faTtt)&i -V'-V-t. 1)i,Tt l.w. r; T-jnvi dt t f P . KVJ r V '"$$ fw.w- $mmsmmm , '.1t S -va',v f , , rngy"- t y. . . -.m "' nt y.'7i f "i 'ifM ' fA:m 6 EVENING PUBLIC ' LEDGER PHILADELPHIA:,- 'THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1922 v ':,? K gp,,- Y- vt v-v . vftw-w, v 'A-.vj vw(-j 4li;v' l; SSWaHSHlHfEfflWlftftBtWS Wv v --, -. -i n VLVTK'JVrf3-iKi ' ' W" r.' . v j -tv i jfc & , Vf , n- r j . 4 m m i V t f M i H fg !l!i 8T ST r KW .fifl & II m s sr lip, f CONFESSION OK E MAYOR TO DEDICATE ROBERTS AND MANDER STOVE COMPANY GAS COMPANIES AND DEALERS DERIDED ACCEPTED NEWTENNISCOURTS Gas Ranges A full tine at our thrtt ttertt. all attractively priced vi'.li.UPlX 1026 fS 263 Arch 7 Se. 2nd - 590 Broe J Sf., Stwark. N. J..-. Expert Insanity Feigner's Story Other City Officials te Take of Bosten Murder New Be- Part in Exercises June 27 lieved Truth in Fairmount Park IS NOW IN PRISON HERE GAME DEVOTEES PLEASED The tnverner of Mnaehusrtt nnd Miner Monre, member of Council iVnnNanl.i III enter into enrrespen- ,, hr nnneunt 1'nrk Comml-Men denee ever the fate of n humble prls. ... ,. . , .,.., .,- i nAcreie ener nt tl.e rnMcrn IVniteutlnrj . ""' imrUnpntP June -.In cxer.uc. The convict's real name i Jessie te he held in connection with tne open- Ittinker. of Worcester, Mas-". He was luj. of new tennis court In r.iir.neunt oeinmntrii n rrniiK .miin, nun i known nt tlie pcnltentinry ass Jesse (DESKS Office Equip- ment, Weed & Steel Filet Jeseph L. Shoemaker & Ce. n.ink, enire, Library .1 M-hoel 1'urnlture At 926 Arch St. Since 1884 llietn.lkrr UiilldlnK) nsHSHSHSH5Hsasz5ra5cr5HsasasHSju LOOK at our ADDING MACHINES before you buy All Makes, Lewest Prices COLLINS, 831 Chestnut St. riinnj Mitlmit 3173 zc&Stt I PENCIL g Fits the yf Hand Like mH&JJ a Finger mSm Writes MjW Streak kMmk Ijjm A Pencil jlm That Neither lm Belittles Ner JK Belies I t's I Um Name L tT.S( II. PRODI (T (OKI.. W Neu erk A Blinker. It i dclreI (e cef him n imrilen from n 'ontein'c of tole te thirteen nr for slmntini; Dnvlii Pinlnw In the lrc ntiil nrni Mn roll W. 1!'17. In an nttniipteil rehbrr.v. Tlie (intorner of Mnaoliuett wnnt Uiinker et froe. It l net thnt tlie prisoner may onjej- hi liberty, hut 'hat he may he irleil for miiriler ami perliapn he srnt te the oleotrio chair. T..e cae of Iiunker iv ene of tlie triince.t in the crim annal of th Ka-tern I'onitentlar.v. Ma'.aehtiMtt unnt him for tlie miiriler of a man whom he ..het through tlie vtoinneh early in 1017. nt Maiden, .i suburb of Hoten. i. VuT r''1'' ('rlme two brother named Hellin have been tried and found guiltv. It I new known that the nre Inno Inne rit. Hunker- env lotion will mean their exoneration. Confession .n Scouted A wranse feature , that Hunker con cen fesced t the murder nearly two and a half .ear. nRe, but no ene believed i,,n. tte.'ent cireuniftaii.e hae borne out one of the .trancest tales eer told In n oenvlot. Warden MeKent. of 'thn hastern renitentlar.. touched at the man iery. Se thoreuzhl.v N he eon een Jlne,,l new of Its truth that he ha ust been te Hnm.ti. where he appeared before the (irand .lurr. Hunker's i-enfe.nn was net lie level h,.oaue every one theueht him insane. He is Known ns the "mnn who Rees rrnzy nt the Tavern I'enlten u.ii Alienist say he Is a niarvel- us v expert foistier of inaniu. He las been pronounced Insane bv remmls. s..ls eompesed of the foremost expert in the medical profession. And et whenever he ha chosen, he lm lest lark. The dedicatory cerelsc will In (dude n peech by the Maer. a concert by the I'hlludel'phli I'olleo Kntitl. mi , ovhlhitlen tennis match and a dinner at Holment Manlen. 'Hie new courts are fc'"s constructed uniler the direction of Alan Corsen. chief entlneer of the Valrnnniiit 1'iirk Commission. rorty-eight new court ( iilenc the Speedway and tit Woedfor 1 will he thrown open te the public and are modeled nfter the court at the Philadelphia Country Club. , Tennl ha bee Increasing in pop ularity r.iildlj. Ker je.ir the old i 'kln" court nt Woodferd, near Thir t -third und Dauphin streets, sorted the needs of the follower of tlie net: but tlie game hat become mi popular that devotee appealed te the commis sion and Clt Council for mere play ing space. William T. Tilden. wmlil' champion single tennl plaer, ami ether prominent Philadelphia plaxer appeared before Council and urged the nppropriltien. City Council then ap propriated $50,000 for the improxe imprexe improxe metif. Twenty-four new ceurti are bein-.' huilt along the old- Speedway near Voedlde Park along the line of the Park trelles. Alteration have been made at th' ehl Read lrier' Club en the Speed way adjoining the new court. Link ers and shower bath have been in 'tailed. Officials of the Park Cnmml!eu hae had considerable trouble in the pr with tennis court hog. Seme plaer have sent Le out te the courts m the morning te. bat balls around the court until the were ready te pla . When the new courts nre opened lugging will net he tolerated. Tin Bungalow Cleck Hcrsclicdc 8-day clock movement, 5-tube Westminster chimes, mahogany case, 6' 10j" high, 24" wide, Wj" deep $250. The Bungalow clocks arc appropriate, in size and design, for apartments and s'immcr homes. The one here shown is selected 'from our many styles. 5. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. I'lAMONL) MERCHANTS JKWHI.lir.S SILVERSMITHS ,-GOODYEAR KEDS-i Fer Men, Women, Beys and Girls $1.00 $1.50 $3.25 M ButMnt Cavt. bve fS J.'C'SiJf I Hy(IJ ffK I "-"SkL. f t ffc- . yl 'Ji Tyj 1 wrvK"j-, rQ ""-QHALW ' V. RESTFUL I ifcSS3eis. Ufa I JFYX -Ji r2 $2.oe LADIES' & MEN'S Feather weights and in n bag, $25 value Beys' and Girls' Coats, $3 RAINCOATS $!5 Be Mat Hn w ft A r Kdl te tb efflc and en the llnkii Wo men In Ktdi Dad tbelr h e u work tiy: cnuarte ti u their eft. ellent "burefoet" at- radi. Sxll. B 11.00 Batter OleTtt. Wt Toetbillt. (l.M .emtHREU Garden Hese, 12c a feet $2.50 'tr-trs Bunas wb havis it VESTA Hyedea 0n TTntll p. w 8turdaT 820 CHESTNUT ST. Wholesale and Retail $2-7 stepped being Insane. Flnallv he ! ,t .. m t,., ..ii,. e.i u- .,.-.. t.,t t , ' -.- ,,- .,, " M'."""'l .,,.,. ..... ll'l,t. VI inLilnlli " .-. , , ..... . .1 .i ...-..4,1.. u? puning at a nine n inrre are ntner waiting. In addition te the new courts along the Speedwaj. old "skin" Hay court at Woodferd have been rebuilt. Prnwaid Mill Order rilled If Ac. cempanted bj Meney nfpssej that his hen. Hunker was sentenced here shertlv af'cr his nfnek en Klnlaw. He was n'e sooner in fall than he began te feign wl..nt ins.miti A commission com cem com lescd of Dr. Alexander H. Carver. Dr. I. Holllngswerth Slter. nnd Xihn H. Ieer. a layman, with the expert ad J" ''of Dr. F X. Derciim. Dr. S. D. Indium and Dr. X. S. Younger, exam 'ied linn and pronounced him. crazy. At the hospital for the criminal In sane nt l'arnivicw he began te get "letter" lit once. When his recnnl Jwk inn 'J .r&'K. Teach Children Te Use Cuticura Seap Bseause it Is bst for their ter.der elcins. Help it new and thi with touches of Cuticura Ointment applied te first signs cf redness or rough ness. Cuticura Talcum Is also excel lent for children. lutJitiariMtTVii: atmi "Ci-i-yulu-mxiiu.s.niir Lutityiu h'..T.'j. lw- 5p 3 0trrnt 2J-dtC 7imJ5 aWVCutjeur Sep tlteree without muff. PUBLIC SCHOOL STAYS OPEN HERE DURING SUMMER Te Be Used fervSpeclal Classes and Recreation Center Werk Fer the tirst time in the public school was Ioekoii un. it was fenn.i thnt iie history of t hi- city, a nnrt of a school Ind been a patient at the Mnsnidmett plant will net only be kept working all S'ate Hospital for the Iiwine, and through the sinniner. iml wln 3j,j BUt there had been Hafsed as a fakir bv work for full measure, the snprrintendent. ' The Kearney Scheel. Sixth street and Hunker sp(.nt ten pleasant months at Fairmount avenue, will be open from Farmvlew ; then Dr. William H. S A. M. until 11 P. M b, ginning I.wieh. the superintendent, became con- July .". Mnced lie was s,ammnK n,j kpnt ,m Amerleanizatien classes for tidults, back te the penitentiary. nutrition Hap. for uiiderfej rhildren, Me ai scarcely baek In prison and playground activities in the after- "hen he seemed te be a crazy as ever, neon and evening and again after '. :H() Again they appointed a new" cemmls- for adults, is the general program. It son Dr. Carver, Dr. Ues V. Pat- is intended te make the Kearney Scheel 'ersen and Mile D. H.ildy. the Inst de service this summer as a community named, a lajnian. Dr. Lynch was recreation center as well as a place for Hilled te testify, and declared with mental training. great pusitiveiiess that Hunker was a fraud: that he had heen caught with a gun at th" sanatorium, and that h i, .id tried tn escape. Yet Hunker was -. eenvincinsH crazy, with twitching f.ice. h.nid that picked at the sheet, s'nrtng eip and grotesque contortions, 'i'i the Heard of Ixjiert shipppj him 1 .H k te "nrmviw Tlnr" at last. Dr. I.jtieh broke him own. He cenfnsspii hi- insaiiiti was "lined, ti-id s,.id lnt ;j. n ,,i.n e had contrived te get into the Hridge vater Sanr fnntiin in I issp, ;iuett. t r te learn hew te .it crazy. Hunker sii' i.e wanted te grt te Farmvlew he. lause h.. belieed he ( euld i seape frm.! niit.il riere fi-ih than from tin prnitenti.ii . i in t'i- second commit- 'in te the sanatorium Hunker wa a ;!!' t: freni Octehfr L'J. IPlfl. te lie-'r"-;l.ir '! of th' nrii. wir. It was a' -re- i nil iif , 1- ;,i t hut he ennfe-sel I v Hest i'i :u ,rrli r. Me 'n.ide a tlurtv. le pige -tateinent. -jjing that n-i .Tmuar' .'.". !'17. le had broken into hi home of fernii r Judge Jehn D '' 'ii. : t D'Tef. nnd telen several i ripe de 'nr ii i a-ii iitid a .l.'.nfl -I. k'.n i "dj1 t" r.o-'en v i er' lie .ti.ij, up a g-'ii-.rv -tore ime -lut the i"niii;i 7n l.e mme te Plil'rideliihla. he 8'id c.nunit'eii the fime fr,r APPOINTMENT SURPRISES Name Pettsvllle Man Police Lieu tenant In Lewer Merlen The announcement by Chairman of Pellie Martin T. Olenn, of Lewer Mer Mer eon Township, of the appointment of Jehn Knuiz. of lit t ille. as lieutenant of police te assist Captain Donaghy, has eci asiened much surprise among re-ident near Ardmore. The announcement was made Iat niclit at a meeting of the Lewer Merlen Township Commissioners udd at Ard more Fer the lust ten jears Sergeant Pat rick Mullin has been acting a asM ant te the chief, and it was geneiallj ixp'ctcl that he was te be nuiued lieu". tenant. Kautz will assume his duties Julv 1 and will receive a snlarv of SI!)!! a ear Hen nt he has hei a chief of the einpan police of the Pcniisj hnma Iren and Ceal C"iiinaii nt I'ettsville II,. no sarte.j rust, com anting served n n enrs with the State peliic ei . en th" wai ri n a 1 1 land- HONOR RETIRED FIREMAN i-i !s wns -pi,i r1 t -p j'enitintiai ri'e t''e eori'essien. made m M.e .-in . ' I'.es-i.n ethc.nl- li a n 'd'M.fied l i'', e. hre ,gl t - ,(S the man who eic .p fie re ' e night of the '.. ,i '" pfcp-yy -rrjj; Orfcrd (, Banquet Is Given te Geerge Scho- field at Engine Ce. Ne. 16 A baniuet was ;iun in t h lirclieiw of Liigme Cempanj 10 i,st night, m honor of (Jterge Schefield, who has he- leiiic n pensioner. Tlie buiikroem w.i- 'kcerateri with flags and palm tut - 34100 talien Chief WaWli wa toast nntcr. rn ia'e ,,n,l Captain I! Frank Cewker. (pf Ur ,rua;. 1 ad'iuarier. gine a short talk SIHifi- Mr Schetifld was in th, dewntni'ii Sewing Made a Pleasure ID L ti TnA i filj M 111 aaiPini3fcrriW it Sl I Kflll LIlBLHLiaLLLLwLalslaLLLHBVLLLILaHJ WE WILL GIVE ONE of the Wonderful New Willcox & Gibbs Portable Electric Sewing Machines te the person that sends or brings te us (in two hundred words or less) the best "reason why" a woman should own and use this machine. Fer the second best reason a S25 credit allowance will be made en the purchase of a W. & G. machine. Fer third best, a $15 credit. Fourth best, a $10 credit. Each of the next ten a $5 credit. Contest open te everybody except our own empleyes. Closes June 30, The W. & G. Portable Electric Sewing Machine gives you the means of getting "motive power" from any elec tric current instead of sapping your own nervous energy. It does all the high-class sewing that any ether standard machine will de and will de it in any room in the house having an electric socket. The speed can be controlled, fast or slew as you wish it. Sews any weight material with equal efficiency. Ne bobbins te wind. Ne tensions te regulate. Your old machine taken in part payment. Yqu will find it very convenient te have one with you en your summer vacation. ASK l'OB DK.UONsTKATION. WITHOUT OHI.IOATWN. IN YOUR 110MK. SMALL HKST r.WMENTi DALAMV1S ON KA8Y TEKMS. Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. "Reason Why" Contest Dept., 1709 Chestnut St. Phene, Spruce 2192 COURTESY SERVICE:.: , AIH KKTISKMKNT AHVF.IITI8EM1-.NT Street Weman Left e - ' ih" a d i . t r ' . i- ' ' i:-, -a i i - 1 1 ,f rd -'r f K M . i-r l'i Ka-c iintune diiriet for iiiaiij .tear. I ut necntl 7J"'i. ind l'Mf Mushaih e4i',7 has been with Kngine Compain 10, lv " uwn.e .":."(; I. "firs "f has hfi-n cited for braer en xiirieiis n'ti'.'ir 'f-. -anf.i m tic occasions We was cemplimentrd en Flereiec Srhnhl M?- km,, tin- rfeind In- made in his mere than s"r An i.i-i-iti iij. filed in twuit.s Mars' serviie Altheiigh pen-i.-i-i ('lia-i. Hat.cr.f. S."T L'T-'l !il'. sinned, he will nut n tire from duiv. THE best part et a vaca tion is often the news from home which ;.ou read regularly in your favorite newspaper. Whether you go te the mountains, country or sea shore, te a well-known summer resort or some quite out-of-the-way place, you can arrange te have the Evening Public Ledger mailed te you every day. With its un excelled news and enter taining features, it will add great pleasure at small cost te your sum mer's outing. Telephone or netnJ In your uminur subRcrliillen new, for one. two or tbrnj month, the period you will be away and racclve your favorite newspaper re. ularly with your dally mall U, ncommen eense 5c As te Wasted Effert H .IOHN It LA UK QAV .Nii'I. wre'f ' poet CIeubIi. "'(.e s'n.Xg!" nti JKh' tiUl.letli the :,d he eijnds rrn wi!n " ' M.aMf r.eed I..- advice perhaps I mn.v set one or two seedlings In the spring, net te mention n ntimher of pies nnd some Miisar and ucld and oilier nourishment for tlic niembcrs of nij famil.N. lature as wel NATTKK works en the theory that a Kie.it deal of the Mrujele naucht avlletli. but h ti'i r Mn" of ' h me) lx- fe'.nd In j In tin worlds i f ,i.e. In iu bulk en! n h-rrv tree ! r -i in.4 ,J .ni ijiti"i)f,n wi'h a imp avlletli, nut It never for em ,f ,.rr'cs. .t- i ,t,ii.i fj'lni: te rnlse elves up Hie striiKSle for all that lore i)t-f tr'es t, r,ji n.ng the fruit If een'inuei te produce and te seek rc! oreptdii i .e ffei;s , u -dr. fertile te rfcreate its kind, and it will le m. I -ilci.t .i Renerally admitted that It Is uniformly Weri t Ins p irpr, te be rnrrled out successful deplte a sreat deal of wast- Witli'iMt Interfi i--n'e l,v me nnd the ed effort. sj.a'l iif-t ii.'-ini,-. of niv f'imih, and J'ffert does net all count. Most of It i vr:, of Ii.h'. t -ds and robins thai nre Mm new inspect, rig Im hrnnehes. ind a Leu ,f siinill lns.i s that nre at wirV. en the fiult. ... mm- live thousand "mix niirrv lr we"ld sprout beside ihf ni'iher tree in the spring. Hut the cheirv tree propese1? and t fir r cr'illed hllli!'! d.spese. vgTWtkK jgP Various kinds of glnsscs arc buitnble for different occasions and whether veu need them for work or for play, you will find the proper btvle at Wull & Ochs, Opticians, 171G Chestnut Street. A STURDY well-constructed ZSzlrviZLhs qftvw youngster requires A BEAUTIFUL night tructed spectacles te . trV Club tempting is dissipated in what we call waste, hut It nil counts as practice if for nethlnc else. TlrnN" me a part of nature, nnd as a ' '- part of nature must continue te. JSunimc Public Ltd .Public Led er Subscription Hates 1 IUO. 2 tlie a. :i tiiaa. Ledger (Mern'r) 60c $1.20 $1.80 dfer(tveDiei) 50c 1.00 1.50 VM fkllic Ledger (.Sueda;) SOc 1,00 1.50 Miiiimrr Hihsrrlillun unijr lie rntrrril lir the nrrk. Forward your Siummer Hubjcrlptloe with muittanet te cirrulatlen trart. meat, Public J.dttr Ceipranr, lndrxni- sb Snur. I'tiiUdtlpliU. at the Coun- spectaclcs te try Club tempting one outdoors second ,i,u0u,i ,u ui .n ...Viici, tvni, i between the dances. But wee betide setenu w,thstand the hard sear which they th(j dBW.drenched satin 3iippers when are Deunu 10 receive wuch uu ja tney g0 back t0 tne dancu lloer. taking part in the many healthful Happily for me I had several pairs outdoor activities. Fer this purpose of slightly soiled slippers left from you will find the Play Spectacles the winter; and these I took te made by Wall & Ochs, Opticians, Bargs', 1113 Chestnut Street. They 1710 Chestnut Street, of great value, cleaned and dyed them efficiently net only as te expense because of and satisfactorily, se that I was well their wearing qualities, but also feri equipped for the summer season, and the child's eye welfare. These most economically. I cannot praise glasses, en account of the rigidity of the work of this firm tee highly, construction, will maintuin their cer- Suits, gowns, white flannels any- MniKKle evciyiliniiRli some of the struc- red alignment a factor which is thing that can he cleaned, they will kIeh are net Truli ful lly keeping it up most essential. They should, of clean and press expertly and quickly, fomethini; will he done in the way of course, he adjusted by Wnll & Ochs' Yeu have only te try them te become geitini! ahead, and in n world with 1,- expert fitters. as enthusiastic as I am. riOO.OUO.OOO human beliiRs In It. a vervl little aceeinpllHhi.ient n a pretty fiil'r'y HAVE often told you of the wonderful collection of silver at the store rTifci. effert0!, I'm her usee1"!!: n" i of Railcy, Banks & Biddlc Company; but many persons de net knew about the sin of puts en the ground duoe it. I that very fine Silvcr-Plated Nickel Ware may also be purchased from undeiinutli the brain hes, ceiurisM i92t. by fuMfr t.idg-r Cemprntv this establishment. Fer the summer home, when veu de net wish te take T-P e( in these little -hilics will, - 'vnur Rtnrlinir silver with veu. this wnrn will tnfce it nlnee n?mii-nV.l,. w'.ttn.'.'r vVuVa'v'i't'iTSJ,7;;, And, tee it is of such high quality that it will wear a lifetime. I was neiei or net ou win want te rf-mi .r.t amazed at the beauty nnd variety of design, net only in the Hat Ware, but 'W'''3h,piiinfSh:lSi'. e1;..'"""""1"0 iri thc many separate pieces: Platers, tinys, vegetable dishes, cassc trie of terie of marrif-d uf by fameun roles, etc.r as well as the tea and dinner services. uthnrii, aiipearlnc HutunUy, June 111. In ai. .'iTal.,. II a. . . . j I .ST at present some sort of an In siit which works nt nleht Is busy nh the juung fruit, and every morn i'C I had a heap of little green cherries in vel tiling forth new trees, Neither ,l n. c seed, that the birds enrr nwii) or t In t the miiiiII bejs deposit oil lie pineiuciit mi their way In school. lierliaim S5 per cent nfthe cherry' Ktruglc naught nvallrtl. but It will Keep up its werkutrJthe tame, and Ille IlVEMMl I'lULIC i.KOUUI, uaiii(."r-4ai. "iliku it a THE CHESTNUT STREET ASSOCIATION. &' Opening of Our New Larger Stere New Occupying the Premises 1017-1019-1021 Market St Mr. Hill Invites Your Inspection of This The Largest Exclusive Men's and Beys' Clothing Stere in Philadelphia 10.0(H) Men's 15 te s20 aMiaWIS fnW 11 h &m9Ji l-K, iJlSB jicoStciihe U-."TtT OfflCC. mmMll mm mm Mil mm s... iK'5' Fine Coel Cleths Rich Summer Flannels Light-weight Hemespuns and -many ethers There is nethinj; like these suits in the city. Nowhere else will you find such intrinsic values or such large, varieties. Mere than 100. styles, patterns and col orings and EVERY MAN CAN BE FITTED' $35 & $30 Silk Mohair SUITS $11 $9S Alse better grade JL JL XHaV Palm Beache3 nnd Gab ardines. Plenty of sizes for stout men and slim men. And for This Big Opening Mr. Hill Offers Tomorrow 4 i Including The TWEED SPORTS SUITS- blue SERGES Hemespuns Herringbones Worsteds Mixture Cheviots Fine Flannels Cassimeres Mr. Hill says, I am going te introduce this new, larger store in right style and with this wonderful grouping of finest worsted suits. We want te show every man the kind of val ues he can always expect at the HILL CO. These are the same high-grade smart suits you have seen at greatly higher prices all season. They are the same high-grade garments that every man has wanted and every man surely will appreciate at these low prices. Every style for the young man or the conservative dresser and a size for every man, whether he is tall or short, stout or slim. 1000 Beys' Suits Hnute u a-Mrmt crncn Alse Coel Cleths and Other Summer Materials 'iggJL tSiiial ?ft TlPNiTr- Beys' $2 and $3 Sample Wash Suits Finest quality wash materials in all styles. Sizes te 8 years. Mr. Hill says the boys can have cool, comfortable suits, tee just like dad. A special let of them te sell at these low prices. Splendidly tailored and in dressy Norfolk and sports models. All sizes up te 18 years. Beys1 2-Pr.-Pants Tweed Suits, $4.95 a ligfg iriMgpeBW-mwwwagfc Men's Pants Thousands of Pairs n Fer Worsted and Blue Serge Pante WfSSk Fer $8.00 White Flannel Pants i i Stere Orders Accepted Wf'WW Wf Pi? Y-'.tfr O E target! Mn'i & Bey' Clothing Start in Philaitlphia Largftl Mtn's & Bojt Clothing Stere in Phikdtlphia 1017-19-21 Market Street -j . y A y v, . r ... dUSffiM!