llf? -iT,i'5TJ tm$fj i &. . i I . J' I !? (J ft 1 n V I' i t WE '7 hi D?. ALTERS BACKERS SPENT $135,644 Cost Attorney General Mere te Lese Than It Did Pinchot te Win VARE GAVE $25,000 The State Combine etenl SIR." OH 7 In trying te nominate Attertiev fJevra Alter for fioteraer, net counting ! money that was penied out In I'l.i'a delphla ari'I Allegheny Counties Thin eiperiiiiture wan report! 1 " -Alter Slat- '')irirnin-" In a a'-wu' filed In Hams'nir? la"- jetrd..v l.y Thorns S. Ikij'.e. th.- ceraialt'ee. tr3- UTtT. Kena'er Vare was the hlcz-t 'ri 'ri trlbuter. "ehltplnj In" $2.VO0O fr the campaign purr raised for the fVn bine etaadard bc-arr. Governer Sprw. tnd Slate Senater I'ire -a',h contrib uted $12.0. The Alter oerr.rn! '? raised $130.01.".. or $0020.47 le t'iPD 'tan. spent. 'Ire deficit represent t'. amount owed i r printing. Th Alt repcrt show that the com bine, outside t tl- S'ate's two largest counties, Hj;;rit S'JOfiO me." than 'he committee "rippeiting (iiflerd I'lnehe'. recceMful candidate for the nomina tion. Mr. I'ln het walked away i'h many count!' Inte wiil"h combine care. pl;n money had been d unpd. Stiit'TjIury Have S5O0O A contribution of SlOsOO .Aa mad te the Alter committee by V. M. Grnff. while K. T. Stet"burv sri'l Hemer William each save S.'Kei 11. 1". Ho He vard, of Westmoreland Ceunj, con tributed SIO0O. Other contributors Included : $2500 Oeerjr K. Shaw and Ham ilton Stewart $2000 51m. All" .I'.nes Wi!)ok. Mr. Mary I. ijhlln. H W. Creft. Ii. F. Jenes, .Jr., F. M. Kirbv. Mr'. Kllzabetb Si Heme. It. H. Mellen and IV. I-. M'ilen. $1000 J. Kre, lievers and J. K. $1200 Geerge W. Crawford. J1000 Willi! I.. King. William Larimer Jenes, ChiMs Krick. .1. ',. TrH, I.ewi A. I'i.'k. Henry Oliver. A. St. Humphrey, H. f. McKldew ny D. U. Zimmerman. ''. ir. I.ri'.-h. .lelm Miller, H. S. Zimmerman. W. S. Mitchell. William liiertnan. Jehn Han zen, Aem K. Jenes, Mrs. Henry C. Frlck, William f;. Warden .ind Hamp ton Is. Carvjn. Prlntlnj I!igg-st hxpense According te the Alter committee's report, its I'lKlfem itei;, of expend- was for printing, v.h.eh amounted te ..?!). 1510.40. T'.e r.ext largest as made up of contribution te coin' committees. The Alter Ceinail'tec rejerted it (.penr $30,000.!i0 for advertises. The larg est ham went te advertising e?enfjiH In thli city, which placil til'plaj ad- Tertlcing for fh Alter rampaiun. In addition K. J. Warren, of liristel. received $2000. the rhlladelpbla Sun day Item $1000. ai.d the Veuns Kepub Ucan S.VtO. Lined under the head. "Dlswimlnatlen of Information." the committee upent ?02-"l 00, which in cluded 52092.87 for the I'ennsvlvnn;.-! Publicity liureau and 5202H.01 for tu William I'enn New. ISureau. The committee paid out 573 IS 33 for the maintenance of headquarter". Ma Ma tlenery and hotel billH. This included a payment of $3701.0!) te the I'.clii-vne. Stratford Hetel and $3203. S!) te 1'runk W. Short, executive clerk of Council. who was office manager of the Alter headquarters here. SHTSi for PeMace Political meetings cot W0 and pe-t-nlfe 58320. The virn of 51H50 wa paid in Balarles te clerks, stenographers and mesfceuKers at headquarters. The tele tele phene bill was $1731.37. The Cun ningham Cab Company, of this city, re ceived $1-10.20 for earning peaker. An Item of $2!)I0 was listed as travel ing expenses of which James K. McCev, who managed Alter's -penkmg tour, received $1300. The American Hank and Trust Company wax paid $27 for interest and pentage. The Philadelphia Pln''het Committee ale filed a report late ye.sterday. show ing it received ?fl7.!)17.3S and spent S07.788.02 Jeseph It. fJnindy. president of t, Pennsylvania Manufa' Hirers' Avcla Avcla tien, contributed .21 ,133S te the J'ln J'ln chet City Committee fund, while Colonel James Klveren, Jr gave .!' . I.'i-'i 7. Italph Heaver Stra'-'-hurger, publisher of the Nen-Mown Herald: Kdward W. P.ek and Henry H Irmkr each con tributed $10fi. Cyrus II K. firr. gare $.VKJ. Hamilton Demoted in Police Shake-Up Cantlnuwl Irnm l'ti On phatlcallv He refused, lewever, te indicate what ieurse he euld fellow The demotion of I.ieut nant llumi1 llumi1 ten. though expected, Illrea-c,J the ten sion in the police bureau. Mam ru -mers are fljlng through the corridor at City Hull, a'l eiici.ming -lie n u that the reej'! delje'e) ll'e'iun' w-IH take It is runr ee(j that a "berntiheI'" t likely te burst In the eureiiu if p(::' at any meuiei.t. It !, niu te ceni' the demotions, ernl u method d'(i-'" le ceunter.nt them. It Is rumored 'hat the men wne re eently were pit under the t,., ,. sought legal leutiscl. and tha' it inov inev will be made in the fourth te force, 'be.i relnHlatt'iiient In their original por tions. It is said that the legal theory te be called en in the ruse , tna' when di rector 'orteleti hunp. nl i poll- e of ficial the mini suspended tuitemulii-aily. by action of the r-Uy charter, passen from the jurifdii-Cen of the Director te that of the Civil Service Commis sion, and that the Hlrecter has acted beyond hia legal rlgh's in demoting po lice eflicialH whom he has first win pende'l. Htreei Sergeant William H Vail, of the Nineteenth and Oxford -tr'-ts siu siu tlen, was sworn in by Ilrecn,r '.'or '.'er '.'or teljeu teilii) ai a ileutninnt, te take the pluce of IJvulenniit William T. Leiiry, of thn I'ift'enib ami iie utrcets stutien, recently reduced te the rank. Director Cortejjeu took the neu- lieu tenant te cull en Mayer Moeie after he hail been nwern In, ami the Mner sxpresned great confidence In the ii w tifliclal. "I inn placing my hopes , von," ald the Mayer. "Ven )irt -hail ycurt of experience nt the dlstrh t where I urn sending you, nnd I relv en you Ui keep the piiti-elmen out of reach of the gamblers." Lieutenant Vull pre ml wjiI he would de bin best. Nine Awarded Diplomas The commencement exerciseH of the fradunting cIuhh of thu North Wales Ilgh Scheel wen held Jit Nt evening in the Amubcmcnt Hull. Dr. I. M. Wright, of Muhlenberg College, dciin eC itedtiKOgy, delivered the address te the graduating cIukh, conipescil of MIhi. Verna Merris, MIm Muii Harr. .Miss Julia Miller, William I-vIh, William Procter, Frank Hescnbcrger, (Jpeige Knlp. TlieinaH llurclay and Lcnudu yrankenfirld, HELD GIRL ON BOAT Lai of Fifteen Says She Wat Cap1 tlve for Six Menth ' Hrwnerten. Wasjh,, June 10. (Ily A. P.i That ebe wag held captire mi months, en n fishltig lat wan the tery told autberltlfR her by Orace Hahmiin, agel fifteen, who wan taken br he- Kirr;1 'llUTmX: tintiennan. flit was at her home today. Weber wag arretted. The girl din appeared December 20. Her story, pe. lice authorities say, was 'hat Weber ixej her en the lncb neer I'remer t..: . tiek her aboard his beat, for-el he- te den boy k clothing and te cut r.T tair and had dtned fc.r .T(r itjee. Wer is married and ban eight chil. lirei.. PHILA. HIGH GIRL WINS THREE PUB Miriam Lewis Graduates With Distinction at Exercises ' Today DOCTOR HARLEY for the affront te Kaplan. whl"h con sisted In perforating the page in the Mis Miriam S. Lewis wen 'hr' of yearbook containing hl rjhotegranh and he pr:?e awarded at the eernmen'e- merit ejerrKe.ef the Phi.a'Ielp'iia Hgu Scheel ier Oiris held in Central Hir, Sc ..,'. Hrend and 'Jreen streets, this i morning. ; .miss ,.ew,s was awaru-a tnr aiu- . ;'.,,,v...'.'r ?i" i. '"'. J ''.t:J" .".. Vl L. . J, t . .. Sli.,1 i r.m - . ,4 - .! I ri I r O'-n, xpe go Ml llllZV i vcri ev 1 1 ' Alumnae Aswcjatle.n of the High Sehoe publle at the same time a ta'emn' 1 for geed work in English and 'he geld In which he exprcsd the be'ief no prire of the same association for geed racial antipathy was behind 'he treat ' work in Latin. ' nient of Kaplan. The D(lil Medals, awarded t., riupils ' "A most serious note in tLi lrstance , i.i the general ceure for the highest at the Academy," Colonel Roosevelt average were wen bv MI'" Reatrl" i-a.d. "was struck by the qu'-ry In c;r Navuk, who had en average of !0 's9 'aln people", minds ap te whether the and received the geld medal, a.id Mi- action had been taken because of racial Dorethv S. Smith, who had an averacr reasons. Feeling ns strongly a I de .f !t.C2 un.l received n silver mwla.. ' hew un-American any such distinction The prirrs were presented bv .Tefeph W. Catherine, vice prebld'nt of the Heard of Lducatien. 1 The seventy graduate" were all ht titred In white dresses and carried a i-'inch of crim-vjn reeu. f.ewi R. Har ley. principal of the srboel, presented i 'he diplomas. I The invocation was made by the Rev. Edwin Heji Delk, and the Kr.glih salutatory, written by Klsie Margar ' O'chman. was delivered by Sephie ' Gladys Msif,vi?z. A saluta'ery In ; Latin was delivered by Dorethy Alien Iileecker, who wrote It, The graduates are : ; rer.:EOE rKKPARATORT Ditfy.T A. B.celtr Jiry S. Jecclnci M.'lam ." !. Jfn K. Jcr. I K..r. ? Tejr.x !; rwr.-n ; E.i'e M f)i't-.n J Ifen A Thru-n ; s v- T Ar.-iraMT E--!'i W A'Jlf ' Jlnrt-s-.t n".-'.t Mlr.arri lihr Ii- a'rlc J Jr-wr i i!ry K i) tnut ! K'!zb'h -:ark ' ciertrtiile Cihu K!iiner H. frerlyn !ltar:c Kimm-lrr.an Mlr'ara Keer.le Ijea'rlc N. JtnK A!y. M LtwrBC P.O! Ievtt 'are.'r. hv? Isab,! J-er.itn .vir. it. ;.t-)err Sefc! n Morkevlu lis: :.iu Hail U ;.'len KItaner n. O'dt H&rbara Parry Parah I'rrr ) Mirtarn K Ill-nhar'-t t ,ir-.rr.i K'irr.an Mar! c. Ytf.y i Kathrjn ii. Ulilir, H'jrter. 17 Oettlteb i 'Jrjr ; rjrnial4 Alberta Kannen Ar.r.a G .SeheflI4 7. aura ThosiiBen Ixare'.hy A. Yeit A tr'Ir.a t.. lluh-a AfADEMir COL-RSK rt-a'rl"; Hayul rie-er.es M Hail41ns ler'..h H. Fralth Juanlta. L. Hulett , c,,v.tt D AtjramFer. JIary T lrr-a 'iertruili C Kalmtach f.alrs B I-alsen iHi'vthy K I.anaan Jllrlam F. I.enten Fran- a J Htanler r,pn!, H rtarmwrr t H'-r.r. 'ta W-br itar r. A'lams Ani V Air.-rhri!t Is'jt't'by i! '.'in,-t Ha'll-i 12. Dar.l-: 1 ftuth V. Oair. ' Miriam H Orjtaman ' "-'litlre Gui'.ev fj.adys I TTefcerta Al!' M Q Koblnsea Jennl R'.-r.rwlc Vida J. .Smith Kathryn 1) Klkril Mary B. Watktna ilarlen F, Wlllard 25 OPTOMETRY STUDENTS ARE AWARDED DIPLOMAS "Pioneer Class" at Penn State Col lege Graduates Diploma" were presented te twenty- hve comprising the ineneer riuss bv the Pennsylvania State Cel ere of Optometry In the A.-ademy of Music vestcrdaj Geerge A. Welsh, Repub lican nominee for Representative from West Philadelphia, was the commence ment orator. The valedl'-tery wa delivered by Geerge f'euncelman. of Pittsburgh, and the salutatory by Jereme Waxinan, of Trenten. Dr. Albert Fitch president of the i t.llege. presided. Other speak ers were Chester II. Jehnsen, Secre tary of the Pennsylvania State Beard of "op'emetrlcal Examination, Educa tion and Licensure, and H. Leenard silver- and Dr. William T. McConnell. of Pitt. burgh. The graduates are Wllllarn Rronen. M.s" Mae J". P.uriiM, Edwin F. Bauer. William Croinpteii. Geerge Coure. man. Stanley B. Easter, Rebert I r-jrwell. Henry F. Fisher, William 'I P.. Fr-'-k. Paul H. Hicks, It. I. .Tor .Ter Ian. Leen Kelb. Benjamin K'evan. KdA-nrd F. Lurnrnts, Jehn M-('ulieugh Carle Lepex Martinez. Samuel Mil Mil grem. Jehn C. Nelll, Benjamin Ressr. Jeseph J. Rothschild. perry K S'liHtit. Rebert L Sl.eppnrd H. Lwieard Silvers, Jereme Wnxinan lii. id 11. Welsh and Jesejih We'.ssrnaii 20.000 HOMELESS AS FIRE SWEEPS SUMMER COLONY 400 Buildings Burn en Leng Island. Less Estimated at $2,000,000 New Yerk, June l'i -'Bv A. P. I F.remen today -t ill wr.- pljwiig .'.nter upon un. smeuldering tulns thai ves terdiiy ha'l been a h-i'f square m,le of sumnier dwlling-. f Ar.ern. L. I ' Mere thiin V buiblingH, from sum mer homes cesing Si" 001; 'e llltie bungalow a worth S'J") and hotels, were ' destroyed, rendering -0.000 erseii! teiiipeniril.v liemeles. The property damage it. estimated ar SL'.OOO.-rfX. i Thousands of hemei;- famines spent the night en the beuclie. TO ANSWER LA FOLLETTE Dr. Butler Will Reply te Attack en Supreme Court lluntlc City. June 1(1. Dr. Niche- js Murray Butler, president of Ce- ininhlfi 1 niversitv. intends te uiiiKe a ' scathing reply te Senater Ln Follette's I attack upon the Supreme Court tonight at the iinnuul banquet of the New Jer 1 sey Bar Association. More than 200 ! State lawyers aru m tittendunce af the ilisoclutleii'N sessietiH liere, which , will continue through Sntunhiy. The raining of the Htiimlerd for en trance te the bar of the State will I be one of the questions debated. There 1 u talk of recommending at least two 1 yearn of college te the requirements: of I iill uppltcuntH. Chalaplne te Live In U. S, "iifieiiliax'Mi. June Hi. (By A. P Moscow newspapers received here report thnt Theoder Chnllapine, Un noted Russian singer, who made a feiv imiieiirances in opera nnd concert in America last season, will seen leave Russia te settle In the Ontted States with his inmfiv. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHMr FfcreAY, REPRIMAND GIVEN FOR KAPLAN INSULT ! Roosevelt Says Olmsted's Ac tien Cast? Doubt en His Fitness as Officer REPROOF PART OF RECORD Washington.. June 10 Theodere; Hoeerlt. Acting Secretary of the j Nat-v, yepiterdav officially reprimanded Ensign .T. L. 'Olmted. editor of h( LticVv Ttae. the vesr Ix-.r.k of tbl" year crdyatlnr cla' at Annapell1". for ; JtVruel and unwarranted" treatment of Leenard Kaplan, a fellow member of 3 ine cias. Secretary RoejeTeTt 'old En!gn Olm- 1. wh0e home Is n Des Mnin., that le had been zuiltv of "an action which casts a grave doubt as te your poe pee poe slen of these qualifications efentlal te any officer In the I'nited States Navy," fene' added "the department will re q.lre from you in the future evidence of a fundamental change in your at- , tltude toward your comrades In the service." Others, especially the ase--iate 'dl 'dl nereinre teri- ti'" "aal Secretary tfrted. un rn ColUte ' deubtedly were guilty in s-erae meaure biography e It might be rtn-ved. and in writing a parody of Ll ilfe. H'lf, added Mr. Roefevelt, the rtfmary re- I fpenslhllity rested en Enlgn Oimted. j Ne Racial Antlnatliv Seen .... ,, , , II urn i K1I HIT X -ITl T I ' T'-u renri , ,, ;..;.;' tJ..'-.,J.;.. " -.. ..w .--:. ei.i h-.-- .-. nmu- as this should be, I have gene most '-arefullv Inte this pbas I am happy or thee men were among the most popular in the class. Furthermore a number of our prominent officer" in the past and at thl time are either Jewish or or Jewish extraction. Says Navy Has Ne Distinctions "The traditions of our cenntrv have I always been exemplified by our Navv a ways eeen exempnnea by our Navy, We prid ourselves that in the wl' there, are no distinction, of race or ine reprimand, as announced in n forma! letter te which autematical! li official record lows- ; ,.,, ,.i r Lnslgn Olltstead. w-v-vuer u ari 01 1 n the navy, fel- "First. Veur statement te the superintendent of of Mav ,,- the Vnvii -T academy concerning the treatrne one of the members of your class in the lii Ul i.,uciy t.ag, ei wcicn you are editor-in-chief, has been received and Is satisfac tory neither te the superintendent of the Academy nor te the department. "Second. The department considers your action in permittinz the issue of tnis publication was cruel and unwar ranted. Others csncciallv venr nsssi. elate editors, are undoubtedly also guilty in some measure in this matter, but the primary responsibility must rest upon you as edite.--in-rhief. "Strongest Condemnation" "Third. At the outset of your career in a service which requires. th closest (O-operation and mutual trust nmeng its members, jour conduct, by ltn cruelty te a comrade, merits the de partment's strongest condemnation. an action 'which' c a" a grave ' euS as te your powewien of these qualifica- tiens essential te an officer in the United c u v,. v... i i ...... i.... reurth. leu have been guilty of :'ai-.-.-- .-ej. j vu, a' null tn ll-liur( in consonance with the ideals of the people 0f the Cnlted Stated nor in ac- cerdance with the high standard of conduct In the service of which you have become a member. Fifth, you are hereby reprimanded ..." : ..- r . . . . for our action in this mutter, and ye-. are cautioned the department will re quire from you in the future evidence of a fundamental change in your atti tude toward your comrades In the serv ice. "Sixth. Yeu are directed te acknowl edge rerejpt of this letter, a cepv of which win be filed with your eHici.il record " Ensign 01mted I." attached te the batjeship Wyoming. DELAY IN WILL CONTEST ASKED BY M'CLURE WIDOW Camden Attorney Is Named Admin istrator of Publisher's Estate William S. O. Roray. a Camden at erne. was today appointed minimis minimis rater for the estate of Thompson A. MeClure. aged publisher, of Woodlyn. N. I., who died about a month uge, tutting off his thlrty-foiir-var-eld wife with u third interest In his real cuite, and allowing his stenographer, Mary j( Carter, te share bis t state. The widow, Mrs. Margaret Harrison McClure. filed u caveat which came up before Judge Perch this morning In Carnden. Mrs. McClure asked for a postpone ment te obtain new cenni. .tter ihvh for Miss McCarier. Mr.. Eliza- belli May jiiiiiniu, (itiugtiier et ,me- Itire and Heward a. iJuliard. a nepii- ew who Hiiareu in tne m, iiiiu estate' anu who will fight 'he caveat, n creed. ' but asked thnt an administrator 'be ap- , . . . r. . ,., ' JURY FINDS EVIDENCE GOOD Acquits Man In Liquor Case, After Being Locked Up With Bettle Rpiullng, Pa., June 10 - After being locked with u be'tle of whi-ky that Martin Racklewie. h-,, been diargeil with selling te a detii-tue hk piry re turned n verdict of net guilty this morning. 'I'll i' policeman sun) the wiiisk.v was icirchase.l for half a de'lnr, while the defendant declared it wa- given te the .'Ulcer because he paid ici was ill. The j bottle was pusseil around the jury box ind each juror get a geed whiff. Th attorney for the defense also took a tnell and remarked, 'It's net he bad." Then the jurv was given half un hour ilene with flie evldewe and came te mi agreement. , WILLIAM J. WIRTH Funeral Monday of Wildwood He-J telman Killed In Aute William J. Wirth. proprietor of the Hetel Wirth, af Wildwood, N. J., who was killed in an automobile accident ' en June III, will he burled en Monday i at L' P, M., from the home of his moth'. er, Mrs. It. Bewk, at 1717 North ' Twenty-eighth street, at ii P. M. In ferment will he at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Mr. Wirth, whose Philadelphia home was at 3757 North Marshall street, is survived by his widow. rn c n t- e ri nnnrinnit i -. ,i t . .k. ir.nitMinnn rii m a ! ou u un inn hiiiiiiiii l i tiis IncidTn-; waVr no ch' etiveTa. of 'theweW.'"'' The DemecraT .non ChSJWafhw" ""nd It. Ukely te be nemlnatetl. Governer -Ed-, '" Ke " edlng. ine recore" ei the .Naval Academv wards, is trie most ouiepeKenwei n me ,., ., :h stnrv - n. ,h, show that in the class of 1B22. nineteen I country. Se that If a" dry Republican ' Wj d,neh etJ l entereu ineir taitn as .icwisn. certain is namni a straigoieui wei-urj iine-ei. Moterists: Here Are New Parking Rules The new automobile parking ordi nance pa&ed by Council permits parking of automobiles for one beur In territory bounded by Seventh and Twentieth, Vine and Pine streets, Kxcept en Chestnut street be tween Tenth and Sixteenth, In which blocks no parking is allowed, and Prohibits parking between 4:30 and 0:30 P. M. en Bread street be tween Erie avenue and Seuth and en Market and Arch streets from Seventh street te the Schuylkill. !N.l SENATE FIGHT E Raymond, Anti - Prohibitionist, Looms as Chief Opponent of Frelinghuysen MACHINE VOTE IS DIVIDED P,y CLINTON W. GILBERT etaff Correspondent Kteninx TabUe l-edner CervHeif. I9lt, lv I'vllxc Ltaetr Company Washington, June 10. The prei H'm state of the senatersblp contest In New Jersey illustrate, hew conditions have been changed bv the political overturn in Indiana. Pennsylvania and Iowa. UrV "'"-"?,. j. '"'.' " "" T. fi7, I I IT I i-hiiiiiij.iii-" II 1 I- HUM All L 11 - n ' i ,.-.;,;; r,; inh.ivn. who ha. . M..,fc . .... w . ....p..-,---.-. - i.i i i . . .v,n 1.1. .,.n.r,. i.t..n -mk n-e ntcsPri n fw- imb age. is new no longer cenain. And New Jersey Is Important in en- ether respect in that it Will present the wet-dry lsue, once mere flaming up in CengVc's ever the sale of drinks en American snips anu mwninj .i" uu- e..i.i.i i in .. .luilnttv tUn Ship Subsidy bill, mere listinctb than "Sfe&btt "-th, candl- I date of the drys, Ex-Mayer Themas Raymond - v:.t, inn i t,. of Newark, w 11 pin In the I will take place between mm anu r,u I ward'. , Machine Vete Divided The anti-machine i'sue which ,rBS presenter ji. i-.;uiis..iiiuiu huu iiiuiauu ..l j. Tl... .l.Hln ...! I..II.. i Bppearn in .se .icr.-r.t. .ui. i.-iiiis- jhjyscn and Mr. Raymond are both or- ganbatlen men. ueerge i. tweeru anu j y,.r,.n f;elbT are, like Mr. Bi '',1 Pinchot old Roe-eveltii J?lVbe anU-mett ir. Ueveridge eveltlans and I th Stnte i rn 1...1. .1... .nv.inA n,A n.t i.a i-UUS ueill 111": llim-uiii-; -wit 'J c ..H.mnnl.lnn vnte. lire rflvlded. Of the two Progressive candidates, Mr. Recerd eems te be the mere important. He was earliest in the neia. ne is tne mere rnui'-m uuu i- ....... y.v .-.- .. .ii....i ., u mnrTr ih. mrwa - l.,Cnl..n .. n.nr. .... .WIT,. T r IIPII IT" tip i-.iinl... v, .... nn r, ,:,.iLtlnn r,t hn T leUiJfcjlIU, rii ,111- i inrvu-tvu w, ,-. Issues with him and attacking him as a man who votes ury, nut maintains a considerable cellar. Mr. Celby Is mere conservative. While he tend te divide the anti-ma-chine vote which might otherwise go te Mr. Recerd, it is felt that he will at tract a certain vote that might ether- 'wise go te Mr. Frelinghuysen. Wets and Drys Fight It i believed, however, that In New Jersey the wet-dry lsue Is mere Im portant than the machine lsst) am that the real contest in the Republican primaries will be between Mr. Freling huysen nnd Mr. Raymond. The ex-Mayer of Newark will hnve large support in the big cities of New .Tnrsev. In NewarK, .icrcy uity, me- beken.' Atlantic City and P--- ' will carry the pintle- In which these centers of population He. Tli enntest In New Jersey resembles , . "';, , .11 1 Li i that in Indiana, because the leadership of the Republican Party of the State " Involved. If Senater 1-rellnghuysen Is defeated, Senater r.uge win uc ieii hi rvscesslnn of the machine, just as Sen- i" ' .:. . i...n .i t-. ater Watsen was in niumim uc .-,.- ater New wa ueieuieu. "i irei-in there is n kind of joint leadership of the two Senators. Senater Edge js supporting his col league, but his followers cannot be de. IKered. Ills own home, Atlantic Citv. will probably vote for ex-Mayer Ray mom! Mr. Frelinghuysen Increases , i,s difficulties, s.e far as Senater Edge s supporters nre concerned, by making an (ii(i ,.r,emv of his colleague, ex -Cen - gressman Patterson, of the Seuth Jer sey or Balrd machine, his cuu.p.i!gn manager. FLeRDA OFFICIAL FLOGGED County Commissioner Leaves Sec tion After Three Atatcks Palatka. Fla., June 10. i By A P S. R. Fields, of Bunnell, member of the Beard of Commissioners of Fl.igler County, has left the section after thre Heggings nt the hands et unidentified men during the last few month., ac cording te Flagler Count v nfiidaU , who came here today te work a due in their Investigation of the outrages. The third attack en Fields took nine,. last Friday en the principal street of i Bunnell, the Investigators related. t sti anger stirnng upon fields from a .ten and a second struck him ever the head j witli a pistol while n third threw ii'eund ' him a heavy piece ei canvas, i n udssieiier was tilnccii in an iiunn 111'! ..... -,.,,.., nnd taken toward eiusia i euaty (SaljjIijaBijViMHilBBjVaMBUI WANTED- LIVE ADVERTISING MAN WHO CAN GET RESULTS for Daily Paper af 3000 Circulation SI Ti: Afii:. KXI'KRIKM'K AM) I.OWKST l"I(i I' It K SUN-TR1BUNE, Wildwood, N. J. OKATJIS .'.!;!. INTOi'K -- At I'ert I,TRventvrth , Kn . June 1,'t. Wi'i. WILLIAM C, huaband . c,r l.i ,U A Mirilnteck Ut of AiJmer.', l'u ' rutien.1 h-rvli nt tb ieldene.e nf Charlss M. mil lel ''rlcltet uv , Arrtmnre. 1'a .a .si,J..j. iit 4 I'. .M CiiihIii (.(iiIkv . " "73 i" a ul A M . Invited Interment l.uih. , i run ' lie tery. . . I Ol-y -Jiir. 1.1. HA RAH IIU1 Inte Cjinn ii-ll), niiluw nf Jehn A. Ouy. Iteliitives um , rrlenlK, alue inn i.inpnaiiy n. v, ji. b, iiailiv invluil te funiral Menuny H.3a a M , from her Inte resWence, lJli'H Juiks'iii! Ht Snifciiin muHH of reeulem at the Ijnlnh. i.i.y chuixli te A ii. Interment Hely Cre8 i -' inutery. i:i)VArS.- Juns IS. MAKTJIA A . widow of Chnrle.ii II J-ldwarrts, In her hOth ,-ur runiritl KurvlcijH and Interment m Hie mnunlence of the furnllv. ItAKI-'Kll'l'V .lune 14, JAMKS I)., son of Jeep)i W. and Kutliri'n J,. Jtufferty. hkhI ' Vu. Keliittvex nnd fritnda Invited te funtr.il .Monday, h :ie A M., from carenta' rml dmce. ild I h C'lidiiter ve. IIlKh maaa of rn'iu em nt unuirii or tne jueai jiii ni Kac. rarnent 10 A. JL Interment " Croaa us ma i nrv IT-DRY U WARD'S BROTHER ! TELLSFULLSTORY ' Details of Blackmail Plot Given After Undictment of Yeung Millionaire TRIED TO SHIELD FAMILY New Tork. June 10. Walter 8. Ward was Indicted for first degree mur der and locked up In the Westchester County Jail In White Plains yesterday. and bis brother Ralph waa forced te tell te .Supreme Court Justice Jlors Jlers ichauer all that bis father bad revealed te him of the blackmail plot that ended In the killing of Clarence Petera. ' The blackmailers. It is new under steed, had threatened young Ward with a treble expesure: first, of his race track operations as compromising bis high place in the Ward Baking Cem- pany ; second, humiliating revelations concerning his early married life, and, third, details of something involving a relative of Ward's and that relative's wife. ter the nrst time since 1'eters was' killed n month age today the author!- i ties of Westchester new seem te be i somewhere near a wlutlen of the puz- ' zling affair that first began te vex them , oil .'in; ii ubu niu. mti iiicpiuciis ei 'e '? Hwunre liuuru ui xunue Commissioners, came te the courthouse ; In b company of his lawyers and con- i 7"'u s"s . -. .- r ' I i habblly dreved youth whose body lay ' in the morgue I . '. com i Justice Merschauser sat as a i miinnz masiMraie ' After the Intiictmint was returned Justice Merschauser Issued a bench (warrant for the arrest of Ward, who I was at. .cur.euicu Hl, iUe UUJtr OI ' his attorney. I Ralph Tells His Story . ' was learneu iiiui aiier preiesia toward Nev , . ,d h) fc fc d u w p , !f?K.fc . T. ,. unTnp,t thnt after pretests h"arln held before Justice Merscb- auser. u was raiu iue uusiice OTer , , .,,,. n.n,..,. ,hnt ,uB ., inform a defena blackmail Peters as it is new known te the autherities: 1 Walter Ward went te the Empire 'City race track last July. He was , acc'cmnanltd by a friend, through whom he placed tome bets. Afterward he . 4 , v. .. i wDt te tne tracK aiene, uetere tne Pn, or the season aucr met n man nnj asked hlni for some information abr. ;t a race. The man gave Walter a ,lp whleh he plnycd. The horse wen. , Later, t.psters began te telephone Wal- mentiu'tpr giving him additional information. Finally he tried te discourage these men . Seme time later a man calling him self Ress came te the office of Ward and told him he could give blm a sure- thing tip that day. He Ubed such a ... , .. , ,one tnat lt was construed as a tnreat Ward asked the man Ress just what he meant and Ress is said te have replied that certain people of the company presumably the Ward Raking Com pany would be told of hii racing oper ations. Walter made the bet then ami Ress continued te visit blm soliciting wagers. Then Ress began te bring with him a man named Jack. By their threat ening conversation they compelled him ROLLS-ROYCE STRENGTH "While I am, of course, pleased with the luxury of the car, I am still mere impressed with its toughness and ability te take punishment." Copy ofttimentlwiltdon rtquett. 10 Exclusive Rolls-Reyce Designs of Open and Closed Coach Werk 02 four-five passenger Touring, $10,900 PENNSYLVANIA MOTORS, INC. CHESTNUT AND 21tt STREET White Washable aaV X I f . v. V Kid I ' '"r. jA I i xH V K I VlMSM. . Special This Weeh The Most Exclusive "White Kid" Sandals and Pumps $6Mand7M . Values $110 and SO" THIS WEEK ! I i All the Newest ft A l,s. Stvlei and Hetlt - i I IAfl 1 " s Hand - turned " .''"' f PN. ' Pv k fit '"') aT$"e i vjff XxT't i i k N.f' '','I..J CI91' . vi'f JI ht . I ''Vv ' JOT A7 !&& I I "N. 'r..'.VW'fi(.'W...7Bs. Ksremm I Ti . '. If v'V . j s: "' j --,:.. i -' tfMy'ir i quality v "w. . ..'. V- Reval Reet hnn I 1208 te 10 Chestnut St., 2nd Fleer I TAKE ELEVATOR OR STAIRS I III JUNE -16, 1922 te make blggef and bigger bets unill hia bank account waa overdrawn. Threaten te Involve Family Finally Walter Mid Ire had bad enough and dared them te tell what ever they 'wanted te. Then thrry Mid they bad certain Information nbetit bis llf? which they threatened te reveal. They also told him something about a relative of bis and thatrelatlrc a wife. Mr. andlrs. Geerge Ward (Halter's stepmother) were then In Lurppe. Wal ter did net knew what te de, but , In the absence of b! father assumed the responsibility of shielding the family name. lie knew, it was said, that such a story should never be revealed. Once the father gave permission, se It was said, for Walter te receive the money he said he required. Then the father was cabled that the money was for blackmailers. He replied by cable. as lias previously been published, that he would av $100,000 te put the gang In jail, but would net give one cent for blackmail. , . While these negotiations were going en the blackmailers varied their threat! of exposure with threats en Walters life, the lives of his wife and children. This finallv lrd up te the meeting which resulted in the death of Clarence Peters. who was being used as a ge-rjeiween uy Res and Jack Wife Breaks Down When Ward was arrested yesterday hp .j Mrmlsslen te drive te White , pIalr:, DV Vav of New Rechelle. se he ! ,.Id ' c00d-bv te bis family and the ,j,uty sheriff ' v-rd went 'nte the house and told M, wif he had been indicted and .. .,. ,n t-n She broke down. ' t. i.i.,j m im small ehlldrcn. took 1 ' teiIet articles and clothes and re- jurn(1(j t0 the car, continuing the drive , white Plains arriving at the court- ueniE. at 0 P. M. Ward then was de ellvcred te Jailer nm ani, fnI( ..y0 jens" t0 Deputy SLerlfr nuscee n he walked back te the gray stone jaw. , Hiv Drother Ralph and .Mr. Camp bell were permiiici ie (.-eiuuu wna nun a few minutes. As he entered his cell his lips were seen te quiver. it a the first sign of emotion be had evinced since he surrendered te the authorities. Wllllamspert, Pa.. June 10. fBy A. P.i Geerge S. Ward, father of Wal ter S. Ward, left Wllllnmspert early rhl mernlnff but was net headed toward New Yerk State. He left ever vnnla Railroad en the 7 :0 This train connects nt Leck - Haven for Tyrene and Pittsburgh. It h fcellcved that Ward had gene en te Pittsburgh. WILL ASK FOR BRUNEN INDICTMENTS IN SEPT. Several Mere Persons May Be Involved, Kelsey Says The Burlington County Grand Jury already has taken cognizance of the , Hninen murder. County Prosecutor Kelsey announced today, but will net be asked te return indictments until September. The Prosecutor indicated that before the investigation being made by County Detective Ellis Parker and his assist ants is concluded, several additional persons may be involved. "I cannot say that this i se." said the Prosecutor, "bur I can say thnt indictments for first -degree murder will be brought ngainsst the pcrses new In custody nnd any ethers who may be nr rested later. The County Prosecutor says he does net expect te get n confession from Mrs. Deri" IJruncn. recently arrested for complicity in the murder of "Honest Jehn" Brunen, her husband. Others under arrest are her brother, Ilarrv Mehr, and Charles M. Piwell, formerly nn empleye of the circus ewnel bv Brunen. ""Fy ' ' ' V- .' Bal ' -i ' jf ai I . - & 9 M n FOR WET SHIPS Oppose Beth Edmonds and Bankhead Amendments te t Subsidy Measure CONFLICT WITH TREATIES Washington. June 10. With Re publican member? if the Heuse Mer chant Marine CessaUtee understood te have virtually agreed te oppose the pr.opeaI te step the sale of liquor en American ships by denying the Federal aid provided in the Subsidy Bill te ships en which Mich sale is made, an other amendment te the bill proposing a fine for the sale of liquor or any ship during a voyage starting or ending nt an American pert was before the com mittee today for consideration. The latter proposal, offered by Rep resentative Edmonds, Republican, of K6M& UfflKT I nncDQ m..mmm9mmmm y y i jmi xmt u Wasmsm w W&Wm Suites, we are compelled te make room, and te de this we are going te slash the price again, making this the Greatest Bar gain of the year. Just think of a chance te buy a 10-Piece Dining-Roem Suite at Wholesale Cost en Easy Payments 1 a Week With 66-inch Buffet, 48x60-inch Table, large Server, and latest style enclosed China Closet with six chairs covered in 1 French Tapestry. Made te sell for 9500.00. t 4-Piece Bedroom Suite I With Hew-End Bed, larije Dresser, Vanity complete r manani' Large massive quarter-sawed Gelden Oak finished covered in best grade imitation chase. Easy te eper ate. One turn does it. Simple construction, nothing te get out of order. Known the world ever. A bed by night si living room by day Complete With Mattress $44.85 first atMBdflMftt. 'MMtahJ' fentative Bankheetf. IJeewxStH effect of jnttlan Amer!nUrt,:!.Ll which de net hare nmhihut... "J In addition te previdinr ' . !1 I0.000 for the first nil SLA si the final penalty would be Te 2 the entrance of a shin te tES nerts. After Ih. n.Ti I ! by majority cemraltteeraen ycteiS view was einresse.. in .""re,i that it conflicted with mln,"".?1! Natien's commercial irJn7 -' Meanwhile in the executlVe bnJ although officials were understenS .51 still iliscusslnr the nueti,n iy.'" "I had been no- developments berij Indication at the Treasury Dei.'i. that Attorney General Dauchertr be asked seen for a rufing J icganty or nquer selling en Am ships. In this connection umi,uwi ruiu inai u such a ' was mndn it trnnM K. .....' sneedilr as newible. q"a 0 Regardlws of what action th ftl t-f.v.. .. uu.uuiiua proposal rescntative Bankhead announced , amendment. In the event the bill u! nnsfA.1 unite. -1 m,1a imi... " 1 1 inai ue wuuiu ierce a i. :r: ments. Mr. Bankhead said his rinftnt rnuM tw npftutiliJ t. . . ,.. . ..... , iaat VHl '2 The Department of Stationery makes and sells ' Children's Engraved Stationery of superior quality, attractively boxed. Four appropriate designs stamped from steel color-plates. Suitable Fer Use as correspondence paper for children; or, with special engraving, as invitations te children's parties. J. ECmdwell &Ce. Jewelry - Silver r Statienest Chestnut and Juniper .Streets (fl i',l j&teteHdkt W-iJAmreieaSilamir i i (TXy'lrat-aTaT I'm, i nMtvcwsM wuu mmmwvja& teX8Sl CSTABUSHKD ia as Truthful Advertising We Sell What We Advertitt Owing te another tremendous purchase of Dining-Roeml $2.50 , $2.50 a Week yf '&' fttti apis. IB 1 L i ' " Ir " H irp j S 'L-tep jffii usr - 3 This Beautiful 10-Piece Italian Renaissance Suite $195oe mmm mmmi 1 1 Genuine American Walnut !jiiSBWH $149.50 KROEHLER DAVENO MJOLr ' - 5 I jrfTrrmn 1 1 Tl '- """saSt- 11,'Afmtibttmf I I L9aBaVxtal Trade Where Your Trade Is Appre ciated. We Give 100 Value for Every Dellar Spent With Us. Visit Our Ladies? and Men' Clnrh;nar nMrtment. i.'.. sni-.i .. T." --"? r m rrtuierneriefamUv for $1.00 a Week. t "" i.i ui '"..'j;"wr;;T.f'.i.i);M"-' 1 s&JixU. .JL Mu".s.i',l. ,-t.dXMiU.., v&tJMut&iJLjJi,l 'sijvAtAJa