byA !hL - -WT t k ' ' Wf it m i ire I i-' faienmg public fflfefttjer PHILADELPHIA, SATUEDAY, JUNE 17, 1922 LOOKS LIKE A'STRING OF BARGES. The water rose se quickly during q storm near Syracuse, N. Y., that passengers were taken from this train by rowboats. The train was forced te step before all of the cars had passed through the Eric canal tunnel. The- Pullman conductor is waiting for a rowboat MfKfigt I? '-ccjBBBBy-f iml ('h HHHRtKHMHHillMfuMSlyMH IBkftftftHftftHftftftpS)fcYftftH DMBiTiMissBSBBlMlB -tBiU l HBHni&iisftkBHHEHBBBflffBBkkH "''tTVIIh HBlBikkl9 'MBwBBQHa ?Bm (HeM'VflftftKBBftftftftVr RHMHiKkBkkHRY'9vfkkkH IBHH''t'dBBBi SwiliiiMBBBBWBl wHEKSBSB88S8HSBDCiS3w MISS LOUISE GOODMAN MISS CARMELA KENNEDY They played yesterday afternoon in the Interclub Junier Championship tennis tourney, at the Philadelphia Cricket Club, St. Martins MISS LORENA TRICKEY, world's champion horse woman, will defend her title at Cheyenne in July. STic was photographed in New Yerk FIVE HUNDRED HOMES destroyed in Leng Island fire. A general view of the conflagration which swept sixteen blocks at Arverne, L. I., making hundreds homeless and causing a less of at least 5,000,000 :r -; 's : v'-; U t w -.M v !.;' GRADUATED YESTERDAY. Class officers of the Philadelphia High Scheel ferfiMi. Left te rierht. Katherine Gillin. vice president: Beatrice Bayuk, president, and A21 Schefield, secretary and treasurer. Mariam S. Lewis, at the right, wen three medilifl GROUND IS BROKEN FOR SHRINERS' HOSPITAL at , , -. "NiiW-uflg j' Portland, Ore. W. Freeland Kendrick, of Phila. (left), .- ' - "" '" ;,-.-' ' and A. L. Tetu, Portland, at dedication services mmmmtl'mTrT'lf v Jt ' JHKn ON THE BEACH ABROAD. Fair bathers hurdle a small beat en the hjr HRr3& southern coast of England. A let of exercise and then mere salt water are hIHH HvSkIIII BVtVHhHkqkBI '" m IMw,ft.j bJIB A BUXOM COUNTRY MAID. It's the part beins played by Madame Fielder, the Hungarian actress, in the homeland cl. j'rfj' v fy Av A S3 ' rNu s i v i 't 'S X V "". "! '3 prma tRltl-;; k . i :v ; r ' I 111 ss ON THE BEACH AT BRIGHTON. Week-end parties take their bath ing tents te the English resort GETTING READY te connect Frankford 1 Netice one of the two siirnal towers that nil control trajn operation at the intersection wnicn wm de at r rent anu Arcn streeu CLEVER TENNIS PLAYER. William K r a f t represented Lewer Merien school ENGLAND'S FAVORITE SINGER. Flera Weedman, who has scored re markable success in her country. She is going te visit the U. S. seen POLOISTS AT THE PHILADELPHIA COUNTRY CLUB. The photograph wasmfl Mi.H umtvii utiHucii tau iiumu team ana ine secena team 01 uryn iuawr IB l vBl j . w 1' 1 if ' 3""" .r u r.; w v fla,vr.-' . - :y A-: :iill! !vr. f, i!'.,V'i -v TA) V ,5; 1 1 'k 4 i bit MABEL NORMAND, screen actress, leaves for Europe te spend summer with her mother MRS. G F 0 R G E MAR HI RG is passenger en the Olympic as it leaves New Yerk for Kngland WATCHING SPEEDY POLOIST. Mrs. Philip L. Leidy sat en the running of her automobile. "Daylight Frolic" was with her VACUUM CLEANER used te gather in money as a ledge hospital makes a plea for aid D. CHANEY, of Indiana, new1 publicity director of P. 0. Dept. JENNIE KNEED- HENRY BACON, LER JOHNSON architect who de appeared in "Trial signed the Lincoln by Jury" Memerial REPRESENT CYNWYD IN TENNIS. The racquet stars are Mrs Rebert Town, Mrs. Geerge S. SeWell, Miss Elizabeth K. Haydock? Katherine and Marien , VannemaW 'si- 1 I CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA W..m ' I ' fl 1 HMgp ggfg Hk ENTERPRISE SCHOOL. Randelph street and Erie avenue, as it looked QUOITS, QUOITS EVERYWHERE. A renewed interest in the game has been ENTERS COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL. Rese ANOTHER CAISSON LAUNCHFn ni..u t Au . ,irMn tW Kt Mere it waa Trazed in 1907. The Bayard Tayler Scheel new occupies the neticed'all ever town. Geerge Peters is planning his toss as his Opponent. Lloyd Reeve, of Chicago, is the eleven-year-eld daugh- west side of the Schuylkill wW i 'u ? ttS JS ' HbI- - Sl T.,D Edmunda, 1603 Real Estate Trust Bkilding, is the contributor. McMurtrie, puts or close te the spike fn Fairmount Park Fred North is the ter of Profesor Themas L. Reev ecnuyikill, where the Seuth Street Bridge WW B 'AVr SMdiu your old PWUdelphivPliitegrpn JSOclal scorer of he Strawberry Quoit Club ju , erected vf tBta'M'Vi.. ,,.. i ."iiiitfaw - , g , . M ' , nV'( MH im