Kl iWSi k ..i itirjr :( i(i X "; I'x, ?'-( ;rf "WJ r '. r' rv f ?U fi$ , i . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1022 DANCING MASTER ay kiwi aikls Auther of "The Phantom Lever," "A Bacheler Hutband," "The One Unwanted," etc. tfiVfl WHO IN THE BTOnY li ,,u rnVYHnS. a demnre country WM'ftttUulin vlti of her ifeuirtlsMi, IK1' .mi Londen te 'make fter Hvlne I' 5. dr the tear, turns te preet- BSli ieBcmff 'e "" P "r 7." "" ." EStf .WcT"""" '" - ""' LZ..he dtvrlep$ Me a fiahv. BeJMd "1 v$h whom he cannot Uve, ,V: Rovilen' (Irtic'ie partner, who alie OllV" 1MS0.V. KllrafcftVa j.tetiblJh feuiin, -A rinUF.n. a rich man about town, Vf1 rJntet te Ktltabeth and finances ft'hiiMi " a noted ballet t.aeher. " lUT for tl,rcc lflyH E,lznDC,n heard lnethlng. and me tcmpiauen in wrnc :.'. -.-.. nlmnuf Inn ntrnlle' In rn- Et DIID TM" ......- - - what harm was there In It? It A. her heart te remember that her It werus iu """ " -" - Then en the fourth lny Netta sent Mncltcd nn,(?' "Yeu " ,hln.k n,Pu n i for net keeping my premise, but liven't had n second te spare. Pat in, innen ..... ;;."-"; "" nrt the uoner iimn.u ..u ivi inn It was done last night, and they t me mc mm um iiiui" . lmii. lie OOKS nwiunv una, uiuni ?t but I tl'lnlc he'll be all rlsht. His Mt'weriJ were that you were net te -told He'" in n nurfing home In Vvt no. I'l hotter net tell you where -i then It will be true enough, if asks, te pay that you don't knew. S.T.1; . '. t;w Imw he 1r evcrv ilav. ' 'K l - ireniif u...."""j' 'Thrv ICt IHC Pee linn uiih liiur.u.iK or a tew minui. j.-" "-; EiIt verdi that seemed te touch fclMbeth's heart. ,f Tt Vemed te Elizabeth In that oement that no matter what hap xned she could never knew a greater iiln or mere cruel jealousy. But Keysten recovered mere quickly bin ere, Netta had expected. She kept ner pm w "7" -a Mit even' day. and oceaPlenally v. .iris met for a few moments. I "He leeks awfully had." Ncttn said, but he lnIsts that he is nearly well, Ind ledav he maiiagcd te persuade the locler te' let him sit up for a few mln- Ites, though I P"W lie nujninn 'ire done pe. He keeps en saying thnt mUSt get DaCK l wmn. 'Hnchim his wife ' been te see dm?" Elizabeth asked. Netta tossed .w head. , , , , ,. "She came once, but they weuldn t tt her In, and she made an awful row ibeut it; thnt was when he was at is werft. I suppose she hoped he reuld die: he would have If she d been llewcd in." , , t t. The girls were naving icn inguu.i:. Vntin's rooms, and both of them looked strained nnd unhappy. It was fOrtnlgllt PIIICC IVIIJSIUH n uircinuum d it Keemcd months te Elizabeth nt she felt licrscit te ec years IT' il e THE GUMPS Te Have and te Held By Sidney Smith ind (Mat: llder. She looked up iith Imploring eves at Netta suddenly I might "De you don't you think and see him once.' Her (hecks flamed as she stam- itrcd the renucst, her cyea felt as if v were en tire. Netta gave a sharp exclamation. "de nnd sec him! Elizabeth, you iiBtn't! Yeu nrdmised. He would new la a minute that I'd seen you; ly yesterday he apked If I una seen ou, nnd l nnd te say no. i upucvu Vs. been turning mat niinir ei imi- in s money ever in ins imnu, nnu nns faint suspicion already about it ; you n't eh, Elizabeth, you premised! "Verv well." The color died from mt slrl's face, her head drooped. "It's only for his saue. I'm nsKing.-' ettft tnld lmiMily. "He needs the nnnv. nii knew he does. It will be eeks before lie enn weijs again, nnd 'e had te close the studio and re se heaps of offers for engagements, tried le keep going by myself, but wan no uc it's net me they want, ut him!" "id, yes. I knew. That nns the last time Elizabeth iked te see Itojsten: the last time ttcnt te ten with Netta: nnd grnd- allv the tnn cirls drifted niinrt n 2(1 1 11, Ind the lnterclinnge of notes stepped. I'at is uning te the sen for a wecK. is thp Inst mepsage Ellznbeth had Xetta. "lie didn't want te. but e doctor sns lie must, se he is go- ftl en Monday." She did net say that e was geliii; with him, and Elizabeth led net nsk : Mie wns nfrald of her- If In thee (ln!, afraid of her own Itter jrjlrusy. When Phe knew linnlly that Keysten is no lencer In Londen she threw iWself heart and soul Inte her work am. It wanted hut ten dnvs te the ehnr- T ball nt the Duchess', and Mine. enestls was almost beside herself Ua excitement. She would net allow illinneth te speak the word failure. 'Fnll ! Nf'vpr. nrvnr nnrnr!" he hrllled nt her, "Yeu rn'imet I will et Imf It ! I Imf never n failure, no 0, no!" Hut ElUnbeth'H nerves were dly raikeil as the day drew near. She (Olllll net- klnnn (nr I lilnl.-lni. nf hat lnv llienil nf lien mw iinil nvpr gala she went thinm?!. tlw slens nf jbe dnme-t innilnme had chosen for er ter that night; even in her fitful ours ei seen she wns nrnetielni! jrn hnrd nlwns. Fanner Wns klnilnia IfEelf rhenrlnn nd enCOllrilL'ill!.. Imr It, nvurv ivnv 1ml m the hut night Cllzubcth spoke te him hit icnr. i',' !f. ' should foil tomorrow," Phe Id Blinklly when Fni-mer uim IiIiIiIIiil- er Roe.t nlRlit. incre in no such word In your vo ve vo eularv in' iiiIiii. i,n ii,i i,. ir lsscd her hand gently, "('.nod night, i Muren; lomerrow 1 shall be the wildest man In Londen." "e made Elizabeth smile before he t ; Her and made her premise net te Madame linn tim. hn.l foil...,. e Said, "Slu. Is for Inn clever n u-ninnn (have one new." i hone se." sniii viimiinM, .m t lope se!" .... w... "He Was snrrv in en, 1,1.,, Wl.ll.. . . . ' fc" nw; ,,, ii.t, ..Hill; 88 tt I mi. et,n U ..,- ..!! nf 1v "'. Wl 11,1111' LUIIII- Hew I'milil ui, .. ii ...I..... i.- P" w sure that bhe would be a sue- Mme. C!AMn.i- tt . .. . tlli.r.u "tJn" Hiniieci nrcniy wnen fflr w"' ," h?r iM lhe K,,y 1"tl, and i.i .'ii.Kiii mi? Riri ivu huwJi . tMl 'J1 llPr rlnslesa linger and m,'"cd her slieuiders. k,!Vx. tl" tomorrow, hey?'1 she MnB-,Bc.a.n!,y- "H" K"t his reward Eibab h aSUV1 !.?"0( 1 IntW ni.lt ,, ' """""i IIIOHKII l" l...1uP well te what the French Hin?i",l'wl.' M,"I''' took up u Cr?'?.?n.ef nnd 5 aw ncd ever If. she L.:.."U. t0 diwilPS the PVPlll nf Inmnr. i A..'",, 'wli "'led te speak of i... '..",llii en every ntliee mililiwt rt' tiiii I'll i -v-i,v niiirr wuujuui, Ui IW' '!" t:'efl! " I ra ;,i.. .'.".. ," wrong i)iiees, nnu lwV of Pnt iY,in, Nl"" t',".v. "'"""me ler n nii...i ""." hhii uer win -I nf nttP"t tn wns arrested.. Nitei?"" ,,cr ll0ni1 slln,l'ly. "Mr. P6ufd(,'h,nr mt ,n"l".' t her, and f: !:," that nnv lltiii. itr,.n., ...1.1..1. ti,.,!L,"l'1t. have once possessed for f.iq ner worldly. .nm,.w,...i,n.,u.. l Oekn,.'..'... . """-?..'"? ---mr - .Mf.inD, a ti;iiiiues !?l f.SJCjJ iV.i-l.ftJ!A H.lL. (lancing master could never have n chance against a wealthy man like Nell farmer; se sne went en carelessly, still turning the leaves of the paper. "He Is 111, se some one tell me! He hnf an operation two, tree weeks age. And new he 111 again. Peer man I Very Elizabeth's heart wns numbed with agony and, thinking she Van net In tercstlng madainc, said no mere. She kissed the girl warmly when Eliza beth went up te bed and patted her check.' "Se pale! Such n white rose! But tomorrow se triumphant. 80 proud! What n change!" And she laughed as Elizabeth walked away without an swering. She went te her room and steed ever by the window In the darkness, her cheek pressed te the cool pane. "What shall I de? What shall 1 de?" Over nnd ever again the ques tion seared her heart. . Once the wild thought enme te her thnt she would threw everything te the winds and go te him; nftcr nil, he alone counted in her world. Ambition, Nell Farmer, Mmc. Scncstis what were I hey in comparison with her love, fer'hlm? Then common sense reasserted itself; if he wanted her he would send: if he had wished for her before when he was HI he could have sent then. She lay awake. all night. She was like a ghost i,n the morning, nnd, nfrald of madame's comments, she hastily rouged her checks nnd forced herself te go downstairs humming a snatch of song. There wns no letter from Ncttn, as she had hoped there might be; and there was nobody of whom she could inqulre for Keysten, nnd she did net even Knew wncre Me was. She dragged through the day some how the longest day of her whole life. She was n mass of aching, throb bing nerves when evening came, nnd inudftmp tld her it was time te dress. Elizabeth went te her room nnd look ed at the new frock Inld out en the bed white, nil of it of the filmiest, love liest material, wired out a little from the hips and artfully touched here nnd there with silver. And there were new silk stockings nnd white shoes, with silk ribbons te bind about her ankles, and 11 narrow fillet of tiny water lilies for her hair, with mother-of-pearl petals, and n tiny rose diamond in the heart'ef each. Nell Farmer hnd sent it te her "for luck," se he had said, and Elizabeth had thanked him, never renlizlng Jiow gieat the cost of his gift must have been. She had no Idea of values; she had never had a present In her life until she came te Londen. Slowly she dressed with hands that felt cold nnd dead. When shi took n Inst necn at herself in the studio clnsv she nlmest cried out at her pallor. She was as white as her frock as white as the lilies in her hair. She rubbed her checks te bring warmth te them. When mndame came te. inspect her she asked timidly if she. had better use some rouge. Mndame steed scrutinizing her, her queer head en one side, her painted lips purbed up considerably. Then she said : "Ne. Yeu arc the lily as it Is, nil white! We leave it! Yeu nrc eh. just adorable, petite!" hlie blew Elizabeth n kiss with the tips of her fingers. She tried hard te suppress her own keen excitement, but there was a hectic spot of color in the usually dead pallor of her face and her voice was unsteady. Se well had she timed things thnt Elizabeth was net allowed a moment in which te leek forward and grew nervous; she had only just slipped into her cloak when Farmer tame, and they drove nway together. Farmer looked terribly nervous; he kept biting his mustache and fidgeting with his glove. When they reached the duchess house lie held Ellziibcth's hand hard for a moment. "Geed luck! The best of luck, my queen!" he said hoarsely; then he went en up the big staircase te mingle with the guests, and Elizabeth went te the room thnt had been set apait for her with Mine. Sonetls. The Frenchwoman kept hovering round, twitching a fold of her fieck Inte place mid whispering a ln'-t in struction. "Yeu will remember all I told jeu, petite; jeu will net fail inc. It Is 11 gieat day for you. I am proud, proud !" "Yes," said Elizabeth. She was no longer nervous, and her pulse was steady ; shn felt as if it was somebody else's great night, nnd net her own at all. Madame went en : "Every one Is here all the great ones of Londen. They will love you, they will fall at your feet, little one; jeu will wake tomorrow, after a long sleep of happiness, nnd find yourself famous, is it net se.' ' "Yes," snid Elizabeth again. She wished she could show mere enthusi asm, she felt vaguely scornful of madame's excitement; even when the call came for her her heart beats did net increase; bhe looked 11 1 uiadame in quiringly. "De I go new?" The Frenchwoman nodded; she was tee excited te speak, but site caught Elizabeth's hand as she passed her and kljsed it hysterically. "My little one! My brave little one!" Elizabeth went out of the room, across the wide hall, and into the great Imllienm, 0110 of the met famous in Londen, Fer a moment the hundreds of lights dazzled her, and !iu faltered at the ileurwnv, her thoughts llylng again te the nnu night she hud danced with Keys Koys Keys eon, and the happiness it had been then. She walked en mechanically, vnguily conscious of the throngs of people sr. imindlng tilt: space which had been cleared for her: of the Hash of ninny dlnmends, nnd the emitter et tongues that ceased as sue ciuereii. A imiiiil nf nnuluusc lueke out. in creasing in voluiiie as her exquisite dulntliiess and charm were slowly iculized by the hundreds of persons ni-i.sint- she looked like a fnlr.v dell from a child's Christians tree as she Ktnnil thi'i'ii in her white, iilmy frock, alene in the great denied space of tloer, and theru was an impic-she silence be be feie the music started. Elizabeth knew evciy note of the music te which she was te dance; she hud practiced scores of times with the orchestra accompaniment, and 11 vague wendeinient went through her as she realized that after all nhe was net In the least nerwms. "Yeu cannot full," se madainc and Neil Farmer had declined, and new she was sure of it herself, A little confident smile curved her lips as she sank down in lhe first sweeping bow of recognition te her audience, and for the first time a thrill of enjeviuent warmed her heart us she rose slowly, her bare white onus wiealhcd about her head, and pirouetted almost the length of the room en the tips of her tees. Shu moved like a fairy, her feet Imidlv seeming te touch the ground, mid with each moment her ease mid confident 0 seemed te grew until piet. cntlv she found herself able te leek nt lit sen of inces nreuuu ner uu iu uii'i't their interested, curieua cjei calmly. CONTINUED MOJAT ' CepvrtaM W'lr Nuwjtr tf(Mft YJfclA.- VUVlYt WVltft t BWct 0T 9V iw eurtvu; wit vuwin urine GtvNt Kve Tt) POLL MXSU.F V)? .. pett nue. wweiNb anj vn-m we Cftll I StkMfO FfcOtVt -TU'S. z.v.wete vis. qviav cewlvct I HttME NtWUX 3 2, OOO BUCK'S - le r vra . e HOJ I'LL TORH TWS "0006 VI INTO 6?S ALREVsf HWe.AN'P TVE LITTLE HOsAE ALL MS OWW. " irt vmuv-v COMES i? TO MS t00. -T'LV. fcfc fceCkUSfc Ht'3 60T TWt VOfcONCj, Mj&TICSS- VtN'T SET TWfc fcl&YOt NKW6 OOT 0? THE SECTORS - Vtt NeQOTrt'S GOING 0 SEU. ME ANT" STOCK H S0KAEWN6 XHAY tevVT- IF BOK OIL VT WLU BE N A CM COPPER IM KETTLES W VA.HS - ANt 30U IN JEVWEV.RS- I'LL BO WOTTING TUATS HtPE.H m TVC ENTH- TVfc EKVLTH S Tt0 LM?CE- UXTV.E. SVME HX A W&EMCTM- TOO MtSS IT TOO OFTEN- -v : j-J nTIm v jg 1 . JLry A I in TWEy CAN CALL ME ANVTWIHG ttlES LIKE- THE MNN VJHOyTOO& TUL - OR. VtE VOHO NEMEtt. TOOK A. CHNHCE- VNWAT t)0 CAE.? 'LV, OE ftKXVN6 IK TME EA)TVOV- MMV.6WT OT EASE. AHt CONTEHTMEHT WKEH OME OT TWESE SE evS MS. WOWNb AROUMO VOR THTCHMNC. tOPt rHD XEVOLNEH- 'J!mitlM!, :& SOMEBODY'S STENOGFace te Face Ueclsti'iPil l' S Patent Onirc By Hay ward HELLO DEARIE -OH IM (Setting se bxciteds OUR VWDblM6 DAY DRAWS J EAR. AND PERCY SO DEAR AJEW505' r rz$n& w) isTHaT5e! 6ekte C300FLB X AJEVEf? WEW TtiU WERE SUCH A DECElVlN rAT- T-Vs- -3 :P . . I p. S -Ts & " , V ;. ' GzYSSh'Vfi VI l, f s. f, rsji , V -9 I ffllV W 1 Mill W-WHVCam'. i t WHAT'S TVfEMATrtl?? T DOAiTUATOERSTAVO VfOO OH HfeSY'De'. TOO ASK ME Te B MAID Of- HOCR AHt tSBX E MIXED OP with all your crooked (SOW'S OH ! PERCY SEEM V Jp- I VJHEELVM -r" -jT'ftiWV I m S.V Y'SMrW AMttt0 Pushiwg Triplets'. Beth of Vftu DECEiwiAi' THE OTHER 5 BOTH OF YOU PReBABLY MARRIED BEFORE AHD HIDIW6 THE FACT FROM IH&OTH&RI OH .VHAT A ReTTEW mess ; r r ml pi ss. VJHT- I THOUGHT TOU KUEVW'. VAE gj Beth Tahte Chgb. or- some. BABIES FROM THE ORPHANS HOAdE EWERH" DAY, JUST TO Givy THEM AW AIR1M&: OH YOU ilt-i-T 1 THlMfi; HEE-H&E-H6E ' - -. m, -T-, 2?r j LtTfM.rX' " ir 4 s 9 "' tT The Yeung Lady Acress the Way 1 IT & The young lndy across tlie way sas it's rather galling te 11 pa triotic American te knew that a country like Kussin can still afford te give several thousand rubles for a dellnr. THV am.p FIEND nv fevtaisk rm- SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG ( ?Wmnfrte 1 jwvs'y 1 7"s 79 sr j&SF" m r 'mm fr- y aifj wrxssa jisi- l , . JrhJ r SAtrrAJZ. -- )iC tSZtsg .. if li Er7ii AUTi . i ii . t" 111111 ".., ' 2JiX,s ,r-w ,tyArMfc' rf&A' tft wmm- & s";A V 5& mwm&- mw;s ... - If LuJC A. H4TMA, Otxrd )W0-efc- -U- S? tf&u j: " d -dvXT aKaPC evX , t- 5w) Ta. PET EY Just Before They Put Them Beth Away By C. A. Voight ( I OUCE 1?EAD A VERV CUE-VET Hl)HORsT I described That as FREEDOM OPlvE i Kkew" VHE-Pfi IHE J rm&k - Mate (- eFficEri PUUS-NAiHY S i- c-Tc.,,. V nc eimu.- i MOT TME. F1?EED0M OF "THE SEES -- ; j k- 4V6ig GASOLINE ALLEY A Jinx for Walt By King WffGeici Swe tt v Loek srlSl Helle THeee, uttlg yTHERe! Woj iveuld) Just wh I can expectW fBI Score with That pail gsHJE wfiETie kaieuu Yecj' Nev like te haie r-' I Suppose.' when a woman J Lnr gs Wk AND SHOVEL I BOUCMT S I VeUR NAME IS SKEEZIX' J U PRETTY BALLOON? -rA OMES ALONG- SHE Sl J U HIM' HE HANGS Te 'EM gBf If A f JAUPS&TS EVEr5MTHNCr"p- f I V, 1 wi" " "-! 1 y , .. if L8f -"Vl . llliUH ' ? : f.f.-' -'. - Aifvy whJv i&te i &wtf$r&$kv L .Zl '.' v,UTii'Ji'UL'L ;,;V-t,