q$T'$J.i t sW ' - f?Js' ,?-?!!3wvv- ST?1 - - wmfmwPW$'i '"V t'3TTOW ir ' -'CI'? i 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1022, M'CORilK SOON TOSAILFOREUROPE Patient in Gland Operation Ex pected te Leave Hospital This Week YOUNG MAN FADES AWAY Clllcnce, .tuiir JO-rlliirnM 1'. M M M Oonnlelc. mllliemilic rlinlrmsin of the Executive ('einmlttri- nf dip liiterim -tlennt Ilnrvp-ttrr .'nnuviiij. nmv he iihlf te Irnve Wvjlcy MiMiinrliil llmpltnl 1 WVflnr-iln.v nr T!iur-ln of thl pik After n brief re-t :il Imiiu'. It i 'hen!it hp will km te Kunijip for an lAtrnili-il vllt. I Mr. McCertiilrk' frie'iiK wire (le isured yptinln.v flint the irliinii tt nnplati May Be Able te Replace All Human Vital Organs Pnrln. .ttitie 'JO. The 8tiirilliiK piiMiiMlily tlmt ail vital irs.itf fan lp ri'iilnrril loom it" n re-ult of i'X .HTlinent- liplns made tiy lr. Sew VnTuiinff. TIip neti'il surprint ni." lir i ill -ri-aily usli.s four ilifferiMit rIminI. from' rliliniaii7.t'fv en hiiiiiiin beitis. inrltiillni; liiti'r-titial clanile for re re juvpiuitlen of tin- iik'-i! anil th.irelil glancls for meiituli. Irirkunnl cltll reported In Cleveland Innt nlghf. Hn ' worn vUiips.pr under subpoena at the wild lie iiuule rp"-rrvatlniiH months nRe . brailnp, imil iiftcrwiinl they broke their for IiIh father te ee en a biiHlnrss trin Ktlpnce te Mir Hint tliev had testified nf lnictlen of bnklnif plants, and tbe only reason they knew why Geerge that be was c-rrtiiln Ills father bad net fintH' iiwny te avoid court wiihpepna, mt mprely wits compelled by business te leave. He iilfe said hn talked with hit Wnrd went away was te nttend te btiKlneiw. District Attorney Weeks had Imped, tbrnnch the hearing, te nreve that n cendplrney Minted, and thereby obtain father en the Ions distance telephone, a warrant en which Oeerpe V-hrd could and that hl father knew be ni be arrested and extradited. The Grand wanted n a witness, but wax coins .lury which Indlrtcd Walter Ward te complete hit trip. meets again tomorrow, and Mr. Weeks Allen It, Cnmpbe'l and l'lwoed M. had planned te present conspiracy evl evl ItabPiield, two of the Ward lawyers, j dence before that body. M WBHBUB MYSTERY WOMAN j ,V'01 APl'AlL or Till! UlUHHi.! VHA-HACTBH VOll Til AS IWLSli-.SIX YUAHS wetir.'s A.n riiiLOHSS's UUKB IS WARD'S SISTER H tcrne-i an I nn'srs, w.r! In-tni. tlm' te turn awni all but ineiiilierr. of his f.mulj . tatinn bad been entireh sucpssf,,! iReatjV0 Testifies at Hearing g li said the patlPtit ili-i'nvered for YJI the first timp that tbe nature of the she Knew Nothing of Ira operation unit niwrap pnnm. hum or- r came hi nngry th.it be ordered the dl- Blackmail 1 j3 mlsal of Mer.il hnpital rinp'ini'-. II" CjB pent out for tlic nevpnprr, anil af'er ' -- !?3 readhiR m,i,ip ..f r',e mit biiie n... New Ym-li. June 20 --Mr- T.elnnd &i ltlve er.ers that th.i w.-r- nt te .,. Stanfl,H Wl)ni kNfl. of Wnlter S. C discussed bi anime I" the bespita' , w..,r,l. i...tl'ied iesi.-r.biv ill the li. nr- JQ Guards were sfuieun, ..round tbe sec ,, ,n (t(,n,lim, w,,(.fhl.r member- of ? Hen of the hospital wM-l. bas !,. , w , f , ,.llsr0( , ,l0fe:it wnlled -IT for Mm. bl. sui-eon. m- .,k,, ,,,, .,, v,.i. , of I'li.ren 'c 1' . s,!,,, ,,,! irr ,.,s. band I ml been -uboeenaed te appear v Ynulli KailM way befe'e .lustjc.. .Merscli.i'is-r. sittiin: as .1 s It Is sjii.l tint tin- eutli fbreiiKii tnapstraie 111 ui.ne i-iainx. fl wnem 'MP eiieratl'iii wn niai'e pesl'ile , '" ," """ " ". ..,- .... ha disappeared. UaMiic eried his Mysterious w..iiian ' 'witness whom tbe purpesp. the w.uns man ha- b-n se- niitherltte- were sr,.kinS en Saturday cretlv remove I from the Mei'ennl.'k 's'", had been with her bu-b.ind at tb unite' of rooms ;.t the Weshn .Memerial 'Jedncy I'.irni Hetel OMrlet After- Hospital. II- liepared with bis nee lit '""J- eeks ,prd te c.un from her the nf the MrCe-mlik fortune, leninis be- 'r of the nlleced blaekmail plot hind the eIiiii.I wbl. !i Is e-rtel Je which. Ward's l.iwie.s contended, was brine back the iljer of eutli te he responsible for the hlioeiing of Tilers In hariester inaan-lfe. It is .n,l he w i- the pistol "battle." pi, Id S.-.llit fee the eland "'" Woe.l kii.I that -lie had no Slme the eperati,..! I.e. mile public kiieuledcp of any blackmail plot klumhilze. If wis ,l...-me :j,vsnli'e acainst nni of her relative- : 1.0 knewl- that the provider of tie rejuven.nliu: edsc of the sli,Mti; f peters until gland apt n heeeine "en. ..f t'i. n .in'. " she read ,.f it in tie newspaper-, and It Is Di in . 1 out 'bat Mr M. ( 'e-mlel. k'lew nethins I'irilier n'mit it tbnii APPAREL OV THE BETTER KIND np $ Chestnut Cerner Twelfth A DIFFERENT KIND OF STORE Extraordinary Dress Values ! 16.50 Reduced te Formerly te 89.50 SSI Of broadcloth striped silk, foulards in smart designs, printed crepe de chine, and Canten crepe in an unusually heavy quality in jgj navy, black and white. M Summer Frecks of Superior Value 1 $5 te $19.50 2l Of dainty Swisses, Ginghams, Normandie Voile, S3! French Voile, and Shantung:. Waltham Mirror Cleck Antique gilt frame with deep blue in lay eight-day Waltham movement, height 4 ft., width 12 inches, depth Vt inche-45. Mirror clocks arc practically con structed without thickness and hang flat against the wall. They are de pendable timekeepers and very attractive. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SIIWXnSMITHS 1 H - ..1 S'." ' ail -let is n mn,n .i. !:iii ure ritnl en1 nf rl.t foremost ee .e!i ,.f ( til, .-ice. wlnle rlie 'llseilsseil if witb tier father or brother former K'aml owner l one 1 iwer In Me .mil rhev li.ul nor tehl hi-e r.nuli'u feelal sc.ile. ,,;, iititithe is. li.l that it about eithe. bl.ieUmaii or the sheeting, wenM he em iri-is-mi liac the -he aii! Mr. Woe.l. who fellow e. her yeiinj tis.it! "tallx." ai " win'ss. siinl he never hal liejinl Anion; tlie.,. who afMTtM te ea'l "f arj hWi'nin.u' ninl had nor t-ilkei upon Mr Mri'er 1 n-k -et iav was a ii'jeur the slioetinS with an of the bntless nn.l ee:irlessni:iti in snnl lus ar nisiiic a Ilriilje- He ti.hl 11 porter- Ila'pb Wn.l then was irealleil ami Blouses, $1.95 Of dimity, tuxedo or Peter Tan cellar. All white or contrasting col or trimmincr. White Hosiery, $1.95 Of excellent quality, full fashioned. Excep tional value. ' ' he wa-. from the IM wir.I U'.ti' - lb pital, ami was tin nitsii t M.. (l-.i. will), it i- leper'"! v.u w I Mirht'iie Merermiik. Mr. Me.Vrn .-U s .li.ti.-hn 1 l-alliiij; te jam entni'iee t.. tl . 1. i-4 . be later a ertl lie wa- '1 ix (l.r hlme!f," ami 'must -ee Matbilde He wa- p'a 1 'I ntiibr am st. Dr. Vn ter 1' I.e-pinave. noted lanii Mir.eetl. who ie fenneil the upetutlell ti)ila i ueil the following stut'Oiii li' "Hare'il r MeCnnnii 1, is in eiel lent -iint-. and hi- nnditiriu. -.nri -rallj. i-i ,iM tli.it reiibl h" desimi " I.a-t nr.'1. i. it hi- niliee. I r I.e--pinasse ..nd rt'.at Mr. Mi I r:n w.i w.i lliiprevlns. aii-i that he e i'.l allow him te s 1 le'ii . ' 111 .1 f-w ihijs It was r ported tli.it III. l.esnnii-se bad lei'li tuetiuse.l ii fee ,.f ..ll.llil If the epcia"'n wa- a 11 1' i .ind rtnn without pwb!i'it. It nl-e was -a'd that the inisjiit.il receii'd n premi-e of nn endowment if t'-.e ii.itfr was kept kivrer. All whu had kirmlnl.e w.. vurned th.it -'ini'n.irj ii-'.is-il w ihl b tin; pnialt.N for tulkin? of it N-eret Kept Five l).is Fer lh" d.i . tie nn 'wmiu.re sne. reed.d .i - ! ..' ni mi-, -If from p,il. : knew 'ell.'e II . ll'er ll "til" bespltli 1 Meel; a,', ii'nl 1 r. le-piiM- .mh! - trntfd 'li t-'tiis lie.ui t'ii' n'.ir.it.'ii Sntnrdav it w is ( . .1 r 1 1 I n.r i I. Curiiiii'k ban bun iimbr in. Kti.t. .ml iliiineilia'i v a'terward the natm "f u. CUM' b'l'Ill.e 1, I1"U1I The ii.,TV ' 'I rare in .11.. en.ni. i.n ' nr,i. , 'i inten-e m-. i'-t 1 is.. Mr. ), 1 ... tl , 1, is the lir-: mm "t hi- pruinii ! undeie ii An invr it 1 11 wa- issii. i ve-iei., n t 1 lir. I,esinia " t appi n- I 1 fe. tl" ee entlen Ml A i- - I in of Hellli 0 .!'. !)i, II .,. . lli-eu-s 1 . .., t. hi. SAY HE KILLED WIFE AND MOTHER-IN-LAW Georgian's Motive for Crime Be lieved te Have Been Jealousy Stateslmie, d.i.. .1 u ti 'J - I'.v A I. 1 All. s. .1 t.. h.n ,t.ss,. ... fll'ielins '" del'll III- elg1 t. 1 tl-velir old wife mid hi- in.'ibi -iii-' i'v whi'e leturnini; in .in nit.innh.li with I'm te their lienie .it I ieve. (in i: . radrieL wa- he'd tit tie IJ11 vn. mi County j'ul in Amjii-' 1 md.n, wium be was -pei.li'v ini..ni I 1, .' t ' nfi-ki iinv fellow mg lis niri-t jf' 1 Ch' ever .f lie ei line. l'.lsse'shv feillld the :i lte . i nbnndnned mi the read at du-k - tt'.relnj , lentiiiiiin the I.,. I; ,,f I',, 1 rick's ii.ntlier-in-law Mr- I', I).en. tlurtv-eilit. and 1,1.- wl' I e.xplied in a tew miii'it.- .irt'e. it -haid. ne nsUIX h"- lui-hlllld of . fcbentin.' I'adriek, who had ben sfr,t 1 from bis wife fur severul 1 i ii -Kaid by the nuiherl'ies 1,. i;ii , . ., . fen-rl te sliimiln;; the two wm.it nil lllipill-e of je;,i 1 s ,4,1. 1,. v.' ullege.l attentiii'i- te . t'.er men CHAINED OMAHA WOMEN TO KEEP THEFTS SECRET Man Shet and Captured in Wyo ming Explains His Metie RavvliiiRs, Wjn , "I "i. I P.) Fear that tlle . i'.l m... ' . pnllee that he lad in hi- .11 Htelen jiwtlr.v led him m h., d two Omaha women In eham- ' 1 t' . '--i lleiu, 1'iisl lirewn. -het .1 ii'l 1 iijit i r J by Wyoming eiliei rs after a eluiM. from Nfbinskn. dni.ued in a -tuieineiit 1 .. litupaper mini here mdn.v. Itrnvvn who ut the Stum 1'iisen Hospital, I- renuriii fieiii 11 in. Hit vvntind inflieti'd dt.iini; hi- .uptiiie ,11, 't will be renniinl te Dun. I a tu .in-w.-r several ih.ni- "Tln- all hiall III (liii.thn s.M)ii nfter I had v ite. 11 11 sort known as the 'al.rilens.' where I met 11 woman who ni'i elnp.ililid III.' te 111) limne., where she visited me miinv tunes in the, ne.vt four mentlis," Mrevvn sail "Once she brought a lady friend in my InniM- hei(. Imlli preeietled In Iliake theiuxidvefc at linilie. "Upen reniniiiii; te tlm hini-e I mv that tlie.v had been riinepin iirmnid ami feuml a kett'e of jewelr.v tlmt I had , hidden, I heard them t-a. that I nui-t , lie n thief -villi all tlint jevvidiv. and threaten te tell the pnllee. There was only one ibing for me in de .liiiin them up until I eenb dn-po-e of the , Javvclry t" u ft'iiec and iniiLe a get- , ." Mrthwe6terq Honors Gary QUraee, June '.'0, Fermer .Indue Ulbert II. (Jury, hnnl of the 1'ulte I Ktates Steel L'erpnrntinn mid for thirty ytara a truntee of Nnrthw extern Fnl. I Tcrntj'. y ie of Heveu pei-Hnnx en when Horary ilcjreeti were conferral 1 Nerflil:iiteru today, .pie. n . (i. .t 1,1- fnf'ier s trip te the .Mi ldk We-i Mi Ward. Sr.. wa- t&jsdillr't Specialize in Apparel that Slenderizes the Larger WomenQUSI .1 1 THINGS WORTH WHILE 1618-1620 Chestnut St. L3" Famous Ginghams Voiles Ratine Linen, Dimities, etc. $16.50, $18, $22, Original Prices -J 100 Silk Dresses I r I ' ' J' Canten Crepe ' , Crepe de Chins Al Remain Crepe X Reshanara a $24 .50 Value te $90 Dresses that are different, unusual having individuality developed in such style and color combinations as lift them out of the rut of the common place 800 Ready Today .- 1 iTmvtJBi a wrttjwjai'mik1 ia.'AaiiiBisaKiA4vunwMtH1iinBi KvmttKB iHn nsbvmi 1 VaXCt ip-jigr;nMaMM-;mr.igai.raaM 1 111 11 1 I ir TK-Sae df-sr? " iSsrfiri?k'v HUDSON has a new Moter Phaeton $1095 7- l'ass. I'haeten . 1"1" Coach 17!)."i Cabriolet .... 1!2!C. Coupe 2370 TmirinK Limousine . L!U20 Freight and Tax Extra - gJ he new Super-Six meter is a revela tion even te Hudsen owners. It brings, we believe, the most vital adv; foments made by any car in recei.t years. Every phase of meter operation is affected. Yeu will note especially the smoother, mere easeful way the new Hudsen does the things you require of it. Ne words can convey its charm. Yeu must take a ride te discover its won derful difference. We will gladly ar range te take you for a drive, at any time convenient te you. A Ride Tells All White Buckskin $11 te $15 Men's fine oxfords Attractive combinations of brown and wliite, or plain white ' leather or rubber soles CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Stere Clenei 5 P. M.-Saturday 1 P. 31, "Yeu have such wonderful dance music" TI7HY does your crowd single out one friend's home every time dancing is suggested? Nine times out of ten it's because the dance music is se well selected and up-te-the-minute. Snappy, rhythmical Columbia dance music why, you simply can't make your feet behave! Fex-trot, one-step, or waltz en the New Precess Columbia Records couldn't be mere inspiring with the original band. Yeu want te keep en dancing after the last note dies out Today folks are net slew in finding out what's newest in dance num bers. They keep up-te-date by keep ing up with the newest Columbia Records. New en Sale Dance Records Seme Sunny Day. Fox-Tret. Ray Miller and His Orchestra Geerria. Fox-Tret. Ray Miller and His Orchestra) Stumbling. Fox-Tret Ray Miller and HU Orchntra Who Tied the Can en the Old Deg'a Tall? Fox-Tret. The Columbians Where tha Velga Flews. Fox-Tret. Frank Westphaland His Rainbe Orchestra Birdie. Fox-Tret. Franlf Weslphal and Eie Rainbe Orchestra In Blue Bird Land. Fox-Tret. Paul Mete's Orchestra I Want Yeu from Marielaint. Fox-Tret. Ray Miller and His Orchestra) Bygones. Fox-Tret. Knickerbocker Orchestra under tbe direction 01 Eddie Elkins Peer Little Me. Fox-Tret. Knickerbocker Orchestra Under the direction of Eddie EUdnsJ A-3603 75c A-3611 75c A-3612 75c A-3610 75c A-3602 75c Seng Hits All Over Nothing At All. Kindness. California. Sweet Indiana Heme. Nera Bayes Nera Bayes Van and Schenck) Van and Schenck Down en Avenue A. Frank CrumW Mamma Leves Papa, Dees Papa Leve Mamma. Frank Crumil. Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean. Furman and Nash When These Finale Hoppers Start Hep-. ping Around. Furman and Nash, Maybe Yeu Think You're Feeling Baby. Marien Harris Malinda Brown. Marien Harris Heney Lu. Hart Sisters Wake Up, Little Girl, You're Just Dream ing Shannen Four, Little Grey Sweetheart of Mine. Grant Stephens Only Smile. Charles Harrison My Machrae's Lullaby. Edwin Dale fcrln, You're Wearin' a Wonderful Smile. Charles Hart Achin' Hearted Blues. Leena Williams and Her Dixie Band Struttin' Blues. Leena Williams and Her Dixie Band A-3601 75c A-3614 75c A-3613 75c A-3600 75c A-3604 75c A-3606 75c A-3808 75c A -3605 75c A-3599 75c Opera and Concert Maryland, My Maryland. ) 80320 i anay Mackenzie and Male Quartette f $1.00 Large umbra mai fu" (Air from the opera Xerxes) Carmela Penstlle Ave Maria. Carmela Penstlle Drink te Me Only With Thine Eyes. Charles Haekett De Dreams Come True? Barbara Maurel At Eventlme. Barbara Maurel Mattinata. Riccardo Slraeciari Just A-wenryln' for Yeu. Hulda Lashanska Berceuse from Jecelyn. Serenade. Sascha Jacobsen Saseha Jacobsen Gypsy Leve Seng from The Fortune Teller fii aii Wilfred Glenn Eileen Allanna. Campbell and Burr I Ain't Coin' te Study War Ne Mere. Fish UnhersUy Jubilee Singers Yeu Hear the Lambs A-Cryin'. Fiak Uniceraily Jubilee Singers A-621S $1.50 79896 $1.00 A-3607 C $1.00 79701 $1.00 79856 $1.00 A-3S97 $1.00 A-3598 75c A-3596 75c H w I GOMERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. Sales Roem, 128-140 North Bread Service Station, 2400-14 Market St. (0111) Read ever this list of the latest Columbia Records and pick out the ones you want te hear. Then go te the Columbia Dealer en your way home tonight and have them played. , COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY New Yerk BhsTHb Kr VsslH aaaaaaataGrC-P avaTF -- T --t.aaaaaaB 1 ' aVHaVaVMaWRaa - . ,. .. . - -