7WrP FA.J &: HV tfv yB A. " f- ? 'r vwj s jfar-yw.,, . - A 'J S- U' .. I ", . . " EVENING ' PU&LIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JJUffE 21, 1922 ' up CTiJS Women's Silk . . Stockings at rVA?fe for 7ms Weefs i Outdoor PanceWll Be 25c per Persen ' just for this week only, we are making a pharjre of 26c per person for tickets of admission te our Thursday Evening Outdoor Dance. Entire proceeds for' the benefit of Devastated France tobe counted as votes for Mrs. Letitia Hunslckcr, a War Mether, candidate for the Geed-Will trip, te. France. , STRAWBR1DGE & CLOTHIER Anniversary Sale 90c a Pair A gfled, heavy quality. They are silk, with cotton tops ,and soles have seamed backs, and are well fitting. All wanted shades, such as black, white, Russia calf and cordovan. Sizes 8 te 10. Only 3,000-pairs te sell at this price-and they will g6" quickly. ;- 8lrawbrldf, Clothier Aisles 3 and 4, Market Street Announcements for Te-morrow Thunday Until Further Netice, Thii Stere Closed Daily at S o'Cleck ?-Vy i- tL53 ' Thousands of Yards of White and Colored Dress Cottens in the. Sale The news of this Anniversary Sale of Dress Cottens has spread far and wide the great quantities, the marvelous assortments and the low prices have amazed all who have come here te-select. Te-morrow , many unbroken lines will be put en sale, together with hundrdds of small lets that still afford excellent variety. Imported Wepen Tissue, 58c Lavender - black - and-whlte; blue-black-and-white; green-black-and-white and yellow-black' and-white. Daintu Printed Batistes, 28c White grounds with gingham checks, pencil checks, floral patterns and broken plaids, in a great variety of :oler combinations. Fine Figured Batistes, 20c Neat prints in blue, green, lavender and brown, also small plaids. Plain Colored Suiting, 22c Linen-finish, medium-weight Suiting. Light blue, Copenhagen blue, brown, pink, apricot, green, mats, lavender, rose, tan ana Miami. Fine White Suiting, 22c Linen-finish, medium-weight Suiting, with excellent tailoring and laundering qualities. New Printed Voiles, 28c Foulard patterns in navy blue-and-white, black-and-white, brewn-and-whlte, Copenhagen blue-and-white and two-tone printings. . Woven Novelty Voiles, 35c Stripes and broken plaids, n blue-and-white, lavender-and-whitc, grccn-and-white and two color effects. White Chiffen Voiles, 68c Imported Voile of fine two-ply yarn, closely woven; 38 inches wide. Fine White Organdie, 85c Imported permanent - finish Organdie; 42 inches wide. This will go in a twinkling. Fine White Gabardine, 58c White Novelty Voiles, 28c 'B) Slrawbrldre A Clothier Allies D and 0, Centre White Silks In the Sale Sale Values in the fashion able White Silks, that Fashion requires for nil occasiens: .Crepe de Chine $1.65 In the 40-Inch width : a heavier Quality In the aame width, $2.95. All-silk Pongee $135 All-silk Epenge, $1.65 All-silk Jersey $135 Baby Broadcleth,$U5 Sports Silks-$3JOO All 36-Inch Silks with the ex. ceptlen of the Sports Sllks.whlch nre In smart plnlds and stripes, nnd 40 Inches wide. Straw-bridge ft Clothier Aisle 6, Centre Baby Chariots Under Price In sizes suited for apart ment use. Very comfortable, neat and durable. Greatly under regular prices, $23.00 and $28.75. Strawbrldce ft Clothier nasement, Filbert Street it'- Washable Satin PETTICOATS $3.85 GREATLY UNDER PRICE One hun dred Wash able White Satin Petti coats of ex c c p t i enal quality, double, panel back an'd front, w c.l 1 made, care fully finished, firm elastic band with double-snap closing, scalloped edge and touches of embroidery, as shown in the sketch. Strawbrldse ft Clothier Second Fleer. West i7zra K Jfln rH Mercerized Dinner Cleths $1.25 Much .under price for these attractive, sturdily woven mercerized Cotten damask Dinner Cleths, size 64x64 inches. In wanted round de signs $1.25. A larger-size Dinner Cleth, 72x72 inches, in handsome round designs that give the Cleth the appearance of linen, special, $1.90. Strawbrldse ft Clothier Alsle 11, Market Street Babies' Play-yards Much Under Price Play-yards, white enameled with weed fleer, under price, $7.25. Play-yards, white enameled with canvas fleer, mere than a third under price, $3.50. Separate Weeden Fleer te fit Yards, special, $1.50. Strawbrldite ft Clothier Basement, Filbert' Street Lawn and Perch Swings in Sale Streng, well made, good geed looking Swings. Four-passenger size in these various low-price greups: $9.50, $10, $11 and$14.75. strawbrldse, ,ft Clothier .Baaement, West, Thousands of Beeks at Anniversary Savings Here are just a few of the many money-saving opportunities for book-levers and fiction-levers: Thousands of Standard Beeks at 38c Treasure Island, Pickwick Papers, Abbe Constentln, Jnne Eyre, Scot tish Chiefs, Three Men In a Beat, Henry Esmend, Water Babies, Dombey & Sen, nnd many ethers. Cleth binding. Interesting Nevels in the Sale at 50c The Heart of Desire, by Eliza beth Dejeans; The Winning Chance, by Elizabeth Dejeans; Full Swing-, by Frank Dnnby: Paul, by E. P. Bensen ; Hidden Heuse, by Amelle Hives. Thousands of Children's Beeks "The Busy Billies." told in pictures by Harriet M. Olcott, and In words by Virginia Olcott 76c: "Cuddle Cat Kittens." by Marlen Proc ter Or Ikb 75c: "Buzzy," by F. E. Mackaln 75c; "Peter Daddy's Bey and Mether's Little Man," by Lillian Chccsman 75c; "The Guards man," by Hemer Greene 50c ; "Camping- en Western Trails," by E. R. Grcjrer 45c. Hundreds of ethers. And Many, Many Other Miscellaneous Groups tee Numerous te Mention 5-- Straw bridge ft Clothier Second Fleer, Filbert Street, Wet k. Wavy Switches 'new $7.50 Beautiful wavy, triple-stem Switches in all shades, includ ing gray and white. The values average double this price $7.50. Transformations, 22 - inch, with gray, $7.50. Anita waves $9.00. Strawbrldge ft Clothier First Fleer, Bajreny, Filbert Street NOTIONS In the Sale On the Filbert Street Cress Aisle te-morrow, the folio'"5"" items will be found, as well ai many ethers equally as goed: O. N. T. Cotten, white new 58c a dozen spools White Basting Cotten, e a spool. Coats. White Crochet Cotten, Nea. 40. 50. 60, 70 10c a bnll. O. N. T. Darning Cotten, black, white and colors, 30-yard balls, 21c a dozen. Black Silk, 100-yard spools,, He. Black nnd colored Silk, pO-yard spools 5c. Linen Thread, black. 100-yard spools, 8c. Empress Dress Shields, tiew 18c a pair Lawn-covered Dress Shields, 2 Talrs for 26c, Curlex Hair Nets, best shades $1.00 a dozen f'urlex Curlers 25e for 5. Bernkhardt Wavers 25c Lingerie Tape, 8 yards, 8c Bins Seam Tape, vnrleus widths 9c a piece. Knap Fasteners, black or white 18c a gross. Ketex 46c a box. Safety Pins, different sizes 4e a dozen. Klenn Hair Nets, best shades 35c a dozen. KtrawbrldKO & Clothier Filbert Street Cress AUle "Victer" Grass Rugs These better-grade double warp stenciled Japanese Grass Rugs arc new in the Depart ment of Lewer-Priced Fleer Coverings at the following low prices: Rugs, 18x36 inches 35c Rugs, 27x54 inches 75c Rugs, 3x6 feet $1.00 Rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet $2.00 Rugs, 6x9 feet $3.50 Rugs, 8x10 feet 54.50 Rugs, 9x12 feet $5.00 BlrnwbrMffe & Clothler Fleer 4j, Filbert Street Typical of the Many Anniversary Shee Values Women's Brown Calf Strap Pumps $4.95 && Bread two buttoned in step straps; oak - tanned leather sele3, 1-inch military heels. Neatly perforated trim mings. Beys and Youths' Tan Oxfords Cadet, New ark and Eng lish lasts, with medium and bread tees, and with welted oak-tanned leather soles and rubber heels. Children's Patent Leather Strap Pumps $1.95J Sizes 8' tefc Bread na- K ture - shaped BP $3.75 lasts, with white kidskin linings and narrow buttoned ankle straps; oak-tanned leather soles. Men's Smart Catf Oxfords Tan. calf English - last Oxfords. Tan grain Brogue Oxfords. Gurt mctal calf English-last Oxfords. $4.95 A Special Purchase of Women's Black Kid Oxfords $3.90 A Special purchase of 1000 pairs of these very desirable sum mer Lew Shoes, that se admirably combine comfort and smartness, has arrived te sell at the remarkably low price of $3.90. They arc of black glazed kidskin, with oak-tanned Goodyear-welted soles and leather military heels. New, fresh stock, in all sizes and widths. H - Strawbrldse k Clothier Ulslith nnJ Filbert Streets New Creme Net Blouses te Wear With Jumpers $2.00 te $3.95 Dainty Creme Net Blouses te wear with jumper dresses or sweaters. Peter Pan und Tuxedo styles trimmed with filet or a ruffling of Valencien nes lace $2,00 te $3.95. Coel Habutai Silk Blouses, Special, $2.65 White and black. Tailored and semi-tailered: cellars in all styles. ' Mignonette Over-Blouses Specially Priced, $2.95 Jade, Copenhagen blue, bisque and navy blue, trimmed with deep fringe or with mignonette in a contrasting shade. Dainty Crepe de Chine Blouses, Special, $3.95 Tailored and semi-tailored models in flesh color and white. Strawbrldze Clothier v Second Fleer, Centre Sporting Goods Extraordinary Values The Sporting Goods Stere is new ready in its new BASEMENT location te serve sportsmen and sportswomen. As extra incentive for an early visit te its new location, the Sporting Goods Stere has arranged these really extraor dinary values for to-merrow: Reach Scotty OCr Gelf Balls Almest half price for a Noted for its excellent flight, or $4.00 a dozen. standard, well-known Gelf Ball. Fresh, perfect Balls 35c each, Men's Bathing Suits $3.00 A fertunate purchase pf California-style Bathing Suits, In smart new strlpe effects, te sell at about whelesale price. Sizes 36 te 46. Life-Guard Bathing Suitsnew $3.75 blue flannel Tennis Balls $4.00 a dozen An excellent practice- Ball 3 for $1.00, If you wish. Ferd Tires Fabric, $8.75; Cord, $13.50 Fully guaranteed ever-size Tires 30x3 H. Heavy Iluubcr Inner Tubes 3034 J1.25. Gelf Sets $16.00 Including one wooden club. 3 Irons. 3 balls nnd bag 516.00. Gelf Bags $2.50 Wetnen'H Hags. Imported from Hnglund, Hmnit green shades, Gelf Bags $5.00 Imported Kngllsh Bags for men nnd women. Smart new styles, light in weight. Gelf Clubs $3.50 Drivers nnd Brassies In vnrleus lengths and weights for men and women. A remarkable value group, Rewashed Balls election of Silver King. Radie, lliinlep, .1. H, und ether high-claBS makes $6.00 a dozen. Whlte wool Jt nnnts. whlte web crsey, uclt, Tennis Rackets, Remarkable, $3.75 Kxcellent, (Irst-iiuallty Backets, dependable makes, at savlnga of one-fourth te nearly one-half. Lew Rubber-sole Sneakers new $1.00 Black, white or brown canvas uppers and rubber soles. All sizes from small children's te men's, one-third under price. 5--Straw brldKO & Clothier Hes-mcnt, West, Shirts Tomorrow in thejieris Furnishings Stere 30,000 Savings of 20 50 per Cent. Great special purchases at liberal price-concessions from manufacturers eager te co-operate in making this Anniversary Sale the greatest in our history. Philadelphia men are fully acquainted with the excellence of our Shirts, and the lowness of our Shirt nrices. To-irierrow. the following groups will be available at savings of one-fifth te one-half: Fancy-Striped Percale and Rep Shirts $1.10 Woven-Stripe Madras Shirts, Tomorrow $1.35 Of Madras, Mercerized Pongee and Cheviot $1.65 Thi3 group includes madras in corded, plain and crepe weaves, white mercerized pongee, and tan cheviot. Many with cellars attached. Luxurious Silk-weft Shirts new $4.35 White and Striped Jersey Silk Shirts $4.35 at- 7'& te- JltMlK ii V7- Strawbrldse & Clothier Bant Stere, Eighth Street Silk Grenadine Knit Neckties, $1.10 But for slight irregularities these Neckties would sell for two te three times this price. They are of pure silk, in beautiful new patterns, and quite the best Necktie value we have seen in many a day. Silk Neckties in the Sale, 65c These also are worth two te three times th'.s price. All perfect, all new, all smart and every Four-in-Hand a wonderful value at 65c. Neckties, $1.25 Fine Four-in-Hands of beautiful silks imported from Switzerland. Werth one-third mere te double. . 5S- Straw brldge & Clothier. Aisle Market Street I Coel Cotten Pongee Pajamas Well-made, comfortably pro portioned. In plain colors, trimmed with silk frogs. Remarkable value at $1.45. East Stere. Eighth Street Brighten Garters at 18c and 35c Considerably less than the usual price. Suspenders, 50c One-third te one-half less than the regular price. Handkerchiefs in the Sale 20c Linen Handkerchiefs at a saving of 20 per cent. Eighth and Market Streets Men's and Yeung Men's Blue Serge Suits With Extra Trousers $19.50, $29.50, $36.50 In the Anniversary Sale Every man wants, and needs, at least one Blue Serge Suit, and most men have two or three. Conservative models, all-wool, sun sun sun preof serge, well tailored, stylish, excellent in quality of fabric, and all with extra trousers. In the Anniversary Sale at remarkably low prices $19.50, $29.50 and $36.50. Fine Suits of Imported Tweeds Suits of genuine English tweed, tailored by a Philadelphia manufacturer, in conservative styles for men of every nge and size, regular, short and stout, much under regular price $29.50. Worsted Suits, Special, $15.75 .With two pairs of trousers, $19.50. All-worsted fabric, in neat, dark shades, well-tailored, well under price $15.75. Tropical Suits, $13.50, $16.50, $19.50 A lnrge collection of these cool, thin cloth Suits in the wanted shades and models cf the season. Anniversary Sale specials, every one, $13.50, $16.50 and $19.50. Business Men Please Nete ! An Anniversary Clothing event especially arranged for Busi ness Men, will take place Friday. In addition te opening our deer at Eighth and Market Streets, at 8 o'Cleck, we shall present n Clothing value of extraordinary interest te every man. irUWUriUKO V.IUU11CI .3CVUIIU J-IUUI. fitt.l J55T-' I I TK?" ?59 $29.50 Hundreds of Men's Straw Hats at $3.50 Savings of About One-third te Considerably Mere Than One-half A wonderful collection of this season's best-selling styles and straw braids, assembled in one group and marked at this one low clearance price, te-morrow. Here's your opportunity but get here early, while the assortment is at its best. - Strawbrldee & ClelWer Second Fleer. Market Street. East Beys' Tweed Suits With Extra Trousers, $12.50 A very special value, much less than the ordinary price. The Suits arc much above the ordinary, in handsome light colors, with mohair-lined coat and both pairs of knickerbockers full lined. Sizes 8 te 10 years, $12.50. iBeys' Palm Beach Suits, Special, $7.95, Werth a great deal mere. In all the wanted summer shades. Sizes 8 te 18 years $7.95. ;i-- Straw brldec & Clothier -Second Fleer. Filbert Street. East Hundreds of New Corsets Far Belew Regular Prices Many Nearly One-half Under Price Seme at Much Less Than Half Price And all are the most de sirable kinds the Corsets that thousands of women prefer at the regular prices, are here new at half price or a very little mere. American Lady Corsets, new $1.50 Of pink striped batiste, all with elastic top, me-dium-langth skirt, light boning ideal w a r m -weather Corsets. All-Elastic Corsets Half Price at $1.50 Clese-back model in the sixtcen-inch length excel lent Sports Corsets; especially satisfactory for bathing. Coel, Summery-looking Frecks are in the Sale at Exceptional Savings lhf wi X ' ' 1 Umi..t.lUS. I I It rr T 1' '(l7 fresh and cool and dainty the very planned te buy, are here new at Anni- American Lady $1.50 American Lady $2.50 American Lady Brocade Corsets, $2.50 Of fine pink brocade; low bust, long skirt, bread front clasps designed for average and full figures. S. & C. Special Brocade Corsets, $3.95 Less than half price for these Pink Brocade Corsets, with semi-clastic top and long skirt. Brassieres Half Price and Less, 95c Odd lets, including Allover Lace and Satin Brassieres, in hook front and hook-back styles. 5--Btraft bridge. Clothier Third Fleer, Market Street, Wtt Hundreds of them, Frecks you had probably versary sale prices. Dotted Voile Frecks, $7.50 Navy blue, brown nnd black with white dots Made with fluttering side draperies, loeo three-quarter-length sleeves, narrow piaitings and creme lace vestees. Dark Voile Frecks, $8.75 Navy blue, brown and Copenhagen blue. Draped nnd straight-line sashed models with creme batiste or net-and-lnce vestees. Figured Voile Frecks, $9.75 Dark voiles figured or dotted in white; ma,ny with dainty white cellar and cults. Keg ulur and extra sizes. Dimities and Voiles, $11.75 Summery sash models in light nnd dark shades chiefly in the girlish straight-line effects. Fine Gingham and White Swiss Dotted Frecks, $12.50 Ginghams in a beautiful assortment of styles and shades, many with novel trimming features in white. Alse all-white Dotted Swiss Frecks one model sketched. r-- Straw bridge it Clothier Second Fleer, Market Street JZfV tt. .Urn.'. Bk-A W It '. mM cM3)M tmW V M- V A vl 1 xw. v '. . l A !"'' V T i wMul,' s.Kt.Si h ' " ' 1 t i J SSiw-4-1