gnw 1 M I W' E$ W 'vekv 14 p5fe Daily Mevie Magazine FOK THE FILM rAWS SCRAPBOOK mzyH urn "S4, j.j feuiAuml DORIS MAY H'c inll he ql'id tn publish the pi' ttirr.i nf turh screen plnycrs is ire ruqgcslal by the faun THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX Hy HENRY Mrs. I. It. P. writes: "It was great the wnv you answered "Kitty Clever' this evening, and having sat back for weeks and read pre and con nbeut 'Foolish Wives." at hist 1 have' succumbed te the lure of your magic Letter Hex. "We don't nee( such thing as were portrayed in 'Foolish Wives' for us te knew there lire such things ui th world. We see them around us dnilv. nnd ns all who run m.iy nl-e tend, thus does life ltelf touch us our cede of morals mid net tin1 mcivie. anil most nsstircdly net what a , mtiddy-mlndid European thinks nnd does. Rut no one could expect .1 Rinepcat' te have the same outlook en life ai nn American who really is one. "Having seen se much of the battle of the sexes nnd some of the sordid things of life at tirt hand, when I go te the movies 1 want te see something healthy. "My idea of a 11 evening of real en joyment 1 watching Deug reel off the 'Mark of Zerre' or 'The Thret Musketeers' : or te watell the finished acting of America's best, Jehn Harry -mere. Why can't we have mere like "The I'nwelceme Mrs. Patch' with Henrietta Cresmnn or 'Tess of the DTbervUles' with Mrs. Flske -r 'The Straight Read' with Gladys linn- 1 son? Then- pictures were among the first the Famous Players inndf, and surely there are still siae people who really want geed plays. The plav's he thing, and no trtnr words were ever spoken even by Shakespeare. "Yeu wondered last night why the fans didn't come forward and give Dorethy Dnlteu 11 hand. She used te give me a pain with her affected ways and her sickening dose -ups te show a pretty set of dimples, but sju, e her work In 'Foel's Paradise' I'm for her strong. "I am glad you had the snme con version in regards te Mac Murray : she wns always a favorite of mine, and as everything coins te these who wait, dainty little Mae has come into her own by waiting and working en. "We all knew m one attains the heights of fame and stardom without hard work and hard knocks, se why begrudge them their little day whether it be Mae. Rudelph or Gleria or Wally V Thev give us what we want, diversion. (I'll admit net liking 'Reyetul the Rocks.' 1 Their sun- ne nnd go down even as did Florence Turner nnd Maurice Costelle ."11111 the ill-fated Arthur Jehnsen Remember them' Although I am "-t lil verv deep in my twenties. I am a movie-fan of long stnnding. "Tell the people who rend your column net te get cynical, because when delusions such as "Peter Ibbetson" gives us are gene it's time te die. Did any one mention Mabel R.illin In 'Journey's End'? That gave me one of the most restful hours in a long while." (There's just one sentence, buried down In your letter which I don't quite iissiinilntM. "Till the people' Tint te get cynluil. because when delu sions such as 'Peter Ihbetsen' gives us are gene, It's time te die." Hew come, hew come? Otherwise. T see no need for further comment except te second your motion for one of the three old time pictures you mention. "The Straight Read" was 11 bit of nil right, end Miss Hansen aKe did a big pic ture for F.sanny railed "The Havoc" which was A-l. Of course, I remem ber Arthur Jehnsen and his partner. I.ettls Hrlscee. Maurice Costelle and his partner. Mary Chnrlesen and Florence Turner.! "Kvvlce" vv rilis '"Answering Kitty Kitty Clever, Kltiv believes her nigumenr round, nnd if, .1 does 'listen geed Pe does socialism. If Kitty would step te nnaivze and weigh. I nm sure she would see her error. As she says, Truth hurts no one ' Frankness js symbolic of us Americans. Rut, don't jeu think. Vr N'wlv , that Ven Stro Stre helm lias putie-ely playej 011 this characteristic of the people' She calls him 11 fearless, honest man for expos ing lnliultv. Is net the world out running Itself. Kitty V Are net our morals degrading day after day? Is net the adolescent spirit mere tem pestuous and eccentric? And why? Because people like you honestly believe Ne. eiilU 4r 1 iif JL V P'firy "A &S!8Bfr- M. NEELT themselves justified In sanctioning frank, unveiled pictures. And Ven Strehelm deliberately aids in this de basement and for wliat? Fer commer cial gain and the lure of screen -backed shekels nnd American eagles. Yes, 11 great mter (one of the best I have ever seen i. an honest man and a gecil business man indeed. "We applaud risque iekes. we love i:the! M. Dell why net? for they are within bounds. In cengrulty with your viewpoint, why net strip ourselves of nil respect, "why net bathe our eur our dves iu the mud of degradation and lomfert ourselves that we ire being frank nnd straightforward ami real, nnd net wax dells Gas you phrase it. Kitty 1? Phew I I'm glad that Is off my chest. Ne bnrd feelings, Kitty. Yeu had your say. and I am having mine. Don't think me a bent old gent with cane, rheumatism, 'n'ev'ry thing. I am young, eh, ever se young, am somewhat of 11 'spieler.' wear fade-a-way suits, pomade my hair, leek like n wet rnt. flirt, love te play ball en Sunday, would net refuse 11 kiss. etc.. etc.. etc. but there are bounds te all things. It spems I am muring a meuntnln of n molehill, but 'Foolish Wives' Is a step toward the things I have mentioned, and though It seems Insignificant, there nre such tilings ns significant insig nificances, "Yeu will agree with me, Kitty. Hew I de knew? Oh, 'tis simple' Sir Ilenrv says, 'I wonder a little bit. Kitty. If ye'u mean quite everything you snid In your scintillating and hide piercing letter?' And you knew, Kitty you knew that Sir Henry is the pastor of our fleck. "P". S. There Is discord among the sheep. And the shepherd s back " and smiles." 'And that's that.i R. .J. V. V. T suppose veu mean Jimtnv Giihbln- In "Three Lire Ghosts'"; I'dmuml Geuldlng plnyed that parr, while CI-ike Greet played his equally "("ecknev"' mother Geerge Cooper played the part of the pnl Oe Harrv Mvcrsi ni "Turn te the Right." Sidnev Herbert phneil the part of Rebespierre: Lucille I.e Verne. La Freehard: Slu lilun I.wn nnd Frank Puglta. her two siiin; and Morgan Wallace, the abductor of Henrlette. Southern Reader I'm duly honored at receiving two letters from nnv one se far away as you are, though I de duce from your remarks that you are, te siiv the lenst, well acquainted heie I surely de appreciate your feelings nt having te see "westerns" nnd enlv " about" some of the big films you mention. Cheer en! Maybe your lit tle town will build a nice big movie house some day. or mnvbe veu'll move te some place that lias one. I hope that will be before you meet the tragic end eii speak of. but If you de. and fetne te Philadelphia in spirit form te haunt Chestnut street, don't forget te drop down te the office here I've al wav wanted te knew what "haunt-" think of moving pictures. 'ew. in regnul te that magazine (entest you mention, I wouldn't arc te suv very much. You're perfeth right t lint you enn report the fact', of the case te the postal authorities If veu did net receive the "prl?e" offered, and In such n case the magazine could be prosecuted for running a fake contest It would be a shame te drive yen out te weeding onions. I'm sorry veu think Gleria. Alh'e and Redle arc "blocking the passage" and I'm frank te ndnilt that I leek forward te varietv and 1 linage in tin stars under discussion as mm h n you de. Ginger mid Clen- Write vnur verv ptettlest letter and address N'erma at the I'nlti'd Stud!e, Hollywood I'allf . Inclese tHcntv-livc cents and I Imagine may he she'll send you her picture. Harrison lord Is net mnriled new; just found out that he has been though somewhere in the past I'm be ginning te like Mne Murray better than I did, but that's net saving an awful let yet Address her, Tiffany Productions. Inc. lilt West 'Kertv -fourth streit Again, I say think A MIRROR of wonderful decorative beauty, subtly hand wrought in Swedish iron and harmoniously polychrome finished. ... A delight te the eye and a reflection of geed taste en the gix'er. "vVc have enough of them variously styled te please every one. Lightsng Fixtures BIDDLE-GAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. Take Ne. 10 Cur In Subway Open Hut. Till IS o'clock tnoea) l'henc Il.VHIm 0700 viF MWiliJ-'MiP EVENING PUBBIG she'd nnswer . !... 1....I n nr I ph'tures of her In the KVKSINO I'lMil.lO . .- III... ...... .. ." -- ', . . in . . MI ..,,,,.. I.i:iKn. but '.Mil try te oblige npl 1, :,'.V ....'Tl,.n,?.,I'.i1i nu n I about KelthiK Inte the movies' ttim lil lmlc te encnurnge . ' !!Liu. .- any one else te de mi I naturally re frnln from tcllltiR jeu "whom te write te" for that puipexe. Of reuix'. you uiny cenie iigalu, Hetty Thnnks for tlie Identllicnlien of t tut 1 tdetiire, hut I'm afraid you didn't get the spirit of the thing or may be my joking n tee feeble and far-fetched. Serry 1 get your letter mixed or mislaid, but I'm famous for that. You've certainly get n perfect right te your opinion of I.0I1 Wilsen, and I never made any complaint nbeut xeiir expressing that opinion, did 17 Nene unless I was asleep or absent- minded or something. 1 full te see where Clet-In Swnnsen is helped as an ' actress 1 wearing "geed clothes," but incline. Ilicere . I , , , Flapper Flessie- I luuc no desire I or Intention, of reading you n lecture I en xeiir seii-ceniesseit intKing (luring I pictures. My only comment is what 1 "thrills could jeu hiui nun in "llejenil the Uecks" except these 'supplied by Gleria's "lift different gowns" which could have been equally well supplied nt any fashion display, ".'hanks cr much for jeu geed wishes te in column, and believe me I'll try te run that Harrison Kurd picture , right seen. Hotelman Robbed as He Slept Wllles-Hnrre. Pa.. .Tunc -0. liurg- lnrs entered the sleeping apartments of , Jeseph Keens, hotelman, at night and robbed him of SIOO In cash, l.tthuulati liberty bends worth .$1000 nml .")0,000 ' German inark. Is it possible te be happy in het weather? Women show mere sense than men in the matter of clothing. They use a wide variety of fabrics suited te varying tem peratures, while most men stick te one eh, hew they de stick te it in het August ! Until you wear Palm Beach Suits, you will have something te learn about hot het weather comfort. This fabric is se con structed as te give ready escape te the body's heat. Furthermore, Palm Beach Suits are light in weight, and can be had in prac tically every desirable color and pattern. They are sold at varying prices, from these made necessary by the high-class tailoring demanded by well-dressed men te these made for popular demand. The Palm Beach label identifies the genuine cloth. It is sewn in the suit for your protection. Loek for it. Gelf Knickers made of Palm Beach are cool and geed-looking practical and durable. TIIF PALM niACH MILLS GOODALU WORSTED CO. .'.'i-j .1(111 A. Rehiut, JJJ Fourth Anue, Ne Verlt City ki Cabd Mollifies tht Cerndne PALM BEACH SUITS at Geed Clothing Stores U U ) -V LfipeERPmlADELFHIAlJESDyiNE , 20, 1,922 MARS' INHABITANTS UNLIKE EARTH'S, SCIENTIST HOLDS Heat, Light and Atmosphere Lack Ing, Dr. Hall 8ays Washington, .Tunc 20. The plnnct Mnr. with IN two moons and what """ r".ii.iiii-iii miirvr 10 un mux ,.,.,.. ............I.... -.,. 1A1.1H capped mountains nml HcIiIh of vegetn inn. iievcrcu fill ,V f,tnm,UUU Will" from (lp M , , , ,, wns tlit- Mibjrct of comparatively Intimate I Ien, hovered only i'J.OOIMHH) mlleH 1 '!t"Viitlen by ntronenierM nt tn '1'itlU'd Suites Naval Observatory, ! spite heavy clouds and unsatisfactory atmospheric conditions. Ne .remarkable discovery's were re corded', It wns announced yesterdny by officials, who added that markings and white shadows were clearly discernible. What these shadowy substances might be. Dr. Asnpah Hall, one of the fore most astronomers In America, said was a matter of conjecture. Dr. Hall said after inspecting the planet during Its closest approach that there must be little atmosphere) nml less In nt and lleht en the dlstnnt snherc 1 thnn en the earth. Tnder such con I dltlens, he added, inhabitants, If there ft ' ' 't" "' nv" uc ''"'lc "" Dr. Hall was Inclined te think the 'white slmilmiu ! imirfeimru. ilUi.nmlM.. especially when the sun was shining brightly, might possibly be snow or Ice nml the greenish markings water or vegetation What appeared te Interest Dr. Hnll and his brother scientists most wns the planet's two moons. Movements of these orbs, Dr. Hnll explained, xvere of vital scientific Interest anil close cxanil nation of them hnx'c been mnde nt every opportunity since last May. MILITARY DAY AT P. M. C. General Kuhn Reviews Cadets as Feature of Exercises Reviewing 11 f the cadets nt the Penn- s.vlvnnla Military TeUece by Hrladlcr General Jeseph K. Kuhn was the crowning event In the clccbrntlen of Military Day at Hie college today. Geerge II. Christian, Jr., secretary y.&v ?wtS3? r.. - r. w. V v te President Hardin, and ether not ables In civil and military life will ne ne cempany Secreinry- Weeks te Chester tomorrow for the commencement excr ( lies'. Hide and revolver contests stnrtcd the "fj'sra Leuis E. Wiser, SJhe. Quality Qumilure Center 160-262 Se. Fifth St Philadelphia Bet Locust and Spruce LT'F, kneV that we give mere Value and Yr offer mere Variety than can be met elsewhere because we arc located outside the high-rent zone and can afford te de se. A visit and a comparison of prices will bear this out; the quality of everything is unquestioned. nininp-Roem Suite, in Queen Anne period, tn rich tone, tlark Walnut jimsnie pitcti fPcefeteI RUGS, RUGS, RUGS A progress. Kcmarlcable opportunities for the valtie- secker. All sizes, from $9.75 We only want a few, but we want them new PROMOTIONS have left a few openings less than twenty, in fact in our Sales Pepartment. They constitute an immediate need for a few qualified men who can meas ure up te our requirements. Ours is a large and successful corporation, backed by mere than thirty of the best indus trial and technical brains in America. Our Advisory Beard includes such men as Dr. C. P. Steinmetz, Chief Consulting Engineer of the General Electric Ce. ; A. Russell Bend, for 18 years Editor of the Scientific Ameri can ; P. H. Duesenberg, President of Duesen berg Meters, Inc. We de net believe in transplanting "high "high pe'wered" executives from outside. We make promotions entirely from our own sales staff. Naturally, we select new men with extreme care. And our personnel records show us hew mutually satisfactory and prof itable this care has proved. Every man here is building solidly for a permanent business future. Yeu may or may net be the exact type of man we are seeking. Yeu may or may net have had selling experience. But three things you must have courage, determina tion and that intangible something called "personality." Te arrange for a personal interview, write at once, giving a fairly complete outline of your work and yourself. All communications are held strictly confidential. Address Direc tor of Personnel, A 221, Ledger Office. yVsfsWMNUksfetiiS9E9in Where Health Abounds EXHILARATING mountain air, refreshing canyon streams, four glorious seasons and an average annual temperature that is average for the United States. Little wonder Utah holds first rank in low death rate! Yeu live long and you live happily out here in the congenial West. A thriving commonwealth of happy home owners, with schools unsur passed. And payed highways that radiate from Salt Lake City te a hundred scenes of historic charm or landscape beauty. Grotesque eroded wonderlands, an inland salt sea, canyons, streams and lakes. If rite or free IHttitrated Booklets Scenic, Mining. Agriculture, ceMNtaaAi cum ue CHAMMR M COMMtSU ahedtj :?" Saitai'r t&CINICAMCRl ----VUTsat-c-- isncsi ':stiw" sk&u " V, ' Ji y a- $ program at 8 o'clerk this morning. In the contests, the endcts engaged In ,11 match with the alumni nt Kwlngteii. viiifT.ttitta titn fAvimv In' fienri'nl Kuhn. waH the conferring of medafH and infantry, artillery anil cuvniry (inns. nr Mahepnn; tffect cndu) WONDER SALE new in ud. vgg r RKA Jf $275 I SiSgiMMjyHj SKs:s? P m 3Sa'tmtTttli ItmW r f v Wire Your Heme t v High-grade work imtalled by a re liable house guarantees safety and satis faction. Buy your Lighting Fixtures from the manufacturer. Original and distinctive designs in solid brass only. BROMUND & SONi Inc. 2337 GERMANTOWN AVE. Columbia 1011 Open Every Evening Until IjgSJSJSinaft!! flMMU pill vpmT Hililriiu viilJLi 4mwb This is the range which takes the guess-work out of cooking and lengthens the housewife's leisure. See a demonstration at any Tj. G. I. Stere or ask us te send a representative. Term payments. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Traffic OVER Keystone Automatic Telephone Lines is steadily increasing pive Reasons Why NO WRONG NUMBERS CONVERSATIONS ENTIRELY PRIVATE TIME SAVED NEVER CUT OFF IN THE MIDST OF A CONVERSATION SAVES MONEY This modern telephone service is provided at nom inal cost for the reason that our unmeasured service rate enables you te call as often as you want. Ne discussion about additional calls. Keystone Telephone Ce. 135 Se. 2nd Street Philadelphia Call Mr. Blake, Race 06, for full information call can be made from any one of our ever 6000 pay Mtatient without charge. rnnTen.A'H The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ADrl I n 02D & THOMPSON 8TS. ArULLU matini:k daily MABEL NORMAND In "MOI.I.Y O" AOTnD ElOllTH i. (linARD AVE. A3 I Jt. MATINI1I3 DAILY ANITA STEWART In "SOWING T1IK WISP" BALTIMORE g ?Z Rodeluh Valentine & Gleria Swanjen In "HKYONP Till! IHICKK" TJI I lUDIOn Ilreail & Susquehanna DL.UC.DliXl-' Continuous 'J until 11 Rodelph Valentine & Dorethy Dalten In "MORAS OF TUB I.APV I.KTTV" Gtn & Mnplewoed Aves. s,ULUnirtb 1 and 0 P. M. NORMA TALMADGE In "H.MI1.1V TIIRQ1T.H" C AIDlVirtT IMT 20lh & Cilrard Ave. rnilMVlWVJni MATINKB DAII ILY IWSKMAKY TIIKIIY In "THE LAST TRAIL" GREAT NORTHERN 'j.Vi' SVf?'. NORMA TALMADGE in "S.MII.IN' THROUGH" IMPtTDI Al O0T" WALNUT 8T8. ilVlrl-.rl-M-. mi. !(. i:bb. n:3n iu I). W. liKHTiTIPK I'ROPITTIGN "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" I inCDTV BROAD & rOLl'MHIA AV, L.10H.I 1 I MATINKB DAILY ALT-STAR CAST In "THE SILENT CALL" tDIClX Woodland Ave. At O'Jd St. UiMtUN 1 MATINHI3 DAILY MARY PIJPKFORD In "I.1TTLK I.ORfl yAlNTLEKOY" 0VERBR00K U3D VvMX!!BK0RD Rodelph Valentine & Gleria Swanton In "HKYONP TUB HOCKS" PALM FRANKFOHD AYR. & Nl'l HIS STIIBIJT GLORIA SWANSON IN TUB t.RBAT SUt'CKSH "Her Husband's Trademark" .WdrdlU'hTKRKK.VION ln "TIIK J.' 01' RFPPMT Mn't Kt Uclnw 17lh iAC-VjCl 1 0 A M in II 1'. JI WANDA HAWLEY In JMHIHIILP HAIR" OIA1 TO IIKHMANTOWN AVKNL'i-." IMrtUlVJ (T ''i l IM'ir(Mr,v ST. hl'.KNA OWKN ANP MATT MOOHR In "BACK PAY" CUrDWnniS Mth" niltlmera'AT: Jl IUI W WL JIATi .,. :vfl i3() Rodelph Valentine & Gleria Swamen InJMII'.YONIIjrilB ROCKS" 333MARKETSiEL1!,,iAlT? WILLIAM FARNUM In "6U.tKLE 01' G0U)'1 . -i. ''' u "V 1 d 10 YEAR TO PAV I IF nrcism I She Sets the Dial And Gees Shopping and when she returns, the meal will be nicely cooked in het new Gas Range equipped with even heat control. (number of messages) THE PHOTOPI.ATS AifThe NIXON-NIRDLlNCERfHf HI THEATRES Ul RFI MDMT B'-'D AIIOVK MARKET . -'"nIN 1 l-8ni3:fl:notellP.H. . w. i.itirriTir.s i'hedictiu.n "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" PPHAR OOTII & CEDAR AVENM i.Ly-r ,.:0 Hnd 3. i ani, e p. jt GLADYS WALTON In "A WISB KIP" POI 1QCI IIVI .Market M 60th ttttk vwuiuuum I::i0nnd3,7 1 and vr.V. AI.I-HTAK CAST In "THE CALL OF HOME" II IMRH rneNT sr. & eiraud av. JUiriUXJ Jumbu June, en Krankferd "W JOHN BARRYMORE In "TIIK LOTl'H KATKR" I PAHPD 4ls'r LANCASTER AV -,L-'l-'-rV"'Se t" i-.i'i 7 in u P.M. .MARION DAVIKS In "BEAUTY'S WORTH" I HP IQT B:r AND LOCl'ST STREBTS L.JJJl Mat, ,:30 & 3 j.VBii 30 te 11 p. w. GinrriTii's i'roiu'ctiev "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" NIXON'S AMBASSADOR D''X .Matlnea ,3H and .1, i:rs. 7 and 0 Owen Moere in "Reported Mining" NIXON 5u AND MA"?!iT7Bai ALICE LAKE In "KIHSKH" AQTU QT Theatre. Opp. "I." Tcrmbtf DlnOl, ...:nn t n-d U 1'. Jt GEORGE ARLISS III "PISRAKIJ" STRAND ""T? .r?. WALLACE REID In "ACROSS Till! CHNTINKM" ARDMORE S".?? SEENA OWEN in "SISTERS" Added I.ARRV KBMON In JIIKMI0W1 C.RANT i0"" 0I"ARD AVE. VII-II I .Mr, Tfimer., Ke. 7 I'.RHII VON STROIIKIM In "FOOLISH WIVES" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANT0WN 'VrATrnTi.r,; MAIHIK HKI.LAMV & I.I.OVP m'GllBS "LOVE NEVER DIES, rAKrv Mat. ailn. Kv. Un ' . RICHARD BARTHELMESS , lu "THK SHViitM" -v" in V"M 1 ',".,.' !'!.'., . i4 M SLU .!..?. lv.j.3 '? irfr-te jjSM V. .'i f ti' , ,,gtfll ?.?-. Nt