ki ffVKVS 3 JrapAy '," istV f r r' rt s9wwn' ""v" ,,j'v?s r ?"' -. ("" -f V, - 12 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIL ADELPHl A; TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1922 I 1P' PWWiyeTg eee WWflFi l sftr: f ., .MM ' 1 r I I m f M- Jj. H4. Bfe ; ; r.v f OMNtM NO NY E K. K. K. 'FRATERNITY' MESSENGERS TO WFAR RED Hiretislimit the finnnclnl district will be te et tlie whole world knew n men men men mtoetiiucno IU HCHn ncum,iiKimitcl tedny. Ihpiirit when It kecm eiu. The broke New Yerk Breker, te Test Plan te AbnmleiiliiR the old theory Hint n I "Siirc lie would be a bold hlRhwnymun new Yerk Brokers te Test Plan , lllWM,nR,,r ,,,,, )e()k conspicuous i wlm would held up one of these mobile Scare Away Freebooters ,hm pesslbjc, several brokerage houses! i mfc deposit vaults. t New Yerk. .Tune 120. .A new plnn te hnvc decided te tet the iintltlieln by I The snfe ii n trick nffnir. A Kteel ilefent the Hellenics of rebbern who prey iiiriiliig their iiies.ritgers in bright red clinln encircling the mewngcr'n wnlt en Wnll Street messengers rnrrjIiiK ent mid lillchiiis llve-iniiiil portable I under the eent In padlocked Inside the Kient minis In securities te and fro Mifes around their waists. The Idea Is afe. The messenger doesn't knew tlie combination of the safe and besides has te tome back te get free, ns the key te the padlock is kept In the office. j supreme uranu master uuciama 'ViA. Organization Has Nothing in $T- Common With Klan W- ,;. .ANOTHER PLOT, HE ASSERTS New Yerk, .lime 20. The I.evnl Ornnge Institution "f the t'nited Rtntes (official tl'le of the Ornnj!cnien. through It" Supreni" (iriitul Master. Ocerge Weir, jesterday demmnri d both the Ku Klux Klnii in..! i'-e fermati "i by its lenders of a M-riet political or er or gnnlitatien te owing the pendulum of racial and religious bigotry eer America Alse It developed that the Atlanta Kluxers promoting "the (Trent Ameri can Fraternity." ns they him named their projected super-orKuniz.itien, as sumed meie authority than they pos sessed when thej undertook te include the I.e ill Orange Institution, the Junier Order of I'lilted American Mechanics mill tlie Set'" and Daughter- of Wash ington among the unities uhe'e Hem ic i-s tiny nrc plotting te consolidate for nntien-wlde underground political activity. High eflieers of all three or ganizations declared none of them had been consulted nhetit the scheme. Backs Masonic Indlettnent Speaking for the T.ejal Orange In stitution Mr Weir said his attitude toward Ku Kluxlsiu was en an exact parallel with that expressed bv Sn jiremc Court Justice Arthur S. Tomp kins, grandmaster of tlie tirinil Ledge of Masens of New Yeik State, who condemned the Klan ns nnti-Ameri'iin and declared nny Masen joining it would hne his right te continue as a Masen in geed Handing seriously questioned "Th I.enl Orange Institution. nnld Mr Weir, "lin- no sMiipnthv whatever with the Ku Klux Klan We are net linked up with the order in nn way and will net be lmkid up with It. The nsNiimptien of right t include the Orange Institution in the list of orders whose members shall be eligible for ad mission into this '('.pat Ameriein Frntcrnln' is audacious and wholly unwarranted. "There is nothing vpirnf about the I.eynl Orange Institution. We don't wear masks and we don't associate with nn one who does. We stand feur-sqiinre out in the open for the principles of pure Americanism, free speech, public schools, tlie right of every man te worship Oed n his con science dictates, ami te ete his con victions whatever they may lie. e engage in no conspiracies against any sect, i ace or group. Repudiated by Other Societies Mrs Lettie A McClure. of Jamaica. L. L. stnte secretary of the Sens nnit Daughters of Washington, general! re garded as an anti-Catholic organisatien, also pnsM-d up te the Klux promoters in Atlanta responsibility for Including the name of her organization in the adver tisements of the "Cireat American Fra ternity." ' "I have never henrd of the Great i American Fraternity." she said "And 1 nm sure there has been no communica tion between its officers and the Sens j ,"viind Daughters of Washington." , The Junier Order of Culted Ainerl- I can Mechanics, which. In At'nnt.i at) least. Is ngu rded as cxlrennly friendlv te the Ku Klux Klan, has no eflicml information en the Kluxers' new sclieme, iu curding te Franklin S. , Ferry. New .eik State sCt retary of the order. , Les Angeles. Calif.. June 'JO. Wil- Ham S. Cebnrn, former (irnnd Goblin of the Ku Klux Klan. walked quietly out of the courtroom cstenluv while his bend was being fixed at S.'iM'O, and is being sought b the Sheriff. When Cebnrn departed tin- Sheriff thought he was In custedj of a deputy. Later a check disclosed that he w.isi alone. TAFT YIELDS TO LONDON SCRIBES AND CAMERAMEN Chief Justice Visits English Courts and Calls en King Geerge , Londen. June 'je . s a I". ; Large forces of Londen's men of the j lien, the pencil and the camera laid i Mege te William I low aid Tuft today nnd captured him bmliH. Their ranks comprised newspaper nun, photegra-i pliers, ineving-plctiire nernters and , cartoonists, all ciatnennu at mire te see the Chief Justice of tin. Cuitcd States. Me finnllj surrendered t all four divisions, being Inti rsiewi !, .he- , te-graphed and carhatuied at the -nine time. Othcrwisi the Chief .lustin s .i.nnd, day in Londen was sp,.nt for the most part in usitinj; the I'.ngli-h law niuit lie was iu ceiupnnlcd by Sir JeSn si- t men, former Alternev (iemrnl, ami , ether lenders of the I'.iillli bar lie had luncheon with Ambassador II.iimv1 nnd later called en King Geerge, te xvhem he prisintiil a message of greet- I ing nnd tilendshlp fiein I'ieidinti llnrding The Chief Justice and Mr-. ! Tllft Will be Presented te King CtfOfge1 and (iueeii Mar toinenow by Ambus sailor and Mis. Ilarve; . T.i v feiii.r I'psldent is being mir- felted with iiiin heeiis, banquets and uiisccll menus festhltles It is feand. he will net be able te give ns mm h tlme .. hi expei tnl te the study of, I'ngllsh ji.ilh lit! procedure j The pressut,. of his engiigements - remindful of bin presidential dajs, hes. pltnls, charity enterprises, civic or er or linnizntlens and societies of disabled seldlcis en till sides swamping him xvJth imitations te make addresses. HAGUE EXPERTS NOTIFY MOSCOW OF COMMISSIONS f. ( Heads te Insure Unity of Action en Russia te Be Named Tomorrow The Hague. June 20. (lly A. I. -The conference of experts rested today xhile notification went forward te Mos cow of the formation of sub-commls-hlens which will negotiate with the Hevlet delegation In regard te Itusslan nffnlrs. The president of the main commis sion ami the chniimen of the three sub commissions will be elected tomorrow These four heads will feim a sort of rrntrnl cemu Itteu te insure unlt of nc. tlen. Fiance's decision te participate in the conference Is explained ns contln centln fi'nt solely en the condition that the hireling "Is nierelj a leiiuleu of experts t;d referendum": In ether words, that r,i (ls'CiHleiiH shall tnke the form et mere usgestlens te their home governments and thut nil political questions be pre- y .Bimtea. nlse reserved her delcsates ... . .. .. ...-. -.-- -.-.-.-.... V ''If the nttitude of the France W withdraw the right te at nny time, Soviet renra- I'ntntlTeslUH'urs le render it necus- IV! fl WIRE YOUR HOME ORDINARY HOUSES til RED & FIXTURED AS LOW AS $135.00. $10 PER MONTH B. T. KYLE & CO. 1430 N. 17th St. HAVE VS ESTIMATE l'ep, 2403 i-aric I3i ESSEX Coach $1345 Ideal for Summer y tee Just see the Coach, and take a ride. That will show you why everybody is praising it; why you see se many already in service. It offers the closed car protection you desire. It is ideal for family use. It is a delight te drive. Operat ing cost is low. Requires little attention te keep prime. It is beautiful and reliable. Knew its appeal in a ride. Touring $1093 Cabriolet 1295 Coach 1345 Essex. Sedan .... 1895 Fr tight and Tax Extrm Caribbean sea outings THIS summer cruisa with the Great Whlte Fleet te the quaint lands of the Caribbean Noth ing like an ocean veyage te tone you up mentnlly and physically. A novel, delightful vaca tion. Picturesque scenes In Cuba, Jamaica, Panamn, Cesta Rica, Colombia. Guat emala. Leng, restful days en tranquil seat. 22-day Cruises from 3I5. 13-day Jamaica Vacations from J 150. Dl-weekly aalllnga from New Yerk. Free Illustrated folder, Sea Outings" folder and cabin plant. Write today, Bartlctt Tours Company Sliamihip 'Drpartmtnl 200 Seuth 1 Slh Strict PHILADELPHIA. i'A. faa nevef question J - C ATL, TL M1 tJUJISidDUC lUWCi d Wi, K0BaBBBBBBBa9'Eal fESSm I Mcrna I Gemery Schwartz Moter Car Ce. Sales Roem, 128-140 North Bread Service Station, 2400-14 Market St. I wmm 1 aLsuJl I 'I v. " el V 30n T0Cal " 'Mil I i -aiOT w i.v,a Bl .i t'i I - -.' Betvt V3 i"1 sJ ,etjn I :' 3il ti . . eee --r W euX eli x -r aw KFm -ea a'00' ,.. TtinW T r J J . 'rCMjjarf Be8 ! " C1 f- fffl SAFETYli I Laawa.-gj-a" ii aw f jammer "i tii"iMiifeafg gaEa-mu -Sri-'jc a. ".! jm-S.jaMii:-i t MegawataM.LiwOTggiaaiil GREAT WHITE FLEET Don't confuse ScetTissue Towels with harsh, non absorbent paper towels ii AirsfvrjArt? ' ? rr n-.Tmrcc 7 i i i -J JICUUiilJLllLV SfMMM.IMa Every ScetTitsua Tewel contains m'llliens el selt Thinly Fibres, which nbterb four times Ihcir weight in water. They make ScetTutue ths quickest drying, most satisfactory lewcls mad. Yeu don't wonder who used it last; or hew long it has been en the rack; or where it was last week; or whether it is damp or dry. Yeu KNOW that it is fresh, clean, sanitary; it is dry, absorbent, soft; you are the only one te use it; you can wash your hands or face as often as you wish, knowing there is always a fresh towel. Literally millions of soft thirsty fibres in ScetTissue Towels drink the drops of mois ture, completely drain them, leaving your hands delightfully dry, yet soft and smooth. Refreshing! Te get "thirsty-fibre," 'you must get ScetTissue Towels. Buy a carton today at the nearest stationery, drug or department store. Scott Paper Company, .Chester, Pa. Philadelphia Office, 301 Weightman Bldg. 'Phene: Spruce i8j $0a cartonefJSO Less by the case 25 cartons) J&vVHUT WfcA W .ab issue for "Clean Hands uirBusmess' ewels s,r.e I The Preferred Ice Cream As Yeu Prefer It SUPPLEE ICE CREAM is seldom equaled never excelled. Whether you buy it by the quart and carry it home, or have it delivered in any quantity notice the flavor. Step at the store where you see the big "S" sign -eat a plate, or a brick and notice the flavor. Try a sundae made with SUPPLEE ICE CREAM,1 an ice cream soda, or a cone and notice the flavor. Tep off pie a la mode with SUPPLEE ICE CREAM and notice the flavor. Put a brick of SUPPLEE ICE CREAM en a plate or saucer let it stand a moment then notice the flavor. seldom equaled never excelled m UaH 5aHSt2irfl C? lOOT KfKC? aur ab m a mQeP tgasag tteMxxazti iiSiiia a notice the Stevar A TO M J One of the SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES Predm SUPPLEE ICECREAM i j -i a &LW& w