Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 16, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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I Organ
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plays at 9, 11 and, 4:50-
Stere Closes at 5
Daylight-Saving Time
WEjai nun ir
Stere Opens at 9
Daylight-Saving Time
Increasing Cleudincaa'tW
.Meledy and Ohltnet at Noen
A Big Stcre, With All Its Resources Devoted te Swift, Sure Servi
Perseverance in This Business
Is Continual Action
en the part of the principal merchandisers and
buyers, te bring in supplies of fresh, new goods
every day.
The large daily sales carry off our stocks en
hand and make it possible te be en the lookout and
in the market all the time, te take in foreign goods
as they arrive, and te replenish our stocks from the
best American manufacturers.
We have special advantages with the best
manufacturers, who knew that we are daily buyers
of the latest importations and the fresh, new goods
of home manufacturers.
, 19S2. L
June 16,
rew Silks of
for Summer
Women who want the most delightful patterns and
colors in Summer silks of the better sort knew they in
variably will be found in the
Fer dresses of exquisite cool
ness and charm, we recommend
the soft printed radium taffetas.
Dozens of smart new designs, in
white with black or the con
trary, navy and white, china
The Latest Capes
for Women
Of Canten and ether heavy silk
crepes, conservative in style and
color, and at the same time
At $38.60 Is a style of black
or navy Canten crepe, with gray
lining of crepe de chine, and
standing cellar of caracul.
At $66 la another unlined
of black crepe, cut full and hav
ing cellar of gray Belgian hare.
At $86 is a' third, full and
loose, with panels falling in
points from the shoulders. This
comes In black with white
hare cellar.
(Flmt Fleer)
Fine Cape and Ceat
Suits at $15
THERE are 75 of them, new from the manu
facturer and marked at a late-season price,
and nearly as many are reduced out of stock te
match them. The early-season prices were at least
twice as much.
There are cape suits, coat and skirt suits, capes with
waistcoats and simple big capes all by themselves.
The materials are all imported plaids, checks,
diagonals, hemespuns, herringbones and novelty mix
tures, and the colors include tan and gray, blue and gray,
rose and gray, black and white and a geed many solid
All sizes in the let.
(Ilrt Heer)
640 white sateens with
double hems of hip depth,
75c and $1 each.
200 white sateens of
finer quality with hem
stitching at the hips, $1.85.
200 sample petticoats of
white and pink satins and
tub silks, made perfectly
plain or with scallops round
the bottom or with hem
stitched hems, but all dou
ble paneled, $3.85.
(Kant Altle)
White Shoes, of Course, for the
Weman in White
Fer the varied needs of her day, she could net find
mere pleasing styles than these :
In white buck of the finer
Wnd, n beautiful little oxford,
oft in the tee, wing-tipped,
much perforated and finished
with bread heel and welted sole
of black leather. Price, $13.50.
Fer golf or tennis, white buck
oxfords strapped with tan or
Wack leather, having corrugated
JM fftmi
the Better Kind
Wanamaker Silk Salens.
blue, beige, blue and cold, and
ether effective combinations.
As soft and cool avd light as
can be. Extremely becoming.
Always correct. And priced at
$3 a yard in 40-inch width.
Silk and Imported
Chamois Lisle
Gloves at Lew
The cool, easily washed and
nice-appearing gloves women
want for summer jauntings,
short or long. All perfectly
made, well fitting, and specially
75c a pair for strap-wrist
chamois lisle in white, mode or
$1 a pair for 16-button length
chamois lisle in white, pongee,
mode and cafe, with embroidered
$1.35 a pair for geed silk
gloves in 12 and 16 button
lengths, white, black, beaver,
mode and brown.
(Went A Inlc nml Main Fleer)
of Women 's
5000 Yards
Fine Irish
Dress Linen
Special at 68c
Thousands of yards of
splendid, sturdy round
thread linen have gene out
almost as fast as we could
get them in.
Fifteen shades and white
are here in the new ship
ment. All a yard wide,
beautifully finished and
worth much mere than 68c.
(West Alile)
soles of red or black rubber.
Price, $9.50.
In fine white canvas, n neat
oxfeid with militury heel nnd
sole of ivory white leather, at
$9.C0; or a one-strap pump with
covered box heel and turned
sole, at $9.
The Mime light-soled one
strap pump in white kid at $11.
Paris Likes Very Large Hats or Else
Very Small Ones
BUT the American woman, with her many dainty Summery frocks, prefers the
larger flower-trimmed hat which shades the face and is, as a rule, mere
One might expect te find such big picture hats with lovely flowers and foli
age rather high in price. Seme are, but there are any number of new arrivals,
the prettiest hats one would
Seme are of horsehair which gives a
transparent effect, ethers of fancy straw,
and they are all in the colors Paris most
.approves white, black or white and black
combinations, besides the most
YMZhat Debutante Can Resist Such
Beguiling Afternoon Frecks ?
SHOULD she prefer, cotton voile, she will have a hard time deciding, for there
are se many fascinatingly pretty styles at $16.50 and $27.50.
It is net a matter of accident that each dress is simply trimmed. There are
tiny tucks or quite wide ones, with hand drawnwerk or insets of fine lace, or per
haps a lace cellar.
Ner are the geed lines or the many new little touches accidental.
There arc exquisite new colors, tee daffodil,
sunset, orchid, tea-rose, felly pink, white and ethers.
In a vi ', all the shades young women are asking;
TJere Are the Capes That
JLM. f)wiv Tlrrthinn .Qjfife
Over Bathing Suits
Seme are striking, indeed,
flowers and birds in bright colors
design, priced $7.50.
'jS ""
1000 Philippine
Nightgowns and
Chemises at $1.85
A wonderful let of under
muslins from a geed manu
facturer going out of business.
They hnve an unusunl amount
of work en them and fine strong
scallops, but because some are
a trifle soiled and some are yel
low we have considered them
all "seconds."
(Went Aisle)
Women's Full-Fashioned Silk
Stockings at $1.50 the Pair
Either black or white ones came in a special ship
ment. Slightly imperfect stockings, but the appearance
is unmarred and every pair is priced at exactly half of
what perfect hose of the same quality would cost.
They are made with the pointed heels, extra rein
forced lisle heels, tees and garter tops.
(West Aisle)
ffORSETS for
Sports Wear
A slip-en model of pink breche
with elastic sides and back, for
slender figuies. Price $2.50.
The same of pink satin is $3.
l.e'v topless model of pink
elastic with breche finish in
front, $3.50.
Lenger elastic slip-en girdles
for average figures, $0.50.
Anether long model partly of
elastic and partly of breche in
pink, $4.
Pink breche girdle with elas
tic sides longer in the back, with
hooks and eyes in front, $2.50.
Slip-en of pink breche with
elastic sides and orchid ribbon
tiimmiug, $3.
The L. R. waists for slender
girls and all types of women nie
also much liked for sports wear,
and may be had for $1.50 te
(Third I'loer)
wish te see, from $10 te $25.
delicate tints
(Srcend Fleer)
(Second Fleer)
r OLORFUL and picturesque they
of a kind of cotton terry cloth
and pressed pile.
covered with huge
-a regular cretonne
Others are in light blue, tan and pink, in a bro
caded effect, and made with reinforced armholes,
priced $5.75 ; and still ethers show diagonal black and
white or blue and black blocks and sell at $9.50.
Everybody who gees te the shore te eney the
bathing needs something of the sort.
(Flmt Fleer)
Nothing Like (White Skirts in a
Yeung Weman's Wardrobe
Everybody is wearing sweaters, of course, and there
must be white skirts te go with them.
Geed-looking tailored linen or
eponge skirts are $5.50 each.
Fine white flannel skirts, alb
wool, are $9.50 each.
Twe models, one a straight
sports style with gathered back
200 Bedspread Sets Lowered
25 te 33 -3 Per Cent
Six different kinds, one of bleached and the rest of
unbleached muslin.
Seme appliqued and in a corded effect, some just
appliqued and some printed.
Attractive choice of color effects in rose, blue, geld
and lavender.
Mostly with attached bolster piece, but in some
cases detached.
Prices represent a
reduction of 25 te 33
1-3 per
Appliqued sets of unbleached
muslin, new $8 nnd $9 a set.
Appliqued and embroidered
sets of unblenched muslin, new
$8 and $9 n set.
of pink, blue and citron yellow.
As for the flowers, there is a wonderful
choice of really exquisite ones, many having
come straight from Paris.
Or should she choeso printed crepe de chine,,
there is a new and charming style of Meused effect
with lace cellar and a binding of white moire ribbon.
In navy, felly pink, rose, Copenhagen or black at
$22.50. And sizes start at 14 and ee te 20 vears.
Women Wear
are made
with high
and slot pockets, finished with
silk crew's-feet, and the ether
n new "wrap-around" skirt
fastened with two large pearl
buttons at the left side.
In 30, 31, 32 and 33 inches.
Fans for Coolness
Plain palm leaf fans 12 and 15
inches in diameter arc 12c and
15c each or $9.50 nnd $11.50 the
Other fans such ns bound
palm leaves, woven grass dyed
in colors, silk fans, paper fans,
and fnns with dogwood designs
painted en them are 20c te 35c.
(Main I'loer)
Anether gtade
and embroidered
bleached muslin,
$7.50 n set.
of appliqued
sets of un un
new $0 and
Printed sets in either blenched
or unbleached muslin, in pretty
and decorative floral designs,
l 1
new ;?.j nmi $e a set.
There's a
A suit that is built te fit, built te wear
like a mighty geed suit as long as the cloth
t Doesn't Make a Great Deal of Difference
What a Man's Size Is
whether he be the tall, lean, lanky sort, or short and
fat, or big and husky, or like most all the ether men are,
there is a suit in this Wanamaker assortment that was
built just for him.
Big enough in the chest and snug enough in the
shoulders and long enough in the sleeves.
He can pick it out Saturday morning and wear it
Saturday afternoon en the Boardwalk or any ether place
week-enders go.
Palm Beach suits, $18 and $20.
Fancy mohair suits, $20, $22.50 and $25.
Tropical worsted suits, $25 and $32.
(Third Fleer)
Dotted or Oddly
Figured Foulard
Ties for 50c
Of all tics, the foulard is a
man's favorite for summer and
the 50 cent foulards are just as
pretty and smart as many that
have been much higher priced.
The body of the tie is in three
colors blue, brown or green
some being marked with polka
dots, ethers with the small
bandana figures.
(Mnln Fleer)
Incense the
Here is a fine temple incense
mnde expressly for us and priced
at 25c a bundle for the sticks
and $1 a box. The latter is made
up leady for mailing.
Temple incense in powder
form is 50c te 75c a box.
(Mnln Fleer)
Pleasure-Bent Felk Can Have
a Traveling Bag for $5
.Just the size most people prefer for the week-end
trips, 18 inches.
Light and easy te carry, yet large enough te care
for all the things that are necessary.
A geed, serviceable bag, with double stitched seams
and there are three colors te cheese from black, tan
and brown.
(Main Fleer)
Fer the Gelfer and
the Tennis Player
the Speiting Goods Stere has a
wonderfully attractive display
of all the requisites for a geed
tielferi will ilcllk-ht In looking
e-r tlie Imnertvd driver, bruftnlrn
nml Hpoeim from the brut English
and Smirli makers SS enrli.
MhllrenN, manhlpH, Jiiccrrt, nib
licks, 1 r I I m ic irenx nml puttrr.
imported from Hit- lending manu
facturers, ,- racli.
Stand ird golf hull, n large -In
Hen, .'lie te si iurli.
tlOlf luiRH, relf tllHM, Cleck ROlf
and sundry rciiuiri r.iculH for golf.
The Tennis Player
Racket in fine choice, from
Bancroft, Slnenger, Lee, Spald
ing, Wiight k Ditson and
Beach, $3.50 te $15.
Tennis balls, nets, pests,
presses, racket covers, ceuit
markers, maiking tapes every
thing needed.
(the (.iillcrj)
Coel Leeking
White Beads
may bp nnd in many lengths
and sizes, and in leund aiul oval
shapes each string giadunted,
for 75c te $150 a string.
(Main fleer)
A Remarkable Greup of 106-Piece
- Dinner Sets at $15 in the Sale
Q ETS of fine American
J decorations with gold geld
wiui aaaiuenai eiue line.
Complete sets in every way; all pieces in
am regular size.
The price, Ue a set, is little mere than half the regu
lar value of sets of this grade.
Excellent choice of ether dinner sets in the sale
American, French, Nippon, English at prices te suit all
ruquiremems, up te 250
Rtivinm ..11 1 v. 11
,...Se uu Hiiuiign me
Tropical Suit Ready for
Any Man te Walk Out In
Tomorrow Men Can Get Woven
Madras Shirts for $2
Mighty geed shirts, tee, as a woven madras must be.
Mostly m pin stripes, or stripes just a bit wider and
the colors are black, blue and green.
Neat, trim shirts and $2 doesn't begin te tell hew
(Main Doer)
At $6.40 Is a Man's Brogue Right Up
With the Leaders in Style
A tan brogue of grained calfskin and with the soft
box tee.
There are perforations en the tip, the lace stay, the
vamp seam and heel fexings.
Net only a fashionable shoe, but a mighty geed one
that will stand the strain of wear.
(Main I'loer)
Treys' Blue Serge Norfolk Suits
- Clearing Out at $8. 75
eaii ?ncCeV-e,inst liad b?ys' blue fiere Norfolk suits te
sell at S8.e there have been some changes made in the
map of the world.
These are u surplus let which They are single-breasted Ner-
we have marked at an extraer- folks in sizes for boys of 8 te
un.uij juw iijjui-b ier a last
Large Cans of Queen Mary Talcum
Powder, Special at 20c
The half-pound tin of Queen
Mary Superior Talcum powder
is te be dis-centinued, in faer
of ether sizes.
All that icniain we shall close
out at 20c each, although the
price until new was nenriv twice
Little Collapsible
are light, non-burnable, easy te
pack away, and festive looking
when used. Various gay colors
and various sizes Prices 15c te
50c each.
(fourth I lenr)
semi-china, in geld band
- traced - traced handles, one set
for a superb geld-encrusted
,i ,. .
collection are e te ou per
and tailored te leek
holds together.
Oh, Fudge!
Is All Right When
It Means Candy
Delicious creamy fudge, newly
made and in the two flavors ft
vanilla or chocolate, either with
or without nuts, 40c a pound.
Needless te say, fudge is a
favorite week-end candy with
both grown-ups and children.
Bitter sweet chocolate creams
are popular with people who
don't like the sweetness of the
ordinary chocolates. In an at
tractive box, 60c a pound.
(Down Stairs Stere)
m years, and the let of
sneuld quickly disappear.
By no means an ordinary
powder, but an extra-finely
sifted, pure Italian talcum of
the most superior quality, deli
cately scented in eight favorite
Made of solid mahogany
with glass tops, eight inches
high and pi iced at $1 in the
1 amp Stere.
(fourth fleer)
. i - ,-
' . iV.
the V fci
53" &,J3&Ptf
:Er.KL. 4 Ts W&lf Ul In
(Hmt Fleer)
(Sixth Fleer)
(Tnnrth Fleer)
itka&vNf- Wsafcttfete . v. t n
jLj ,,l'f ""'-'-affilnY
yvVi .
: ,v.'