mmmfflmmMmmmmmi VirVi ( .ww " mx t i t', .; EyBNIKG PtJBLIO LBbefeRTHIIiEIiPHIA, SATURDAY, JgUNE 17, , 1022 y ,. --Agae . i&- if f-KLtj TATEJO BALM "pkxxivi.vAwiAmnmBAW ' WrVNCTlTXP . fTwe Very IJnusual ' New Stene Colonial v Hemes at W yhnefield Very high-cjass something out of the ordi nary. Fine lawn, shrubbery; "really 'the last word in (home constructions If you were te build a home te order it could net be mere complete than these two very un usual Colonial Hemes. Located at Wynne field and Bryn Mawr Aves., Wynnefleld. One block from Pennsylvania Railroad sta tion, 2 blocks from trolley. A beautiful 25 minute ride by automobile thru Fairmount Park te he center of the city. Terms can be arranged te suit purchaser. ' " Open for your inspection JOHN H. McCLATCHY 848 LAND TITLE BUILDING Builder of Hemes' ' FRANKFOltn PKXNHXVAXlA WPnURDAW ' 'S nnlldlnr Tt N0RTHW00D AKRON STREET IRLITE HOMES OUR NEW OPERATION OP 8UHURDAN HOMES AKRON STREET between DYRE .& PRATT STS. ppelntmcnt8k nullt-ln fireplace, tils bath, built-in tub. parquetry floors throughout, mineral fleer In kitchen, het-water heat, electric; 13-ft. terrace; lirnKO', werkmanehlp and materials suarantceil: lnapcctlen Invited; Mr. Smith en prcmltes; S1000 raah required; Take Ne 3 4, fi car te I'ratt or Pyre at. SMITH& SCHMUNK, Bldrs. 800 W. ERIE AVE. ; PRICES REDUCED Rtnn riT.OCK SAUL ST. hmu of perfection; brick and. stone. ren iiructlen; modern in every detail; tactien, near Frankford "U" desirable and high SAMPLE HOUSE. 5163 Saul St. SMITH & SCHMUNK,en Premises OLNKV A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Te buy a REAIi BABUAp, neurepma. m 1....1 nnrrh. het-water heat, electilc. tubs; laraiie for 2 cari- near trnlns. .JclioeH and churches must be sold, trelleyn. OLNEY REALTY CO. Mlft N. .-.TH ST. WYbMIXO B2r.O i CHEHTNPT nll.L 'iiIilHIIHillll!ll!lll!IIIIUIIIII!!lll SEVERAL ATTRACTIVE CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTIES FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES MEARS & BROWN i5?h,s.t. Bgrjillli;ilillilllllHinillllil!llllllllIIIllMllilClllttlllIMlllJlllMlHilllllllMIIII' 1'KVNWTI.VAXIA mintinBAX prj.EuiiuVii.i'HrisuiiinumiiiiiiiuinunjiiiriunsiiiiUjnnriiHtiaiiiTniJiiiiimfnittJiiniiiii ELKINS PARK $65,000 The finest home In this beautiful suburb, udjelnlnit most attractive homes Spanish deslsn, with H rooms and 3 baths, het-water heat, hardoed floors through out, tlle reef, copper speutlnir. scer connfctlen. 1 acre of ground, old shtde and Khrubbery. turn Be for 2 cars. seranta' quarters, face It to te da. Call us for an Inspection. Byeff OAK LANE, OPPOSITE RTATION Call Oak Lnne 2200 l!B"!i"!l!llllll!UI!lil!lil1lli:il!l iSOEcmiuaHumnuiumiiniuiumnii'tuiuumiuniHinHiumuiuniiimiiiiniiiHiUtiinHUJ Cut Out Mail Pleafe urlte with pencil. Fer Special Suburban List Number of bedrooms needed CenslJer prlce up te. . v Remarks Name Address TO SWOPE & SON 510-1S MAIN ST., DARUY. Pa. lil!l!llllllllllllllll!l!llllll!llllllll!llllllllllll!llllll!IIIIIIUIIII!!II!l! MELROSE PARK An allstone f'olenial home en Strat ford live., rentnlnltiK 12 rooms and 3 biths, epm fireplace; let 210x110 'ft. mirage for : cms and servants' quirtetH creciully triced at 1J7.3QI) for laily sale. OAK LANE. OPPOSITE STATION Phene Oak Lnne 2JU0 CYNWYD LOTS DO YOU KNOW 'We have the better lets en the est streets at lower prices? Call, phone or write PENNA. HOME LAND CO. . 427 Bryn Mawr Ave. i'nene 234 Cynwyd lllllllll IIIIIIHIII! AN ATTRACTIVE OAK LANE HOME fcVy,"n ,rRln nl trolley; very best ocatteni all-oteno Colonial dwelling; 'corns and 2 baths; all modern conveniences; let 80x140. P"TEAlT0Rj Oak Lane I'heni) BlIIIUlllllllllllHl Oftlca npp, Station Uuk Lune 220U City Line and Overbroek Ave. k. - ; unusual residence, 5 'i-i'."" 'i second rtoer: ,SnCI bath nn tkli.l flnnM Ah nnii..,.i i.t . ..i -, Ka.. "sua! t" cend floer: 8 bed chumbers H. E, G. Gilmere;j -- uwi en initu noer. tl Liberty Bldg. Spnue H2.1t llulldlng A)ta leiiiitimiiiiiii OLD YORK ROAD Md,.tS?0vr vsi? "' choeU ? HERKNESS & STETSON TlTLH.,BLDO. ( II .ZI7 IllUi'b I P 9 E El & m niium 'lift mHAt.-BWTATK ym AX rfcKXn)VAWTimPIIAN WrXNKMKLD . niMiitiinim FERGUSON'S BUILDING LOTS HORSHAM HEiailTS Beatlnr. bathlnc. flthlnr; Juat above Willow drove Park nti Oeyleatstrn trolley; alie modern hemea, with conveniences. NESHAMINT FALLS -f Beatlnc. bathtne, flshlnr. The everyday sum mer resort; 17 mllea from Reading Terminal: commutation only 20 cents; rlcht at station and creek. NORTH OLENSIDB Belew Wil low a rove Park; rlBht at train and trolley; 10 miles from City Hall. ' 3500 Choice Lets, $50 Up EAST MONTHLY PA.YMENTS Free Title Ins. Take advantage of the DAY LIGHT HAVING and let us take u up after wen: in an autqmeblle. FERGUSON. Frent & Yerk Without any obligation On mv Dirt. kindly send me free boekleta of Fer gusen's Uulldlnir Lets and plans for homes. NLUIB ..-. ADDRESS ELKINR PARK mylniiiiiffliiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMfflMiiffluiiEWiiiiiiiiiii ELKINSPARK 1 rooms. 2 baths, all conveniences; garage; larce let; $13,000. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE ULDO. IIHI HIGHLAND PARK HIGHLAND PARK dQCnn New slngle bungalow, tile P7JVJ tad,, het-water heat: SOxlSO, an unusual value. 1 1 C(V Carrell Boulevard, corner 4 I I f JJJ single house. 4 bedrooms, garage: should be seen te ue appnciaieu, -aillu flnnnril. i lull I uai rciiuncicu. 1 uuuiuuiup. 3. JtJAJ r,0xl30; 2's steri: a wen- reme. ID-alierAWClateh!) tiitit Wt MARKET Lans. 2001 Open HundiijH and cvenlnir'1 OVKRHROOK OVERBROOK WE ARE able te offer for sale one of Overbroek's most beautiful Colonial homes. Aristocratic In every detail, but rounded by ether fine icsldencea, It la nn example of our modern day simplicity, enriched by every convenience tnd luxury. There is a great stone open fireplace in the living-room j there are ieur fine bedrooms nnrt two modem baths en the sec ond fleer. The parage la for two ears. Price $35,000. W. GORDON SMITH "Fine Residence Property" Overbroek 8700-01-02 Klk CORNER LOT One acre; old shade: excellent ll'V OOO W. E. U. (511,-MORi:, erty RldB. Spruce 3233. location; 211 Ub- RYDAL lUlllllllillllill Huntingdon Valley Farm ONE MILE FROM RYDAL Stene farmhouie. Ideal for remodel. lnu. biun. old shade around buildings; 70 acres ilch. fertile land sut rounded b country seats of well-known HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE ULDO a RADIO RALF OBMBBBBBBBBBBSaBBBBBBBBBBBa flt lrtk E&'-'.&lssvfffilaE lilSwll -AND V00 THlMK YOU rir40WIH T WANT GBT fuTUrmrUrs&B I I AM CBM.1 AOoeT WmMb ' I H . ft a J Sc5M15!?R CAM SELL PAOIO SETS, ," TOVMptr ' SET,' - ff?0M A CM VMtSK6R A A GOOO ?A0lO FOR WALTZING !! fm lju ALL OUT OP WALTZ, I I PARTS ETC ? J cN-TCTWeJ --fj& T TA8lMBAM-TrilS B (Jk :B - (L TS-AJOTrllHG eUTOHEJ ' mull zsTAxr ter salu NKW JKHSatY fclTBtmBAN in I Mi i i liilffl IONA In the Heart of the THE. DREAM Electric Trains Every Heui 25 Miles Frerii Philadelphia Yeu Can SecUre a Bungalow Site by Payint? $10.00 Down and $1.25 Per Week BO x 100 OR liARflER ' "YTG EXCELLENT LOCATION 1A7 1 BUNG.ALOWS ' Just being completed, rnlly lathed and plastered. Screened-ln perches, open fireplaces, electric lights. A small amount of cash down, balance en monthly payments will secure you a beautiful summer home. Beating Bathing Fishing Gunning Our representative will meet veu at XIarket St. J'erry (Phlla.) Sundays at 11:15 A. M., 12:15 and l:in P. M. (Dnvllnht Saving Time), and, will arrange for your FREE TRANSPORTATION te lena. Lake and return. MAIL COUPOS rt)K BOOKLET ASD FURTHER ISFORitATION Iena.Lake Improvement Company 416 Land Title Bldg. (Spruce 2919.) Neme II Address t Phene Ne MSM WiB ttffl fefcri PP5 Wll II Led' ' Mil M?L KOIP' PWlUeB Uffill iKnyr:j-;-- " ' .-.-..-e-iniui ROSEDALE PARK ' KLM STHHET AND ROSUDALK ROAD PRINCETON, N. J. Has Been Sub-Divided Inte I-arKe Residence Lets and Will I3e Sold en Easy Terms at ABSOLUTE AUCTION ON THE GROUNDS RAIN OR SHINE TUESDAY, JUNE 20th, AT 2 P. M. This beautiful estate Is a part of the C, O. Calhoun estate, and Is only 6 minutes' walls from the- University grounds, v Thin Is an opportunity that you may never have again te buy real estate ill Princeton AT YOUR OWN PRICK and en EASY TERMS. Rosedale Park lu only 45 miles from Philadelphia. Kvery let offered will be sold regardless of price. IF YOU WANT AN IDEAL HOME COME TO ROSEDALE PARK, PRINCETON, N. J TUESDAY, JUNE 20TH, AT 2 P. M. YOU CAN GET IT AT YOUR OWN PRICE AND ON EASY TERMS. "REAL E5TATE AT AUCTION" WASHINGTON, D. C. OFFICES Suite 332 Woodward Bldg. wkvtmei.u IF YOU CAN AFFOrtD TO BUY A $5000 HOME WE WILL GIVE IT TO YOU FOR $4100 AT WESTFIELD 34TH BOULEVARD AND WESTFIELD AVE., CAMDEN, THE ONLY PLACE IN THE COUNTRY HOME AT SUCH A REMARK AW, T. FIGURE OUR J340O HOUSES COST ELSEWHERE HSOO OUR $4100 HOUSES COST $.1000 TO J0000 PROVE THIS YOURSELF. MAKE YOUR OWN COMPARISON HUT DON'T DELAY. CO.VrE OUT NOW 2tJ miles from P. R. R. Ferrl". 3 trolley lines and buses. Philadelphia, New Yerk Slate Highway gees through tract. BUY LOTS NOW $160 UP $10 Buys Twe Lets $5 a Menth r'ays Take Trenten direct te premises, Westfteld or Pensauken or call at eftlie. iiS-rrm si i-r-j inrTw - '-""-T7rMiry1 1 I il f "' r ' sare-ft 1 307MAJytET ST. f g CAMDEN, NEWJERSEY ramer Kealty Company 3Q4Q PRIVATE BRNCHEXCHANGE 3641 ' rftNNHVI.VANIA HPIHIWnAK lU!llll!l!ll!l!llllllllllllll!!llll!l!!llll!!!lllll!llllli;illll SECANE DELAWARE COUNTY. PA. l!,1 mlnuten fium Ilread st. lleautlful stene dwelling; 20 acres ground; strtum WM. C. BENKERT 1421 CHESTNUT ST. iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiB LAWN n ALE BEAUTIFUL HOME Three story, detached, het-water heat, electric, hardwood Hours, a really fine home in an excluslvq residential section en a let 143x1X5, corner Levlck and lias lias lias broek sts. r KUHN & L0WERY Ath k Recklund. Frankford ue. A Paul. i ir-., '"-MJ ' -. 'f -I'l ."rt-MTril-'-!) .V 'l'ri .1VIV v tltlteisnf fc.t-v i ' inT li 1 ,n, Bin A HiaMMiriMiiSi II ni n II n . i f 1 i ,i I i ilfi I iT - i-J.. .f. iTAii"..1. 3J(l ,. i 3i.AMiS!h .lA.-5-ai. S. .'''yT..'. ,r .-Vli LZAJL'VS'lSVi .. - K Y. . . j. j lu ftllAL ESTATE TOR SALS NKWT .HWHEV SUBURBAN Jv 2i !( i?V LAKE New Jersey Pines OF DREAMS e AMPLE HIZE FOR OARAOE, O CHICKENS, GARDEN, ETC. 5 EXECUTIVE OFFICES Wilmington, N. C. iTrn:i.i N. J. A SPLENDID WHERE YOU CAN RUY for Ferry. Them Camden. tar from Market St. PKNNSYI.VANM SI lll'ltll.AX Bradford Hills Country Heme $9000 Attractive Main Line country home, over looking beautiful Chi'iter Valley, 1,1 oems bath, Invater, open fireplace all conveni ences, eleitrlu llitlit, karnge. tenuis court, ,1 MCres of lanit. vnlinif inthiilil. m.iir llri.ilrnil I Hills Station M 710 ledger Office. MELROSE PARK lilMIIII MELROSE PARK ATTRACTIVE DWELLING Second fleer contains 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, dnsslng room und sleeping perch: shade huge perch; gnrnce, excellent location, i20,0O0, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE ULDO JIIIIHIIIIUIIlilUUIIIIIilllHlllinil N III ' '1 fiiilsia : ' : : : : By Jack REAL ESTATE FOR BAlE NEW JERSEY UKAHlIOItB ATLANTIC CITY Atlantic City villaa cottaeesi apartments ANT SEASON ALL LOCATIONS H. G. HARRIS & CO. Ounrnnlei Trust Hldg.. Atlantic Clty.N.J. MAINE FOR SALE Fully Furnished Summer Heme BALD HEAD CLIFF, MAINE ifl rooms, heater, water, fireplaces; 22 acres miunlfleent ocean shore lard; trol trel ,ley. 'Church 2 minutes' walk;, moderate price, te close estate. Aliplv Henry W. Weafe, Ogunquit. Ale., or ROBERT N. SniPEHS, 44 N. 4th st I-.tlladelphla, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CHESTNCTnn.1. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHEftTNUT HILL. PHII.A. Cheatntif Hill SOT Rent Offices City Centre Building SOUTHEAST CORNF.Il Bread & Cherry Sts. A HI.OCK FROM CITV HALL Desirable offices In this thoroughly modern fireproof building ready for occupancy In September. Het and cold water In each office. Light and airy. Fast elevators. Albert M.Grecnfield&C. 15th & Chestnut Sts. SEMI-DETACHED Docter's Office and Residence 2025 N. BROAD ST. Let 30x130; 12 rooms 2 biths, laundry, electric; metal weather stripping. W. H. Ball & Sen 43S LAND TITI.i: Jll.tXJ libliClilillili'llllUIn 117-19 S. 17TH ST. LOT .11x90 IMPROVEMENT LEASE C. F.Simen. 112 S. 16th St. milium Business Preiiertles nnd Stores CENTRAL STORE 14 N. 11THST. the Heart of Retail District HEYMANN & BRO. WIDENTR RLDO In T" rsrterles. Warehenses. Manufacturing Floers inn.TfiHjnHiuiin ijriin'nnjju'ijiiFMiMiitin-iiniint.inirijfiLrirhPnMiniiifjiutmTnTi 6TH AND 7TH I -FLOORS-! IN THE THE N. 10-S'IORY III'ILDINQ E CORNER OF AT 12th & Arch Sts. This space Is new ready for occu pancy Admirably adipted for general of fices or light manufacturing. Ceilings are high Abutdunii nf natural light. Fireproof const ruction. I.ew Insurance. Reasonable rent. PEOPLES TRUST CO. 12TII AM' ARCH blS. 806 & 808 ARCH ST.--ST0RE SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS iO.u0i-u7GlANl'lEST. 835 RACE ST. EDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN 21B S lf.Tlf ST. 3RD FLOOR ,1100 !-QI ARE rEET COltNl.R HI ILDINO S W COIt 12111 AND SANSOM STS. PASSEM1EU i. I'ltEIUllT ELEVATOR Suitable elflcts illaplav ur light infg. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO. 217 S. 11IIOAD ST HI cnetnut mil 1337 I REAL ESTATE TOR RENT If CITV . 4ssssnsssss 1 iTn-T. II lssUlnrLTTssrT-ssssssssmull REAL ESTATE TOR RENT i CITV OFFlflKW. BlfellNKBH HOOMW. ETC. timnu IfflfllWA! FOR RBNT S. 16TH ST. I-OT 18x90 21' NRW'nUtt.DINaS WILL RB ERECTED TO SUIT TENANT MEARS & BKUWK , J&. QMtUUlitttllUtt. OFFICES EMPIRE BLDG. N. B. COR. 1TH AND WALNUT STfl. HEYMANN c BRO. WIDENER BLDO. efhces denckla bldg. , N, W. Cor. 11th and Market Stt. HEYMANN & BRO. Wldenar Did. OFFICES REYBURN-BAILEY BLDG. 1211 CHESTNUT ST. HEYMANN & BRO. WIDENIcn m-DO. ' SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street JC8T A IttlAL GOOD OITICK BU1LDINO PENNSYLVANIA srntJnUAN MAIN LINK si iiiiHiiMimniinnng Rent by the Year HHY.V XIAWK 8 chnmliers, 4 bith. enrage. .. Hrrs, $27110 per year S chamber a battis S1500 per ear. I'orseislen fepl 1 l'AOI.l 7 chnmlier", I baths 2 acres, S12UU per jear. Furnished by the Year 5 clintnbcrs. 2 bathi, $100 per month, I'eriesHluti Oct. 1, A. D. WARNOCK 112 S. 10th St. MORTGAGES 0!IIIHIIIIiliilllll!l!inil!!!lll!!i:!!li!llllllllll'lE!JI!N.IIIII!!l!l!!llllil!lllllll!lll LARGE TRUST FUND ioe oeo te $,-inii,noe ALWAYS AVAILAIILK TOR Immediate Investment FIRST MOItTOAUKS LOW CHAUUKS LIONEL FRIEDMANN 2.1 1 S 1ST It ST. Spruce 01 II -':! Anxwera glvn In 24 hours 'iiiiaiim'Biniiiiiiiraiii11!! BUILDERS' ADVANCES FUNDS FOR INVESTMENTS IN IIPILDERS' ADVANCE MORTOAdES IltOE OR SMALL AMOUNTS FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 518 Walnut St. 3D MORTGAGE MONEY Rend) for Immediate settlement, no red tape. WEINBERGER & CO. 2 S. 17TII ST. RACE 2020 WANTED FIRST MORTGAGES In any amount from JSOOii te 11,000,000 fur Important spoil. it fund Herace H. Fritz. 713 Walnut St. UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR BUILDING MORTGAGES EDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN sir. s i.vrn st. $50 TO $2000 Real estate security. Immedlau atttlemsnt. Interest en sstatts bought. Cash at one. EDW. M. M0LL?h APARTMENTS 2 AND 3 ROOM APTS STRICTLY MODERN J. LAWLERmarket Yrs. PHONE LANiDOWNE 830 PENNSYLVANIA SIII11IKIIAN TWO HOUSEKEEPING! APARTMENTS The Leuella Apartments AT WAYNE, PA. 4 ROOM1 AND HATII Al.i-0 UlNINrt ROOVl J.ERVICH. W 11 UAI.L SON, LAND TITLE HLDil. USED AUTOMOBILES I AIni'RN sedan. H21 gln V A. lliune llk n,w. rare bar Phun Pep 32 14 lll'ICK teurlngi and reulstirs splendid ion dltliiu. number of iOm siimII iais Sile down Preadw.iy 441 N Uruad Open pyigs CADILLAC, 8-cllnder teurlni. new top, go-id order, demonstiatien 1 1.10 Estate of DANIEL Hl'CK J.,101 N ,1th 't. I CADILLAC limousine, wonderful lundltlen "id ibpearunce, i -ady fei I mint dhi'tii serv ice. Hieadwav, 441 N st CHANDLER touring late model exiel cend like new a snap llreadway. 411 N lfread. DODOE. 10IS. leuring, excellent c-iiidltien leal linrgalu, $2,e. teinis arranged (la rafce ,140.1 Weed st DOIXJE 1020. winter InclO'.ure. ex, client indltlen, villi sacrifice Phune V. A llrune. Poplar ."i24fl lll'DSON Speedster, like new nnlv $S,10 down baltnce terms llrundwnv 441 N 1 loud st LEMNli TON touring ear peifeet londitieii w 11 hell or uxchangH fur D.mI, .wed.m 120 I'JU'V. Office PACK MID. 2Vj tens model L ex press body, side gates leliulR heud i ubbei I Henry W Yeung. Reading 'leinilnal Market i Phjl.idelphl i il AIOE'LAHCitMO-T. Callfern a Tep, I I pass, Iaf model, geed condition cheap Rreauwav, (41 N, Ilread st. r I. USED AtJT9M03II.ES: PEERLESS limousine, sacrifice' account Deuini i inspecting bought sedan; make ray Ien your gain 'by RL u!in mraru . hy 1020; excellent' r-endl HOAMBll tandaulet, tlen: rr bargain. PedIt B244. l-iiens v. piii HTEARNB limousine, excellent conditions rare bargain, rhene V. A, Rrune, rep- lar -'4ri, STKAKNH S-mmnir teuflncr, 11)20! nn condition! rre barcaln. Thene V. A. nrun. l'OBliir 3244. HTHAHN8 couer. 1920! reDlntl and. con .niend: aoed nurchaie. Phene V. A. llrune. Poplar 24. 1010 SOI flTUDnHAKKH. Reed condition; re Honshu nrtee. Un t' seen at 1U20 r. 20th st. . - i .--i - ask rer -ir, Keppell. STUDEIlAKnil teurlnv, 1021. Special Six. sllghtlv used, at a bargain. Dreadwny, 441 N Ilread st, HTUDIJ1IAKKK a.psssenger reHilster. 10IS! sold for sternae; 1117. Open Sunday and ev enlnits. (Inrsge, 1405 Weed st. TWKNTV-KIVB cars, nil mnUes. Uulckl, Itudsnns, llees, Kords, Utudebnktrs, Over- Innds. reds, Chevrolets. Liberty H, Calll- Iscs, etc.. sold for sternite; come make offer. 1402 WOOD ST. Open Sundays , TIKKH, .1 tiw ,10x3Vs cords. Ill eech. My home 1012 ftlenwoed. ntieve 2700 N. 10th. Wnn'eil Wll.I. IIS MUY I'erd V Dauphin roadster, st. Cnl. Mr. 0130. ilurphy. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I AM IN THE market te pjrrhase a going business of moderate slfe, preferably coal, lumber or honlware or combination, please give full particulars. I' 1)20. Ledger Office PAPER BOX FACTORY Went te buv for rash nn established. tii-tii-Uat. hlttlfgrade pnper-lwx fuctery lth u voluine of business epprexlmately 10000 per month, stnte where lerattcl anil price nskeil C D2t. l,-lBer Ofllce. Lumber and Ceal Business Including real estate; Heading It It sld. iik. at I.ansdale. I u . Apply II A Dar ling, tare of .1. Patteti, 101 Lincoln llldg . I'l lladMphla. PARTY with $111,000 who deMrc te becetu associated with gu'ng prnfltublu tnanufac luring business inn hhuie subitantlul Inter est In ciirpurntlun where ecrvlces will give geed return from orders neu tin hooks, ud vertler deilres te 'ell beentise nf ether In tniests; ur'ncipals only CM." l.-dxer OKU PATENT nut fastener for rulluai Joints, something new prm ileal hikI ertidnt. minimum ceit te manufacture, runservatlvn lu metal used J. F. rlchum in HSU -Main st . ltoersferd. Pa M (U)OI WILL enli rent greery ind ilelh ateNten stern fur last 1.". venrs: lmMt business block Ht fegt of "I. ' etntlen. OOtn and Market, sultubie fur anv huttiess, ,ij, imrtunlty of IIMltne, Lanxman. !! N ODth HALF 1NTKHKST in reunnrv uislnes. em- p!nlng several hundred men. 2 large plants earning 170,1 no pr ear, price $12.1, liiltl WHST.NKV. 20:i Liberty Illdg. (1ROCKRY, i.onfHcilenery and lie.cteam stere en AVest I'liHhter pike, doing geed business, n mene mutter, se 1 or lease prop erty P P.'l. Leilgei Off'te Ver.N(( .MAN with tl'J.IIOil wnntMl us acMM l.artner by Phllndelnht i bulldei , well t-s- labllsheil business A 113, J.eilger Office STOHU leaKP In WlldHOfiih N' J ," eai new modern front 21x100 feel best lei a linn A ppl v A 120 l.edrer Orflie K,V'Kl,l,K.T location for drug store; none In vlelnltj net nulckly. lU'dll S WALKER. 025 Land Tltlt llldg Hpruce 42.17 FOB SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED vimiili: a me . te .10 and up Factory Rebuilt Typewriteia "See Our New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Ce. 802 CHESTNUT ST Walnut 21.11) Main 429.1 DESKS AND OFFICE TABLES ONE-HALF PRICES Ne humbug we have the goods. Frem re eelvers' sale, Mnrsvi1lr, Ohu Tables, ' with two drawers. 1S. worth $R", Tables. .V with two drawers. HO worth $32, Desks, 42 te 00 Inrh price Stri.110 te $!l.1 UU. Office, Felding, llntMied Chairs, U.OO up. Oakwood Chair Mfg. Ce., Inc. 1007 RACE SI". DESKS 21(7" flat-top nndOp.-ivnter desks used b the Shlpplnr lleird at Heg Islnnd. chairs te match all kinds of nfrire tubles ."it open mesh metal lockers. 12 Inrge and mull fireproof snfes. telephent booths nnd ether complete of rice eeulnmeit of et-rv des rlptlen irflnlshed as geed as new and delln-rtd aswhere without eitr.i tlinrge nil prlieil low HttlHEX 1 ITU AND ntTTONWOOD OFFICE FURNITURE Latse let of dek. yafe. flies, cabinets nnd cenerul nfllce futnltuie ytere fixtures. We buv e!l nnd exchange PATTEN FL'RNITFRE CO LOCFST 40711. 1127 ARCH ST R VTR 420D MILLIARD headquarters, billiard tables new and secondhand lieu ling allevs Htnl supplies Hrunsnlck-llnlke-Celleiider Ce 1002 Aich t ONE W-19 (I IDEAL henter 190. 1 Meal tank heater. SKI 1 extra ne. .10 gallon boiler ami stand Jt. almost new Mil .Wvnriew nnd read Helmnnt lUHO VV. WHAT will veu give for n Whirlpool elec tilc dish w.ibliMr tlrst-cla condition? Ilaf lelgli Ce Amerlian ui d Cnmbrlasts. CONE S Ice-cream facterj for sale cheap because the owner must go tu Uitlj. 837 Washington ave TYPE presses and cutters big bargains Phlla Printers' tiuppl 14 fl ,1th st STORAGE AND MOVING MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DIsTVNT POINT Weekly service for small shipments between Philadelphia nnd Washington. The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 37lh and Market sts Raring 1201 ONE MONTH FREE I'STl!LtMtED 1SS0 The Exchange Storage Ce. 142(i N STII ST PHONL' IHUIiiMi 2471 SEPARATE ROOMS 1'ACUINU A MOVIVll CALL AND l.NH'Fi T HI It AREHOI'-E ONE LOAD wanted from Wilkes llirre Al leuteMn. Miiuch Chunk Willi.- Il;ien te Philadelphia between .'nth an.1 20th reu senable nl"e te and fnnn t mtU i "It New Yerk ami HalMmure Phune n write North em Stotegr Ce 1111 M frl n el Oregon 1113, evenings JManiund ,1i,7.' J VICTORY STORAGE ,1200 TILUERT Phene Pelmnnt 4070 for estimates Moter vans Paiklng and crutlng Tlie Jehn Rhoads Ce. 11.17 11.10 Lancaster uye Herace. Pviktng Xley'ng Cnt Chanlng MONARCH STORAQE CD '(S70 LANCAS TER AVE. AF'll) r-ERMCF STOR VUE. PACKINO LONU-DISTv.Nl E MtlVINll ! WALLACE, 1S20 N 20TH niincii lam; OTN WANTED ' W VNTED Used electric 'relent elevator platform 3 phase ;iiiuu-neun(i (npicii, u uy u teei for altcrnatlnc lurtent 220 volt 60 cycle M 704 Ledger Olflcc. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $1000 te $100,000 en accounts receivable, notes, acceptances ei mortgages; quick funds, confidential plan I bTAULEN. 120)1 Pennu. Uldz, Spruce 3SU2. Wilsen me4& . -u.'" ! .DIAMONDS BOUGHT AMD PAWN TICKBTH FOn DIA1 . KHLLT ft CO j tS3 CkeiM unite y-'.'Zi sfcena nenr, emr IlUHINEfiS man eln te Burepa.IM u.111 nnMMMlAll. fft JLeutit T. Paris, Hernet beat bank ref. P 1I. IMl. ' OLD OOliP OLDreid, stiver, platinum, plate wart),. V ! jewelry. teetB Plates Bouani rsr esrsai est. HIT. J. 1. Clars-. rnper. wet Fans' CARII paid for old cold, silver anT antlntl clocks, necers. 43 8. 17th st, ,'t PAINTINOANDPAPERHANOINO PA PEnilA'NOINO nt the better kind; ress.f werK gsr. D37 , Jenerson. ma. mil, CARPET CLEANING WALLACE 1820 N. 20TII CI1UHC1I LANK. 2S3 OTM. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE CITV l9s7 flttlsA ne. i ji7uu uieck a a.nn a t.i s-IIm..Ii111 I II II II III1ICK I.HI1UIT1IIII I J111A1 11, Aau I JMI IN. 22a knn bib. Corinthian I 700 blk. S. Frailar Others. All Hectlens. Financed te Suit. MARTIN & POWERS 250 8. Hresd Hpruce 2628 . 034 I.YCOMINU HT. (facing Ilunttnsr Park)--Twe sty , 0 rms. nnd tile bath, perch, not net water heat electric light, laundry In base ment, hardwood floors; price reduced; sy terms, 1300 cash; open for Inspection, Fran els H. J llranagan. builder of homes. 1926 SANSOM ST. and renr 1927 Moravian at. Oppertut.ltv te ruy let street te street. I. A. TA11LANR. BIO Walnut t. 1425 W. GIRARD AVE. Heml-iletniherl, .t stury. let 2.1x110 te rear s'r'et ituick union neceisary. iii'mii-H 0 l.'ith t. Hprure 417B, 323 S. 3THST. possession 22xH8 Hl'OHEH itll St. te rear stret. Spruce 4179, 20 S I I'flltNKll FDR HALE U'e are uffering in houses nt Oth tit.d Master: P.t h :i-street fronts, early rental $2it0: ?fvcHi?!ii4s0?tAitTiL..Hiiat: avk. mm. t'ONVILSIENT te North Phlla. Stnllen Tivn.Nlnrv libelling, wnn rooms i,m Imth (4 beilrcKims), het-wster heat. end. of row price J0.10U. Ohas. T. WnKclleHJ. 121H ChistnutjMt 1813 SPRUCE ST. Suitable for apartment house Hnd phvslclana' " J 'sTOfKHI'ltflKR. Sgn l.tfeyette Hide, SAfRIFirF Apnrtment house of 9 enuvii iv-l. i,p.irtments. monthly rental of 12.11; modern throughout, $3000 cash n-edi-O Riddle Ce 40.11 N. nth at. ."STORY dwelling. 20 rooms, .1 liiths; Spruce st west of 17th with 2 story KarasK nn De Ijtnrev st.. $C2,50O; terms. vvestnijy -'".; i.iiriy mug I24' N. 1.1TH ST. Dutch hall, larg perch, 8 rooms. I.ath. sltiim heat, (Metric ilght, let 1.1 f,xK Jilluil, USUI) cash. WESTNET. 201 J.llrt JJjdg. , 3,1223.124 ELLA ST Perch It rooms, bath and shed, $3200 each 00 rnsh each r- nu'red II .1 RAFFEUTY. 3107 Kenslr.eten ave. Oarlleld 0071. , 3.1"0 JOYCE (near Frankford and Tleeivr Twe sterv. penh 1 rooms and bath, out- ill shed eirl cui.d open rer Inspection xim FraiiiW II J HnnaK-vn. 1)34 Lycoming. " 1110 WALLACE ST. Fourteen rooms, 17x127 te rear street: geed opportunity ikiss Taulnne, Hill Walnut at, " 1810 CATHARINE STREET Three-story hrlrlt dwelling; geed Investment A. F. RUSSELL. Kith and Tasker sts. J5I3 FRANKFORD AVE Lame store and d veiling; exceptionally well hullt: excellent lecntlen: first-class condition. Apply te i ,vner. en premises Kensington 3.147. INVESTMENT HOUSES 2100 block N. Wumlstei'K st., 1H00 block N Judsen St.. 2500 blk N Harlan st., 2100 blk E Mella, live Oe tvvals i. Sen 2337 N 3th Cel. 4021. 2710 V,'. SOMERSET ST. S rms., perch. elec . beautiful hum-. Immed. poss; must he sold this week; price reasonable. Owner en premises. Schwartz. 2.100 W. Lehigh hi, $1700 Complete little home section. 21110 E. Oakdate at. hftth. henter. corner. In nertheaat ; tl rooms and HHOWER. 231.1 E. Cumberland st. 1K47 N 17TH Complete apartments, elec. elec. elec. hardwoed floors, nrst-clnss condition; pos session It. E Fnhlan. 1707 N Itlth l"il'H& Ct'.MDERLAND Itlr . mjd.: $.1001'. 10th i. Y'nrk. 2 sty.. Or elec , etc., $0000. E A. HOIiSuN. .liPJH -V t.iead i CultNEft" HOME hen U.'nl Russ'll St.. 7 rooms, fine erder: elec. light: only ft CO J. MACA 1 ,1,1 SiTEK. 3400 N. .1th. St. '041 SPR1NO OARDEN Seventcen roema, 3 baths mudrrn heat and light WORRELL SI 3 N. 17th; :tt10 N. 2ITH 0 rms., bath, h -w. heat, elec-.. perch, I'etnl conditien: bargain: a I today Ilutzjl 2.1th and Semersets sts. N W COR of Tnyler nnd Clenrfle d nsar ,th and Clenrlleld lies loc. : 7r.. Dorch med garage, .sihw.ytz. 2.10O W. Lehigh iv. 314.1 N 25TII ST. 2 story, perch. 0 rooms and bath elec, move rO-ht In. W H A RT 1 1N I IY 272S W Lehigh ave. iU7 P.UIJSEVELT IILVD. Twe-story perciv trout dwtlllng. 7 rooms and bath. JVM I I N' I ijiiiv. JL-'jy ' heal nut st. .'v7-72E. ALLEtlHENYAV near Frf. V. 2-si dwgs price right te qui' I: buver. f'ili'jy Mt. rrankllTi Tr, Hlg 20 H. lBih, reiS-20-22 N 11TII ST 'l-sty. bk. dvg . very des for atHs : barg te quick buyer, Paul M Myets Franklin T. Dig.. ,20 S. lSlh. NEAR Nth and Erie ave. Attractive horn for smnll fumlly. .1 rms. hath perch: ex el mill S'lei maker 7th Erie TIQ.70S7 2.127 N PARK AVE 1 story, modern. 11 tins, and bath. See Hairy Jehnsen, 1420 Chestnut st 10 INVESTMENT 3-story dwellings. Syden ham and Colerado sts., ntieve Susquehanna nve A -M SCHR1VER. 134H Diamond 2.114 s' IIROAD""st. Perch. 11 rms , h -w. heat elec , lst-clnss cend., suit for doctor; $n .100 Wm -'Heyde. ISth X Snyder ave. :U2O-2J-24-30-3S II ST Perch. 0 roemij rent $.M, price 27.10 eacn SM C. HEYDF.. 1,1th and Snyder ava. . 7 JU W OLENWOOD AVE Perch 0 roema Hnd bath. Dutch hall, electric. nne cenui Hun NEWMAN & RALL. 32 0 Oermantewn. SEMI-DETACHED pere'l. 13 toems, modern; excellent location. EDW M nil.MtM Spruce 71I2 lllel'SANDS of people pass our elTlce dally. A goeil place te Hit veur preperti for sals, C W Denne 31137 Clnrniuntewn ave Tle.07di $200 CASH Four rooms, bath & shed; price M70H. near elevated. i ARNEY wilt K Alligheny avj; H WE Chestnut st property vicinity of IIHh st which mav Ih bought ut right prlc" P 020 Ledger Uffic toil HACF Thirteen r joins 2 baths 18x40 tu stteet WtiRRELI .1.1 r. N J7th M'KCIT ATnRS 11 heues Rread YeilH Or ih $11011 euch Vllles 2113 N 20th. Idlli-.'l N iil'H TwiHe rooms and bath each make ulfei E P Mies 2143 .Nl 20th .141.1 N lO'lll ' stuiy corner. O looms and bath Itelslte 2203 Frinkferdave, 1642 N OARNET -Si ,"r-nt24, p"nce"2300. WALTER H PHILLIPS 1730 Snyder an, VCANT .-l rooms, large penh. garage; $0710 Our 0.14. leiween ljindri P.JL 1444 '.SNYDER AM. -Three slery, 0 roemsl Iiuh ui Hl.YDU 13th and Snyder ave. PMIKW AY SEC - Iwo 3 sts houses, will sell i heap D A Homers & Sen Ihth A Tnsker, .'.'Ui IIINflVO PMllv AVE-Osurte apt. house mike ulle. 'laulaiie 'ltl Wjaluut jiiuii liliii'K E Ailautn il r bath perch, hitup Mil . en 3S14J kduve 1 lid 20.11, I WO hTY .1 i ."l7 $2.10(1 pe M H MATslNHER Rr-vl E T Hid.- WelSOT ."1.1.1 N RON'S ALL FR" rooms and bathl S30IIII MEINNER 3100 N.22d 2102 "TORONTO- Six rooms bath an5 IKirch $100(1 MEIXNER ?100N22d .".Ml N HAMIIREY Six rooms? bath; perch; ittlMca.h Hulzel, 2.1th and Somerset. .'.114 W SOMERSET--7 rms, perch, h.-w. ht elec offer Hutel, 21th nnd Somerset. il HOl'SES Marl'gh Olrard live rent Ifle"; pi , $1,100. Jes Feldman 201 Llnbein Rldg. llulldlng Lets Fucttiry slles. Rte. FOR SV1E St'lTARLE IMPORTANT Ai'ie nr.uv ii n n i a i icj.-n llleck biiumled by four streets, .'il.noe srjusrs fed three blocks south of Market, east at Schuylkill II II FRIT. 713 WalnutjL , blTES. railroad. Penna. snd Resiling! 13001 per acre up. DIKTERICH. 7S7 Walnut, Factories Warehouse, Manufacturing flora OFT OF TOWN .10,000 an. ft., l-sty. bldga.t 4 acres laisl; traveling cranes up ta 10 ten. P It It., price U of value; excellent condition, also 2t).00O sq ft . l-sty. bldgs.l land about 1 acre, traveling cranei P, and R It price very Interesting, a. I condi tion can finance DlsUtlch. 737 Walnut at. SEMI-CENTRAL locatien: Immediate vicin ity all rallriMds; 24,000 square feet, a floors and basemintt maple flooring, conersta cellar: elec. lighting and power, steam hast ing, elevator, siiruiHier system, immeaiaia CJevniu, , n,,,,n,c. Mi,r,. 11,111, qqibii SIMON WEIL. Owner. 1141 N. 3d st, poss. Milium vvi.i Sl'ITAULE light manufacturing--10,0(10 equure test; four floors and basement; alsu let 51x11.1. 3d and Irrewn sts. SIMON WEIL. Owner. 1141 N. 2d 1010-18 CHERRY ST. 3-sty. bldg.; !S0t en thrce -co sides; si'ltable for light mnnufac r printing; snl or rent. ALRERT 816 Lund Title Hldg. Hprucn gam. luring or HALL, FACTORIBH. warehouses, garafta (or W raciery noer mu tiiuvwm ier rani, ROTTNER :0.. 1421 Chaataut. FACTORIES. wareheUMS. Hi sun A mere Man.iisnii mm rACTOHIM. ararstanasa rsHiTsarM.') twtti PITWIWJWfiJ7i, kA , J .5 v m "-.v . tv -MKy'v l tete: 12ZM-f( ' : fh&i 1 i j. i M 1 " I t4 J 14 m r M j& 9 . i I.S" ti! wjftAiZhai! mlbwi2 v'f i "'MiSEZtiTW ' iswaw i mi ii i '' " ' ia' iaih aas siai a i i i i ajaaaaaifc ' -"? .J,.- .i..,-. ... .j j.T-y...... , ;aiit-..,? t.