Hfe 5f nV V. '"-$ DUEONfflB ft ;'.i!i n.u. Marl rtw Prnductnsr WWBIlia j -, vs. ,. M .. I J... v Company isu inuu trials Actiye k ' i Kr Yerk. .Ti"e 20. lJelwIiim IV.aV. came Inlo the, greatest preml- ' icen the Curb from the begitnniis rfbwlMM thl morning and strength 1-.I nrttvltv in n number, of thcf.6 U- "" ' .. ilni. ntnlninril DV uie. Mr On noe Fennock en linn sijaia r,&.i , J AUIF EIUIL L..CK '. .... 100 Rait Creek Cbns ! ,lsU , ion Bhell Union pfd , oil mesimms Pet ...",,. ' SIHK) Hkelly Oil Hi ... , 4e 0025eulh r. it .. le L'OOO Stanten . . aa SAOO Texan O L .. 08c 74; 10 l!i 40 IBe 860 V in' 12 D0 t8e Ade &Oe 553 Turn""" 1A 1 1A M. ns, t BOO Wilcox. Oil 20OO Woodburn : un 1000 Y 100 Mexican lnvast A8c lOe U7 lOBe 18a it Se 100 J7 MINIXa 2(KAl.t1r Cel flk 1100 Am Kxplerat .... Ba 22005 put tdire ...,,.; in? .'w beh at .Ment...i. i(ie , 100 Hest Ment Cens.. "(le ' SJiwrncnt of advance of price., of fffflM rnml krre.cne by wme of the fanf'tiC. 'f. "iii were made bT lmner l.i nretlufliis companies, Mexican". Eabnnrtl. being the atrengen feature S the i itlepondent group, (hat fleck Siting P rem 47 te the new high JSfS of W. .Standard OH of In K which werHn brisk demand Mn "". l) l..lin. rnnied from 108i te I' intfS being Blip piled by some Interests v USn fldentfiled with the management. , tlieiie it bv femc tnat tnin re re JUen wai cenn eete.l with the death William Jteckefe lcr. Hint lard Oil of New Yerk was steady. SSS from 4L'I) te 428. and Ohie OH 'eM nt 2I)5te 200. Standard Oil of 2 .na Inter rallied from lit. low level. I. r ties Service wbh cQinrmrntlVcly quiet I' tl".c ... ..t hh m 'Jen. Oinnr OH Si YenvnV traded ltf.et 2 te 2. W lmlii-trinl group was fairly ae- but without fecial change in prices. 1XUIR1HMW We, IIIH , lOOAtnal t.'ather .... ip'i jnii li'ccli Nut aij. 100 Columbia Emerald. SBc -no font Meters ...... inn Cuban Deni aurrar. 10 fiOOarlnn.l M 8 21; no Aluminum ;' 40nAmer Metala SSc KKIA-mcr Metala pref..lOBVi 13(10 t'hl MppIe II...... ,-'T .30 8.c 7a 10 U SIR 21 40 1:S0 P. M. 10'i 30 fi'a 8l 'H, 111 , 8tt 215 21 4(1 4.1 II 1!H inn f'nm Hnlvent A lOflii federal .74 T... 100lla(S he1 tOOMbb). McN ft fc.. tne Lincoln Moter A 0( Mercer Met V t e wtiitthllln MnrrlN ... "vi ...... . . v t nMf ini Kin run J1V1 V .1 I'.v..--- UOORiulle com ISnOHadleluref ....... rt nnnRee Moter Truclc. 2fVa jne Seuth C b I.... inn Swift Int 400 Tobacco Pred . . . IO0UB 14 II aa TTn nt Cnnrlv... 0nOWane Ceal ...'... l'i 14fW in; unriHii .-? lMO Moen .Moter i . .-. . . 11 ,, inn Nat Moter "v 8(10 Tenn nice Pwr.... 14 jfldTcnn K Pwr Ud pf. I0' lNUSbalt pref.. 1 14 STANDARD OIKS lO.'.H 105U Hl ft i Si; 0 07c 1A 7V in 11 28 2S 1 20 104 2 (10c in; 7i 1i 1254 10 14 4en 1"4 n 28 2H n 8U 20 104 44 H 25 one ini 7'1 1 :i0Annlt Am Oil in Galena .Slitmil , , '10 Imp Oil ("nil . . J7S Indiana Pipe . . snohle Oil 10 Seuth Perm OH nones Oil vt Ind . , 10 B Oil of N V . . 20i .. r8 ..114 .. 01 . .20.'. ..sin ,.108'i lOr.Ti 10AK ..--! 4XS 4.3 IftTi 68 114 20S :in in', r.A 11 no 2BO sin INDEPENDENT OII.8 109 Aetna 1'4 100 Alcun "5 100Arl Net Qv.i .1 lllH seen Tlnone Oil 18c sunn nosien winmins . u. innncann Hni .... 7r. Cltlea Service . 200 CI 1 lea Her U ctta 'JOO Columbia Pete line Federal Oil . .. .-nenilllland Oil .... 800 Olenreck Oil .... VO'ien llueunn un WOO lnt Petrel . jtne Keystone Ilangr: lOOCIllea Ser nfd B L'OO Keultv Tet dM . . 14 liMOMcx Seal ctfa .. 4AU son l,hliiBten 1'et .. Ui r,00 I.jens Pete 8iic 1(10 Maxma Oil 80c inn Maracalbe OH . . tfl 7,m nrine ;enn Mnrland Max MM MfTTllf. Mil JOO Mexico Oil "9. 7'i 281 08U l'i J" . ic S2J4 anger . Hi fd B .1 nu T? inVa lfle 880 V.i 22 08U 1U 29e' J-.1J ,!! 48 l'i 88n 80c si a 10V4 18e 88c 714 220 291, 'ft 4?5 88c AOe :i :::::: 'ij 2000 Canada Can 1000 Cens Arliena . , , 2400 Cena Cep M , . . 800 Cortex Silver ! , . 800 Crraaen Geld . . 1O0O Divide Kxtemlen f 4O0O Aureka Creeaua . 2000 Geld Htstea .... lODOOeld Zene ...... 4000 Hill Tep nw ,. . 800 Howe Sound . . . 11(100 Independ Lid . lOOKerr like . 1O0O Knox plld ... aar IDOO IJine KYar ' iieu Maaen Val . . . 1 1200 Mether Idi C 2000 Nv Sll Hern . 2800 Klplaalnr 1000 nay Hercule . , 20OO Ilex Cena ...... inn flhelden ....... 1000 Silver Hern . . iuu neutnvreat Metal , 2000 Stewart Mln 1000 Tonopah Caah He" OBOO Tonopah Dlvlde . . 2UD Tonopah nxt , . . 880 30' 84e Bflc 24 170 ., 880 :. 44e il. 10a .. 7Re ... ,8 ... 82c ... 8 , i. 4e . .. 2 ... OK . . . no 1.. A ,..!; , . .- 8c ... 1H ..k He H N Be 87c M "ft 120 lAe 70e 880 80 Ala D8e "Mi Ife , 84 0 44e 10c 7Re 3 ' Oec 8i 4e 4c i 8c J 11a 8 r.c 84a lt no 08c 8i l'i u IS. 120) inn ' 7Ac 88a 0 1 20 ;& 84c 440 lOe 7BO 8 02c 'ff 4c. i Oe J8 80 14 Ha 8 lite 88c . no eec 1 0(10 Tennhfth Ner SHr. (Ic 10(H) Tuolumne Of.n 100 Unity Held 3Ji 11 00 United Kaatcrn .. 1H S00 West Knd U li neNDS $3000 Allied Packera (la... 83., 83, 88 100(1 Amer Tel As '22... 10014 100J4 1004 1(100 Anaconda Cep (U..100', lOOU 100U 8000 Anaconda 7s ,29...10S4 134 10SH 14(100 Armour Ce 7n...l04H 104U 104H 1000 Atl U W I3.... A2U 6'.''i (12 U lOOOIIeth Steel 7a '23.. 104. 1044 104H BOdOCan Pae-Oa 101, 101U 101H 4000 Char Iren 8a n.vi nnV4 BH 4000 Cena Qai Bait Oa. DD?4 80 0BT4 1000 Cena Textile 8.... 100 100 100 BOOOCep Kxp 8a '24. ...102 1024 102J4 10OO Cep Exp 8a 2B....104H 104H 4H 200O Freenert Ter 7W.B.. 143 188 144 12000 Empire a ft R Aa.. 101 4 101U 101U 7...inz im, 1014 BOOO Goedrich Tire ' BOOOHoed Rubber 7a. 1000 Inter R T 7. aen nH ns 07 AT 900 Inter P. T 8a no sni: .inni uansax uas us.... (".('i vnVt 10000 Kennecett Cen 7a.. 104i 104 4000 Natl Acama 7(4 a.. 0AM OflUj BOOORklyn Un Qaa 7a.,10A inn 4000 Cudahv 7s I01U 101U 47000 N T N II II 7. 87 8A1 10000 Phlla Elec B'a .. nn D OR HO, e.1'4 104 i nni4 inn 10m 80 i new .l.M.U f-UD DCrV .1 l8.il(Ut 1UI4 JOIH 4009 Bnka A Ce 7a .... 081t BS'i I18U 1000 Sliawahcen 7a ...,108(4 10.1U ln.iu lOOOReHay et Pie Sa..l0n4 10BV4 103U 700n Southwest 'Hell 7a. 1021 in2. 102: ;n00 B O N T In '28. . . . KlflTi tnnT. lftn Bone Stewart Warn 81.. 108 108 108 .1000 Swift A Ce 7a "2B. 101 10ti 01 2(1000 Texas Ce 7 101'J 101 14 101H 12000 Un Oil Pred 8s ,.10B 10.1 10R 1000 Vnlrerlne 7 .... 00 00 nn BOOO West Elec -7a ....1084 108S 108S w'.uu .viiicucainr V3K ..1.114 "'1 101 .UJJ item Arms "Je as. 1)4 04 04 FOREION BONDS 10000 Argentina 7s 00?4 nn4 en 02 07 eni i"U O0T4 nn na n7 OS'i 2u 8000 Can-B 8 7 in ROOn rllv Praaue 711a. ll'J 1B0OO City Montevideo 7a 07 11000 Klne of Serbs 8a. 0.1H 1000 Russian IIUi SO 8000'Swlss BHs ...!.,.102U 102J 102U 100000 U H Mcx 4a 42& 41 41 Tt FLOOD COVERS TEXAS TOWN Rie, Grande Waters Overflow Leveet. Ne Uvea Reported Leat Brownsville, Tex., June 20. (.Uy A. P.) Rie Grande flood water, from two te three feet deep, last night, covered most of the town of Mercedes, fifty miles up Htrcam from here in Hidalge County. Xe less of life has been re ported. , Twe thousand men, working in relays for seventy-two hours, fought a losing battle when water poured ever the levee protecting towns en the netith bank and covered a large residential section of Mercedes. Other levees seen overflowed and the flood area was extended te the buRlncs..ecctfen.1 3 -Merchandise, how ever, had 'previously' been, moved. Ne serious property damage is expected. thht Jmenh A. 'Heftier. iK.neW ame elated with them .In their beml'depart- man ' f . "V menr. About te Cart Off Safe' Hhetn fired by Chief of Police Hahner, at ttklfSMjuil hsiJu ia.ti,ai.fHaf m taa.t sOlilW. JVhtk iivAtnA nt'lA tt )tn 4trArtit An. anon WatilMtl. wfllthv liAiilprv mill tlVd lndufttrial etecltti advanced 0.00 owner, lean of theunamlfl of dellnrn npr rnttf in 113.111. ul.lU tlm twrtntv whet, hnitf1rtrf4 weie discovered at lilfr rallrendti advanced 0.73 ner cent te. home. , The Taubelfl were1 In Atlantic . . . - , ... . . . -' i 1 -.- tff.Ute cH.IU, Uliyier mewreaena unci uniei iiannvr American locomotive Company has wns, giving tue neuse extra aiieniien recently closed orders for "a total of fifteen engine. Targe8t sintlc order involves 'six' Pacific v type locomotives ter Chesen Railway of Korea. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail way Company applied te Interstate Commerce, Commission for authority te acquire control 'of Santa Fe nndXes Angeles Harber Rallwar by lease and by purchase of all Its capital stock. Although Themas 'Iren Company stockholders hare until July 10 te ac cept the offer tot salc-ef their stdck at f30 a share, already Over two-thirds of tne total numeer 01 snares, nas wen de posited in nssent.i thus assuring the sale Will be made effective, The protective committees represent ing holders of Mew Orleans Railway And Light Company refunding and gen eral Hen 5 per "cent geld bends and the one-year 7 per cent geld notes arc notifying holders who have deposited with the committees that a plan and agreement for reorganisatien of the company has been prepared; approved and adopted. The Hayes Wheel Company hns Ih sued a statement of its financial con dition en May 31, showing cash, en hand 8530,421, tetnl current assetH .$:., 082,227. current liabilities $1,272,124. net current assets $2,410,103 and tetnl net assets after predlving for all liabili ties and reserves $4,9?6.30G. Trade names, patents, geed will., 'etc., arc carried at a valuation of $1. Coca-Cela Company's net earnings for May are understood te have been nearly. $1,000,000. Earnings for June, it is estimated, will slightly esceed the May figures. These earning did net Include" the profits of any subsidiary companies, and were after all deprecia tion and taxes. The company 'recently had in the neighborhood of $2,000,000 cesh in bank, far exceeding all current borrowings. In face of n reduction of the redis count rate of the New Yerk Federal Re serve Hank and world-wide decline of intercut rates, the bend market last week was unusually quiet. Rarely has a week passed with se few features in price movement. Renewal of call money en bcvcral days at 2 per cent failed te stimulatu trading. The 4 per cent Liberty leans reached new high pricey but the Increase was insignificant. PLAN RAIL SERVICE BUREAU Effert te Bring Together Buyer and Vender of Equipment Preliminary plans were announced today for the establishment of offices here by the Railroad Buyers' and Sellers' Service ltureau. hendquarters Chicago, for the co-ordination of the efforts of purchasers and venders of railway equipment In general. W. II. Ilessctt is general manager, und J. L. Newman, formerly n news writer of this city, is editor-in-chief of the Rail way Trade Digest (weekly), one of four functions of the bureau. The ether three phases of the or ganization are the publication of a telephone directory and buyers' guide of buyers nnd suppliers of railway equipment in Philadelphia nnd tribu tary territory, an ntixljiury department of scientific research, including chemi cal and ether analyses and economic surveys; and a personal emergency de partment by means of which technical information may he obtained immedi ately. Offices have hcen established In New Yerk City and are in process of or ganization in St. Leuis, Denver, Seattle. Snn Francisce, Memphis, At lnntn, Baltimore, El Puf-e und ether traffic centers. because of the frequency of robberies recently. On one trip he saw two men acting suspiciously nnd as he went toward them they darted for nn auto mobile and sped away. He fired, but failed te bit tncm. , . Investigation showed' that the house had been entered and 200 worth of allverwarcSt 9000 watch, rifle and some clothing stolen. The thieves had cut n safe from a stone wall and were ready te remove it when thcefficcr' bullets changed their plans. RADICALS CO-OPERATE N. Y.- Socialist and Farmer-Laber Partlea te Meet Saturday New Yerk, June 20. (By A. 1M A Joint committee representing the So cialist and Farmer-Laber Parties last night Issued a call for a Slate conven tion here July 1 te nomlnnte State and congressional tickets for the fall elec tion. The announcement marks the first Instance or co-operation between the two groups' in this State. James P. Helland, president of the New Yerk State Federation of Laber, today issued the call for thefifty-nlnth annual convention of the organization in Peughkcepsle. N. Y., August 22. Mr. Helland said labor's platform in the nen-pnrtlsnn political campaign, which it will wage this fall; would be the principal subject of dlscusajpn. . MEN'S LEAGUE AF1ER FISH Big Automobile Party Gees Frem Haddenfleld Church te Tuckerton HaddenfleJd, N. ,1., June 20. A parade of 'automobiles left the First Presbyterian Church at daylight this morning 'Ter Tuckerton where fifty members of the Men's League of the church will pnss the day trying their lurk for pergles, weak-fish, crabs and ether sen feed. , The party will 'se out en rim hnv six in n bent and will fish until night and hope te get back home with great leads of fish at 0 o'clock tonight. The pat-ter of the church, the Rev. Rebert S. Merris, chaperoned the crowd nnd Stanley W. Rusk was admiral of the fleet. FAREWELL FORj VfCAR Services Are Held at Compliment te the Rev., J, A. Richardson Farewell services for the Rev. J. A. Rlch.irdsen, vica of St. Mary's Church, Bread and Seuth streets, the Episco-' pnllan Pre-Cathedral, were held in the church yesterday.. Dr. Richardson hn'j resigned te take effect September 1. but he virtually severed his connection yesterday, for he leaves today for Wellesley, Mass.. te attend as clmpliiin the "Wellesley con ference of church workers, and after that he will spend July and August In New Hampshire. On September 1, he will assume the rectership of St. Paul's Church, Burlington, Vt. "BEFORE YOU INVEST Investigate." said C. B. Ferbes recently In an article In the Business Section, There are complete data as te price changes and In come yields of hundred!, of leadlntr stocks and bends published every day In the Busi ness and Financial Section of the Public I.bdebr. "Make It a Habit." Adv. WIEGREMOCKEYCO Certified Public Accountant Drexd Buildm. PhOadeiphk New Issue $500,000 Georgia Railway & Power Company 7 First Cumulative 8 Preferred Stock, Series of 1922 , Par Value $ 1 00 per share Dividends payable January, quarterly ' Preferred as te dividends, and in case of liquidation or dissolution entitled te par and , accrued dividends, before any payment i. made upon any ether class of stock -, ( of the Company. Net redeemable before January I, 1938, redeemable thereafter at the option of the Company at 115 and accrued dividends. CAPITALIZATION , FUNDED DEBT x V Underlying bends $1,367,000 First and Refunding Mortgage St, outstanding ' 12,167,000 20-year General Mortgage 7; 1941 4,000,000 25-year General Mortgage 6s, 1947 3,800,000 CAPITAL STOCK 8 Cumulative First Preferred $2,500,000 Second Preferred T 10,000,000 Common . . 15,000,000 The second Preferred and Common Stocks of the Company, based upon present quotations, have a market value of approximately $8,000,000. PROPERTY: The Geeagia Railway and Power Company owns and operates a modern hydro electric pewerplant with 72,000 K. W. installed capacity, and, in conjunction therewith, two storage reservoirs with of combined capacity of 6,649,000,000 cubic feet of water, or the equivalent of 70,000,000 K. W. H. at the power plant. The Company also owns and operates ether modern hydro-electric power plants with an aggregate installed capacity of J 3,600 K. W making the Com pany's total present capacity 85,600 K. W. Transmission and distribution lines aggregating 685 miles are owned by the Company. In addition, the Company owns the lands and water rights for a number cd; undeveloped water powers located in the territory it serves, having an ultimate capacity of approximately 252,000 K. W. Of this amount, 180,000 K. W. will be served successively by the Company's present storage reservoirs.'!) VALUATION: The value of the property of the Georgia Railway and Power Company has been placed at $40,571,1 74 by Messrs. Parsons, Klapp, Brinckerhoff & Douglas, Engineers, as of January I, 1922. EARNINGS: Fer twelve months ending February 28. 1921 1922 Gress Revenue $f 3,464,991 $14,459,943 Operating Expense., Taxes, Maintenance and Rental... 11,041,826 11,351,387 Net Income $2,423,465 $3,108,886 Annual Interest en Funded Debt 1,168,380 1,168,360 Balance $1,255,115 $1,940,206 Balance available for dividends for the pust ten years ever four times, for the past three years ever seven times, and for. the year ended February 28, 1922, ever nine times annual dividend requirement, en the first preferred stock. We offer this stock, when, as and if issued, and received by us PRICE 102,2 AND ACCRUED DIVIDEND, TO NET 7.80 HARRISON & CO. BANKERS 106 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA L f New Issue ? ? '. i. $5,000,000 New Yerk Steam Corporation . First Mortgage Geld Bends, Series A; 6, due 1947 t . tf y it? ",r& '. A vty t: 'ffii (Nen-redeemable for Ten Years) Dated May 1, 1922 Due May 1, 1947 'Interest payable May 1 and November 1 at The' National City Dank of New Yerk, without deduction of the Nermal Federal Income Tax up te 29'c. Four Mills Tax in Pennsylvania refunded. Coupon Bends in denominations of $500 and $1,000, rcgisterable a te principal only and interchangeable with fully registered Bends in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000. Net redeemable prier te May 1, 1932; redeemable at the option of the Corporation en any interest payment date, ' upon sixty days' prier notice, at 107 from May 1. 1932, te November 1, 1936, inclusive; at 105 from May 1, 1937, te November 1, 1941, inclusive, and at 102J4 . . . . . . thereafter but prier te maturity. . THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Trustee Application will be made te list these Bends en the New Yerk Stock Exchange Issuance ha been approved by the Public Service Commission of the State of New Yerk Mr. James D. Hurd, President of the Corporation, has summarized his letter te us regarding this issue as fellows ' The New Yerk Steam Corporation supplies steam for power and heating purposes in the down town financial district and in an extensive uptown commercial and residential section, serving ever 1,400 buildings, including some of the largest in New Yerk City. These Bends, constituting the sole funded debt of the Corporation, will be secured, in the opinion of counsel, by a direct First Mortgage en its entire property. An appraisal just completed by independent engineers shows a value of the properties, based en average prices, in excess of twice the present issue of $5,000,000 First Mortgage Bends. Against future construction expenditures, additional Bends may be issued for net exceeding 75, provided net earnings are at least twice bend interest charges. A Sinking Fund of at least 2 each year will be applied toward the purchase of Bends or the acquisition of additional property, and prevision will also be made in the Mortgage for the main tenance and replacement of the property through the operation of a strong General Reserve Fund. Fer the twelve months ended May 31, 1922, gross earnings were $3,246,088, and net, earnings $753,765, or ever 2J times annual Bend interest charges. The franchise under whichthe Corporation operates is entirely satisfactory and, in the opinion of counsel, grants the right, without limit as te time, te lay mains and pipes in any of the streets en the Island of Manhattan and te supply steam for power, heating and cooking. Bends arc offered -when, as and if issued and received by us, subject te flic approval of our counsel. I Price 94 and Interest, Yielding about 6Vz- Illustrated Circular showing location of the plants and the buildings , served, and giving interesting information regarding the business of this Corporation, will be sent upon request. The National City Company National City Bank Building Philadelphia 1417 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonte Bleck, 1225 Boardwalk Offices in mere than HO cities in the United States and Canada Tne abee Information has been obtained from official statements and stat'itlcs We de net iiuarantce, but bclieie It te be correct. "TaWB ra 5 li Wntfgn Is! Exempt from Federal, State, Municipal and Lecal Taxation 1,000,000 Kentucky Joint Stock Land Bank (LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY) 5 Bends Issued Under the Federal Farm Lean Act Dated May 1, 1922. Due May 1, 1952. Redeemable after May 1, 1932, at par and accrued interest. Coupon bends fully registrable and interchangeable. Denominations, $1,000 and $500. Interest payable May 1 and November 1. Legal Investment for All Fiduciary and Trust Fund. Under the Jurisdiction of the Federal Government and Acceptable as Security for Postal Saving, and Other Deposits of Government Fund. These bends are obligations of the Kentucky Joint Stock Land Bank and arc collaterally secured by either first mortgages en farm lands or United States Government Bends or Certificates of Indebtedness. The liability of the Bank's share holders is double the amount of their stock. The Kentucky Joint Stock Land Bank is restricted by its charter te leans en farm land only in Kentucky and Ohie. Up te the present time all of the Bank's leans have been made in the famous "Blue Grass" section of Kentucky. The Bank has a vej-y strong management, consisting of men who have had long, successful experience in the banking and mortgage business in this ter ritory, by reason of their connection as directing heads of the Security Trust Company of Lex ington, Kentucky. The Bank operates under Federal charter and Government supervision. The issuance of its bends and the collateral pledged as security have been approved by the Federal barm Lean Beard, a bureau of the Treasury Department of the United States Government. These bends are prepared and engraved by the Treasury Department. The Act under which" they are issued provides that : "Farm Lean Bend issued under the prevision of the Act shall be deemed and held te be liwrumentalities of the Government of the United State-., and as Mich they and the income derived therefrem shall be exempt from Federal. State, Municipal ami Lecal Taxation." Tlii-s ex emption clauic covers all forms uf taxation, exclu sive of Inheritance Taxes. By a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, rendered February 2S, 1921. the constitutionality of this Act and the tax exemption features of these bends were fully sustained. Price 103 and Interest Te Yield Over 4.60 te Optional Maturity and 5 Thereafter Halsey, Stuart 8C Ce. 1 ncuiporstce NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA William R. Compten Ce. NEW YORK CHICAGO Harris, Ferbes 8C Ce. NEW YORK The atwa statements are official, or taiel en Information utilch we retard ns rcll able, anj are the data upon which we hae acicd in the purthaae of these bends, NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchange i 1512 Walnut St. H'l! lime turancles for several high caliber experienced Meck Salesmen with clientele If you can quullfy It will pay te Imestlft-ate our iropea. tlen. Don't reply unless you run fur iilsh lil.h-rlaas references anil arc capable of liamlllnar a bit" preposition, , 330, i.Knnr.n ekiick c Tn Information and statistics contained In this advsrtlsement havs been obtained from sources we deem reliable snd are accepted by us as accurate COMMEHC1.M. VAI'KK endorser or inuker ruled, usual banldusr channels used te limit, i an obtain accommodation, limit (our months. OsT.rlng .heaut be tyllcit end written, and addrsMed OS lleed Belldln. WE WANT OFFERINGS Hcrnnlen Klcc. Pfd. Penn Seaboard Steel 7h, 192J BAUER, STARR ft CO. I.and .Title llnlldlns;, Philadelphia , New Yerk OfBce. I lUctsr eltrest Direct Private Telephone bet. OJIce. I TAX EXEMPT BONDS YIELDING 64 Security $1000.00 Amount of Lean .... 8S.71 Equity $914.29 V. W. MILLS CO. Stock Excitants tilde, Vk udelphli 'R.A.M.&Ce,' Reasoned Bends v. Prier Lien well-secured Vnds may still be bought te yield an attractive return. List -upon requvet Reed A, Morgan A Ce. Jlembers of the Thlla. Bleck Kxch, West End Trutt BUle., i'hlle. Telephone bpruee Hilt !, i.? I'iJSb b -yJ..,'.. . I' ssjjyjaii' I l!'$mmi&a&S uV!"-' -' -,r ' A r"n"''-"' -iii4i -.Ifcr i iir.krSi iw,-i -' m wn ws., '3VV. t.i l rjfeLl Jk