I life-- -L: fcfSAa 'i"lk .i , Kimii. jmnn uirvnMn BswiLKWuuvHi my SU, ?(.. i OF MUTINY IN CHINA n,; '' wtmtsms M ff EVENING PUBLIC LEDaER-P&GLADEtPHIA, 'Hlfacdtei THu'r Fear for Safety of 600 Christian Converts Imprisoned in Catholic Mission j guards hnd been Mntlened te protect I tlicm. Had the men rrmnlncd iiwny, ' million of ilellnr.i worth of mines would hare been ruined through flood- j Ing within a few days. These enre I tnkPTH are net mine union men. Hrnrrh for bedlci. continued today (it some point In the county, although i the lenrchlng parties were few. Twenty-two Indies liml been receveicd, and It was considered rertuln that many mere still could he found. NO IRISH REPRISAL AT WILSON MUKUtH jSAY FOREIGNERS UNHARMED Carbemlalf. III.. .Tune 21. lily A. P.) .Mere than ITrfl miners from the Herrin district pawed through hrre last night and e.irly today. going out of tin eon! fields. They weie believed te be union men. These that could be op- Peking, dun- 24,-The crest of (he ! ", T'' ""'" IW "" "" " '"' ' By Associated Pns- Ulsterltes Toe Sensible te Be Provoked Inte Retaliation, Says Premier SHORTT MAY QUIT POST Utlny which has drenched Klnng-Ki revtne ewlth bleed apparently Is past. JlflAJF nWiMPR 771 WIF TTprvert from thn lieut iMll.liln uerrn. HlIllEj KJTY H jVS.O 1 J JU & place the death loll nt mere than feur1 thousand and Indicate the destruction "'"v" v-s. v-m or .evete dnmngc of four eltlee. hut' de net indicate that any ferrlgnetf have brc.i molested. However, no word han been received from COO Chinese Christian converts reported Imprisoned In the compounds of tite I'athellc Imm- rlst mission nt Tnihe since they were be- Uu AtiecMrd PrM ltntliiti, dune 21. -Relief that e far efellcr wis fleeted vice nrenMeiit ei the trust nnd president of the Standard Oil Company of Xew Yerk. In the creation of this enormous bnnlne- Mr. Rockc Reckc feller played nn Important part. He WHS famous for his pxnet Itnetvlpdirn nf 'nil the detail- of the operations tif'thc I 'company, close discrimination, clear and correct judgment, and his opinion al ways had grrnt weight In the nffalrj of his corporation. Mr. Rockefeller wn.s mnrrled in lftftl ' In Kairfleld. Conn., te Mln Almlru 1 (rcrniiiinc woedsell, and liae four chil dren living. In 1S7S. he built the benne en the northeast corner of Fifth avenue nnd Fifty-fourth street. New Yerk, which lias ever Mnee been the family residence. Ilia splendid country neat in en the North Hlver, between Tarryteun and Scarborough, niKin the old AMilnwall estate. Large wealth enabled him te ex- RaVHiaHMaHlaVHHKT' iTBMBBaaai er twmx ww-w $?;W k i u t . iT-F -j - i i yvrs r.i .' i "Lj-'iii- " - i ii r. - j. i. t- - "! , . - it. w t t ' m . ir. ihj' " v'i j. ' p'scrric ':r. r . i.iir .ni r "ii t j nxM" , - , i . y ?f UiyiUIV rUt. $1,UUV,VUU interview with the Helfast corresnend- jent of ibc l'venlju News he declared: , , , m .ii. it l 1'l'rr people are tee sensible te lie. Chicago. June -I. H A. I.) prmnkrd Inte retaliation hv the murder Intimates of the property damage and of the Held marshal. Sir Henrv had determination of the figures te be fixed nothing te de with the pellev of the as tne icgRi viiiuc ei niiiniii nvrs iiki i iter (ievernment. in the mine riots nnd mnssnerc of T Iio tirelmble effect en flic political for manv yen nank. the Ilniuner National Hank, the Leather Manufacturers' Natlennl Hank, the New Yerk. New Hnveu nnd Hart Hart eord, the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western nnd the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. I'nul Hallrends. Mi; iteckefeller had been In ill henlth Ma 'I'.a ...a. r 1.1 1 ... ic A...: niaiu ei ins neaini. vtrKvu ini-ri- iiiiii-mi;i,i iiy iinmiii'iT-. ...u.-uj .. .- ........ - . -iiiihiiimi hi inc lIHNlsatn.ltien et r 1CK1 I In fnct. and his whcrnnlimitu Ii...a txcept their original unpen) for aid. As being .empHnl today In lirpimrnllnn MnrshnI WlNen attracts attention te- L ,,,' f ir--! Zhlc cnuZX H result nnxletv which Iimn been felt for damage suits which the Southern f day. nnd all the newspapers speculate ini".n 111,'' i, pl' "C Ct"rle,""y ,n ftr several days reached a higher pitch Illinois (.l Company announced, will ,, 1P I)n.,tif)I Af ,'h,.1 itrltlsh ev- I LK,I.Hi.!. rtWrlM,,,c?M this morning. be tiled against the International Union rrnmunt In view of the ni itb iri of anger ',1ml hln, If J JiV '??"ry trJ",t Tnihe Is .wentj miles Seuth of Klanfu ..f the lilted Mine Workers and the n Pnrllnment at he withdraw il of L.. fm 1,1 V 11 T' 'fi He C0,lld net In Klang-Sl province. county. proratien from prominent men. ''yfund. r or months the sergennt-nt- Latest reports itre that foreigners. The suits will aggregate mere than The Intense indignntlen ever the miir- ? i ' u 1,"!" of "'P.wntatlves xcept doctors attending weumlrd In the SI. IXKI OHO. according te Follett W. der Is mingled wllh widespread feeling ' w wWch wna frulllem. The he.spltnls. Imve left Nnnchnng. nltheugl. Hull. emisPl for William .!. Lester, that It should have been prevented, and ".nnn(,ler H J "Jh avenue house In New that clt Is iiuiet nnd nn fears nn felt 'president Of the company. consequently n scapegoat Is being I ,wn'' , iCKWl b-v ""hpeena t.erv for Its safety Nnnchnng is undrt Hk Suits will be filed net only for the flight. Heme Secretarv Shertl ns re- I T ,lccct,vw reporters nnd nn Idle care of n civil gevernnr. who is pre- . company, but In behalf of the families sjinnslhle head of the police, has been i ' "rnnP '." f da i his residence nt Tarry- vtil,l ivltli fi14 ChMI n iiiimtli hv firli-ir,' I of Its emtilntrs slnin hv thn lnndilened uinnl..! ..... ...i....i..i.. ... ' town. N. T.. the StnndAnl Oil nffii-nu nn KU KLUX STARTS NEW SHAKEDOWN Floed of Ten-Dellar Bills Being Sought by 'invisi ble Empire" Is THE FAITHFUL ARE NOTIFIED ii ml his remevnl is demnnded. ' T.V . w ny n,'.ul ,,ls clubs vcrc wntched iuteresiH for nsn in inn I nt.i I n i ne 01 eer. i mid) of strikers nnd their Minnnthlzers vlrilm A tendlly decreasing amount nf. Cases in the Federal court will be , That he will forestall bp i-.H.i,.1 ,,,.,.' ! without aval'. credit Is being accorded dispatches. ,i,.- Isfnrted nt Indianapolis, nnd additional Mire en the Government bv xeliiiiiarlly pnrently based en rumors slnrlnl by ove'r-wreught natives, thnt foreigner have bieu Mibjecteil te mistrealment. stilts at Mm Inn. Ill I Action against the miners' union may include a suit against Jehn L. Lewis, I iitrrnatlnnril president of the ersanl- The iiiiccrtnliit ns te the fate of the 'zntien. even nrlests iiinl three students ill the Klnng-SI danger one Is causing in.iuy i Jlfnnr ThimQ Silem nxleus hours nt St. Vincent's a,m. llrlOlOr A nUgS OieiV Innry. (icrmnntewu, where pr.uers are linid cenflntinl for llielr safety. One of the missionaries is the Rev. Fran- Youth, Belief New When attorneys renresentlnnp hltn I riiii?!iini K t,pnllrtn.i l.. '...... ......-". tirifllly Cflllit Ilia ted hr iiceenflnw thi ml,. tcrs. peena for hlm It was disclosed that he Mnndaj's session of the Heuse of MnB 1" "'" Southern cottage, but hlB Commens may see the defection of a P'i Melen emphatically maintained that large number of the Coalition I'lileiilsts '" ',sk Mr. Ilockefeller te answer qucs- who hae hitherto supported the Gov- "na en a witness stand wns te invite ernment's IrMi policy, but who arc ! his death. He was stihject te nuch new mere than eer Inclined te aftnch .spasms of coughing that speech nbevc n (hemsehes te the "IMe-Hiirds." whisper was- Ilkelr te strangle hlm. These conservative wnverers aie rep- The I'uje Cenimittee. still determined resented n.s taking the nttltmle thnt ft his testimony concerning nn nl- they supported the Angle-Irish treaty 'eged manlpiilntlen of the copper mar- because the (Ievernment assured (hem ',rt w'th II. II. lingers seenil ellrs It would settle the Irish question nnd prcWeusly. nrrangel n speclnl sitting In peace would fellow. Fence has net '"p financier's cottage at .Trkjl Island, followed, thev say . and (lie (Jovern-' hut had proceeded with less than a nient must take the consequence. Nnfh- deen questions when the witness was ..i.i a. !... I .. i.Iht i ., it .. linn, i, 1-. tin uin . 1111 lit (-11 1 l I'll siiiim' - - ...... a.ihrtii t-iii.-.ii.;. .aiiiii iiiiiki . . Illirtlie lemew Hani eltih. the cry I . !" ''""" " "'"" '" )?."'r' H .!, t. .,. i..i. i i. The rnmmlliiw wnu ,i.,eMn .T. ...!. ..'... Jehn (VShea. the Miptrlm . and P'1";. "1'::". """"" "'"""?"' " r, " ,,,, ,n "' ' '""L . '" w. . bout fear of cnusimVhU.l.h" n Celbert. Ceerxe Krbe and Jehn ",,OK .."" ,MV" " """." s, ,nB re.i uiir- , '- "" .":. ;: :'.,,. ! I, , .he,, ihnt i,i- Wi,v-V.r.... ..i. ,, in.. ..,.. lnir lis nerieiiic.n ir ns into flip uiimis. ' " "T"" "l " "''.- '"Minimi imn ,- : - i "." """ "- riailKiimi, Miii.enis. i i t . ..innnn n.l nninim m-nin,., I'n.iui. inittdl lie wns siinpilnir finni n ,,.i,i..nr ey sailed for ( lilim lust .lily and j i"t -Missing I public men persists, but nothing tnn. of the threat. t his JIB L. Cahill. .-.ti'-'T Mllgrave Street. ; r.ntlnned from rpr On Gerinnntnwn. , . , . , , , , The ether-, while net natives of this hunt for betnn eal aim ether nature City, are well known here. Thej arc: -PC'Imens. carried n head cnerlng the Ilev. Frauds Meade, the Ilev. Pftect his face from gnats and mos mes mos ThemnsCrosslev. the ltcv. Francis Stu- .nu"'""' M' " eping in the weeds. hi. tim ifpv li,i..i Mnisiiiipnd.iv. thn La w rem e, w lie w us t w en t one j ears Rev Kev. Jeh Mr Th eiu te wie inisi,m u, .-son aerii iM.ius- , mis eiunt tins net eeen found anil cible has been unearthed (e siiiuiert it. '" almost every respect exeep HI. which s Jill) miles Inland nnd the'ls belleed it max have been rnrrlpil i nn.l it Is stntp.1 In ,nnm ,,m,ic..-., !,... success ns nn oil mnrtinin Wlltlum Center of n u strict in which there are off bv the slnjer or slajers. All the , if such a plot cer ested the slnjers Hik feller differed fiem his elder B.000.000 Chinese and some !)00() Chris- articles bore a peculiar seal imented ' of Field Marshal Wilsen cannot be con- ' brother. Jehn I). He was a club n.nn ; tians. i h Lawrence, which he .stamped en neeted with it. his brother belonged te none. He wns , The territory Is regarded as the most ' all his possessions. interested but slightly in philanthropic beautiful in Chlivi. and Its inhabitants1 A description of the missing nrtl- work of nny kind or religious activity, have been mi the most amicable terms ides and of the seal has been furnished WM? RfhckpfpllPY alongside thn blocks of millions li"l: svitu tiie missionaries neeausp et tne ie an pnwusiieps, together with the ' tiretlier gave away. William Iteckefel apjeniua werx wnicn iney nave neen ; '""riiiimnp ei in irappers, one a cnriylng en among the teeming masses Negro with whom Lnwrenee fought which lle then' under conditions of some months age when he caught theni great squalor. I poaching en his muskrat traps. Mrs. Jehn Weldnn. mother of Father .insepn nansei. l i.ast Tiega street, i Cahill. teriln, nil mc Nmv Yerk, .Tiiw 24. A new shnke shnke dewn of Kn Klux Klnnsmen has been inatignrnted by the K. K. K. chleftaina In Atlnntn. It wns learned yesterdny. Anether flood of ?10 notes is the ob eb jcclhe. Klnnsmen thnnigheiit the country nrc being notified that they nre net 100 per cent K. K. K. Knights until they have "advanced through the several de grees necessary te full fellowship with such members." Kach new degree costs $10. K. Y. Clnrkr, vice imperial wlinrd nnd boss Kluxer Mnce he sent .Imperial Wlxnrd Simmons nway for tdx months' "rest," and Frail L. Savnge, former New Yerk pellcininn nnd strike-breaking detective nnd new the Klan's chief of operations and Clarke's right-hand man. lest no time After .Simmons' de parture In ringing the bell for mere money. "All accepted nnd .lejnl Klansmen," rends their nnnnunncment In the Searchlight, the K. K. K. organ, "will remember thnt the KnVchta of the Ku Klux Klan is net a etje-degrcc order He will remembev further thnt this orgnnirntlen is net of the three degree variety, wherein the applicant takes one nnd hns two thrust upon him. "On the contrary, he will remember thnt It Is only nfter n careful nnd painstaking Investigation thnt he is nc cepied Inte the first degree or order, which degiee or order is separate nnd distinct from the three higher degrees or orders." Although the announcement does net sny se, the Klan promoter hare de vised a method of shaking Klnnsmen down for n tetnl of $-10 eneh thnt Is, there nre te be four degrees, and the Kluxers who mistakenly bellered they were full-iledsed subjects of the im perial wizard, entitled te nit privileges, new learn they must first come through with ?:i0 mere. Thleve8 Smash Window; Get Shirts Thieves threw n brick through the tflmlnu of the hahcrdfiNhprt ntmA Af ...,., - in-a v , . i gnniniii William Kegen. 4iS rrnnkfenl nve- blockade one, simru inT " loin hum morn ing, and tnklng nn nrmful of shirts, valued at nenrly ?100, escaped in nu automobile. Rathenau Slain ' at Berlin Heme Continued from Pate One the minister most disliked nineng the Nntlennllsta. vlie ebleclcd te his pel icies nnd also held hla Jewish extraction against hlm. Thla latter clrcunistnnre especially haa made hlm the target of humiliating Attacks In anti-semltlc quarters, and liOTecently wns referred te In scurrilous terms In n ribald song sung nt the re union of n Nntlenallst regiment. The assassination tomes clesp en the heels of recent rumeis circulated nmeng the BeclnllMs that Nntlenallst plotters had selected June 1, which Is mid summer cloy, or (he Feast of St. Jehn the IlnptlBt, for n "St. Dnrthelnmew feast," In which persons whose nnmes were entered en a special blacklist went te be given short thrift. Dr. Itatlirneu wns a guest nt dinner Inst night of Alnnsen 11. Houghten, the American Ambassador. On receiving the tragic news this morning the Amer ican Embassy promptly heisted Its flag te halfmnat. Dr. Wnlther llnthenau wnn styled "the wlxnrd of the Gcrmnn L'mpire" becnuse, by his high powers of organ ergan organ luntlen nnd huslncsN efficiency, hu de vised cxpcdlenta which kept "the peo ple eating nnd the army sheeting" when the blockade had shut off the Impor tation of raw materials during the war. He wns of Jewish birth nnd was de scribed as n mnn of great force nnd energy, business neumen, vision nnd Initiative. His father founded the Al Icgcmelnc Klnktrialtnets (lesellschnft (German Genera! Klcctrlc Company of llerllnl. commonly known ns the A. 12. O. After studying nt the Cnlversitlw of llerlln nnd Strnssburg. Dr. Hnthe mill began his profession of engineer with establishments in Switzerland and Snvey. Tiien he went te the A. K. G. nnd rose rapidly te the head of the or ganization. Later he retired after fail ing lu an attempt te oppose u com bination with the Siemens- Sclnikcrt Company. Toured Africa with Deniberg Freed from business obligations, In. accompanied Dr. Durnburg, then Secrc tnry of Slnte for the Celonies, en n tour of the German possessions in Africa, lie Inter represented German cenccsslcmiiirics in mine exploitation in Morocco. At the outbreak of the World War, while immersed in the development et big business en a tremendous scale, he was offered the office of Minister of Haw Materials. Ills work in Unit ca pacity obtained extraordinary results. Upen its success depended nei only the economic life of the interior of Germany, but also the maintenance of the fitr-llung German armies. His or- nui.atleii almost nullified the Allies and, Indeed, a auner-Opi-B,.- 1?,V Ijlfta were nstenlhlnly dlverslLi I ' wns n remarknble.type 0f th iHSt'A trained German nmt .l, ."hi nnd gifts of high degree HIM COtnhl..i .T j eminent commercial nbllitv im.h '.". ' 'siltctuil . Oil Man Fiat" Dips 1,,rs forget known gift wns $100,000 KSU inuyilUl, 1SIV& , wclleslcy CSellege. He was in en- Cnnllniifil from Pnitr One thuslastic motorist, nnd snw nethlnL' I in golf, of which his brother was such n devotee, ite did net enjoy the Inttcr s there wns no d nnr l,Anf Hint. ....t. !... I n received a letter from him yes. a cniiui ei i.awience. told of a fist fight . ,.iA,,: ' i ' ," .-"i. ' l """rugged henlth. Although . written .May H. At that time! Lawrence nan witn a .egre last win- , ti. 'n n J.J :. -. ,.,.. I known estrangement and they both hs mhers of the party were safe. er wnem ne caugnt stealing muskrafs i,,,.,,,, i p ,j..' iim: T. ...... V"'. summer residences nt Tnrrjtewn. N "rT. "S 'r'!: . . const,, IV , el ' ' nrther'-i .-. I,C bro"'1'"' VW 1'''" n te Attack en Herrin . i,.; "S ,S:BS - i !' l$T& Ji,,u,!.I7,"Ph,',, u,"KO" "l1! Mourners Fearerf7(! Butter Hits Claim .".',' 1" ', s". , "" '. ' . r.rr.',c ' Kck.-Wler died about two ,ears age. nf " Wfit" Hni A no 11 ii- . ni imti ncmii iijim nrt - w m m m iAifiyiLU ! xmunurd rrem I"ne line f,,- .,1.1. ..lilfe mpn ul,n !,-..:.. i Net Actlin In Itnvlneic - .".. ...... ..an.. r. .... Ill, V jlll'lll 11 ..... ......... ... .r......-,, leuun today l n beard ljended by Ma- his life unless be gave up trnpping i Mr. Heckefcller. who was eiahtv-ene of the along IVunypnck I reek. I.ieurs old. had net rei-entlv been active ') eruiiivr nun inn me wniie man in misiness. although he wns active jer General Milten Fmemnn state militia, acting under executive or t'entlnned from Tmr One , night from Hench Arlington. N. J.. . " " " : ---' 1 ""tf "'mc 141U11 in uii- iu'fs. iiiiiiniicii up wns rnvn ...1. 1 1 r tiers from (.evcrnnr Smnll. which wtre'wns n tough customer nnd threatened bend of the Standard OH Ceminm of ,Z n r" , " '!m?",116 "Is nca- lxwied when the chief exeeutixe bm-aine his life." snld Mildred. -fw Yerk from It" rVtiblNmrnt fn ' """h1 V f,rul",m -RaI'1 : , -Srnused ner failure of l.,el en.clnls te Lawrence's mother nsked the police stir, until l"ll ltb. Inch Zl, nJ ! D')U,1 wa" ." 1be0,RRcr. He is takennv s,Pps nnn the miners whei,0 search for n shark In the S , vers! id wed bv hi' p ler C S ""Vi"IC !nt vn,,uHc ,nn n the wptureil and killed tic maierlu of built b, her son which she thought .".din preh.bl ion staff ami that Is why 'they' .strikebreakers werkln.; In the strip might u.ntaln some things that would c rid, t me in In eri I T , r! '? Ket 'i1'",- U ls tr,, ,liat inhie. gle a due te the mxsterv i.., . ,i .1 x, at one time force of circumstances com- Ceneral Foreman and his committee 'The Cheltenham p.'.li ,. u,e se-.rchlnv m-m T l m ."",;, """ ' ' h,s i," '',''1 ll"11 te '"'t - the tool for n cer- .ched here this morning metering the wV.d's ii, Hun.l'ngden vSlley'uherJ ,'s ' ? l" an, Tl' '1 "Then The T "f,,n ",""r,i0,,,i , -'''-"""P" "ear Third from Carbondale after reaching there Lawrence bad n camp, and is believed V 1 . . . C01'- 'street and Highland avenue, Chester, by train. The were met by Colonel , , Trnv" been living rece "ly In a n, t, ',''' ,"'f''w Investigating the Hut he never sold liquor en his own Rnninel Hunter, of ihe Ailintn,,, c. I" I h ' '" a puI' M nist combed the leuntry for account. All he di.l wns t ,iii,.. .1,- IfNNIER THAN KVKR As It rt'tfrmtnMl te mak humanity ferctl (t.A .imrai.h nf aummap fnrrMlfv ,. -.. llnr rlnmeters of th lx Dacca of mmk, 1 until Octcber of last vear uc'ii.n!''"-?.": n"a hIe." He held this pest for several months, Dr. Hathennu had been prominent in German Government affairs for n number of years and had been par ticularly active since the formation et the Wlrth Cabinet in May, 1021. He held flic pest of Minister of Recon struction In this Cabinet, which lasted English like n Lendener. FrpnI nM 4 nrislan mid Spanish like J'T" h could ouetc Dnht. V T.'iWna. , . . : ., . :..-.- -iiniinii . 1 nncw mere noeut Tolstoi ihi- ' "M Itusslnns. He had toured IiwIL Archangel te the Bny of mS! (reh could write with equM , n, econemlcnl conditions In Seuth vi' .w or the United States, both "f wwfflt hnd visited and studied. I,h,l(.hll. nbeut British Afrlcn as If he J kH there nil his life, for the "A V '& had lmpertnnt Interests ricnr LnU 8 tiiinxn, nnd Rathenau nlwns w.nt.?? Investigate things en the spot N In late years It used A 1' ... Berlin that Wall her Itathennii M closer tlinn nny ether mn.T i19.u. W In fl,n T.nl. " " IM te the Knlier. rainny 3ltRITE -PENCIL . but when the Cnblnet was 'reformed lti October, 10.H, hl portfolio was qlltnl nnted. Although net n member of, the Cabinet he represented the (Jer mnn Gevcrnmi-nt subsequently In vnrl mli pnniininli, i-enfereiices with the Al lies. He wns appointed Foreign Mln- j,)k. nearly every modern ,.-' ' Ister en January HI. tnklng the pest mn business mnn. nntLT.naw. I.-1 Kl....n.IU. U'l.ll, knil I.OPII trill- I t.' II. .1. Ill I. ' 1U"l'Clinii ni.L. , pernrlly lllllng following the retire ment of Dr. Wnlter Slinims. The accomplishment for which Dr. Kntbeneii came into greatest premt nuncc while Minister of Reconstruction was the agreement which he negotiated with Leuis- Leticheur, French Minister of Liberated IJeglens, nt Wiesbaden, Inst October, under which Germany lias been paying 11 pnrt of her repara tions te France in goods Instead or money. Am Foreign Minister Dr. Itnthennu was. a lending flgure nmeng the Gcr mnn delegates ut the. Genea Confer ence, Dr. Itntlicnau'H prominence at Genea came rnlher from what he accom plished outside the Conference than in it. The Genen body hnd been In ses sion only n few days when the stnrtllng announcement came, en April 17, that, ns German Foreign Minister, he had signed at Rnpiilln n treaty between Germany nnd Soviet Russln. Bombshell at Genea Parley News of the signing of this pact, which hns gene down in history as the Treaty of Rapnlte. broke Ilka a bomb shell among the Genen conferees and came within an nee of breaking up the conference. The treaty, which was n general agreement of utility and commerce be tween the two nations, giving full rec ognitien te the Soviet regime, drew out 11 strong pretest from the nlllcd repre sentatives nnd resulted ultimately lu I he exclusion of the Gcrmnn delegates from the further conferences with the Russians nt Genen en the ground that as Germany had already made her agreement with Russia, independently of the Allies, there wns no longer any reason for her participation lu the tulks with the Himslans. Dr. Rathenau, n the Gcrmnn reply te the allied pretest, warmly defended the signing of the treaty. He declared the negotiations for it had been begun long before, nnd the fnct thut it hnd been signed right under the noses of the Allies during the conference had no particular significance. Doing Reparations Werk Since the close of the Genea Con ference Dr. Rathenau has been largely engaged in considering Gcrmnn repara tions questions, meanwhile tnklng fre quent occasion te defend before Gcrmnn official bodies nnd public meetings hla course In sljnlng the Rnpnlle pnet. Dr. Rathenau was born September 'JO. ISO". His earlier active life wns confined utmost exclusively tn busi ness, the exigencies nf the war nlone calling hlm Inte politics. His after-the-war tall te head the work of Ger man reconstruction met with 11 mixed reception In Germany, ns he hnd given evidence of liberal economic Idens which had displeased some of Germany's busi ness elements. Hs abilities In the way of practical application nf hind. ncss principles te government, however, were widely recognized. Rathenau was n super-business mnn, Tested ferUl All - areundFjfflJ EfHciencyflHE It Gradesf-J the VeryjBi Tep lll HI HB VU Mill Hi A Curb ' lien Pre- 100 ifanity 1 jjp Jfllia n d a ' ill Breet-er Hil of HMS miles if crtl s office, who has been here since before the massacre. Ills orders te re turn te Sprlngfie'd fednv were can celed and he iiiimedlntely became n 'stuff in his automobile for the saloon- , I.I... .. ..I.. . If- .... C.....1,.. 1. When thp hedv - fnenrt T ""." .""'"" " "r" ".. "' ""i '""lllj 111- police reported Lawrence's death as n ! ' ' ', , , ru T "T ' ' V",",,r il1ml ""' '"- P In Chester's suicide At the Morgue hew cur two a ' l -'"ndu. but when :iu ,qer ring. Is that any reason why aimii-n . fAiinT ?; ?" . .. "V'T"" w "' "a'lc ." qucatlet, bin, In 1P .-hnuldn't new be given a chance te . i . i . . . .. . '--- ..... .-....,,, ,l( , (l, inn ft nilll fiia mittiiltn thni.n lm . ...In.l .. I.I. . ... " guiue tot tne miuian Heard. Genera ,, examination disclosed thev were hi. 1. t " V ""-''' 'i go straiglit.' Foreman and the officers accompanying worn d" ' "'V'1' M,"w",', "f re,1shinS that the com- "ife has been instrumental in tin him proceeded te Marien, the county,' The caliber of the bullets which end- ."sl'.'T. "."". "unw. b' , 1,1h Pl -Wans covering the most damaging evidence neat, where conferences with State's Li lUr'w ,lmt r,"!","',' "' "'" recent raids en Atterne Deleus I.. n,v and .Sheriff L t i I , amlniiti..n was continued. It then was seNeral Chester speaheasles. 1 fUc Melvln Thaxte.i were held. I ,1 L I. I L rciehcr admitted that he was suffering from, he himself participated l sMernl nf A tour of the area of the fight was s!"" T .;.'.... .C.'. ,,.. . ... I eaneer of the threat. ! these raids, and that Is whv the llllelt ..-. ..! .U- ...l-.. ,,,..... i. . hit ll,, IIIUII1 N ltli.iltn1. l.n fnle n. n, n n nt 1.1.. .11 .1...., 1 1....I.1...I ... l. i... IW theery'Vl.at S ,ffi teteWTS; n lfn.t wienie cVumu killed" e'onehetelle"; "hlm ' ':',i:.h1t.'-'! laXh Wl" "" 1t?1 V;"c serving the wh.skv d.q ,e n rehher ' r"" '"""., '" '"' -iieuiuits ui his miii, uuihes iiim iieiiiny vaiuaeie new te tlie triade and It was expected that nu xnPTeus jiersens IipIIpmiI te knew some thing of the disorders would be called before the beard. General Foreman had bren lnstr"ted particularly te learn whv the state's attern eenv the and fusci call tien day tftc mine. irns Thnxten repeatedlj told Colonel Hunter that lie could handle the situation and yet Ignored Colonel Hunter's request that some special preparations for .m emergency be made Fnllure of the local nffidnN te send out nn adequate force of deputies the "It Is terrible, terrible, for the pe I'ercy , prohibition officials and the liquor inter- ! ests nrc net slew te take adviintege of ' nn. iii'dii in inrimmji I in, nu unn ik. a..i,th vn.. vy&i. mn.n. yn nnn -v mm nei iiia-u -.,,, ten arn , .,.,. ,r,.,, . ..,mlr w.i,i,.. ,. u. ' . ..' ' 'me situation, ji is iney mat ate nt etiing a s, Inl (iriiml Jury, why "V.i ..ir ..u . ., "i" '' i,i . N(""' "f "ls "all btreet nsseclntes the feet of this scandal. I hae sum- Corener's Inquest had net been held. T" ' d Vn.l n ,1 ' h lins vcntur-.I nn estimate of his for- mened Davis te me and if he is reallv why these officials repeatedly re- " ,'"".,. . .., i J. ,...:. .. .. ..., ...,,..., "n0. hut It was generally believed thnt a bootlegger and the charges are cer'. il te authorize I'o'etie Hunter te ... '"V,.. " . . . i MS.. "... ,.V .,' he had hi tween SKKI.OOO.OOl) nnd$'J.-.0.. rcct. I will admit that I'm In the wrenir for troops, pPii after tin indlgna- ......,.' ,,'., i .. ....', .1" ....."' '., I MM l. ( Ml. .encentiatud in wirieus St.iti- 'and wash m. hands of hlm. But until meeting of miners was held the , .l ..;. ' . J ML" V1I1J i.. .. . ...T' 1, ' . 'lard (tl cempanii s. Anaconda Copper, then I'm for hlm strong." before the fighting started and even ".i"' ViViIk rew stnrted c al n for tlie ) ( ""FeHflBtcil ;rm. Itroekly n t nlen (;n, ; Dr. (iiahniu. who K pastor of the r the miners had marched en the f" .v.....i ' NT'i. ..J.'. R '" r '" St. 1'anl nnd National City Bank. ' Bethnnj l'lcsbiteriiin Church of Ches. IIealsehadheeniustriicted.lt! .,,,' ,. ,,,. ' , , ,,, ' A friend lecently stated that Mr ter. then Ini-ncTied a tirade against Ice understood, te learn win- Sheriff , . , ..... , 1.. ..... Rockefeller's death, when It rami', conditions In Chester. "The liiiimp In rill, 11 ui ill. -mi, ...in -.ii 1 1 .nun,, ,1 iiii many susjiii ions circumstances, said Snuder "We lime a number of theories w are working en. nnd we hnc net fullj accounted for the mask nnd gun found near the body. "There were milks of blows en tin night the lighting began and ;lnrns the .- - n'-k';;i '";;p ' ', L pressed as much s possible. ,s fe'lnwing day lien alme-t .1 "heard of s , ,,pnt, lpf h Vns shot William Rockefeller was born in me1" "vi' ','' , .' 1 1 u','' deeds of .ri.eity and brut.. Itv were ,, ,, ,m,slllp , trnmps were re Tlegn Ceuntj. New Yerk. M.iv aj. 1 loner L. I . White mill ( hlef of committed also was u point te I In- spensible. Tramps and gvpsi bands 1.M1. lie wns the second son of William . Jelin heuld have no appneiable effect en tercsts are running this town," he 'aid. 1 the stock market, as none of his held-I "und It is a drtual Impossibility te lugs would lie tossed mi the open mar- eutiiin any i clenus, kct ' In contradiction te the ministers' Announcement of his death wns re- I charges, Mayer William T. Itam.-iey cened in Wall sjtr0et nearly 1111 hour 'aid last night that the city was very hi fore the market opened. , UUlet new and that vice had been sup- ' TirftKMr'M .' S 111 II f 1 1 UN Illl-slrsl lllf. I Ilk. Lfntn. !- v,. - ..- 1-. .....-, - pnii" minlM-PeHre On June 24 5,000,000 Readers Will Knew Vestigllted. ... Lnir used the weeds there The r. Averv nnd Kllin Dnvlsen Rockefeller. Anether matter te be loeUed Int.) was , f ft , . , ,, .pi..,.! 1i1k (diiiitlen nt ilw nr.ul. ! I?t,.. -.wr. J?A I tli Kit.1i Vftt lilmi tt-ttf Imu ,1m nlntn,I ciit-i In ft., itri ri n f 1 tiirt tiiilille .itiukU m Vsv VV WU M W J J te warrnnt un arrest." In Cleveland. O. Beginning his busi- Mill fllllner c .1, .,,,!. fnlln.vlni. n il,.... nH rartgr In 1 S,S mnd.sll, nt .1 if .- ClflUI - lli'ilfc,l I'Mi'iii Hih "ilfc "II"- t HI ' 'I " " siimi .-..-, i.i.ii V lT l he has formed, Captain Seudrr en ' bookkeeper for A. Qulnn. a prominent tinned: miller et iieveinni, witn wnem he re whv numerous requests from the Gov erner for inforiuatien nfter die trouble ttartcd were ignored b inunty author ities and why, when he was receiving cores of telegrams from prhnte i ItUens telling of the outrages, lie was ninilti ually Informed by the nutiieritles that the situation "was well in band," uinl that the troops were net neuled. The commission of Inquiry went te the wrecked Lester mine nnd then was julded down the read of death where Forty-eight In urs ngu the mob which atermed the mine dragged its prisoners for two miles and a half before sheet 'Perhaps the person who shot this I mained for two years, Mr Rockefeller lie ceiilri give a satisfactory explana tion of the sheeting, but doesn't care te lie brought info the matter. Never theless, If that ls se, we would like such person te come forward and cliar up the i nse." 'Ilils contingent nppenl by Captnin Souder brings te u.lnd one issued in then served In the same capacity the forwarding and oiiiuilssien house of Hughes & Lester. At the pud nf the second year, upon the retirement of Mr. 1. ester, .Mr liei KPieuer tie-.iine His sue' Cuntlniiril from I'lice One ner of Meyamensing avenue and Moere street, shouted after the bandits. Carl J. Kirk, a subpoena server con nected with the City Solicitor's office, was one of the witnesses. "Hey," shouted Kirk, as he stuitcd .esser in the firm under the name of I, ,'',?' n"""M' lv,rK- w "p " Hughes K Lester Fer several year J nt, ,'T", "' '' ''"", .1 he carried en a successful predm e mm- I (,Pt T'k UnV', ,w.lJ ,t,u nnh rc rc missien and gained therefrem the means h,pen "f. "'"' ,,f J'10 --'B-'w-J m;ii ns ffav 1(117 L......1.. nf(An T.-r1...n..l ll Ing them. They saw the weeds where 1 inm"i 11H found phet te death In Hair- te engage in thr famous operntiens with meat et the prlseneis weie slain. The I pn turn, en the Nelll drive, in Fair- , which he then became Identified, commission leturned te Herrin nnd mount Park. On the dlsMilutien of the nnn In questioned ni'iie union officials and That killing remmned n hnffllng ni s- 1MM. he teniud 1 -tmrtniT-hiii with peace officers of Williamson Count re- ten for a week, until, heeding the ap. his brethrr Jehn I Rockefeller, and Kenllng events leading up te thp eut-j peal, Kills V. Frlgnr. a civil engineer, Samuel Andiews. a- William Roeke Reeke break. came forward nnd confessed he shot anil feller it Ce . te cnnge In oil refining There was lltt!e doubt thnt General killed Reland. He said he wns meter- , and bul't the Stiiudiird Oil Weiks, nt Foreman .mil his benid would net i- Ing through the Park with his fiancee Cleveland. His brother nnd Mr. An- Ctlvc 11 welcome of nu particular cer- and thnt l'.elind and ether youths nt- . drew, were alisady in the same bus). n fr()m ,1,., station house and t,dd s tacked them. ness under tl.e nn.ae of I ed.cfdlc, & i wmt iH e.curred. The Ileiiten in Frlgnr was tried and acquitted in Andrews, cendm ting the L-ieksim re- , einmnndeere.l 11 police motorcycle and May, 11)17. j finery. started lu pursuit of the bandits. - - - - - Begins Business In N. Y. 1 nc waved a revolver menacingly in KirK s dliectlen Kirk hailed several pussing machines, ' but non ' would step, I.effeits. by this time, had turned Ida1 own machlnn north en Meyamensing avenue and stinted for the police sta sta tlen at l."ft" Meynnieusing avenue. 1 I.effertJ jumped from his machine when lie saw Lieutenant ( ennclly com- s un ft. dlnllty from the county as a whole Mnety per cent miners In population and 100 per ent unionized. Willinm 011 County hns shown a decided ills inclination te welcome any outside In terference in the miissncre. which is looked 011 as a personal affair which heuld be Ignored by the test of the world. I'erseiib en the street have been w,.ii n,i,4i crf iij. Card repeatedly te remark that If the Natlenal Organiratlen Sued Under troops had been sent their guns would ' Decision In Coronade Case hare been taken away from them ' Indianapolis. June m. (By A. P.I wuii.ne.-m un me hirceiB expresn-u re- The CnlteU Mine Workers of Amerli a Whether the cost of living will be raised again by the new tariff bill. If American consumers "are being robbed by the importers" te the tune of 2,000 per cent profit. What the Iowa primary reveals. Hew the Republicans are getting their cam paign funds. Whether anti-militarism is winning Japan. What is said in favor of the manners and morals of the young folks by leading col lege presidents, deans, religious editors, and high school principals. What States new report an actual shortage of workers. The changes needed in our treatment of criminals. Why the Germans are glad the international bankers refused them a lean. The concessions Stinncs new demands of the Allies if Germany is te pay the reparations. Britain's new law te aid emigration te Can ada and ether British lands. Why the police ought te raid wrangling Europe and take the whole mob te an alienist te be examined for insanity. The tremendous earnings, expenses, taxes and train-mileage of American railroads every 20 minutes. Hew patients arc being helped te health in our hospitals by reading geed books. Why men wear such senseless garb. That cabbage is coming back as a' table delicacy. INDIANA MINE OWNER ASKS ' COURT FOR INJUNCTION In ISIi.l. Mr Rockefeller c.nne te New Yerk and established the linn of Rocki feller . Ce. te e'l and handle In the markets of that ct the oils of the two concerns III Cleveland. The suicess of his opeiatieiiN hole eleipient testimony te his ahllitt as a ineiehant 111 1M7. nil three linns weie dissolved te be succeeded by Rockefeller. Andrews Sir" "P x'tiaiien ill the county wan miide District Coutt here today by Cli Kt ' Jfiwlflerably mere tense for a slant Mussen. owner of the Peacock C Sfef' S!iue l"'" "l.?ht ".'"'" M"r'"' "f ,",, "" " Knox County. Indiana. ir?? Rr(l K"1"r""s' I'"' "dues during the The court Is nsked te restrnln un 4 IRISH REPUBLICANS SH0T( Members of Army Killed In Ambush Attack en Constables Belfast. June ill. (By A. P.) Four Irish republican army men wcr,. killed and several wounded nt Cushen dall, in Southeastern County Antrim, when they ninbiished a party of military and special I'lster constables. Th'c crown forces suffered no casualties, The censtames nnn military left That larger hats for women cause bills of extra sighs. Hew te make a suit-case radio outfit that re ceives music and messages as you walk the street. Hew te charm an angleworm. If radio is likely te kill off the telephone or telegraph. What a grid-leak is, and hew te make it. Hew Ferd would get efficiency from pall bearers. Whether Britain's great men of te-day arc handsomer than these of Victeria's reign. What there is te the talk about limiting the Jews at Harvard. If the British leek down en American books. That American buildings are "the finest in the modern world." What section of the United States is spending $25,000,000 en new churches. About the belshevik England. About Reme's quarrel with the Methodists. Why the fairies fear Cenan Deyle. Hew Lillian Russell rose from chorus girl te Special Envey of the United States Government. What percentage of bootleg whisky is poison by actual investigation, and test. The methods used in conquering Mt. Everest. The strange animal freaks te be found in nature's circus. The tree-freaks of the forest. That there is danger of pushing prosperity tee hard, and causing a set-back. Sunday-schools in Mii-uieui eer tne sending of tne mill- and all officers nnd members of the' & Flagler, of (Mevelninl and New Yerk mtv uenri . nitiieiigh elliclals s.iid thej union were made defendants In n unit City. William Km kefeller taking charge Mud sadly (o-epeiate with It for nn Injunction filed in 1'nlted States ' of the business in New Verk. In INTO 1 lie situation in the county wan miide District Coutt here today by Clara the Inn of Rockefeller. Andrews .t ni rniKirr iup-siucm iiiiii nrKHIluci t le n vnienn. ill Western I'minn t...i... .Standard HII Company nf Ohie, with ' ,lt S-,'10 o'clock lust night. While pasN. Ien Mobil 1) Rockefeller ns Its liresldent l (I, much the niiiln st,,.n ,.f .1.. ,V nctldlles and William Rockefeller, die president luge of Cushendall an hour Inter t'pV lie were iittacKcii ny n large leidy ,,f m. publican HddicrN, who held positions en the high gieiiud commanding the read. Tne crown rce if ,k,.i. Mtexcus tmd a riuuOaj fiht canittU jW !"'" """'wi ngii'ciui'iit iietween mini rs from lentliiulng -u.' Mvtici'S and iiiilmw .ml, .,..!. i... i i .. i.... TiV'' .il ----- - , , ...,,, .,win iiimri rii-inn i-n-i-inirii iik"!! ninirr, in ine, ine nuicr 111 i-enrKc 01 me luercailt SfiS?iv3iI i ,, Ki V ..,,' ""'. nuurtij State, .lean l Lewis wns made u i and lininnur niMnesN in New Voik. iwSErVu,r,l !J" Kl1 Mllls, district heard , defendant te the suit, us president of In lhH'J the Standard Oil Trust ok Krf5L8S,.!'.t .f .,.l,e Wlw alll enyr elaclal the United Mine Werkera of America formed, and with It the Standard Oil ;!!WVUV - jr M4V Mivt ui-KrJaud a u -(-dividual. ,ki I Ceuipany of Ken ierk. WlUlaaJBecks Get June 24th Number, en Sale Te-day The -At All News-dealers 10 Cents Tis a Mark of Distinction te Be a Reader of The Literary Digest I iterdr Digest FUNK & WAGNALI.S COMPANY (Publish,,, f ,,c Vmma NEW Sunaaid Dictionary), NEW VORK i s. VI 1 'tclt T ' V' 3s I 'J.iisrt' i A&tfrtfi'.: Ki'.tl',:' 1M ftWfffl