Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 20, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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4 rBYBklgQ fpUftLIO ,LEpgI)kr--BHmI)ELEfalA OTESDAY jyE 20, 1922
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Stere Closes at 5
Daylight-Saving Time
login piy t 9 n an,d 4:5
Generally GteUdv ' ' pH!?S
Stere Opens at 9
Daylight-Saving Time
Mftedjr and Chimes at Noen
fWr Summer Will Arrive Officially Along With Many Opportunities
at Wanamaker's in the Ofmial Things te Wear in Summer
Plutarch Said That "Ne
Business Should Be Looked
as a disparagement," iter did "any traded give
cause for a disadvantageous distinction,
i De thy ljttle stroke of work and be
prepared te' de thy whole duty en the
Net te knew proper answers te proper
questions asked by patrons of the' Stere
shows that you are incapable and often
reports you as unworthy of the place you
l June SO, 19SS.
Oilk Dresses for All
& Hours in a
Yeung Weman's Day
Of course, silk is adaptable te any kind of wear,
the only question is the color.
Fer example, the wise young woman will make
sure of at least one navy blue or ether dark colored
crepe de chine frock for mornings and general utility
She will need at least a
couple of pretty afternoon silk
dresses, say a dark-colored
printed silk, combined with
Georgette, and one of white
crepe de chinp, printed in tiny
colored designs. Such a dress
is here in blouse style with
lace cellar at $22.50.
Of course, for evening it
will be a white silk dress,
White Petticoats
Here are some of the kinds
most favored te"vcar under thin
white dresses:
A firm cambric, with scalloped
bottom. $1; with scallops and
double panel, $1.35.
U a m I) r 1 c with cmoreiaery
flounce and double panel, $1.50
and $2; with lace and double
panel, $2.50 and $2.85.
Lieht-weieht lincne with hem
double te the hip, $2.25.
(Third I'loer)
Baby's Hand-
Knitted Garments
Specially Priced
There are the dearest little
socks, sacques and sweaters,
either hand knitted or hand
crocheted, beautifully done and
In the daintiest of pink, blue
or white, at prices less than
they ever have been.
The socks are 35c te $1 a
pair; the sacques, $1 te $2.75,
and the sweaters, $3.75 te
(Third Fleer)
Imported Embroidered Batiste
Special at 50c a Yard
50c is less than half usual price. A fine embroidered-dot
batiste from Switzerland, in somewhat the same dot effect
as a swiss, but en a soft batiste ground.
Beautiful colors, including, beige, copper, brown, corn,
cherry, green, china and navy blue, all with self-color dots ;
navy with crimson or jade dots, and navy and china blue
with white dots. All 28 inches wide.
(Wet All)
All Our Finest Silk Wraps for
Women Drep te $100 and $150
The new prices mean a generous saving en each
There are but thirty-five in all, scarcely two alike,
and every one distinguished and charming.
Heavy Canten crepes and soft failles are the ma
terials, with cellars of caracul and fox and Summer
ermine; and linings of crepe or the prettiest printed
The colors are chiefly dark or neutral cobweb
grays, black, dark blues, soft browns and the wraps
are as practical for evening as for afternoon use.
(Firat Fleer)
FRESH from the Cus Cus
tern Heuse comes an
interesting consignment of
Chinese embroideries, old
and modern panels,
squares and hangings of
varying sizes, a great many
or them in blues and Im
perial yellow.
Prices are moderate '
"eni $s te $165.
Mown in a Market street.
aeu;, ,
(Main vioer) 4 .
quite simple, but the lines
must conform te fashion.
There are the prettiest white
crepe de chine dresses here
that we have ever had, with
prices as low as $22.50.
As for the prices en the finer
afternoon dresses, they are
$35, $42.50, $48 and $55. Sizes
are 14 te 20 years.
4 ',
New Celers in Women's
Washable Dee-Finish Gloved
Seft, easy-fitting gloves in a delicate peach-bloom color
or a silvery pearl.
Nothing like them has been possible before in a wash
able doe-finish leather glove.
' The skins are imported and the gloves are finely made.
They are strap wrist, with 5i2-inch tops; eutseam sewn,
spearpeint backs.
The price, $3.25 a pair.
(Main Fleer)
A Superior White Washable
Crepe de Chine at $3
All advices from Paris say "white crepe de chine."
Nothing is lovelier for Summer dresses.
And nothing is mere practical nor launders mere easily
and perfectly than this lovely egg-white crepe de chine.
We knew of none ether se well made, se altogether
desirable for the fashions. In weft and warp, the finer kind.
Its 32-inch width is the most practical for tub dresses,
lingerie and the majority of its uses. ,
(Flrt Fleer)
Airplane Linen
Men nnd women use them.
It is the linen that the Govern
ment found best und strongest for
The quality is therefore mere
than usually geed for general
everyday wear.
They are plain hemstitched
with quarter or half-inch hem
for men, 45e each. Fer women,
20c each, $2.20 a dozen.
(Mla VImv)
An attractive old drop-leaf
dining table of mahogany in
the Chippendale style ia here.
It has' reeded legs and arched
ends. The price is $135.
Four fine old Chippendale
chairs in mahogany, with' wide
scats, pierced split backs and
reeded legs, group themselves
admirably around the table,
Three are of historic interest,
and are $148 apiece. The
ether is $80.
A number of ether old
pieces, including chests, chairs
and tables, have arrived. All
were collected In Pennsylvania.
, ' (Fifth Fleer)
Seme Pretty Traveling
Hats Are Much
Hats that leek especially well
with tailored street dresses or
Of dark colored straw, trim
med, with flowers or ribbon and
they make excellent hats for
business women.
Chiefly in navy blue, brown or
black, a few in bright red and
they are all from a third te a
half less, which means $10 te $20
at the present time.
(Second Fleer)
New Voile Blouses
Even Loek Coel
The styles with Peter Pan col cel
lars are intended te be worn
under sweaters. Others are col cel
larless and have short sleeves
with real filet and Irish lace trim
ming. There is even a Peter Pan
model, buttoning in the back and
made entirely by hand with much
hand drawn work and hand cm cm
breidery. The price of any is $3.85.
(Third Fleer)
Summer Girdles Set
Off the Freck
It is easy te see what an addi
tion they would be te a wash
Made of white or pongee
colored ratine or wool with silk
spider-web effect in jade, tur
quoise, lavender, white or black,
and at the end are tassels.
Seme are quite exclusive. Sur
prisingly low priced, $1.50 te
(Main Fleer)
Women's Coel Voile Dresses
at $18.75
Dark printed voiles have the great advantage of looking
as cool as they are, and everybody knows hew important that
is in het weather !
All are in one checked pattern
with large everplnids brown and
white, navy and white, black and
white, Copenhagen and white;
and one style has white organdie
trimmings with loops, where the
Nine New L. R. Corsets te Fit
Various Needs
A cool model of light-weight' pink 'broche, with straight
hip line, is $2.
A sports model of pink striped
material is cut short with elastic
gussets In skirt and buttoned top
te prevent steel pressure. Price
An empire top model of pink
broche, with clastic inset in skirt,
is $5,50, , ,,
', (Third
Nevel Necklaces of
Imitation Jade
Charming,' with variously
shaped beads, rather heavy, en
the same string, or with delicate
tiny beads separated by chains.
Prices are $1.25 te $15.
Earrings of the same cool
green are $1.25 te $12.50; brace
lets 50c te $9.50.
(Main Fleer)
A New Importation
of Semi-Precious Jewelry
is in the Oriental Stere.
There are necklaces of lapis lazuli at $100, or turquoise
matrix or malachite at $50; of carved grayjsh jade with curi
ous Chinese knots of white cord at $25 ; and of wonderfully
deep and beautiful amber at $65 te $125. Alse strings of
jade beads, geed in color, for $100.e Other necklaces of seed
coral in big balls are $30.
Bracelets of jade and seed pearls are $40.
(Mnln Fleer)
A Leacock Boek and
Seme Fiction
The first, "My Discovery of
England," by Stephen Leacock, is
the entertaining result of his
British tour. Price $1.50.
The ethers are "The Secret
Adversary," by Agatha Christie,
a mystery story of a new sort.
Price $1.75, and "The Secret
Tell," by Paul and Mabel Theme,
which is also a mystery story,
and is priced the same, $1.75.
(Mnln Fleer)
All of the Samples Frem One of the
Country's Best Makers of Luggage
Are Here
At Prices Substantially
Belew Any Years
Have Brought ,
Net an inferior
piece of luggage in
the entire let and net
a duplicate piece.
The entire sample
line' of about the best
luggage made in
America has been
shipped directly from
the New Yerk show shew
r e e m for a rapid
Net a single piece has as much as been en
the read net a piece is scratched, marred or
shows the effects of handling in any way.
And almost every desired kind of luggage is
in the group luggage of superior material and
masterful workmanship.
There are sturdy, yet light traveling bags for men
and women, there are fitted and unfitted cases for men
and women, the fitted ones having exquisite toilet pieces,
some solid colors and some decorated, fitted and unfitted
overnight bags, coat cases for me,n and women.
Virtually every shape in a bag or a case that people
have displayed a preference for is in the group. There
are black ones and brown ones but no two alike.
The leathers include calf, shiny auto, pin seal, cow
hide and walrus.
Prices start at $7.50 for a traveling bag and go up
te $100 for a magnificently fitted overnight case but
every article is about one-third below the amount it was
made te sell for.
" (Mnln Fleer)
Blankets Cleaned
by our sanitary process are made
soft and spotless, and arc finished
te leek like new.
Single blankets, 75c.
Deuble blankets, $1.50.
Send a postal or phene Rittcn Rittcn
heuse 1000 and we will call for
your work.
ether has embroidered organdie.
Beth have sashes, nnd the quality
of the organdie is uncommonly
Price $18.75.
Twe models at $6.50 include a
topless, long-skirted corset of line
white broche, and u light, cool
model of pink silk batiste, of
moderate length, wth elastic band
at top.
Four models for torero women.
heavily reinforced and strongly
boned, are $4.50, $5.50 and $0.50.
Fine French Toilet
Seap, 18c a Cake
. Less than the price of ordi
nary domestic soap of nothing
like it's delicacy and fineness.
Pleasantly scented. Seme arc
in attractive cretonne glove and
handkerchief boxes a box of six
cakes for $1.
(Mnln Fleer)
Mere Geed Grass
Rugs Have Come
Frem China
Gay-looking Summer rugs that
are, better than one can imagine
for $8.75. The size is 9x12 ft.
Designs and colors that are
fashionable and cheerful.
And hew popular the rug has
been this season! Enclosed
perches for miles around are be
ing covered with them and some
people arc using them for inside
(Set mill Fleer)
Fine Quilts Are Much
Given as Bridal Gifts
We have never known them te
be se much in demand.
Rich all-silk quilts, lambs' wool
filled, and in plain colors are
widCW5 red"18, 25, ?30
Dewnlflllcd quilt.s, in line all-
920 teT?' m,i in fc0li1 CO,ors'
(Mxtll Fleur)
for Bathing Suits
Girls Want Bathing Suits,
Ne Question About That
This year's favorite in fact, the only kind that is asked for is the twe-in-enc
knitted wool jersey suit. The skirt and tights are in one piece, which makes it an excel
lent swimming suit, and it is easy te get into and te get out of.
It is surprising hew many styles Iheie aie, Kni. ., nf 14 1R , 1C ,
some are plain coleis, ethers have white or colored ffr ,P01 K"H r l4 1C nml 18 .vc,nrs" nrk'es "
facings; there are two-toned effects and some 0,7 ami 58,r'- I,or K'rls of S, 10 and 12 years,
pretty new ones with stitching in colored wool. piices are $3.75 te $7.50.
(.Srcmiil l'lnnr)
All-wool swimming suits, one
black, blue, red and green, $3.
All-silk ene-plcce swimming suits, 87.50.
Pacific Const style suits, $3.50 te $7.
Twe-piece suits, of wool with silk stiipes, $5.50
nnd $6. '
Lifeguard suits (blue flannel trunks that held
their color in any water), $2.50 and $3.
There's Net a
Shut All the
and expect te keep
with the sun blazing down and the day 1
aiwMncr lint. L .
But that is just about what a man is
doing who wears a woolen suit that keeps
all the breezes out, when
A Tropical Suit Leeks
Mighty Fine and Is as Coel
as the Air
Ne use talking, a man doesn't knew what comfort
in Summer means if he never has stepped out in a
light, airy tropical suit.
It's a surprise, a revelation, a positive joy the
way he feels.
And a tropical suit doesn't mean a baggy, wrinkly,
limpid cheese-cloth-looking piece of light, colorless fabric.
There are trepicals in all colors, all patterns any ether
suit comes in.
And when the cool, comfortable material has the right
tailoring it makes a mighty smart, fashionable suit.
At Wanamaker's
Beaches, $18 and $20;
te $32.
There Is a Gas Iren
for Only $2.65
Of course, the price is special.
A light iron just 5 pounds
double pointed nnd efficient as
can be.
The stand is included at the
(Fourth l'lnnr)
, When the Ice Starts
Flying All Over
th'e Fleer
or all ever the table or in all
the ether things in the refriger
ator every time it is nccessaiy te
chip off a little piece, it net only
makes it twice as hard te keep
the kitchen clean and ruins a let
of feed, but it wastes ice as well.
A needle point ice chipper that
chips without scattering the
pieces is here for 40 cents.
(Fourth Fleer)
200 Pieces of Colored Glass
Special at $1 Each
Candy jars, competes, footed fruit bowls, mayonnaise
sets and ether desirable and attractive pieces in a choice of
either canary or blue.
Every piece prettily cut in a floral design.
Fer anybody in search of a low-priced but acceptable
gift here is a fine opportunity.
(Fourth 1 lour)
Geed Big Water-Soaking
Bath Towels- 50c, 75c and $1
The towels at 50c each are full-bleached, serviceable
weaves with hemmed ends and borders in a choice of blue
or pink, some all-white.
At 75c each .ire towels of
heavy, thick texture, full of geed
service, generous in size and .ith
hemmed ends.
Bleck Scrim Curtains,
Special at $1.25
a Pair
Of lacv scrim, in a shadowy
block effect that makes them
leek almost like curtains of
block madras.
(I'lflli I loer)
PLUNGING in the Ocean or Splashing in
a Mountain Peel Calls te Mind
Need Men and Women Have
Suits That Men and Beys Like
- niece stvle. in
(The (.allrry)
Man in Philadelphia Who Would
Office Windows
cool while working away
there are tropical suits tailored te perfection Palm
Mehairs, $20, $22.50 and $25; Tropical Worsteds, $25
(Third I'loer)
Real, True Sportsmen
Are Wearing Teasel Cleth Caps
Bright caps that cling te the gay sports colors- sand
and bufF and gray.
Fuzzy and fine te sec, yet light te wear and cool.
Principally in the eight-piece style, five different colors
and priced $2.
(Mnln 1 Innr)
If Shee Making Were an Art
We Knew a Man Who
Would Wear Medals
After ethers have seen the shoes he turns out they
admit that any one who can make such a manly looking shoe
ler a man te wear and have it se fashionable, sp trim looking
and at the same time sure in service, ought te wear medals
Such n shoe is a Scetch-giain flat heels,
brogue in tan. Theic are per- If a man gauges the cost of
foratiens en the tips, the Ijcc shoes by the months of wear,
stay and vamp beam. he'll find them mighty reasonable
Solid white oak soles and low, at $12,.r0.
(Main I lour)
At $1 each laige, heavv,
close-woven, spongy towels, all
white and cf exceptionally geed
quality, in a laige size and
hemmed en the ends.
Collapsible Lanterns
Gay little thing, for lawn
fetes, en perches and in bunga
lows. In five sizes and different com
binations of color yellow and
gieen, green and led, ltd and
gieen nnd the I rice-, are let- te
d'niirth I'leiir)
White sleeveless shuts, of pure worsted. $
White belts, 25c te 50c.
A fine selection of boys' swimming suits, one
piece, gray, blue and led, $2.50 te $3.
Bathing caps, swimming wings, burf beatd.
nnd ether accessories.
r ' ' l r
- HV " JL
WWm 'i m
1 IT'r b
i i '
i ."
A Couch
Hammock te
Satisfy Any One
Couch hammocks of the
best standard types are
here, for children as well
as for grown folks.
A hammock that will
give you the largest meas
ure of real comfort and
satisfaction for the money
is bound te be found here.
Alse hammock stands,
canopies and lawn cano
pies. (rtrntli Fluer)
Wrist Watches Are
Handy for Men Who
A geed thing ti remember when
thinking of n gift for a young
man giuduate.
The silver vatehe are en
Khaki .-.trap! and the geld .ind
geld-plated watches en leither
'tiaps. Tlie are all either
Waltliam or I'lgin moements.
SilM'i-i.i'.i'il watches $2l te
M'J. Geld-lilled-cu'-ed watches,
$22 te $:r.. 1 1-kt. geld-cased
watchc-, $.')1 te $8-.'.
( M ilu I innr)
ttti'lp I, u ' ,
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