I I' ' " m ,liti 'ifii. tr- v - V tia iri,VJi ' Thnrauab hetlaa.Y store, factery1, wfadew IVK. ""'" Cleaning CetflMMT ? H 19 FILBERT BT. Locust SB J .W3f? FUBlJWr rSTORE ORDERSn avnaeiv xvu i Buy Anything Anywhere and Pay Us en "Easy Terns S. R. WEAVER, Inc. 1112 CHESTNUT ST. Ream 31 'and tt M.E. (ARNOLD 6 CO. Practical Electricians Electric Lights, Fans, Etc Complete Moter Repair Shep ,1019 CHERRY ST. What does our 26 years experience mean te YOVt "Donl experiment any longer, i knew this will heal mat rash because rvemi This advice comes from thousands who have found that Resinol does overcome skin trouble At an druggists RESINOL aWltf M Ilka Soefhinq AitdHulinq TRIMO ECONOMIES Trime Pipe Wrench, 8 sizes fir5" ' Trime Menkey Wrench, 7 sizes Trime Pipe Cutter, 3 sizes , FOR SHOP, HOME m FARM Tfeese Three Toels Have the QualityTRIMOMa The right material is in them. The best possible design is in them. Every TRIMO operating con venience is in them and every feature of economy. TRIMO users buy for long service. Buy of your dealer or write Trlment Manufacturing Company Roxbury (Bosten), Mm Q IW. II WZ lh" ,Ime -hewn la Eastern Rtaadard A"'Y ";w neur sigwer man s-iayucai natiiiK time, ONE DAY OUTINGS S-J.50 Round Trip I I inmnl. T-.I. .V l aLI - - "-m,ie uNg luunu iu iavt Barer" tlMmrnt iui leaving at fl JO A. M- Kaat era Hlanilant Time, will depart at 7 30 A. M, Daylight Having lime. from Market street Wharf Every Day beginning June 18 Aiiannc -iiy Wlldwoed Anglesea Andrew Avenue Ocean City Cape May Sea Isle City Ccrieiij Inlet dtoneHarber Peerment Avaien every Siinilaj ..80 Fnr all lilha. run... . ....wwwW - -- -viini IHWIWI weekday) 82 Sundays .... . COO! rtehcrinen a riruraien for Andrews AV lTitfne Ifa.liH. aiu-.Jt ud V.V lldwoed Creat.' (gun(,aJ se.0NS FISHERMEN'S EXCURSIONS $1 Gfl Roun EVERY P 1 iOU Trip SUNDAY MAURICE RIVER FOR FORTESQUE Market St. Wharf a 20 i Camden fi.24 U ANDREWS AVENUE for OTTENS HARBOR, AND WILDWOOD CREST Market St Whirl 6 00 K Oamden 5 08 K EVERY SUNDAY 1.8QTib' Riier, Seuite Park, Bi; Kaunj Tri, Held and intermediate ititiwi $2.10 ? GI'' "y pi. h- . -i . Leng Branch, and in ntund In, Urmediata atatlena. J2.00 RZd PeintPIeasant Market Street Wharf 6.1V& O from bread Street Station OO NEW YORK R.yna T. SUNDAYS Jun. II, Juy is, 30, Auguat 13, 27 Bread Street . n anu Weet I-Wla? e.-tf ' Werth Viui. tuij $3.SO WASHINGTON $3.00 BALTIMORE Round Trip SUNDAYS June 25, July 9, 23, Auguat 0 bread Street 0 80 Weat PWIa. CMH O 16 NIAGARA FALLS DAY TRIPS ln.Rrk RnilMnTDIB a en runa2jJuly6,20tAug.3, 17,311 Sept. 14, 28, Oct. 12. jr M Pennsylvania System Tin, Rem. 0f tw Broadwey LlmlUd rjjf l" ,3'ei, ",; " ' WT& Geed, en Sale t3&kl FORWARD TOMQRROW TO THAT GREAT VACATION-net .e 'larefl !! Get (Jm n.cary H. the bungalow or camp wiulmneni newaml get it HERE if thrift means anything te you. Best savings of Veliew TradinrSUmpsf r ' ,..-' IP! Will- II 'I' HI II-1P III rMte-BlWllll f I III MWW-Peallll HI 'III I I HI P'lW IW TTJ'r'-WESM- MSSM B&' .33 rCT4lEPm y8-- i 1 .'.w.Y. , ,.a v-...Mt.: -, - avra iirTi i"rr tt vana wu'.'flr.v. "r'ffi1 anTO rf v. ' nt vv'V r " " .jf-.A TJr -.t.. r.i.r inn.i l j rirrz z r" nrrwn)f li . ttm .rL i rr.T-rrn ,-v..T..r . , f,'-B""-"- --""'r ..-v .,.f.-- - -i--. ,. in i " ,tirtv,j:.5ft.-S7S". rTT7,,-, . BAtt'Tiiie Goedi en Sale TciorTeW," -. " "5" v "'l?r '. ' TwiSWV'l a ' j-ai.-- au. .-:-!. I n, .- IfwJI rjLSixm;&yW xiifexiii asKJfi!Lws for general wear! ' . Fameut 7,8c Ten-inch Deuble Dlie Regal Phonograph Records 33c All the latest dnnce and song hits, vocal and instrumental classics included. (5000 in all. I Tomorrow teut ceme early in some, only a few of a kind. Wt alretheri FIFTH FLOOH AND MAIN AHCADB VesteeSets,50cte59c ?5e II TaHaample let Oreat variety " . " !' ii . . e'a Jim ".. ''' HATS TRIMMEDPREEOF CHARGE $1 tt $1.5t Nat -1Veitm,7$c Lace trimmed eme with cuffs te match. $125 tt $1.75, VMtetf , Ne . aaa$1.2S Eyelet embroidery. iei n - i ii ii , le SI Cellar anal Cuff Sate, 8e Eyelet embroidery. ' . GuimiMi. SSe te $2.t8 With sleeves. Fine materials, Lit Brether! FIRST FLOOR, NORTH lilJgV llavlgBH-. JaffM-aa-aa-M 2fe? YelUwTridiiSttwilaEeiTlOePncraMAJlDiy l'nl Verv sheer and soft; in channinK vestee effects, with plaits' and Valen-tf)9 . I i.-t.i IUA rpf, J f' ciennea iucu niiiiinims uie iUAtuw .cellars with inserts of- wide fllet lace as picture. Y ' Hand-Made Waists, Alie $2.98 Tn velln anil dnintv bntiste Peter Pan and Tuxedo styles elaborately hand drawn, prettijy embroidered and with fllet picot edging, une pictured. , Lit llrethera SECOND FLOOR Men's Summer Suits 1 M 7-50 $27.50 and' $30. Qualities. Eyery MedelEvery Size. , JL m aQaeV " Wry ffraBfl liflff Of blue Serge, Cassimere, Worsted and Tweed All Light Weight Yeung men's sport models and an equally wide selection of conservative styles: Splendidly hand tailored, and lined with mohair. Whatever your size,Ve have plenty of models in itt Alterations Free. aaatteH II ' ' " KirschbaumMe hair Suits, $20 Alse Fine Trepicals Men's Palm BeachlSl n.SO CLOTH SUITS ) The genuine! Tailored su perbly that's where our's are better! Coel shades of tan, brown, gray, blue and aand. All sizes. d ii ii I' T 1 Smart striped effects many -choice models. AH-Weel White Flannel Coel Alpaca Coats, $2.98 te $5.98 - -. -. Gray or black. Fer home or office Trousers, $5.50, $8.50, $10 comfort. Famous "Duretta" Wash Suits for Beys $1.59 We Are Exclutive Philadelphia Dhtrihuterel Splendid wash fabrics and certainly the finest styles for little lads. Reasonable prices and remember, here only in Philadelphia! Sizes 2hi te 9 years. ii mftcaJ Beys' Genuine $Q.98 .g, .- . . Darale HannU C.STca I gf rva.(TaoeoAUoaraBaft wmvii mrmm wj j jay flfuaJV Prjjl Gray, brown, sand and dark green. Smart Norfolk models with patch and flap pockets; belted: all smartly tailored. Sizes 7 te 18. Bey.' $10.50 All Weel Blue Serge SuiU, $7.50 Youthful Ner folks with yoke, inverted plait and detachable belt. Mohair lined; all seams taped. Sizes 6 te 18. Beys' $1.25 Wash Trousers, 79d Straight hnickere and bloomer etylet Black - and - white crash, beach and Dayton cloth. Sturdy taped seams. Sizes 1,6 te 18. Official Headquarter for Bey Scout Outfit! Newest Scout Uniforms. $7 Shirt, knickers, belt, stockings and hat in cluded. Lit Brethen Second Fleer, 7th Street Vacation Togs Galore Great Savings! Coel, charming styles! Delightful, practical apparel for every conceivable summer need! Lewest prices in years! You'll find your money going almost twice as lar as you'd expected you'll find yourself with the prettiest summer wardrobe you've ever owned and at amazingly little cost! J Mrs.A.R.KmgLowSliees These famous shoes sold here exclusively in Philadelphia I Fer Misses and Children Mrs A. R. King shoes are made right in Philadelphia. Made of the finest leathers en lasts of scientific design. Graceful, smart footwear for street, sports or dress all made strictly according te the needs of healthy growing feet. Infants' I Misses' $249 te $3.98 .L4. Children's $0.98 te $g.49 Yeung Women's $g.98 te $7.9.8 1 XTa. f ah fin irirw IVTmair Ten a a CaMrlnlle mnlAle nnA Callvr AWW itutuiui avamaj u a tit; Of waituviia uiuuvie na.vr mmiij sandals. In patent colt, tan Russia, gunmetal, white buckskin, white reignskin and numerous smart combinations. $2-98 te $4.98 t aaaa.lt Mi i II ai.tll.. i Men's Fine $ Summer Oxfords) 5 .98 Solid leather contraction in every detail. Sturdy, smart-looking tan Russia calf or specially se lected patent colt. The new est severely plain styles or (modified brogues with liberal nciforatiens. Lit nrellirra FIRST FLOOR, NORTH Genuine Bargains for Men! Men's $7 and $8 1 $ J.85 Finest Silk Shirts J Tmmm Many of Superb Eagle Crepe de Chine Crepes de Chine and satin striped jersey in various select colored stripe effects. Alse luxurious plain white and satin-striped jersey. Cut full; expertly tailored; carefully ttnished. ijeuqie soft cutis. 1$3 Silk-Striped Madras " f Shirts. $1.59 Lustrous Bilk stripes; prettily ar- ranged with stylish colored stripes. 1 75c Sflk rur-in-Hands, 49c Stylish polka - dot twills black, brown and navy with white dots also colored dots en blue grounds. Lustrous satins in pretty college stripes. All have slide-easy bands. $1 SOk Half Hese, 59c Pure thread silk; black and colors; full regular make. Mill runs. Misses' Frecks, $12.98 In ratine, linen, tissue, veile and dotted Swiss beautiful new shades. Lene line models with string belt and handkerchief linen cellar and cuffs. Other styles equally pretty all very youthful and becoming. Misses' Silk Dresses, $16.75 In Canten crepe, crepe de chine, foulard and Georgette. Periwinkle, jade, gray, Copenhagen, navy, brown and black; individual touches are lent by smart new neck lines, draperies, girdles and sleeves. Misses' Tub ) $i Frecks, Special Fine imported ging hams. All newest shades featuring elab orate fageting and crisp organdie cellar, cuffs and sashes. $2 Pajamas, $1.49 Plain color percales with silk frogs. First Fleer, 7th St. SALE EXTRAORDINARY! $3.50 and $4 Fine ($1.89 French Pearl Necklaces) Taken ever from an importer. in financial difficulties, at much less than landing cost! Charming gifts for June graduates and June birth days! 24-, 27- and 30-lnch. Lit Brethers First Fleer, Seuth u Misses' Silk Capes, $15 In handsome black Canten crepe; deeply fringed. Gay silk linings. it--ents m wan. i its is w mi. hi si i Women's Summer Dresses, $10 Linens, dotted Swisses, French voiles and high-grade ginghams great variety of pretty new models, with organdie trimmings. Misses' & Women's ) $ White Suits, Special ) Stunning in firm white jersey or heavy Shantung. Attractive one-button coats. 15 Women's Beautiful Dresses, $25 French linens, ratines, fine voiles, lovely laces, Canten crepes, crepe-back satins, Geergettes, printed crepes, crepe Rema and Reshanara. Exquisite colorings; every new whim in draperies, latticing and tunics. Women's Handsome Silk Dresses, $35 In Canten crepe, with flattering round necklines, effec tive plaiting and string belts trimmed with beaded ornaments. Women's Summer Capes, $25 Beauties! In rich black Reshanara, silk-lined. rvCJ 43 -fl- ?v - , MLIffilKlI I faff - ' ' fflkkLm l I! Mill 1 III meJMm U T MwblS ri - WmiLlmWS i Skirts, Special, $1.25 te $15 Tailored, plaited .and fringed. Linen, gabardine, ratine, cpengee, baronet satin, sport silks, flannel, plaid prunella, tweed, etc. j.t Urethers SIXOXD KI.OOU Girls' $4 te $25 Graduation Frecks .98 ffVIS A sample let that comes just in time for grammar school commencements marvcleuslv a e e d choice. CriBp, cool, dainty kinds in organdie, voile, Persian lawn, Georgette and crepe de chine very becomingly styled and beautifully trimmed with fine laces, embroidery and l ibbens. Sizes 6 te 14. $5 te $10 Frecks, $2.98 and $4.98 In scores of very attrac tive styles organdie, voile, imported gingham and dotted swiss. Sizes 6 te 14. Lit Brether! Second Fleer $2.50 te $4.50 Middy Bleuiei, $1 te $1.98 Noted Samson make. In jean, linen, Palmer linen. All-white or with Copen hagen or red cellars and cuffs; braid trimmed. Sizes 8 te 20. Stunning Leghorn Sports Hats 3-8 te $6'8 !jti9 High-grade leghorns, plain or combined with hemp facings or flanges. Tailored or draped bands; plain or two-teno effects. Pictured. I Mf. llata Trlmmrd Free of ClinrKet Smart . $3-98 In Milan hemp and Milan hemp and 1 lb lb len combinations! band and bow trim mings. White and two twe two teno effect. Pictured. $5 Untrimmed itu..2.98 Very koeiI - looking models, ith hair brims and satin fat iiiRs and crew n s. Black and whlte. Pictured First 1'loer, North W. B. Nuferm Corset Sale! -$2.00 -$3.00 -$5.50 $3.50 Values $5 Values. $7 Values. A cle.irance let with fine choice for summer rersets White and pink ceutll nnd brnchc iv. medium or Klrdle top ; sizes L'u te 3b adie Demonitratien bjr Mitt S Dougherty of W. B. and Sty! Mout Leriets. All women will be intctested In Miss r)ouKhert'A helpful mcs. sage of biji.i and comfort J.xperts te supcrlhe all HuIiikh. .ii uruiiierN oeenu fleer Tomorrow! The price is for the enn day only! n Picnic Bex ,$ of Candy j" Five-Pound Size j Cocoanut caramels, gum drops, cMvstnl mint drops nnd Tem Thumb .sour balls. Watch daily advertisements for Mimilar big values. Main rcade nnd Subwn Stere 1 Hosiery and Underwear Economics lik'e these will mean considerably less ex pense for vucatien outfits. Women's $3.50 Silk Stockings $0.75 cordovan, F e a t u r ing dainty open work clocks. Pnre silk: beautifully made; black and white. Women's $2.011191 UK SUkSteckings. . "v Full-fashioned; thread silk; black, white and a wide vnnrvA rtf clinn nlinHpfl. '6 vi i Children's $1 te $1.25 Socks, 69c and 75c Three-quarter length. Wanted Hpert Hiinties " Women's 75c Union Suits. 49c 9 Cotten riuoeu : ince-ininiiieu ui, tiirht knee. First Fleer. Seuth I S LIT BHOTIIEBS 1 Silk Chemise $0'.98 $4 Kinds Seme of the very best bargains in our June Sale lovely kinds. Several very pretty groups in crepe de chine and radium sil.k; also trousseau crepe. Flesh, orchid and light blue; ex quisitely tai lored or lace trimmed. One shown. $3 Extra-Sise ChmUe, $2,4! Fine nainsoek, trimmed back and front with laces, embroidery medallions nnd ribbons, Slaes 40 te 62. Second Fleer n $ 3 Lingette Petticoats :i$ 1.98 Coel, shadow) proof. mexnen sive underskirts ( for dainty tub J frocks. Don't miss this savinnr! Straight-line models with deep hemstitched hems; paneled back and front. Pictured. $5 Tub Silk Petticoats, $3.98 Extra size; finished with small ruffle; paneled front and back. Lit brother! Second Fleer U.S. Army Regulation Cots ,EB5FMr $9.59 1000 just purchased from the Government AH joints re-enforced with steel plates; covered with 12-eunce army duck. In perfect' condition; abso lutely guaranteed. Like sketch. Lit Urejhers Second Fleer $mStei!l!fe! M fe te Pfee fettMdisei jjfeie Women's and Misses' $10 Summer Dresses, $5 Of d e 1 1 d Swiss. ratine, organdie, gingham nnd llnene in all new shades Women's and Misses' $18.50 Silk Frecks, $10 Of Itesuanara cree, itrlped tub elllc: trlcelette, crepe de chine, taffeta, satin and Georgette; nil d e u 1 r a b I e colors. Pretty long -line styles with bright embroidery ; also smart plain models, Pearl button tHmm.Ml J , Girls' $3.50 Frecks, $1.98 Pink, rose, maize, Copenhagen nnd white organdie. DUN D 10 11, .. -.. Women's $5 and $6 Sweaters, $3.95 Heavy tlk fiber; neelty weave, Tuxedo style; black, navy and colors. If 1 Nafta I h iiOlajjC X. XS1 OOCl A-r- V? "i. y , $5 Ready-Trimmed Hats, $2.98 Of Harenrt patin, crppa de chine nnd Oeorg Oeerg ette attract Uely trim med with e s t r I c r l e w e r s, fancy feath ers, etc. Black, summer snaueu. Hats Trimmed Free of Charge If shnpeH nnd trimmings nre purchnstd hore. Impert inilll- iicib i your service white nnd ! Men's $2.50 Shirts, $1.59 Silk-stripe madras j double cuffs SVIalt 0.r HI. Reettur.i.t-.B..t of .-?.rrtWg at Lewest Prt.e-S..th Fleer of Our New nulldlng, 7th Market SI. ..; .1. W2 Men's $4 te $6 Shoes & Oxfords, $2.95 Tan calf, kid and gunmetnl. All slen In let Women's $4 and $5 Footwear, $1.95 nmgutt oxfords, strap pumps and oxfords, all leatlK.ru Mili tary and rubber heels, Women's $2.50 te $4 White Footwear, $1 and $1.95 Pumps nnd oxfords of white cam as. Misses' $3 te $4 Lew Shoes, $1.95 Alse children's patent colt celt skln, tan and gunmetal calf oxfords and strap pumps. SUes 6 te 2 Ne Mull or Phene Orders Filled 1 en tiubwuy Footwear Men's Summer Suits, $7.98 te $9.98 Mohair feathei u eight and beach cloth, plain rol rel urs nnd pin strlpei Men's $22.50 Suits, $14.98 All-wee Hlun hcrge w 1 1 h einj pair of trousers r h e 1 a t s and ciiHHlmeres w i t h two pairs of trousers. Beys' Suits, $3.98 & $7.49 Orny crush; tan, gray and green beach cloth, 6 te 17 ears. Beys' $1.50 te $2 Suits, $1 Chambrav, per cala and white llnene. 2 te 8 years. . LIT 1IKOTHKHS w 1 Iff) MS :.vai A ft ; ' a m i t&2 hi VI ?. i 14 fV. Mi i ijr