ism mfmwww' Y,. A- 1 ivFm.w Tr H'l-etsviiH 4 v J i A" ' . T'" . si' - '--pm .j- .r 1 w m. if ft I If i irvcr if. S J& m kh a I I t w t I Hi B sz. FT : ( E TO- , 2 . . Ev --iM,i .. F v' i 'AJM lha twtttnn tfArn ui nninil Kit tflfll ' 'Im dawning of preircla for veaie In Ireland timl the t-esxa ion of tne euu-iikc campaign lien the jilslels were wltti- drawn. Although nothing hfifi Pt been nr- I',ngllltme!i Miii-pm of a terror Midi .is ranged, It N token for granted tlml the Irishmen are slaves of letlnv." The 8lr Henry will be given a great public i newspaper fiercely denounce (he Kiijc funern). with the military honor due . llsli tioverniuent anil the iiiirll.iiiieiitiir. his rnnk and Mr. Ices. The likelihood Ik t opposition for "Mirrciiilerlng te immltT sugfcstcil of burlel in St. I'iiuI'm, the , and vietenee in I'onipeutidliig with ii--renting plnrc of innny of llrltnln' iiiet ' mis1hi nnd tltctctiy tailing the fate of . noted vorriern, Itieludlng the Duke of j the brnc men who Meed out ngiilnt ' Wellington, nnd Admiral NeUen. .that surrender." Condolence! continued today te pour " de net for te Kay." It gees en, In eh I.ndy Wllnen, who en neon an the "that in wiriemleriiig the en it mi of law r-Md news renchei llcklngliiini ralnee Ut waa waited upon by nn eipierry cent by t '. the King and (Jueen, bearing nn rxpres- nien of their sorrow. The I'rince of Wales also cent n personal messenger, (and the dinner wlileli was te have been given today In celebration of hW birth- any tins been abandoned i .... ...... ..u...... rrlme Minister I.ted tieerge sent a .1f.pnm rnnrllnr 1 ft 111 flmnlv vlinf.Leil ' at the ghastly crime. I can find no words te express m eetisternatmn and grief. I'lrase accept nil mj "jinpathy in your tcrrlblu trouble." Dublin. June 23. I Hy A. IM (?en- ernl Owen O'l'uffy, chief of staff of the ; TrIMi Republican Arm. (inpli.itlcall contradicts the allegation that Field Marshal Wilsen's assassination was the ' work of that organization. Arthur (Jtlmth. pte-ldeut of the, Dell Klrennn. sptaking of the Londen .?;. V .1 - .,.,n.i.. ,t i, 'Whether the aainotien n Henry WI.m.ii was an net of p i t. rengeanee or had a ..suede-pell leal aspect 1 de net knew. Hut it is a fMMi f kfl l ' fundamental prliwiple of eiviuxeu gov ernment thnt tin assassination of u pelltieal opponent cannot be justified or condoned. "Sir Henry' pellticnl dews were oppevd te thece of a vast majority of Cabinet Assailed in Commens Fel- hia countrymen. Nevertheless. I knew' i.,.,i lciiii-- n. that the vast miijerlt will be unani- 'ewln3 K,lllnB of Wilsen nieus In ceiideninlii? and deploring tins, l-omlen. dune "S i llv A. IV i - ded." IJiiestlens put in the Heme of Ceiu- Tlie Irish Independent sas: "We metis ted." te meiiibt rs of the (ievern- cannot pretend te knew what uvtivc Is meat with regard te the assassination behind the herrlMng deed, but it is of field Marshal Wilsen constituted one obvious from arlmts pubic leferenee of the most damacing demonstrations that It is attributed te the bitterness against the (leveriiment that it has e.- nreused bv partition nnd the Ilelfast per eneed Had it be"ii possible te pogrom. It tnnv produce inlinlte harm. 1"J - ilebnted the subject the eisteme It will eertnlal'v tend te Intlanu pas- f the Cexertiment would have been elen and iiitenff the etistlng trouble." J"epardlreil. It had leen de.-liled. hew A former -e'di'er mimed Lawless was eer, te defer debute until Mend.t. . killed at midnight by two armed men Austen Chamberlain, the tievernment who rushed Inte the tenement house leader, grew pale under the tire of In where he lived nnd asked for a lean terrogatlen. A bad Impression was ere named WT'ten. ",''' n ''' -tatemeut thnt pe'lee pre- teetlen had been withdrawn from the Paris, dune 'J.'!. (Hy A Ii "1 Cabinet Ministers and ether prominent have lest a friend whom I always held m,., in Ln-sland when the position in esteem nnd affection. " said Marshal le-ard te Ire and was belie. ed te have Fech te the I'che de l'an when in- improved. formed of the n-sassiniitien of Field Heme Serretnr. Shcrtt said no mfnr- Marshal WINen In Londen. nuitien had been rerelved that Field "It Is fourteen years, eentlnued the Marshal Vim'. life was in danger, allied ginernllssime. "since he first ,, ,llis Colonel Martin Areher-Shee eame te my effife in the war school, of declared he had -eeu a letter sent te which I was then . hlcf I will come s.-etlaml Yard regarding the Field Mar Mar te see j en. he nid. 'hut in .reliance .,!. indimianth called en Mr. you must premise te come and se,. me s,i)rM (( X.A T, , dls- it .......... ...... ...ii.-., -,.... college). I Kept iu word, since nor a jear passed without our meeting and our friendship continued te grew He came especial y tn nttend the weddings of mv two daughters. Etrrjbedv knows the services ren dered hy Mnrhal WiKen. both In thp preparation and conduct of the wnr. lie was the soul of co-operation between the two armies, nnd during the battle of lpres at 1(1 e clock every night he came ever from St. Onier te "ee me at my headquarters nt Cassel "It Is net for me te express an opin ion of him as a politician.- but 1 can ay that ns a soldier he had n mag Blfieent Interigenee. that he was abso lutely sincere and loyal and possessed tliat supreme gift character, in, din appearance affects Kng'and and Prance alike. I none It will be possible for me leiuenu ine tunerni ami the griff of the French Army te our Urltlsn menus. ' General C.itelnnu. who commanded the French nrm'es In France nnd ltd glum. said. "The assassination of Marshal Wl'sen grimes me deep!... I uepiere ine less net only of a com rnde. but of n faithful friend of rrnnee before and during the war. and Kinileil.' '?i...'. '",''s'"-' """ "" Juriuii- These expressions reflect the general feeling of regret and horror ctpicssed by the French press nnd public at the tragic end of the man who was ri'sp.m bible for placing Marshal Fech in tu prcuic command of the nl'Ied armies. MILITARY FIRES OS MOBS AT BELFAST Belfast. June 'j:i i Hy A V - The situation here was one of great mm, letv tedav, owing te the hijh state of feeling ever the assassination of Field Marshal Wilsen. Special precautions were inueii in tee upturned areas, but the milltarv and police wen- fetved te nre en mobs M'venil times The ea-. ualties by tnld-foienenn i e.-e si-; wounded The urei mainly affect. i is situated hetwien firi.svenur stiiet and Falls read. VIrtuallv ever! member of the l'lstei government Is under .mine .eilnn. A man mimed Iie'aml and a cirl named Eng'Ish weie wiiiudi"! in a c'as. be- iween (Hinaiis anu i.ul.ran patn in tae lern street area. Heavy rifle tire broke out in the Oil llngtree read i'lirict today while rm curfew was stiM in effect. A w.ile me.i was Mini nffei ted and. despite tin- ef fort! of a large for e of mi'itarv and police te dls'e.'ge th" g'lnmeii. t In- liung f entlnucil The eutbr-nl: follevid an attack en a e i ar Incendiaries tedn. ... -tre.ed n .ter. in (Irosvenei strut owned j,v Mrs. Margaret Md'uli .ugh. c ether m' Den nis M. Cul nuh. fiiruier Sinn F. m en voy te the I'ui'ed State-. "We are all uvervxhe'iiieu wi h grief here," says n nu-sage fi-.un the r'ter I lllenist C.i mil te the widow of Field Marshal Wi'm.ii We ru-egiui. that your husbiin-l !l"l for TUter. aiel as. sure you he wj'l nlw n-i s )(. ie.egni.ed by us as one of tin- i-uipire's me-t dis. tlngulshed Mitis " LONDON PRESS HITS IRISH 'MURDER GAC lyiinliili, June '','!. i J'a . , I.OIllle I liewspnpi r, tin c.pres deepest e-:nt aim lmirer at ine der of Fii d Marshal Wi'sen T'. fd 1 1 mn - The DaiU Te'egraph. wlibh .inc. no' iiniiut ine cnine can tie i rii-.-iJ te ''the Itepiililiuin Murder," i.e. He ves that what Immediate!- mlli-il forth the outrage was the iefi;,t of the Tlepublicaii in the ie. i nt lush ,.,.r. tien. "It was a genure of in, id ddi.iiue In the beaten et ctiiists. and en an an neuncemeni of their detrinluiitinn te pursue the wink of wrecking i,u- treaty seft'eiuent h. inrciii-lfy ing the uitacl; en risler,' savs the ncwspnpei-, "'I'lieli "'I'lieli hepes ami alius ine all of b'e nlsin-1,, ruin and mister., ami tin would reinll'i -iioi-lliie thili own (.'ieuiN for Ki, B i.-iiii?.iiiiei in iin-iii. - - " "mi.. ,U It expivs P tin lett Hint "tin whlel',f '",' 'V'1" ""'"'V "'"' ,lllt,lv ,lll' " a icaiixatieii or iiicm. of li'P'iui'l Is sii s-iturated with lb and hemleiilnl luiiteimnts t,llt ,H. nramit ! i m may fail le stir tuc cen-M-leiice n( the neeph' m whose name ii wiix perpeir.tli'd." I'll Itel'y Mall ii'inutU liiat 1'icld Marshal Wilsen had been altackeu In I he jJuli'ln Pm's.s bv "a senes of lontii lentii Mti.n , ctirlfimis uf tiifjiiiinns fIsiV ""' ri'iireiiiiecs cue of these fretii W'.' a,fk Vt.i. ' I......... I ... . . tfftt'l Ai1,!-! rrn'1-v..n k .inurii.ii, i iiu Man .lli i MiVUiiiV country nun te "hetuu .i-Wa' tts'OeVy by acts which will stami fesVK,W' U,. . 'UOH .iVllltlll. L lUlllllll-.llll.l. tm hn...Ml "I I mil 1.m nuxumliti, m.l L.h.. I!.. ; ministiiaeiir le thim who iiiMleiii'.'.l tluin. ' The Morning I'oMricM'rluce tnc mnr ' tier :ih "pint of mi iitteinnt m miike and order. I. mi tieerse. rininilirriii'n. i mid AmpiIHi all share In the murder of , .Marshal Wil-en and ale lied: ilibled with his bleed. The Westminister (Jnzctte sajs: "The ealleiiMiess anil futility of the assassin ation are almost overshadowed In the , ....- iuini.siiMi im ti- uinniui; inn . of (he injury done te all the fair hope nrt lnipii'sslnu of lis wickedness and of leeoiicilliitleu based en the new sit uatien in Ireland. The Daiij News contends that th" "ill-gustirig outrace," has net cu-n tin. that might be urged In be half of the murder of an oppiesse, it continues, "The most distorted In telllgenee eeuld net represent Wilsen n" Ireland's t.eant. The crime was up parentlj pelltieal. the mere i elil-blwm-ed killing of a defenseless man en in count of his opinions.' The newspaper d.isses t'ir ciline with 'the nrs of murder ulihh h.ts been .... . ... "s'ng ler weeNs piivt tn ;elfat. an ,,,,. .. p M u , s,n ,..,., , butcheM of iIk Mn, Mnhens en th-tirangeman " 1 FURIOUS ATTACK WAGED ON BRITISH GOVERNMENT ..I tie irre'ltest it- it. lil:i ; 11L men- s.ltlOUS lis til authorities." the "Hplll'MH"s uf tilt! Youth's Slayer Hunted in Weed , (entlnucil from fuse One have recmistri.cted the murder Liei tenant MeNhaw. of the nrin.ei' s-nuul. together with District Dtttethcs Moet: and Fesmier. of the T.n-mj snniun luue made n chreful study of the ground u i inn- nei'ci tliat tuc miu.Ii was liking along Shaih Lain . in l'ex Cha e. .,l. 1. 1 j ...... ..i. .1... ..1.... e.. ...... ...l , ",:."', ,, ", , ' ,' V,' .". ! " J ,lN ,le,li::u,. A bllIl,i , .. ,s' ,. ' ,, ,,., maile ,,..,.., .,....,.,,, f ' l i rime of some seu, either met Inni er walked along behind. This ) strengthened bv the fact thnt a white mns; was found near the bmlv It is considered likely that the bandit, after allowing the hiker te na-s. .linneil en lii i mask, hurried up behind him ,,,i.i n..,,,,,,,.,..''...! i i '-.. Lawr-no- iin.Iebie,U ,l.,l s. Nic. ins about sliare. and taking a .het at tile lioeileil lc'ure with hi w'her. Mf wis at a ilisadvantn re- he had t ilrav, i n the turn, plenty of titni and tuc nincj, wlul,. while the bandit had t.i ceer him with his gun. Jusr hew tne dead man received the first of two gunshot wounds in the back, hdew the shoulder blades, will prob preb ablv never be known. If there was a struggle it tiny be that the mask was tern from the' head of the bandit ( tr. In his nervousness, after It eT the bctttr te ee. he m.i liiie ..ft it hi hind Sleeping lsag MisVng The youth's iiiuney was gene, nnd his cping bag is missiti-. His n.e lav ncarl .upl ground near Ins r. nhiT it en the i.s hand Nearbv .t the in.isk It i- white. mis made of a Heur bag ami iindiiiiht'diy com re I the enthe head. Tin re wee holes for the eyes, and another for the nose Police wire informed that I.awienn sum" mouths age quarreled with a .Negro whom he cruiit raking niuskrats from a trim In Law nme almu file I'l-nil. pai-U I neK .Ne lllews weie eciangid, but the ,,itli new dead i -aid te have ii.'d the uiiu what In tlie'lght of Ins P.j'l .. an -enri-huig for the Ni gre Dauilce, ,".'.l.'!(i De'.l stieet. and Aiitheiiv Karkiue. is 11 Heffman street, mushroom hunter-, found the body Wednesday. It i- known the -hoot ng eiiur'i-ii at 7 P. M Monday, hew mer, i.s the ler..- shn-s tired weie heard by William I'.ey.l n f.irtnei, liv ing ne.irln Mr I.awien.-e. lii. - uf Me dnid .euili. .-.tcd tin- Coreiur's ..ttn e to te dny te in. ike efiichil I lent. th alleii if the bed. ti iibi.iin it- re'eiise nun nl.. te 'all; the i time wit!. Di. Wil liam S Wadsworth. Corener's pl.y-i-i-i-iii who perfermeil an aurepsy . "M he. an . lei t.-n uin. h" said ' About -i year and 'i i; ilf ag he inni; a trip te l-'urepe, as a niem h. i- of the nor. hunt innriiti Wlini h. . alii'- biuk he had -enic in' u.-y -luee up nnd .I. lined te -tidi. b.ta'i. lie a- a greit ii.niiri I. icr, nnd hud ('uniii-l and ir.iipi.l niu-ktats upon hi ln.lda.s ter year- 11" alwin- kept i, di it v "I trhd te get him te an te the irievlng-pietute shows n, hi cal; thi mu mu initein of hi- if,.. f,,. fi-urrd th. ceiistnnt d".iit.en te his st idles would in h-ue some effect upon him He riaynl mi the lieu-e at nul.l. went nit after .lark, hut r. inalu.-ii in his room, readni'i Therno's natuic winks. He a Le mid a ii.iuibd of r' ji mill, pei'ieillcals "Te in. knew edge he null l,,ul nin . hum. Jee I Ian-el, of l'Js j;,-,st T'ega sii-ii-i He hud a s'leping hug i.inl an i.luminuui case In v liii h lie ..nrn-d i. ht or' iipiipun ut. K.i't .thing s miss ing from the lniiiM', and I lannet In 'ite the i-p'.' where hi was uii.ipliig, I wish I could, for it would help sc iv. thl- awful mystci. ,rMv Iny ha- alwa.s been clean II. lug new r ,u tieuble, and I lia.c no ilnill't he shot and killed in nine fe'tcd flint nei-'hherhi ei "I don't knew hew much money mv he, had or whether he was robbed, I i!n I. new en'y iceently he inudc a liun died dollars by n'lllmc miiskrat i-k'ns. Tlmt's hew he eaiil for his i nl It -. On his til-is Ie would build a shack for liitn-c'f I am new looking for tly slunk let I fee' that would threw v mir I glit en the i time." Till: -Hill Ull' AUK MI0KIM1 FOB MAY ' race 30, Adv. i.k reuna in inn imp ivpnu-a columns en -rirf-vT-r-VT tiTTIlTTn' T -HIT T.,-ni ' -rWi &EiJSUSVt ruDuiK, ui2i.uur.i2i.K- ru.LLiAUmjlfa.LA, FKllJAI, JUJNE 23, lv4& 1 Weeks Elects te Give Up Jury Records Rather Than Call Case July 17 TRIAL SET FOR OCTOBER New Yerk. .Tune 2.1. I.nwjers for' Walter S. Ward yeterdn obtained acce. te thr minutes of the (Irand I Jury that indicted him for the murder I of CInrcnce I'efers. and. it if under stood, they will move en Monday for' dismissal of the indictment. If the; motion Is denied Ward probably must remain In jail at White IMaltrs until October, when he will go te trial. After hearing argument of Isaac N. Mills, chief of counsel for the defense, and District Attorney Weeks. Justice Mersdiiiuser gave Mr. Weeks the al terant!, c of producing the minutes nnd taking a chance of dismissal or with- he'dlnir them and going te trial en July 17. Mi. Week decided te risk! Inning the ease against Nurd thrown out rn'her than try 1 1 1 it i before the I prosecution Is ready. District Attorney Weeks said last night : ! WARDMU SPEND SUMMER JAIL "The en'e will net go te trial en Hebe Daniels, motion picture actress. Jul 17. 'Ine nistriet Attorney pre-;.,, , i tested asainst furnishing the minutes of i ..,,,. . tjie C.rnnd Jury Inipilry te the defend- ! brief sentence In the Orange County ants because It would furnish them with I Jail at Snntn Ann, Calif., for violn vieln evidenee gnthered in our Investigation tlen of the Npeed ordinances, was nr and would grentlv hamper the presecu- rested in ttlendnle. a suburb, Wetlnes Wetlnes rien lie ndheres te his position thnt,dii. en n similar charge. It became he has net the ease In proper shape known Inst night. She Is scheduled te prcsnt It te a petit jury until the , te answer the chnrgc today. Investigation new in progress has leen completed. ' It was reported yesterday that the District Attorney has discovered a new , line of evidence and is unwilling te go te court until this evidence can be pre sented te a jury. Mr. Weeks argued that Ward's acts since the sheeting were net these of nn Innocent man. nnd declared Ward's counsel wanted an Immediate trial be cause "thev are afraid the people will discover Ward did net kill I'efers in self-defence " The District Atternev said he would ' refuse te be stampeded Inte an earlv i trial. He weu'd sooner resign his of- I tice. he said, than go te trial with the ease before he Is rend. ' HUNT FOR MORE WIVES PASTOR MAY HAVE WED, the International Harvester Company. iwns rnnerted fullv recovered from the Weman Arrested With Stewart - -u- At .- i .... uu eay3 one ... ., v. ...... Ives Angeles. Cal., June ''... illy A. P.i A dcteitUe agency has begun a nniii.n. wide sean'i for still mere worn- shot In World Wnr Smokes cigarettes inces.nntlv. en who may hae gene through mnr- ,)r. j. of fmhrr te supervise the whose intelligence was universal in its , f(U. beating the wnuinn te dentil nnd rlage ceremonies with Donald Duncan '..nrkinn of her prier te her rn)'''?- ,n wn? " mn." "f . Ilp VtUL111 ' nre nwnltliiie tin lntli penalty lletli c. . t. ' i 'n.., ,,.i t '.iili.nteil .teni.rt. r.. for tlm I'nsi al that tie phrase implies. He was have appealed te the Supreme Court. Stewart. unfreeKcd erg, man and for- nd .u te.l t ; rtMr; s0f"m, ,' i1;'',,,,,,.,, an untiring student of Western liter- A fourth, llernnrd Me.t. husband of mer vice crusader, hell here pending , ...ry'i.p l""tp.i 'Vh.. en t da- with nture nnd customs. Mrs. Jrr's granddaughter is awaiting -xtrmllrien i.. UoMen te meet charge. , aii"J pa eu m, "' !n 18IOT nr. Wu was sent as Mm- trial charged with having conspired with "evb,-T!?;.- auX!rJ;rts"'u1(:;mk!;ew,'.-y had'-ebsevl-d lieriyYnT'lhe -ter te the Ciitcd States, which .eM ,lw ethera. four ,.f his wives. ' " ' , ' IZ'Z of the IMs''-allisl that during the Boxer citUensTGTven'aifns The nline.inrement wamadeby the ' .,,.,,, ., ,1, .."., n,1., ti-mih'ps In Clilnu I)r Wu's svmnnthies I tuiieriinip uiven c nuni Les Angeles Times today in connect!.... "ennlek fam ly. Mi. Met 'ermick w II ,1 tit nn Dr. W i a HjinpnililCM i wukes.nilTe ,,fti .Iunp ft w 1th Its publl atlen of a .llary 1 t for , arrempnny Mathilde abroad, where she , Prc se , nfc 'Govern raei t ordered I T'vrin -two l.lack-rebed nuns, niembcr.s two and,., half M,.rs bv one of Slew- w ""'l 0-r. the Swbs riding I tnte tluit M' erutre,. . ( ,r art s w ves, .'IT, i.uiei inrner .is- "",;., ,. , . ... . tn.,t I.nnlt fur .. seenml terin nn AI Ulster i ''einineii 10 . iiii.-n euurs nu.nnuii bahles,,.,, Stewart, who also Is wanted Mr M!,; Judge McLean yesterday in Ilnsten en a charge of cenulrlng , '; ".s "a. wnien was s.u t te tie ills ... recalled te cedlfv the with Stewart te effect his alleged mar- Inst day In -.he hesplf 1 A bulletin is- ?"P.'X11'1 le ,0I,"J '"P K.THi riage te Nerma Khrenselle,-. from whom . " ' Dr. Ictor D. Lespinas.-e. his lns of his country. . " he is accused of stealing S12.-.00. I M". 5,7 ",," : ... . . , , Was Popular in America m. tm of thf fni'f ir c ma W- Mrs. Osbaldesten Stewart say M. Mr. Met ermick Is in hN usiiel geed . Vu w..s the most neniilar Min- r- "" Jr 'u'T"1' eru.-.-s Humtay. " "loves him new an I always will leu- rl,-. Ie Is reloading te his test ,;.. n the ml WJ ,;.., ,t ,-i.g nr. . him. ns told in her diary of her life ' I surgically nw sonuitlen is ixce.- n,.tur,,s(1U(. perMinalltv, hl termmit prl.ate. with Stewart Anether decilliieut creil- I Knt. ,.,,,, eunlntiiess of speech and his habit of STOHHKIl -On June SB. lOL'.', maiiv i:. ited te her was u "dnraiter nnahsU" As she was rav hi. 'lie hospital yes- ,lll.n.ln,"ir ,'. 'i. '"',," ".Vvi. ! ISTCmi:n (nee ohms), wile of ,Hfiir inn te liei was a inai.sis , , ii,lfi.ii,i ...llu ..sWed ul.e,, she I asking "Hew old lire you.' hat I .hri-r. Itclatles frleeds liiltnl te of the former ilergMiien. whl.-h s.nd: i teruay . .M.itlilWc mih ""sen when Mie , income V "Are veu hnppilv Sii r.i(" " Meniini. at hjie a .t.. Maw was broken in a tight in a tea , would leave Chicago for New Wk. , ""'.. ' et( ,erV. met line" rr- ,,t I.Vr late re.ldene.. 5133 ... house in Shanghai. China-teeth kneek- ' Mi.) h; 'rre;v , 1 niay be no, a j ,;F;,1CH?i,0,nsO,ade" hini'Jl.e mes, ' -'",? TT k S ' ;..;: ed out at saine time, mm s wounds in leg, all. she said. I den t want e give , ,k ,.nf m(,mberef the Diplomatic ion,- "raulch.e Cmrt'e PIea emit n.m and font were caused by shrupnel nnd . J n short ni swer. nut my trine Ing "" ' ,, ,.., , .,, .,.. llf ,,, '.,,,. " 'e,u Drinks all he inn get. Can pass s a di'-r father would accompany her cnt. man of education an I culture, both tn j I)l'- Li'spim.sse was busy .eteriln dress and manners, as well as a tramp ntevting ether men and women who see.; or laboring man. the fountain of you h. It w-ns leurn-il "Das strange Pleas about women and i that Dr Lespin.issc has received about is cttremdv fnsi te them. Calls .twenty inqulriet from women past mid himelf a hi'-mnn.' a 'cave-man.' nnldle age asking for details of Mr. Mc . bensi-mun ' " Cermlek's operation. WILL KEEP PUMPS GOING Anthracite Operators Take Steps te Safeguard Mines la.Ielen. Pa. June U.I. illy A P . Individual operators In tin, ndd have at range I te engage . nmpany em- tilee ami ethers as inalnlennuei men. it was learned teiln. . If tin- suspension of anthrni ite n Inlns is turned Inte sinke and nuiiin runners, engineers nnd firemen are ordered out by the I'nlte 1 Mine Worker Wat. r in man. of the Idle mines ,,, the Lelu-th j. high because of ,,.. at rams, -m-i pumps, wnere tiiey ,-i be useil at all. are tn.v I te cjpj.ity, i as repot led Deaths of a Day LOUIS STERN New Yerk Merchant Reported te I Have Died In Paris New Verh, .lime 'Si. -Th atn of Leuis Siet'i in Paris Wednesday has Ie en ii'perteil in u cnb'egrani pint re cehcil b Stent Brethers, of l West 1'iitty-se end street, the firm of whica , he wns the pre-l lent l.euls Stern, nne of tiie best -known , inercliants in this ilty. was horn In tieriiiiliy i-'ehruary -J. 1M7 lleiiuue i.. mis I.. mn r mn, ,- .aii-iiis win-,, n i hild alld was p-iire 1 and eiliteateil ill ,,. ... ,.. .,.. .j .....,. i .. All.any 'Vhen he was twentv u-iiih iii . . . .i.ij i.. -i .iii old he mini- te this city and with his hretlii'i'N opened a small dr goads store en Sixth nvenue Mr Stein had been aetne in ici'iiutu.can polities ler ninny wars. R. M. STINSON BURIED Funeral Services Held for Victim of Runaway Accident I'lineral services for Hubert M Still --en. Klknis Park broker, who was killed smlilenh Tuesday when threvu from his hep-c. weie held today in his liniue at Yerk uud Ashbourne toads, KlkiiiN Park. Mr. Stinsrn hed gene rniing before brenkfa-t Tuesdiu and ulieu his horse appeared at the stab es rmerless a i-liert time later senrell was institiiteil and tne bmK of the rider was found, bearing evidence thnt after ., hard Mri.Rgle In hail lest cnntiel of 'he animal. Mr. Stlasen died a fe minutes after enter illg the flermaillewil lluspltal. lie is mnUcd by bis widow. Mrs. Anna Siln- .... ... ... . ... s..n nne two cm ni'cii. l inrenen e n i ce a n I Nancy. 'minimi iii.ut" rnssiiu.K? 1. 1. ...... ...i iuiiia ir.idnt al Jbp.r.i- tifiuj mi i m.ipiri, ciurlLj. w nun ruuujj up i'l uf tn "tlhrr m.k'iiuiaV uiilviti und ulees Ihn auction ilne.i he inriu m Iek il. leuntrj ',' 'l'.iU unutuul arllclu p 'tAt in Hi .Mai-ar.lne Hecllell of II. bu diy I'LCLIC I.KKuiu, "Mkv It a lULIt." Aav. Arrested Again isHI'itiilllllllllH BKHK DANIELS BEBEABBEDAGAIN Screen Actress te Be Arralaned Te. j day for Overapeedlng lies Angeles, June 2.1. (Hy A. V.) IS READYFOR TRIP Muriel Lies Weeping at Feet of Father's Bed Mathilde Reticent Chicago. June 'J.".. Hareld F. MeCermlck. chalrmnn of the Heard of gland operation performed ten days 'age and is preparing te leave here In np u wnH (nn)p(, flt y; 'Memerial Hospital yesterday. Miss Mathilde MeCermlck. the seven- Meen-ear-e!d hViress te the Jehn I). -"Is" ' ermick refused te saJ wnetiier . .,."'?. ,;7-,r."V' " ..-"":'... .; 1 .... ....... . U! . ...... h.. - ,.., ireiiimiing tramc in iiiiieuii ui.uni' . which he In ends te introduce at the ' ,,'"xt ... ,1... I ii.niu IOC7ISIII run. Tllt..,.t., lnnUle M'GORWIICK WELL HneL'nfii Inn tnillliMie littrtlnil rrtti f fin I Tl... 1.111 I .- . "Il I. r ...... I.slf -.-s,,.,, ... mi. .......... ..,,. prlsenment and a line ler nuni parties. te such transaction. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES r-.- inhmun "'mu s. iiefehiii si aipm, 1J. ? Ulein. I,ln11""0' ' WJ"I fnuS!??. N?w VeVlc i t and Mm, : ilee-ne .Sew YerK tiw . . . J ihn Illackhn 7fJ N 21111 nt ini JU.l.t l!i-'lnnrz. N illh nt t n.. N llnmburif. "Ml N 'JUth ' Mutthew ' f'.envnu. iM SJ. '.'Jlh i.' . .iMinle ' l-'ru-man J-'W N. "Ill .it HeIrfTl M Snyder. 1.17 Crntcr lane I Hlcn .' )fe..;. Oil. Va Wuslfiv i L' m 31JH t.'einl M jnJ ami "nJ .Mnrir.n j .mi-j-mmm-u. .ii.i ih-hiht i-i I'rnni- n '. i.'ennnv, K.-..1 N Ihmbrn t ami cnhirine u cannnn, mis Woej S,i5:.r,,haa!vu';l.t.t, "r"J U"" Andirw .11 .Mahnflf), gl7 IV Nurru hi ,iml .itar itrumm -'.'ia Masir ht I"1'Vnn'"r.,a. . Orlnlma '?" " "nl Jehn II Hhnnnen. rhlcnmi. III. ami Anni M Whitney 173a N. Warnuclt m rriie!in'j llullln, ss?7 v'SmT' "' "nl Allr't I. '.Mil er L'li'tH N. 7th n and U i. .1 lla-.lsl'" iieis N 7th t. 1'i-nln I) t)'(hl nan H 1eila!l n Hath I). Mart ii, ilOL'II l'.rfnay an Aleeri A lire nt. u n.1.1 Illlner l .tfiri ' iiurii'n ..iHKriiiii -ni .Mcin-aii i . rnrmlee Crlntofa'.e - Jnrkcen M. Adeline Mnllura 13.-7 S Mule at unJ 'b,,;rl.s '' ,?'?" J'.uv,i ."", ' , "" Kmhrj i M. .usi;rer. 'JO"! i; huiiiii juuu 'i,esir. a.121 s 7th at and j .it mile i'.itk i'a:'t . Tti m .'h f,1,':" ' "."''Z'J.'KV"... ''",. '" ' lln'iild J llewirii nil.. N. laih it . .".n.l Mi,- '. V-Miihh IS-tl Itenl m Anion 1)1 f'.imell. LMJ N. .Mll'i si n.) i iirmeli Jmobene 1.110 S II ci n. Tlmetnv .1 ui-.i. ..-.! .'anr nt and Anni r.. ii 'i r ve i.iii'-iii , ii. tjenrue w it" lr sas v ni and ji-nn'e c wi'nn -.-si? iininiinet t lJnh K.rrtf.-rS7RwrkirJ5 m"" """ A rrea II. KntRht 7 J si .m.-.c ui -nd S-jiie .llerr.' i-ie H l.ith n Kr''n Va'l loin s. ,-iif.t m . ij nthc WniH.-in. HUH S r.tii t r.inh field taa.'i s L'tih m nnd Sjrtie Wflns flOOl llttfrn--d ae Wiilter I" C.lhben I'D.H N 'Jd nt nnd i Ar.nn IJe"rniiiir Sens ,V ,'l.t , H.irri II I'lihe- Trmijn N' J nnd Sara Ii llrphurn Trnlen .V J Al n ftee' 007 nnstm e . -.n.l l.i'ir.i M I'ltln a.lHJ N id l Jn ph IVir- Se- Vn-' 'it nr.d Th.. na i "in wis .n Tin st (' urn-re Mi C inl llritl Ite-r.f l nnd Ulli,. K s . I. F) nnt.l.n. I'-.ll fnmnnw mit Thnnns Iledfftn. Mlildtnimvp f'en" . nrd ! ,..''"?:', l V'WJ.I'L 1B-'-ri .N'u w',rn(,!( ' , i '"liVn"!. .' Vpfrphv.' sn" v ' Tvh - '""' Jlm (l ns rn. n itn-de'ni unii . Krrlr,nH"nV?1l(,,;:p-?J 'v'. ,, M . fV ItlpKhnrn-ne .V V Tre'in it. aHisnn, nn w Nnrris nt , .n.l Fi-pAfln 1.' Tll-nt lin 11' SmI. .. . - ':'-..' -.: .'.. ... .....". r. 11 n.l Mn.. I Mirer, inn wmimin t Wnlfr I. Fe'ek Unltlnnir ltd . nnd I-'iur- ence crilren, Ila t'mi'e Mil Lrm-ri-rc. H.ipfra M-lt'iiiere ,Md , nn 1 MinVe I.'n er III' N lltll Ht ' MeOee II iff !'i)n'lrtfin i-.'f . und Anna .11 Nelnn. 2.113 .1 1.1th rt AUK VOI' I-OOKIMi l-Oll IIKI.PT PUB- linns tr "'y pfren you want ! Mver tlulnc uuJcr Hltuatlenii en pass 30. AUv, , i, ' ils' of n nf.k. ktl'" ;.'";K'kmmn t(, ,,,, husky youth who sells his glands te a i,,),!,,,. While Minister tn the Culled wei thy oldster. I States he was a frequent visitor te I he bill proposes punishment by mi- ,. , u-l...i-e l. u-oel.l snen.l ue..t.s t --m,- -- . ' -' - . - WOMEN URGE LAW 10 Appointment of "New Citizens" te Diplomatic Pests Alse . Advocated "SAFETY DOCTORS" ADVISED tiv Aiteclattd Prtss Chautauqua. N. Y .Tune 2.1. His passions of International relations eccu- 'pled (he delegates te the biennial con I ventlen of the (tnernl Federation of ' Women's Club.s here tedny. I A Inw te outlaw war nnd the np np 'peintment of women t diplomatic I iinsts wns urirnil bv the sneakers, who included Mrs. Herace Mann Tower, chairman of the Federation Committee nn International Itelatlens: Senera Cende de A villi, of Mexico; Senera de Vern. of the Philippines: Mudnme fireultch. wife of the Minister te the Vnited Suites from the Serbs, CreatH nnd Slovenes, and MIsr Scanlan, of New calami. "If every clubweman. In the T'nlted States would confer en herself the de gree of 'doctor of safety' traffic acci dents would seen be virtually done nway with." said Jehn C. Leng, of the Na tional Automobile Chamber of Com merce, today in nn nddrcss before the Federation. "Most accidents en our highwnN are needless." said the speaker. "The con ditions which cnuse them nre prevent able. Twenty-eight eltlcM lowered th?ir traffic fntalltv records In 1021. Detroit nnd St. I.euIm nearly halved their pre vious highway mertnllty figures. Credit for tliis decrease belongs te local 'doctor- of safety.' who diagnosed the trouble and then applied strong reme dies te bring about convalescence. "The incrence of meter vehicles te the number of 10.000.000 In use today ha come abnut se rapidly thnt we have been staggered by the traffic problem and have often been led te handle in e nanlckv manner n condition which will Ijle'd te normal treatment. "We have passed stringent law. cried for punishment of the speeder nnd demanded that traffic-rule violators be put in jail. This is all well enough, but it Is net fundamental. rerRniw who inre.ii disease should be dUnraiitlned, but thnt does net necessarily stamp out I the source of the malady. "Among the causes of traffic accidents are careless driving, children playing in the streets, noer pnrking accommoda tions, insufficient pla. grounds, bnd street lighting, lack of signs, narrow street limits, inadequate police force, unintelligent traffic icgulatlens. M1.. TinfimJPftnfl i rr ''. ' Diplomat, Dies i rentlnwrt from Vnee One at Washington. The appointment of Wu Ting-fang , was u departure In the choice of diple- i mats ent te this country bv t he Chi- I nese Fmiiire. He was (lie lirst eflidtil I representing Chinn in that capacity aide te dispeiiM with an Interpreter, even I for the most delicate international ue- gotltltieilH. lie was a member of the Interna- 1 Hen Court of Arbitration at The ll.igu, . .,.. ...., ...' at i iti, ,.u,i ,,,i ,iia.i ,.,., . , ,,,.,;,.,., ,hl) re.,niM,tn,,., " " . . ..... . . , ,.,..., ,.!., ,, ,lr., lmlt.1.1 In 111. ni...... ..''......-. ............ I-s. s ...,.- . ,,..,.... fh sllI.mier. ii ..... nlci. fend of Atlantic City. He was a egetnrian, and ulse cxi'luded k.iIi frnm bis diet. i MiiinlarliiM Dlslllicd Him Wu Ting-fang was never popular with the highest .'lass of his ceu.itiy- men. who looked down en him l"ciiis- f...., I ... .....I,- ..h.nn.l Ir. ..... ,i, Ill" il-,,.l ... r. ...... ..w,..u.. ... I, I i-nmtilleiiteii studies necessarv te nttnln I rank. In lWifl Wu Ting-fang was appeinte I , Minister te the I'tilted Slates. Iiecln. ; nine his lirst administration as such In ,. , .. .. .. Mm of the following yenr. et nny wns. he Kiimi) hxtraeriilniiry and Mill- J-ler lMenipetentiary te this country. , hut at the same time tilled the Mime pest te Spain nnd Peru. While re- fltHtlj: lit Wlishlllglen III' directed tlm affairs of his country at .Madrid and Lima, at eai'll of ivhicli a full ceiaple- 'metu of secretaries and attaches is Ma- ' tlened. TO OPEN NEW PIKE ROAD i Stretch Along White Horae Ther eughfare Nearly Completed The completed half section of (he White Herse pike, between Clements , Bridge rend at Harrington ami the King's Highway at Audubon, will prob ably be open for traffic .lulv 4. It Is the intention of the contractor , lls the ether half section uk seen ... . . . . . . ' pes.slhle. mi as te g!e a clear high wav frnm llarrlnirlen te Atiiliilieii, con neetl.iR Hi. the King's Hlaliwnj and leinenin iiiiiikc iiiuii, miu nil- .huiiiii il:nhrnlm nlke. RAW WAR In Response te an Urgent Request I'litl.lilrliililii's Own .Hest Kmlnrnt I'.mIieIiii;Ii NORBERT MELVILLE, M. A. Professer of Ps.rhelnici at Phll.titrlphln Nernnl sdciel ii ii.i. r.fvr. (tit nsr, or 3 Free Lectures en Psychology as a Basic Fundamental e nu Interi-mid ,n p-niperltv iieiiUh mid Hureem' I'mr Ml II. and ii. n tne t-uths which I 'in ni three te "ui dein LONG ACRE HOTEL, 1429 WALNUT ST. Deers will be open until 8 o'clock, June 26, 27, 28 TODAY THREE SPECIAL LECTURES Drmiinslriitlniis lint'enlntr M P. II. ami " P, M, Cnursr TUkrf, Hr llnllurs ,t n etiuik Psychology and Marriage '"" n aue.k 1'iepnie fur I niipr rlty end I'mnrer" " PI. Imldiilili liiHthute Aiii'lled l'iihni.ji nnd I'fjrhi) iiuilvuli. "Fur nuultem. for Kdur.illn nu.l fur I.lfe ' Nnrlirri M.'hllle .1! A Ulncter CeimultliiK INchetiulnt, li.iMd NVwiiiark Assiiiuit I'Hyi'.uleKlHl Kreilerlell K D.ivls, Aixn-liite Anuiiiit. Pi-Suniniir tieinln.i I'lldny, June i'.Vte HatUiUy, July I 1D;'J l.eiiK.u-re Hoef 1 1'.'U Wulmit Slrret I'nene: Hpruce DlliO. TlcU'ln nn utile at Ntwa HUnd n IVIthsrapoen Hid., aa4 at hotel. 1 l-ti Walnut Htrertj , i M.J' '11 ' AJJ Fatally Injured .'4t.??;. J$W.?& '- . ALKKKl) KKSCIIKO of 257 Sycamore street. Camden. who died today nflcr being sjniclt en head by baseball HIT BY BASEBALL, DIES Injury te Alfred Keschke, Camden Player. Proves Fatal As the result of being struck by u ball in n baseball game. Alfred Keschke. thirtv-three years old. "i." Sycamore street. Camden, died today In Cooper Hospital. , ' , Keschke was catcher en the ( nrrell All-Start, In Camden and was injured In n game Saturday at lladden avenue nnd Pine street with the team of (he Den-Mar A. C The ball was thrown te second base, which Keschke occupied as a runner. If hit him in the head ns he slid Inte the bag and he received a slight fracture of the skull. He Improved stendll) after an operation, but took it turn for the worse Mendn . He lcacs a widow and four chil dren. Twe benefit baseball games will he played hi Camden tonight te aid his family. DENIES PART IN MURDER Youth Says He Helped Reb but Net Kill Aged Weman Matthew liunknwskl, eighteen yenrs old. en trial before Judge Henr,. charged with the murder of Mrs. Sarah A. Parr, eightv-tlve years old. in her home tit LMI1S (Jrnnite street, last July, testified 'that he had taken no part In the actual killing. He steed guard en the first Meer ever the woman's brother. Kdwnrtl Held. sccnt.v-twe j ears e'd. he said, while two companions went upstairs in eareli of money nnd Inflicted the Injuries which caused the woman's death. His fate will be with the jury this after noon. Henry Heinsehelber and Davis Dlsque, his companions, were convicted 1.IIST AND l'OlM) iTiliKnTV lfeND l.nsi. sr.e Mberty" Hen.i. "fter.jl, ."'LA Miijithir nuni sai.H CITY ....""x '"tth i i" prch, elec , h ." " i,f,.ii. ' Iuu-h hll; l.cnuufui horn.- t , --'''' -- tchwnrt ...en w i-ei.ii.-i.. AMttlMKVTfj , lTfsJr. HT -30n- Ulnncev Apts . Apt Ne " ,.-..u. 4 looms & ufitli: s.r. iniinih i!Ul.VJiiB!i!liCJ.,hJll,'t-JVlinui-,'',?7 "u-.tltTil i:NThiU-.NT tlt'KAN CIT V " l'LMlNIHHKlJ. 7-rm. hnkpi:. .....irtmenl close tn PfKi-h. for summer hi-h-i'i. Colonial .pt.. nth & Atl.intli' hm ix-e.ei City, N J canjKElM 11, 13 and 15 N. 2d St. ?,",., Oprn I ntll 0 I'. Jl. I'.er.v H.itliriliiy l'.K.l The Largest Daylight Furni-' ture Stere in the East j .Inni- llrlilei llf re yen enn sine I money. Ilr your enu Juilzr. fempnre mir prlrrH. They lire lower liere limn . i-larulierr. $129 H2J'.l l-ilfi- llrilrenm Suit, full .un ity mill liew-riiil bill, Inrite chlfTorelie mill Inrge il-esn-r. Our nrlir. SI20. -j. CiEjA!11. y M J' m W B .' -Br M iBO le select frnm f!D up, ' A Mi fifilniif i (ijtejife J, v a rfagBtgtiiarPjBMtB'i.'ii'K. fiaSfG3j(4Hf6ftis ttitivEs-ayj a 4 DETECTIVES CHECK SCHOOL VANDALISM Te Keep Watch for Marauding Beys During Summer Vacation OFFENDERS .MUST PAY Police were ordered tedny te guard the. public schools ngulnst vandalism i during the vacation period which started today when '.'."0.000 boys and girls left their desks until September . An Increasing iinieunt of vandalism In the schools has been reported t the Heard of Kducatlen. Desks have been hacked with knives, blackboards cracked and walls sputtered nnd marred. A wutch by plain-clothes men en all school property wns ordered today by Director of Public Safety Certelyiiu. Youthful offenders when caught will be brought before u committee of the Heard of Kducatlen. The amount of damage they de will be assessed against their pnrents. , Little rent studying preceuen tne nnai outneurlng today when the L'.'O schools closed their doers for the last time this summer. Ah geed things come In bunches, the nnhllf. Iinfhu lenrncil In Mime wnv thnt the schools were dosing tedny and te be prepared for the great splash of vetith, nil opened the season jestcrduy. i J. E.OALDWELL & CO. arc pleased te. announce that The Vacheren & Cemtanlin Watch ( Has Been Awarded FIRST PRIZE At the Latest Annual Geneva Observatory Contest Alse the "Prix Unic" for a Series of Best Adjusted Watch Movements. Vacheren 6c Constantin watches have obtained, almost in every instance, the highest number of points in the Annual Geneva Observatory Contests since 1896. They have also wen mere first prizes than any ether make of watch. ;. . Caldwell & Ce. Se'i Aetnli it Philadelphia for Vacheren & Cemlantin Watches Jtwiurv - Silver - STAneNOrr Qtrstnut akd Juniper Streets TiiiHter!1" THaftfi 8 Mill 1mm This is the range which takes the guess-work out of cooking and lengthens the housewife's leisure. See a demonstration at any U. G. I. Stere or ask us te send a representative. Term payments. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY BON WIT TELLER & CO UficSfxaalfe Shopc'Onauuitien CHESTNUT AT 13TREET Recognizing pictorial beauty as a chief requisite Silk Sports Frecks introduce new colors, new fabrics, new weaves, new lines gljlllft, 39.50 ' "S-L 49.50 & 2 NOWING "thai adaptability is the keynele of their S!rV continued success, old favorites adept new weaves, new colorings and new silhouettes in their interpretation Rosha Resha nara is satin blocked or satin striped. Canten crepe is smartly figured or irregularly blocked in silk-lhread design, in geld, old blue, fuschia or black ; white and a few navy and gray backgrounds. WOMEN'S DBPT. , SECOND FLOOR , I .. V Streng as we are en atte letic underwear (sleeveless shirts and knee drawers) We also carry ample stocks of thirl Summer, lisles made with quarter sleeves and long drawers. Hew about a cool, two piece Rogers Peet suit? FERRO & COMPANY ' Rogers Peet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper She Sets the Dial And Gees Shopping and when she returns, the meal will be nicely cooked in her new Gas Range equipped with evsn heat control. fiSESSfMi 4 , ..y. v....-MW,Af'..i. ,L vrft5'lfi Ji&A.H.'i IwiiU M