$wMpfi'wvWvjl m W;w . -- iMiPTijA-eWas A? RtPT 14 " -ija. ra,j' W ' v., 1 ft I ilii"-'' i ffi 1 is r." 30 BAL ESTATE fOB 8ALB . FENNriTXTAKlA SUBURBAN . r3HfSVI,TANIA SUBURBAN PUBLIC SALE Mn. WILLIAM O. JtJBT Jt Owrnfd.l Valley. Pa,. Saturdty, June 24, .Pi M. (davllght saving time), en premises, Evan and Welsh reads, short 2 miles cat from Owynecld Valley station, I', and It. It., ft Gwynedd Valley, Montgomery County, Pn. Wsll Improved and attractive reuntry place of about 8(1 acres. Stucco dwelling, n rooms and 2 baths, 2 glass-Inclesed perches, open terrace, het-water hent, electric llithttnc. laundry, etc, Finn condition. I -write brlrk stucco barn of Attractive nppe.iranc. Poultry house for nbeut (100 hens Air-pressure water ytem. with electric automatic Hum", Over 1 acre In lawn, with beatilulful Innd raping. Old eik and ether shade trees and fnrubbery In abundance, Macadamized drlvea. Lake of about 1 acre In else, fed bv natural springs, l-arce number of fruit trees, ben-lea, etc. Arber-vltae hedge ninng 7 tain rrent. property nan eer anon ft. read rentage. Thla In an attractive, medium priced, modern country home, which will In crease In value becnuse of Ita desirable loca tion and extensive read frentnges. Neigh boring; properties owned by Colonel I.eul jfelb. Cardinal Deughcrtv Mr Jteland I. Tayler. Mr C. I Carter, Mra. rcmberloe Holllngswerth and nthera. Property open for Inspection, Write for aeicrlptlve circular. II. J. DAOER. Agent. Ambler, J'., JJXCEPTIONALLY attractive and modern home Tnree-stery, commodious living room, dining room, hallway, kitchen, piintry. library, 0 bedrooms 2 baths, electric light, het-water heat, open fireplace, hardwood floors, large peich excellent condition, over looking Falrmeunt Park, cenenleiit trolley and train service te city: prlce 123,000. O. C A ,T. F ROVVKER. Agents, 1171 Mnln St.. Mnnnunk. S00 Liberty Bldg., Philadelphia,, MOORE, PA. New brick semi-detached, 0 rooms A bath, electricity etc 4nen en New bungalow. Or. A bath com 0500 oe New hrlck bungalow, dr. bath, all modern cenv., het-water h't, etc 8500 00 Datached house, I) rms. & bath, Reed condition near station 0500 00 . II. ALLEN, RID Prospect ave . .Moere, Pa. Phene, Ridley Pnrk mw STONE MANSION. 20 roems: beautlf.il J lawns ISO acres of erv fertile lnd. with mile of creek front this would make a ellghtful recreation or club center. easllv financed, quick possession Phene Media I3U. UUJ T I.I.V1H 2t Seuth ne., Media Pa BRICK HOUSE, tjplcallv Colonial Inside nnd outside, ntlract ve first Hear beautiful stairway, several chambers 3 biths. elec tricity; het-water heal brkk Scar garage, traded. graveled tennis court, let ITS ft. rrent; tl 8,000, J M, Frenefleld, W.ivne, Pa. 15 ACRES en Perklenun 100. ft creek frontage, high ground an I linn le uperb alte for sanatorium or bungalows, commuting bv Imth re.tds s mie buiidlngi and fruit; no dwellings. I3U0U. ewnr A 201. Ledger efflpe TWO-STORY medern: let 3!ix20.-, geed trans portatlen and shopping locality. 1.1 min utes ride flith st . sacrifice snle riMIRMAN. 1310 Arch st Phen Sprue H12T ur Wvnm ng 0U2 Se'EN acres. ie room hetie" bath, elrc It., ste.im hiat. barn, chicken house, etc.; J mlle trolley, stone read. 17 ml.es Phila . ni'0 II II I.l'ter & Sen. ,11112 (ltn iiV Itiilldlng lets 800 ACRES dlrectlv at New Yerk dlv'sl-in. ."iB,,0ll..ln,ld9 cl,y new surface trelle within 300 feet a marvelous opportunity for an easv and profitable development H 11. FTUT7., 713 Vlnut si VISIT "HATIIORO FARMS'' " Large restricted building sites with all Im provements. WARREN M CORNELL lis t hore.P.i Farterles. Wnrehene. MnniifnctinMng Heora MODERN FACTORY preposition. LansdalT Ta : neirly 2 acres, with well-built, nnel eterv brick build ng, 40xlSn ft , nil Improve, rnents: extensive railroad frentuge. en Main Line P. and R. R.. bnrg-iln at 120 000 H J DAOER. ' "' Amble r I'm . 40-ACRE faeterv nnd bul'dlne tnct, with extensive railroad and street frontages in eubstantlal manulacturln'j town near Phlla tell at bargain t.rlee cn divide. II. J DAflEK. Amb'er Pa AMIII.KR MODERN 2 story brick. late reef dwelling dwelling let 50x110 ft.: convenient te trntn and trelley: arge perch, living room, hall dlnlne room, kitchen, summer kitchen 3 bedrooms. bath and sewing roem: all modern conveni cenveni ences: excellent condition, old shiule ij;oo ij;eo ij;oe Immediate) possession reasonable terms 11 J DAOER. mhler, P I1KOOKI.INR SROOKLINE Stricllv med; rn house ,: rooms, large let Jus- r lu d tiniiu t i IP.500 for quick sile FINE i KENNEY 811th St Theatre Hide l.ins jllU ltltN MAWIt THREE STORY HI rooms 2 baihs girage J.,ir2!..'.0r..rq;O,mni-'.heu'"' Pss mike offer. OEORC.F. M AVIAN'S .son- 121 s chestnut nvw eni Brn'OOD pXcept, nal efferlnss. just listed beautiful 2'-sty sfine nnd stucco hnue. X rooms, handsome hnth fault es eend tlen and location. J12.50I) KENNEY & FINE C8th St Theatre llldi. Lansdowne 204 1' Open Sundays COLI.INnDAI.B COME out and see our real values, a selected st of homes, J50HO up. several verv at ''"i10 offerings requiring only IIOOI te 11800 cash: also building sites all prices Several houses for rent COOKE Colling dale. Phene Sharen Hill 1. rVMVTO COIXINIAL stone residence. 10 rooms. 2 baths; garage, the latest thing In a sub urban home, see It before you bu elsewhere. M H. MATSINOEH Walnut O207 IIAKIIV 108 S. 4TH STREET 05;;t0rrex,chprd,ce8srfi?r bath- CHAS. W M1L1 Lit 1201-07 Comm inw 1I.I1 II dg DRKXEL HILL DREXEL 1IILI-Strlctl m'.dern home every cenv-nlence. stucco . instruction. 4 bedrooms. $11. 011(1 .1 real b.rgiln ..... KENNEY A FINE 68th St Theatre Hldg Ph I.ns,livvn 2044 DREXEL HILL HOMES WAITPn r- IlEDDINO "nruce 'J37 31 S 17th st 4 i-Avrj-AN snow m; HU5's?-.HvvIVrUjnEalew " r het-water he-TT ,7I!X,0 , '"300 n J,n'", f,,r 'Jii" one. II S5lr C?.J!a -," fi",n Mar,.t. luH Tl. aire Hldg. Pheno Lansdown- n-1 FLKINs l'ARK J TEN'-ROOM stii.e bungalow ,n Eist rikins Park, well built llr-nu- . Vs ar,j , L"! trie: open for rn J nKlntrmn Ti ut Te ELKINH PARK-3-st' "h jl'.evv t.. Eng'lsh Colonial stvle house, niih gi-sge 1 ,t l'tiir 18 Albert Hall. Land Tin- Hldg i-p, 7491 ELKINS PARK 3-stv stjne lj n. ,m let 105x150; $1H 000 an excellent properly te remodel Albert Hall, Land Title Hldg. . f.I.KNslDE " CENTRALLY-loraled 3 t ,Mrl ruenoT rueneT rm. heusH en let 55x17.1. with a 2-car gar." .;IJ'sru!",ui. ",1,'lu.'.l"!,r bard void floors! 114, BOu. in T II Roberts 4 f)(. 1 uii-! aide. P.v. l'nene OgenU 11-2. FINE new lupilm ir, u ng nnd illn- Inf room 2 UJroems nnd Int'i isrre at tic. close ti ira n and tn, k f 1: 1 ,n Win T H Roberts A S.nO n-, 1- l , , i, ,jievday VERY nttrniive line iin 1T", , Zfi trolley, brick and stnci-e ,i. ,i ,j,n ,,,.. caln at I78HO RE.NNIMji:!- RAJ: KINOER, tllen-lde P ihwi.ni, -uten BHAND-NEW 0-room dwelling ha.-vu-.msw ii-room dwelling e iy ren. vtnieiice near station, pr ce $72.10 RES'. IINOER b RKNNINOEr' gjenslrtVJ- NINO OWVXKDH VALLEY COUNTRY ESTATE. .1 minutes' wnlkTrmS atatlen: beautiful high location, with es tensive view, tine surroundings. 37 ucres Colonial mansion house thqreughly modern' aoed barn and coach house very reaannulilH price for quick tale, or wnjld .-xclmnge for desirable Chestnut III), or 0rinantevn pr0p. Ambler. Pa IIATHOIll) DESIRABLE frame dwellli'.- !i riems ami w..,, rirvinu IIKHIB SUS Ija T3 e COl- venlsnt te truin and trellt-j u birgaln te quick buver WAIIItnv M ret S ELT, llntb.re pn MODERN lli-renn brick dwi'-llltn en Yerk read, with nuMiulldliiss suitable for ga 'r.?r 'hop bargiln te close an state. JBNKINTi'W s- TRI'"T ClI fluardlan HKilll.AMI PARK ISOO$0000 UP Beautiful modern homes; our llt of Highland Park homes Is iom iem tlele. rermlt us te shew them te veu. We pave a he no for every buyer H. Blair Coeke Ce.. fiflth A Market. 100 Thcutre Bldg. Phene Lansdowne 2H8I. StODEItN dwelling, 0 rooms and bath, let 60x123 GEO. L, BARNES, 1201 Chest- nut st. Walnut 4flS. ' MODERN dwfl.. Ilv-; rm . din rm . kltch., 4 bedrms t'le bath: let 50x130 p-lte $10.. 780 O L Bsrnes 1201 Chestnut. Wnl. 4US3 linitMIAM IIRinilTS llullil'ng Lets JIORSHA.M IIEICIHTS (pear Willow drove!. Neshamlnv Falls 30ni) choice bide lets, at train and trolley. $50 up; free title In. auratice, easy p vments send fe b reWI-t and plan, of modern bungalows, Dla. 1800, FERGUSON, Frent & Yerk I.A.NHIIOiVNE TWIN, large perch, beautiful lawn. 4 bed rooms, else, light etc : only 73nu. WAL TER A. McCLATCHY, 70th nnd Market sta. I.yiadewnQ 2001 Open eves, and Sundays. OKELAXI) , N W dwexlng, h uns. and bath, let 311x160; . ITOOOi near station. Gee. It. Weldner, lac, JenkJutewD, I'u. SEAL ESTATE TOR BALE JKNKINTOWN DESIRABLE suburban property! 5 minutes' walk statien: large let with detached stone and shlngle dwelling, containing 10 room and bath, newly decorated, het-water hea, electricity, ra, screens, storm doera, etc.! Karage for 1 car; $0000. II. 3 DAOER. . Ambler, Pa. MODERN STONE DWELLING en Washington lanei beautiful location, over looking Old Yerk Read Ceuntiv Club; 11 rooms; let n:x220 ft.: possession. JENIvl.NTOW: WNTl i-rust co NEW RUNGAI.OWS In Wyncele, thoroughly medern: II roems: with room for garuge. tENKlNTO'VN TRPST CO. MEDIA TllREE-STOItY PRICK DWELLING CONTA1N1NO 10 ROOMS LOT 80x ISO PT, SU1TARLU l'OR APARTMENTS OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE WALTER C. REDDING 3D H. 17T1I PT, mi:iuen WE HAVE Ter sale a Colonial stone dwell ing te b" remedeled: from the point of loca tion nnd accessibility, such a property as this Is out of the ordinary, we would b, 'glad te submit plans and srcinutlens te uny ene lnteerted In a home nf real dla dla tlrleuTm:J!iTJ2'i:A'LyBsne, Pa NEW" CENTI'lt-HALt. Colonial house, d rhnmbers, 2 baths, het-water luat: gas and electric llaht 10 large closets. ll( ,R1 HI TI.T'R, Narberth Phene 121'J ,t. " Mll.l.lim RNK MILLHOfRNE Large corner home. 4 beilroems, Inclesed penh; garage, will be sold at a right prlex or will rent with option te buy. WALTER A McCLATCHY, 7nth an I Market. l'hun- Lansdowne 20(14. Open ecnlngs nnd f-undrt NAKIIKKTH ID.'iOO Detached stone-and-frame residence. 4 peareims aim unin. ii'h-ht u,-i, garage, high locution, ne.ir school nnd ta- iten, em enRue. iwitiiiu .-,.',., Locust street or Nirberth Slntlen KIDI.EV PARK A REAL HOME. Inspecl'nn Invited: Rldlev Park. 101 Teme si , detached stucco home; dining room, living room sinekln room. kitchen, laundry and pmlry en 1st fleer, I bed chambers nnd bath. 3 rooms en Jd fljer; elertrleltv . let 4nxl."U I" reir street. II. A. DARLINll. aire ,f J Lee Patten 401 Lincoln Hldg . l'hllu. RDsl.x N ROSLTN HOMESTEAD New houses, ft rooms nnd bath all conveniences, 1400: lets 50x17.1; e,is terms. Pheno J. P.itane, Willow Preve: M WILLOW (IBOVK WILLOW OROVE section, 3 lets, frontage H4 ft. hy 150 en Dovlelewn pike. S. E. GARDNER, llltli and Wharten. S E, cer, tyVNNEFIEI.n .1101 ARLINGTON" ST Wonderful corner for doe-.e- ur dentist, key at 3123 ,H"rks st SAMi'EL T. HALL S. W. lith and Sansnm streets. Spruce ililil. M'.W JKItsEV st'IHRH N. .. TWO PRICK HOUSES, one 4 room, one 5 100ms. with 17 lets in llurlltgten N, J.. 17 miles from Trenten and Philadelphia; 10 minutes from railroad station, near many factories, price J240O, cash J'.0il Inquire L CitERMAClv, 33'JO Third avc . New atk City, . NEW 0 rms and bath, first station below Haddnnfleld Hlhlmeif r. 202 Liberty Hldg At'DfHON I32UU A smxll amount of cash and we will fi nance a new five-room bungalow Including Iwth. het-wnter '.tout, electric light, running water, close 10 station. :isoe Six rooms and bath, all Imprevements: hot het wnter heat. Kitchen cabinet, very handy te train and trellejs, stores, nlce let and leca- ,,en' 51.100 Six large rooms and bath: let OO'xl.10'; garage, chicken house, shrubbery, old shade; pretty locution. I10OO cash required. We hnve the most 1 emplete list of proper ties In Audubon. N J. nnd surrounding ter ter rlterj and ure miking nn endeavor te serve the public In a legitimate manner. If Seu de come te AuduUin. seu will make a mistake If veu fall t il at our office. Our cars are waiting te mve uu prompt and courteous attention. Yeu may take advantage of look ing eve- our lists without obligation te pur chase unles absolutely satisfied. Remember in" Il'ime ARRHTT 0tv a ' Audubon. N J. rtPDwl 1 0),n Daily and Sunday ni:vKRLY RIVER-FRONT HOME II room'. Including til; bath wllh shower; all cenvs large cencrtle perch, suit club. Oirage. boatheusc. old hade. lar 'e sloping liwn te gravel bncli. cnli see phe os PETERS SON UPS CHESTNUT ST PHILA t. WIDEN STORE AND DWELLING 3.15 Market et., best location In Camden: will glvv vearly le.ne HAY.MONID I. WARREN 537 Fed- eral t C.mden. N J CAMDEN Valuable riverfront tract, bulk headed, near railroad and new bridge. WESTNEY. 203 Liberty Rlda COLI.lNfiSWOOD LINCOLN AVE $3'-00. il loom, bath, out-' side nhed, In geed condition, cenenltnces, let 40x175 feet, fruit trees, gr-ipe nrbnrf, large outer build ng can be used fr 3-car garuge. CLLINUhWOOD REAL ESTATE l'i 7Ji; Il.i'id Jri avt Col.inisweuJ 1053 or vfl.1 BELMONT AVE $4750 G rooms, bath pantry large mi c. conveniences, In g.iel cendltlin. Immediate possession. CDLLINdS- SOOD REAL I. STATE CO 720 HadJull ave. oiilingfwe ni iu.,3 or hue FA1KVIKW I WILL SELL veu a F.Hrvlew home and ' en can pay me as you would rent. $23 te 135 rrenthl , heus ar stflling for one-half of I ulldlng c si de' n pa;m,nt convenient v mail a postal ard or u phone call will brim- y.ei fill' t articular SAMUEL HOH NCR. ISflS Cellln.-s leid. Falrvlew. Camden. N. .1 Camden 3103 J Open Sundajs and senl-g lLED!LNl'lt:,-!L HAHD'iNFlEI.D. Il 1 isilni,ten ave Let llevl-l near station, nil modern cenv.; rm be beugl't very reijentb'e St JESbUP .1 SuV r.'l.l Fed' r.Uit Camden. AIEKrilANTVILLE fhiiOll Med. dv.B h -w heat, sta tubs, iras. ec lare let garaKH; beaut, loc. J M DANSER 220 Market st. Camden MOUNT EI'HRMM BEAUTIFUL HOME, 10 roems: 1 acre ground en Market st n.ar Gloucester electric, garaxi i Mcken house, cement walks ch"ap it $75u" Anether i.uniii eie h irre nearbv for Sinee with healer, rang plumbinir awnings ga rag'1, etc. ether pl.icea from $.'J50 te jluuu, luis $7.i te $MHI WVI.TER RED Mount I.Wir.vni N J Bell plume nioerestfr lis R 8 PV1.MYUA Ul'yUAlilV, d rooms and bath. Just com- piuieij, rurni'r liriiiw-ru one u iick te irilll. trolley and school, electric lights, gas and all improvements $4150 Jil.ie rash required Ollbee A Sandoz. Clnnamlnsen ave Palmjra " f l...lm u i linn fin. n -.. ...!..,. N. J below station. Op.n evenings RIVERTON RIVERTON N J r. ver-b.ink estate: poss. at once tiu'l'l Wrlaht 2007 Arch t. WIT COLI.INd'sUflOD SIX ROO.VIS and brth electricity nnd gas, het-water heat; let 50x17.1. 102.' Colling avi LuUIS BLASE 400 Rlchiy ave M'UIIIK'RI'.ST NEW, (I rooms and bith ilrst stntlen below Hadd'.ntleld Hlhlmal.r ;0J Liberty Hldg NEW JKRSl's, S1IS)RK HEA ISLE CITY M08 LANDIS AVE. 'I looms and bath; let 50x11 1 ft Ust busln'ss section of cltv; i $3200, Anr-lv en prerilses or te Jehn II Kane 3237 N 20th st Phlla Tlngq Ultu! OCEAN CITY URAVD NEw'apartn 'nt -ii j :, t . ocean fient 2 parages bark! in if M,ld Ht once Upper upanmvnt new icntej, $1000, open PSU Mst Have JBwfeund , r : : Bu Arch DaFe BT I'-J-fiSTj- ' j "Zim Islti&l j 5Sllii "VELUI -n.OFFICAM t VT CAME ALONs. THAT ( REWtlT?! '-A- ill 1 J. '" EVENING PUBLIC REAL ESTATE FOB SALE NEW JERSEY SEASHORE ATLANTIC TlTl FOR SALE Twe-family apartment house; each nparttmnt containing (I rooms, bath, sun perch, maid's room and toilet, hot het water heat, gas and elcclr.ci separate en trance te each apartment, fine Investment, VARNiER I.INDllAY. Jr, RKALTOR ' 1,07 Atlantic Ae. Atlantic CIly.N, J. Nine ftle'in n automobiles at our srlc. ATLANTIC t ITY New 3-famlly iipnrtment heiihj. H W. corner Jacksen and Ventner nxenue, hlgh-clnss residential neighborhood, slrlctly modern building, hardwood floors, het-water heat: eren for Inspection Hnturdi nnd Sunda. It. tl HARRIS & CO., lluir- a.ntee Trust Ilulldlng Phene 1182. I1EAUTIFUL rerner home, Che'sea, 3301 I'nclllc ne., n bedrooms. 4 bnihs: snltable for apartments: ocean Mew: will finance, AltEU.VETHY. I3JH Cheslnut st. , wii.mtetm Ilulldlng Lets CENTRAL lo-atlen. neir beardwalk: excel- lnt commercial, npnrtmeni ur hnt, rites. .HIMOV WEIL 1111 N. 2d si. 1 FARMt Equipped Farm Near Phila. anOWINO CROPS; INSURANCE 1,1000 57 acres en Improved read, mile village; Just euts'de city: convenient te trellevs, markets, etc.; 30 nrres tillage, pasture, weed let, 100 tree, orchard; geed a room house and bath; bread landscape Mews. 12-cow barn, poultry house, et .; business forcing sje, owner In cludes, If aken seen, horse, cows, heifer, l.es, poultry, tools weed, ncre potatoes, beans, ncre vegetables, 7 acres hay, 4 acres eats, 0 acres tern, acre gnrdeti, only $5100: part cash. Details page ill. Illustrated Catalenue 1200 Uargalns FREE STROUT FARM A'lENCY. 1422 L, Land Title Hldg Philadelphia. Pa. PV.VVHVLVAMA FIRM" 188 ACRES-$8500 2000 FRUIT TREES SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE Overlooking Perklemen, 1SS acres, about 10 Hcres vvoedlund, mile tcr imrd read le live railroad tow. with direct service te Philadelphia: 2 Us.j heuses: complete et outbuildings, must be sold, vasy tcrnik. lull details. , REESE A L1NDERMAN. 0 1" C Airy t . Norrlstewn, Ta MODERN COUNTRY PLACE " REAUTIFUL HOMES Ml ncrrs nicely lasMng land, fronting op main highway. Just outside nf railroad town wlih direct connections te Phlla moo- erll fl-renm beuse, benlillfitl lntie nlertli I shndid fine outbuildings, all newly palntid. Full details l?T-l-r? t. MvniMiwtv I ...! E.C Alr st.. NnrrlMnwii ' Pa. 1 1 30-ACRE DAIRY AND POULTRY FARM, ndaptable for sanltarlumr southern slope, highly elevated, flue, view: 14 miles tn rail-1 read station en 11 hard read; large modern 1 10-ioem stone house, cement cellar, slate! hoof, 3 perches, geed bank barn, poultry houses, corn crib, wagon shed, spring house; I all In flrst-clnss conditien: slnde. i.n. prime fruit spring water te buildings and growing creps: $1,100 cash; 3n00 mortgage. HAPP & SONS. DoylcHtewn. Pa. 1 Equipped Farm, Convenient PHILA AND TRENTON MARKETS Team. cows, heifers, 17.1 peultly, vehicles, machinery Included It taken seen, 32 acres, all rich level tillage, handy ra'lrend town and Delaware Plver, vnrletv fruit com fortable il-room house, barn, garage, back smith shop, eutllt. te Kettle affairs, J,1(IO0; part cash W. I. Thursten. New Dupe p. COMMUTER'S I-AIIM 20 ACRES, right In town, 10-reim heue. electric lights, electric washing meihlne rnnge, het and told water, bath and all etlivr conveniences, Inrge barn for 2J bends large poultry houses and nil outbuildings, fruit, spring water and meadow, Including all crops, S270H cash, balance terini te suit. HAPP A SONS Dovlestewn. Pn CHESTER VALLEY near Valley K.irgersur K.irgersur reundeil by handsome country homes; lsi) nrre rich rolling Innd with old stone house, beaut'fully remodeled, pieservlng nil Its quaint and charming fentures; nestled In n quiet vale and surrounded by old trees, ten ant house stone barn, stone spring house; all necessarv nutbu'ldlngs, etreim orchards timber. Particulars by J. M. FRONEFIELD, U h;'! e. Pa 57 ACRES, along trclley and State read, 2 miles te R. R station; .", miles of West Chester: Improved by slune house, 10 rooms, bath, open flrep'aces. 2 percl-is, lawn- barn for 20 head, outbuildings, water nt build ings, sprl-is; nrchnrd. berries, asparatrus bed 4 mlle nf sche-l; JS00O. J. II Thompson, membe- Philadelphia Real Estate Beard. Wet Cheler, Pa. "COLONIAL FARM" 10 acres. H mile te train Hnd trnlley, u miles te City Hall; Colonial mansion of Southern Upe II rooms, nil conveniences, l,ihl and garage, prle right. VARRENM CORNELL. Hatbnre. Pa. Cu ACRES en State id. In middle Bucks; 20 miles l'hllu.. large lawn, old shade, 0 room stene heue city gas, bath, het-water heat, large barn garage many ether build Incs, painted and In geed repair; tenant home If desired Owner Bex 12. Plnevllle.Pa. LITTLE FRUIT FARM and country home". 13 acres of which 10 acres are In bearing fruit. 2 acres timber stem- house. 7 rooms, bath, beautiful views, stone barn, spring house; stream $11000 J. M FRONEriELD. W-ivne. Pa FOR SALE Geed house, carnse end 2 acres of ground between Pottstown and Doug Deug lassvllle along the main pike, new vacant, price nnd terms reasonable. ROBERT W FVANS 7 N Hanover st.. Potts town Pa U ACHES -rm. house Kll cenv.. pch., lawn shade, fiult. barn gar., poultry houses sire i miw te Dovlestewn A st-i.; $0000. F BEAUMONT Doylestown niir cisn . U At Rl.S a. big bnrgaln us th owner must sill 7-reiim. stone nnd finme dwelling, uthullrilngs geed rep-tlr, price JfMeit WA1IRI V It CORNELL llntb.ru P. 1 b te p i roenTdweTi- ACRE'S, fiti high location, tl-rumn dwell irj wnn lisnt ami neat, large poultry i heue, rnn and outbuildings- prlce $4500. I W"lt N v ctiRNKLL Hitlure Pa PA 1IM for sale best In county, flne home, 1 MO nc-ca. 2J m'Is from Phlla ; no agents M 711 Leduer office. I NEW JERSEY KARMS 73 Acres Equipped, Near Phila. IJ ACRES OF STRAWBERRIES 00 acres tillage for melons, sweet potatoes berries, all sorts vegetables; bandv advan tages ebejf 500 cords woed: 40 apple trees, attmctlve p.'reim beuse, no-ft. born, ether affairs force sale 100U, pirt cash. J HARTLEY NIXuN Woodstown N J Farms in Sunny Southern Jersey Free cata'egu -nnp .t photos drm rib firm larg around !' 'AUTIFL'L VINELAND 4 Atlantii. City nt uwiiir's lowest prti. s Net ennec vviih an city farm ugenues -P tu Mieu ,n.-y farm Man leu enlv n.ien i.ish. eteill-1 & fiulp Wrlie ted.i 1SELND FARM Xfl V. .It'l-C Linnls h imlind ' farm h,:?9w,v?;I!eyj .ks" -. enrn garr.- waien shed all geed build-ln-s f.uli.d. 10 minutes Hitlun. ttnres. schools enij Jil..(ie. pan cash etheis VVAI.TIR D CAMP. 27 t-uaiier si. Wood Weod Woed bjrv. N J MAINE C'-C'0 BAY J HIOH-CLASS summer home Casco Hay, I .ue : atirntiiD vuiiuKe w iue veranuas, a rooms med. Improvements, artesian well, 'rocky shore, d-ep waier, i-ebbied cove. 3 te I 25 ncres of woodland at option H miles from l Portland. I mile from main and. Address .m j.. i-ua ueusins jsiunu, aie REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY 120S CUTUUERT ST. b'ere end Dwelling W BRUCE BARROW 130 N 12th st . I'hiU OKR.MA.NTOltN C33 WESTVIEW ST Detached house H Is-droeins, electric, gee I i-ondttlen. $130. Phene (iarmnntuwn 3432 W or Lern 4307 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE OWNER modern business preierty valued i $1,10. OHO. lenled Packard Meler. 10-ear 'ens', will exchange fur Philad iiihia atuil ment nr buslu is prepertj details requlreu for attention. P D30, Ledger Office LEpGEK PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 211922 HEAL ESTATE WANTED irtJnuRIIAN Want le lease fer a term of 3 or A yes re, small house with 3 or 4 bed rooms and 2 baths; reasonable-site yard and with or without garage: weat a'ds German town preferied: references exchanged. P 013, Ledger Office. AVE HAVE a demand for properties In all sections of the city: 25 YEARS' EXPE RIENCE IN3URKH REAL SERVICE. A. P. RUSSELL. N. E. rer. 13th and Tasker its. tieai estate, mortgages, insurance. Your Real Estate Sold located FIT7.PATRICK. 1.14I NORTH 00TII ST. WE CAN SELL that promptly for you In short time; buyers walling. OIUSCOM. 5100 Catharine. Locust C920. IF TOUR FROPERTT It priced right I can nil ill iiuj-ri "nilllis, CLAOHOl llt.N fit'.h and Olrsrd av. WANT te buy, 2 and. 3 aterv dwellings In , West I'hlladelnhia or in Heulh Phlladsl phla. Address P 801, Ledr Office. WANTE1 West Phlla. real eslals; clients waiting; can sell nnylhlng right In price. HOFFMAN. .1027 Olrard ae. WILL PURCllAbK property In northern, sec sec tlen moderate price. P HI. Ledger Office. SMALL central corner. 1 te 20 feet front", I25.O00 te t50,00O. P 022. Ledger Office, CLIENTS watt's; for apt. prep, ever $50,000! cent, or WPhlla, Relnhart, 1B24 Chestnut CLIENTS waiting for 2 sty. dwss. What bsve yeuT McAullff f-5 N. 20th. Pap, 1451 PENNSYLVANIA WtinilKnAN HOUSE In suburbs! purchnsei prefer, Hsla Cjnvvyd: give full part'c, A 22.1, Id. OlT. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Ruslness Properties and Stere NEW MODERN DAYLIGHT BUILDING 31x104 FEET 4 FLOORS AND HASEMENT KLECTRIC POWER: POSSESSION RAIROAD SID1NO 3. W. COR. 2IST A WASHINGTON AVE. W. DRUCE RARROW 130 N. 12TH ST.. PHILA. Hemes and Apartments for Rent Wm. L. Craven's Pens, 2010 Columbia ave 154H N, 7th st,, BHth and Chester nve. DESIItAHLE floors for rent: light manufar. Hiring or effice: Includes heay low rent. lnis-1020 Arch st. Apply owner en prcm. STORE. 3137 N. HROAD ST. Suitable feT barber shoe; 20xn. CRUMBIE 3145 N. Hread St. 3001-03 FRANKFORD AVE. Large store 30x33: will sutvillvld". DIETERICH. 737 Wslnut St. THREE VERY DESIRABLE STORES. Just completed; 223-23 S. 17th. Apply Owner. 132 B, 4th. Thnne Lnmbi rd 300. STORE. 3t39 N. BROAD ST. Suitable for florist! anxii v CRUMBIE. 3143 N, B Bread et. . Bnalnesa Properties and Bterei 43 N. 0TH Stere nr.d basement: suitable for any business 004 S. 2d. Lnmhnrd 4418. Factories. Warehouses. Manufacturing Floers AUTO, accessory or tire cencerns: 4-story cer. bldg. of 5000 si. ft.; excellent d'i- t'ght constructien: sale or rent very reason- able. 1431 Hrevvrr st. See Fraser. 21 H. 12th . 13.000 SQ. Ft., clsv'r, R. R. aiding. Francis J. Dovle. Kens. & Allegheny. Oar. 034 . FACTORIES and factory floors for rent. C. D Rettner & Ce.. 1421 Chestnut st. WILL ERECT building. 80.000 te 100.000 reuare test. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut at 41-43-45 N. PTH Entire 2d floer: aultahfe for any bvslness: will separate. Lern. 44IS A FACTORY warehouse and fleer specialist. ARTHUR II. FRASER. 21 S. 12th st. Oarages BRAND-NEW service station, ever 22.000 se. ft , excellent locatien: reasonable rent. C. D Rettner A Ce . 1421 Chestnut t. OFFICES. m'SIXEOI ROOMS. F.TC. HEED 1IU1LDINO 1211-1213-121.1 Filbert St. OUTSIDE ROOM AT VERY REASONABLE RATES STUDIO 2042 RANSTEAD ST. Full Information, apnlv owner. 132 S. 4th st. Phene Lembard 300. ROOMS, suit dressmaker, furrier, architect or similar: central; reasenable rent. US jn st. fn'-n" ri'r"'p .te ,i KSTEY HLDU. Desirable eftlces. all out eut side: rent reasonable. Apply Dstey Hldg., 1,01 vvainuiBi. D04 WALNUT ST. Entire third floer: suit able for efflees or studio. Estate of David 1 . 1 1 F s . ,,t ilium, e. UUKD BLDO.. 0th and Chestnut Desirable Sav Unlit offices, Apply te superintendent. Punue! T. Hall. S. W. cer. 171h A S-vnsnm. FRONT light alrv office or sample-room sp ire; ren. 1033 Chestnut. Roem 502 CENTRAL OFFICES, geed lights; reason able ,W 1 1 1 1 s -WcJWerCeij2 5J ,1M h s t. DESIRABLE" i-.fflccs. 1430 S. Penn Sq. Apply ..iclnrlna A Wallace 1430 S. Penn Sq. SOUTH SIDE City Hall. B-ixter Bide.: farge 1 st-floer room, suite of 3 A a furn. office Serrlec station FAIR.MOUNT AVE. AT BROAD Desirable office and service statien: Immediate, ros res ros serslon. J. R. MASSEY A SON, 13lh and llreen. WEST l'HIUDKI.rillA 121 N. R2D Twe story, twin, 8 rooms and bath: possession July 1: excellent location. . ... - lie.",' ...- ....... ... ...... .... bOTII bT. SEC 4 h'droems' garage; ther. med.- cenv te L: $h0 rne. HERMAN BROS.. 11019 Market. SPRINOFIEI.l) AVE H rooms and bith: ther. medern: $00 per month. II. W. Wat- l ns. 1113 l.inmin mag rnnre rtpruce -gaii j32 v ivu ST. Stere: newly built: vacant: 87. RICHARD POWELL. 2H2 8, 52d st Business Properties and Stores STORES en S, 02d st . $150 und up, offices, apartmints and office rooms, suitable for doctor dentist, real estate efllce or Insurance lempany, rent reasonable. Apply AltDASH, S W cer 5 2d and Walnut. OEBMANTOWX 1000 BLOCK Chclten nve.: 10 rms. and baths; medern: semi-detached. FUHRMAN 1310 Arch st. OAK LANE HOUSES for rent, all cenv.: 4 bedrms., $75 Herbert Hepe 50O4 N Bread. Wye, 4537. OI.NF.Y NEW HOMES $55. $03, $100 rer month. Apply S1NEN 5003 N. 3th Wye 8173 W. FERN ROCK bTORES. apartments, furnished houses. II. Hepe. ga4 N. Urn 1 1 st. Wj imlng 1117. PI,NN.VI,VANI SIIHIIB.W Bjt&J:vffl$fi ARDMORE THBEB STORY 10 rooms 2 haths; let 60 2in. month i5. all cenveniences: earlv lease. $,3 per T W. CRONIN. Ardmore 1012 lllliULA.M) PARK SUIO. SINGLE. 4 brdroems, tile bath, shower etc , let 50x130, Walter A. Mc Clntch 7Uth and Market. Phene Lur.a Lur.a dewns t'O'll NEW JKIt-sEV MIHRBAN CAMDEN e STORE AND DWELLING 53.1 Market st.: best location In Camden, will give yearly lease RAYMOND L. WARREN, 537 Fed eral st Camden N. J. SOUTH CAMDEN I OR RENT Furnished h-juse. 7 rooms bath, tln'st location In Parkslde. Camd"ti electric lights, all modern Improvements, $01 per month until September 11 New .lersey Realty nnd F'nance Corporation, 21 Broadway Camden, N J, NEW JERSEY- SEAMIOHfT" OCEAN CITY BRAND new, richly furnished apartment for rent, finest in O. C ; H rooms, garage, full pecan view Ow ner. 1112 Setendst , open SUMMER COTTAOKS SUMMER COTTAGES, furnished, Muicengus Bay. coast of Maine: whole Islands and parta of Islands for rent: $200, 30'l. $300 for the seasen: references required c. FEMBERTON Jr.. bl3 Harrison Bldg. FOR RENT FURNISHED wkt pnii.Anm.rniA 0027 NASSAU ST, Strictly med. dwl with rarage well furnished! desirable lo cation! ID0 per me. SCHOCH A MARKERT. Ilelment 0201. r PENNSYLVANIA St'RI'RnAN HRVN MAWR FOR SUMMER Centrally located. 5 bed. rooms, 3 baths, 3-car garsce: $150 per month. TREAT k TREAT. Wayne, Pa, DEVON ON YEARLY LEASE. 15 rooms, a laths, garage; servants' cottage with 6 rooms and bath: n acres of well-planted ground, with orchard and garden: tennis court; $2400 a ,vear, TREAT & TREAT, Wayne, pa. 1 SWARTllMORF, ON THE HILL JULY AND AUC1., (ISO. 8 rooms' nil cenvs: lawn with fine eM shade, C, P. PETERS A SON. COS CHESTNUT ST. nvxceTi: " YEARLY lease stone dwelling. 10 rma., 2 baths; large let, O. II. Weldner Inc.. Jenklntewn. Pa. WYSNEriEl.n DELIOHTPUL modern residence, beautifully furnished: .1 chambers nnd 2 baths: 2-car 51!" Si 'bad: July 1 tn September 15, f50O. .Francis Lambert. 403 N. 03d et. Belmont f777. SKW JKRtBV SPntTRnAN MOORlMTOtVN ATTRACTIVE HOME ON QUIET STREET 13 rooms. 2 baths, etc.! well-shaded lawn. 3 months, 12 month; Photes: ethers ti te inr. PETERS S, SON.ting CHESTNUT STrHILA MORTOAOES MORTGAGE MONEY Funds for first and second mertgagei; prerast answirs en desirable applications. , DANIEL H. ELLIS 70S Franklin Tru't ltidir. Sprue 2033 20 S. 15TH ST, APPLICATIONS wanted) first and second mertf ese fundi. MAGEE AND R0DGERS 1200 Locust it. Phene Spruce 020S-Q20T rtiKDi FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT BUILDING ASSOCIATION MONET DEMPSEY A CO.. 27 S. 10TH ST. WE REPRESENT n of the largest building and lean associations and desire applica tions for first, second and split mortgages In. any section of the city or suburbs. WILLIAM JAMES KEOOH. Land Title Bldg MONEY FOR MORTGAGES WALTER C. REDDING 80 S. 17th st. Spruce 2837 MAURICE LICHTMAN PERSONAL SERVICE COIXIN1AL TRUST BLDO. 8PRUCE 0778 MORTUAQE money, any ament, 1st & 2d JAMES S. CLARK 403-0 Medical Arts Bldg. Spruce 3072 TRUST FUNDS, private funds and build ing association money for geed first and second mortgages. William T.. Craven .sons. 1.14H N. 7th nt.. 2010 Columbia ave.. I .isth si. and Chester aye., West Phlla. MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND MTUS. LARUE AND SMALL AMOUNTH ALLEN & REED r,er?,iff BT. I MORTGAGES Building association and private funda for , first, second mortgages; quick service I A. F, RUSSELL. N. E. cer. 15th A Tasker. j Ul'ILDINO ASSOCIATION private funds for 1st nnd 2d mtges.. tnrre finri email amis. B. T. Hall. 8. W. cer. 17h A Sansnm. i FUNDS available for 1st and 2d mortgages; prempi acnen. Jvppiy lloem 304, J. II. Hnger Ce.. 2.10 S, Itread st. FUNDS for 1st and -2d mtges.: quick reply. .m. ii. qintsinger. Jtrai l-Jst. Trust Hldg. FUNDS. 1st and Id Phlla and Del. Ce. imss. n. i. jyncn. nwj n. intn. -jpr. .wee FUNDS for building opjratlena nr.d second mertgngei: quick settlements If prices right Ahernethy 1328 Chestnut rl. W. H. BALL A SON 433 LAND TITLB BLDO. I HAVE $7.1.000 for ilrst and second mert' gage.s. city or ceuntty. A 122. ledger Off. I ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT. 2337 Clean, modern roems: uns summer rate; also room and bath. 10TH N.. 180. HOTEL RURIC Central. shopping district, neer stations; beautiful turn, rms.: eiec; spetless: daily. WKiy rates. 21ST. N 130 Beautifully furnished: newly decerated: nlectrlcltv: phene: clean WIIVT I'niLADKI.rillA BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In large modern, private home; electric; shower bath- in mlnutcn te Cllv Hall. Baring 1800 J, NEW JKK-KV SEASHORE OCEAN GROVE 20 Abbett ave.. furnished rooms, near beach, light housekeeping privileges' $12. $13. $18 per week. ui-i an OROVE. N. J. Reems, with or without light heusekeeping: 1 block ocean; reisepable. The Veda 20 Abbett ave. OCEAN C.HOVE 02 Lake uve.. large beau tlfully furnished rooms facing lake: beard. BOARDING PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN OTN.. Oretner. 1H2 E. Walnut lane Delight ful roems: modern cenvs.- excellent home cooking; Individual service: large living rm.: perches and lawn; reus. Pheno (itn. 0S82. APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS 251-33 S. 17TII ST. Just lempleled. 3 alery, modern In every ir-,',-vi, jjiiiibuKii, i(-jiiit,iic; iiuuheaeep ng nnd bachelor. Apply owner, 132 S. 4th st Phene Lembard 3M0. DESIRABLE Al'AItTIIENT. 132) SPRUCE ST SEVEN ROOMS: 3 BEDROOMS BATH: FURNISHED FOR SUMMER OR UNFURNISHED FOR 13 MONTHS. A. p. WAKNOCK. 112 S. 10TH ST. COLUMBIA AVE. Apt.. . r. & bnth. hdwd flrn., dec: med In every respect; nr. Park 20 mln. from center of city. reas. David Serbyr. 013 Lincoln BUlg. Spruce 72.10 WALNUT ST.. 2040 Select neighborhood near Rlttenheuse Sq.: 2 beautiful apts. of 3 rooms and bath: hardwood floors; one fur nished, rne unfurnished. Phene Lecunt SOstt. BROAD, s . 72S Hskpg. npis. centrally le. cated, 4 large rms. & bath, sterage rm whlie plumbing, eltc. . Janitor serv ; 3 miii' wn II: te Cltv Hull, filhsnn OJII S Brnail' HOCSEKEr.'PlNO and b.ltchelnr. rr.,,. i nnd bith tn I toemn-ond balh. David T Nev In, .-..'ii N, 20th st. ' I BACHELOR'S npartment. 2 rooms and "tiled bath, hoi-water heat, electr.c light, cen 1 1 a I Phene Spruce 0207-020 Sj , 3153 N. BROAD Second fleer, unfurnished: 1 living room, hath and bedroem: $30 i CRUMBIE, 3143 N. Bread jit. 1410 N. 15TH Twe rooms and bath, con J tlnueus het water, electric; $40 und $50. Garfield 0.1511. 3131 N. 1ROAD ST. Bedroom, bath" kitchen, dining roem: $55. ritUMHira. ai43 N. Bread st. FUIC1MIED apt. for summer months. Add. Mrs W M Le-igstrcth, 400 s 13th st, WEST PHILADELPHIA 52D, near Spruce st, Handseme apt . 4 r. and bath, eiec: newly papered A painted, het-water heat: private entrance, tent $tie. W m T. Dicksen A Ce.. 201 S 52d st. FOUR rooms and bath. 0 rooms and batb apartments Call Spruce 0207-020a. fcMALL furnished apt., first fleer front, with housekeeping privileges If desired. 3330 fhestnut. Baring 7034, 542S WALNUT Flve rms, and bath: open dally. M. Faldman A Sen. Lembard 0520. BALTIMORE, 4510 Apt., second fleer; 3 rooms nnd bath, Lembard 3120. LANSDOWNE AVE.. 53211) rms,, balh, e ec i all nod, cenvs.; $33. Lembard 411H ' OERMANTOWN GTN Mesv desirable npt., 0 rooms nnd bnth, near train and trolley; beautiful surrmndlngs: evrry comfort nnd cenv. David Serber. Pl.t Lincoln Hldg, Ph. Sr-uct. 72.10. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN loll W CHELTEN AVE.. HTN. Larga Mrv rooms; slm In ur en suite: light hcuse- Keeping: furnished or unfurnished. APARTMENT. 0 rms. and bath: $40. HILL THORPE REALTY CO., Reslyn, Pa. APARTMENTS f Miff JERSKV HEAbHORB ATLANTIC CITY ' CHELSEA Elegant furnished, modern, new apartment, 0 rooms, 2 baths; caramel best residential section I 3,104 Pacific; ave., near Ambassador Hetel: full ocean vlewi until September IBi COBLINH REALTY CO., 812 Casrantee Trust Hldg,. Atlantic City. N, J. URAMMERCY COURT, APT, 48 Tsve rma. aim pain; reas, vjcean ia. na urum- mercy place. . iYIMiVVOOP. THE CHRISTINE APARTMENTS, cer. At IbmIIm mA n,mm . Clnstv finished and fifenlaha. T nnma Inefllillnff 3 bedroemSt only 7 .left out of 10; prlvateearagei In rear! mWrate terms. J. M. BfMONS. en premises. Bell phone 224 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WK HAVE a great many most H''",,1V apartments, oetn iurmsuru nun ;- nlshed. for rent nt the Present time. Sher Sher weed Apartment Agency. 1331 nlnut.L "". '" ;". T.-ur....r.,. . .. "!' - rrwinis, Kiicnenciip, um, """"". $42.80 and $80. Phena Baring 1200 M. FURNISHED APARTMENTS , 1410 (HRARD AVE. Apartm'nte and eln- le rooms, niceiy iurn.i -n; "r---eummer months. Phene Poplar 4505. , tVEST PH1T.ADKI.PHIA . IHOHEST class, 7 rms., 2 baths, likPB. apt,, elegantly furn.i central locatien: for sum mer: rererences. rnnnq rrB.mn ..- ... CHESTNUT ST.. 8014 (the Lenada) Nicely furnished apartmentsf all cenvs.: Pejcht reductions for eummer mes. Ph. Baring t3f. APARTMENTS WANTED VOU ARE INVITED le list jour vacant or te-be-vacant apartments with the Sherwood Apartment Agency. 1334 Walnut et.; phone Spruce 8000: It la quite Impesslb e te All the reaulrements of our many applicant! with tii your hearty co-operation. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINH ABSOLUTELT FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. FURNISHED. UNTORN'B LONG AND SHORT TERM LEAflES THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W. Chelten .ave,. . OERMANTOWN SO MINUTES TO BROAD ST. STATION Hetel or unfura. suites, housekeeping apU. NEW HOTEL BARTRAM 88D AND CHESTNUT . Apartments, furnished or unfurnished HOTEL COLONIAL B,pinTV.csVT A family hetel: 2 foerna "iTS.""!." C. PITMAN BAKER, JR.. Manaer THE SWARTHMORE. 22d and wln-; Furnished. 2 rooms and bath, and I room end bith; maid service and linen Included. i-none Locust oiea. HOTEL HAMILTON. 1331 W llnut st. (east of Bread) A quiet, conservative hotel. beautifully furnished nnd well conducted, GENEVA APAHIMENTS. 127 8. lBth--jgn or 2 rooms with bath. Phene Spruce 3890. HELP WANTED -FEMALE CLERK A geed clerical Position Is new available for a girl who has had some business experience, can fltjure rapidly and accurately and haa eome Knowledge of typ- "": MRS. PATTON Curtis Publishing Ce.. 004 Sansom at. GIRL for light housework, family of 3 adults- In Oermanlewn. Pheno Wyoming 4114 .1. . . . U1RLS for ostrich feather work. Apply 1137 IN. aiarsnail v.. pewen,. ,,.., OPERATORS experienced en all parta of ladles' wash dresses: best wages and sur roundings. Apply Blbermati Bres., Inc., Kiln ann Mi. croon SALESWOMEN Profitable outdoor pecupa lien: exper. prei. nn .-.imi-.pi. e,.. , ,,.. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, first class. for large mill offlce In northeast section; state age. reference, salary, experience te recelve attention. Address B 00. P. O. IfOX .1144 STENOGRAPHER A girl of experience, capable of doing high-grade work, can obtain an especially Interesting position new open; call at once, MRS. PATTON Curtis Publishing Ce.. B04 Sansom St. STENOGRAPHER and clerical assistant In office of sweater mill; salary te start $10; full particulars. A 227. Ledger Office. TELEPHONE OPERATINO. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FUR YOUNO WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND 23- EXPERIENCE UNNECESARY: SALARY PAID WHILE LEARNINU $13 PER WEEK TO 6TA11T THE TRAINING COURSE IS SHORT AND THOROUGH THE WORK IS CLEAN AMD ATTRAC TIVE; THE SURROUNDINGS PLEASANT MEALS SERVED AT LOW COST SICK BENEFITS APPLY TO MISS STEVENSON THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1031 ARCH STREET TELEPHONE OPERATOR experienced en telephone, te solicit adver tising: will pay salary and bonus; state age experience, salary expected; ' telephone numbe' U possible. M 712, Le.vcr Ofllce, WAITRESS. COLORED, FOR COLLEGE 4ji."im ii-ft-v"p afl-i ctimuTriv ei. --.. -J-..-, ---- -.. . . !.. I ,.., ei. WOMEN. 2. accustomed te church and be- ..I, .. i. ...n.e.,i n.a ...l.t. ......., . nut numi mbuui ,iiu .,., cuutaueii: per manent position earning a high compensation te the right women. A 134 Ledger Ofllce. General CLERKli. typists, stenegs. wanted by Gevt.: wrlte for Instruction partlcul rs Immed. for applications Aug.43ept. P 1421, Led, Off. HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING: Yeung man for ndvertlslnp detail: enDOrtunltv for beginner Inferecterf In advertising te develop with growing depart ment of large machinery manufacturer. Ap ply by letter, giving age. schooling, etc., and covering business cxpeilcnce If uny, p 1015, ledger Office. A YOUNG MAN te take charge of office; can assure $200 a month If Miu qualify; Investment of $300 re quired. Call 13 N. 18th st,. r.nem 307. BIUCKI.AYEBS (20) Union wanted, at Olean. N. Y. ; $1.23 per hour; fare paid both ways: a months' Jeb: no lest time. Apply White Construction Ce., Inc., Wldener Bldg., Phlla Pa. CLERK Bright fellow, 21 te 23, gced writ- er, quick nnd accurate at figures; must nlse be an exp, operator Burrough's adding lnaehln,.. Annlv hv InO.i .Imlnn a ....... . Ing, cxp , und minimum salary desired. Ad dress Chief Clerk. 510 Wldener Bldg. COMPOSITOR, non-union, for steady pnsl pnsl tlen; state, experience and wages expected. A 103, Ledger Office. cc?s'l'J.V',-I-UK-rYeul?B mal experienced In handling repair and construction cost work hi iiiuiiuiaibMiiiis; loam; viuie age. lull ex nerlence and salary. Address F 1, P. O. Mix 3443 DJ.E,,-u.exp' cnc'(1 m ,1'fn. boiling nnd bleaching linen yarn: geed pay; steady werk: reference required, P 1012, Led, Off. LABORERS wanted. 80 centa per hour. Aiii Ply Stene & WebaWr. Inc., Beach and ralmer ats. AUCTION BALES SHIP CONSTRUCTION,. AND REf AIRiep; ENTIRE PLANT CONSISTING OF MACHINE. IRtW,, BOILER AND WOOnw, 50fl TONS OF CHAIN. 1IVU.-N usirn ill,L.r. b, nir.si BTC.j R VutwsiMtu POTTER 0 AND 12 IN. STEAM HAMMERS! 8 ROYER8FORD AND kHfT uS5W DOUBLE END COMBINATION PUNCHES AND SHEARS. WITH 24, 2 aWMJ THROATS I GEARED POWER AND HAND PLATE BENDINO ROLLS lrnriS , TO 120 1N.I 10 FORGESL ANVILS, VlflE". DRILL PRESSES, ITORM!l&0jL' CONESl LARGE QUANTITY OF BOPE.TOnuB, hammers,. SLEDGES IBiSSE RWINOINO CRANKS WITH HOierni wjiijuusu uuirrin, hurrw BENDEnnTfi 8x8 AIR COMPRESSOR WITH TANK) 1 00-FT. DERRICK', COMPLETE: AN?.' S xtir-tr.t.r.ANi.:rii!H i:etHPMRNT. ' AND V MACHINE Harrington 80x10 I 1 4-fl. Radial Drill 8 te 0 In. Belt Thread! A. 18. tin. "1 enit 21 In tlan lathes, from 14x8 le 18x8: Screw Presses; Column Grinders: liiwr!fr I 30x30x8 Plsnert m n. F.. end WestlngheUM Meters, from n In an t. - J'aCK Nlsrs: salers; Portable Compressors; H. B. Smith 18-ln. Round Head Jeinters-'-ri'ii'"1 Tablen Phaftlnr. Beltlnr, Pulleys,, Hangers. ' "m"t Tep Complete Line of Marine Hardware! Plumbin and Steamftttlng Supplies ... u --W Bleck and Falls; Yale A Towne Chain Heliti i te 5 Ien Triplex- nwh vhB iuuvi urins: raps, jiesmers, iieicneisi .u iu-uiiuhe nammer and Ale rieiii. .J"" Da Electrle Drills and Grinders! Tope of Rlvete, Screw. Belts, Nut. Acetylene JV. 15 Pert! of Nalle: Enlner and Ship Suppllti,' HcKk,er,n Burners; H 10 neil and Fist Ten Desks. 30 Plain and Revolving Chun A !5i.. . ' Steel Drawer Cabinets, Burroughs Adding Madilne, Underwood Ne. n TtSTiiK11 8fs.'' Fane. Filing Cabinet!. International Time Recorder. Tables. ciew.lT.w.r.'.,". ElS Sells Thursday and Friday. June 22 and 28, 1022 at 11 A. M. shin premises. Ne. 2 te 28 Van Dvk " "n"1 1 e 80 Otetx St.. nJZi HELP WANTED MALE LABORERS te handle lumber: aoed Pay. Pesrfinn jl. T.itdsscher Lumber Ce.. vAest- mereiana at. ana usiaware jviver.- - -' r- - . . -" -.- r LAYOUT MAN Experienced typographical layout man. wun several year' experience a comiKslter; canable nf handling layout for monetypo and display ' en broadsides, folder ani flne catalogue! permanent Jeb; pleasant working condition and splendid prospect of advancement. Location. Cleve land. O.: state age and aalary expected. A 210. Ledger Office. LINOTYPE OPERATORS wanted, 2, night hirt R.msehlna union 1-h ntant! atate experience, salary and speed first letter! posi tion permanent: enlv first-class Jeb operator desired, Address Drawer 714, Parkersburs, w. va. LINOTYPE MACHINIST wanted for 8-ma-chlne union Jeb plant; give reference, ex perience, salary first letter. Address Ohie Val'ev Publishing CO.. parkersnurg, w. va, LIVE newspaper editor for dally evening newsnsner. East Central Pennsylvania. with qualifications for executive positien: state experience ana quai;iicauena. jvppir M 722. Ledger Office. LUMBER Experienced counter; geed pay, Pearson A Ludasclier Lumber Ce,, West- mereland st. and. Delaware River. MACHINE DESIGNER Large machine shop' Greater New Tork require services of man who lias had experience designing spe cial automatic! machinery for larg scale production of -nmall. ac c'it'tely machined parts. Bex 4. m Service. 15 E. 40th ,t.. New MAN I am looking for a particular type of man who Is Inherently honest, who can faithfully represent an organ ergan organ isateon of nutlenal reputntlen and recerd: regar.dles of your present occupation you may be that tyj-e of man whom I can place In a posi tion te cam net less than $5000 per 5 car. MR. OLESSNER 428 Land Title Bldg. MAN te wark In newspaper library: must be able te operate typewriter and have a mind for detail. A 218, Ledger Office. f MEN If ou are really Interested In be coming connected witn a rapidly growing successful International organization, call al local branch office after in A K. elsan reputation, geed reference and an honest de sire for advancement mere cassntlal than experience: applicants must be ever 2,1. See Mr. Cledl. 702 Van Dam Bldg., 1001 Mar ket st. MBf IF TOW ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH YOITR PRESENT POSITION AND WANT A FUTURE WITir a T.inni.- tvtv.m-.va. TIONAL ORGANIZATION. PHONE MR. "EVERS. SPRUCE 5900. FOR INTER VIEW. MLN whose record will tear investigation and who are looking for a future In a new but established business: Gentile about 30 f.3r8. 0!J! DM Particular first letter. A 123. Ledger Office. M AisJ WANTED. MAN WITH EXECUTIVE ABIL- Uni -v.1'1' aritUCB 04T3 TO ARRANGE FOR PFHfeONAL INTERVIEW. MI.TM )V.AJTFrD HONEST. AMBITIOUS CLEAN CUT MEN OVER 25 AT ONCE. APPLY TO MR. KZ.I. AFTER 0:30 A. M.. 1001 COLONIAL TRUST BLDO. NICKEL BUSSERS Excellent working con- uuiens; iiermanent position for rignt men. P 1014. Iedger Office. OFFICE MANAOER wanted bv new cor cer cor eoration: must be familiar wllh un-te-date cost and accounting systems, graphic charts. rvc-. ; exrcueni opportunity rer tnoreugniy callable eyeeutlve A 128. Ledger Offlr. PLANING-MILL FOREMAN, first class, te take charge of hlgh-sp-ed mill manufac turing long and short leaf vellevv nine: nnlv one capable of maintaining maximum pro duction need apply; state age experience and sninry deslrtd. Address E US. P. O. 3UA OS IV. PROOFREADER Wanted a proofreader te" read proof pertaining te technical sub jects, uch as metallurgy, power trans, m'sslnn. textile mfg. processes, etc: work may be done at home; state exper. ancf com cem com pensatlen desired. S-83 P. O. Bex 3500. SALESMAN, stock or brokerage firm, wanted ie -ii iMinnce treasury stock, commission has. V of going company with factery: stock win ue iwira new xerg uurn market: give full Particulars nnil referenreM In anuap n, rr-vnvu iineniien. a zj, linger ernce SALESMAN, with geed business training. luiiiitiMiiuinii prinunnuiy, goeu mixer. ler newsnaner nrnnn.ltlnn. mn., Ai. PhlladelDhla: ceml Nalnrv, (vrmnntn, , plevment. M 720. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Future boardroom men wanted If you can produce and already have a clientele. I will start ou at a salary In accordance, with your nbll'ty; answer lm mediately for appointment, p 1001. Led.Off. SALESMAN, experienced preferred, by high Hnua .ml nn.au .,. ..,' .,., 1..1., v -',"""""' ,ivi cimraving neuse. Apply by letter en y. E, A. Wright Ce Bread-nnd Huntingdon sis. "' t'0" SALESMAN wanted: local werk: geed pay. Bldg k Exchange SALESMEN Manufacturer of tievs- strongly advertised grocery specialty that Is a sen- satlnn wherever Intrnduceil villi i,n,..n.7.... nptielnt 'A men or wnn.n nn utn... 1. ng en K-rerery trade. Philadelphia and Mel i. Ity: applications from only high-class experi enced srecery or rtruz specialty salesmen or past success will stand arid test; sales man- "miiui mil ur V4iiipiut.'iru: u iirir innai mA A 223,' Ledger Of Oce "" '" c0,"'n. &ALESMEN Can use several energetla salesmen te sell medline.nr-ie.i ..nn.n biles; eatublUhed firm, with excellent oppor eppor opper tunlty for advancement te right man: straight commission. P Jle. Ledger Office 6ALES.MEN te sell te radio deulers: strictly commissien: an extsllent opportunity fir 2dr!g """' Dudie-'VeuL'ht Cerp.. 2S S. SHIP CARPENTERS First-class mechanics only NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORP Camden, N. J. "" j JVVT -L AUCTION SALt Z2r neninTI RMTH. AirTns.milII.Fl THUUHH. tlA.rUlUi;H. HEAT. t.-a.,T.L-l attci ether Mlsiellanceus Equipment of Ollbert M. Ediett A Ce. (Ret!rl,), 'S KLAL LdlAlb. - a ll Lets, located al Van Dke and ptsete St., wllh Buildings. Further BrUe)33$ be obtained at Auctioneer umce orien premises, '' UUlJjl1.lt AINJJ lltUlN BilUl- gi v AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS . 1 2-TON MACK TRUCK! 1 AND 1J4-TON HEPUBL1C TRUCKS A XTt-l 1r--T-IirrTJirTlT. T.sfi,l-i . MX1J ifuwunvimuiu uerAKTMRNTft rt. loathe, with Rljlnir Bleckf. up le 80 'In., modern In ...!, :Fav A Scott 32x10 ft. Lathe, completely eeulntv.3. V.'n...vV res ng Machine: 2 Smith Mill 20 nnd 24 In. Shape,, n --Tl r-l.ln snri Rack GearAd Drill Presses f a D...?.pArsLB. A 8. D SUPPLY DEPARTMENT' AND OFiTtpk- WILLIAM A. TOBIAS. Aiinttnt....' "''" Directional Crosstown Car, Brooklyn te Brie wasin; sale two block away t,N,,r 'entT- wuiii iNmusn iisii UIUUSI7", .w ,,, .v.. .., . .w iiai at Lerraine St a l,"seii Auctioneer' Office, 308 Broadway. N. T. C. Tlenh-'' ct te Wt. "-w,, -ansi Rtss '. tlAtMlrrcT a. - "ra bt. a .raff?! THURSD4.T. JUNE 23 a 0t' U" , 18 Iads Furniture frSm AT A. til M Library Suit. TVIcker ail 2 5J"M,M3fe? Chairs. Vase. China it? ,"';,"u, BuffiSw hlghe.t bidder! "aiiSV em, ?!?!. ?' 55?JNTEDlA7sr SALESMEN spsvrir- ( thVrwtmmk TKIC APPLIANCES! "5ii,'IE8, ri &r&iw:$i -v..iaii inuar WT.rvfj - ., ,.. ,.....8.-.?PIAT, OPPORTirvtseT "". ""'rvaugn will Interview i V week from 10 A i ' t, I 1 Wt mSn I1'1Mi In Philadelphia. Camden LiJ ff lnwli' cities; exnerUnee unnwessaJi? .,hI.nf!; mjii md. ever tled jAVt wt, V49 mS-h free training rcelved from iT. t!.du- same- call and he nVln?.J.w.0,u,3.', tfi ' TYPIST, one who uses teui1-1! nights a week; snlarv $la' .1.1. ? exnerlence, p inin'y..8- . tn3 TYPIST Ynunv .. E .entlal, tru.t ew.T"' WEAVERS experienced un w . YOUNO MAN. Mh fc . - -.has knowledge nf plannlnr nriflUi"4 tf ply Emplevment Department jfitS4 -A-Tarnnv and Fr.v !.. TtlLA'"?1- . . General - ,ii S MEN , ii i If ou want work nnd mean teuln.M ll can use ou nreMdlng nu nre heneif .S bilious nnd of Heat appearance. ' w Pheno Spruce 7088 for appointment calx. TRANSPORTATION WORK Trsfne u elation w-ant reliable men te quilifyVSJ Icessary; common school education essentlsT I i S men "J J00.'1 -,hrctr need 1 spr-l rj. worth while, write witheu't ob !,a7en?Tt5. Ing resent pe,. age., phlla. p. e Tiex 2U nncpwiviT T.a Accountant, dept. store exp. requires? 1 Office manager, with sales experience, .,., Secretary (stenetr.). handle many detail. Engineer-draftsman re-enforced concrete Salesmen (alary; high-grade men wlthteeir elllng ex.: local A traveling; fend predSui Mec. sunnlv line, no reristrv .h.,.. ie2k grade employment service: special deit. fer hit sltsj abb mnMn rtmt a -rs iiuaiiire iiuinriii IIW rr, 1 Hf. MKN wanted: Gevt. nentnt ri-rit. ctrrln; m wrlte. for Instruction, particular..: Immi IN. rer appiicntieni-i Aug. 1. V 1421, lW. etT. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMAa COOK Present empleer would like te piss her very geed coelt whom she recemmsiiti highly. Call Wednesday nnd Thursday (rm I, m 1-. wii, ie i.sncey pinee. r: Wild WILL GIVE IK A rlfAVi-Pfi I have Iveen the private secretary te the advertising manager of 2 leading dally iievvspap-rs, nm a first-class stenef. rapher, have handled millions of dollar worth of contracts from their reception te conclusion, hnve hnd complete chirrs nf im-ie-the-mlnute filing svstem. , LATER I went Inte advertising agencr' work Hnd understand thoreughlv alt dc tails of It; I believe I can write lems ceny. si I Just don't want a Jeb as stenegrapher: (J I am .eung in ears. but I want a : chancn te demonstrate that I can put a'i complete Jeb across, nnd want te work for nn establishment that can appreciate lejaltv. Integrltv and ability. ' ANSWER M 728. LEDGER OFFICB OFFICE WOnK. yeunr ldy, age It; ll eara high school, commercial ceurse: aj curate; Industrious, M 731, Leaser OIBea. 8ITTJATIONS WAyTED-lVlAH ' ESTIMATOR Draftsman, technical mat eek cennec. with progressive centnwtjr or bldr. In estimating dept. A 228. Led Oft MAV. 42. exec, and engineering sales ejj-l energetic: goeci appearance, a .11. K-um-. SALESMAN, are 21; nlse exp. '";' flee: w III travel, A 222. T-edirer Office. TEACHER , Yeung man, 23. desires summer tltJl boys' camp prep,: also 8 Sears ejriees in adjustment nne seinuw. a .1.. n-a, -,. YOUNG married man, wishing te reside M Pennsylvania, desire a position aafim. class construction or maintenance ,lK'-' clan. Tlease communlcate with A. Lcbuc,i 334 N, Main t.. Manchester, N, II. .AGENTS SALESMEN Writs for list of Ilnjs and full particular: earn from $2300 te IIMf yearly: big demand for men, Inexp. or ara. elty or traveling. Nafl Saleamirf tl. Aes'n. Dept, 277. Chicago. ; EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES SITUATIONS WANTED cooks, Prelfitant, Infant, several chlldnurses. jentmitf. girls for downstairs, cooking. Kane, 511 8, mill si. lien pnenv. z-, rz HARVEY. 10111 Rlttenheuia wm reVl'able help;' all i.at'enalltlcs nippllt wnntPtl. WANTED - Competent, cook. '.warns ruunnurse: rei. m. .e. -T - rf3" HARKINS. 2004 IJlnbrld-filL MISS HARK1NS. 2004 jiainenai vTXSf .,r. ennks. waitresses, maids 8r. M'i "SELECT colored help en hand Artlmr liurns. DUd vs. 41 111 n. v,e -- T.nfiT AND FOUND vi-ri-i.ACE Lest. Tecla pearl neewsw "lS returned te 23S0 N, l.:ed " Tecla pearl necUae, I.KtIAL Amr,Bl"r-"i"" iSTfOTl'CE IS HEREBY OIVE.N IJUf 1 Jl.e mWent Wfs and Tru-I OnusW tf rhh.nf?r,a5urtwe pa..suff.u W3 Al M".iU!- the said Ceuit te d acharit U, ftrAtSeVlSSf"1! ; la'ceurtnS diction and centr ei of n w ,,, pft questing the aid ceurj te 1 dent '' "....Li.n . le capacity ffi?iMVurdl.n.M ramc ir raay I'-V.V Tn ths Place of tne sain pji n nm EUBIUI.II, -.- - T.' .,,:i.Kn In ths place of the .a a appear. ir UuCOOf ui nrtrl :.. ! ma i&Jrfamim&sSR herefer ln a U 'Wuclary capaclti.a ekjj Sua- .v-cSasssy' ." VbuafflV than life 'M ' rHsWHinsllKKKI-V "SJvJy Hv' VSf 1.i llrrnhnril, alias ll"?,!nur ..-......-..-.-;. rtf ,.ua. -1... slen.: lUS.i. Nes. 375 '"11,,f',Vr, of J . .SjIIPS. lmml - .m. mtn STV tenceil te impriseiiineiii. -- - tun ' U. Ih.n Ihree vpars Or InOr ph Jear In the Eastern Y;"li,2iSy ?VW delphla. will apply te tbe ,'lftMI l,. ji;T, at Jlarrlbur, pennyivi, jv ItOwiSuT-KXRK. Atternir teUWU , mnn, renvicieu 01 """'";r Vd fall ''it mak ng written Instruments ana 1 , , tenses as nf Court of Glll,r"r... vt acl ,H8fi?, ?." , f Phiindslnhlii County, Ki. i.-j "v .....- ...... rtiiy nnd if in . 11 ' 1 h sW . t &&. . Lull? ; "V 1. v 1 'X