ill , lfll'fMglffn?fPPT mmrr IBSSSaaaaaBSSSSJSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSBSnSreMSL'IMSSlWSSl gfWt iFWIWIT-WHJlll KMU2A ewy'sT77: "" " ' HiRtdpesefBreqd m ". m, th.A All Kinds of PifuRiM. VeUciouaJChecoUue- fevered Wafers and Tasty UlnrMiin Bread. ' xr j i k m A. WIUON ftiM' ""fiehf vtrvttY .wfl muffin, wafer, and brown bread rUBB muffin, wafer, and brown bmd will be our lessen teday: A&SeSd biw a. fine train, wi I AMtters ." flni) .- .- f Meflnl sneuiu --- ijv- . u- T ennnffv texture, 11 "" -v-- 7" LSSrful. The composition, 01 me ear oft PJ SftUST the time for baUni are the Ira KlJfeatarH of this form of bread. Ct'unt features Vtt m"" . .... P 'wne.wa r f'fh. "En that mafnr te th. ""..fErdfim. the flour. New X teWwiw 0 hvUtr, Yelks of three eggt. , . r?m the sugar; yolks of en and Hitter! "ntll very light and creamy, rpP flour ind one and one V'l'J teoTpeor of taMv Utf. ' ... )M teatpeen of wit. w hard for three minutes, then cut iBdW into the prepared batter, the 8flT beaten white, of the three am, SmVwell-reased mnffln pans, filling SfnSffln pan. about twe-thlnla full; Kke In het eren for twenty-five -mln- tttu Quick Mafias .Piece In mixing bowl four tablespoons of tugar, Fettr tabletpoeni of thertentng, One egg, t Twe cups of flour, five teaspoons of oakme peteaer, One teaspoon of salt, One and one-quarter ouet of milk. Beat together for five minutes, then turn In weUgreaeed muffin pans and take in het even twenty-five minutes. English Mnfflna Place In mixing bowl One-ftsV euP t iuaar Twe eggs, . One and enchalf eupt of mttk, teelied and cooked te 80 degree Fah renheit, .. . ... Onfhatf teaspoon of taU. New crumble In one compressed yeast ycike. and stir until the mixture Is well Mended, then bent with the egg beater for five minutes; remove the egg beater, Mid add Three cups of flour, And beat flour In the mixture with roeon, when well mixed, place bowl In place free from drafts, and cover with clean cleth: let rise for two and one-half hours, then add One-quarter cup of melted butter, end "one-half cup mere of flour, and beat well for five minutes; new fill Inte well-buttered muffin rings nnd itand en table. Cever with cloth and let rise twenty-five minutes, or until the mlxture Is nearly te the top of the rings. Bake in het even twenty-five minutes. ...... De net 011 rings ever half full of the batter. f These muffins are split and toasted and spread with butter, and served wlrn Individual pets of jam or marmalade In Buckingham Palace, England. The rings used are the old-fashioned deep muffin rings about the size of the lid of a one-pound can of baking pewkder. The rings are greased well ana placed en a well-greased baking- sheet. Deep muffin or popover pans will de If jeu de net care te purchase the rings. FalrhUl Mefflna Place In mixing bowl Five tabteipoent of tugar, Txee tgg. r Four tablespoons of lutter, or ether iherttning. Clean well and add Twe and one-quarter cups of flour, One teatpoen of talt. Twe level talleipoent of baking poxe- Her, One and one. quarter eupt of milk. Beat te smooth batter, nnd bake in uell-grcnscd muffin pans in het even for twenty mlnuteB. Wafers A special Iren, known as the wafer Iren, Is necessary for the baking of the wafer. This iron is similar in construc tion te the well known waffle iron, but is perfectly flat en the inside, se that hen closed it will make and bake a thin wafer. Secure iron and wash well In plenty of soapy water, scald , with boiling water and place in the sun te dry. When ready te use heat slowly, and just be fore neurlns in the batter, rub with n greased pad, similar te one used en the griddle. There must be no excess (at floating around or the wafer will be a failure. The Batter Place In mixing bowl One-quarter cup of tugar, Yolks of four eggt, Three tablesnoens of butter. Cream well until light and fluffy, new aan Three-quarters cup of flour, One-half cup of rice flour. Twe talleipoent of cornet arch. One and one-quarter cupt of milk Beat hard with wlre whip or flat wlrn jnoen, ana the batter is ready te bake. Te bake nlspn nbnut. nnn tnhlpfinnnnfnl of the prepared batter in the center of "e prepared nnd heated Iren, and close. Reverse the iron, as in baking waffles, and just as seen as the wafer Is n deli cate brown, remove te cloth, and roll at once, cither into n cornucopia or scroll. If jeu desire te have the wafers covered with either chocolate or nuts, It may be dene as follews: Te Chocolate-coat the Wafers Melt sweet chocolate in small bowl and add One teaspoon of butter te ene-quar-ttr pound of the ttceet chocolate. When In liquid, take wafer in the mnd nnd sprend lightly with the choco checo choce inte, URlng a Bpntula. If you desire the -hocelatc-nut covering, after you cover the wafer with the chocolate, then JPrlnkle with finely chopped nuts, i... ,c'.nB raay be used when n white icing Is desired. Place two wafers to te tber with n thick water icing, filling the cover with first chocolate, then finely chopped nuts- or wlety, finely chopped pineapple "ay be mixed with the nuts. Alse rals ". candled cherries or ginger. Bosten Urpwn Bread i8 1 a batter bread, nnd one thnt ri.ep5r!? n!ade- mttkes a splendid va- .1 or the brend feeds for every meal et the entlre day. I lace In mixing bowl . One cup of cernmcal, one cup e rye flour, ee cup of tohele wheat flour, -r?fl tta'Poen of talt, told el iable,Pen of baking Three. Quarters cup of melatses, iil cup,. t 'our milk. vlZ 1 hTi1,0umljc,nnd.tllrn n well mnM .i bl?wn brend wlds, filling ,the S3 sfeS -thirtl rull ; 'clew meld! Open meB fnri T 8?a -W hours the ,ien2ld nn(,p,ace In warm even with e nv Ti" for ne-hulf hour te dry the deMh fh?i ntc.r. nbeut twe-thlrds l&Wlti&Xl' cl"Wed v jr tcsl.t insula band.1 i " jWyweiAN rkf "1 "Is It proper te .send a gift seme who; adds: "The invitation was for- warded te my .temporary address in KIttdJS,d "rted tee fate for my ac ceptance. Aitneujgn the conventional thins Is te or the bride or brideiroem, or bothr.whe happen te have been absent at the date j..ih 'l-lmpertant event may send fi5.i."w wS?k or even a few months after the weddlns day. The belated "re Ei. 1 non-attendance should be ern ern bediedin a letter of explanation. It Is 8?t.ncSl'5ery t0 ylt returning te the BUtes before purchasing a jpresent. A sift bought In Canada and forwarded,ppin."' P,nt wl D In Itself an Indication of Immediate geed will en thi part of the distant friend. Hn,i"it'S.te eelepted ,1s characteristic ,ly Canaaian, all the better, as It Is net se likely te be ens of many duplt- Baby WonVGrew Mitch New, Says Dr. Evans The chief business of a child "Is te grew and learn things. At these two tra'des the young one works harder and succeeds better than the adult deea with his job. But, at that, growth Is net uniform at all seasons of the year. I have always' said, In this column that babies, and children generally, will net grew much, and should net be expected te grew much during het weather. Every, mother should have a growth schedule for her child, and she should try te see that the time card is lived up te at ether seasons of the year except, possibly, the het season. If she tries te feed her baby enough te keep up this schedule In het weather she will make him sick. The mother of elder children win de well te disregard the schedule in het weather. Twe or three recent reports are only partially confirmatory of this opinion. Prof. W. T. Perter, of Hnrvard Un iversity, study the growth records of several thousand Bosten school children, found that the season of maximum growth was from September te January. The season of smallest gain was from February te June. Since the schools are net in session in summer, he had no extended observa tions' en het weather gains. In" New Yerk City, Gebhart studied the growth curves of 600 children. He found that the period of maximum gain began early In August and, that be tween that and the end of the year the children made two -thirds of the entire year's gain. In the mere than seven months be tween January and August 15, the average gain was only half as much ns during the four and a half months of tne late summer, fall, and early winter. While these observations are net wholly confirmatory of the advice, nevertheless, they de net overturn it. Therefore, again ... De net try 10 muKe your eaDy, or even your elder children, gain much weight thii summer. Read Your Character Bg Digbg Phillips Selecting Calmness Calmness is n characteristic which may be regarded from several different angles. Te some extent it is a natural characteristic ; and again it is in greater or less degree the logical outgrowth of ether conditions. The naturally calm or placid tem perament is indicated by (he rounded handwriting couples, in most cases, when the attribute is pronounced, by vertical or backhand writing. Calmness, however, Is often in large measure the result of self-restraint, and in such cases you will note that the subject writes a small hand. There is also a kind of calmness and assurance which comes from a feeling of self-reliance, the kind of calmness which marks the naturally capable per- The best Summer ABBOTTS Cream Buttermilk l with its old-time buttermilky flavor- delights the tongue and refreshes the body. In het weather Abbotts Cream Buttermilk with many people takes the place of ice water, because its coolness is mere satisfying. It is made fresh every day and protected.. at every point-by our "laboratory control." Drink it at home and at work Keep a quart handy en ice (I I pt, JL Cream Buttermilk Anitwucain you have tha'klnf of calmness which la the remit of nothing but a lasy disposition, and a mentality that Is net geared te high speed. In such cases as these you will find that one of the signs of that calmness ts the tendency of the "person te dot the letter "I" te the-left. First Anlysts KNITTING WOOLS 187 Sams-tee Uswa Ksepsst Colonial Yarn Heum 1231 Chewy St - xJSfr,, 3arc&n4 BRAND andensedMilk The standard infant feed for 64 yean.- It is just put milk and pure sugar the natural feed when mother's milk fails EAGLE MSBBSi LPftsBtBli gssH I KfeSrsatfSV-l'gliH 1 Going Away J r Tins Summer? I Don't forget te hare us I make record of your I favorite assortment se I If that you can order it by II wire whenever you wish. f & 1M0 Chettnnt Street jP Spedat ibis 'week: Jl Brazil Nut Bonbons (I U m fl . Unf ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, INC.- "Milk suppliers te critical buyers " Philadelphia Atlantic City Pleasantville Ocean City Wildwood Phene Baring 0305 bbetts mmmm . h J V ' : L .. JL-. il:' SV'!.'' fwfy m7 SUiee, FktsVM, MaterUli. Grttl SMTlfCtV x Harmony Decer atari Stadfa tit BOOT itra BT. She Always Wears ,'. Cantilevers She wwttt "1 find. that I, mutt turn back te the Pacific Coast in stead of-setting- te New, Yerk, and te the Cantilever shop there in a few days, at I had intended deinf . "This meant that I mutt de my shoe sheppintr by mail, because my time it te limited. But you have my site in your filet. -Please leek it up and tend me: . 1 pair 2-ttrap blaek pumps Cuban heel. 1 pair blaek oxford ties low heel. "Enclosed Is my check te cover cost. "I couldn't think of wearing- any theet but Cantilevers in my ever-en-the-go selling' Jeb. They, relieve the strain and help me, Besides, I must be well shed, for geed-looking feet are a butinest asset. Se please rush my order en te catch me at this hotel by July let" Hereis a letter from a business woman who has learned the com fort of wearing the Cantilever Shee's; for her strenuous traveling- life. Nete that she demands a geed-looking as well as a comfortable shoe. Cantilever Shoes meet both of these requirements. The arch Is made en tirely of leather. It does net have a stiff piece of steel such as Is con cealed In the arch of ordinary shoes which prevents the natural arching- et your feet The snug-nttlns Instep of Cantilevers gives Just the right support without binding anywhere. The neatly rounded tee Is fashionable, yet roomy. The low or medium heel makes possible that easy, swinging walk which char acterises the well-shed woman and Is new se much the vogue. Cantilever Shoes Improve the circu lation In the feet and Increase the wearer's endurance. Tomorrow la your CantlUver dnv Start It right by purchasing a pair and knew the comfort of the woman who wrote the above letter. Widths AAAA te B. CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP 1300 Walnut Street Over Canard Office CanUlfTtr ere alie en sale In nearby dtleei Alteena Bcndbtlm'a, 1802 Eleventh Av Albury Park lieat She Ce.. 00T Coekniaa Cmdn Cur ran' 8he Stere. 110 Breadwu Eaiten Mayer'. 427 Northampton tit. Harrlsberg Orntr-i. 24 N. 3d St. Jrrtinitewn Zan', SS0 Main St. Lancaater Frey'a, 8 Eaat Kin St. Readlns Schwerlutr'a. 432 Pann Square Seranten Lewie A Hellly. 114 Wyemlna A. Rhamekln B. Hlrech. 410 E. Independence Trenten H. H. Voerheei Dro. " Wllkee-Barre M. P. Murray, 18 Publle Se. Yerk Tha Ben Ten drink pi aBBBBVY' fSBBBBsJ sssPSHsf BVW'' JJWPaSBBBBSr v Je r 1 h 'l III- I M I 'I - WANAMAKER'S rem The Wdnamaker JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBtV I 1 JtW PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi rvOW 'niaMBBsVaaaaaaiaBBBBm 111 bbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbIi sbbbLJA YVsBBBBBBsDKtir ' 't 4Iibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb)bbbbbbbbbbbbbH $12.50 Coel Frecks of Voile or Dotted Swiss, $6 Beth are very airy and cool with a Summery charm that is delightfully refreshing in het weather. A pretty frock in Copenhagen or navy has white figures and Is made with a long line bodice and box pleated skirt. Dotted Swiss dresses are trimmed with white beading and crochet buttons. They are in red, brown and blue. Sizes 14 te 18. Pin-Dotted Voile, $8 Navy, brown and black dresses with wee white dots show deep tucks and eyelet embroidered white organdie cellars and cuffs. Finer Voiles at $10 and $12.50 Seft French voile dresses In plain colors arc trimmed only with deep tucking or fageting and come In white, rose or maize, $10. Pin check voiles in navy, black or Copenhagen have pleated' panels at $10. Anether frock of French voile in black, rose, orchid or white has Linen Frecks in Levely Colorings, $6 te $15 Seme are strikingly embroidered in white wool. Others have white pipings and leather belts. A variety of models in brown, green, pink, orchid, Copenhagen, white, rose and light blue. A frock is sketched at $9.50. (Market) Net Cerselettes $1.50 Coelest things yet devised in cersetry. Of airy pink net, made te hook in back and finished with tape shoulder straps and four hose supporters. Ideal for morning wear and for bathing. (Central) New and Bleemers, $1.25 Black surf satin bloomers with bands that button at the knees. Linen-Finished Suiting, 30c Yard This admirable material for sports suits, jumpers, skirts, etc., is in geed shades of rose, pink, green, orange, amethyst, tan and blue. 36 inches wide. (Central) White Tub Silk $1.25 a Yard Geed weight and an excellent quality for blouses, dresses, men's shirts, little girls' frocks, women's dainty undcr undcr clethc3 (especially slips and pet ticoats), men's pajamas, etc. 33 inches wide. - (Central) Women's White Pumps and Oxfords at $6.50 Well-made, comfortable low shoes, en geed lines, are of fine-grained white canvas, neatly finished inside and out. Pumps are in Mary Jane style, with instep strap and low covered heels. Oxfords have straight tips and covered Cuban heels. Beth have serviceable soles, with the extra geed point, of white leather welts. (Clieatnnt) I' ' . I ... $6 $9.50 $10 four deep tucks and a wide sash, $12.50. Frecks In which a plaid Is formed "by wee white checks have sheer ergandie vestees and cuffs and sashes of taffeta. In black or navy blue. Sizes 36 te 46 at $12.50. (Sketched). Knickers and Middies for Girl Campers Knickers of tweed are in brown and green mixtures in sizes for junior girls and young women, $6. White jean middy blouses in a number of braid-trimmed models, sizes 8 te 18, at $1. (Market) Pretty Bathing Suits wide (Hurf Mere, Murket) 200 Little Beys' Tub Suits at $1.75 Excellent value! The suits nre in two sailor styles, trimmed with black or white braid. Little straight trousers nre of blue, green, gray or tan heavy ginghnm suiting. White sailor blouses are of fine jean with embroidered em blems and colored cellars nnd cuffs. Some of the suits are button button en style. Others have button down blouses with wide white bands and laccrs at the sides. They are all especially well tailored for suits nt this price. Sizes 3 te 8 yenrs. (Central) ' . mmmmmmimmm mmmmm mmmt wmm mmmm wmmm - wiiss . WANAMAKER'S Down Stair$ Ster ANY MAN 10 WANTS A PLEASAN should leek first te his clothes. It won't be pleasant if he is fuming in het clothing. The right suits for cool comfort are here en the Gallery, marked at low prices. Palm Beach suits, well tailored, are $14.50. Mohair suits are $16.50. Creamy white flannel trousers, all-wool, are $8.50. Khaki-color trousers are $1.85. Then, Leeking Forward, Hew Dees This Sound? An all-wool suit with two pair of trousers, made te your measure for $40! Extra trousers may be of the same material or of fine striped white flannel or serge. There are ever 200 patterns among the fabrics small checks, indefinite everplaids and hairline stripes, etc. Every yard is all wool and, as one man said, '"that's a handsome let of fabrics you have there 1" A man may cheese from several geed conservative and semi-conservative styles. All regular sizes at this low price, with fit guaranteed te the wearer's satis faction. . (Gnllery, Market) Crepe Nightgowns are most practical for Summer time, we are told by many women and girls who buy them. They arc se practical and easily washed (they need no ironing) that there are always plenty of fresh "nighties." At $1 there is a particularly geed style in white or flesh-pink, stitched with color. Plenty of ether styles, in white, pink or orchid or rosebud crepe, are $1.25 te $2. (Central) Colored Silk Umbrellas, $5 Sun-and-rain umbrellas and full-size umbrellas for women are in many colors. The former show many pretty plaids and the latter are in navy, green, brown, garnet, purple, black and red, heavy silk with tape edges. Seme have amber-color ends, tips, handles and rings. A delight ful variety of fashionable handles, seme with convenient side straps of leather. (Market) White Organdie and Dimity Sashes 50c and $1 Dainty for any kind of Sum mer frocks. Organdie sashes are of sheer quality, 2.Vz yards long, and hemstitched at the ends. 50c and $1. Dimity sashes, 2 yards long, 50c. (Central) at $2.50 Three delightful styles, as you'll see in the sketch. One is quite simple with flaring pockets and red pipings. Anether has a scalloped skirt and pip ings of black-and-white striped gingham. The third is adorned with white stitch ing and pipings. All three are of twilled black sateen and are in sizes 36 te 44. Weel Bathing Suits, $4.50 California style bathing suits in navy, black and brown with contrasting stripes, sizes 34 te 44. Caps and Shoes Rubber caps in a great variety are 12c te$l. Bathing sandals and shoes are 38c te $1.90 pair. 1 m Fashionable Narrow Belts at 50c What an nrrny of belts especially soft white leather belts with pcarl-likc buckles! White belts are plain or perforated in several designs; black-and-white, tan-nnd-white ,and brown belts are all here in various lengths for sweaters, frocks, suits and coats. (Centra Remarkable Apron Dresses at $1 Regular and Extra Sizes Imagine a generously cut apron of two-tone checked gingham for only $1! It is trimmed with rickrack braid and is a geed model for either slender women or these who wear extra sizes. The gingham is in light colors. The apron pictured en the left is made of checked percale in blue, pink, lavender or green. Iis trimmed with white pique and is in regular sizes only. Many ether styles of these cool, convenient apron di esses, made of ginghams or percales, at $1. (Central) '" A l . . , Z'aS. -fl- n T Sturdy Luggage Lew Priced Cebra-Grairt Fabric Suitcases, $6 A dull-finish fabric which docs net scratch easily and will stand much hard wear. This case has geed lines and is finished with a leather handle, double locks and lid support. Inside there is a pocket at each side and one in the lid. 18 te 24 inch sizes. Enamel Suitcases With Tan Trimming $9.50 Four sizes 18, 20, 22 and 21 inches each with double locks, tan leather bindings and handle which are very smart looking. Lined with tan silk moire with three pockets. A Fine Black feather Case at $12 A woman's suitcase of black cobra-grained cowhide with trim lines and a padded top. It is made ever a basswood frame, for strength and lightness, and has double locks. Lined with tan or blue silk moire and equipped with tnree pockets. A Traveling Bag With Unusual Features, $15 Typically n man's bag, made te stand hard nnd constant use. It is of black or brown cowhide, thick and durable, with three steel braces sewn in each side. This means that the bag can have a heavy weight piled en top and will net collapse. Leather-lined and hand-sewn. Walrus Bags, $15 Of heavy shrunken walrus with a sewn frame nnd lenthcr lining. Most substantial in every particu lar. Cowhide Bags, $9.50 Suitable for either men or women. These bags are of strong, enduring leather in tan or black, with sewn frames, full size and wide. Corners are sewn nnd the bags aie leather lined. (Central) Women's Stockings, $1 Pair Of a silk-and-fiber mixture that leeks like nil-silk nnd is very durable. In black, white, cordovan, navy, dark gray and Kussian calf, with mercerized cotton tops and soles. Open-Werk Silk Stockings, $1.75 Pair Silk stockings of very fine quality, in pretty open-work designs, are in black and coidevan. ((Vnt.-nl) HOLIDAY HHsnBBBBBBBlllL fttpsX """""""T"""""" ?' s . v I W: m f it fffi-- iv yaijeij. . j r.