HkVjm fSyJVft .v 'ctfjD'i! rw',)4i';i',?.wiiwiiiM:iRKyr3if'ii ? tj.e Asv&iaiwnT)P.iiT&.; '& waxt .; iV'iar -'Jf-iL.vv Tfc "7W"-?;Vf: .'" " " " ?'...'-.:.:?..'., trwt.irm f TJ 1 ' - lkWIHUUUfflWWMMMRW9iaK f m aM- y . .-.ftS". M f' t S ' ' "" ' ?-V' ' '.' r.'Spt1 'vf"l ,; - Famous Brooklyn Handicap Is the Opening Day -aAillllA Alll 11.1111 H,-- !' BKUWiw urli hah GAME FROM LEAD Tiger' Win Over" Yank With Second Reekie Pitcher Makes ' Race a Tight One BOTH A'S AND PHILS WIN WITH Ruth and Mcufcl back In the game, the Yanks will make a run away of the-' American League race. The Buitln' .Persen and "his brother mauler have been doing active duty new for almost a month, and the Yanks are far from having nn easy time of It n Ban Jehnsen's circuit. A gllmpse nt the porcentngo table this morning reveals the startling news that the prides of Getham, when the Giants are away, have' the slender margin of a half came ever the pesky Browns, in bccem place: Net only thnt. hut hn entl.e J. -nine In havlns n II battle royal for positions that hasn't I... nsttinlAil In mnnv vam. Less than a hundred points separate the tmru piece nmu irein lue one in last, with places changing daily. If the ether six clubs In the League can jiand the Yanks and the Browns a num ber of defeats In the next month, prob ably three or four teams will be bettln? for the lead during the merry "baseball month of August. 'or the fourth straight time the "1 i were trimmed yesterday. Twe w lest at St. Leuis, and the Tigers yesterday handed the prlma-dennn ' cast another setback, the second of. the terlcs. The Roeklos Star The marvel of the two triumphs from the Tiger angle Is the hurling of the recruits. On Wednesday Olcsen, who hurled for Cernell net se long age, had the better of Walre Heyt and yesterday ' Btener held the hardest hitting aggre gation In the American Lcngue te three hits. Pilette, who humbled the Yanks In their own bailiwick, and Heward Ehmke, who also turned In a win there, arc yet te p heard from. The temperamental Yanks are be ginning te lese their heads in the heat of Iho race. Yesterday the Detroit police ferce had te escort HUdebrand from the game after he called Scott out en a fouled third strike, the Yankees surrounding the arbiter and threatening dire happenings te him. Carl Mays, the submnrlne nrtlst, was the victim yesterday, the Tigers getting nlne safeties, enough of them being bunched in the eighth te give two runs and Insure the victory. The Cebbmcn are new nestling In third place with a .500 percentage, after a remarkable climb from the depths. Once mere both home teams wen en the same day. The Phillies, thnnks te excellent burling by Geerge Smith, mill some wonderful fielding, ns of 1015, rammed the Cincinnati ekiff for a shut out victory, the second In as many starts. The Mnckmen fought one of their CnBrflptPrlflHp pnma.lienlra n.i.1 J.Al.l the Whlte Sex just when .they thought , the game tucked away in the win col umn. The victory broke the A's losing streak that had reached three, and smashed the Sex-wlnnlng rplurge that numbered six. Geerge Smith Bags One Geerge Smith, who Is undoubtedly one of the real hard-luck pitchers of Baseball, had everything with him yes terday. He hurled n geed article of ball, holding the Reds te six hits nnd was aided nnd nbetted by some great fielding. Twe double plnys, several artful pickups nnd throws nnd some geed fly-chnsing nil contributed te make the day n huge success. Cy Williams arched one of the new herscMdes into Bread street In the first, with n pn en base. Seme hits, walks and an error added four mere In the third nnd another came in the sev enth en a single nnd double. Frank Keck, who electrified the base ball world Inst week by holding the Giants te two hits nnd no runs In eight Innings, was the victim ycHterdny. The former Springfield, Me., lnd who hasn't Jet become nccustemed te swinging doers, was polled viciously for seven rounds, ten hits being made off his de livery. The Athletics were in and out yes terday, out for eight rounds nnd in for Jnc game, Bryan Harris started and lasted an inning, four runs being mude off his delivery. Kckert enme next nnd a u well until relieved by Remmel, who m well until the sixth when wnlks and bits added four mere. Nnyler took up the work nnd get credit for the victory though Heimlich' pitched the ninth, a pinch-hitter relieving Rellle. Xillle Walker's Twelfth The A's uphill climb yesterday is nn epic and weithy of recounting. Jimmy Djkes bit a homer in the third with none en for the first rim. In the fifth "arry Heeper made n muff that let In two nnd another counted when Dins Ml ler arched a double. Came the Jighth still away behind. Tlllie Walker weuglit It about time that he did some wing, nnd he shot. a homer out into untenanted territory thnt scored two of Ws pals I. rnnk Uruggy. who batted for Kemmel, and Yeung, who doubled. OlenKeu thought that itobcrtsen could Blcui tlin iMa M.i.i n.. .....: i.i . .i. i i IIe18,t y ne. but four straight "ingles and thrce runs crebscd the pen ItJ?in"i ,leiinn, Giillewny and Dykes SI. j1 V" "lccci,slen nnJ then Hiiuser 2JX. for ,Nn;ler nnd bC0-cd two. Tliu Muecze, with Yeung up, was tried and iinW "'r mm n gran any, get ting two doubles In nddltlen te two Pin- t .,i' i "" nn,a t,lree "s ""a Dykes SU n llOIUPl- nml clnnln C.. I 1.1... 1... . l -. I i ""-' 1HMM JUKI w.SJ f 0 ilnlc- Fifteen hits in all ere msde by the Mnckmen. evitiin wn? n :,-,'2 verilct Ji .iSc,w.ters tlmt enublcd them te fc .i . noremcntloned half (tame HAnlZ "' Smith, of Washington, shot f m T' but ?l was the four-ply ShlPP,Ic?rnnu.a that d,d ,h0 Uamnge, O'Jier scoring uhead of him. we second game of their series. gain,e atlnal th0 G,nts fcR? ",ed " P't and new feutini ,l' BAcp,,)cd u? a run hy d itiJi.1? i , Ddgcrs n n rally thnt Z Led &J" eighth nnd endedym he OinnV ,tne "" m the eighth gave the Giants the victory, Bill Ryn doing US Mil.-' r.. ... tMfttl, WI? h0mcr Vth one en '" inri ?'"',". 'V.e scere for the Cards. ether f.l! "nw the 6hev ncreiH nn-' n pump Bnmrt hitting. Recerd Net Allowed w,M mui nuewea ::!!. erlc. June in n.,,u .,.. W-ra';lS11!p?n',n,,er ,he W'lww4lUB, . What May Happen in. Baseball Today NATIONAL M5AGCB w2"B TTtml HI' MwV1. V.:::::::: 11 1? : 8 :S SffiL"" SI 1 .48 J WAR.. I il m .1 XI 3 ,MO AMERICAN UUOVB n is a AV trim N&uk.. &HeLB. tTta T.ei S91 sfinv.' :::::::: If l jxt 5S :1? ;..::: h ii ts -iu T JJA MiX INTE1NATIONAT. MUnrm nruoie.. II ZR .009, Newark.. 16 41.381 AJttRICAN ASSOCIATION 5!iP.llSS!L 52 id -O Colembn Vs SST .. SA '212 f " ' "' e 2i'. "".' 5? fl IOiiUv lie 24 Milwaukee 81 28 .815 Teledo. .. li EASTERN LEAOTJE I. r.O, W. r.. P.r it it ,4ga te is .ij.n 18 88 .0 is 28 .aai SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION IgMte... 88jfe38 N.Orij.n. Yih'JBk Memphis, 88 sh .oe AtlanV.- 28 St 404 n L.m.2T H !8'.S7 NasiiTtlls 28 87 408 Blrm'uaM 83 7 .042 Chat'oeta 21 42 Sij YE8TERDAV8 RE8ULT8 NATIONAL UIAGCE FhUllre. 7i Chleme, 0. Be. Ialo. 4j. BroeklyfLS. , Bosten-ChleMo.oHpofied, rain. AMERICAN UUaVB Athlftlei. let Chleafe,.g. D8,lL 'i New Yort. t. notion, ii Clmland, 8, St. leali, Si WBihtofteo, t. INTERNATIONA1. LEAQXJE B (10 Innlafi). 8 AMERICAN ANRnrtATinv It. Pan!. Hi Colenbrn. t. i?.wkS:'4,4IiSP..!'0e!i- loncapeiia, t Toltde, 8 (II Innlnsi). SOUTHERN LEAGUE HemnaU. Oi AllaaU. 0. KebUe, 8 Chattnsoeta. 1 (It innlnsi). EASTERN LEAGUE wtatlur. TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati nt PhlUdelnhla. PUtubursh at New Yerk. St. Leuis at Brooklyn. Clilcncn at Bosten, AMERICAN LEAGUU Athletics at Chlcare. Bosten at Clevclnnd. New Yerk nt Detroit. naohlnsten at St. Leets. INTERNATIONAL T.KAnrTH! Itethester at Rcadlns. ejTBcuse at ualUmere. Buffalo at Jersey City. Terente at Newark. "BLACK SOX" BARRED FROM FOX RIVER VALLEY LEAGUE Appleton Team te Be Reorganized Minus Baseball Outlaws OsHhesh, Wis., June 10. The Fex River Vnl'cy Baseball League has defi nitely barred from Its clubs all "Black Sex," or ether- baseball outlaws, Jehn F. Kluwin, the league president, nn- pounced here, following a meeting of the directors. Thn fiirnxtnn ,.. ordered the Annlrrnn. wi i..u - organized ns a result of outlaws In Its line-up. The se-called "Black Sex" are 'former members of the Chicago American I.engue White Sex.d-nppcd after the 1010 World's series K-nndal. Concerning the playing of Olnck Sex players, Mr. Kluwin stated : "Had their contracts been submitted te me they would never have been ap proved. What Incentive Is there te a ball player te remain honest If we put a premium en dishonesty by per- mltllie 0"t'llWC(l mm wlln hnn !,.. driven fi-ji.i the big leagues for nlleged ujeiiuucaij , 19 eanie into the league nnd perhaps receive higher salaries thnn the men whom thnv nnlnn,i .i ...u. were absolutely loyal und honest? The uirccters agreed te a man thnt the Bleck Sex shall nnver nlnV In n 1... geme nor at a league park." MASTBAUM DONATES CUP FOR SCRIBE LINKSMEN Handsome Trophy Gees te Winner of Net at North Hills Jules Mastbaura, himself n aelfcr of no mean ability, has donated a hand- ome silver trophy te the scribe who 'urns in the lowest net scere in this afternoon's handicap event en the North Hills links at Edge Hill. The cup will be a ncrmanent trnnhc te be held one yenr by the winner unless up snows enough nniuty te win it n ''ecend or third time. After tliroe teurnnments the ImiuTI- lintieva fnt Imcv fln1 tinntlA.l n.. n 111. ..,--.....- nu- wui. u... ..lib ii iiu- I'lnl nmniint nf kfmltnti In Dm Inini., en I he list. Leu Jnffe. Eddie Polleolt nnd ethers of the Fourth Estate who nve licen hnving trouble getting below 1(10 for the eighteen holes are confident rlint- tlinv itll Im nmnnrr ,I.AL,n 4 -l.n i.i.fc mivj ., ... w ,,...i,..h iiiutii; iic i top when the score's ero turned In this nftcn.oen. Thirty-live strokes hnve been nlletcd te ten of the embryo qelfcrs. Tem Daley, Bill Evans nnd BUI Svkes nre the scratch men. with Frank McCrackcn, Sandy McNlbllck and ethers hnvlr.g ten strokes. K. OF C. TO PLAY SAILORS Trl-Ceuncll Nine Opposes U. S. 8. Rochester en Sunday The Trl-Ceuncll Country Clubs plnys host en Sunday next te the cntire per-i-enncl of the U. 8. S. Rochester en their spncleus grounds at Edilingten. Pn. Incldentnlly they have ns nn ndded nttrnctlen the ship's bund of forty pieces, who will enliven things ns sort of a ling day celebration. The teams will clnsh nt 2:30 P. M.. mid a geed close nnd exciting gnme Is expected. Trl-Ceuncll has only lest one game this year while Rochester is lend ing the Ipiiihie nt the Navy Yard. The :nlllsU' season for Trl-Ceuncll Country Club tennis opens next Thurs day with Not-n-Senie en their grounds nt Tiega and I streets, and thev ure booking games en nn nvcrnga of two gun:v n week. Ttia:- desirous of this nttrnctlen nlense uommunicnte with Jeseph A. McGetti&nn, 0030 Montreso street, West Philadelphia. Bill te Bar Betting Baten Kouke, Tj., June 1(1. TIie Duller uui, wniiu wwum iMumuii ueitinv en rara liorseH at licensed tracks In Louisiana, la ex. In ffttnA lln 111 thn lFniiiiM f.itm .1.. lmiijaxe within a few day, It was stHteil ..... Thn lilll l,u ,lin Qunn.n n... . Huusa yesterday hUBtnlneil thn action of thn I.i3lslntlve Ilureau which rieuUreU uncun uncun stltutlenal en amendment providing that the meusurfl ns submitted te a refwer.dum vetn before becoming erfectlve. Tj amendment htt'i been adopted by ll.i beuse,, M .414 88 .118 wife ?i 3J A fiSSn Balthnere, lAi Bmtvtt, Buffalo. 17 icreejr citr. f iianrern. 10 1 BrUtcuert, 8. nttiflald-FltehbuiT, coif . j ' ' DzS Sf?l SI Brt FiM &mli I &B9 jSL ttr m"9 2&r faTM yasVlslX JSjPA. assm v&W?& .3kw jHajV. 'asssssssfdBm'A.'TSl'taM .BrW 6Si1s5bbbbV aflsVILLVkHLV. SBBBafalaBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBBBBBBBH flsBBBBBBBBBBsWI 4aBaBBBBBBBBBnaBBBBBBBBBslHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBlaaBBBBBBBBK bbbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbIbbbbb1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbb Tha Wnt PhlladelnhlA Hlcfa Scheel Tep Coach Rey W. DelapIaJae, Giles, Captain-elect McClaln, Laugh ten, Chain, Manager Frnnkfleld. Bettem Koonts, Oldfleld, Jacksen, Captain LutteH, Offenhanser, Commaner and Connelly PENN150-P0UNDERS SHOWING THE WAY Lead Jee Wright's Four Crews in Practice Sjjln en Hudsen NAVY. IS ALONE MISSING Peugliheepsle, N. Y., June 10. With OTllv til A Vflvw mlaalnf tVsttvt 4Ia mb4am of crews that will start In the varsity, rnce in me interre.,esiate regatta here en .Tune 20, th Hudsen Is new a place Of kenn flrfllHfv. TIia Innv.Avnanfnt Cernell crc-.v.i nrrlvel yesterday morn- us, uui. were unaeie 10 get tneir sneus rigged and ready for the water until late In the day. The missing Pennsylvania launch, which broke a propeller shaft at Bound yesterday, se thnt Jee Wright's worries nre nt nn end. The six missing mem bers of the rowing squad were en hand for all the workouts, which pleased Wright greatly. The Pennsylvania crews had vigorous workouts both morning and afternoon, encountering much rough wnter both times out. In the morning spin the four crews, varsity, the two se-called Jayvees or junior varsity and fresh man, went up stream a mile or two above the Columbia boathouse and came down In rnclng formation, with the scrappy little 150-pound crew showing the way te nil the ethers, despite the fact thnt It wns rowing only a notch higher ns te beat nnd hnd by far the worst wnter. In thr avnnlnt 111 Wi.1.t u..i t.i coaching launch and sent the eights for i luiii iim me i rum tiioew. The Quak ers displayed tfti?) of snap and drive, much length in water nnd a fine body swing, Washington went out In the morning ler n null rimvn in ninn nin. -.i .i. - a . .... w ..,.. vim. aim inuii went upstream in the afternoon. The. iirmcnicra nre a migrty big set of men nnd thev row wniirl.ii.rnii.. ...n .. gether. Their stroke is fairlv hlh nt nil times, but it Is se short thnt the high bent. Is ulmest n necessity. Columbia enme down stream In the lUOrnini? nml khnwnrl t.i.n ..l. , proved vnrslty eights. The big crew rpwed in better form thnn It has shown nt any time since it has been hern and Jim Rice's smile is actually . ...... vifun I.U L IT 1, ,11 III'I, ,. m SniLk The Cernell varsitv ,i..'. tr ii."1 ,nFs lJ down te IHhb I'nlni'tZ . "'!?Ji?i? i..i in. practice stretch with the venerabte Courtney. Jehn Heyle. who was the 'old man's" first assistant for years, was forced te stand en the flent while the three Ked and White crews pushed off and went forth en their first spin en the Hudsen this season. Tbe var Bltv bent Is -awing unchanged from the order in vrdch it rowed against Yale and Ppiceten. PARIS VOTES MONEY FOR OLYMPIC GAMES Chamber of Commerce Finally Cernea i nreugn with Necessary Funds Paris, June 10. The Chamber of inT&?2uAns wnnniraeusly voted the 10,000,000 francs, recently premised by Premier Poincnre te the French Olympic Commit ten as the Government's share in the organization of the Olympic games for 1024. This action, which hns been generally tnken for crnntcrl tiAvahiltnlnuc .... heartily welcomed b'y nil interests con- '"' , wiui me when It was uennlfplv Inrrnn nn If miia i,A..H.i question the decision te held the games in luru una cniis ine long discussion which lias been going en between ths I reneli Olvmnle Onminliten . n,.- incnt nnd thn f Viu ni'll nf ilV,. fi... j Paris ever since the anmes warded te Pnris by the International vuiuiiiiiu'c in j.uuxunne lest June. Afnvnr TTnrrlnf In tilu til,,,, rAH r remarked that the Government wns re- itising te girv me games "te n city which hns pntlently prepared te organ- lzn tlmm nml fn irrnntlnrr lliAm n .... etlier city which for a year has been consistently refusing them." It required several minutes of M. Vldal's best oratorical efforts te con cen con vlnce the Mayer that, while the Cham ber of Deputies wns empowered te make laws for France, it hnd nothing te de with the nwnrd of the Olympic games. Navy Crew Overweight Annapolis, Md,, June 16. The Naval Academy crew, under Coach Hlchard dlen dlen den, started, a somewhat harder routine about three, pounds overweight en the aver- June 31. ' " """"-" u" rn nlncr wa ant hnfnrft innvttiir isinni.nii. Five Leading Batsmen in Each Majer League NATIONAL I.KAOUB O. A.II. It. II. p.n. Hemiliy, HI. T.euU fiS SOH 48 U .Sflli . urillllii. nun. .n iwi VI SI llUhee, rllteliursh. RO KOfl 87 li Kelly, New Yerk.. M SOI 0 14 llauDert. Cin'nnall 81) in h SO ii. urirritn, iikuii, as ieh i 41 380 1. .au .57 AMKIUCAN LKAflllK . , n. a.ii. . ii. HIsiiT. St. Lu,"-.i 57 54 101 Hleiilieanen. f'lrte'd Si 108 8 48 Miller, AlllIeilCB... 4H 100 SS 71 Cobb. Ih'trelt..... 43 103 2tt 60 Hiiejkrr, Cleveland 4S 109 SA St p.r .m .30 m 21 ,8AU .07 CHAMPION TRACK TEAM BsfsBBBBsV team this vcar nn Ihn IntmrJielajitie Horses and Probable Rider in Brooklyn Handicap Probable Jockey , Jehnsen . ,L. rotor ... Kaeae . . . . Ika . . . Panec . Callahan Kxtermlnster . . Mad Hatter .. Clrsr Imk .... gcnnlncs Park . CodUIe Alceek. BersMllere .... Pelljr Ann Hene Wt. .iss. .188. .its. .Itt. ,.110. ,1M, .103. . . . Merris , Martaelll ' Bancecala Stable. TURF STARS RACE ' Runcecna Stable. IU3. Exterminator Rules Equal Fa vorite With Gray Lag De spite Heavy Impost EIGHT ENTRIES LISTED New Terlc,' June 16. Exterminator, despite his 135-pound assignment, rules an equal cheice with the Rancocas stable's Grey Lng, who will have 120 pounds up, in the early calculations for the historic Brooklyn Handicap, which will have Its twenty -fourth an nual running at the Aqueduct course today ever the mlle and a furlong distance. The Rancocas stable has determined te start MadlIatter ns its second string. Candidates. WPlffhts nml nrntmkla riders for the $10,000 event are: Ex terminator, 130, a. Jehnsen; Grey Lag, 120, L. Fater; Mad Hatter. 128, B. Snnde: Sennlnua PnrV 100 t. Lyke; Captain Alceek, 116, C. Pence j BersngUere. 105, J. Callahan; Pelly Anna. 103, Lang; and Devastation, 102. Mnrlnelll. The track was fast when the final hour of ncceptnnce nrrlvcd. Should rain fall befern nnilt ffmn PTtarmlnn. ter will undoubtedly rule favorite be- voe ui nis pronounced neiuty in muddy going. AMERICAN NET STARS IN KENT SEMI-FINAL Mrs. Mallery and Miss Ryan Vic tors In Tennis Tourney Londen, June 10. Mrs. Mella Bjtir sted Mallery, the American tennis champion, defeated Mrs. Pcnceck, the English plnycr, In the Kent tennis championship tournament nt Becken- tinm Iippa ft-4 fl.d TVfra Afflllnrv nnlv wiM liinnt Mlflatn. Kane in the semi-finals. Miss McKane wen from Mrs. Stocks, U-0, O-.l. Mica T.MvnVintli Tlvnn e9 Onllfn..!.. ana -...CM U,, l.. a-jm.., l U.I&UilllU, defeated MIsb Clay, 0-3, 0-1, earning the right te piny Mrs. Beamish In the scml-flnnls. Tha match between Mrs. Mnllnrv nnA Mrs. Penceck aroused great interest In view of Mrs. Peacock's recent brilliant play. The court wns slew and heavy nnrl tVata ltrna tt tt unllif viz. vsaTIamIxm fii ini,.u nun viiiuiij ii u vuucj OIJS This Hhewed Mrs. Mallery te conaider- quie navaningp. iter ncctncss ei loot mill JiAr nntlrlnnttnn nf khnfu warn en. pccially admired. "REVENGE" BALL GAME Lew Tendler te Play in "Corners" Contest Today A ,.,.. nnm. Iint.t'n.m tltn l.ntnlinll .v tvi.i.ji Kil.i.v ..k,...i lt1, uuii;uiim icnms ei itiignin nnu uiimui streets and 'Eighth nnd Vine streets will be played this afternoon nn the Harry Mnckey Field, Forty-eighth nnd Spruce streets, The Vine streetcrs nre i-eeklng ven- Walnut street aggregation, 13 te 11, last Monday. Lew Tendler, local ll n e'ght star. will nnnpnr In the Wnliuit titraaieM line-up. The southpaw boxer, who throws right-handed, will piny second base. Ad Stone, the Marine light hnnwivnltrhf will nlnv nnn r,t thn lAl.l positions en the same team. i.iuuiL-minc rrisce J.egs, who mnnnges tlin Wnlnut utrant tilnA la .m,1.1..- with the nddltionel etrength of Tendler mm niuuu iiiui mi nine win v repeat. Tf la Rnlil unvnrfil tlinncnnd ,lll-.a chnnee hniiils en the result nf tha mn. test. The llnc-up: 6TII AND WAI.NUT Yerkle, p, "Til AN-D VI.VD Nik. B9. I'fnceck, 2b. HehdIh, Sb. llnlley. If. I. Cehen, lb. Deck, c. Jluck. p. Jenes, rf. ''rank. cf. u. Cehen and Alble, ir. Cleldle. 8b. Teddy, as. .Dnvle, lb. Tendlfr. -'b. Kioler, cf. Stene, rr. llev. c. Ulilert and Uarney ..hv. eirivr. bud,. Temmy Jlellly and Lew Beul. umpires. Click Defeats Yeung Epple rVaHnv Vflflr. Ann 1ft T tin.i. .- ... nnjw, eubi. ramsburs. sained the' decision ever Yeung Biple In the twelve. round enceuntr ., ;! Jorty.sevonih Regiment Aimery here. Marty ?UWVS' .' N,r yrk PPed Jee llurns In the first rnunri nf ih ,.,. ,.,,,. rriV..'". up. ltearcat Powell ifriiel.ed out KraASi. urewn in tne tlilrd round vt the scheduled 0-Ne!n; et 7h. lOSd' reulnrnt "-e.ArJ IS35S .'.''.., ,h," b'"SSSA. jf'.'-'-w . in teJ". rnKr'',th'''tu)r,eli.m;rP,av. IN THE BROOKLYN iaSSS'&'a .v.. . ,vm , ravuir sa-reuaa sstter- 7Z7...1: .-.Vj v"-1 "". "'iiiiy uuuuins in ina - - - ' - i ' - -'-"- - '- - ' -- ' ' - - J -3 Feature at the Aqueduct Race Track . I .. . a-.. .-.. . ,...-..-. it-at. 0 track anil flclil tltlA. in rll,t. Fermer Northeast Oarsman Will Set Pace for Eight and Four Juniors Tomorrow BACHELORS ARE FAVORITES UNDINE nthlctes will enter twelve races In the Navy Dny Regatta en the Schujlklll tomorrow, nnd like the hnhv nnrl tlin Knnn. they won't be snt isficd until every oarsman gets a victory. "WltH Allisen, Roency, Blessing, Agncw and ether fnmeus oarsmen. Undine Is well equipped te vie for supremncy with thn ntlipr nluhs along boathouse row. ........ .-,.....- jjul unuine is T)..t TT II -an HU.IWU1UW counting net only en the veterans, but also en the youth of the club. They nre banking en tbe juniors. Bill McFarlnne, one of the most polished enrsmen ever te pull n blade in Central' High shells, has K ennrge of the junior eight and the Central a deende age In the days when the Crimson and Geld ruled the waters -n,c h,emstic, fn"3- He knows the i'e .fr?!" t,,c (,P of the enr te the end of the recovery, nnd better still fcn?:r'ar, h. "ii?. te p that ......AU n,wub- lu emers. Consistent Coaching aicinrlane hns been out n the launch bnrking nt his juniors through his mcgnpl.0,,0 and he has given thorn te pull them te victory toimrrew. ef1 ym ih?vc b.e0" n,ens '' '" enst Jrlve nt twilight perhaps yen have noticed their eight stroked by n f.-ir-hnlred s rn Bht-hncked. inuscle-rlr.i.l 1 veu'h llO IS JllnillV Itlcknmra f,...,.. v..,i. east captain: url"- TIMilnl TH1. .., i .i ... i., n. .-i" n .", 'r",."1 e rignt-earcd j....., rai w ee i euiij. J-ort. Level. -.. ..-..v .. nun in no jjenny Uiente. vm,C0ASW1In lllp f0l!r oarsmen Willi tjhOnre nq i.nvu, ,.,! ...ill .... I fl .",,,, will U1SO row in the four-earcd gig. Fermer Scheel Stars Three of these juniors nre former scholastic athletes. Rlckn.ers rowed nnd played football at Northeast- tef,r0W,eiLn"i I,n5'0,1 football 1 as-' kctball nnd bnseball nt West Philll,. SStSTffirtT " foetbn11 playcr ni The Undine juniors de net rule the &"S ln.tIlP'r x?wntt The lep"sterS pick Bachelors becnufce n number of ateSi,.,,,ivoc,B,,,'efnons fnJ tti,iTbeiitheint rnce of the sc:,Rn for the Undine juniors, and MeFnrlane has them n the pink of "p t he 1r IV1 ,Evt'rr cT1,i,,K f,,r two hours e drills them In the technique f rH i and he gives them racing starts nnd brushes from the boathouse te the Falls mllelf6 nBnin' ft ,,,8,n, of Mx The junior four will race first, but two hours teIH nlnnm l,nf- .1... ' nnran,,r -.,,," .:'',- '"'"'." "'. "'"ne the eight. irting line in Rretlicra New Slrolie McFarlane also Is coaching the inter mediate juniors, cmnpnseil of Jlretlicrs f fSkeiirJIIIurP,,' a''tei.k and Frew ultli Walker ceaxswaln. Brethers l new man this ? car. He is nn KiirIM,- irTari,,!,iirnn,nt"n-,iteu The complete rmllne entries follew: Itoeney in the senior sincles nnd quarter-mlle dash : Allisen In tl e nuar- ter. II. n final, Itl..u..l., .. .!" 'U',r senior siiiKles-:' FelhnvTin i, 3 Z'l k ns e; Ariicw and KiirIe In jininr angles: Allium, bow. and lUeffi stroke, in spnini-ii,.ni,i..u. fl.J.. ."'' K,c!i.?u.r."i s.":11.'", Jjsnier io;,biefc ; bow Level: coxswain. Henler centlneile -Aliben, hew; Ne. 2. Ulessing ; Ne? 3, pellers; stroke, Hupplec. Inter- 8T!.r.?b tylwF? XH"-n'n. " wXct! ii A 'Ci" ,l'iireyH. new; Ne " McCnll ; Ne. 3, Jtseh; Ne. 4, Cut Icr : Ne. 5. Level; Ne. 0, Fert; Ne V' YnllllD?! Mlr.lfn IMnl, ... '...,U'. Cheatc. ' "wa". Klnsella Is Recovering miFM.i'n.r1 MnT..";:v""!r.1-. .Kinseiia. Fet'urneJ-recentlFtu Mtr"0 vihcrt he met doerse K. Cevty n an ?m aucicksful atlempt lu wrest from him tv. world's profes.lenal court lentils ItTe )1 ahowea that hhVel. which he TnjuKlVn'0" fall through a ulnu reef last Dee-.mber R.i yen 'n n condition efileep-JcHtui ; irVrectiun Ne Duriminent liuim s uu.ii.r ."ri!.u.n; irem thi TnJuf y. Nn runi! .--i'.m w IVUU!( RICKMERS STROKES TWO UNDINE CREWS iiff ALL-STAR POLOISTS TO PLAYFAUQUIER Noted Virginia Quartet Will Re main Here for Special Match Tomorrow COUNTRY CLUB IS WINNER Pole enthusiasts will have another op ep nnr'nnltv tn son llie fnmmit: Fnnnuler pole quartet of the Plainer Va., Inaction tomorrow attcrnoen, nt tne rniinncipnin Country Club. After the Woodcrest Cup finnl yes terday, the efflclnls of the Philadelphia Pole Commit cc announced thnt they hail Induced the noted Southern qunrtct te remain here tomorrow nnd oppose an. all-star nunrtct picked from men who nre actually playing pole. Philadelphia Country Club captured the Woedcrcst Cup, nrcscntrd hv A t Drcxel Paul, and trejihies ndded by the club yesterday by dcfcntlng the Bryn fliawr irexhunters In the finnt match, 10 goals te 7. Oeorge II. Beric, fid, who played at forward for the winners, wns again in goal-scerm? form. Of the ten genls accredited te his team, he tallied' six. Seme of these were real tbrl'hvs nnd driven from nlmen Impossible nn glcs. At tltnpM In nnan n-ln.n,MM.. HA ,L. goal line hlt mnllet work seemed un canny, ins inniiet appeared like n magnet te the ball. The seventh goal driven by him in the sixth period w3 u bhnip cut ufcr thc bnll had been mli'scd pr iltlbblctl by three ether play play erH. I hp pl!)illi u,i,,f.,l rtlun i... t.i. iH ---- -.- ..n..,.. ... ,,,v,i ..iv ujf mill in the mine period, he nSlssed the first nimc, wniiu was picKeu up bv Fred Itoc. who passed the bnll bnck "te Mr. stroke. ! loin ihe first clatter of the bell until its tinkle ended the game Mr. Earlc rode nnd played like a veteran. Fred Iteo, who wns Injured while schooling ills Texas thoroughbreds lust ttumruuy in nryn .unwr, rcturneii te the game yesterday. lie were a patch evcr .'lis right ej when he entered the gnine. nnd he "till had It when the gum' was ever. Mr. Hee wns off en some t f his rtrekes. He lulled n few, but his rldhig off and galloping after the ball compensated for his emissions In mallet work. "WILL DRAG CHANDLER WITNESSES IN"-R0TAN District Attorney Ketan declared pesitlrely this afternoon that he would prosecute Frederick T. Chandler nnd Earl T. Men denhall, of Chandler Bres. & Ce., bankrupt brokers, en all indict ments returned regardless of attempts te withdraw the cases. "If necessary," said the District Attorney, "I'll ding witnesses into court whether they want te come or ne.t." GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR HURT IN TRAIN CRASH B. McHenry, a government inspector, was among the injured when a P. B. B. express from Philadelphia te Leng- Branch struck an automobile at Allaire, N. J., according te a report reaching this city. ANTI-LIQUOR SHIP SUBSIDY AMENDMENT BEATEw WASHINGTON, June 16. Without n record vote the Hcubc Merchant Marine Committee today rejected the Bankhead amendment te the ship subsidy bill providing that no govern ment aid should be allowed ships en which liquor was sold. HISTORY REPEATS IN STATE NET PLAY Jehnsen, Pearson, Fischer and Cravis Enter Semi-Final Round Tennis history repeated Itself in thc twenty-ninth annual tourney for the Pennsylvania State Championship, when Wallace F. Jehnsen, the title holder, nnd Stanlev W. Pearson, runner-up, reached the semi-final round at the clee of the fourth round of play at the Merlen Cricket Cltih yesterday. Twe Oynwycl representatives, CnrI Fischer nnd I. S. Crnvls, completed the list of seml-nnnllsts, survivors of the field of fifty-four contestants who en tered the race for thc Commonwealth crown en Monday. The champion rounded out the fourth round bv ilefrwiHm. T?n.ln.l l.n. . Merlen, In strnight sets, thereby main taining his two-year record of winning all sets in the Pennsylvania champion ship. Jehnsen exhibited the brand of tennis that has kept him In the high place of the game for ever a j ivtrs. Stanley W. Pearson, national squash ehamnlen. mlneil ihniimii.iin,.ieii i. '.r . -"tint- uiMiumi i stepping the winning stride nf A. f). inayer, ,ir In an interesting mnteh In which both men brought into the cenllict every hit of tactical skill and lusty stroking thnt thev i)i)ss(M.,i v.... i uuvnriceii te tne penul- i tlmute reuni In 1.1m.,, t...e I...I n....i Carl inciter advanced te the penul Casey, of Merlen in ml," I ' , he Din meid 4m. .'" " ,CD,,,e,e f"r Player work hard for the victory, ir-f1 1 .?,? , "'I8 ,lt Hc",,'' "! hla tlculnrly in the second set. heiv the I ' 0"t,nB hcre !i"'" Ms arrival, tak men v, ere deadlocked at eight-all before i '"R " M'ln en the tideway at Puim.v Fischer broke through. . where lie is min, i ' . "."",' I. S. Cravis nill fnrnn.l ! . .1.. setter by T C. Leenard before it was decided which one of the C'jnwvd rcp resentnllves u-nnlil buteIh. ii... '.....(. reuinl test. The seml-linal bracket was also gained In the race for the doubles clmmpienshlp. As In the case of the singles, belh finalists from 11121 were still in the running at the conclusion of the tlilrd round of play. HAS NEWJALL"FIELD Wildwood's Diamond Will Be Ready by July 1 Wllduned, N. J., June 1(1. Wild Wild weed's new bnseball field is in the ,r? ...v...., .., ,, Mt'l'lien nf tnii m.iir ttiiiiil.tlnn I ..l.i..n i .. ... ,.. ..,. MiiiKMHIIIII Hint has been purchased en Park Iletilcvurd. j iiu niuiEiiBvi in ueing Illieu j with saiul and the entire surface will be covered with two Inches of loam that will furnish an excellent grass plot for everything outside of the diamond. City Knglneer Harry K. Weir, work ing under direction of Geerge K. riln minim, chahinan of the Itear.l of Trade t enunlttce, has laid nut the Imsnimii WSK&W.iW&Tgg'ir&Xi PHI Je N N. C. A. A. MEET Mere Than 300 Athletes Begin Preliminaries in Second An nual Event in Chicago LARRY BROWN IS ENTERED rii.tenim Tumi IflWlth ifliirs than -"."?. .. -; ," . . ! Kim nthlctes representing niiy-ieur in stitutions here for thc second annual trnck and field meet of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, com petition is expected te be the keenest Stagg Field hns witnessed, i'rciimi- nnrles arc being held today. I Because of the stiff competition In ' I.ICII I'VCHl, lining rtuuilin iiiaiie lani, . year nre expectetl te go by the beards I. ......B.L .... bammh.Im .MailA lAflfr . wmiuui mucn cauri en iiic lmii ui the participants. I TI1Im1m PkIIIabhI. rtwmt Vnl TM.A 1 J1I11IU1B, V.UII1UIIIIU UIIU UllD "" nlene hnve individual stars who have Dctiereu iiirce-ieunns ei mc mams which new stand. When Johnny Merchant, of Califor nia, stens un te hurl the hammer, the record of Charlie Redmen Is almost sure te fall, for the Coast star throws me weiajnt iiu iect nnu iuu record Is 133 feet 0 inches. la the one-mile run, Bruce Patter son has stepped four seconds faster than the mark of Rny Watsen last year. But In order te cop top honors the Illl Illl neisnn will have te beat the Eastern chnmplen, Larry Shields, of Pcnn State, nnd many ether four-lap stars. Im the javelin threw Milten Angler, who holds tbe national record, will fficitt, mrnlnat Tlrnmln. nf TAtin nn,l Heffman, of Michigan, for the big prize nnd te beat the mark made hy Johnny Hnnner. of Lcland-Stnnferd, of 301 feet '2i Inches. In the half-mile, Larry Brown, of Pcnn, Is out te break Earl Eby's record of 1 :52 2-5. Brown Is the sensation of the East and if the West- emers keep up with him, they will J accomplish much. Ynten. nf Till lints? TTwrlann nt T..- due, and Wall, of Wisconsin,' nre the rmr irum me ..uig ion uenierence. Knck nnd Helfrlck. from Pcnn State, nre suld te be leaders In this event. Ceughlln Wins Again T,J,h8 fW1" Catholic Club defeated the Philadelphia Typenrsphlcal Union In n closely cemeited irame at Thlrtylthlrd and Dauphin streets yesterday afternoon. The score was 7 te 0. QUOIT PITCHING STAGES "COMEBACK" IN PHILA. Industrial Plants Organize Teams and May Ferm League Quoit pitching is rapidly gaining fa vor In Philadelphia as an outdoor sport. The iron rings can be found flying en mnst fl,ll I'nnnnt lnf In Vn nllM .! " ...v....w .wv ... ii.t v-iij', aun i many exciting games are being played. In the industrial plants especially the game is making great headway. .' licrever there is a plot of ground at tached te a manufacturing plant, work men muy be seen indulging In a frlendlv game during the lunch hour. The in terest nrniikiwl In flmc nn.. i .: , " : ' .'" v.'.i.- suiiiva Hns re sulted in the formation of teams, and may be formed CUBl"- u lliu iiuur IUTIiri fl rnvn n- laM..A At nrpsenr the TT.n.. ni... ,. c I EM'?!: "-''Wt Cmpnny. Atlas -... v-w. .,(,.!,,. ,U rl, t Allen Com Cem nanv Imve fnpm,ui , n.i" V ". mpany 'is "endeavoring- e e'rgnX a ' team, anil the Electric Storage Ilnttery ftm,,Qa"Ln'n- f0 en... The Cam.? "'in uuuii iurnriniii .f '.,....1 it American V, ii "V.." e. " . . l.Mtasf T V(1-.n . .1 r. - . .. Company. ' Fifth st'reet and' ( ie weed ?;nC.n.U1'-hf," '"-H?1 challenge 'teTery team dustrlal plant. " "" '" ihj uiv rittiriuin i .... HOOVER BEGINSWORK Has First Outlnn In d. i- ErJaidiien or Diamond Sculls ibe1":, J"!ir ."-;V-.rr Hoever. ,- -- e..m-s single sculls cliain- n im .,n l i y. . . "hih training. B ",8 P"-miiiary Ijcellent tn.i.. ....... anUheai! Wn" '"s "rst time' out I,, . 'rir' expressed the opinion that he ADOPTS NEW POLICY Virginia Curtails Schedule of Athletic Teams, W. Va June Hi V w2 ,,,!BritUire V. .l'ven.u u,"l' for director of iitMetlcs .,.." """M,"!-". "i " A. Stalls bnrv Mere conservative clieiiuius Am The anniib'l lift nut f..m . srj'Vil. imll trip will tlin lnmlii.tiinll i L"eh, wlille vasien, will plu astern In- j ('s insteau ei ten, ihe wiestlin: tram .l"nittke only no long trip, that te Iowa for the In In crsectleiuil I'lintMsiu with Ai..u 'ni. mountaineer irldirnii team will' mak,. fl&fi' ii lis PHILUES WL Bsat m Mate at QlaHala' i CAMBRIA A. CJ n j y , ttmwt-x9l wiVtMdi -: ,: -. -- WlTXIF. OKKN ri TOlTfsjJufll EN'S ani ypunp; men's 4-piece Sports Suits of Im ported Tweeds. Finest that ?35 te comes from $50 ever th? seas! Samples sent en r,cqueat. A GRAND CO. tiiorie n S Vr SGrUUV UUI DT. Una deer above Walnut ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Alse CHEMISTRY DRAWING ENGLISH PHYSICS and Other SUMMER COURSES Planned for students who wish te enter advanced classes in September. STARTING NOW DREXEL EVENING SCHOOL .Dt&-A RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES Save S10 te $15 ON OUR FACTORY FLOOR Here you don't pay (or any large overhead, such at high rentt, large advertisements, etc. mil sniuMt $ 1 7.SO T-ll.'Hri-Tsl $12.SO AS2rI $20.00 All tha Latest Medels and Materials S.E.Cor.9th&Sansem Second Fleer rnrrhtslns; Asrnts' Orders Aeeepteil Open Until 11.30 V, M. A LL aboard for Vaca- tienland ! Before bearding the train for your fuvorite summer recreation place, be sure te arrange te have the Evening Public Ledger mailed te you every day. The E enincr Public Ledger prints en an aver age of from one te two mere pages of late news and entertaining features than any ether Philadel phia evening newspaper. Telephone or senil In your siimmar subseriptlen new. for one. two or three months, the porled you will be away, and recolve your favorlte newspaper raw. ulnily with your dally mall. Summer Subscription Rates rublic Lsdftr (Mern'f) 00c SlQ $.M Public Lsdftr (Evening) 50c l.M 1,50 Public Ldgr (Sunday) 50c 1.00 1.50 Hummer suUserlptlens mar ha entered by tbe week. Forward your Bummer Hubat-rlatlen with remlllancs (e ClriiUtlan iiilVi. nwit. Publle ledger Cemp.q""nina75Sll' ene Bquars. Phlladslphla. """W" l HM a-a-i Wti-inn -Sail lsatasaasSaSSJ" ' ' r f Sassf. MS LbsbbbbbB'vR'Sbbb ' I M , k t ,- r-t AX3,i. 'JS'v! -fy i.VHi 2j&j2i&&j t 1 ?& i MPwvfeu! im.