Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 20, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    li r-wv i "' irp.
"? .1 MvtftttS
" ' v --,
' u
" Hi
i jmv in ri --i-rrr"M"Mi
'187 SampHi Upen Request
Colonial Yarn Heuse
1231 Cherry St. . "jps...
;,!!, a i ri i iia a a a a A '
A i:urep-n face- btautWari preaucea a
5. mint Youthful appaarance of the face '
V, !eW th Kln velvet like. A
A When traveling. It li coellnir and ra-y
iirauen. --
A r "'I'' ' "' tnllewlnri Drug
y, .. - -
, Keystone importing v-e., inc. a
,, rnunaeipnia, i-n. V
Removes Hairy Growths
Without Pain or Bether
l Medea of Today)
It li net necessary te use n painful
process te remove hairy growths, for
vUtli n little delntene handy you ran
keen the hkln entirely free from thefu
bentity debtrejcrH. Te remove hair,
make a stilt 1'nste with n little now new
dcicd delntene and water. Spread this
en the linlry surface and In about J
minute') rub off, wash the skin and the
hali" arc gene. Te giinrtl against dis
appointment, be cnieful te Ret leal
ilelatenc. Mix fresh ns wanted. Adv.
Children must
have feeds that
nre easily digest
ed and that euro
Wllmar Peanut
Butter will help
build health, be
cause it's made as
SO Different only years of ex
Frem the
perience can make
"Yeu surely made ene woman
happy in this big world when you
sent me the Bhee3 I've been trying
for ever ene year te net. I put
them en and went right back te
the P. 0. and get the inclesed
money order, and I want te thank
you very kindly for making me
the shoes. As I've said before,
they are the only shoe I've ever
had that's perfectly comfeitablo en
my feet. Sure they are large, but
I am a large woman and en my
feet all the time. Plcase don't let
anything happen te last 55, for
Eome day I'll be sending for another
pair of shoes."
The abeve letter from a woman
in the West came last week te the
Cantilever factory. It is typical of
manv letters written by wearers
of the
There's a reason for this. Teu'll feel
tne same, wny yourself when ynu have
neen properly fitted te a pair of Canti
lever Shoes.
Cantlleers have no stiff plece of
steel In the nrch, just where our feet
euiJht te be nllewcd te flex. ' They nre
made with a flexible inch just llke
that of your own feet built en the
same cantlleer plan. They let our
feet lex when It euuht te Ilex They
allow eeiy munch' Its natural oxer exer
cite which heeps the feet HtreiiK and
feung and supple. They threw the
liytlvs wdKht en ihe ball, the outside
"'..the feet nnd 4 he heel. jut as seu
will see it should be If ou will take
. ?-.',' ll,,e t0 loel nt the Imprint of a
child i barn feet In the sand or its wet
fentpilnt en the lloer,
Cnntllnwr Mines will leave your feet
n?Jlf0 .nml natural In Its action as a
child s bare feet. Ne binding any-whe-reJust
a snuB, eomfei table lit
without a bit of waste room. The
rounded ten and medium heel of Cantl
l';er.s s new all the style, It has
feet"1" " tl10 ORU0 tar "V youthful
Be fitted te n pair nt a Cantilever
aeaiers tomenow and keep your feet
yeJm1K1.nl1 yw tphlts baeyant.
Widths AAAA te U.
1300 Walnut Street
Over Cunard Office
CtinttlrttrH are nle en Niile In ne.irlij illlcsi
AltiKiiiH llpiulhelni'a ISO-.' Uletinth .v
Anbury l',nlt licut Hlma i (107 ("'iiikiii.in
nnuleii c'urriin'H Hhue m. i iim linniinuy
l.HBten Majer's. 1JT Nni TnumpUm at.
'in lnliurK Order's, 'J I N. IM w.
liinten Pan', r.3i Main Hi.
'anrniitfil rri'H, 3 UuBt King M.
llmrihir Sihwerlner'B. 43J l'enrt Hun ire
ficraninn rw & ltcllly, JH Wyeinliw Av.
'rrcnTn'n.nWUlf,chA -"VU 'WinJeuce
ufM?,0B;rH' ' voerhaea Hre.
Yerk"-'? ,"rSMVF' """"v. a Public Sq.
i THiTha non Ten V
llf k A Btlbfrt. 40th A Chentnut Hta. T
BpPBPefi. MtA Larchmeni Are. V
ArharlM Knit. Mlh & Oieatnnt Bta. V
il i"-I&ti, Dre.llMh & Cheatirat Hta. ?
YI,'I" i uii,.nH. nut n lliiltlmere Ave. !
7li.J3j.JJJpI 1 1
Mrs. Wilsen Tells
About Pour Batters
Het Breads, Griddle Cakes and
Waffles Arc MaSe With This
Kind of Foundation
Ccvvriote. nil, bv Nr$. . A, TTHaeii. An
riehtt retirvtd
rpHB lessen today wiU be upon pour
Dattcrs. Frem this stvle of bat
ter, the corn mulfln, corn pone and corn
bread in tnniln. Aten ItnOlnV nrltMtn
cakes and mufflns.
'ihls style batter depends upon three
things for its success:
First, the proper consistency.
Second, nrener hlenrilncr nt mrrrit-
Third, the baking.
Cernbreatl Recipe
Tlace in n mixing bowl
Three-quarters cup of cernmcal,
One and one-quarter cups of flour,
One teaspoon of at,
Twe level tablespoons of eaJcing
Four tablespoon of sirup,
Four tablespoons of shortening,
vne egg,
One and one-half cups of either milk
or water.
Yeu can tine sour or buttermilk If you
should deMre, without changing the
recipe or adding baking soda.
Iteat batter until smooth, nnd.turn In
well greased and floured leaf-shaped
pan and bake forty minutes In het even
for cornbread. ,
This brend can be cut In slices and
toasted when one day old. Te make
corn muffins turn the mxture in well
greased and floured muffin pans and
bake thirty-five minutes in het even.
Till the muffin cups about two-thirds
full. If you will use either the cus
tard cup In earthenware pr the baking
glass, or the old-fahlened iron pop pep pop
ever pans, the mufflns will be nicely
browned nnd crisp outside, and a Reft
crumbly crumb inside.
Te make the pone, turn this mix
ture in n well-greased and floured bak
ing pan, hnvlng the mixture about
thr6c-quarters of an inch thick nnd bake
twenty minutes in het even.
Batter, or Speen Bread
ThU is a breakfast bread that Is very
popular In the Seuth, and se called bc bc
cause it Is lifted from the pan warm
with a large cooking spoon; it Is n soft
baked form of imifih-llke consistency.
Place in saucepan
One cup of melaises,
Three cups of water,
One teaspoon of salt,
Bring te a boil and add
One and one-quarter cups of corn
meal, using the white water ground meal, and
btir until the mixture cooks te a thlc'
mush, turn from the saucepan te a
mixing bowl and add
One pint of cither sweet or butter
milk; One cup of flour with two level
tablespoons of baking powder sifted in
the flour.
Three eggs,
One-quarter cup of melted shorten
ing that has been cooled,
Iteat hard te blend nnd turn In a
well-greased baking pan and bake for
ierty-uve minutes. Serve while warm
Te Prepare Waffle Batter
Placing in mixing bowl
Ttce cups of flour,
One cup of corn flour,
One teaspoon of salt.
Three tevel tablespoons of sirup,
Twe tablespoons of shortening,
Twe cups of milk,
Yolks of two eggs.
Twe level tablespoons of baking
Heat hard for five minutes te blend,
then bent in the stiffly beaten whites
of the two eggs and the batter is rendy
te bake.
The real success of baking the waffles
Is first te heat the iron se that when
tested by pouring In the iron one-hali
teaspoon of water it will evaporate at
once. The iron should be turned every
few minutes while heating.
Pour in the batter slowly when filling
the iron, nnd use just eneugh te cover
the lower pnrt of the Iren. Clese the
iron nnd retcrse nnd allow the waffle
about four minutes te bake.
Celd roeked rice rubbed through a
siete may be added for making the lice
waffles as well ns any ether well cooked
cereal thnt Is cold.
The Griddle Coke
Place in mixing bowl
7'ide rupi of flour,
One-half cup of corn flour,
One teaspoon of salt,
Twe level tablespoons of baking
Twe let el tablespoons of sirup,
One tablespoon of shortening,
One and one-half eups of milk or
One egg.
Yeu tney use either sweet or sour
milk, without chnnglng ihlh reeipe.
Heat the batter with large spoon until
well blended and then turn in pitcher
and bake en het griddle. De net tutu
the cake mero than ence while baking,
ns this makes the griddle cake heay.
Muffins and waffle batters neft week.
Seme New Ideas for the
Lingerie Whittler
TIip prevalent lingerie of the season
is well adapted te home talent, for 1th
distinction dtpeii, net upon the club
nintc. lace or Insertion but upon liaiul liaiul
teuclips such an tucks, faggeting, plcot plcet
in', applique, ami hemstitching. Tiiiu
miiiKs of bauds ami leups a ml lattice
weik of self-material aie especially
chiplmsized at pieseut, and in the pa
jamas which our lingi'ile heroine holds
ncr her wri&l this m IiihIuIe Is ebeicd
In the loses of self fabiic handing the
upper garment. These loses me innde
the dull side of the lilac silk back
ciepe, which ni'lileen the pajamas, and
they aie touched off with a geld plcet
edge. Wide tucks around the trousers,
caught in at the ankles and above the
lese gailaud en the jacket nie the ether
lilinniintr touches.
' Tiiple elli) la ene of the fneied
.lingerie fulu lis, and it is this material
l width Inspiiirt the step-in chemise at
the left, as well ns the nightgown worn
l the lady heiself. Meth nre tilmiued
with hands of piinted elle. At the
light a white, uepu de elilne nightgown
is dcvtlnpul nteund a front pnnel.'and
the hack poitlen Is tied at the sides.
The boudoir cap In lattice work of blue
ar lilac rlbbeus" .studded with sllvci;
feses, i;uuiftn Kun
Things .You'll Leve te Make
and quickly made and save you the un
pleasantness of burned fingers, or the
This Sale Only
30 Off Our Entire Stock
Ne Restrictions Ne Exceptions
Fer the week of this SALE we must withdraw the
Charge Privilege, as well as de away with all
r m
12th Annual Clearance
Street and Afternoon Dresses
Evening and Dinner Gowns
Dance Frecks, Coats, Capes and Wraps
Sports Suits Skirts Blouses
All Without Restrictions or Exceptions, at
I Absolutely Ne Prices Have Been Changed
"Sale Ends
June 24th
30 OFF
Present Ticket
Our Re-Building Sale
at 127 S. Thirteenth St.
The Phenomenal Success of this Sale
is entirely due te
"Unheard-of" Values in Finest
Quality Merchandise
Fer Example, Tomorrow
Chiffen Taffeta Dresses
Were $39.75 te $69.75
Wraps Coats and Capes
In Marvclla, Vcldyne, Medalist, Peirct Twill, Reshanara,
Canten Crepe, Krepe Knit and Matlasse
Were $39.75, $09.75, $75, $89 Je, $100, $125
of Peiret Twill & Tricetine
Seme are Plain Tailored, ethers Elaborately Embroidered,
Braided and Combined with Canten Crepe
Were $29.75 te $59.75
Cleth Sports Skirts
Pleated and Wrap-around in Plaids, Stripes and Plain
Prunella, Jersey Cleth and Homespun
$ Q-95 $ O.50 $ J O'50
Were $10 te $25
Three Hundred ni ,
Handmade UlOUSeS
Values up te $4.00
127 S. Thirteenth St
annoyance of burned towels. Place
your left hand en n piece of paper.
With n pencil mark around the outslde
of It te get the sliape and slr.e of the
mitt. New lay that pattern en a double
piece of unbleached muslin. Cut two
mltfs for each .hand. Sew them to
gether and pad with cotton padding or
iinnw flnnntl. New make n cover of
chnmbray or gingham for each mitt. Bind
with striped, plain or checked material.
Mnke the covers separate be mai u.tney
get dirty they can easily be removed and
washed without interfering with the
padding. Jein the two HANDY OVEN
MITTS with tape. FLORA.
Sold Everywhere
for This Week
Thirteenth Street
Just Belew Chestnut
Sale Ends
June 24th
The Wanamaker Down Stairs Stere
jmmMwb Jar. & JSmm Wwmmh
$4.25 $6.75- $5 $5
Every Women Needs One
Dark-Colored Voile Dress
if she is fortunate she will have two or three. But ene is an
essential for Summer shopping trips, short train journeys, cte., where
a light-colored dress would net be practical.
These dark voiles show white dots of many size1; or foulard
patterns with cool trimmings of white organdie. Excellent cheesing
at $5 te $10. (Twe ure sketched.)
Two-Tene Plaid Ginghams, $4.25
One of these frocks is sketched. It is cut en straight, simple
lines and is of excellent quality. Cellars are of embroidered batiste
or gingham piped with white. Colorings are delightfully fresh and
Other gingham dresses in an almost endless variety at $3.75 te
Special at $4
Coel white frocks of voile or dimity, some of the latter with
cellars and cuffs of checked dimity. Alse some hairline striped voile
dresses with linen cellars and cuffs.
Silk Dresses for Summer Travelers
Special at $10 and $15
A little group of dresses of taffeta and crepe de chine marked
at lowered prices. A variety of models and plenty of navy blue.
Many June Brides Are Presenting te Their
Bridesmaids Strings of These
Beautiful Imitation Pearls
at $5
Pearls are becoming te every young woman, and
these imitation pearls have a wonderful luster, rival
ing that of real Oriental pearls.
They are beautifully graduated and fasten with
solid geld clasps. In 24 te 30 inch strands.
The Debutante at $5
is a string of very small,
graduated beads, 18 inches
long. It is highly fashion
able and very popular
among young women.
What Dividends of Comfert,
Rest and Geed Times a
$15 Couch Hammock Will Pay!
It represents a fifteen-dollar investment in health and
happiness. It means much mere fun for the children, mere
outdoors and rest for Mether and mere comfort for Dad.
(The after-dinner smoke holds much mere of enjoyment
when taken in the hammock, perhaps swinging a little and
thinking ruminative, pleasant thoughts.)
This hammock has many su
perior featuics.
In-the first place, there is the
sound construction that one finds
in all Wanamaker hammocks.
The frame is of strong gal
vanized iron.
All four of the heavy chains
reach down te the springs, which
are resilient.
The hammock is covered with
Coel Cerselettes
$1 and $1.50
Prettily figured pink cotton
ceisclettcb which combine a bras
siere with hose suppeiters. Used
for het morning wear and under
bathing suits.
Women's Smart
JUNE 20,
Deuble Lengths
of these same fine imita
tion pearls are te be looped
twice around the neck.
$10 for the 36-inch length
and $12 for the GO-inch.
8-euncc gray or khaki duck,
which is practically weather
pi oef.
In addition, there arc these ex
tra features; two barrel springs
up abeve; a box-edged reversible
mnttress; a separate front flap,
and a headiest for additional
Other couch hammocks at
$11.50 te $22.00 all six feet long.
Dainty Neckwear, 25c
Half the early season price for
these fiesh, dainty cellars and
cellar and culF sets. Seme aie
of imported materials. Peter
Pan, roll nnd flat shnpes among
the cellais.
Beach Capes, $5
A low nrice fnr nnnns nc rrnnA
looking and useful as these!
They are really a necessity en
cooler days, or where one has
quite a walk te the water.
Pleasant te wrap up in when
one emerges from the surf.
The model that is sketched
is particularly decorative, be
ing of pressed terry cloth with
brilliant flowers and birds en a
black, rose or blue ground.
Anether beach cape at $5 is
of rough terry cloth with alter
nate stripes of white and blue,
pink or gray.
Checked Terry Capes
in black-and-white, tan-and-green,
blue-and-gray, blue-and-black
blocks are very smart.
Near the lower edge is a fairly
wide band of contrasting color
in interesting pattern, $6.50.
And that is te wear cool clothing.
Coelest of all is a Palm Beach suit or a suit of
These come in various cool tones of gray or tan
and in mixed patterns and stripes. They're well cut
and well tailored exactly right for office, shop or
(Gallery, Market)
Coel White Dimity
' Bedspreads, $2
Beth the 63x90 inch nnd the
72x90 inch bedspreads arc hem
med at this price. 81x90 inches
at $2.23.
Dimity Bed Sets
They are scalloped and the bed
spreads have cut corners.
72x 90 inches, $4
80x 90 inches, $4.50
90x100 inches, $5
Certain Fine Belivia Coats and
Wraps Reduced te $50
Of the softest and finest Belivia in becoming shades of taupe and
henna. They are quite simple and depend for their charm upon their
beauty of material and lining.
Navy Blue Capes, $20 te $25
Plenty of smart ones, wonderfully adaptable for all Summer
time uses. Of tricetine, Peiret twill and serge, often heavily fringed
and always lined with silk.
Black and navy silk capes with fur cellars, $25.
fr , ' ' K"T?W?7J j y ,i i , n,i mf
Midsummer Hats
of Delightful Charm Special at $3.85
Lemen yellow, soft beige shades, Copenhagen blue, cool
gray, sea-shell pink, orange and orchid are among these
delightful Summery hats.
Mostly of organdie or Georg
Seme are quite wide at the
sides with brims cut short in
front or back.
Others have narrow brims and
flowers made of organdie with
white wool centers just the
Children's Coel
Dresses, $2
A variety of simple, wearable
little dresses, easily laundered
and cool te wear. They are of
lawn, dimity or gingham in
checks and plaids, as well as in
plain dark blue, green, pink, light
blue and maize. 6 te il year
Pleated white jean skirts, $1;
sizes for girls of 8 te 14 years.
Deris Petticoats at $2
Almest all women knew of the
convenience of Dens petticoats,
and hew their 22-inch hem
stitched hems de away with the
need of extra petticoats. These,
at $2, are of fine twilled white
sateen. They all have clastic at
the waist.
Sports Petticeaty at $2
are of white pique, with double
panels in front, and aru finished
with scalloping.
Seersucker petticoats in extra
sizes at $1.
Sample Blouses in
Extra Sizes, $2.35
Sizes -Hi te 56 among them,
but net in each style. The blouses
nre of white veilej and batiste,
trimmed with tucks, embroidered
organdie, crochet buttons and
lace edgings.
War a" Straw Rugs
27x54 inches. 75c
36x7? inches ..$1
4.6x.6 feet, $2.50
, . .
They're fresh from .Japan, made of fiiMt-quality
rice straw and woven with a strong double warp. They
make excellent perch rugs, and the stenciled patterns
are dignified enough for all-year-round use in the
Novelty White Voiles
29c a Yard
Pretty for cool dresses,
blouses, lingerie and for wee
girls' smocks! There arc vari
ous woven plaids and stripes
among them, all 36 inches wide.
Plain White Voiles at 25c
nre 38 inches wide. 44-inch white
voile is 35c a yard.
jaunty hats te wear with bobbed
A few felt crowns, embroidered
with wool, arc te be found en
bread-brimmed hats of crepe de
The hat sketched is of pale
pink Georgette with glossy black
cherries at the sides.
Women's White
$1 and $1.50 Pair
$1 stockings are of a silk-and-fiber
mixture that is very durable
and leeks like pure silk of heavy
quality. They have seamed backs
and cotton tops and soles.
$1.50 stockings arc pure silk
with pointed heels and mercerized
cotton tops and soles; semi-fash-iencd.
for Girls and Yeung Women
Light, flexible little models for
girls who are wearing their first
corsets are one of the features of
Gardenin Corsets. Everything
about thi in is designed for the
lithe, youthful figuie which must
have absolute freedom for its
quick, enetgetic movements
Gardenin corsets hae the
lightest possible boning almost
none at all with elastic webbing
used as the principal suppeit.
They are of the daintiest, pret
tiest materials used in cersctry
dotted, striped or figured pink
fabrics with dear little ribbon
bows and bits of lnce for adorn
ment. Ecn the hose supporters are
dilTeient from these en "grown
up" corsets, for they are s 't at a
carefully tested angle
Pnctr. start at $2.50 and go te
(( eiitrul)
6x9 feet.
8x10 feet.
9x12 feet. . .S6
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