Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 17, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Band Plnys at 9 and 4:45
Organ at 11
Meledy nnd Chime at Noen
Stere Opens at 9
Daylight-Saving Time
Stere Closes at 5
Daylight'Saving Timt
Offering the Best, Day After Day, Has Made This Wanamaker Stere Se Bi
The Amenities of This Business
Are the Growth of Years
Get your dictionary and- see what that old, little
used word means.
Chambers' Twentieth Century Dictionary says, it
means "pleasantness, as regards situation, climate
(atmosphere), manners, disposition."
All our sixty-one years have been a diligent, steady
pulling together into our convenient building, of all
needful, indispensable merchandise of the most reliable
character, and placing it en exhibition te be seen and at
the service of the people, without tumultuous
excitements or pompous urgencies te purchase.
Be at home as you like, when it suits you, even if
only te keep out of the heated streets.
June 17, 102:
TJfJhat Levely Celers in the Wana
rr maker Chamois-Lisle Gloves!
Yes, we're particular about that. Ne ether chamois-lisle
glove quite equals the delicately-graded color range.
They offer se many beautiful
shades of mode, of gray, of pongee,
and of beaver, it would be almost
impossible net te find the shade you
desire. Besides chamois yellow,
white and black.
And if properly wished, the color
stays beautiful te the last.
Just 1200 Yards Fine French
Chiffen at 95c a Yard
An almost incredible price for such soft, lovely imported
As much superior te ordinary
chiffon as hothouse orchids are te
roadside flowers.
Women who dress with elegance
will appreciate it most.
A ;.;::!;m
mm if" i "mm A
' i' L "'ii'ii bK i.it
THE Old Masters
of Music Are
Their work lives after
The brilliant compositions
of Lis 7. t, Mendelssohn,
Beethoven and all that great
company of genius, have
come down te us all.
Any day we may hear
them played.
But what would we net
give te hear them played by
the hands of the composers
themselves ! .
There Are Masters
of Music Today
Men nnd women who are com
posing beautiful music that will
live after them.
Men and women who play with
a divine skill, enthralling all who
Hew fortunate for the world
that the wonderful playing of
these modern musicians is being
the Ampice
the marvelous reproducing piano
that gives you again mere
perfectly thnn any ether instru
ment of its kind the music played
upon it.
The most gifted artists of our
time these whom the world to
day ciewcis concert halls te hear
aie playing for the AMPICO.
'I lie reienU of their own compoul cempoul compeul
tloim, mill Ihrlr iniiutliMlc Intrr Intrr
pretiilleiia of the icreut coinnenitloiiit
f nil time, IipIeiik fureter te the
inner or mi AMPICO tint u library
r VMl'M'O rrrnnllngii.
CluHxIrx In 1 1 m da, ilance music,
peimlai "hits" tlm veiaatlle A.MPI
W Bles tlii-rn till
AhU tn hear It any dnv In one of
Mi" u Hutu Aiupk" HtUlllOH of till!
wumunaltcr IMhiiu Salens, and JwIkh
" nur lienm would net be the
Miliar ler II.
' lit iiiilui iii'ij hi purflim.nl en
iiurnlt-nt term. It In flOSU te
(Kypllmi llnll. Krenntl Fleer)
Made te our order abroad, and
perfectly made, with an extra fine
suede finish.
Women's two-clasp at 85c a pair;
strnp-wrist at $1; 12-button at
$1.25; 16-button at $1.50.
Children's two-clasp in gray, pon
gee or brown, 75c a pair.
All-silk, 40 inches wide; in flesh
color, white, navy and black.
But net another yard te be had
at the price when this is gene.
Round-Thread Irish
Dress Linen for 68c
A new shipment of the linen
that women are finding se ex
traordinary at 68c a yard.
In white and fifteen of the
most desirable Summer colors,
all 36 inches wide, and of exactly
right texture for dresses, suits
and skirts,
(Went AUIe)
Bungalow Aprons
Very Inexpensive
Ne woman need lack for pretty
things te wear in her house
working hours when she can get
such bungalow aprons and for a
"mere song."
Bungalow aprons of a figured
or striped lustrous cotton, $1.50.
Of striped and checked gingham,
51.50 nnd percale, SI. Of percale
with figures and larger plaids,
The same in extra sizes, made
of checked gingham and checked
percale, $1.85 nnd $1.50 respec
tively. Apron dresses of gingham with
white cellars and .black' belts,
$1.50. Garden aprons of cotton
crepe, $3.50 and $3 85; of cre
tonne, $3.85.
(ThlrS Meer)
Wide Twe-Toned
Ribbon, Special,
$2.50 a Yard
The right width for girdles and
sashes for lingerie dresses, that
is six inches wide and the soft
satin is a fine, beautiful quality.
There are about feiuteen com
binations of colors, and they in
clude all the prettiest shades.
(Mttln fleer)
A Lady Writes Frem
New Mexico
ordering a fresh supply of Queen
Mary lemon cleansing cream.
In that "terrifically high and
dry climate," she says, "every
one wants some. Undoubtedly it
is the best en the market."
The best for every climate
high and dry or low nnd damp.
Used in place of water or after
washing the face, it removes
eveiy atom of dust and leaves the
skin soft, elvety and fragrant.
Wanted all ever the world, but
found only at Wanamaker's.
Priced 50c, $1 ami $1.50 u jar.
(Main Fleer)
Beluchistan Rugs te Delight June Brides
$27 te $35
What could make the eyes of a
June bride sparkle mere than a fine,
rich, lustrous rug?
In dark glowing mahogany red,
set off by liberal touches of ivory
and deep blue.
!EW Diajnend
-L and Onyx Jew
elry Perhaps it was Paris, perhaps
just the fact that women are
wearing mere black and black-and-white
gowns, but it is cer
tainly true that diamond and
onyx jewelry is extremely fash
ionable. Diamond nnd onyx 1 intra,
mounted in new and remarkably
beautiful platinum settings, $295
te $420. f
Diamond and onyx barpins;
graceful open-work designs in
platinum mountings, $4G5 te $500.
Flexible bracelets of onyx only
in platinum gallery settings, $275.
(Main Fleer)
TJhen Outdoors Beckens
V Madame Wants a
Different Sert of a Dress
A SPORTS DRESS most likely, and both madame and
her debutante daughter find them gay and free.
THE Newest Sports Dresses for Women
$22.50 te $75
Here is one of the new close silk jersey dresses a smart
and simple model with black-and-white, jade-and-white or cherry-and-white
stripes ananged in clever fashion.
Or a heavy silk crepe of jade
color with its blouse or upper half
of white crepe de chine, embroid
ered in green te match the skirt.
Anether such cicpe is in oyster
white with scalloped cellars, sleeves
and front.
A npvclty cotton a sort of honey
comb material buttons, like se many
of the newest dresses, straight from
the high threat te the hem, and
comes in erchid-and-white or sunset-and-white.
(Flrt Fleer)
lTEW Silk Sports Dresses for Active Yeung
L Women
Which means the young woman who plays tennis or golf
or who expects te spend her vacation taking mountain tramps or
beating. She is certain te need a cool dress of some sturdy
material which can be readily laundered.
Se here it is a new tub silk vers. There are two patch pockets,
sports dtess in a simple style witli hemstitched like the cellar and short
blouse and skiit slightly gatheicd sleeves.
en a bnnd nnd a nurrew sash. The In cither white or a lecly shade
cellar is the turn-ever kind which of orchid, $27.50 and from 14 te 20
opens in a V in front, forming ic- years in sizes.
fCeceiiil Heer)
Women's Fine White Canvas
Oxfords at $11.50
The canvas couldn't be finer, the last mere comfortable, the
lines m-ire attractive, or the shoe better built.
It is, in fact, the best white can- The substantial white leather
vas oxford made. It has all the welted sole premises geed service,
cxtrn little details of master work- The price is $11.50.
manship which differentiate a fine An excellent white canvas oxford,
shoe from an ordinary one. less finely finished in detail, is $0.50.
The rather rounded tee and sen- It has moderate cuban heel and white
sible military heel make for comfort. welted sole.
(First Fleer)
Embroidered White
Voile Special
50c a yard is uncommonly little
for such dainty snowy voiles with
embroidery or delicate fancy
The width is 36 inches.
OVett AUIe)
Many people use them net only
as rugs, but also as throws for piano
benches or couches, in which capac
ity they are colorful and effective.
Size, approximately, 3x5 ft.;
price, $27 te $35.
New Colored Wash
Dresses for Baby
Coel little dresses they arc, tee,
and purposely made with short
sleevcs and low neck in many
cases, but there are ethers with
higher necks and long sleeves.
One might say, there is no end
te the number of styles many
are smocked or have some ether
touch of hand embroidery, also
bishop models and ruffled frocks.
All are of such materials as
will wash Well, for example ging
ham, batiste, dimity, crepe, cham
bray and silk pongee. Usually
there are bloomers. Frem $1.25
te $10.50. Twe te six year sizes.
(Third Fleer)
A silk ciepe, finely pleated ftem
shoulder te hem, has bread sleeves
and is a lovely pute yellow in color.
A grayish crepe has the trimming
of ci ess-stitch bnnus, black-and-red,
which is one of the new features in
A cieamy cotton matclasse with
cloudy brown figures en it is cut in
the same high-necked, straight and
simple fashion.
Just a few styles out of many.
Prices are $22.50 te $75.
Nightgowns for
Large Women
Coel nainsoek nightgowns with
low necks and short sleeves,
some trimmed with embroidery
and seme with lace; necks leund
and square. $1 te $3.75.
(Third Fleer)
Is showing some unusual auto
mobile dust coats.
They arc made of a new French
granite cloth, are hand tailored
by our own men in the Londen
Shep nnd totally different in
effect from the ordinary dust
The price is $35.
(The Gallery)
Glass Candlesticks
The Lamp Stere has some ex
cellent clear cut-glass candle
sticks seven inches high, with
square bases, at 75c rtpiccc.
Hand-dipped candles te go with
them are in all colors and 10c
(Fourth Fleer)
pertunity in
Irish Linen Table
cloths A new special purchase brings
140 pattern cloths of fine Irish
satin damask, excellently woven
goods, of superior flax yarn, in a
choice of beautiful patterns, te
sell at exceptionally attractive
Size 72x72 at $8.75, 72x90 at
$10.75 and 72x108 inches at
$12.75 each.
Odd Pattern Cleths
at Half
A little let of wonderfully fine
cloths of a celebrated Irish make,
all large sizes, 21,6x3 yards,
probably the finest goods of the
Jrind, but an odd group, with no
matching napkins.
New priced at half the original
marking or less. $22.75 each.
(First Fleer)
Black Shoes Don't Mean "Modest" Shoes
for an Up-te-Date Man
Fer brogues come in black, which calls te mind that some
new black brogues have gotten in and they are about the best
se fai
Most appealing of all is the price $6.40.
Talk about the "geed old days," They are brogues in every detail,
a man will say there never were check full of perforations and have
better times when he sees se much the full wing tip.
style and se much quality at this Solid oak soles that premise
price. months of wear, and rubber heels.
(Main Fleer)
Stenciled Crash and
Snowflake Curtains
are much liked as effective Sum
mer deer draperies.
An interesting selection of both
kinds is here, the crash curtains
being stenciled in oil colors and
in floral designs of n novel deco
rative kind. Priced $8 a pair.
Snowflake curtains, in blue,
rose, green and ecru, combining
coolness, inexpensiveness nnd a
pretty furnishing quality, aie
$3.25 a pair.
(Fifth Fleer)
OLD Encrusted
$3 Mostly at Half
Anether notable new shipment
bungs a brilliant selection of
handbemc pieces, most of them
at half, and including cheese and
cm acker dishes, sandwich trays,
jugs, competes, candy boxes and
jars, salad and fruit bowls and
ether desirable and nttracthe
at tides.
All arc of fine crystal decorated
with a wide coin-geld encrusted
band. New $3 each.
(Fourth I Iner)
npHE ANTIQUE SHOP has clone a room in old curly mapk
A that will delight some one seeking suggestions for a sunny,
cheerful bedroom, say for a young girl. All the pieces are of
old Pennsylvania origin.
The centerpiece, of course, is the bed a charming old maple four four
pester of rather small size, with paneled headboard and bell-top pests.
Above the pests rises a gracefully arched tent top of red and white Eng
lish glazed chintz, with valance of ball-fringed white voile.
The dainty bedspread, the ruffled drapery of
the dressing-table, and the curtains at the win
dows all carry out this sheer white voile and
pink glazed chintz combination as fresh and
charming as apple blossoms!
In addition there is a beautiful old chest of
1" RE Ipftp lifl
Several Hundred Solidly Geed
White Enamel
identical te some that have been right here for
a geed deal mere money and that ether stores
sell for fully a third mere have come te sell at
the lowest price in our memory. Ml
Three-deer refrigerators big enough for most eveiy home,
having a 100-pound ice capacity and the outside measurements
are 33x19x46 inches.
White enamel inside and out. They are built of three-ply
veneered hardwood with solid pests and further strengthened by
four steel belt reds running through. Thoroughly insulated. The
whole frame is interlaced and airtight.
The feed chamber extends the entire height en the right
side and is equipped with wire shelves that permit the free cir
culation of air. "Under the ice chamber is a compartment for milk
and smaller things.
Net only staunch, long-serving refrigerators, but attractive
as well in all-white with solid brass nickel-plated hinges and deer
(Fourth rioer)
TJundreds of Shirts of English
-" Madras Have Come In for $2.50
Beyond a doubt, the lowest price a geed imported madras shirt has
been marked for years.
And every shirt in the gieup is geed up te Wanamaker standard in
every detail.
Fer the most part the backgrounds are in smart Summer colors with
varied white stripes, like se many men expect an imported madras shirt
te be.
But there is great cheesing among the shirts with white grounds and
colored stripes.
(.Main I loer)
A Man Who Travels Will Pick a Small
Kit Bag Most Every Time
Held mere, stand up better is his blunt explanation.
It's true, tee, for an outside glance never would give an idea
of hew much can be packed snugly away in a kit bag, while the
sturdy frames and stout stitches lend indefinite sen ice.
Right new is a mighty geed time prices. Tiuee -.izes 1, 20 nnd 22
te select one, for walrus bags, in inches and the black ones are
black or brown, are here at lower priced $7; brown ones- $27.e0.
(Main 1 Innr)
Yeung Girl's Bedroom
in Old Curly Maple
drawers in curly
at $27.50
Rag Rugs Bring Gay
Touches te the
Heme in Summer
Plain or mixed, but always in
colors that are cheerful and cool
te bee.
And rag rugs are here in
abundance, really seme of the
most attractive ones in years, and
prices are surprisingly reason
able. in II ft.. S3 nnd S11.7H.
7.6 x in.fl ft.. pe.M mill S8.53.
J ft.. 4.75 and S7.3S.
(Scurnth Fleer)
maple; an unusually interesting
nine sewing tame with three drawers, and three
attractive chairs.
The Antique Shep will sell the pieces sepa
rately or together. If simpler beds are preferred,
a pair of old maple low four-pesters in the same
room offer themselves reasonably.
4 i!
(fifth I'loer)
."' .
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