;"'- W-lj, - '.- ' I ! f ; "wi' ''V ' v .v s'tf '.i Hi T- J . y- '.UtrWWJjW'Fv swra EVENING PUBLIC ' LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1922 SOUTH PHILA. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Ninety-two Receive Diplomas Frem Dr. Lucy Wilsen at Commencement SO. PHILA. GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL OFFICERS HONORS ARE AWARDED Tlif commencement cxcrcien of the Seuth riillndelplilii IIIsli Scheel for OlrH "111 he bold nt 8 o'clock tonight In the niitlllerlitm of tlie school, when diplomat! will be nxvnrded te ninety ninety te jtrniltintei. The exert'lcc will he held in the school auditorium. -101 Seuth IJrend street. jloe Hrlkcn will deliver the vnle vnle dletery nrntien nnd thn diplomas will t,r presented by Dr. Lucy L. W. Vllcen. Olrl who receive the "torch, (fleeted ns the ones doing the best .rk in each subject nrc: Art. Itelna f5nnpnrte; science. Ite- ti(cen l.npun nnti .Minnie it. nniiiimcm ; mathematics, Divertu M. nitter for jlee Stein nnd Florence It. Hern limn n ; JiWery, Alice K. I'ltts; commerce. ldn Grabewskv: InnRiinRes, Anne It. Flce: fnxlilii fnrnieln ViRllene J physical Irnlnlns. Ocerfiliuinc II. Werrnll; the Miidenl"' ns'oclntlen, Careline M. Jcs ler and Florence Mcflewnn. CARDINAL DOUGHERTY GIVES DIPLOMAS AT ST. JOSEPH'S Elaborate Ceremonies Mark Gradu ation Exercises at 17th and Stiles St. Jeseph's College, Seventeenth end Stiles streets, held its niinunl com mencement this afternoon In the quad rnnRlc feimed by the church nnd the college btilldlngH. The (iiinpus was decorated for the occasion. A singe had been built nnd enough ents were installed te accom modate a large gntherlng. The presiding officer was Cardinal Dougherty, who conferred the degree of bachelor of arts and bachelor of phil osophy. The address te the graduates was fnnde by .Inmes A. Flaherty, K. C. S. (.. supreme knight of the Knights of Celumbu.s. The sihitutery niltlrcs was delivered ty Thecidnre F. Dendy, n member of the graduating class, taking for his subject "IMncntien and the Heme." Jehn A. .lehnnn sK)ke en "nducutien nnd the .State." while the valedictory as ik'llxcied by Francis I. Fnrlcv. his mbjcit being "Education and the Churih." The device of bachelor of arts wns conferred upon Jehn F. Uurgess, Theo Theo eore F. De.idy. 1'iniicts I. Fnrley, ,Tame. I), (irltlin, .Tebn A. .felinun, Joeph It. O'Neill. William II. Kan del nnd Clement F. Trainer. The di'Kiee of bachelor of philosophy was (enfeired upon 1'aul N. Falr Falr trethcr. CLASS DAY AT DREXEL Tree Planting. Luncheon and Plays Features of Program T'ee-plntitlmj ceremonies in front of the I)reel Im-titutc, Thirt.x -second nnil Chcs'imt streets, at 12 :.",() o'clock this afternoon, opened the Class Day nctlvltle" of the iiistitiiMnn' grail tinting class. Before the trees were jilmited the seniors escorted their parents and friends en :i tour of ln ln pei'tlen of the thirteen building" owned bx Drexsl. At 11! M." I'. M. n luncheon, pre ttied hv he undergrnduntes of the Demf-tic Seieni e Depni'tment, wii fcrxed In the picture gallery. It Has followed by the presentation el "The Vegetable Man," n one-act remrdj dealing with the controversies betwcii Mr.-. New i. wed nnd the Vege table Man. Stiiih-n s of the Secretin Inl Scheel ftWiinicil lu a pantomime at 2:4." nMnil. Tin- tenlui" ..1 the program ttas "Si heel Dajs," a short coin ed) ilevi eil In -tiiileiits of (V Kna. neerm' n hoel, "September te .liine," in ("'in, was r-iterpreteil hy the mere liiiif.emc meiubeiu of the Scheel tif Itiinie te ris. GRADUATES AT CHURCH Ridley Park High Scheel Cla68 Gets Diplomas Tonight 'I If si initiating clas of the Hlilley J nik Ilil Sehoel ntleiiileil services last "' ti the Methodist Church of the ii i ,.i, xxhpie tl(t jiiiccnlauieate feriiK.ti. un ii(.,ieP, ,x th,, 1(.V. Jl"i x i i.i 'I'tiriier. t hi' pastor. The gi.iiliintliin i-.eicles will tnke flai ilii in ning. DR. BURK RE-ELECTED Again Chesen Head of Valley Ferge Historical Society The fourth annual meeting of the Anllex Feigo IIisieili.il Sei'ut win. held tdn in the Washington Meme- , llnl ( 'uip.. ii,.. w. Hirbert litirk. ! Vne pieslileil, -ns ie-electeil piesldvlll. Mhi i elhieis eld'tPil are: Vice pii'i 'IfiHs, A, Mm,. I:,,,,,,,,,, IViiisen. We. t ewiiin, Mss . Mi. ii.iM,.j ;. (S,-'f!i. .NeriiM.twn. the Key. I). Klha Coff- , ''!?" 15'Mdlng .mil .lelm W.iiimiinkei-. INs Annie It. Melnnx, of Valley Ferge. ' was iiiinl,. tieasurer and Miss Esther, "inlnig Meietiiiy. ih" se-icl cINciis,.,! plmm or the einpletlmi of Patriots' Hall and the' "PP" ng of the new hl-tnilcnl Itiiiltllng. ' Wileli lentalus man) i elk's pertniiilng i" tin- Ieoliitienary War. AIM GOOD BUT FUTILE , Rebber Threw Brick Straight, but, Victim Saved His Cash j """i'h. I nuik Kiilngaln. u nuitiac-! 'or, f "((:; s. Seventh street. Cam ' 'n. Mill hail suiiiclent wind left t.. jneut ,, f,Kl,,, n nt Np,;,ees who 'f ' linn p SiiiiiKhij night. One mi- I '"d the hriik ami ether a long knife. 1 It D Hiiltl i .,. I.... ...I. .A I. r t ..""""' "i , nil' i m s mi in" - " .11 III'IIM 111 Hit till S.dEANHETJE U1ICK, Kre3tei IDA. 3RA.BOWSK.y, eL' s KSCJ - ssVwi-il- Vt FiORENCE R.HERSHMsW, T,c.3tJeT ROSE .BRISKEW , Va.lcdicteci.urc. SNAPPY! I LIKE 'EM SNAPPY! SAYS CARNEY OF CLOTHES City's Beau Brnmmell Magistrate Has Something Like a Dezen Suits and 41 Sillc Shirts, and Cravats Oh, Bey! "Snappy! sneppv Hint's the wev I nbeut se wide." nnd he measured off like 'em. The snappier the better." j nhetit hulf-an-inch between his thumb Se said Magistrate Carney In speak- and linger, ing of men's clothes. And from his "With n brown suit I wenr n brown point of vnntnge ns the man who 's lint, and with n checked suit a cheeked said te be the best dressed meglstrate cap, and alwsvs caps when 1 drive. I In Philadelphia, he pieceeded te give nm n great one te driw. juu knew." his views. i Ties must match, tee. nnd socks, Cnrney's ofliee In Spring (S.irden for the magistrate Is the most fas street Is decorated with suits and net tidleus of persenn ns te the color scheme with the iisunl pictures, calendars and I of his attire. His times are nlwsns signs which advise ou te "Keep Smll- I brown. And there is but one tiepln In Ing." lie has no need of such a the world for him. And It glistens nnd suggestion ns that. sparkles In whntever cravat he has en. What man with eleven suits anil he It blue, purple or green, foity-ene silk shltts could go nreund : Fer the three yrnrs lifter he enme dispelling gloom? 'e the City Hall ns messenger boy, These just enme In," he tnld. when he wns thirteen years old, pointing te scvernl suits which hung : "i.dilie." as thej then called him. was In a tow ngnlnst the wall, the hangers i the best known of the messengers there, caught in the melding which Is along j Then It was said that he had two the side. ambitions, te lenm shorthand nnd te He looked npolegetlenlly nt the dark piny baseball, blue suit lie wns wearing. "I nm net1 A tnlrd one ml?ht be ndded te be a dressed up today." he said, "but, here, i snnppy dresser. And he hns certainly this one what de ou think of It?" snd achieved his idenl. he held up n brown and white checked One of his new spring suits Is n suit that fairly crackled. black and white check, but he mourn- Xct te the brown suit was a block fully snld thnt it wns tee big nnd had one with n white stripe running te be sent bnck. thieugh it. and ne.t te it n go 'geeus "I just get It, nnd it doesn't fit," he one with green nnd gray checks. '(aid. in n er.v disappointed tone. "Like it?" giinned Carney. "I Hut the chances are that he will get have hats te match nil the suits nnd another like it te add te his collection, shirts tee. With that suit I wear n i nnd rtep out In all its splendor tem white silk shirt with green stripes I day seen. 300 TINY CRIPPLES SEE ZOO WONDERS Emergency Aid and the Cubs Play Hosts te Children at All-Day Picnic GREEN THINGS REAL TREAT Mere tlinti .100 children, crippled by Infantile paralysis, had an all-day pic nic today nt the Zoe. They were guests of the Infantile Paralysis Society of the Heme Hellef Division of the Emergency Aid. Hy 10 e clock most of tlie cIHKlren and flowers. I will get te see (lowers nnd gtnss and trees." All the children who were entertained at the picnic live nt their own homes and net nt hospitals or institution", al though they nre constantly under treat ment. Miss Mnrv I. Selden. 'ccrelery of the Infantile Paralysis Society and of THREATEN TO BOLT FROM N. J. CHURCH Barrlngten Patter't Action Areuies Parlshlenera' Anger Threats te disrupt the congregation the Emergency Aid", was In charge of j0f , Presbyterian Church of Harrlng the entertainment, Assisting her were (m) j;. t jmvP ,een made by some of Mrs. .1. Willis Murtln. jbalrmri'i of the ( -,mbcni as the result of the Infantile I'arahslH Society, ami Mrs. "lr ' ,iii nnrnmlttee Netrls S. Hnnntt. only woman mem. report of nn Investigating comm ttee. her of the Cubs, who represented the which decided that no uinmc room or . . t ...III.. -tl. .!.!. neil 1 . i . . !.. tli. ; S PANIC IS AVERTED ! BABY DRINKS TURPENTINE IN EXCURSION WRECK 1. tAW"- H i,i.anl7iitlen of tiubll'' illi-iuls nml newspapermen, who ui .opera ted with the Emergency Aid Seclet) in the en tertnliiinent, and about sixty ether women who me connected with the Emergency Aid. Sandwii lies, milk und Ice-cream eenes were ei veil nt neon. One little boy grabbed onto hi moth er's hand te atttact her attention te something that was happening In the menkev cnge. She looked tired as she sniiieii down nt mm nMiif.iw.il te the tiaster. the Hev. . 'I PaiiiiHI, for his action In refusing te allow certain ledges te held meetings In the church bnsenient. 1 Iteperts of the institution of a new church were rampant last night fol lowing the resignation of the superin. tendent of the Sunday school, several i of his nslstnnts and n number of teachers. .. , , Mr. Pannell. besides being pas tor of the church. Is moderator of the session, and ns such gave the order pre . V . " , - -, , ... , ie gel in leine nun umifc imn. -,. had arrived at the oe; theFC who , ,,, ,., (i-ur,. it wn,'i hardly light "I had te de tn washing jestcidey i.ti.tt Iiik the ledges from using the te get te (eme nnd bung him. site ,1(rr, bnsrment unless they signed un could walk were brought hv relatives or agreement centnlnlng clauses In con - '. ' ." . . . ... ,. LO OO 11 Oil friends anil these wlies- tw Men nmes, (() (1(iprUl, Mm of ,nt. ,,u.n,.. wrre NCHI u.v wrinrcs rrc uiuubih . - FOOD POISONS THREE In w.is win laid ii.iikiu iIi'eiwmv near his home "ier i no..,.,. ,i.i..i -i.. ionic iiiips,.,i .,.K,.0 , Bm0 ,N naiie K .imn,,s !(, ,.,. voeil. jnne, ns M,s,n, . ACTOR CALLED SWINDLER Cabaret Shew Promoter Arrested at Atlantic City inn.?1 ""' "" ncter. nml meii' ic- Ui, ."l!"'etir of i.ilmiv: hes Is 'PR held In Atliintli- City for the ' lii.hlplii.i pl,,.. , hinged with the Ill,l,1 "f leMiiiues 1 1 .'in Pun i: A ' 'jrtnmer. of fCJI! Spruce street Amnllng te Lewis, he has refused te "'""I iesu,s ,,, iST-0 lii 1 '.."!! "' iM' 'nlieu Hetel ,Wl11" In I'hllndclphlii. Feldman's Place Net Raided r ,1,stllnllNhi'H'nt of Solemon Fild lit ri, -";.!" in the '""P'y '"'ttl'' business th. ,,i. ,,,,ar(l nvciiue. was net' among HlV e .V" iir"1'1 ,,un"(' '"''led for Pert i ,lUn' 'S",l"l".," '"d ben LEAVES SKOOO TO CHARITY Jennie T. Browne Willed Estate te Children's Society The Chlldrcns Aid Society will bene fit te the extent of S14.000 b the will of Jennie T. Hrewiic. of l.'tll West Scheel Heuse lane. Cermnntewn, which was admitted te probate today. Mrs. Hrewne, who died at her home, l.'iO West Scheel Heuse lane, Cerman town, lift the mene In II list te lie.' sister, Ljdln T. Jenes and her luether-In-law, " Henry M. Jein's. At their ilea'lis the prin-ipal gees te the society. Other wills udmlMeil te probate were these of Alice A. Nisle . of Ili'iS Hnr Hnr llsell sttcet. ifltMHI; Flunk X. Hell, of "J'J" Fsier incline, S 100(1; Louise Uecher. Elkton. Mil.. Silt, ."00. and Ch'iiles II. Kech, of !10 Enst Legan street, J?21.'0tl. PEPPER UPHOLDS PRIMARY Alse Defends Legitimate Expendi tures In Campaign Addicting the graduating i Ims of the I'nhcrMlj of Heehesier. lteehester. N. Y.. ted.tv Senater Pepper praised the direct primary. Senater Pepper s'tid thi't he w.nited te spi the direct prlmnrv. which he snld is still in the experimental stage, have n fair trlnl. Iteferring te campaign expenditure's, s'onuter Pepper slid that it l.i "per-eiM- anil uulntelligetit te iissiinii. that political (iimpalgiis de net legltiniati iv and necessnrilj cost large sums of money. Te spend !?.", 0"0 might under seme'circunistances be a wicked extuu ngance. Te spend S."().00(l under etheis might be absolutely justillable." HONOR PLAN JOR DRUNKS Gloucester Mayer Truste Them Till Payday Moter Andrri-011. of (ileucester Clt.v. hi Ilexes that the honor system will wmk ft out us well In peliee unlit as anywhere 3 else. In llnltiB two "ilriinks" this uiein- lug, ?.i.7.i cm h lie ngrecil te their re iiiest te be "trusted" until Saturday pin day. Themas Phillips and Jehn Tlnuuens. both of ( i lint ester, admit ed they drank lioecli M'sterdny In an amount exceed ing their capacity. Phillips said be had n scmmp pain In his hand and drnnk it iiuirt te kill the pain. Tlniiiiens was found n'.ing the i her fieut and was at Ills tlieiiuht dead They lie.h said thev weihl go te work mill cam money te pay the lines, CONCERT AT BRYN MAWR Alice Gentle Sings Leading Seprano Rele at Pole Grounds The leading sopi.ine nde in the open air concert ,'iveii today at the Hiwn Mnwr pole gi emuls was sung hy Miss Alice (Iciille, piima denna of the Sietti Opera Cempanx. She Is new tilling a concert engagement in Chicago Gire ile Ititls, funnel ly of the Milan Opera, sang the Imillene parls In cluded In the piegimii also was tin Nnr heiih Cheiul Seeiety. aiigiiienii'd hv local in lists nml n lurgc symphony orchestra. MORE FAIR BOOSTERS Garden Club and Oil Men Offer te Make Affair Success Jehn F. Lewis, president of the Ses-iiii-('cntennial Association, hns been apprised by it telejrrnm from Mrs. Har Har old Irving Pratt, of New Yerk, secre tary of the Carden (Tub of America, holding Its minimi meeting nt Menter, O.. of the adoption of the following res olution : "I'nderstniiding that the Scsqiij-CVn. tennlnl Exposition is te be one of beauty and pregresss, be It "Heselved, 'Flint the (iatden Club of Ametlen offers its son ices te the direc tors In bringing together the various horticultural societies, i.p.vin eliint so cieties, landscape associations mid ethers lu planning and maintaining a garden in the exhibition which will demonstrate te the public the line art of gardening." Mr. Lewis also has been advised of the appointment of a vpieial committee of seven by the Oil Trade Association of Philadelphia te co-operate with ether tiade associations In support of the Se.squi -Centennial Exhibition. PATROLMEN IN FIGHT One Says Crowd en Excursion Beat Attacked Him Piitielinen Kr.mse and Seihj, of the Nineteenth and Oxford stiiets station, were in n free-for-all fight en the sie.imboet Clyde Inn night when It decked at Arch street pier al'tet an ex cursion. The piilielmen claimed that Krniise resented an insult effired his wife by men en the beat, x hereupon the crexxd attacked him. Pntielmeu from the Fourth and Il.ice sticets station quelled the dlsmder and made one arrest. The two pa dolmen, off duty, bad taken their famllii.s un the river excursion. nutomeblles Dozens of small green xvicker chain w-re placed near the gate, nnd ns the children xvere lifted from the enrs they were put in the choirs nnd wheeled Inte the Park. As they pnssed through the gate sacks of candy nnd peanuts were put Inte their enger little linnds. "Ooeh! Is this the Pnrlt?" cried one smnll pale child as she limped through the gate, her large dark eyes dancing with excitement. "I haven't ever been te the Park before," she confided te her guide. "Oh ! eh !" she shrilled ns a peacock strutted into view. Words lit- rally fulled her for n few minute, nnd then she murmured: "Ain't that giiind?" A group of children hnd paused be fore the cnge where the pelicans and cranes xvere walking around. "Sounds like they were snoring," giggled one little boy with smears of chocolate nil ever his face, and a twisted arm hanging limply nt his side. "I lienrd the liens renr." shrieked number. "Yeu eughtn hear the liens renr." Se the guides wheeled thechnlr in the direction of the liens' cnges se that all the children could hear them renr. One blonde girl with wistful eyes wns lifted into n clinir nnd wheeled through the gate. Her eager eyes dis regarded the sneks of enndy and pea nuts. She xvn'i r limiting something under her breath, ns she looked nbeut trying te see everything nt once. Sud denly she talked louder. "Green tilings," s,c wn, saying. "(Jreen things te de It en Similar, but I did net want in,. ,. in, i,r lawn of the bodies. ( hniges of malicious meuiiiing xvere brought Immedlntelx against the pastor before the Presbytciy. Man, Wife and Daughter Become III After Eating Dinner Ptemnlne pct-etiing. due te fend they nte nt dinner Inst night, caused Samuel fiersham, his wife. Elizabeth, nnd1 daughter, Anna. 710 McKenn street, te be sent te Mount Sinn! Hospital. They returned home today. . Oershnm wns first ntlncked with se- vrre pnms. While his wife xxns nt tending him she nse suffered nn attack. Anna also suffered n violent attack nfter she hail administered aid te her mother nnd father. , Efferts nre being mnde te determine , the feed xxiilch cnuseil the trouble, it i is believed te hove been nspnnigus. I SAMl'KI. V'CI.AIN HAYHl I "If Ainfrlci wnnt. prenpcrltt, II hn cel te hflp Ilurnpn " Just r"Hirnd from a trip In xtnr-tr!rUn Ktirnpp Mr. Vauclcln hn Brunei) nn Intfrvlmv of IntciMt le rxery Amerli-an. It ppenrii In (hf Mnnrulnp Kce . lien of the Hunitav I'l iii.m LMiirii. "Muk It n llnbtl." ylrft. BAND CONCEHT TONIGHT The Municipal Hand will play tonight at Twenty-third nnd Locust streets. f t Yeu can rccegrme geed advertising by its echo increasing business. Thb Helmes Press, 'Printers 1315-29 Chcrrv Strctt PhUtdelphli iCS I I ---""RIlnlmlfccLs- ' I Mi iipp ii ii ' if iav ini if ii ii fiii u m m H.'IM ' VI' r mnvwwit s V WATCHES Bracelet and Ribbon Watches for Women PecKet and Wrist Watches for Men Twe-Year-Old Jeseph Cehen Critical Condition Jeseph Cehen, 1001 Huntingdon htreet, swallowed n bottle of turpen tine while his mother's back was turned for n moment yesterday. He is in n critical condition In thi Women's Homeopathic Hospital. Shep Showcase Robbed An outside showcase of the Quality Members of Ihe crexv assured the rcillt Shep. Urendxvuy and Spruce passengers thnt there xvns no danger ami street, ( iimden, was tnbhed of n silk as a result it panic wn incited, 'lhu cape, valued at .:!(). Inst night. In te damaged enr was drtflih'd mid th" i polling the robbery te the police exvnerg tinln arrived in fnniden sheitlx nf.er of the fur shop stld that the lock of the midnight. case had Ik en picked Wlldwoed Filer Leaves Ralls, but Little Damage Is Dene Passengers worn thrown from their seats nnd a number fulnted when the xviieels of n renr conch of the Wlldwoed (rain te Cnmden broke Inst night en t inching Uaddeiifinld, N. .1. Numerous windows were broken n the trnln Jolted nsvernl ynrds ever the ties Our fancies are "daisies"! Fancy neglige shirts se attractive you'll want te pick them all. Quality that matches the high standard set by our Rogers Peet clothes. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Pcct Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper u l When an Architect 4 4 .a. M prescribes warmth ter himself YOU are pretty safe when you invest in the bends that your banker has bought for himself. Se with your architect. If you ask him what heating equipment he specified when he built his own home, you are quite likely te hear something about the investment value of Ideal Boilers and American Radiators. And hew they pay for themselves in the fuel they save. .AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY lDEJiLBciltrsandA.lERCAxR&diatorsfer every heating need 1711 Chestnut St. 25th and Reed Stt. Philadelphia, Pa. A Mi I Are Yeu The Man TO KSTARLISH finance and run the Philadelphia agency for a scientific specialty for home and office that is having a bri.sk sale? One of our clients need.s such a man. Write fully con cen cerniny lniMncs.s expe rience. BERRIEN COMPANY, inc. A l) L'flTISlXG 19 West ddth Street New Yerk City "Say it with picture s." AVOIDS CRASH. WRECKS CAR .,Atl "' V P .y?Uf salesmen out by giving them illustrations of your product in every detail. We'll net only make the engraving plates, but orig inal illustrations as well. Narberth Man Runs Aute Inte Ditch te Prevent Collision Henry Muller, -lit Teiict iixeiiue, Nat l)ei tit, wrecked hi- miiiiII minister Snturdiiy inernliis ni "Id Lancaster pike nml IIlRhliunl nvtiuie, Meil.ui. ie avoid il collision with the uir of Jeseph Dause, 1(111) (iiceii stieet, riuludel I'hla. Ilexxnrd lluiuer nnd Hen mxel w ililluir with .Muller. They luimicil wl tiii.v mixx' a collision wnf lncxitnbl Muller tluexv his enr Inte the ditch .Hid jumped, tee. Ne en' wns hurt. ':;;; The Cmetnut Street ic. , ENCRdl'ING CBlIhc. f,COR.HT-HCHETNUTW: PALMt BEACH SUITS for Active Men It's an old truism no man can be 100 per cent efficient who is net 100 per cent comfortable. And no man can be comfortable who isn't properly attired for het weather. Cf We have the clothes here which will combat all efforts of "Old Man Humidity" te put you "down and out." Slip into one of these cool Palm Beach Suits you'll like the style, the comfort and general appearance. 3 There is abundant choice in the colorings Tans, Sand Celer, Browns, Blues, Grays, tasteful stripes and plaids practically everything that a man may want. $ Palm Beach Suits are priced $18 and $22. 4J Ceat and Trousers Suits of Mohair in plnin Blues, Blacks and neat striped effects, $20 and upward. Cf Ceat and Trousers Suits of Silk. $35, $40 and $45. Flannel Trousers (white or striped). $9, $10, $12 and $15. Extra-Quality Imported Cricket Flan nel, $18.00. ", SHB 5 V wi ft 5 lLTTaj M.iTi?TLflWiTB MFD AND TRADE MARK OWNED BY GOODALL WORSTED ,CO -w . . , a JACOB HEED'S SONS 1424. - 26 CHESTNUT. ST. Place Absolute Reliance On It Because our Super-Value Policy ap plies te every single garment in this big progressive store, rest assured that anything you buy here saves you money. Prove this by looking around at ether geed stores. The mere you leek the better you'll be pleased with the fine quality of our clothes and our Super-Value prices. PFRRY's Fine Quality Worsted Suits Handsome Tweeds and Cheviots Abundant Variety of Styles, Fabrics and Celers Super-Values All at $28 $33 $38 and $43 Headquarters for Strictly Summer C LOTHES for Hottest Weather Headquarters in every sense of the word largest selection te cheese from of fine qual ity clothes. Sizes te fit everyone. The widest range of styles. Everyone at a Super Value price Over 2000 PALM BEACH SUITS At our Super-Value prices $14.50 and $17 Silky MOHAIR SUITS Blacks, blues, grays striped or pliin Our Super-Value Prices $18 and $20 Summer RAINCOATS ExtTa light in weight. Super Values beginning at $13.50 WHITE FLANNELS of finest quality flannel. Our Super-Value price $8.25 Imported LINEN KNICKERS and White Gabardine Knickers Our Super-Value price $4.50 Fine Quality TROPICAL WORSTEDS Weighing but 8 or 9 ounces te the yard. Exquisitely tnmmed with feather-weight silk Super-Values at $25 and $28 Mohair DINNER COATS with mohair trousers. Rich satin roll lapel; trimmed with feather-weight silk. As correct as they are cool. Super-Value price $38 JUNIOR SUITS FOR HOT WEATHER Yeung men of 14 te 18 will find long trousers suits es pecially made for them from cool Palm Beach fabrics and Tropical Worsteds, at the Super-Value prices $17 te $28 ?erry salesmen are court' eeus and attentive. Your Reed-will, net your pocket book, is their incentive. PERRY & CO. 16th and Chestnut SUPER . VALUES in Clethes for Men (c) !9:s :. t cp. V JftM 'ilk 1 In S 'J m a wm TO m Mtt m mi 'Vi i m .! .i m mrli' fei-Hl si Mr si'" I W 'ii' TA m u i't'1 W i , v ! 'm 'Jiii' fltj mk !ll V I M I -im VfW W J M