BHL asm AjK'Ayj avj iw jiwir;w;xipjrwiH'.:.!, mrwwfpjffi-"- mm " rvw'T-im ; VJMW; TCVTi BiWimrTOWWIIBlfiBWPS7f7M?iJ,IJ wwmmmmz! ?w w? U i'BBBTO EBDUBSKPHIIiADJSUi'UlA, MOJNUAiT, ) UKf' -Ztf, ' JUB3 "" - I- I L - S 0l H7LL iVTi? ) By JOHN HUNTER CeruriaM, mil, bu the McCUire Xticspancr Humiliate ...! WHO IN THE KTORV leiclfrt l.i the world's u. t. :: -ij iif ii-ii ri fi'fc VBsS hamhimt. with noert lm fwl.TniiTWrilwv "c " " li)nlrcl. l"r aniv'" -. ,.. ( rnritrr , """ 'n If In he. M (tier, IIJI lie m the iclifre enm- iierntu 0 wertiii 0 fflBW.! m!& Jrvl :,.. m 5"fY'".S!Rr'..f. rt'rAL e,i. tivf Audi'",' P "'i- rnvvvofe.v rfifitie!i;icd ;;m. ? .Vfi'wnii. 0 ci lilf W Inimrnliinit HI JmBiiyiWM 0 eilWomello $etvttt KrtlA- ril I'-ftiM:' li'Me H tell tit Jn Unhappy Marrlsje LOUD CO.M-l'i-'' n "'uriiuge iru In 01 position te tlic wlshe of ihrtitlrw mid when hi wife failed Blind proved their objections well M his wrath knew no bounds. It rtVhe sensation of the day that, a -?ith he I""1 l,pen Clvt-n the custody Wdiwhter. he had 1ef11sc.1l It. my K child was tainted with her bleed, nnd 110 women none 01 THE GUMPS Pasteboard Pastry By Siitey Smith M the V.I.,..', P'"" pi.i then en. a lonely. dlsll htiiincd m'. '" "4" w"'"'" the Hf"1' ... . . ., All till I enemnce nrcm 111011501 01, .Jmrcli mere, which win net known the general newspaper-reading pub !c for he. Constance Hrent. htid once in Onetiinre Lady connwgten. She tiff'd her bend nnd Mtidied her rejection In the miner. A Hiim-rb ninin, wince hnir was 11 pile if jet. Heram! fllky. frumlnj a faee nt benn Hful md feldly rhiseled ns that of the mlucd Venus. She rrtthlictl the neupn)er with nr tcus Hiizci-h. nnd touted It petulantly U the fleer. '1011 tool. ner iiiiiiiBiiiH jrcri'd ill Wr "Yeu inint navn neeu nuniDercii tith the grriitcst. And lnttrml She looked round her. Instead, she nn the Urns (.'.ub. the Mnnrtext thlnu ( hii klml In town. Centtniu-p Hrent reflected. She hnd nethlnc te be nslmiu tl of In 1I1N product of her strlvlnns ilncc her reuppearanrp In the world. Ittfr lie jearH 01 reiircmcnr wnicn kid followed en her divorce. Play wnc ilifx ReIiir en at the club: but It is di'crrci pin.v. nvcr.v jenr sav the jei'lal ftiinilard or tnc memuerd raised. . , . her.! oniiingten uau peme nemc. Cens-tnnce Hrent tejed Idly with .1 ami. Minpplm.' Its teeth off phert nt the base in her abstraction. He kail me home en the same day lis his faughter had returned from nbread. The itlrl hnd linldied her education In France, nnd, in the company of Con Cen nnce nrent's elder sister. Kiln, had nude n tour of some of the mere in Wresting icserts in Kurepe, nnd was new ivturnlng with all her life before btr. Her life! Constance Hrent wondered tipiely nbeut It. Audrey knew nnthln: dl life. She did net knew the. Identity of her fn.her. nor bow her mother tamed uer llvlnj;. Mic theiiclit her father dead, mid that her mother hnd tome rwlncss in town. Fer the only leme Audrey knew wn the cettaRp nt Knerithnlt te which Censtnnce fled as te a sane miry when the light be. nine ten ftreiiK for hop. The fntlier and the daughter hnd come tttHher! Constance Hrent nv an omen 0 It. nhe who was n cumblcr born. II friflitencd her. "If the World Rell ny!" A low hum of conversation rose te the carved cil: celllnc. freni which cantlngly concealed lamps shed n soft lilht ever the lone room, en the few choice pli'turcs en the paneled walls. and en tne throng of people who com Mined the ilientele of the fashionable Erei Club. Constance IJient. i-tundlne for a 1110- aent outside In the corridor, surveyed them. They litted In with their sur reundings; well-dressed men, wonder- till women; ami en them all was writ ten the hallmark of taste and caste. Silrred out of her usunl calm by the rerifrunli in the newsnaner. feellnc tbe "dread of something unknown rtretchlng out toward her. she felt m mat moment that she hated them, for flie inlclit hnve been one of them. Instead of one with them. The subtle mUcrencp made her wince as she up predated tt. fehc milked into the room, nnd each of them greeted her after his or her kind. AineiiK them she the srn srn dena, cas.v woman of the world, jet en thin night sh(. knew- 1 1111 1 her musk of eM placidity hid a self tortured with regrets nnd indefinable fears. "Ilarkness s h town. I saw him Ug lnernlns In I'iccuillllv." Tbe sneak- let addrC4iri! thn f-niinpnllv. Ibut nnl Cfinstiince answered. lie Is? Her tone was Indifferent. Jt Mie was Interesleil In the news lore than the cared te admit. She Md thought the Kres rid of llnrkness, md new he had come back. A little period of chatter followed, and the lier.nle hncMiu in rlUt-rttiiitn them'ebes nbeut the arlnus tables. four of the men made their way te a fllsCrpM li.itvn,.s.l.i...1 .!.. 1..M..I. .,''"" MII1UMII I.IMII .,111,4. M te an inner room. Had the police known of the nlnv which went en In that rOOln Kl'nu inf.),, leit'i, Cimil It. Wlf In contact with ihn lnw. (Onftnilcr. illrl lii.l ,,l,iv Sftin Iteo restless mrntullv te' lie nlilc te Ice-ncentrnte en n cnnie of skill. And then llnrkness arrived. lie Whs I11111111 rnl nt n In 1111 nvnnttiir It, and CunstHiice, us she went for rd te meet him. wondered whether IIS Ulldenlnhlv linn.lsfinie iinneftiMinrn wpe led or uttriated her. Halle:" ie said. "I thought jteu Ma left us." She nilRht ulme.Ht have Men exnressliif -uii lierknn(.u ......v. .i. 1 i I 1 . ; .' ' ""HIM int' uiriliilllK uiiii.-i .. S if'' !'per('h ""d smiled. "Net Kit I he dllV nf mil,. It. I lef)' far nun'v. Ymi ..imi.1.1 i.,, l.,,l I' iee me. Aren't jeu KelnR te ask I done'" ' 1UU ,n,e"' !""1 wl"" ' l,aV( 'Are i,.n .1 : .. .1 , , , .'"HI IHIYCIK Ml 1111 1'l'f -.1 iiik I "tfn: t nnvtuncp eyed him leldly. I Mi, 1 "lan ,u,s daiisereiih they cuile.i I .Sir wl'dest Riunester in Knland wdtlinnc, K),P might wink nt the IiIkIi 1 ... V" " W(,i" en In the little room iered In- im i,..i. .1 11....1. .,...,.. -- " ' " Iltllf.,- 11,1111 . till IIIIVPi "." (Ollstanl thrnnf t.i llm Knfelv .if f Kres. " "Ml IIIMM.I .1 , ... ". .,1. 'I."""i' mi' itiiiu.i.s iiui'icniiiiK, '" iiurkiie 1T1..1CA i- .i "' lllmnlnatlne.'' , ''e nil.led till iTOI Hum "It Is net unfe. Already there have been rtnnniN nnd things said. Tt.b.-u four In there new me only boys. After nil, jeu ere net unaware of ttie repu tation you bold." "Yeu nre net, nf course, InstnuatliiR that I de net play straight?" Theru wns n quiet niennce In Ilnrkrits.V voice wbleli chilled Constance despite her ex perience ei tnc world. "Yeu would net be 11 member of the Kres If you played crooked," she eald stcndllv. "It is ndt that, nnd ye,. knew It. It Is merely that your p'jy if tee much for the ordinary player, lour stakes are tee high. Kuppe...: jeu went In there and wen heavily." "HiippeH I did? Tt would nil be fair." "I knew. Hut if you wen n lergi Mini, one of thete etlici's,. or two. or even nil of them would lee It. Thev would be In debt they nre only boy. -11111I theie might be troub.e. Tnc I'-res could net ceuntennnc.e the possi bility of such trouble. After all, 1 pnin my living by this dub. 1 don't want It shut up. ' "Why de jeu say nil this te meV De jeu rcnlit! that you nre perileuslj iicnr nccusins me of being a card shorn?" "I am doing nothing of the kind. Hut I remember young Kllfnne. Yeu wyn money ftem htm which diii net be long te him. Thank heaven. It wasn't here that you did It!" Ifnrkncss Interrupted her. "Vbr I te knew thnt Kllfnne wiih a potential thief? At any' rate. Kllfane escaped tlm consequences of what he thoroughly deserved." "Only because, somebody saw him through. Who wns it? De you knew?" "I neither knew nor care." nnswcreil IlnrknesM shortly. "Kxeusc me. won't you? I'm going through te the room." Up left her. and, with 11 feeling of utter helplessness, she saw htu tall, lithe figure innlsh through the forbidden deer," The four men nt the table looked up from their game it was poker as Hnrknci closed the deer behind him, nnd nodded. "Helle, Temmy:" llnrkness ad dressed a youngster with almost color less hair, who fingered his cards nerv ously, and whoe eyes were slightly strained. "Aren't you doing well?" "Dropped 11 couple or Hundred. ueiiiti you care te sit in mj plnce?" "Ne hurry, old son. When you' reaiiy, If the ethers lire agreeable. The four men played en and llnrkness wntehed them. He knew their game nnd their methods te u nicety, nnd he could almost tell, by their betting, the exact strength of each of their hands. At last tbe fair boy get te his feet. "I'm through for tonight." be said. "Yeu fellows have cleaned mi- out." Te Harkness he ndded: "I'm the only loser. These three beggars have split my cash between them. If you want te piny, take my seat." llnrkness sat down nnd n fresh pack of enrds wna produced. The fair boy left the room. Constance stepped him as he made his way ucrers the bril liantly lighted outer chamber. "Is llnrkness playing?' she asked quietly. "Yes, I've given him my place." "Are their playing high?" "Fairish. Hut as I came out I heard Darkness suggesting no limit. Mere feel him. Carteret. Devenlsh and Hel Hel eon are in luck tonight. They'll clean out Darkness just ns Dippy Jenes cleaned him out nt Kpsem, If he's net careful." Constance considered for n moment. "I'll give them a. little while by them selves, nnd then I'll ke inside. Must jeu go new, Temmy?" The boy nodded. "I must. I'm a rotten gambler. Never have any luck." Fer n moment Constance felt an Im pulse te tell him net te come ngain. but slip restrained It. and bent down the sjinpathy which threatened te over come the cold reason born of her years of pxperienpe in running the Kres. After all. sP mt te IIvp. nnd this boy bore 11 great name, a name which wns n key te the Innermost circles of (lint elusive strntum of humanity called "so ciety." Hesldes, he was safe. There could never be any danger where he was concerned. 're 1 1 ' ' " -!-- eTNOUUKENftOll m WS k mWKG" T0Krc?FK!c00K ( JHOOCWT tlW? I WOwSiT ' II MAOE tT OUT ) 0OW.? T MUST HAMS TTO 0M6 Of ) 't SWt 0V) SOMvmNG I S N 'A 0 COOK -fcOOY? - fctH ONfc f 8fc 15 I V the cevtm-5. 1 V NCW 0. k CMfXHftf AWe MIMbtti V J C00 TOOK ?TT - , , ' Q Q M rirt 'M 1 1 fi V AWU. WK TMW USE. iP5 W j J. V UT1 1 B SOMEBODY'S STENOGVery Mysterious Going On Rlterffl t rnent errc By Hay ward felAMS SPl(?iT IS I Rl7be 11 WJHH-SHOUUDSHE AJlSH Te STAt HER FRI&AJD (3&RTIES PERCYS WOUlO TtJU ? OP COURSE AleT.' -rlT GERTIE THiattJ SHE Dlt ALU B&CAU&E (3&f?TiE 3AW PERCY WITH Hti Afi?AA Of4 CAM'S SHOULDER, THE VMEO& 14.6 IS ALL )FF- AAin Gam has LOST 124 R3UJ03 Through werrv, Shes blue Peumd The E"-fES AMD STRAAl6ETHlw6d ARE BESWN1U6 Te HAPPEW ifs ALL OFF. MS1B.R SMITmERS. GERTIE VAOMT BELIEVE ME .' t cer-i .v TiPEb M THE HEAb. Awr 1 bOWT LIK WHAT HAPP&MeCk! cUTiiPbAS' J4MEW I TH0U6HT I fAvw VOU GO OUT TO I.UA1CH-AAJD YOU VWERE iaJ V&UR OFFICE J ALL THE TIME -UO steu THIAJtr I'M C5ETTi6 ILL OH -That Telepheaie A6AIW'. VilLL IT AIEVER kEP OUlET'-MY H&AO r ACHt5ce; hm r" j; 5 THIS IS MISTER SMITHERS. X WOAiT BE DOWAJ TO DAW MISS O FLA5E i I fit bxTMie ' I VM,rU ' t- p j ? i T A h. MA'yARr ?,- (Wtt vJE 1".J9' tjtS" Lr The Yeung Lady Acress the Way FAMILY STUFF By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS By DWIO tney icuiarkcd dm dm leek well, nnd List iii- llieiiKii it were .I... Ill .. .. . I. . .. L...I. Vfiii. , "" "l n iiiiiiK wnicn , ! iiiierinert in Ins mim . "in are clinngei tance. y,,,. .i. 0M ' ;;Aii;1 what'" sllfore"m '"".'... f,m" lh "H'ti.inr: Hirkne;:"i.',"'.l ..... .,. rnn ,i .1 , '"xhiKH, "mi inr imiirii K" nlhlcs.s iind hard. "Why! I 'but ever - U, V"1 J'AiU CnnShinin t.i, 1 u i,.i ,, (Oni.,i. '" "' ' " ' iinii.ncMi ill" r,u'tCl1 .'T!- A1wii. he hiul been --ir.t, 1 ri I 11 hi,, . .. 1..i ii .. e. . '"'in.' "'i. urn . .: iniiiNiineku nh.... 1'lllliX.l I ' ,.w,i I II II. ! II. . .'! iTenr ,0""(',1 H'wnrd the Iml.ccever::! .it new tncre him which up- enr. "" "AlljUly pl.tjl,, j,, , ,,. Skirt y. -hut-- llll IVtllll'." .11.- ., . .1 .. I Hots f ,"'' J 1 en- was hip tunc' 1. 'lf. drhnnie in the uucMluu. ,r l,(l' leiikiil Harkiiess urnUl.t dl.iT..r.' ."I would Prefer It If ,0,: -'? J11IL HI II n II.... I .... .. .. ' . 1 Kliml,. " nun in nil, sue Mini lint I,. 1.. slmYy J "An.l ..1.... A Wild rtunger Hut llnrkness. The very name of the man wii. accepted ns being synonymous with ihe wildest plunging, the most rccklcs actions. Any place of which he was an liabitiie must be open te sus. plcien. Meanwhile In a room with the nntp raised te n high figure, anil llnrkness betting en his hands in sums which rather appalled his young opponents, play was going forward briskly. Hark nrss wen, hand after hand. Kxccpt for the curt utterances which notified the raising of his stake he al wnjh gambled in silence: cold, keen, with swift, supple hands and unread able ejes. Thev tried te read his thoughts and fulled, lie bluffed them te surrender en useless hands, and when they attempted te 1 all bK bluff they found him holding powerful com binations. Constance came Inte the room after 11 couple of hours' play, and for some time she steed watching the ipmrtpr with eyes in which her anxiety showed clearly. At last Carteret get te his feet. His face was very white and his tongue licked nevrnusly at his lips. "I'm through." be said, with nn obvious ef fort. "I've lest heavily." "Hard luck." Harkncss might have been lemniPiitinc 011 the result of a cricket match. "De you fellows wish te iilay 011V" Devenlsh eyed Helten, and the latter shook his head, "I've had about enough." he confessed. Hiiiknrsj. looked leiind nt them, nnd Cem tame tried te read ihe expression in his ejes. Then lie steed up. "All right. Cm mijtj the luck went nil mj way. I'll give jeu fellow your rPVPince next time e meet. (Soed night!" He lert tliem iitiruptiy. nnd as he went Helten turned te Constance and said: "De you knew that Harkncss bus wen ever two thousand pounds';" "Over two thousand pounds!" Con stance echoed the sum. "Who has let it 11IIV" Devenish glanced at Helten ngnn. nnd Carteret said: "I've lest nearly . eiiht hundred. Anil im! liflp me ! 1 I The exclamation was mere lllumlnar- 1 Ing than any words. Constance tend 1 , the story of Carteret's thoughts in las. I fine and In that staccato sentence. j "I must see Hnrkiipss!" she e' 1 claimed huirlcdly. "Walt a moment:" ! She hurried from the room, but when I slip reached the hall Harkncss hnd al- , ready left. She turned back with a I dreadful feeling of sickness nt her .heart. It was always the same.. Wherever this man went he left a trail . of waste and unhiippliiess, 11 blight sucii ' I ns seemed te rest en his own life. What I J would happen te Carteret? Constance; I knew something of Carteret's family, 1 ! old. Impoverished, proud Wlnit , could hut happen te lilui V 1 And Hnrkuchs had done It, Haikncs.s whose life viis nothing lint a. inudd.v. wandering truck across l( wilderness or , iccklcss deeds,! She wMied site had never mei the man. mid tliauke.J (oil for the rercsjgiir wnicn had sciii Audrey te school 011 the Continent, uud kept her uwiiy. fieni this life and such ! men as Hurkiicbs. I CONTINUKDTOMORnOW I The young lndj aeret-s the way says age will get even Jack Dcmp sey In time nnd the dny will pftmc when be won't be able te take the count. W V if ' "f': 't?$ r'eR DAD THAT SiSTfiR eVeR- ' HAO SKeTHEl? PUT iM TMAT JertC PisTAMCE CALL Te TALK Te HiS Vj weeTHeAr ivhe has geajg awav Fer rue .summcR. PETEYThe Flapper Caddie By C. A. Voight AfJEMT lOO G0Wa Te USE A CAO0ie,ST7 -we.'- SHOULO 5AV net:: M J 1 l M ill I De LOOK LIKE ACRWPLE?, avid Besides CADDIES Afle A i-lUIMMCE,lVtOUlDuVl , -., .r. .., 1 1 V nAVt OMCMKUUHU ( wwat The 35ICK&U5 IS IT Her Bushjess 7 ALlV WAX .- C-s- '-;' 2 - L :&gsJvSf&JSi& VCRV MELL JlK- I LL OFFCP. Mv Serviced Te OMc OME ELSE "1MEM (me CeV CAODIfiiAREBElVIG rKEHACeD BV (TIR Tmis iUrvfMEC ' ej r5J"i3P - - - A s (SI" " ff nss,;n.i"'j- GASOLINE ALLEY Walt Fixes a Bad Break Just dropped ever te Thank, veu for. Teun6 MS m THC OTHErt day. Vew ClSAPPEAReO SO FAT DIDN'T HAVE A CHANCE! Aert t iir V larV I (MK, Blessem a m I ame SHt's r n 1 H 1 Headep U ' B tvirruv Tiiir n I AJLH Mr L l JflsL,, By King u & That wasn't anything- 10 de as Much Fer ANNBODV. WO MR. UALT - OONTfie OF COURT- i AicrAklT 'Ae.t Awtnrw PCS SAS THAT - THAT'5 Aier M THATS NOT UAT U " T ANYOO&Y ? Jg AT ALL FLATTCBING l j MBfiHr u S- "gl m$ LU '. M i ""renci, ' llarkncs.i' giu tjes te.vs t: i.Ult.ii ,-j-ti y-uMtii. &Vt,