c, 39c, 50c, 69c, 79c and $1.00 Yard Qualities at 18c Yard 1- te 6-yard lengths Including Dress Ginghams, Jumper Suitings. Printed Voiles, Plain Voiles, Imported and Do De mestic Organdies, Embroidered Swisses, Figured Batistes, Silk Stripe and Check Voiles, Silk Mixed Pongees, Silk Finish Poplins, Mercerized Suitings, Plain Japanese Crepes, Novelty Crepes, Nov elty Woven Voiles, Silk Mixed Crepes de Chine, Printed Silk Crepes, Silk Chif Chif eons, Cotten Pongees, Embroidered Voiles, Rlpplettes, Woven Imported Tis sues, Madras Shirtings. Ne mail or 'phone orders. Linings Fast Black Mercerized Satine. 25c yard; splendid for bloomers and underskirts. B.lack Venetian Surf Cleth, 89c yard; for bath ing suits and coat linings. Lustrous finish. N.SNELLENBURG & CO e 'ill.: J- v 'iil''V.,". '. -V.'. ..''''"'' ' V"n" "'" "'" ,' ' v Tomorrow Will Be The Great Day of Meney-Saving Prepared ' a V a & T 1 V wTy Mere, and farttctpatedin by ine iirsi uppenumcy uay 01 summer---ine lasi before the Fourth, bringing marvelous savings en all wanted kinds of summer merchandise wearing ap parel,' new furnishings for the summer home, vacation accessories, sporting goods, everything! , This is YOUR Opportunity te Save Come and Take Advantage of it! On th$ First Fleer Women's Neckwear' S lie Organdie Sashes, 40c each; fine organdie sashes; with hemstitched ends. Ne Orgaadie Pleathigs, 25c Yard; fine qeality organdie pleatings, white and colors. 10c Val Lace Vestees, 4e each; net- and-lace vestees, cream color and white, in tuxedo cellar style. Artist Materials Academy Beards, 81m txl2, lie. Treves Beards, Size f al2, 19c BtsseVs Shew Card Celers, 28c Water Celer,' Whole Tabes, lie Decorative Oil Celers, Graduate Tubas, 29c Water Celer Outfit, $1J8. Oil Celer Ontlt, $24$. - Cameras Felding Camera, K. R. Lena, I M. Felding Camera, R. 8. Leas, $14.19. Felding Camera, R. R. Lens, $8.89. Felding Camera, R. 8. Lena, $15.19. Felding Camera, R. R. Lens, $12.98. - Beeks 2500 Copies of Popular Fiction at 29c Each Over 100 titles from which te select your' vacation reading. 9M 4$e Uncle Wiccily Picture Beeks for Children, 29c each; six titles; 27 pages in colors. Silk. $4 Silk Sean, $1.29; 40 inches wide. All silk ratine, with new satin stripe and plaid ef fects. Fer sports dresses and skirts. S2.S0 Plaid Tsfeta, 98c Yard; 36 inches wide. Silk taffeta with satin bar patterns. Large variety of French and Scotch plaids. $2 Crepe de Chine Shirting, 98c Yard; 82 ins. wide. All pure silk. with colored satin stripes en white grounds. ' $8 Stripe Broadcloth Silk Shirting, $1.26; 82 Ins. wide. AH silk. Geed heavy quality. $8 Printed Crepe Georgette, $1.29; 40 inches wide. Made by one of the leading silk manufacturers. Newest street colorings. $2 Black Taffeta and Mescaline? $1.29; 85 ins. wide. Very geed quality, $8 An Silk Faille, $1.69; 40 inches wide. Fine quality, desirable for capes, dresses, etc. Stationery Imported Stationery, 60c; 100 sheets imported paper and 100 tissue-lined envelopes. Best quality linen- grey only. 15c David's Fountain Pen Ink, 5c Bettle. 81JS9 Feantain Pens, 89c; self filling. Guaran teed. " Handkerchiefs Men's 25c Handkerchiefs, lie; high eolered printed 'handkerchiefs in several attractive styles and shades. Slightly imperfect. Men's 85c Imported Handkerchiefs, 18c; some plain white with quarter-inch hems; ethers with colored woven borders. ' Women's 95c Half Dezen Handkerchiefs, 59c Half Dezen; finest white lawn with quarter-inch hems. Women's 25c Handkerchiefs, lie each; mussed linen in all white, solid colors or with em broidered corners. Crepes and Veilings Georgette CrceesMl.29 Yard; all colors. 60c and 75c Veilings, 38c Yard; dots and meshes. Plain and combination colors. $1.60 Square Veils, $1; plain colors. Combi nation borders. Laces $2.25 Satin-finish Radium Allevers, 94c Yard: 86 inches wide. Silk allevers in rose and scroll designs. "Most all shades. Ne black. Real Filet Edges and Insertions. 42c Yard; rose and lead designs. 1 inches wide. Embroideries $1.95 te $2.75 Misses' and Kiddles' Organdie and Voile Fleances, $1.19 Yard) 27 and 86 inches wide. All pastel shades and white. Slightly mussed from handling. $2.25 Gingham and Organdie Fleances, $1.39; 86 inches wide. Permanent finished organ dies, with hems and tucks of gingham and rows of hemstitching in colors te match gingham. A new novelty shown this season. Linens $2.76 Pure 'Linen Table Damask, $145 Yard; Bleached and unbleached fine satin damask, every thread pure Irish linen. $7.00 pure Linen Napkins, $4.75 Dez.; bleached heavy pure linen satin damask napkins, size 23x22 inches, in pretty patterns. $1 Mercerised Table Damask, 65c Yard; snowy damask of splendid heavy quality, with a permanent satin lustre. Full 2 yards wide. $340 Mercerised Dinner Napkins, $2.46 Dei.; . bleached napkins of very heavy quality, with a. fine linen finish. Size 22x22 inches. Hemmed ready for use. 25c Crash Toweling, 16c Yard; bleached heavy union linen Barnslev weave cranh. Mnrh. ent and lintless, with neat colored borders. Suitable for hand, roller and dish towels. 15c Huckaback Towels, 10c Each; a fine, firm, even weave huck towel, size 18x84 inches. Hemmed ends. 75c Turkteh Bath Towels, 44c Each; woven em heavy, two-ply Terry yarns. Large, thick, heavy, spongy towels, all white and white with neat colored borders. Hemmed ends. Size 22x44 inches. 800 Yards of $3.50 White Suiting Linen, $1.85 Yard; medium weight suiting, in the even, firm Belgian ramie weave. 90 inches wide, with shrunken finish. In a width that cuts te advantage for women's skirts, dresses. Flannels JJ5c Cream Celer Weel Flannel, 43c Yard; nice grade for infants' wear. 22c Bleached Canten Flannel, 18c Yard; heavy grade, with long, fleecy nap. 29c White Daisy Cleth, 23c Yard; 27 inches wide. $1.26 Embroidered Weel Flannel, 95c Yard; with scalloped or hemstitched edges. Bed Muslins $1.69 Bleached Seamless Sheets, $1.09 Each; size 81x90 inches. Of heavy grade sheet ing; Ne mail or 'phone orders filled. 65c Bleaehed Sheeting, 55c Yard; 81 inches wide. Standard make. 18c Unbleached Sheeting, 12KaC Yard; 36 ins. wide. Cut from full pieces.' 39c Bleached Sheeting, 88c Yard; 45 inches wide. Standard brand. SttsSM .SNELLENBURG & COasSS Opportunity for by Every Department of r"aT a 9 7 i f r m every l hrttty, value-Wise rhtladelphtan. On the Second Fleer Women's Suits and Dresses Women's $5 and $6.00 Gingham Dresses, $2.35 Splendid MMrtmnt of striae. In eUer eheek flns-hame, with cellar and veatee of organ die or .pique, or button trimmed. Women's $12.6 Jap Silk Dresses, $6.75; cool, geed-looking dresses for summer wear trimmed with pleatings of self eoler. In black and navy the black dresses particu- ,iany meed by yiese who are te mourning. Women's $15 and $19.75 Crepe Silk Dresses $10.75 Figured Crepe de Chine, with crepe combine with satin, and Canten crepe frocks in tunning sport,, street and afternoon med els. White, navy and black. Women's $29.75 Tricetine Suits $16.95 Smartly tailored long coat models of excellent quality tricetine, lined with geed quality Ilk. Women's $19.75 Shantung Suits, $10.75; geed looking tailored models in the new long coat effects. Women's Coats I Women's $5 Jersey Sports Coats $3.65 Tuxedo style, belted; In brown, reindeer, nary and blaek. Women's $22.50 Black Canten Crepe Capes, $15.75; lined throughout, with platinum hare cellars and fringe trimmed. Women's $15 Pole Coats $7.75 Of tan coating, belted. Large patch pockets. Women's Blouses Women's $6 te $8 Pongee and Ratine Overbleuses $3.85 Embroidered In silk and wool in contrasting effects, scalloped and fitted te the hlpu. Cellarleas necklines. In Copen, tan, henna and orchid. $2 and $3 Fine Tub Blouses, $1.35; fine voiles, linenes, dimities, batistes and white and colored novelty , voiles. Lace - trimmed, tucked, embroidery and gingham trimmed. Frilled and vesteed models, Peter Pan and tuxedo cellars. Women's Skirts Women's $5.95 Sports Silk Skirts $3.95 White Baronet satin brocade. , Smart models with two cut-in pockets and pearl button trimming. Women's $5 Sports Skirts, $3.76; Georgette with colored satin stripes, also crepe taffeta 'and colored baronet. Shirred at waist. Women's $2.50 Tub Skirts, $1.89: white gab- ardine, with cut in, patch or inset pockets and narrow belt. Women's Stylish Stoat Apparel Large Women's $6 Voile Dresses $3.75 Slenderising models for the large woman. Pretty designs. Trimmed with lace or Georgette vestees; some with side panels. mm 4zyt; le bih. Large Women's $20 Gingham Dresses, $15; exceptional assortment of smart models In imported ginghams. Sizes 42 J4 te 54 Mi. Large Women's $25 te $35 Tep Coats, $18.60; Velour in becoming sports models. Alse a few capes. Sizes 42H te 64ft. Misses Wearing Apparel Misses' $15 te $19.75 Silk Dresses $10.75 Canten crepe, foulard and combinations of Resbanara crepe and crepe de chine or satin. Lowered waistline and straight line - effects, with draperies and odd tunics. Slses 14, 16 and 18 years. Misses' $5 te $6 Gingham Dresses, $2.35; straight and lowered waistline models, some with vestees of organdie and sashes. Qne guimpe model. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. Misses' $19.75 Shantung Suits $10.75 i Smart sports models with plain tailored col cel lars, narrowly belted and pocketed. Sizes 14, 18 and 18 years. Limited quantity. Misses' $29.75 Tricetine Suits, $16.95; smartly tailored with coats in the fashionable length. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. Misses' $5 Jersey Sports Cesta, $3.65; short sports models in tuxedo effects, with nar row belt and patch pockets. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. Misses' $22.50 Silk Capes, $15.75 Fringe and platinum hare trimmings. Misses' $15 Pole Coats, $7.75; sports styles in .ten coatings, belted and pocketed. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. Misses' $5 Silk Sports Skirts, $2.89; satin and fancy silk skirts In gathered-back styles, with belts and novelty pockets. Juniors & Girls' Wearing Apparel Juniors' and Girls' $5 Summer Dresses $2.75 Figured and flowered voiles, ruffled and sashe Sites 8 te 16 years. Girls' $7.50 Silk Dresses, $3.95; hand embreid ered and ruffled models of fine taffeta. Sizes 6 te 12 years. Girls' $2.00 and $3.00 Regulation and Peter Pan Dresses at $1.00 Of white Lonsdale jean and linen, trimmed with contrasting cellars and cuffs. Sizes 6 te 14 years. Women's, Misses' and Girls' $2 Middy Blouses, 85c; white or white with contrasting trim ming. Girls' $2.00 Suspender Skirts, 85c; of Lonsdale jean, checked or fiowered gingham. Sizes 8 te 14 years. Women's, MisBes' and Girls' Smocks at $1.45 each; of ramie, wenderlaine and Peggy cloth. Hand embroidered and smocked; asserted colors. Women's Bathing' Suits and Sweaters Women's $5.00 te $7.50 California Bathing Suits, $3.95; pure worsted suits in all the wanted colors, attractively trimmed. Women's $7.50 te $12.00 Sweaters, $4.95; tux edo and Slip-en models in wool or fibre. '' .','' :.' . l.!.' -. -'2.',,. Day: This Whole On the Second Fleer Women's Undermusllns A Aprons Wemen's $2.00 Gowns, $9c each; of lingerie cloth; with small set-in sleeves, and elabo rately trimmed .with lace and embroidery. $1J9 "Bnellenburg Deable-Daty" Bangalew .Aprons, 98c each; of chambray and per cale, reversible, and finished with pique col cel lars and cuffs. $2M Extra Size "Deuble Duty" Bangalew Aprons, $149; reversible front style, fin ished with pique cellar and cuffs. Cham bray and percale models. Millinery Trimmings Odis and Ends ef 76c te $2.00 Millinery Trim dags, 25c; long and short wreaths. Seme very nne trimmings in tne let. Children's Apparel Children's $2.00 Organdie Dresses, $1.69; sheer dainty frocks in plain colors, dotted effects and checks. Cunning styles, in all pretty colors. Sices 2 te 6 years. Children's Play Salts, 76c each; of blue-and tan striped gingham, low neck style, with short sleeves. Sizes 2 te 6 years. Children's Overalls, 45c; of blue denim strong and well made. Sizes 2 te 6 years. Children's Night Drawers, 65c; of white cress bar muslin. Sizes 2 te 8 years. Shoes - Women's $7.90. White Pants and Sports Oxfords, $4.95 pair; white linen one-strap pumps with Junier French heels, and white canvas lacs oxfords, trimmed with patent leather; welted soles and military heels. Beys' Mahogany Calfskin Lace Oxfords with welted soles. $4.00 Oxfords, Sizes 10 te lS'i. $2.96 pair. $4.50 Oxfords, Sizes 1 te 5ft. $8.86 pair. Men's $6.00 Outing and Sports Oxfords, $4.95 pair: rubber sole sports oxfords with smok ed elk vamp and brown calfskin trimming. Shee Findings, Specially Priced 25c Klenall, 19c lOe Slipper Trees, 8c. 25c Shee Brushes, 22c. 25c White Buck Powder. 19c. Women's Heuse Dresses $1.39 Bungalow Heuse Dresses, fltt ach; of plaid and stripe ginghams, trimmed with plain material. $1.00 and $2.00 Heuse Dresses, 50c and $1.59; of gingham and percale, in stripes, plaids and figured effects. Net all sizes in any one style, but all sizes in the let. $2.95 Extra-size Heuse Dresses, $1.95: straight line, models of gingham and percale, .finish ed with plain material. Women's Petticoats Women's $3.50 White Washable Satin Petti coats, $2.39; with neat scalloped edges and double panels, back and front. $1.25 White Sateen Petticoats, 75c; finished with geed looking flounces. Corsets $3X0 and $3.58 Corsets, $1.39; girdle top and low bust styles; broken size range. 85c te $2.00 Cenflners, 55c; odd lets; large sizes. $2.00 and $3.80 H. ft W. Waists and Corsets, 95c; lightly bound and splendid for house keepers. $8.00 te $10.00 High Grade Corsets, $8.49 j La Bonite. Nulife, R. ft G. and Snellenburg Special Corsets reduced for clearance. Seme broche models and ceatfls; broken size range. Art Needle Werk $2.25, Fancy jPillews, $L75; covered in rose. blue or geld with figured centre, trimmed with geld braid. $1 te $2 Stamped Pieces te Embroider. 5e te $1. Centrepieces, scarfs, children's dresses, rompers, bibs, towels, etc. Knitting Yarn, 12c Ball. Shetland floss in a full line of colors; 1-ennce balls. On the Third Fleer Men's and Yeung Men's Summer Clothing Men's and Yeung Men's $30 Fancy Summer Suits, $20 Men's and Yeung Men's $35 Blue Serge Twe-Trousers Suits, $27 Men's and Yeung Men's $6.50 and ! $7.50 Fancy Trousers at $3.95 Men's and Yeung Men's made te Measure Clothing Men's and Yeung Men's Made-te- Measure Fancy Summer Suite at $33.50 Men'c Made-te-Measure Two Twe Piece Mohair Suits at $33.50 Beys' Clothing Beys' $12 2-Trouser Norfolk Suits at $6.95 All-wenl fancy chevlet-i and casalmeres, the coats i lined with mohair and the knickers full lined. Nene sent C. O. D. and no mall orders. Only 50 suite In the let. Sliea 7. Beys' $15 2-Trouser Norfolk Suits, $8.95. All wool cheviets and cassimeree, knickers full lined. Best tailoring. Sizes 6 te 14 years. Beys' $10 Washable Norfolk Suits at $6,95 Keep Keel Panama cloth. Sizes 9 te IT years. Beys' $5.50 Washable Norfolk Suits, $3.60. Best quality black and white cotton crash box pleated norfelks. Sizes 7 te 18 years. Beys' $2.75 Tub Suits, $1.34. Short sleeve Oliver Twist models in navy, cadet, grey and tan. Sizes 2V4 te 8 years. Beys' $340 Tub Suits, $1.80. Short sleeve Oliver Twist, Balkan and middy styles. In all best wanted materials. Sizes 2ft te 6. Beys' $1.45 Washable Knickers, 89c. Extra quality khaki; sizes 6 te 18 years. Beys' $1.45' Wash Blouses, 79c. Short' sleeve sports models. Sizes 6 te 16 years. Sporting Goods Men's $2 Cotten Bathing Suits, 95e. Well made suits of geed quality cotton, in the popular Pacific Coast style. Men's $5 Life Guard Bathing Suits, $340. Complete with blue flannel trunks, sleeve less white wool shirt and white web belt. Celer in trunks guaranteed. Beys' $5.00 All Weel Sweaters, S1 Medium weight pure wool sweaters, in k.-je shawl cellar style, with pockets. $3.00 Ball Bearing Reller Skates, $1.65. Union hardware ball bearing roller skates with clamp tee and strap heel. $40.00 Bicycles, $25.00. Complete with mud guards, roller chain, ceaster brake, rubber pedals and grips, and large saddle and non skid tires. Guaranteed for one year. Beys' $3.50 Weel Bathing Suits, $2.00. All wool bathing suits; Pacific Coast style, shirt and trunks knit in one. Children's $2 Weel Bathing Suits, 75c aa. All wool bathing suits, in geed, heavy sweater an malarial KU.i OA Q4 ae . t a '.....: j.:. .'.'..' Ll. ,.i.-.vj.jrf TOM OPVff AT t A. M. CtOM AT I P. M. aft mluitertm' ;-"'i On the Third Fleer Automobile Tires end Accessories $18.76 Lete Oversize Cerd Tires, $19.75; site 86x8tt. Guaranteed. for 9000 miles, Per fect nen-skkt, high crown tread. Complete) with pare ram tabs. $18 M Gfrard Fabric Nea-skld Tires, $8.75; guaranteed 6000 miiel. Extra oversize 80x8H, compare with many cord tires. Glrard Pare Gam Tabes; guaranteed net te rip. Every, tube warranted perfect or re placed Slse 80x3tt, $1.86 Slse 83x4 UM Sise 82x3 H, $1-50 Slse 84x4 $248 Size 81x4, $248 All 4Vi-in. Tubes, $1.71 Slse 82x4, $245 All 6-in. Tubes, $8.28 ' $249 Laggage Carriers, $1.26; new style. Extra heavy gatf. $8.69 Windshield Vicers, $2.49; no glare. Light and rattleproef. Sewing Machines Closing Oat a Number of Used High Grade Sewiag Machines. $6 te $26. Machines of leading makes, all in first class mechanical condition; including Domestics. Wheeler ft Wilsons, Singers, Standards, New Centur ies, and Davis'. On the Fourth Fleer Framed Pictures and Mirrors I M m H rramea nctures Keaneea te roc. oval and square shapes; asserted sizes, meuldings and subjects. $10 te $12 Oil Paintings, $3.50. Pleasing subjects in burnished sweep frames. $8.75 te $5 Haad-Carved Standing Photograph Frames, $1.39. Large base and swinging centre frames in all sizes, 5x7 te 8x10- inehes. Complete with glass and back. $29 te $27.59 High Grade Mirrors. $9.95. Wanted finishes, sizes, shapes and styles. Rugs. Carpets and Lineleums 399 $16.59 9x12 ft. Willow Rags, $9.80; splendid quality rugs in a variety of Sretty patterns, suitable for private emes, hotels and bearding houses. $32.59 6x9 ft. Alexander Smith Velvet Rags, 118.93; effective patterns and colors. 1099 $2.50 18x36-iach Oval BraldeeTRugs tags, cts I $1.25; in charming cretonne effects some slightly soiled from handling, $48.50 8.8x10.8 ft. Sesmless Fringed Wilten Velvet Rags, $32.95: in a large variety of rich Chinese and Oriental designs. Chenille Rugs Greatly Reduced; $47.50 Rugs, size 6x9 ft, $25.00; $72.60 Rugs, size 7.6x10.6 ft, $39.65; $77.50 Rugs, , ' size 9x12 ft, $42.85; can be used en either side. Solid colorings. Extra Slse Tapestry Rags, $26.75; 10.6x12 and 11.8x12 ft. rugs in attractive well covered Persian patterns. Colonial Rag Rugs at hi Off Regular Prices; $11.60 Rugs, size 6x9 ft, $6.85; $18.50 Rugs, size 8x10 ft. $10.85; $20.00 Rugs, size 9x12 ft -" $13.85. $18.39 Seamless Reversible Rugs, $10.75; size 7.6x9 ft. In pretty figured effects and solid colors. Limited quantity. tOO Weel Bath Rags 27x84 lack Rags, $1.95; in pretty solid colorings that can be used en either side. 89x88 lack Rags, $2.45; some of these rugs ' are slightly soiled from handling. 18M Tarda 27-laeh Reversible Carpet, 95c yd.; suitable for stafrs and halls. One pretty nattern. $1.85 Heavy Tapestry Carpet, $1.25 yd.; 27 inches wide. Suitable for rooms, halls and stairs. $2.00 Genaine Inlaid Linoleum, $1.15 sq. yd.; "2 yards wide, variety of pretty patterns. Cut from full rolls. $1.45 Best Cerk Linoleum, 74c sq. yd.; 4 yards wide, in a choice selection of pretty pat terns. Will cover almost any large room without a seam. 95c Tabcelin" Fleer Cevering, 59c sq. yd.; 2 yards wide, in effect'" Parquet. Hardwood and Tile effects. Guaranteed for service. Swings, Flag Outfits, Tey Automobiles $10.95 Lawn Swings, $7.85; seats four adult passengers. Strongly built of hardwood in red and green finish. $4 Hanging Perch Swings, $2.65; 4 feet long. Mission finish, complete with chains and hooks. $1.75 U. S. Flag Outfits, $1.28; one 4x6 feel bunting flag, with sewed stripes,. pole, rope and bracket. $12.95 Automobiles for Beys and Girls, $6.95; adjustable, upholstered seat, imitation head lights, mud guards, splash beard and running beard. Baby Carriages $19.50 te $40 Reed Stroller Ge-Car ts- $12.95 te $29.75; Blech, Heywood and ether well known makes. Variety of styles and fin ishes. $39.76 Blech Reed Chariet Ceac'--, $28.76: with heeds, reclining back, corduroy lining and deep foetwell. Cream and gray fin ishes. $7JJS Blech Reed Snlktes, $4J; ruMiar tires. Natural finish. Wall Paper ffJ1 ? W reO; pretty floral and plain stripe bedroom papers sold in com bination with matching borders at 7:e te 12Vie yard. 1W and 15c Papers, Se roll; bird, floral, all pver foliage, stripe and bleek designs. Sold in combination with matching borders at 5e and 7fte yard. 30c and 36c Papers, 14c roll; blended fabric and conventional figured living room and hall papers. Cut out borders te match at 12 e and 15c yard. Upholsteries 59c Awning Stripe, 99c yd.; 8 or. best quality awning stripe. Tan, green, blue, brown, etc. stripes. Cut from full pieces. 98c Imported and Demestic Cretonne, 65c yd.; excellent quality, beautiful colors and pet terns. Ideal for slip-covers and draperies. 39c Drapery RemaanU, 10c yd.; scrim, voiles and marquisette. 36 in. and 50 in. wide, from 1 te 6 yard lengths. White, ivory and ecru. 48c Heavy Marqaieette, 35c yd.; in white and ivory. Excellent cmalitv. 48c Half Sash Curtains, 85c each; made ef geed marquisette, In pairs and one piece, some with insertion, ethers plain. $1.98 Cress Strip. Cartelae, $1.19 each; made in pairs and Dutch sets. 98c Cretonne Cushions, 65c each: nrettv enshiens. Well fllled-square. $1.26 Scrim Cartalns, 69c pair; lovely scrim curtains, 2H yards long, in ecru. On the Fifth Fleer Musical Instruments Bale ef Used Player Pianos 2 $450 Marvin Player Plsaoe, $895 J III; 5"flr ! HM 1 $tli Marvin Player Plana, $$ msswETL .sK'J,: ii n& N.SNELENBU. 3eC VI J. X,-t. 0 sasssi"r"---'iy--rK'--rx-''--' . . A .v rtOi. .ill Ifffistrt-rn,- ,,t,i L-- lit- jj&Zi-