fpfPfF PfipI ' ri A ?i EVENING PUBLIC . LEDdERiHir;ii)BLPHlA, TUESDAY" JUNE 20, 1922 W ' ft Building Just Arrived the New STRAWBRIDGE CLOTHIER Anniversary Sale Silk-faced Duvetines The many women' who have been inquiring for the most fashionable autumn fabrics for making wraps for vacation wardrobes, will b glad te knew that we have received an advance shipment of silk-faced Duvetines in beautiful shades: Radie, zinc, majolica, bonfire, tanger ine, maple sugar, bobolink, beaver, fudge, seal, navy blue, midnight blue and black. Price, $4.00 a yard. - Strawbrldee ft Clothier Aisle 7. Cerrtre Society is built upon trust and trust upon confidence. Se is this Stere built upon confidence. Your belief in this Stere hns made possible its growth. Yeu who shop during the 64th Anniversary of the founding of the firm of Strawbridge & Clothier are saving much. These few items are illustrations of the scope of the savings. Shep as early in- the day as possible. 'm Announcements for Te-morrow Wednesday Until Farther Netice, This Stere Closed Daily at 5 e' 'Cleck P$ i Women's Dresses at Great Price Reductions Clearance prices en many highly desirable Dresses all this season's goods and in the most favored styles, shades and materials. The variety in tee great for adequate description; in some instances there are only a few Dresses of a kind, but they are all se desirable and there are se many of them that women will find great pleasure in selection. Especially interesting are the High-grade Canten Crepe Dresses $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00, $50.00, $67.50 Plain-tailored, beaded, embroidered; draped, straight-line and tunic styles; light and dark shades a beautiful assortment. Fine Ratine, Linen and Gingham Dresses, $22.50 Dainty Hand-made Voile and Linen Dresses, $19.75 Great Variety of Silk Frecks Reduced te $16.75 3$ - strawbrtdn Clothier Second Fleer, Market Street Base Ball STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER FIELD Wednesday, June 21 6:15 P. M. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER vs. , FOX MOTOR Bleachers, 2Se Grand Stand, 36a (Including; War Tax) 1 "jMwr - ' "jBfc"" ' sLj&. "" sbbbbbbbbbbbV sBVBPSsBsVHe Min&23 wPW fc. ill ii spry ri V. I SLA s llUsfiJii At m lit 3000 Yards of Fine White Novelty Voiles at 28c A special purchase of 3000 yards of these highly desir able Voiles, at a great price concession. Three different fiatterns in neat checks evely for kiddies' frocks as well as women's shirt waists and dresses. Strawbrldee ft Clothier Aisle 0. Centre Linen Kitchen Towels Save! Plentiful quantities of stur dily woven Towels and Towel ing at very tangible savings: 2280 Yards of Scotch Kitchen Toweling, all - linen yarns, for tea, hand OK or roller towels, a yd. dO 900 Fine linen typed Glass Towels, 22x33-inch size, with red or blue borders, fflt Silk Underwear Specials ! Bodices 85c Chemises $2.9 Only five hundred garments at these prices net half enough for the women who will want them, when they see their wonderful quality and the daintiness of the styles. Envelope Chemises of Crepe de Chine and Radium Silk, in Flesh, Peach and Orchid Shades, Special at $2.95 Various pretty styles one sketched. Trimmed with lace or lace and crepe Georgette, also a few in tailored style. Some with built-up shoulders, ethers finished with straps. Bodices of Washable Satin in Flesh Celer or White, Special at 85c Trimmed with lace or lace and crepe Georgette; shoulder straps or built-up shoulders. Twe sketched. Third Fleer, weat each Aisle 12. Centra Cadet Cleth Special at 15c A sturdy, light-weight cot ton, about as heavy as per cale, and in the cool-looking cadet blue shade nearly every woman with strenuous kiddies te clothe can testify te its wearing qualities. StrawbrMne ft Clothier Aisle s, Filbert Street 800 Embroidered Peter Pan Sets, 50c A well-known St. Gall manu facturer of finest eyelet Neck wear closed out te us at our own price his remaining stock en hand of fine Eyelet-embroidered Sets. All are the popular Peter Pan cellars with cuffs te match. Aisle 12, Centre S3 " $90 P 11 Uu 99 A Lew Anniversary Sale Price for WindhamConsele Phonographs The finest mechanism throughout. The first pay ment that puts one of these handsome Consoles into your home is only $9.00 and covers the cost of the records. This supplies you with 24 Victer selections (twelve 10 inch, double-faced Victer records) of your own cheesing. Payments of $6.00 monthly en this beautiful Phonograph de net begin until July. Total cost $99.00. Ne interest or extra charges of any kind. ?S Stmwbridze & CletWer Fifth Fleer. West The Leather Goods Stere Presents wonderful Anniversary values in Silk, Beaded and Leather Hand Bags, Traveling Bags and ether Leather Goods Such an economy event is possible only in conjunc tion with our Anniversary Sale. A most unusual oppor tunity te provide for your costume, vacation, gift and uiner neeas, at savings or very substantial character. Of course, such values as these will go out quickly: Silk Hand Bags . Chiefly in black and navy blue, striped, moire or plain silks, in some of the finer kinds faille, brocade and jacquard silks, also. All are nicely lined, many with ornamented catches and clasps Peuch Bags $1,5 5, $2.1,5 and $3.95. Envelope Dags $2.1,5 and $3,95. Bags, many less 'than half $4.65. Beaded Bags Beautiful designs, chiefly styles mounted en frames in shell effect, with beaded handles, bead fringe and exquisite silk linings. Bags in conventional designs $4.35. Handsome Bags in smart styles $7.45 Leather Hand Bags The season's smart styles and sizes, all at notable savings. In black or brown, many styles $2.35. Hand Uags and Vanity Bags in wide variety $2.95. Bosten Bags $3.85 Of cowhide, in black niul brown, with leather lining, overlapping frame and strong centre strap. Cowhide Brief Cases $3.95 In black, brown or mahogany, with 3 pockets, extension lock and straps all around. Over-night Bags Women find these convenient Bags for shopping as well as traveling. Cetex Over-night Bags $2.65. Black cobra-grain Bags, with celluloid toilet articles $13,50. Cowhide Traveling Bags, $5.50 Of black grain leather or smooth leather, in black or mahogany color; and double-stitched edges lined with leather; 18-inch. Cowhide Traveling Bags, $7.00 Mahogany-color, surface stock leather with sewed corners and double-stitched edges; leather-lined; 18-inch size. Cowhide Suit Cases $6.95 Brown. Made ever strong steel frame with large protected corners; two cowhide straps around case; linen-lined, nnd 24-inch size. Enamel Cases, $5.00 and $5.50 Black enameled Suit Cnse3, with cewhide coiners and straps; figured lining with shirred pocket; deep tray. 21-inch and 26-inch, $5.00; 28- and 30-inch, $5.50. 3- Strawbridge A Clothier Aide 8 ana 8. Centre and Market Street Creee Alale Mere 90-inch Dress Linens in the Sale One-Fourth Under Price $1.75 and $1.90 New for another great rush te-morrow morning. The eco nomical 00-inch Linens, at one-fourth less than the reg ular fair prices, and every body eager for geed Linens at any price because fashion has ordered a Linen Summer. These are beautiful Linens fine, Arm, and of excellent tailoring qualities. French-finish Dress Linens, new $1.75 a yard White, medium - weight, round-thread Linens. Suiting Linen at $130 Oyster white, Ramie weave. Btrawbrldxe A Clothier Aisle 12, Centre 200 Extra-size Envelope Q()r Chemises 7vv. Nainsoek Envelope Chemis es, finished with dainty scal loped edge, a few lace-trimmed 90c. Strawbrlrtge A Clothier Third Fleer, West Extra-Size White Satine Petticoats, in the Sale $1.00 Straight - line Petticoats which large women always prefer, simply finished with hemstitched hem, and lined te the hips with cambric. Certainly an unusual dollar's worth. Stranrbrldge A Clothler Second Fleer, West Women's Linene Moter Capes and Coats, $3.00 Every woman who is planning a trip by rail or meter, should have ene of these light-weight, easy-fitting, dust-protecting gar ments, that arc hardly any weight te carry and se smart and fit looking en. All in the natural shade. Light-weight Tweed Tep Coats, Special, $13.75, $15.00 and $18.75 In geed light nnd dark effects. Lined throughout, $13.75; yoke and sleeves lined, $15.00 and $18.75. X Strawbrldge A Clothier Second Fleer. Centre Silk Stockings Special Excellent values, even in this Anniversary Sale of ex cellent values. OH W II I T E SILK jJ p rn n n r t v r e ..O X S J XV X 11 VI U -' Te-morrow Bedfurnishings ! .Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads, Blankets and Comfertables at Lewest Prices in Years Every thrifty housewife planning for the summer home, or desiring te replenish her year-around supply, should be here bright and early te-morrow morning. Scores of important money-saving opportunities of which the fol lowing are but a few: Dimity Bed Sets at $475 Anniversary eavmgs rfl mitmimKmammimmtmmmmaammaimKmummaKmmamimimttaamtttmmmm White Bed Spreads $2.15 in the Great Sale Crochet weave; size 78x88 inches, usual value at the price. An un- Seread and Threw. White with colored l stripes; size of spread 90x100 inches. White Dimity Bed Spreads $1.95 and $2.25 Best quality American make; size 63x90 inches, S1.95; size 80x90 inches, $2.25. Bleached $1.45 Standard brands of bleached muslin; 81x90 inches. Muslin Sheets . $1.05 Heavy round-thread bleached muslin; 76x90 inches. S. & C. Bleached Muslin Sheets and Pillow Cases Sheets, 63x90 inchea $1,85 Sheets, 72x90 inches $1.35 Summer $1.95 Comfertables Cotten-filled; figured silkeline covering of geed quality. Pillote Cases, 45x3G inches 38c Bolster Cases, 1,2x72 inches 75c Weel-filled $5.75 Comfertables Screll-stitched, with figured covering, and solid-celdr border. Thousands of Blankets at Lewer Prices Weel, cotton-and-wool and all-wool Blankets, in all sizes for every purpose. Here are two typical values: Piaid wool $9t75 Blankets . . . Pure wool, in dainty color combinations; 70x80 inches $9.75 a pair. Camping $50fj Blankets . . . Gray-mixed Camping Blankets, in size 66x80 inches 55.00 each. Bleached Muslin Sheeting and Pillow Casing OS-inch Sheeting 58c a yard 81-inch Sheeting 65c a yard Pillow Casing, i5-inch new iOc a yard Fine-spun Nainsrek, in original 10-yard pieces for $2.45 Fine-spun Leng Cleth, in original 10-yard pieces for $1.63 Superior Leng Cleth, 39 inches wide 25c a yard Straw brlJffe ft C:cnilir Alain 11. rilbert Street, and Aisle IS. Ontre rwm $1 seamed backs, cotton tops and selfs; sizes 8 te 10. $1.45 SIXTEEN . STRAND SILK STOCKINGS, seamed backs, narrowed ankles, cotton tops and soles; black, white and colors; sizes 8 Ms te 10. Fine Ingrain Silk Stockings $1.85 Full-fashioned; silk te the top; black and white; sizes 8V2 te 10. These nre seconds of a very fine grade. Full-Fashioned Silk Stockings $2.50 With mercerized lisle tops and soles; black and white; sizc3 8 te 10. -- Strawtirldse Clothier Aisle 3, srarket Street and Aisle 4, Centre Heavy Axminster Rugs One-third Under Price These Rugs came from one of the best-known mills in America, a full carload of them. They are marked at very low prices because of slight imperfections, chiefly in the matching. Here are instances of the low prices: Heavyweight Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet, $24.75 Seamless Fringed Velvet Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet, $24.75 Seamless Fringed Velvet Rugs, 9x12 feet, $26.75 Axminster and Fringed Velvet Rugs, 11.3x12 feet, $42.75 Other instances of savings 36x72 inches, $5.75; 36x63 inches, $4.75; 27x54 inches, $3.75; 4.6x6.6 feet, $10.75; 7.6x9 feet, $21.75; 6.9x9 feet, $18.75 and $21.75; 9x10.6 feet, $21.75; 9x9 feet, $21.75. -- Slraubrldee & Clothier flour 4H, Filbert Street Bathing Suits Unusual at $5.00 Twe smart new models of Surf Satin that will make the swim all the mere enjoyable. Fer every woman likes te be becomingly clad at all times, One model trimmed with wool stitching nnd piping and with cap sleeves $5.00. Anether equally pretty, with inset panels of black or colored surf satin and novel cellar te match $5.00. Strawbrldee A Clothier Alii. IS. Weat Men's Panama Hats at $4.35 About the best Panama Hat value in Philadelphia. Several stylish shapes and all sizes at this special Anniver sary price $4.35. Hundreds of Straw Hats, many imported from England, at an unusually attractive price $1.65 i-'trawbrldje ft Clothier Second Tloer. .Market Street. Kast Men's Grenadine Silk Ties $1.10 These are beautiful Neckties of an exceptionally fine qual ity of silk. They are slight seconds, defects that de net affect the wear or appearance, and perfect duplicates of many of them sell for two and three times this price $1.10. Strawbrldse ft Clothier Als'.e 1. Market Street Baby Pullman Coaches, $22.75 Three-quarter size, of split reed in ecru, white and gray finishes. Stran-brldjte A Clothier ll.iaemmt nilrt Strt Piane Benches in the Sale, $10.50 Duet style, with box top for music. Mahogany-finish, dull or polished. Strawbrldse ft Clothier Fifth Heur. West ' In lmn'rcrsary Sale Feature in the Men's Clothing Stere Genuine PALM BEACH Suits $13.50 M' X-3T A (7 fl Bl3Tl I rTM Dell Coaches $4.25, $4.90 In two styles, both finished in cream color. Very much under price for the Anniver sary Sale. Straw brldue ft Clnthler llascment. West liM -K Te fully appreciate the unusual value presented by the3e Suits, men must SEE them. In the first place, they arc of the gen uine Palm Beach cloth in a wide range of the mere popular patterns and colorings. They have been tailored with all the exacting care required by this light-weifjht fabric. They have been skillfully designed te fit well yet allow all the comfortable freedom needed en warm days. They will held their shape without droop, sag or bag. They are the sort of Coel Suits you will always leek and feel well in. Just see them they are only $13.50 in the Sale. Luxurious Mohair Suits are new $16.50 and $19.50 Rich-looking, faultlessly-tailored Suits of fine mohair in a wide variety of itylcs and sizes for men of all types. Light-weight Serge Suits With Extra Trousers $29.50 Smart-looking Suits of fine-twill, summer-weight serge, in single- and double-breasted stles for men and young men. Plenty of sizes. . Business Men- Please Nete! An Anniversary Clothing event especially arranged for Busi ncss Men, will take place Friday. In addition te opening our doers at Lighth and Market Streets at 8 o'clock one hour earlier than usual we shall present a Clothing alue of extraordinary interest te every man. -. t!ralil.lB ft Ueihier .Second fleer. East Bey Scout Play Tents, new $5.00 Of brown canvas, complete with guy ropes, pegs and poles. Sizes 5x5 feet. Strawbridge ft Clothier Basement, West Children's Night Drawers, 65c Of sturdy cambric, cut full se there is no strain, and put together te stay; back-fastening, drop scat. Anybody de siring a vacation supply of these, should get here early. Sizes 4 te 10 years 65c. Children's One-piece Cambric Pajamas, 85c Trimmed in pink or blue. Buttoned in front. Sizes 4 te 10 years. Strawbridge ft Clothier Third Fleer. West Men's Suits Tailored Te-Measure, $42.50 Of course, this is a special low price, in effect only during the Anniversary Sale. There aie 50 Different Styles of Spring and Summer Suitings te Select Frem A collection that includes all the handsome new gray, brown and blue effects as well as the tropical weaves se much in demand this season. Kvery detail of the work is executed by our Custom Tailoring Staff. -V Struwbrldee 4 Clethir J'eienJ Heur, Hunt Beys' Washable Knickerbockers, 95c Gray or Tan Cevert, Gray or Tan Mixtures Parents of vigorous, growing youngsters will welcome this Anniversary opportunity te secure a season's supply of cool, prac tical, Washable Trousers. Gray and brown cotton mixtures, gray and tan covert cloth, durably made in every respect. In sizes 7 te 18 years new 95c. hfy Strawbridge A Clothier Second rioer. Filbert Street, Kast II I . IB . J xjv W-.ki..u 1E-wl $ t .r-Wj