WW? HWJftW f SHSB "VJJMf ZV "Al "Ou'iJ' ." m..3r. SiVl 'Vrt V"W -. " .7t ".?-' MWi MMWMMHi v tj. -j wSt "- THE WEATHER Fair terilglit and Saturday J Reme wltflt warmer Saturday; jtentlc west te southwest winds. TKMI'KltATDKK AT I'Al'll IWl'lt sTTTnie in lia i.i i -J i i -t i r, t 1 uentna v&v a .&n iw 70 170 171 ITOI74 17.-, I I Vri!; w jttmt iifiririir iviw' Tai 1 bb aa aa aa av.ri 1 aw bi aai aai aai aw - rvKJin ai i 1 g m.J.WB. K.B.jm Ma ha, ' J.WH JlawM J- -W tUJM C1 ' I ! k, ' tv VIII. NO. 242 Scenes of Brutal Ferocity De scribed by Associated Press Correspondent MEN STABBED AND HACKED WITH KNIVES; THEN BEATEN Citizens of Herrin Beast of Par ticipation in Massacre and Are Net Arrested MEN URGED ON BY WOMEN .Number of Dead May Never Be Known Twenty-seven Counted Se Far F Bu Atteclattd Press Hfrrln, III., .Tunc 23. llerrln today Rfflfllned quiet nftcr the wild disorders ti yesterday, In which nt least twenty MTtn men were killed and nn unknown number wounded when B0O0 union miners and sympathizer attacked ap proximately half n bundled imported itcam shovel men and' laborers working 5-. In the Lester strip pit of the Southern Illinois Ceal Company. Herrin Is located in Southern Illi nois, about 100 miles southeast of St. Leuis and 250 miles from Chicago. County officials maintained that since no one remained ie work In the strip pit tlmt of Itself waa n guarantee against further outbreaks, and asserted the 1000 members of the Illinois Na tional Guard ordered te mobilize In Chicago for possible duty here were un necessary. An Inquest Inte the carnage wrought by the miners and tiieir supporters, when, influenced by moonshine whisky Mid angered at the efforts of the strip pit workers who hnd been termed in a telegram from the mine workers' International chief "common strike breakers," they bore down at dawn en the huddled group, was set for te- day. However, until Inte last night no of ficial step te Investigate the affair had been taken, no 'Grand Jury nhd been summoned, and no nrrcst bud been made. Miners iii Herrin streets openly boasted that they participated in the Infliction of deaths by gunfire, hanging 1 and dragging through the streetH in a vtrltnbte !tb'!hah"hnliday, but there was no action against them.' Mere Deaths Expected That the death list would be in creased today seemed te be the con cen census of opinion. Fifteen bodies were weighted about the necks and cast into a uend. a miner told a correspondent for the Associated Press, and the nrcaj mated at firtccn square miles of hilly, timbered land. The statement of Frank Farrington, president of the Illinois branch of the Lnlted Mine WerkerH of America, is sued at Cincinnati, that his information indicated forty-four men liad been killed, was interpreted na meaning thnt the entire number of besieged strike breakers had perished, nltlieugh of his own knowledge, the Associated Press correspondent could account for but wen mere than a score of bodies. JSJr. larringtnn was expected te reach Hel rln tonight. The dead nt flret were reported ac counted for in a pitched battle between ne aimers ana sympathizers and the .imported pit btrippers when the local Pmen attacked the barricaded workers at dawn. Men Cruelly Massacred Uter, howevcr, open statements rem scores of persons en the streets nere were te the effect that the working men aurrendexed nt the first enslnugbt and, after having been tied Inte groups of three and bIx, were cruelly massa cred j told te run a gantlet of rifle Arc, only te be shot te dcatli at a distance t a few feet when, weunced, one or two of a group would fall and drag the ethers te the greund: stabbed and , uk d, 1 deHth with " : beaten jntn clubs, and nt least three of them hanged, whlle in the Instance of six men, at least, they wcre said te have wen dragged ever a rough rock read "chlnd nn automobile. The women, berae carrying Infants, urged the men en, it was Mated, and a nt least one Instance the Associated i ress correspondent observed unbeliev able, cruelty from n woman. He came aireBs a group lying i the rend. one "t the men badly mauled nud his tdioul tdieul 'ici khet away, liegglng plteeusly for water, and evidently near death, the "erkcr uas only jeered nt by the men !i i.YVf" n,0,,t- Tllc 'orrcspendent lasued into u house and obtained water, ut was restrained by men who pointed ii ,, i 'i10,,le"- later n weinnn car- ij-uig a baby bpurned the dying man Cenllnufd en I'ii:ihlffn. Column T FIRE CALL p'rAWS CROWD Alarm at Sixth and Market Brings Out Big Audience llllnrlnn.l.. t. . nn., ", '" !". noonday crowds vv ei e today 1 Muii.-ll 10 S It I mill Mm Het si recti 'ri Vi ' " """in r nre. tine, ,,.''!' '"''KUi-hed before the en- i- hi'me , i '' ,W,U1 '"'" ered next te a l1"'!"; Mveiiil ster) of the niRriintee riur lee Siui.,.1.- I' ii iui inarm of lire mitldln 111 . .. '. ' Mcitiil -" - .Minn si i dim i klre. V. .... "'" ' I'lii'is jammed Hl.xt spei tutors jiimined Sixth ""8i" ,'"'T ,,"1i1 ' "ben. nnd . ... "IIM ll'll IUI fill- llll Hit IK'ii mlii. I MICS, " TWO KILLED BY EXPLOSION T"ree Heus B VA..l.. I n, , Wrecked by Blast of Nitroglycerin A li V.'.''ioei, ii., jum, ;;,, j,, 'ml iliTii. "i" ""'" V",b,eu" '" "turn's WellMl !':''M'N '" ,tl'!' '"ilsklrts of Ure- r!, ,.r". "nv""l todie when '0'"Mie .'Milnd','!: ,,","'"0''"''l ' djf c Wst St..l!iu-ll'r H"" l'"IU"ln "" ' l'..-lv I . . M " rV VOL. NiC VICTIMS ! ' OFMINEBATTLE i JEERED BY MOB - - - , au, ..,, A v Knterctl .14 Sccur.d.l'lHsa .'.r.itlei nl Under Iho Act of TWO DIE AS MINE M0B SEIZES CAR Nen-Union Men Attacked Deputy Sheriff and Dezen Others Hurt IfJ Antedated JVm Clarksburg, XV. Va.. June 1.'I. Twe men were killed, u ileintly sheriff tttiC tttiC fercd n broken iirm and u dozen ether persons received miner Injuries, when a mob attacked nn Intcriirbnn traction cut carrying nonunion mliicis and of fleers of the Hudsen Ceal Company, guarded by deputy tdicrlffs, from this city te the Lewis mine near lteynolds lteynelds vlllc this morning. The mob stepped the cer, pulled off the trolley pole mid swarmed nbenrd. Twe of the attacking parly were shot ns they crawled through windows. The 5leminy.s cpe,lc'1 " a" 01,cn"hl," hnsU Fairmont. XV. Va.. .lime -':!. (Iy A. J) A crowd of men which the authorities estimated nt 100. marched through the principal streets of Fair mont this morning across the Monongu Menongu Monengu hela Itlvcr, te the east side of the city. County officials watched the situation en reports that they were headed for working coal mines near North Fair mont. Later in tbe day It was reported that the marchers had passed working mines at Norwood without making any effort te disturb the miners. It was sold the men were going te Mentana, V. Va., te attend a union meeting. CHILDlKLIFE TO SAVEBROTHER Five-Year-Old Jeseph Anzardo Crushed by Scheel Bus as He Pushes Baby te Safety FIRST THOUGHT OF OTHER GIvlng his life that his little brother might be saved, five-year-old Jeseph Anzardo was crushed beneath the wheels of a school bus nt Twelfth and Dickin Dickin eon streets today. Jeseph hnd bis brother Chelsea, three years old, by the hand. They had just left their home, en the second fleer of 1500 Seuth Twelfth street, and were en their way te play. The bus, Ne. C, of the Beard of Kdu Kdu rntlen fleet, was en Its way south en Twelfth htrcct, and it whs unnoticed by the two little boys ns they talked earnestly together en their way across the street. The bus bere down upon them, and Jeseph glanced up te sec It almost upon them. lie did the one thing lie could think of in the emergency, lie grabbed his brother about the wnlst nnd stag gered nleng with him, dropping him be yond the wheel of the bus just ns the heavy car struck him. bere him down, nnd crunched ever his body. Death was Instantaneous. Passing automobiles were stepped nnd the dead boy and his brother were taken te Mount Slnnl Hospital. Chelsea wus uninjured. Herman Copeland, the driver of the bus, was arrested nnd taken te the Fif teenth nnd Snyder nvcnue station, where he will receive a hearing tomorrow be fore Mngistrnte Perrl. He Is twenty seven years old and lives at 1713 Seuth Twelfth street. INJURED BY BASEBALL Elmer Hunter, 2215 E. Cumberland St., la in Serleua Condition Elrner Hunter, a city surveyor, 2215 East Cumberland street, was operated upon nt the Atlantic City Hospital late last night and one eye was removed. lie Is In a critical condition, as his skull Is also fractured. The Injuries were received when be was struck by a base ball nt Inlet Park, Atlantic City, yes terday while watching n game. He was taken from the ball field te the iiespitnl in nn unconscious condi tion after first-aid treatment hnd failed te revive him. Mr. Hunter has been a city surveyor here for the past twenty three years. PHILA. MEN LIE IN DITCH HALF HOUR AFTER CRASH Eleventh Street Grocer and Sen Are Injured Near Reading William Phillips, n wholesale gro cer, living nt 1150 Seuth Eleventh street, and his son. Leuis, sixteen years old, wei'e Injured today when their au tomobile was wrecke! at Baumstown, near Heading. Their car collided with nnether ma chine while descending a steep grade and toppled off the rend into n field. The ether car did net btep, und it was net until a half hour later that motor ists saw the wreck nnd went te the as as sistnnce of the injured. The injured ure at the Homeopathic Hospital at Heading. LEAGUE NAMES DR. HALE First American Chesen te Study Methods of World Ce-operation the League of Nations, is te study and suggest methods of intellectual co-operation throughout the world. lie Is the first Amerltnii te be chosen for the com mittee. Prof. Einstein, the relativity expert; Madame Curie, the nullum autherity: Dr. Henri Bergsnn, of the Fienuh Academy, and Gillieit A. Murray, pro pre pro fesser of Greek in Oxford I'nivcrslt.v . are iiinniii; tlie oilier members desig- uiiled by tlie Council of the League, Camden Safe Robbed of $111 Thieves entered a gnu erj in T.P Knigliii avenue, Camden, InM uighl ami .llllllll - ll II'" 'Hill' in ."111,1111, .Ml NKU .,,..,.. i, feMI, tliul the snfe hnd been broken lulu and pullcc believe it was left open when the store wns closed for the dny. , "enk-mav iimic" rnssiiii.i:,' 'I' e.itliiK .Mr. 1'nnl'ii iirivliluntlnl implra tlniiH vvli'i ieH)t, Cliarlrs VV luike i.miikN iii all uf the "flivver inimimte'H" nitlvltliM i, ml tptes ihe iiucHiien flni's he ni.iii tn .vtx the enuntiy? t'lils unusual iirtlcle :ii ii"nr in in? JiHxarin sri'iiun r; tii' .'1. 1 1 llll I'l'IIIIC I.BI'UUn "Mjke Ilnli'l ' .Ici. Geneva. .lune 2.I. (By A. P.) Dr. .""'"" ' ,, ' V "",.,'," ler fmi) tercnt eight-round matches at the Phil Phil Geerge Kllery Hnle. director of the ,V-(',''1r(l,n2(,! "' (, e,1 Mll,lf,t- te .the lies Bnll Pnrl; nnd Inter he lut n fifteen f,,...Vi Xl'llu..,, I1l,t.,,.,.ni..,. l......i I llllCU fMUlCS, Wr. ll was one of tlie.i-nnn.l tmlces' decision .. llu. fHill.i.l.,1- i',.iif i,,,u !,....,, nt,.,.i,.,r Vi. i.in', i individuals i are in any ceuntrv nhln heuthimw nt the .Mudlsnn s,,,in,. representative of the International Continued en I-ucc'the. Column j"i,B (Ja';(1,cn,- S"' Yer, l"-v- (V.mmlltee which, under (he nnsnlees 1 rll'dllinil s tweilty-enn veals of ace. n n the l'onteinre al Philadelphia, Ia. Marc1.! 3, lb.l) 1 Tl, : DIPLOMAT, DIES Chinese Ex-Minister te U. S. Succumbs at American Hos pital in Canten SUN'S FOREIGN MINISTER HAD NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Was Offered Premiership Peking, but Steed by His Chief te End Wus Keen Wit Shown by Skill in Repartee "T like America. That Is why I have come back te her. And the American woman I like her ! She is T find lier ver' pretty, ver' re fined, ver' delightful." When asked by n 'woman of the fashlennble set why Chinese women compress their feet he said: "They squeeze their feet with the object of getting husbands. Angle- Snxen women squeeze their wnlts for the same reason. It's only n distinc tion, net n difference." Asked by another woman why Chinese tradition was se full of dragons, when no one ever saw a dragon, he asked: "Why de you attach te much importance te the Goddess of Liberty en your coins? Yeu never saw a Goddess of Lib erty, did you?" "I have found the secret of health. Ne liquor, no tobnece, no ment for me. One learns hew te llve sanely ns one advances In years." Special Cable Dispatch CetvrlaM. 19it, hu Public I.tdetr Company Hongkeng, June 2.'. Wn Ting Ting feng, former Chinwe Minister te Washington and lately Foreign Min ister In the Cabinet of Dr. Sun. Presi dent of the Seuth China Government, died nt an American hospital in Can Can eon tedny. It was learned tedny that Wu Ting fang, had remained in the civil gover nor's residence at Canten prier te the bombardment, when, owing te the fighting nearby, he moved te Generul Ngal Ileng-Ping's residence for safety and Inter fled te the Christian College with his secretary, where he remained tve dnys. Nervous breakdown then forced him te go te the hospital. He was treated by nn American doctor but died with n high fever. Dr. Wu Ting-fang, the "Grand Old Man of Chlnn," who wns born In Singapore in 1842, probably did mere i te cement the cordial relations between I i, . . ., .. ,.,.. ., , his country nnd the United Stntcs than any ettier envoy from the Urlcnt, with the possible exception of LI Hung Chang. Dr. AA'u was active in the formation J in el rue lamen vievernmenr, and ,. y. -. . . . ' nsi one of its officials signed the pretest which went te AVashingten accusing Jnpan of having fomented civil war in China. He worked hard, but with out marked success, te bring the North and Seuth Governments together with a view te organizing n united l'nrlla- uirm, in iinu nun ju. It was after this long term of hard SSft hat.. VS-XWr W, "' ! airMir .v. n 4i.il. uu iciuincii 1UU11I1K be much stronger that he told his friends he would Jive te be nt least 125 years, nddlng twenty-live years te an e'arller prediction. Unable le Unite Factious Dr. AA'u was unable te bring about a real alliance between Peking and Can Can eon, although he nnd Dr. Sun main tained that most liberal offers hnd wren mime. uv. vv ii currying tureugh his determination net te recognize Peking further, refused the offer of Peking te become n member of the Chi nese delegation te the Arms AA'ashing AA'ashing ten Conference. Last May he succeeded General Chen as Civil Governer of Kwangtung and wns mentioned as Foreign Minister in the LI Cabinet. Twe days later Dr. Wu wns reported te bnve tied from Canten witli Sun Ynt Sen, and en June 20 he was reported te bu with Sun en his expedition te Shanghai. Early this month he wns offered the Premiership of the new Government of China nt Peking by Li Yuan-Hung, the President deposed by the militarists in 1017, nnd restored' te power less thnn two weeks age. Dr. Wu. however, re- iimiii:u iuuiiiui ie ur, nun Supplementing his university training in England with extenblve travel, nnd Miss Cenifee was a secretary who under stood her employer, though his wife and famjly were distant nnd unappreciative. Their problem unfolds in en unusual manner in the sterv by Jeseph Hergeshcimer .vuther of "Cytherea" und ether vv-'dely discusied nov els, which will be printed in tomorrow's Evening Public Ledger. This noted Philn. dtlphin uuther is one of the contributors te the all - star series of American fiction nppeuriiic en successive Sat urdays nnd Never Before Published PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, Chinese Leader Dies WU TING-FANO Fermer Chlnce Minister te Wash ingten, who died In Canten today after a nervous breakdown BRITISH TITLE FOR HAGEN; UJ. SWEEP Detroit Gelf Star Crowned With 300 Barnes Gets 301 and Hutchisen 302 AMERICANS ONE, TWOJHREE Sandwich. Kng.. June 'J.I. 'J.I. secend ioiieciiiIe year nn -Fin- il,P ,, i Aineiicani wen the historic British open golf championship teduy when AV alter Ilegen. ' Detroit, former United States open ' champion tedny in the title (etnplcted his fourth round 71i strokes. This gave him wlih uu aggregation of 000 strokes. A shade less brilliant than Ilngen s I sensational golf was the playing of the . ether two American professionals. Jim names anil .loci; i niii'iiismi. Ilngen. Hutchisen nnd Barnes were ; the only United States playrrs of repute in tlie tournament and thev finished " ithin two slrekes of encli ether liutcr.iren. who wen the lli-l crown, hnd ".".-"(( today for nn aggregate of , .".02. He was beaten by Barnes, wbesi' 77-7" gave him a total for the seventy- two holes of 1101. Brilliant Ceif The new champion has played bni- Hunt golf all through the tourney. A forecast of his ultimate triumph was seen in the qualifying rounds of thirty 'Ax holes when he tied Jee Klrkvvoed. Australian champion, for low with a total of M7. Yesterdny In the first thirty-six Iiebw nf th.e "r.,,1"11 ,rJm4".V.ieu!,hlp llC ,Pd iUp classic held with 1-IH. Hagcn's card follews: m BBBBBBWaaaaEi&ak''' I aaaaaBnttavM&' HiL' w I VaaaHaKj29aW ' jaaaaw 'Js2 aaaaaaaaaaaflBK w- .aaaa sv aViHiWXHfe ;"' -BbVm V bbbhHeP Jaaaa asaHblvV .? i. 1 vaaaaM?;; . ' aaK'r vaaaaeL.'' ' aaP'-;? I aaHWilP'! I aaaiaf KaBi V ''it alaialalBaSL1'"'' A IaiaHHil! mm ''mmmmmmmmmmmmJt rinsT iter.NP out .... a n t t 4 4 1 4 .is In . . 4 I I I .-,: I) -1 0 38 TS snce.vi) keuni) out . . . 4 i 4 a .- :i i ,i r nn in ii i !i i ii i a ; i 37 i a tin THIRU IIOl'Mi Out i r, a : I a .-. -t n -:i In t I I .-..'. r, I II II 43 '.'.'j rei'imi hound Out r. 4 l r 4 ;i a a i 3.". In 6 3 S t 3 I & 3T Ti 30u American Swcen I mm . i . , The Americans eppeared te have ' swept thhe field, for unless Cnssiate. I of France, who had net turned in his ' Kdiri nn tn r. V M si expcctedlvlevv scores d and Hutchisen should return un- " Barnes will .stand I third. J. H. Centlnufil en I'nar TwniljMwe. Column One I FRIEDMAN GUILTY; 14-YEAR JAIL TERM Pugilist Convicted of Murder Along With Chicago Chauffeur Chicago, .lune 23. -(By A. P.) William ( "Sailor") Friedman, pugil ist, and AVlllinm ("Bed" I Cehen, taxi- nnd jlttirm n'ei'u tn n V I rsl i I tit tnnpilnt and sentenced te fourteen years ench in I the penitentiary this morning before JrTlgc Jehn U. Cuverly. Dnvld IMclmnn. brother-in-law of Judge Jeseph Schulmnii. und Max Miller, brother of I Urselic Miller, were found net gutltj . Friedman nnd his coiiipnnietis were tiled for the murder nf Abe Kubin In a Chicago saloon a month or two age. The murder was the outgrowth of a series of disturbances. Sailor Friedman, ti lightweight, has appeared in star bouts throughout the country. Ills last appearance in Phila delphia was an eight-round bout with Benny Leenard, thp champion. In the summer of IU2I Friedman met I Lew Tcndler, of tins city, in two dif Iinvlin. Iw,n linen In Vni.- V....1 .. ,.. ; :,,','", . . '" 'u.v'iiii' i-iiiiiiiii-iiuiu v.ri'iifsiru, icnvcs i hi 'June IS. N)IJ. He Minted his boxing afternoon for Bur Harber, where, with i-nreer in ltll. and besides Tcndler und ! bis, fnmlly. he will spend the summer Leenard he has met amoneg ether, Mrs. Olgn Samareff Stokewslti left "",.' , Shtweights 1 Charley White, e.le Wei- j ernl days age te get the house In nrdeV ling, hrnln Bice and Johnny Dundee. ' Accompanying Mr. Stokevvski is hls . "... infant daughter Senia nnd the cnek AST0R DEN ES DIVORCE ,' vrk s" " lew7b'"'. nP. s"e. UL Ikowekl an upiier, while Senia has , Wife Will Return te New Yerk In Fall, He Says Upen Arrival New Yerk, June ''.".,- (II.v A. I',) Vlt.eeni Atlnr ii'linned te'lnv en'lhe .Miiutetiiniii. supplementing (IciiIuIn iiiailc icreiiil.v in Paris hy .Mis, Aster tlmt im.v ill voice proceedings wcie under way. "Yen can't u.nltv the dciiinl any tee het for me." he said "This was one e! the first questions fired at uic when I came out of war service and I am gelling sek of it." ""' Mr. Asier said he has spent half his vacation abroad with his wife in Paris, nuc wi i i ci iii ii ie i ue .vsier Heuse I'ltlh ineiiiit' i,(t full, Mhdi ,'mi lli !. of itrliiiiF , i .in' r wurriNu. vVinlliu i'ui-ci I'timpuni .liUt oil vvr- .. -..-in-, tintillahfcri tl.illv Urfnrtt .Stint. IV fllltiPCt Ifillfin l'f.CG SO U 1 CAT LV Ma.t JUXNUj Z, lUISZ " INT 1. S. MARSHAL Chester Paster, Spenser of' Bootlegger Dry Agent, Puts Mathues Under Fire SAYS FEDERAL OFFICIAL HAS STOCK IN BREWERY Dr. Davis, Enforcement Head, Says He Won't Fire Ex Liquor Man Tlie Ifi'v. Dr. Jehn Gniii.itu. In de fending his iiidergi'tncnl of Kiunr A. Davis, a prohibition agent, today suggested an investigation of United States Miirshnl Matheus. Agent Davis, in court yesterday, ad mitted that prier te his appointment lie had delivered whisky In violation of the law Prohibition Director Davis will nnl "fire" or suspend him. "Why plrk en Agen Davis?" n-Ued Dr. Graham'- today, ns he sat en the bench outside his liltlc cottage at Ilcnch Arlington. N. .1. "Why don't they in vcstlgntf W. Frank Mathues. the United Suites Marshal? "Mntbues is n stockholder in a big brewing cumpniry. Admits Hacking Davis Dr. Grnhmn is pastor of the Bethany Church, of Chester, and Is chalrinnn of the f'ivlc Committee which has been fighting ruin resorts nnd vice in that Delaware County community. The clergyman without hesitation said he had indorsed Agent Davis for the Federal pest and thnt the Indersement had the O. K. of the Anti-Saleen League. I Director Davis disclosed that he used tlm .p1f.nrl;nnu'ldcpd former bootleg- 1 ger for special Investigation work nnd sns he always mnne goon. l.dg.'ir a. unvis is wu- i u"i ." . , .pstifvlne mruinst a saloon- fcppper. admitted he hnd violated the Velstead act himself and tbut the nil-, therltles knew it. . , J lie Niioenitpcprr, i.;mii.-i u.iusuui n , nf Chester, was acnuittcd. Director Davis, who Is net related te the ether man. was ashed today it he intended te "fire" the agent. "I nin net going te suspend Davis or nsk for his resignation.", the Director ,, , '..r)n T0 think a man who admits C wa u bootlegger is qualltteil te en- , ferc(J 1l(1 prohibition law?" the Director , . asbc( i "Saw Errer of Way" Davis, in my estimation, ts in the (.l0ss of n sinner who saw the error of his, wnvs nnd decided te CO straight lie replied. "Why should I halt him in his desire 'te lend an honest life?" "I de net knew who sponsored the appointment of Dnvls. All I knew i that I did net appoint him. lie wns made a Government agent while Mr. Butter was aweclatc director with Sen Sen aeor McConnell. "Since I have been In charge. Agent Davis hns been absolutely straight. There Is nothing whatever against him 1 de net believe jurors will be swayed by the fact that nn empleye of this department hnd delivered liquor unlaw fully before he became n Government agent. "I de nei believe that a jury would consider nuv evidence given by Agent Davis as untrustworthy because of the ndmiKsien he is said te have made. "Davis. 1 believe, is new en the straight mid narrow path and is n vnliieble aid te the Government. AA'hen special invest ignt ions are required I have used him and he has always made "00(1- ' mue n0 intention of nslslng for his resignation." , ' Makes Clese Distinction Davis reported for duty ns iu.ua! ibis merninir nn the fourth flcer nf the Feil- eral Uulldlnc. He denied thnt he liiul said en the stand lie wns n boetlee- 8". He a'd he testified he had dellv- ered liquor for another man. Jn drawing tins distinction, Agent Davis said lie took whisky te private in. iliviTmals In this State but outside of Chc'-tcr. his home town. He nsserted he did net sell the liquor himself and thnt In making the deliveries he was acting for tome one else. "But I defy any saloonkeeper in Chester or elsewhere te prove that 1 ever sold them any whisky," the agent declared. He had made "a clean breast" of his activities before liK an- l,0lntment, he said He formerly worked as an extra clerk , in the bete of Jehn J. I.uttrell. Third ! nud Highland streets, Chester, ri,. wa I employed n-i u sbipyntd riveter and j performed Ids hotel duties at night and I en Sundajs. Celes Is Itrllcent District Attorney Celes was asked i what effect the testimony of n Govern I ment ngent nnd former bootlegger -would have en a jury. "I de net want tn comment, en the general effect." he replied, "but I real ize the success of our prosecution of liquor cases, ns well as of nil ether cases, depends en the credibility of our witnesses." ST0K0WSKI OFF FOR MAINE Orchestra Conductor and Family Going te Bar Harber lie I.eennld Stokewski. ititi, In. ,,.,.. ., ..,,,. 1.1..I.1.. 1 il ' ,"""'i'l "1 cempanmi'iii. Leve Will Never Die ll's the fiisi-iliiililiB sterv ,,f gill's Inllh. uplltling a ' nvkles, uiun iituil lie's vveithy of thL. ti,.t and iilU'i-lien she gave him. It's the gripping nnrrative of ., wastrel's redemption tliieujjj, ,),',. icgenrrntliig power of a tine, noble passion. H'.s ilch in human iutcret ,, ,N iiiinii plot, while half a dozen ether big chiiructcr.s curry en iWu mere interesting episodes. Ucfiins Tomorrow Cutiyr'nlilr l!'-'.'. U. S. Tries te Settle Ceal Strike by Compromise I Threatens te Seize and Operate Mines if Nege tiatiens Fail Approach of Fuel Shortage Calls for Quick Action lly CLINTON XV. UlLKHKT M IV Cnrrtminnilrnt. KirulnK I'ubllc l.rrUrr i uBjitll.i. 1VH. IiU tusiiiugleu, .iiiiie .'. i lie Aiinun- istratlen is milking an effeit te bring the coal strlki- te nn cud. It is hoped i that the next feitmqlil will see an agreement worked e"' beiwcen mini' weikcr.s nnd opcratei- If tln present negol'iitlens fail, tin erciiui' ul will ; nf Congress u.iil,it l Ink.- evrp and iijieriite eiieugi l lie union mini's te give the eeillllM nil iiileqilllle supply of coal. The strikers up te the present have been se far wiccessful that the available coal has been steadily decreasing and in a month benie parts of the country i will suffer from a shortage. The strike hns new gene fur enough se thnt It " plain te each side that ' neither can pect a complete victory. The mine owner" no longer hnvc any hope of breaking (he unions. They still desire te end the national agreements, j Shutdown of Mines Effective The strlkei". h.ive hnd rather the better of it In the comet. They have caused an effective shutdown In the union fiplds and the non-union mines' hove nor produced a supply adequate te the needs of the country. The shortage is coming n little sooner thnn the op- , erntev.s expected. The mine werkr have net suffered seileiislj from the strike, mi it is said. Employment in ether lines lias been reasonably easy te find and the union funds have been "iilficlcnt te aid tlieic who hnvc been unnb'e In support them selves niif-ide flip minee Se It is lie- LAST-MINUTE NEWS CHICHERIN IS REPORTED SERIOUSLY ILL LONDON, June 23. A Central News dispatch fiem Berlin reports that Foreign Minister Chicherin of Soviet Russia has been taken ill. His condition, the message says, is regarded as rather serious. BOLSHEVIST INVASION ALARMS POLAND PARIS, June 23. An invasion of Polish territory by bands of Bolshevist troops within the last twenty-four hours is caus ing much cenncern in official circles, where the fear la voiced that encounters between Polish forces nnd the Bolshevists might t-nbily lead te countries. The te Moscow. the opening of Polish Government has sent POLICE BEAT WOOD Are Convinced Fenimore Lawrence Was Slain in Penny-pack Creek Park BANDIT'S MASK FOUND Pelii e in'1 I'i.i'iiiu- ihe woeil.- iiliuig searching inr tnis-.ir- eliVits of IVni IVni ineri'C. l.iivMeiii e, the Miiith liiuidercil in Peim.v pai k - eek I'arl. Monday lllght. Tile iiedv vvn-i tellllil Wedlies du.v . nlier henv 1 .tin- had washed avvnv all tiacis ,1: :inj pusviblc sfriiK gle, The.v are niuviiiied the bevAvviis relit'cd, lin 11 Un '. Mr. nud .Mrs. Miirini l.nvvieiice. parents of the jeuth. identified the body in the morgue. The father rellapscd and hnd te be tiss.sied te his home. Lawrence was twenty-one ye.irs old, nnd lived at 102,'t Fni-uh street. He wns a bntanisi nud entomologist. He ficuuently collected l.ire specimens U scientists, and wiw "ell paid .for his work. When killed l.e was staitiug upon his annual snriiij h ke in search of specimen! s. When he let. hi' home he carried a revolver, a knapsack . containing a sleeping bag, an nv . some feed, con siderable menev. -m '1 books nnl eq'i'pment for preserving spedments. Frem the evidence at hand xillce Centlniinl en I'ucr Ttve t'etiinin Twe HOLD MAN WHO SET OFF CHARGE OF DYNAMITE Fire Marshal Elliett Orders Probe ( of Legan Blast Jehn Piniiie. !is."tl West Indiana ave 1 nue, who set off ihe i lunge of d.v nuinite csierdii.v which hurled imks through dwi'llint.s in the .Vint i block of North I Fifteenth stieet, vvn- held in SJIllt) bail itu'av b.v Maglstiiite l.mdell for nnether lu.iring next Fildu.v . ' In the meantime Fire Mni-slnl F.llieli hnB been ordered ie ninke n thorough investigation te determine the lenl cause of the e.ilo-ieii winch damaged a number of home- nnd injured n w ninn ii The lonirucier. I. mils MniU, undei whose diieclien the ixcitviltiuii work is being done, was net held. The charge ngniiiM I'anice i- in-sauli itud battel v by incident. ' "Mr. Murks is known te be one of 'tlie most caieful lontriicters in the 'city," said AsslMnut Flic .Marshal Wliltinere today. "If we had consid ered the blasting near enough the houses iu ic iiii nucieus we weuiil net have tier. ...t..i i. " l l" ' mltted It. I 110 iOl' HAN'T CSKd MTIIMOIIII r Th elf I.IIIM 'emnia, or Ili.Publie l!.,,V 1 till Nuiiif of tnc hcHl liai-aitliiK in lit fitunu III. U'scU Cum un Page 5U .lii. u,lu FOR MURDER CLUES by Public l.eitiser flemrnny 1'vhUc l.riluer CuMttmj neveu ncie tlint Hern des te the con treversy nic In a mood te compiemise. The only difficult Issue Is the national nereement". The uerkeis an- fighting te continue these giecmnnt because they nre a -.eiiri't of slri-ngtb te the union. The mine operators wMi te end them and substitute ler them distrii IHlliAnliil.llli ill. Ilil.,,.l, l,iinlln tlllt w, w,nkM ,,, 1Iiim,i bl ,)(,f.(Uls, "nine ei tlie poorer mining ill-tilets can- nnl operate en the baN of wug . fixed j en a national siale. i Threat Strongest Argument ! The tin cat te take ever anil operate (lie mltie.s is the strongest iiigument the Government has in seeking n settlement. Neither side wishes te see (lie Govern- ' ment te de this in the vviiv In which the Government proposes te de it. The , operators are strongly ngnint nny Ge -eminent operation of mines i The miners would like te see the Government seize and operate nil the mlnc. Hut. they de net deli opei.i epei.i opei.i tieti of pint of the mines. n tills would weaken the strikers by giving the pub lic adequate supply of coal Thus the Administration Is vtrnieji cnlly in a strong position. j The outbreak of vielue jM Illinois is the result nf the first effort te op- ' crate the shutdown mines with trike- ' breakers. A similar attempt will preb- ably be made in Indiana and Pennsyl vania within the next few days. It niay be followed by bloodshed, ns it was in Illinois. Ne action b,v the Federal , authorities is expected te come from it. ' Tlie coal strike ha new been going en twelve weeks. The -it. union is i In-. ; The vveeklv piodui-tJeii of binimliK.i' -C'r,ntlnul vin I'rice KKliten i nluinn 'Ihree hostilities between the two a vigorous pretest PROMOTER NABBED W. A. Benjamin, Pennsylvania Building, Accused by Snow Hill, Mel.. Clients GOT $16,000. IS CHARGE Will. mil A Iteii.i.iiii.ii, lull espe inliv of vnrnni n. 1- f Mn.vv Hill. Mil., vva- -i i - c-t t.,i i !. in lu ilh, - In the Pennsvhaui.i lieltllil teiMith tillil I'l.est't- I -t's.'t t, v Itli emb' ..Iih" ;;ii;.niili. I?. F.f chat Ue 1 lit iibti'ine.l tli.s nm.iiiut. iit.er'.ng t" pulli . hrniicli vale of iil'eced nilse oil 'tin',, ami bv titln r methods , A circuitous trail whicli led tru.n Mievv IIU1 te numerous titles nnd towns and eventually te Philadelphia, resulted in Benjamin's ceptuie ufte" nearly a venr's senn h He was taken back te tlie Mnrvliind town tins after after neon bv Sheriff William Shap'ev, and Mate Policeman Taiiper Tin- accused promoter l- nssuietl of a warm wcheme en Ins at live, as scores of businev.s mm nnd bankeis who becinne tinniicln'i'v lnte'esttd in i,i. various schemes aie ai.inng these who made the charges against Imn. mini reached bete jesteidav that Benjamin hnd opened ethce- :n the Pennsylvania Building. His piesence was discovered bj Detectives I'mmnnuel nnd (.Jiiiun. f Ciw Mall. Thev set In touch with Sheriff Shnpelv and rhe iieci'ssiirv extradition piipei w,,.. , ranged Arrested In Ulllce .Shape, v and the di'tc.-tivt s i.ill,., ut I.eninmln's fti c and nfter he opened his desk informed him tlmt he va un der arrest. Benjamin is n tall, vvell-bulli tvp,. and of impiessive iip,..ii,i)i,.,.. . Mi.neth voice und n ('liestertiehliiin deimuuer nie aiiieiig ether assets He i r his ful, helijht of six tret one nud Mild tpiiih. "YUiy. theie must le n mistake. ..,,. tlemen." lie e'ented hi. rvehrnws bin sli,,e, im sign of indlgnatl.iii. Sheilff Simplcv said he was pi el l, v surt there was n i el nu ll Well If von fei I ill, II mii.V alieil' it." said Benjamin. "I'll ,, ale'inr. ju ju te prove theie's a nil-take The Sut'llll quickly produced a pair of hiiuiiciiffi. Tlie.v did mil iippcn' ie Benjamin who wa dicssfij m mn,,, i mrl.v sum mer fashion "I'll s.vc vei ui'v word us it genllciiiaii." he Mini, "tliin I'll go iiliniK if you II jut ill-pi'u-.e with niese ernaiiients Sheriff I'he Sheilff filled te t a Li Takes Mis Weld oeked him ever and dc his word. Benjamin cliifCtl his office and nivv that every- inine was sinp-snupe neiere ienvin "I want te leave limits right. " he -aid. ' for I'll seen be bind, " lie then nrcenipniiled hi- uipteis ,i i mi nun AS OIL SWINDLER nnirtp rmxrn nirMTwiiw juvjjj i.iu v- -- WM PLOT TO SLAY OTHER BRITISH CHIEFS IS SEEN Terrorist Campaign Bared In Connection With Killing of Marshal Wilsen 15 MEN AND ONE WOMAN ARRESTED IN LONDON Cabinet Members Discuss Hew te Frcvent Further Outrages TWO ASSASSINS ARRAIGNED Fighting Breaks Out in Belfast. Military and Police Fire en Meb "'Ttl Bj 1 isermt'il l'rc-i IajiiiIiim. June IN!.- -The police ivytO' t.gatlii'; tlie nssa.-.siintien ye-ttrday of Field Mnrsbal Wi'seu have come mf ;.oscssieii rf de(,iim"nts. -a.v.s the ('an tral News today. di-('!ning it conspiracy te take the live, nf a number of prom inent person and conduct a campaign of eutrnces. Fifteen mm nnd one woman were arrested in Ihe raids thinugl.eut Lon Len Lon eon Inst night in reiineetlnn with the nssusslnntlnn. It was announced In the He'ise of Commens this morning b.v Austen Chamberlain, government lender. fie stated ev-rij step possible was he.ii" taken for tiie protection of life in Ireland and nngland. nnd intimated Mi-" a discussion of Irish affairs would he held en Monday. Prime Minister l.'.eyd Geerge, he stated, was new bold ins a conference en matters connected with the assassination of Marshal Wil Wil eon. The Scotland Yard (lying squad made r,irther raids today. The.v took u man lier of men te, the Common Hew sta tion for interrogation. In the house nt' the weinnn arreted a qunntil.v of ei ei ple.sivcs. wus found. Twe Arraigned for Muiiler James O'Brien and J-inirs Connelly, who were arrested directly after the sheeting, were arraigned In th" West minster Police Court today and charged with murder. They were remanded for one week by the magistrate. Leng before the court opened n great crowd assembled in front of the Court house, but owing te the limited uecop uecep uecop medatioiiH. the police tlgoreusly ex"--., cltiiled ihe general public, only al'levving lhee connected with the case and tb newspapermen te enter. The accused men were taken te the court room in a titxiciib and under I strong guard from the Gerald IJead po lice station. Twe officers rode Inside nnd one with the driver. All were fully armed and ulert. In the ce-irt room were a number of plain-clothes officers who have been engaged in the last year In dealing with the Sinn Fein out rages in Londen. As the cab abruptlv pulld up nt the Court Heuse, the deer was thrown open and the accused were hustled into the building. The ceutt proceedings lasted enlr a few minutes. The pilseners were formally charged with the murder of Field Marshal Wilsen and the attempted murder of Constables March and Saver mill Alexander Clark, n cluiufleur. Wear Bleed-Stained liand.-iges 'Ihe prisoners both weie rhick. blood bleod bloed siiiineti blindages about their ',e,-uN a thiv steed before the liar. P .,i uthig "iin-el said no lime would b lest In i bringing tin- pri-eiieis te justice He listed , jut till- liaiqes of the w tlietscs should net be publishcil nor photo irrnphs taken in ll irtroem Sucli publication lie deelimd. would be nn IntPi-fer e with justice .nnl perhaps u i lime ngiilnst .( jety. A polite Inspicter who notified said that wlien the priseueis wire fermalli-t-iinrgeil witli the i rime at tlie p.ill station 'nither would replv He sia,d that Connellv Inter .s,fd : I. it m order te as!, hew tin etln I chaps are iilH were slut; ';" When told thai both men v, re pre-gies-'iiK faveiiibl.v . eentinticti tne In spector, both the iiriseiicrs s,i,d ; "SS aie glad te hear that." .1. II .Mm Deiilieil, who pifv,nilv had appeared In the tletense f Sinn Fein pilsniieis, represented the acciseil Tlnmtgiintit the Iieniing O'Brien le.miMi en the rail of tlie deck, bin ti ll.'lllil lie Ienised ill Illltl VV I' h'.ivll, marked under the right eye. Connelly steed iili his aims folded ar 1 eci-a-siniiii'lv g'iim nig across in I) Itilt ii He had a v nr en the chin Inquiry et Monday I'lie inquiry into the ibaih of the Held minsh.il will be held Mnndnv l.lllen Plate, tlie scene of vest "-day's 'nine. vvhMi iiidiuiinlv- is a quiet p'nt wns , it,w ded tmlay. The ihniugs ills-ciis.i-d the trngedv nnd gazed nt the bul let hole in the deer of the house neai by. Police maintained u 'lese wal'h of tin home ii,' l.niil Caison. en the same street Lord Can-eii hm-ie!f pnsiied fi"" bis b te a wuiting iiiotercir se niilckl.v i his, miuniug thai he eluded phutngrnpheis Cotlllell.V and U'llneii me heth frtf. 'iii soldiers, win, have been IMii" at Cro.viien, a Londen subuib. Dap "was emnle.'ed for some time as a nlghr wall limit it in tin- (Mivernuieiit ellices in U'hiteluill, obtaining his pn-t there b" en Use of bis army it cord. The iissiihslnnllen lint stirred up Great Briiiilii te the ieilhs. MltiKled with the feelings of honor nnd dismay inn iippttlicusleiis of fiiither eutriiges. In ceiniei tien with Ih polls uf , S.iiii l'i III plot, the statement Is miu! tlint cer'niit hiiii-es, tin linliii',- Ihe Wil- Mill marl l'i IiimI sonic Inline, have been nit ierliin.(ir eil recently . Ml Miir.hiil Wil i, .,U',,r.,i lecclved Ihri'lllciiin.' I, tiefb (r nn' ii iiueiivuiiius inn i, llu,. seiin cs. nor did Itellci'. Inn he piild no heed le them. n- k-i'ji-i me matter te Hit) lie .ueitieii of nsaui aiming th,, pelii.' with ailleiiiatif piMt.ls Is bekif ceusdi'Kil bj ihe Government mit Stetlau," Yui.l In iev .;. r,.i ' Ihe liiiic of tin eiitbi't'ii!. nf n; ctiidl.iilHii lu Londen nud cew'i,', llneiiglumi l-:uVluiiU only u f,v ,i, llt J i?J te..V'.,f..,.,fflV M&) MU. nkmmvM. : lli