wm'IGBJMtMBW&SmTtmFfflv HMf7V.1t., WS&Wtt' a i t' a TV& - . J'JIJ ' Timinn Mr i no J: i ink irui iuiiiini n - LllllllliU IIILnilUi V-s. I wnk m:mmm?j' wwmmmmummmmm T&mwmmmwi EVENING PUBLIC LEftGEIi-PHiLADELPHlA, FRIDAY, JtJNti 23, p t imwi 'WSKW l92i iTA't'lisS. f'rvi nmm LONG, CHEAP IE passengers Can Use Market and Frankford Lines, Fifteen Miles, for Seven Cents r BUILDING BOOM SEEN . vr tlmn two ml'ci for a cent ! mch wl'l be the rate of trnmportatlen " Xn flic P. It. T. when the Frankford Elritcd I.lnc Is linked with the Mar ket Street KlcvntPil. ' With the completion of plans today ter Joining the two It structure; It was I Minted en that the united lines will 1 five one of the longest street railway ridfs' In the country. i A rider will be able te travel np- nreilnintely fifteen miles southwesterly iere'R the city for seven cents; should hi buv htrlp tickets the fare will be tx and one-quarter cents for this long lntra-cltv journey. In tnldng this cut across the city he mar ride en two surface lines and the Frankford -Market street L for the one J One mnv benrd a surface car at Tor Ter rtsdale nvenue and Cettmnn street, ride i te Arrett sireel niiuuii, inuiMur 10 me " Vrmiltferd li. rlde te Sixtieth and Market, transfer te Sixtieth nnd ride te Fifty-eighth street and woodland nvenue. The rider will have the choice of aw destinations for the same fare. he may continue out Market street te SIxty-nlntn nnu connect witn .Alain Line points or drop off the Sixtieth street car nt Baltimore nvenue nnd connect with Media and ether Delaware County points. It will be the only long rlde en which two transfers wll be given for 11 tingle fare. In seme outlying sections two transfers nre given where the en tire distance covered Is comparatively short. Incidentally, as hundreds of new houses arc going up in Frankford, It Is Mffhtt nrebnbla that morn riders will use the combined service than the city's transit promoters ever dreamed of. WOMAN TRIES TO KILL SELF AND DAUGHTER Mrs. Gertrude Hearn, Camden, De spondent Over Mether's Illness Despondent because of her mother's Illness, Mrs. Gertrude Hearn, twenty men jeurs old, C35 Erie street, Cam den, attempted te kill herself and her six-year-old daughter, Alice, by gas, list night. They were found In time te gave their lhcs. They are In Cooper Hospital. Three wceks age airs, iicarn s mother was taken te nn institution for the treatment of nervous diseases. The daughter worried and en several oc casions according te the husband, Mau rice, threatened te take her life. Late Inst night when Hearn came home he called for his wife, but re ceived no answer. He Kindled gas and after breaking down the bedroom deer found his wife and daughter across the bed unconscious. Mrs. Hearn had plugged up the cracks about the doers and w lndew s. Then she had turned en a gas jet. TWO RESTAURANTsTeOTED BY AUTOMOBILE BANDITS Abduct Cash Register In One Place and Leave "Thanks" at Other Twe restaurants were robbed bv au tomobile bnndlts last night. At the .. taMlshment of William J. Rebsn, 0352 (irrminteun ncnuc. n touring ear containing fie men, drew up at the deer, and four of them get out and entered the restaurant. There were several customers in the place at the time, te the four men leaned up against the counter, tnlking te Charles Pelton. the manager, until the customers left. Then two men cewrcd Pelton with guns, and tne ethers took $50 from the cash rec liter. " aJI.X1 thp ,,00r' th ban nits Mid, "Ihnnk jeu for the menej " nnd jumped into the nutoinebllp. As thev drove nwnv. Pelton invn ,h. ni.. and Robven nnd several men elinsed the Uni "8 '' hmTVCr nt Washington Four armed men entered the res tMiram of Muiphy Jit ethers, COM North Fifth street. Olncy, nbeut u J M jnd holding up Mrs. Andrew Jlurpln at the point of a gun nnd overawing two oustemcrs seated at tables, the j larrled out the cash regis ter bedlh . U t untnincd $7.-,. YOUTH AND s!VEETHEART, SHOT IN QUARREL, WILL LIVE Jehn J. McGlensey Wounded Flor ence Blosky, Fiancee, Then Himself Although seriously wounded, both Jlin .7. Mitilenvcy, twent-Mx, nnd his stteeilunrt. Florence Illesky, twen-ty-eiic, ..horn he shot In a levers' qunr ici esteiihj in nn apartment house nt i heutli hicend street, ure expected te Tif.lpl'l':lcll,,,,K at the l'cnnslvanla IIeMiltnl K.iid teda. ;!'tili'n-ty turned the gun en hlm- "!'; r wounding the girl, two sliets taMric iffpit in ,i. i,... i i... .1.. shoe lnK n friend of McGIensej receUed a mm fr.nu hi,,, wilhblcd en the bak of a Ml tax iccelpt. It mid: .. tneU,"" two hours te pick up nerje enough te de this." ','" h'letiiig followed n postpone Si,?. hrlr "'"'Ki'. which hud been scheduled for Wednesday. LAKE SUCKS DOWN GIRL Father, Unable te Swim, Is Drowned Trying te Rescue Her New Yerk. June 13.A bottomless mjMerj hole In neress Lake. Oient iJti '..' "ulUt'11 down te death jes jes erdav Miss Kntherine McCarthy, I avid MiCiirihy forty-eight, died In the huine trap wheu he tried te rescue ihl'-i-P1'". .',reu' .l0 tllL' '!" th hn ?"nJ"Kv ," two girl friends, from tlu MiCnrth home, 315 tecntli uMiiui', Ahterln. coats. Four- THREE DIE IN J3RASH Twe Lebanon Men Instantly Killed In Motorcycle Accident Lebanon, Ph.. .June 1!3. pnUi n0rlz lTJlihW . Wcena last night. "m Harrj accident w.... ;:: - k".. Hall. W ; "An, ""XL. ?.?.?-, A" !- "i m iiliu iiiii in r n a , - " "Pussyfoot" Jehnsen Sails ew Yerk, June L'3. "Pussifoet" . "'0.?" en thu first db- of till take him mtlniii . i ""! " win uegin op- uitin-1' ViA: l ." iU begin op- Stere Openi Daily at 0 A. M. Closet S P. M. Ne vacation wardrobe is complcte without a pretty skirt end'n bathing suit these nre unusual! Misses' & Women's Skirts $1-25 t0 $15 Newest sports and derssy models tailored, plaited nnd fringed; featuring newest pock ets nnd effective button trimming. Of linen, gabardine, ratine, epengee, flannel, sport silks, baronet satin, plaid prunella, tweeds, etc. Misses' and Women's Bathing Suits, $4.98 Cioed-looklng knitted suits of firm worsted yams plain or contrastingly striped. Black, new nnd brown; V necks; button-en shoul der; narrow belt. Tlghtt attached. SECOND PLOOIl Hi qni i s "All These Goods en Sale Tomorrow' 'Mall and Fhone Orderi ritl1 1111, Walnut 0300 -Keystone, Main 4101 AVINGS Here Will Take the Werry Out of Your Vacation Plans! Nete the clothes and incidentals veu need, cheese them here and go home with a tidy sum still in your purse! And even then you haven tv counted in the extra value of Yellow Trading Stamps they secure fine merchandise free! A I HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Ehth YeUewTradiugStampwithEverylOcPurchascAllDiy i ' ' ss' I , I Filbert Seventh ate A Third Lmn for Theie Sporting Geed I 5 Life-Guard Bathing Suits, $3.59 Popular Atlantic Coast Life-Guard suit white worsted jersey, last diue wool trunKS ana wnite wee dch. Children's $2 Romper Bathing Suits, $1.49 One-piece style; button down front. Navy and oxford. Men's $4 Bathing Suits, $2.98 California style; nnvy-and-red, navy - and - geld and oxferd-nnd-whitc. White wool $2 Swimming Jerseys, $1.59 cut extra full. l.lt Uretliert SECOND KLOOll t'tf & I Vacation Sale of Outer Wear! it-; ji-.vuf.ft.t ,VW. Satisfy every vacation desire in the all-important matter of clothes here tomorrow. Unequaled variety, in comparable charm and we GUAR ANTEE absolutely matchless VALUE! Misses' Gingham DRESSES, $5.98 Trim, smart styles in pretty checks with bins folds, contrasting trimmings and crisp organdie vestees. Sketched. Misses' Summer Dresses, $12.75 Geed-looking,linens and ratines slender leng-line models in pinlc, Copenhagen, geia, ercniu ana brown, with string Dens anu hand-drawn linen cellars and cuffs. WP 4Rft ILu J m 74 2TOJS: V iVi ?&u '25- Misses' Levely Silk Dresses, $16.75 Canten crepes, crepes de chine, foulards, Geergettes and mignonettes in every pretty sum mer shade. Delight ful models for every occasion. i , mi Misses' Dresses at $18.50 Beauties! In exquisite tints in organdy, ratine and Shantung. Seme with scalloped skirts and plaited cellars and cuffs. Many finished in fetching fashion with ingenious ornaments of the organdie. Misses' Flannel Blazers, $10 In gay green or red. Women's Dresses, $19.75 In dotted Swiss, Shan tung, linen, sports weaves, Canten crepes, crepes de chine, crepe back satins and Georg Geerg ettes. Beaded and with graceful panels and fageting. Every color. I It I, ,1 M ,1 II Women's Summer Dresses, $15 In organdie, printed voile, Fiench linen, ratine flesh, orchid, cornflower, peach, canary and white. You'll marvel at their ex traordinary value. Women's Silk Dresses, $25 Distinctive styles for le sort wear. Beautiful grades of Canten crepe, crepe-back satin, Georg ette, printed crepe, crepe Rema, Reshanara, French linen, ratine, voile and lace. Draped, latticed and with pretty tunics. Net a lovely color missing! Silk Capes, $25 Handsome medels in heavy I. Dinctc iiesnanara with folds anu silk lining. Lit Urethers Second Fleer White Tricelette Overbleuses ChaiTning kinds te wear with" in skirts at less pay for just the - raj Vsuirerfn ill " JMsrvmk tm rv Mm KUiemi '' '"'iLjMBI vOllra lm W Jm A ifi 'Mm v fj IVM li i Mi ami m 7WK ?&. ,- nn a 'vSeLn Vw? llffJ " YiiTii W I JtiimxmSA. Cy ,- AJBXeoeSM I I r-i-ip "sSS U tj J 1 1? Ml MP " . vW mw I H tH-ii vy Replenished Stocks for a Second Great Day! Men's TwoTreusers Suits Light weight reduced linings but particularly well hand-tailored, te make up for it. Every kuuu meuei m an sizes. Alterations tree, juxtra salesmen te insure prompt service. $25 G ireups $ With Extra Treutert 16 Any of These Saits $3 te $5 Less with Only One Pair of Trousers. lFm:A ) BTMa $3 1.50 Groups I $32.50 Groups With Extra Treutert $C-1 i$ Our Cloth ing Depart ment is con v e n i e ntly located. Second fleer corner, 7th Market St. t $8.50 All- Wee White Flannel Trousers, t 9 21 Fine casslmere, worsted and tweed. Stripes and mixtures ; sport and conservative mod els, at $16 and $21. With Extra Treutert S Men's Genuine Palm Beach Suits Fine texture blue serge; single and double breasted. All sizes, even stouts, at $23. I' M ' M H $12.50 Their splendid tailoring them. Tan, brown, gray, blue and the popular sand color. T1 OENUINC CLOTH mKwHlM.nu.' Beys' $2.50 te $2.75 Wash Suits, $1.49 Balkan and French Oliver Twist and Middy models. Plain blue, tan, brown, green, white; also white with blue, tan or brown cellars. Sizes 2b te 8. Beys' $10.50 All-Weel Serge Suit, $7.50 Brisk Norfolk styles. Sizes 6 te 18. Lit Brether. FIRST FLOOR. 7TH ST. Men's Coelj Black ML: 1 Suits, $ 13 Beys' $1.25 Wash Trousers, 79c Knickers and Bleemers Black-and-white crash and silver gray striped beach and Dayton cloth; taped scams; sizes 6 te 18. Beys' $13.50 AlI-WoeI Tweed Suits, $10 With Extra Knickers Smartest Norfolk sport styles. Mohair lined coats; full-lined knickers; all seams taped. Light and dark grays and browns also navy serge. Sizes 7 te 18. x A' NMHk'ind ? ,1 V- WM&tM. St ftt Ms. -NjRSSP-. If -vm Wr rr '. elK. Av "4L .aHmI mJI' 'II ''VI tl ''''nfflmd . i J mwWMM ' H M fiv'Vl T b e Yellow 1 '!' f'!'l Tr.dine t . mm sump, with .fll !' W0T f"T ten-cent .out :',m mm purch.,e iB. j -'' Tf WS- '' crcateiitili .n m t ii -' v va V' e yur raeney p' ' 1 tbete itimpt m M ' I tecu't iplen- "9 lli' I ' nierchan- ' U ?! I d i I e it no ft tl l xtra cost! I IUp Men's Summer Furnishings A man can save a michtv worth while sum here tomorrow en his needs for a whole summer! Men's $7 &8 Handsome Silk Shirts $0.95 famous tagle Orepes de Chine also satin-striped jersev and C heavy broadcloth in novelty and staple colors also plain and satin-striped all-white jersey. 3.95 Tomorrow $3 Silk Striped Wnite Madras Shirts, $1.69 Heay. flne een stripes In new cluster effects. 75c and 85c Summer Silk Four-in-Hands, 49c Pelka dots, printed twills, white dots en black, navy and brown. Alse colored fdets en black; popular college striDes: best grade silks. All finished with slip bands. $2.50 Pajamas, White and plain-colored or silk braid edges. Cut made. i, $1.69 T pongee; silk frog! at full size; well! f ' " " $1 "Yale" Athletic Union Suits, 65c Checked nainsoek; sleeveless and knee length. Sizes 34 te 4G. l.lt llrethrra FIRST FLOOR, TTII ST ffl5tePi4flv K Tomorrow $5 Indestructible Pearls ft c ? U C M .5. V m b.w I . fc ,-S J f II n V -V it- .t f II I'l CteCJu $2 .19 Ine .iecs 1- nf i upek with rich 1 u a t p r , pcrfe-etly uehi.il .uiil Kr.id- nted Solid cnlrt fprlng rinjr mttli tiu.tiantecil net te ptel or discolor l.lt llretlirrh I'lrst 1'loer .Seuth $6 Smart White Sports Hats $J.9S Very latest effects te go with sweat ers and te answer the tremendous va cation demand several hundred) stunning samples included! 3 Milan hemp combined with plaited braid, ribbon or taffeta; big variety of shapes; band and bow trimmings; plenty of piping rock effects among them. I, I ,1 If....., H II ,..l ..., Hats Trimmed Free of Charge j by inlllltier experts If ou pur-j chase shupi s anil trlmmlripa here I Spert Leghorns, $3.98 te $6.9cf Flne nunllt plain or combined with hemp HsuiBO or faHnK1. Lit Ilretheri PII5.ST FLOOR, NORTH SAmS ' fJl fe ftfee MercMise: $6.00 Leghorn f", Hats, m. $09e ciiV fitMk s K reptlenal u 1 u p h ' I..npp ilress s h .i p v s In, c e mbln itlen' of .'shorn u n d Cceig- pttp . 1th tleer nnd ostrich Whit it and hlKh color Hats Trimmed Free of Charge If shapes nnd trlmmliiRx are pureluxed here i:pert milllntrs ilwas it enr serwep silk or satin skirts at less afO 14 than you'd material ! Beautiful quality; very becoming style; finished with long white bilk fringe and narrow tic sash. Pictured. I n i. I. Dressy silk Overbleuses, S3. 98 In lovely crepe de chine Peter Pan cellais and rich trimming et Heavy venise lace. Flesh and white; cnurmiug ler vucuiiuii wear. Lit Urethers SUCOND FLOOH Newest Strap Pumps and SportsOxferdsforWomen Extra Special! $iT.98 O Tnmnrvniii w e r. n t B --. wwr The Very urettieti i ypes or scrap rumps with hand turned or welted soles and cev ered weed heels in full Leuis, Spanish Leuis and baby Leuis heights. In patent cot skin, black kid, gunmctal or black satin. The Spert Oxferdt nre swagger; they ceme in smoked hersehldc, white or gray buck skin -many with contrasting saddles and tips. Women's $4.50 White Canvas v Footwear, $2.98 Trim oxfords and dainty strap slippers with welted or turned soles and Cuban heels. ., Mw ,1 Hi l " " ,m "t1 Children's $2.50 Pumpi, $1.98 Mary Janes in patent celtskin; bread tee. Sizes 4 te 8. Lit llrethfra Flrtt Fleer, North rylen's Lew Shoes, $5.98 In ether placet the identical oxferdt would cost a full third morel Tan Russin calf swagger brogues, modified breguc3 and severely plain dress oxfords. Solid leather construction J Girls' ''"Lucette" Frecks $1.98 H i Tomorrow matetials alene Samples and surplus lets in this fam ously geed make nt scarcely mere than their geed are worth. In high-grade figured or flowered voiles and best ginghams and cham brays with crisp oigandie trim mings, novelty stitching and butter fly sashes. Sizes C te 14; every wanted color; seme bloomer styles in 6 te 12 year feizes included. '"' " " " n li ii ii u ii H $8 te $10 Pongee Frecks, $4.98 With dainty touches of embroid ery and smart pockets. Broken size range, l.lt llrutliem SUCOXI) PI.OOU tt& r 1118 '&. MM sl $fvri m ttttaai i 'fiwraw ztil laii fiiyH't fnpfMfcP i" Girls' $3.50 Frecks, $1 UliiBham and chambrav, whlte or Kandle or pifiue trlmmttif?, some tm broidered sizes C te 1 1 Girls' $3.50 te $6 Frecks, $1.93 and $2.98 OrK-ndlf r. tsMii !in n, -rd Imported Inglmtn sizes t, te 1 I Girls' $2 and $2.50 Princess Slips, 89c and 98c clatntiK r Women's & Misses' $6.50 te $9 Dresses $3.95 .4 brand-new shipment just in time for tomor row's selling. Of gingham, plain or blocked ratine, dotted swiss organdie, etc. in fashion able summer colorings Paneled, plaited and stiaight-line models with cloth or patent leather belts; linen, organdie or self-material cellars ever 2.r styles. r Women's 75c Stockings, 35c ill. ,'"" "' C'OI UOUWl "' i i-iie i-iepmu Thre ' llAx s - . ' mptcpr- p pnln. II. White batiste n Iuiik eleth trimmed .Sizes b te K Men's $4 te I $0.95 $6 Oxfords! Women's 60c Stockings, 19c B1.U-K lKIt ilinacl. eutslsts Children's 75c and $1 Socks. 29c Women's 85c Gloves, 48c S'!:in.t s hi i d i " whl'c i r TrldH r f' You'll be surprised te find hew much ou can save here en goeu hesieiy and underwcai! $2.25 Stockings throughout. f ! Ingrain silk, $2.50 Stockings Wonderful Values! &1 Oft Thread silk of excel- .' I !.. ...., 1.1.. Black, white and fashionable shoe shades; full' fashioned. ,.............,. -. j......,...,..iii Children's 60c Socks, 25c AVhite mercerized lisle; fancy pink or blue tops. 2 Tan nnd Biinmetal cmf in let. All stzes Women's Silk Hosiery $J.59 and thicadi $4 te $4.75 Merode Silk Undergarments, $2.29 i it uet::i!s l Heavy glove-silk bloomers, union suits and envelope chemise; all re-enforced. Limited quantity. Women's 75c Union Suits, 49c Lace trimmed nt knee. J.lt Ilretlicra FIUST FLOOR. nrtiTTn Vlilt Our Rl Ratiiiriii,ll... . n j ... . . " ' "TTjinina- e Mr(i rr1-rs--Sr,enlli Yle9tn Women's $3 te $1 QC $4 Footwear. . . J l,VD White .sen Island i.uins strap pumps nnd oxford" All sizes In let $2 Tennis Shoes, $1.45 White uinwf tan timiinlngs and patches, cemented tuhbtr holes Hes sizes 1 te 6'3 Misses' $3 te $4 Footwear Alse children's oeltsUItt strap r SUes fi te 2 In let, Women's $3 te $4 Pumps and Oxfords lather Ca,1Vn8' ,,uU an" Bhl"y Misses' & Children's $1.50 te $2 Footwear, $1 I Ne mnll or pliena order. Ulled en $1.95 T.in nnrl .,,.. oeltsUItt strap pumps and oxfords SlzeH b In !l ti In, rl feet ielrs fnncy tops Imper- Women's $1 Stockings, 48c Mll wintecl colers: Imperfect Children's 25c Vests. 12U. . Lew I Bes uras mn-cen- nick , sleeeless. Voile Waists, $1.29 IMnlted front, embroidery and i Rimmed cellar. ETtr0ai8BCBV'C s.,M'V$250Shirl. $1-59 Slllt-strped ...ndrns: double eu'h Men's $1 Union Suits, 65c .Nalnoelt athletic stile 1 Sports Blouses, 69c tan" nnV ,.b. s"-' ertlbln .. ?"" . penn-e I ... '"' oneri fcliex.s Men's $1.50 Union Suits, 89c Whlte balbrlBffanj nthlen Me Men's 39c Socks, 25c ,$24.50 Seamless Rugi, 517.98 f,n?01nr1,ruasels. ci ralUealgns, I 532.50 Axminster Rugi, 519.98 , ilfiti,f5Fts; 8.3x10 6 feet. $24.50 Revenible Rug, 516.50 JVoel und fiber: imperfiet , 0x13 0 feet . $13.50 Rag Ru?s $9.98 -uiuniai rnr r"s; "" ,rel $2 Corsets, $1 c'n n la Rplrlte $3 and $3.50 Corsets, $2 Lit Urethers Special $1.50 Bandeaux, 75c IMnlt broche or biecaded satin hlzes ei te 44 i ti ii i Men's f&k. $2.75 em I Trousers, &X $1.98 (x fs r i- i J ifiv Ai Men's SkKf tml A $20.00 jKK&jRaJ Suits, ni(Mi7 , $13.98 fl mvfeffi (tueeds, K" ( Wli JxmlV I model , me- M EV VjSfflf f hair lined BC Mj Beys' 1 M $1.75 II 1 $20 I 1 I'll m'i Beys' $1.75 and $2.50 Suits, $1.00 S a in i I m Wash fib I en flier Tulst, JUddv U Junlur r folk TU I; n u i N e .Size 'i Beys' $9.50 Suits, $6.98 All-wool blue serce Hizn 7 te Beys' 80c Pants, 50c Uruy crash Sizes G te IB w l All the above ttemt are en tale in SuSawx5'' Women's 35c Vests. 19r .Sleeeless Hxtrn sizes Women's 55c Union Suiti, 39c I.ace-trlmmed knee Beys' 65c Union Suit.. 4Qr I.Vulnsoek; uthletle style. m j ll ( 7i ll f ll l ll ' M J i Our het Jluliainf, 7ih VtmrkfUBtt, lit UKOTHKR8 asfifvi'-Yi'iVi - --, . , T liixfrs. "-, f u hi vi .j"h'..X , tfi .1 JfJWHwu4aiiw. .JiHAimntij 7 V. mm j-rtaa-J-a mMUM " X, '.'M rnr5PW i Lwum JHSi , l J v. J ii j. -uii.jf i.HiOTU