lilWM I1IIMU linn Xnm&cmt'W ... ., , , , . we V" ftftwsBSwa . l 1 "T.," " ' V -A' V " i.ti j mvHtiaiMvir'' tit i kVTTTV f .'t Ii' iJ'YiinEWrlI?I..WT.a:...J.'' Y ". 'v (.. Z.-iiVn'TT-73FTKfT-Ti,Il W WF 5 'v W ' ' "';Wf! W , " ' ,v,f ' wpyj.1 rv ". jw." ' v ;-, m v r Wv nrt UiVJbilJNW JfvUxJiilU ll!ilJUlJilrr-'tlllJAJ-ii'Jt'JlA tt'jRlJLMVX, elUXVri AU, J.u w (v ft iJrfW TBTU MUtURW 'fer'LtfWVKal "i.v.s wffjnwiwii.i'. ifl."sj.w.ra CKntwW:sa: nrrw u WWffiOBKilV, ' 'tirrr?.sn..; 'i 7yw; PARKING BANNED ON CHESTNUT S I WRIT SERVERS TO tROLIC Thousands of Copies of New Ordinance Ordered for Bene fit of Motorists RULING ON OTHER STREETS Pirklnc of automobiles en Chestnut (trcet brtttfpn Tenth nnil Sixteenth Hired' I1) nnnnctl. nml en nil ether cen tral tUs ftrerti It li limited te one hour, In n Irnfllc ordinance passed by Cltv Council jeitrrdny. The one-hour pnrklng rule applies te ill ftrretw within the territory bounded by Vine, Pine, Seventh nnd Twentieth ptrecti1, Ilevend tlmt limit pnrldnc ! per ml I toil for nn unlimited period. The ordinance ended n dlscuislen that hai lusted for months, nnd sup plants nil previous legislation en the fiibjpet. ThmipaneN of copies were or dered printed and distributed nmeng the metnrlstf. Tlie nrdlnanre was adopted by n vote of 111 t 1. Councilman Reper saying that truffle was nn engineering problem eiiRiit net in ue iniKercu uiu Dy Ceunellmeii. An experiment In the handling of traflir Is provided for in the Keel Ien that MehlhlH nil parkins between 4:30 and B'!10 P. M. en Bread street between Krh' avenue and Seuth street nnd en ArMi ntnl Market Htreets from Seventh treet te the Sehuylklll. The provKe 1 designed te rlenr the main arteries of traffic of r.ll parked velildes during the evening rush hour In nuler te nccelernte the flew of vehicles from the center of the city. If Fiicciful it will ulse be extended te Include ether streetH nnd the morning rueli hour. Leading stations forty feet in length are provided In the middle of nil blocks in the parking area. Whether the Mayer will sign the or er iliname remains te be seen. H- hns Indicated that lie would Hardly sanction in eidin.uice providing for one hour jiniklng n the busy downtown thoieiiKhfnroc but ceuncilmanlc leader fbj the line the thirteen votes neces na'rj te pnh the ordlnnnce ever a veto In ilie eieiit the Mnjer disapproves the ordinance. One pun Ise In the ordinance requires the nmteiivt te extend his nrm as a warning Mgnnl at least ten feet in ad vance of making n turn or coming te a step. Mr. Reper sought te have this dlstaiKe increased te fifty feet and was Toted down. ATHLETE TO MARRY Warren Welller, Coach at West Phlla. High, te Wed June 24 Warren Welller, conch of the basket ball mid football teams of the West phtladelphl.1 High Scheel, will be mar ried Jam' L'l. Mr. Welller's bride-te-be Ik MM Dorethy I'ettlnger, a teacher In the Mutten Public Scheel. Welller. n former star athlete at the Fertj-elglitli and vwunut streets Insti tution, has tutored two championship basketball teams nnd the same number finished in second place. He nlse had two football teams that were runners-tip. Deputy Sheriff te Have Annual Outing en Saturday Mere than 100 empleyes of the Sherlff'H office will have their annunl outing Saturday Afternoon at Ilurllng tpn Ialnnd Park. They will go te the park en the police beat Ashbrldge, which will leave Race street wharf at neon PRAISES MAYOR MOORE FOR VICE INVESTIGATION Law Enforcement League Secretary Sees Great Disclosures Members of the Law Enforcement League who reported hundreds of pro hibition law violations In this city te the police nre confident that great dis closures will result from the Investlsa- Sheriff T.nmberten will be catcher of 1 i'0" ,n ft"?,: NfchoUen V" a Cltv Hnll basehnll i.m ,,!, .in secretory. William K. Nlclioisen, Jr. .Mr. Mcholsen ingmy commends Mayer Moere for making possible the widespread vice Investigation. He con demned the favorable consideration by the courts of transfers of licenses al lowing saloons te sell soft drinks, "when the City Hall baseball team, which will play the nine from the Municipal Court branch. On the committee In charge are O. Boyd, chairman; Henry Werhum, Themas Manning, N. K. Yates, Fred Mcrkle and Samuel McReynelds. ROSE SHOW OPENS Red Rambler Display Will Add te Hospital Funds The seventh annual Red Rambler Festival of the Kensington Dlspensarv for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, at Hancock street nnd Husquehannn ave nue, opened this afternoon, and will continue until tomorrow night. Nerrls Square, the scene of the fes tival was decorated with red rambler roses nnd white draperies. Mnny use ful and fancy articles were sold by the- Memen'H auxiliaries, who are in cnargc of the event. SEEK JERSEyJfIREBUG 8erles efBlaxes at Mantua Are De clared te Be Incendiary County Detective Steelmnn nnd au thorities of Mantua, N. ,T nre making rr search for n supposed Incendiary who bus terrorized the vllagciH for several weeks. In that time, at least ten fire? have started, In homes, business places and barns. The last fire was Wednesdny night, when n Bey Scout cabin was destroyed. HURT BY TROLLEY, MAY DIE Aged Weman Dragged When Skirt Catches In Doer Mrs. Kllzahcth Hesscltntfa. sixty three j ears old. lifXM Dauphin street, was seriously Injured otHndden Heights, N. J., jestenliiy, when her skirt caught in the deer of n trolley car nfter site had alighted. The nccldent occurred nt Orecn street and Atlantic nvenue. The tnotermnn started his car and Mrs. Hcsselteth was dragged 100 feet before the trellev was stepped. She was taken te the Home opathic Hospital, where her condition is critical, due te her advanced age. ROOFING MATERIALS MnufHurfd br I,. D. nr.KCIER CO., C9 X. 2D STRF.F.T Main 8714 Mnrkft OHM In reality the license is a mere cloak for the liquor traffic, and has often for that reason nn extortionate price at tached te It." That the increase in drunkenness is sufficient proof of the Illicit tinffic in drinks, notwithstanding the claims of some that crime is nt a low ebb, is clnimcd nlse by Mr. Nichelson. BRIDGETON TROLLEYS STOP Several Motorbus Men Apply for Right of Franchise Brldgeten. N. J., June 10. ThU town is without transportation today because the Bridgeton and Millvlllc Trac tion Cempanv ceased operation nt mid night lnt night. At a recent .hcailn? before the New .Jersey Beard of Pub lic Utility Commissioners the company was granted ponnlssien te quit. Cltv Council has been wrestling with the resulting problem ever since the benrd's decision. Several application! for motorbus lines nre before them. At the same time four different purties hne been considering the purchase of the traction cempnny's assets nnd fran chise. GOT J0BAND BEATING, TOO Byberry Employer 8ays Others Attacked Him for Spite Charles Barry, 000 Seuth Sixth street, a baker at the Philadelphia Hospital for insane at uyberry, re ported te Director Furbush today that he was severely beaten by three em em peoyes of the Institution Saturday who were Incensed against him because he get the job Instead of one of their friends. Director Furbush has started an investigation. SESQUI BOOSTERS ARE BACK Real Estate Beard Members and Families Return Frem Pacific Coast The members of the Philadelphia Real Estate Beard with their families, who have been en nn extended tour of the Western States and the Pacific Coast, arrived thla morning in Bread Street Station shortly before 7 o'clock. The real estate men. bended by B. J". Cattell, City Statistician, had been boosting Philadelphia for the Scsqul Centennial Exposition. Man Standing "Ne ! This spoj-e Is enough. All I want these advertisements te de Is Ket I'hlladelplitans te tnlce ene ride In a MOON. Then they ran btiv nnv car they want. Thafs fair enough, Isn't It?" Prices t $1295 $1785 $2785 F. O. B. Factory Display Roem Open Evening Moter Cars The ear of the ten proven unite MACKIN MOTORS, Inc. J. Jey Vandegrift, Pres. 85S N. Bread St. Phen Poplar 7586 urned as Truck Catches Fire The motertruck of the Jehn McClos McCles key Furniture Company, of 124 North Frent street, this city, caught fire en Main street above Zelley nvenue, Moercstown, and was badly damaged yesterday afternoon. Leuis B. King, of 210 Union street, used ri flre ex tinguisher en the Unities until the ar rival of the Moercstown Relief Flic Company. Leuis Dcrrum, of Phllndel phln, driver of the truck, was burned about the hands. biIMsjq, THE BRIDE'S SILVER Fer Several Generations thTs Establishment has furnished Wedding Silver te the most distinguished Families thrueut the United States it JLmMwrn- QtfUEGElMAlD lBBBBB"""""a," J r n The man who advertises is in geed company. Bungalow Wanted A men's club wlihei te rent a mericmtf-ilied haniatew or cottage nr water within short ride of Philadelphia. Ileutlnc privileges. Reasonable rental. Communicate with A 111, I.EOOER OFFICK ." .s Cellins Baths Electric and Steam Massage Salt Rubs NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE SLEEPING ROOMS NO TIPPINQ 219-25 NORTH BROAD STREET B.FUH 11, 13 and 15 N. 2d St. Open Until B V, H.'Kverr Saturday Kvf. The Largest Daylight Furni ture Stere in the East Jane Drldet I.eek where you can nave money. Be your own Jadge. Compare our prlrei. They are lower here than eliewhere. Mnl5KailS f $72 T1KHr M0i Mltet f7m IM ne sla C We 11 de the wash T ET the 1900 Cataract Electric Washer and the magic Li figure 8 de the wash for you! The figure 8 movement an exclusive feature forces the water through your clothes in a figure 8 motion four limes as often as in the ordinary washer. Ne parts te take out and clean easy and economical te operate costs less than 2c an hour. The swinging reersible ringer also works electrically and is movable ! We will send a 1900 te your home for you te fry warus start paying rer it en terms te suit y If you are net satisfied, return it. CHAS. W. EMERY 130l?r st Manufacturer of the Emery 4 Superb Vacuum Cleaners After- convenience. Het Weather Clethes Our Stere is headquarters and you can prove it. Before you finally buy your Summer Suit leek around at all ether geed stores. The contrast will give you a better idea of the size of our stock and the saving made by our Super-Value prices. PERRY'S Palm Beach Suits Hundreds te cheese from at this one Super-Value Price The Helmes Press, Trmm 1315-29 Cherry Street PhUtdelphla We can't put tee much punch into this statement Rogers Peet clothes are absolutely all-wool! Net "commercially" but literally by their own chemical test. Meneyback backs 'em ! FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper I TO OCEAN CITY TAKE Pennsylvania Electric (Market Street Ferry) AND "SHORE FAST LINE" via Pleasantville Ne Smoke! Ne Dust! Ne Cinders! Trains Every Heur Effective June 18th Atlantic City & Shere R. R. Iiiimiiiimti Be your own ROOFER With a Bruth and Sema "SHANOKOTE" The Wonderful Liquid Asbestos Cement Any one can easily step leaks In tin. slat and rubber reefs and maKe them as geed as new. SIIA.NOKOTU is the genuine "no-coal-tar ophrates reef coat ing and Is free of acid. Jute and ether chrap substitutes SHANOKOTB In dabbed en llke a pnlnt and It covers the nail-holes, laps and seams with a solid sheet of asbestos film. trebllnK the life of worn out reefs and making them leak. a proof ter r te 10 years. tM gal. will cerrr about IK nn.n ft: I.M In hbbi MJe'lnTSS! . manfl.lR In 1-cul. canjrt Ilendanarl tern for 100 mire nalntf. shlnrlcs and. rubber roeflnr. The Shannen-Ellis Ce. 18 S.7th St.,Phila.h10;nV,""'"ru IISO 4-PIce Bedroom Hult, foil Tn My and baw-rnd bed. large cblfforeb and large dretier. Oar price, S129. rWM. j. SOB lBHHir -F ml elect ISmEL9Ibu XJaMM 'ran,a HeSSs ITP ftBltf Qneen la f lie ifcrHM Anne, I.IIIMUIMMi fci.nt Italian nlaOllrTTWlrOiHMBPL Renau DUIlaHWidluj InrSflBBMl ,T,nBt GflfcawagJMJIl ". C any. Wly jg!1' ' "' "II T3 Round 1 VALVE (I I in ft a run n ImisJg M 5 $98 3r $ 14 50 Oblong Table. Sensational June Sale 9x12 Genuine Guaranteed Wiltens, $60M Twe Axminster Rug Specials: 0x12 Carlten 8.3x10.0 SDeeial 35 Smith's Seamless 90-50 Velvet Kut'3, 9xJS Brussels Hugs, f 7.50 0x12 Brussels Rugs, 7.6x9 10 .00 20 Brussels Rugs, 6x9 Fiber Rugs, 9x1 S Inlaid Linoleum, square yard g.OO 9.SO 1,S MffiS -,rr'TM AveNucy- . Don't let your feet be first te show your age Feet grew old quickly in ill-fitting shoes. Shee men see it every day . young people with old feet and elder people with young feet. It's all in the way shoes fit. The life and the spring in your step call be broken down by errors in fitting your feet. Get your shoes at a store where they knew your feet. All the fine leathers the world offers $g.75te$JQ.OO Yeu get quality wKen you get these. Yeu get it in the fit. Yeu get it in the finish. Yeu get it in the styling. They have no superiors, yet are sold at the Super-Value price, $14.50. Other Super-Values in Palm Beaches at $17. 1228 MARKET 56lh Street NEW YORK J fill RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL PHILADELPHIA Street June Sales Included are Tailored, Spert and Costume Suits Day and Evening Gowns Street Coats and Afternoon Wraps Sports Clethes Blouses Sweaters and Hats. REDUCTIONS AVERAGING ViVs and 14 Off i fiHrtirtHiliiiiii -Tm Harpers Wakver 1022 CHESTNUT SHOPS " Silky MOHAIRS Rich in finish, perfect in cut, cool looking and comfortable. Shoulders silk -lined with feather-weight silk. Our Super-Value Prices $18 and $20 Fine Quality TROPICAL WORSTEDS A wonderful variety of pat terns and colorings. All richly trimmed with silk. Twe piece suits and some with vests. Sizes up te 52 chest. Our Super-Value Price $25 and $28 KSTAIiLISHCD 1859 AS THE HOUSE OF FINE RUGS. CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS . 40 and 42 Se. 2nd St. Canadian Club Province of Quebec NEWLY erntlud Cem( reu -j. ..j i .. , V3JT11J&i WTSm Building ud Bunvalewi ter tuiMlt.. .. .u . , !ii..iL.i.n' ?'." nneici. nn fnr h iu H n . . "vwj mtvwihiv ---- i " ! mwe ui utiiiLinmen inniwi at tin rikji - . A enl. Huh UIh . n-rtJTTu T"' .nP" "'. irtiir, irenu and Saddl. hen.4 (rUlnr threuah new I. ,ij lurl mountain paUis) own prmlM with proper maoemnuxtetion liuvriiaiiH. apKiti Hunting med fUfalnc (wll pm,miV1) TnClub. I Pre lac mi Cmm r.... t n .leohelle Uv.nt Club JpTrtU w! I b. T'er.J by bSSuTaS of. Uciilatur. at m Mparat. and dlttlnet immlefi.Ht .iLTiSf'iUjf ' -until) txiWum ppllcnU, !adia -timr n nnMihiiitv ? i;;..i"; ?"y;r.?"W".1'- '"" imm. -7"" " .-.... v iNuuiiuii auu uumm iniermMnM uiik Memberihlp limited te hlah-clau L . develepmanU Membenh Ceat roaaenabl. and nen-aaauiable. JTurUMr particular, furnlahed upon raquert. Addrawt P.O. Bex 862, Meatre-J, Csiuuhi or gentleman, J. Blue Serges Unfinished Worsteds Cheviots Tweeds 5 Splendid qualities, newest and most desirable patterns and colorings. All made en Reed's Standard of Tailoring. J Such values as these are re sponsible for our wonderful volume of business we are confident that they are un matched elsewhere at this price. Yeu will enjoy clothes-buying at Perry's: there is no urging te buy ether than the magnetic urge of the fine qualities and the Super-Value prices Our cour teous and efficient salesmen had rather serve than sell. Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men in:i JACOB REED'S SONS M24260iestatrtSlhrcel! fl'ii'l AlwAysfG&i wherever Quality founts Budwei ber Everywhere ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC.. ST. LOUIS Robinson Supply Ce. Wheletale Distributors 24th and Race Sts. tJ.vJl Va?H. ri. 'Vr H n m m nt m Spruce 4232 Rce345 ''"lJ'',-