Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 16, 1922, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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mrsrWikehs Menu
JUNE 16, 1922
1tMtnih tflntldinaMdl1:
t ' ' ' . v'.j
.for tne wtt-tna
Tempting Things Net Fu$y te
Prepare, Among Them Cut
lets of Veal With a De De
licieils Spucc
Ctimleht. 1911. bv Mrt. if. A. Wilten. All
'VJ"y rleMl reitTV!t
TWIN is tlie Hcnueii of the year when
ili ntriiitc housewife longs for
Imn'rr method, and wme dlrtiei that
rreii!"' V(r-V "t,,e '88nK te make at-
If urn will plan ami work out the
l) n't 'iiiiieilmit d'she 'during the carlv
an, cool lietirn of the morning, the
r fin; of the menl nn the table In the
, i' u'll renllv he vcrv little work.
"'ip menu this week will be planned
te Intitule Saturday, be no te make for
mere xlmpllflcrt eoeklng during the sum
mer innntlnf
fliifKi'stlM' Menu for Saturday te
Saturday Breakfast
Hire Cakes With Bacen
i Teatt Coffee
1 Luncheon
Cream of Lettuce
Vegetable Salad
Cottage Cheece Walnut Balls
Stewed Pi lilt Iced Tea
Tomate Canape
Veal Leaf Hellandale Sauce
, I'otateea Snap Beans
licet Salad
Cup Cwlnids ' Coffee
Sunday Breakfast 4
l'llffy Omelet
lyeniialse I'otateea Sliced Tomatoes
Cottage Hill Muffins Coffee
Clieene Canape
Veil l.enf Cutlets Pimente Sauce
Bnmnril Potatoes
Snap Beans Au fSratln
Tomate Salad
Cup Cuetnrdh With Crushed Berries
Whipped Cream
1 Coffee
Derby Downs Rabbit
Sliced Tomatoes
Btcwrd Fiult Spenge Cake
.Monday B-califait
Stewed Fruit
Rlie (Sriddlc Cakes
1 Itlce Cake?
WWi one and a half cups of rice,
plicc In saucepan
1 ice inarte of heiliiu; unter.
One teaspoon of mil.
Add the lice slowly and cook until
oft ami the water Is absorbed. New
enel the 1 lie. place three clips of the
roeked lice In smnll bowl and place In
bowl In the ii-filgernter te be used In
the rice gilddletuKes for the Monday
breakfast. Allew two cups of cooked
riiu fei uul leaf, Plate the balance of
ti.f rite In mixing howl attd add
One-half cup of finely chopped
One-quarter cup of finely chopped
jrrei pepper.
We Ktll-ecatcn eggs.
One and one-half cupg of flour,
Tire leicl tablespoons of baking
Mix well and form In flat cakes and
brown In het fat. Serve gnrntshed
with bacon and with maple 'syrup.
These takes are made Hat in the hand
and a sie between the muffin and the
griddle cake. IVe a grlddle-cake turner
te turn the cakes whljc cooking In the
het fat ,nd drrin 011 soft paper te ab
sorb the excess of fat.
Veal Leaf
Place two pounds of cooking cal in
lAUd'pan mid add
One qiini I of boiling water,
Tire onion, innuctl fine.
One liiniiet of netip herbs.
Ceei and cook slowly until tender;
enel, reiuee bones mid put meat through
feed (.hopper, adding the salt perk
Our firni pvppei,
7iiie onion.
Tain in mixing bowl and add
7 ice M11 0 thick cream sauie,
Une-hnlf cup of finely chopped
Tire Irmpoens of salt,
Our teaspoon of pepper.
One teaspoon of peult) ll seasoning,
()m teaspoon of thyme,
Tire ciiH of cold looked rice,
Tun 11 ( II -lien tin eggs.
Mis well te blend and turn In deep,
ell-cre.iM 1 leaf-shape pan and pat
laineth: spi Inkle the top with coarse
bieaik iiiinhs mid baste with three tu tu
bUsieiiiis of melted shortening and bake
In medi 1 ate een for fifty minutes. Use
just about one-half of the leaf for the
dlnni'i. Te prepare the cutlets, meld
the left -ever eal leaf Inte cutlets and
roll In Heur: then din in beaten egg
nd milk and tell In fine breadcrumbs
nil fij in deep fat.
Pimente Sauce
Prepaie cieam sauce, using about
two cup ami add
7'ue uill-beaten eggi,
'lun ted peppes, thepped fine.
tine-null cup of melted buttei.
One-quarter cup of finely chopped
Hut well te blend and heat slowly
te boiling point.
liy Helen Decie
1 fnrmnt mm i .. -,..1.1 i.n. A !..
e.inL rea "'UMitlenubly rude for n man
,w itthO another miin'u lnnnlmr n.irtnnr
S? .'.l'i!.wnll. Ul dance was In prog preg
lav'tv, O.'" times, ether manneis1' Te.
if n M.i.cut,n ls merely un Indication
miiii?ir . Popularity and of a mun's
?.?i''??.",n,v utonnltleu of It.
ntii liiJ"B ieW Itoblnsen Is dancing
nt J.arry..,Nerma- Beb Clifferd. In-
rcn .1..V-.1 "' w "l CIIIICI IVilUIIIH
.' Mi.lllTlllLT t ,lia .l.nA
tuts in ni '" .Lur ,I,B ll,ne ecmtr, or
in en anethpp mu' ,ii.n,.i,, ,,n.
P'r. SoiiiPiimeJ n"i.i "V;.""."" '":
eanv nt.fn.""v".,'' "'.""' "uv "
IUrlc li.Vii"'.."? ""'" pamierH
man who has net been
IhesB u,?, '"K,, "n.nce Needless te iay.
E?l Vtcut '" MleuId b? 0wn te tile
W... l a man who lm nn i.n in.
Rlht te aM?mn!8 !' tl,e flr hn the
rnt t0dec)lne te dance with him.
Sffi8c8ss; . tht viatnJ it
mera con-
Mar of
W Bm. fCJ?i veu have, th wtatth et
51 Pe,ca,l.f.t..t"c'"r.6.d "X" ? jaftfc
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!!. . villi 1IJU I.I1H n.i
wr' ,r.9 uuuvir
Hen Sf .'iHr 'S1!' fnwy na Rotearavura
The Wanamafcef Down Stairs Stere Is a Great Summer Shopping
Place-Coel, Cheery and Perfectly Ventilated
SwSSHaCi MliJRrH1 yv. tit PI it ' anHIBBSMa nil n BHDH9B rHWiTBir WTi I FiV
giwwlag vnrMiv'Mi Is! aHiHmtil; iin S ilWv ehIHhIB rfffifHOTQiH
S2C , Iiii::int D ' ffllBfffiffl:f ifr WBiimrWwmm
l aW M'JlWf .1 ir . 1 1 k III9HI9UI, 4 -EC HI IbMbX i XBlBIlEi:C;:::R.Lt
$8.75 $5.50 '$10 $8.75 $15 $5.25 $6.50 $25
4200 Fresh, Coel Summer Dresses Ready
for the Week-End
That means hundreds of different styles, hun
dreds of different colorings all at prices se low that
no woman need hesitate as te whether a new dress
is really needed. Needed or net, every, one of these
dresses is a joy te own and te wear. And what's a
vacation without some pretty new clothes?
Sports dresses of striped tub silks, Shantungs,
cotton epenge and linens slip-evers among them.
Coel silk frocks of foulard, crepe de chine,
printed crepes and Canten crepes in all the colors
of the rainbow.
Airiest of all are the dotted Swisses, organdies,
voiles nd tissues.
. And ginghams? Ne end te these cheery, practi
cal dresses.
New Linen Frecks
$8.75 and $10
$8.75 dresses are in three styles and three
colors pink, Copenhagen and white. Slip
over and coat effects among them.
$10 dresses are trimmed with bands of ma
chine stitching and come in cool gray, orchid
or brown with leather belts.
Tub Silk Frecks, $10 and $12
Colored pencil stripds and white satin
stripes in a great variety of .widths en white
grounds. Six models a particularly dis
tinctive one has fringed suede leather pockets
and a leather belt in orchid or brown.
Shantung Slip-ens, $7.50
Piactical Summer dresses with which te
wear white blouses. Piped in brown silk or
self material.
Shantung dresses, trimmed with fageting,
Epenge Dresses, $5
Tailored sports frocks in gay colorings
some are hemstitched and trimmed with peail
buttons; ethers arc in cent effect.
Airy Voile Dresses
at $2.50 te $12
Wee figured patterns, cool hairline
checks, pin dots, larger dots, Harlequin
checks, and plain colors this gives you
some idea of the choice among these
charming Summer dresses. They're in
dark blues,' blacks and brown, light
pinks, blues, lavenders, tans and greens,
whiter in fact, nearly every Summer
color one can 'think of.
Especially fine are the dresses of
French voiles at $10 and $12.
Festive Organdies
$7.50 te $25
Organdies make one think of garden
parties and Summer dances. Celers
seem lovelier than ever. Prices start at
$7.50 for an organdie with an embroid
ered white dot and go te $25 for a frock
of fine Swiss organdie with wide bands
of cut-work embroidery in the skirt.
Between these prices is a fascinating
Dotted Swiss Dresses, $8.75
Designed especially for young women wear
ing sizes 14 te 18. White organdie is used
in the sides of the skirts and shows ruffles of
the colored Swiss. In brown, blue or rose.
Sports Frecks !f Satin-Stripe
Epenge, $15
In jade green-and-white plaid or all white
with soft white satin for the bodice. The
cellar and cuffs are of plaid te match the skirt.
Tissue Gingham
Frecks, $5
Coel and airy and remarkably serviceable
dresses. In brown, green, maize, pink or
Copenhagen checks with hemstitched organdie
cellar, cuffs and pockets. Sizes 14 te 18.
Summer's Finer Gowns
include some very delightful lace dinner
dicsscs in black and creamy beige at $22.50.
Elaborately embroidered and tucked net
dresses are $37.50.
Seft airy chiffon dresses with draped skirts
nnd biead silver girdles are also $37.50.
Petticoats, $1 te $5
This wonderful Summer pet
ticoat has 20 te 22 inch hem
stitched hems; this makes it
virtually a double petticoat
which can be worn with com
fort and assurance under the
sheerest Summer frocks.
$1 for flesh-pink or white
$2 for fine white sateen pet
ticoats. $3150 for white tub silk
$5 for extra-size tub silk
Setticeats in white, navy or
Deris Princess
Slips, $2
White, flesh or orchid batiste
Deris Princess slips with nar
row lace edgings around the
4-Inch Two-Tene
Ribbon, Special,
58c a Yard
Beautiful double-faced satin
ribbon, 4 inches wide, is in black-and-Copenhagen,
old blue-and-rose,
brown-and-turquoise, navy
and - orange, brown - and - tan,
brown-and-jade, navy-and-gray,
black - and - gray, black - and -white,
brown-and-orange, henna-,
and-gray, and black-and-rose.
This is being greatly used en
dark silks, soft voile frocks and
white dresses.
Lightly Bened.
Elastic-Tep Corsets,
$1.50 and $2
Beth are for the slender te
medium stout figures comfort
able corsets for all but the very
stout. Ideal for Summer, as
they are light in weight and al
low plenty of freedom of move
ment. Of pink striped or bro
caded ceutil.
New! Cape Clasps
Oxidized metal and bright cel
luloid cape clasps are new and
striking. They are also used a3
finishing touches for whole frocks
and as buckles en narrow ribbon
, (Central)
Extra-Fine Sample
Handbags, $5
(Many Are Half Price)
Just one or two of a kind and
every one a delight.
Imagineia round, puffy silk bag
with a June rose for a clasp.
Anether has n most beguiling
black medallion encircled by
rhinestones acting as a clasp.
All of the frames are very
lovely and very unusual. The
bags are mostly of heavy moire
silk in black, navy, and gray.
Linings and fittings are of the
finest grades.
Any bag in the group would
make a charming gift.
$3.90 $2 $3.90 $3.90 si
Women's Oxfords and Pumps
Special at $2 and $3.90
Lewest prices of which we knew for
fashionable styles !
low shoes of this quality and in these
Special at $2
Geed-looking black leather Oxfords have
straight tins, wing tips and simulated saddle
straps, All with low heels and welted soles.
Tan leather Mary Jane pumps.
Twe-tone sports Oxfords of smoked leather
with tan saddle straps.
Oxfords of tan grained leather.
Special at $3.90
Tan calfskin pumps with turned soles and
baby French heels. .
White Oxfords of leather, like buckskin, with
welted soles and medium heels.
Tan-and-white Oxfords are very smart.
Mary Jane pumps of black calfskin
backs, heels and straps of giay suede.
Oxfords of black grained leather have
vamps or straight tips and low heels.
Many ether styles in broken sizes.
Nete: Net all sizes in every style, but excellent and most
advantageous cheesing, especially in the earlier part of the day.
New Summer
Hats at $5
Airy hats of Georgette trimmed
with ostrich are lovely and mark
edly becoming.
Many white hats are of gleam
ing baronet satin or of dull Can Can
eon crepe or crepe de chine, of
shimmering taffeta or light, airy
Then there are all the cool
light colors te match Summer
dresses, as well as dark ones for
Little hats, big hats and me
dium sizes in turn-up or turn
down shapes.
Geed-Looking All-Weel
Suits for Men Special at $21.50
Sports suits and geed business suits.
Wanamaker suits in every particular, ' tailored as they should be
They're made of -all-wool fabrics much firmer and finer than are
usually within reach of such a moderate sum. Among them are cassi
meres, cheviets, a few tweeds, fine herringbones and indefinite checks.
Palm .Beach Suits, $14.50
Mohair Suits, $16.50
Men' 8 Half Hese, 50c
DreD-stitch hose of artificial silk with
annearance of pure silk. Or plain half hose of
pure thread silk. Beth in black, cordovan, navy,
Russian calf, gray and Palm Beach.
Outing Trousers
Khaki-color trousers are $1.85.
White flannel trousers are $8.50 and $10.
They are all-wool and have the creamy tint of
geed flannels.
(Gallery, Market)
Men's Summer Furnishings
Of Wanamaker Quality Lew Priced
Open-end four-in-hand ties, in stripes and figures at 25c.
Foulard silk ties, in geed colors and dots of several sizes, at 35c.
Special heavy black grained leather belts with black buckles at 50c.
Well-cut shirts of 80-square percale in fast-color stripes at $1.20.
Geed madras shirts at $1.35.
, White sports shirts, made in four ways, with soft cuffs or wristbands, neck
bands, soft cellars and button-down cellars, at $1.65.
Terry cloth bathrobes are real "finds" at $4.50.
Seft cool cotton pajamas, with frogs, are in blue, tan, pink, lavender and white
at $1.50.
(Gallery, Mnrltet)
Small Beys' Wash
f Suits, Special at $1.75
sizes a te a years in two styles.
Beth have geed white jean waists,
finished with emblems en the
sleeves, and heavy gingham
trousers. On one, the trousers
button en te the waist and are in
blue, gray or green.
The trousers of the ether are
in brown, gray or blue, and the
waist has a wide band buttoning
down ever the trousers, with
lacers at the sides. Sturdy, well
tailored suits I
$2.75 Each
Red-tipped beaks, red-tipped
wings and the cheeriest of
whistles make these gay Ori
ental birds real delights for
There are only one hundred
of them in this special ship
ment, and their price is far
less than the regular rate of
wholesale dealers.
(Bird Case, Down Stairs Stere)
Women's Stockings
in Fashionable Celers
Twe kinds and both special.
Of pure silk in a firm, even
weave, semi-fashioned with mer
cerized cotton tops and soles, in
black, cordovan, African brown,
Russian calf and medium gray.
Or silk-and-flber mixture (it
leeks like all-silk), semi-fashioned
with cotton tops and soles
in slate, Russian calf, cordovan,
navy, black and white. "Firsts."
Beys' Khaki Jean Knickers
Special at $1 Pair
Feel the quality of the jean ! Then, turn the knickers
inside out and see hew they are made ! Seams are strongly
finished, pockets and facings are all of self material and the
knickers are cut comfortably and durably full.
These knickers are made by the best manufacturer of
boys' wash knickers and this is a clearaway. That explains
both their sturdiness and the low price.
All have two buttoned hip pockets and belt loops. There
are inner waistbands in the smaller sizes.
One word about the khaki jean it is sulphur-dyed arid
keeps its color better than the average.
Sizes 7 te 18 years.
(Gallery. Market)
Beys' Vacation Shoes, $2.90
Geed sturdy shoes for rough wear! They are of tough tan leather,
in Blucher or straight-lace style and are just the shoes for vacation,
when boys play harder than ever. Sizes 10 te 13.
Big Beys' Shoes
Special at $1.90
This is a. let of special shoes in broken sizes. All sizes, from
1 te 5, among them, however. Of black leather, in htraight-lace style,
with durable soles.
(Gallery. Market)
Women's New Silk
Bathing Bleemers
ThiB is a new low price for
well-cut bloomers of black taf
feta or satin. Women and girls
like te wear them with slip-en
Hundreds of Suits
perfectly plain and straight of
line or charmingly trimmed with
white, cretonne or colors, are
made of black sateen and surf
satin at $1.75 te $5 and of silk
at $7.50 te $18.50.
Knitted wool suits of various
kinds are $4.60 te $8.75.
Geed rubber caps are 12c te $1.
Shoes are 38c te $1.90.
(8urf Stere, Market)
Imported Gingham
Special at 38c Yard
Beautiful imported gingham, se soft and finely woven, that it
feels almost like silk and is cool and delightful te wear, is 32
inches wide. In various pretty checks brown, green, lavender,
red, pink, navy, light blue, black and yellow.
What charming frocks this will make for girls, big and
little, nnd for their mothers!
Girls' Silk Dresses
Lowered a Third te a Half
Principally of taffeta in navy, brown and Copenhagen and a few
pastel shades. Here and there a small number of crepe de chine
dresses. Net many of any one kind, though all sizes from 8 te 14
are in the group. Newly priced $5, $7.75, $10 and $15.
Clearaway of Coats A Third Less te Half Price
Pole coats, mixtures, hemespuns, tweeds, and veleurs in sizes
ranging from 6 te 14 years. New marked $5, $7.50, $10 and $13.50.
Camping Clethes for Girls
Khaki-color middies ate $1.50; bloomers, $1.75; knickers, $2.50
Pleated white jean skirts, $1 nnd $2.
White middles In a great variety, $1 te $2.
Scores of Charming Summer Frecks
of voiles, organdies, dimities, ginghams and pongees at $2.50 te $16 50
J r- , ,,
rushes. a . r m n
i ll ll ' I' ibimi l r i ll r --iii I ll
-rv ; v iaii i tsr Atj
' ri " ' n
A Sale of
Lew-Priced Summer Blouses
Starting at $1
At $1 and $1.35 there is a choice of eighteen different models
in all sizes from 34 te 46 v.hite blouses nnd colored blouses, prin
cipally of voile.
Sample Blouses, $1.75
Coel, fresh dimity blouses in
checks and stripes with youthful
Peter Pan or roll cellars finished
with interesting edgings.
Wonderful Cheesing at
AH "sorts of delightful dimities
in a full tange of sizes.
Tie-back voile blouses and
tuck-in voiles, fnlly with laces
and ruffles.
$3.25 te $4.50
What a variety! Sheer batistes, some with high necks or Peter
Pan cellars. $3.25.
Frilly voiles, adorned with lace, $3.50.
Organdie nnd voile blouses with many vertical rows of lace open
in bnck and have Peter Pan cellars. $3.75.
Exquisitely tailored blouses of sheer dimity are trimmed with
baby Irish lace. $4.50.
Tricelette Blouses, $1.90
A surplice model with a black-and-white
striped silk sash. In
black, white, navy and flesh pink.
Extra-Size Blouses 48 te 56
Special at $2.35
A manufacturer's samples of white voile blouses in many different
models,, trimmed with luces end embroidered organdie bands. Seme
are just a little mussed.
Hand-Made Blouses
$1.90 and $2.25
All of white batiste with
square, V or t'eter i
Ten different models,
them aie mussed.
n cellars.
Sonie of
Sale of
"Wara" Japanese Straw Rugs
6x9 feet $3.50
27x54 inches 75c
36x72 inches ....$1
4.6x7.6 feet $2.50
8x10 feet
9x12 feet
Last shipment this season of these freshly made,
durable rugs!
(Kant Aide)
i fc"
f 1?JJ
"T M
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'I f.