pwyFfflprfS WWSJJS W.e MM, r tf. : . i 8 ." m 7 i r . if 16 Is It Better te Marry a Peer Man Fer Leve, or a Rich One Without It ? iiy wiNNin.i.n WITO.' will he dlMlluMened and cm- X hltternl about n liu-bund. nnj iray; jeu misfit if well innrr) for . . mono), nut feu the matron. "When 1 wni in- tenel) romantic- n n d veiinc I "corned " nil ' my MibIMp viiiter, ' lirvnie thcx did' ler ) ,im w n v v i and tnll' like due necl here HAtil'KH in. i.i-.r ; ' " ' "" '" ' Then. If you are peer ind nhlltV te fcrlmp nnd pconemize mid pinli .vid worry nnd wenr old c'nthes and de nil your houeliekl druJ'erv. von feel prcttv bitter. " ' If lee of the wild remnniln fvne i had lnted. it M possible you'd never object fn the peverU nnd toil. 1 u.iv peimc. for I am net mire Jr I bnril for n woman te tee her ventli slip by with no luxuries Hut at leuft. If you are hliH.full. happy, in the adoration nf a model husband, It 1h PORslble that jeu will net lejret bav Ing niarilnl peer. Hut my de,r. wher4 nre ten tnnc te ihid lilm? Medel hnvhands are ns frarce a hen'. teeth. I nm taw one!" forty-two anl I never DIHCOL"ItAOi:i). the Inqulrlns clrl turned te another matron. Thl" one was equally frank and cemmuni- rative She hail done iu.t the onne- site married rich nnd cold-bleodedly. What would "-he ni ' Would "he cor roborate the decision of the ether ma tron? "Don't make any n.ltake. dear clrl. tVi' If -. (Al-JS n ly CI I dee'nred I would '", " b(,"St nml I'.il.l Ml It f3$iv?v ;. Jl ed fur violent '" knew- thnt jeu did nut love film ku'',vS)M V"?B '.i. whirli I did! ,mt "re "HH'iR te marry him atijnav, JM W In n brief time "c uc-pjs;h jeu in ni-t nrnrt, ter ne , - (lie imn .oels, and hne"-', tn,lt ,0" "avc "eui jour-cu "" wtSMFdiin . t . - tinned nsnliwt nntnre. Seme day lie Nethln? justifies marrlase bit the most Any ether motive is sordid nnd Im- lntene love' A ymn; creature thinks moral. When they point te our mnn nhe I" worldly and clever In her divorce", we reph that they de net vision of future companionship with a indicate any mere unhnppine. but wenlthy hii-dund, she sees only mag- merelj freer laws. Trance, nlse, ha nlflccn't homes nnd enrs and travel, a tremendous divorce rate, yet Trance nnd exquisite clothes. In her ijtne- nlwny" has bad the prneticc of th ranee, she never realizes that the man'marriaee of convenience. herein ( Bees w'th thee! does the Ideal system lie? t Paul and Virginia heixna heyt grant j Jekll nnd Hyde MILE after tnl'e nf smooth roadway Instilled in I'a il the sublime con cen fldcm e n'wns irnnlfpsterl In the new motorist. V'rginin nt beside ' i n ti d noticed '. r e u d 1 y bow tlinr- . i s h 1 expert he -.i eMiixl, as his feet t r e s i e d the levers u ' ese ones he had ex I 'ained te her already n ilezen times. She no- v Jy?Vv. 'i I hew lirm rnul's XlfiV, i w re.tlly wns. und "A ew Keen hi" eye", and vA i e w thn-euxhly a t home le .eemed ns he ear Here at the wheel, master of the purring machlncrj of the new car. "Ir runs wonderfully, doesn't It, dear?" "Oh, pretty geed, considering pbe Isn't rea'H limbered up yet. Yeu knew they never re.illv run smoothly till you've turned off nbeut n thousand miles en 'em. ' "Ne'" "Ne. Steering buckle and the genrs arc nlwnvs stiff nt flrt. Hut that doesn't pha?e me. of course " Virglnl i nodded respectfully and obviously quite impressed. "Of ceure net," she agreed timidly "Lets of tlmv something gees wrong with the stirltii gear anil bloeey before you knew It. jour car is In the ditch and It's u"ual'y the driver who gets killed Yeu see the old wheel plnn him under and he's usunlly dead before thej drag him out from un der." "I'nul ! Don't talk like " and she Interrupted herself with a little scream, for I'nul wkkedly thrown en some spend and Virginia' terrified glance at thu speedometer indicated they were burning up the read at forty miles. "I'nul Step It this Instant. Yeu don't knew what mtgnr happen. Paul. pleiie "top or "low it down." The spied fell off te around twenty- The Unconscious tTee Rldijrfleld i te typr of qirl trhn unrnnscwmly tempM men te nut' fete te hrr. Whm ihc rrfutri Dick H'AcWcr, Ac trie fe commit mtrtdr, nnd t' ?iied by it juerdt'in. Carry 1'hrlpi Curry, brliritiiq t'lre te br a hrnrtlri Hut, urreul3 tn mrrtlni her. trim hrr hiart, and finally pmuidri hir te run axrny and marry Aim On thrxr uiddmg mgnt In order te nvrmjft Dirk, he trlh hr he detpHej her, hut te Al amaze mrnt, he ennnnt hate her (it he ferh hn thnuld, flea's fimt thought te fucape from him, but tcieti he pre vents that, sha realties that the brave thing in de is te stay and face things. They start ter Carey's ramp In the mountains, and en the tram t'lre rares for a bnby traveling alone xrith Its young father. Carey, in order tn ichip up his hatred for her, accuses her of the rfestra te have a flirtation with a strange man, ahirh is nintil festhi tintiue. The. Return of Fear TTOW dcsirable she was! JL J ' This thought baped up In Cnrev's mind even while he thought of ether ways te fun t her If enlv be could believe that she wns renllv true nml sweet. Jf only It were possible te ndmlt te himself as he sat there looking lit tier downcast pyes ntnl tender mouth, that it whs net n pose ' Hut ir hi" b'nrt nf hearts he knew what -be wns i'luie had been Dick nml that nice bev. Heb ElWwmth, and Ged knows bow mam men hi fore that Sin1 had gene en her wuv through life sprnidiiu In i ibnniis ile u butterlh net te tut' Ii men's luaris, and what n triumph fur her If she found It pos sible l i lulng li i in te hi r feer ns well lint that would iicwr be! Cniey swore It Ml wi gili t himself He mUht hue bcr, he might want her uiispeaknhlv, but si"' should iicwr himw. Alums he would tiud some wm te hurt hei, and If time mine n timn when she could no longer bear his ineel;er , he would let her go. und make it appear te these who knew her that It was due cntireh te the fuel that she wis tee much the flirt te be satisfied with tlie love of one iniin Hut net jet ! And Curej Mlddi'iilj of tin' camp where inking her l lick was the mil) one who Rh' existence' besides hiinsi If. thought lie was knew uf He and WlcK imn emeu gene tiice alone or tecctht'r for u few ilnjs of solitude, und between them they had made it a plncc nt rare cnnrin !' '. . L . ..... . . - . txwB wti'w"" mi in n imii! cieariiii or nine iWW,It u,,, t,1 wn'1 ' been left .5Wrf "B- the huge JJvliiK-rpem took hakpkk coeley j ' "Yeu picture yourself eated at the , head of a malic-emi) table, preddinc I nf champiisne dinner". Hut uu de lint .. . I. n . h.a til ninttrtitt '"", " i ."' "-- - ri-i-... , "J11' '''at '"' wl"" you nt nil time. Neier will eii have nny free mement'' ( '" ,U'vnll 1" J011'" l,,Ial,, nr nf,"", ml "'" ',0 llt nls "cc'! n"(' cn"' ' np ' net repulidve te nu nt first. ',c l,lfl' become e. If ou play the Kn,ne "'l'mrely you will crlt llr teeth '""' endurp hN embrace", bivaii'-e lie ''M'0' ,w "" te irivc liliu affection If "" "'"'l, I" proeniil.v win remind j en ...n.i...... .i.. ...,.- .. 1'-. eltl.Mi-!, ,l0 wan'''' '?" fc" ,mlrh t,,at ,1P ;S ""!"P ' ,ll,, '" "" ""' term-, lie lvIU'" "' '", ,"'"rt. ,lin,t " u ," '? dcrent thnt I" imt billed en reciprocal op. Don't de n I did I '' HAT I" the clrl te . Hetb heme teem te fall, according te wn i i nli nl uhi' ""he iiieneil. In P.urepe. for Pennine", parent" arrntisred matcben, nnd the theory wn" un'iueMiened that old heads undertoed the en"lble bal" of uniting two human bunc- that were lmmntur". It renl't wn u union of two famllle". ii"' tun iniHvlil inly Prie A'neriea SCOm till" wnel" nr- ranc m-n' When 'if kcal ne wli h 'is erv jeuns) lev mi I trK mn jump Inte matr'meny without i-la-i r wlnlem or common en-e ir m, e-ne .. .,. ..irr COMi: conservative people e"pecla,.y u in I.uretie. tninK we are we are era te allow mob abandon nnd freedom. N " however, retort that marrlase should he the result of a tren.etrdeus pull, n force of nature that S lrrelMlhle uch a" steel has toward the maenPt five mile" nn hour, but I'nul wis ob livious te her pleading. "laul vnu'll hit something "Hit something? What' There's nothing te hit." The .speed increased and he reughlj jostled her detaining h a n d from his ann. "Saj, who's driving tliiu i nr. en or T" "Hut, I'nul, we re going tee fast. And ? von mav get arrested." v "II a hi Who 1" - there wny out here tn the country te pinch Us? I've get te get this old wagon lim bered up. Virginia, (let te let her strereli I herself and see what' she can de. Can't hnrt anybody, because there's nobedv In i front." I "But there may be motorcycle po lice, and " "Thev rnn'f eet- nip." mntturerl Tmil with nn unaccustomed jrlra note in his voice There came te Virginia's sharp ars the rearing of a demoniac machine, nnd through the swirl of dust tint ro"e In their wake she caught the dull olive of a uniform, and the fln"h of a badge en the pursurlng motorcycle rider's breast "Oh, I'nul." she warned him and clutched hN arm. The stranger rode away with a sneer ing bmlle and left them sitting there In the dead machine. Paul Btared at the yellow bit of parer in his hand the court summons th motorcyclist, a speed cop, had handed him. "Denrest, I'm se serrv," murmurel Virginia cotiselinglj And then her husband did a most un accountable thing. lie laughed. "By Geerge, I showed 'cm this old beat isn't se slew, didn't I, dear?" And Virginia was conscious that her Paul bad become n meter Jekll nnd Hyde. Tomorrow Tlie Gift Crede. Sinner By HAZEL DEYO HATCHHLOR Out of this opened two fairly geed-sized bedrooms, and the kitchen v as In a lenn-te nt the side. There was n huge fireplace In the livlngroem, wb're ir was ps.,'n t , burn nnl leg", and lie nm' Difk hoi made the place comfortable un ,. dmn rugs, ceii'he-i, comfert.ib'e ,ii,n. and a stei k of canned feed A bunk ran within a few feet of the (,ibin, nnd there u spring a little fnitiie fnitiie en which gave them clenr, spaikhng drinking wnter. It was all quite per- ftct In Its way, and tin; best tnlng j about it wns its Isolation. I All these thoughts went through I Carets mind as he sat there watching Clee w th the babv, and a Ultle later, j .hen the .wiling father came up nitn I the child's coat nml tlnv np, mid Clei put thesi! things en while the babv h. kicking nnd cooing in her lip, le Miefr- ( ed inwardly. Tin. illy the train came te n m't nt a small ceuntrv stnnen and the ,w ung f.ithir dep.uted, having wrng f'n,' slim ban I -i n 1 1 hrr ailii f ,r what she Juid done. Alene with firev, ( len was si7er with ,ui appalling loneliness Sn lad dreaded giving up tin- bibv. be n isn It bad enilpied lier thoughts nnd t,n entcd her fiem thinking nli'.id Ni w she reall7Pd that late nfti riii.un 'wtts sitting in. and seen it would be dirk A cold fear began te criep t,Pr ,,r at ihit thought of being alone w tn Carey, and all her biave resolutions e' the morning dwlndlnl nwa into ne'b- i Ing as tlin train rusbnl 11I0114 thieul, the (uiinii) ainl twilight began te 1 ronierrciu A ICIiln It) Night Adventures With a I'ur-e "Where nre jeu going en unir win win tien?" The eternal pn ,tlun A glil who Is going camping 'inil, "De jeu knew where I can gi t ni" some hunk,. is which are net frightfully rxpi iisiu7" Jne of the stores has a ktm niaile of kliuki, u Jin Ii Is mtidc exnitly like the meie eiiensle one i, butteiilng en the sides ever the hips, ami a i pocket iii front Servli cable ainl smut looking for I In- i.imper or golf, r lln, mil) W ii." And, of ceuim' she wants sn,e weni -hoes i lite Ii will "go" wilh the knlckeis ami wblili will be comfei'tubli Smoked elk und cnlfskiu sb, , . called golf shoes, bm which lime been worn en the street se much this war inn the most comferluble things imagi liable. I knew, for I hnve n pair. The smoked elk und calfskin variety me particularly nlee and wear much better ' titan no hip emers. a pair et Hies. l. in. i ..- i or, . I i EVENING PUBLIC (LEDGEB PHILADELPHIA, . FRIDAY, PARIS PAINTS Read Your Character 7?y Diaej Phillips Spotting the Worried Did you ever get a letter from some one who tells jeu hew worried "die 1" about something, nnd did you ever i under whether she really is ns wor ried about it as she says she is? Werrv is a thing which shows al most inevitablv in handwriting, whether the worrier is naturally inclined that way or net. renider first the "nrofevdenal worrier." Yeu knew the type. Se vety manv people belong te it. The writing has tint crowded, uneven appearance en the page, wbi'b is quite different from' the uneen writing which spreads it- ' self all ever the page, nnd ngnin dif- , ferent from which is crowded and even. The written lines show nn inevltabb , tendency te 'lint downward nt the tight of tin page. It maj net be a vcrv marked tindency. but if uiuil lay a ruler across the page you can't misw it. i And the writing will be angular. This ht is the indication of the nnturnl ' tendency te wein, of the nctUe, neneus or impatient disposition. The crowded writing Indii nti's u lack of culm, wi ll-erde eil thinking, and the downward 'hint' s pessimism or (lepr'ssivin It lidded Ik till se sjqus :h ie is the sij,'ii of ktteis vthi'h in irease 111 si7, tewaid tin end of the word, j m 1 nve a person who is nntu-, rallj mure than usually conscientious, Hid' these people ulwnj" Illld mere te worn about than the awr.iqi. WIi"ii tin t iiinded writing of a pat sive i.tsj -,'iung seit of pel sun becomes angular, when it begins te slant down win d nnd te become crowded, par ticularly If u changes from urti'nl te a forward, you mav knew that1 person has beieme worried. Tomorrow 1'nearlliing the Ciltlcs Foreign Custom flalv ni one daj of the nre women pirmitted te enter the Cli.ipel if r Jul 11 tie Baptist wblili is the g!ei if tie Cathedral of Sin Lerenai hi lini'i The prehibitum g. is bid; leth dii el I'epe Innei'ni VIII. who' iiiiliisid i iii ii celli i tien et the d iiigu-' n r i I II' THE HOME IS GOOD TASTE Ne. .1 Wlndaw Shades Heller window liiuh - 01 blind" nn net nn ant in be i ilhd hiilf-wny down te show the iiiitsidii wuld that the house, is 1'ipiippid with tin in. Used in tins wn) tin) .tie simpi) objects of lsiles displuy. They are meant te be pulled down nt night when the l.ghts inside aie lighti d, te la ep the eiit-ide wnld fiem loosing in, or pulled down dm ins the da) when the j-Iaic el the sun Is tee strong. Win n 'i window is equipped with cm talus, and haii0'Iiigs theru k, usually Huh' lued te pull down the shade. When theie lire no hangingB It may he necessary te pull the blinds part -way down. Most houses would lie hotter for in ne (Iti)light than U gun eially let into them. It Is n mistake, from a decorative point nf view te think that u shade should be kept bnif-way down wheie se luanv people keep it. liull it Up out of sight, ready for ih, however, when It li mill) needed. While or cicam-ioleieil shaded are common!) prefeiiilde te these uf duiker color. The Venetian blind has a genuine dec- ....iilfcii f.nliW! nml ttu hIiiCu lira niiiivnnl- eutly iidjiiHuhla tit any angle. It Is , luiiuu iiiucu vjkiiL-univu iiiuu iiiu fuuur shade, Lut It lusts from generation te generation. rM M I j.1 j x. ,i : HER PARASOLS Almest everything hns been fried new en "unhndes te get the very newest, most original effect, but Pnrls takes the prize In her Intest fnd. This calls for n parael of plnln silk' in n solid color, which Is then hand -painted In brillinnt "hades and striking designs. Strange birds with gorgeous plumage nre shown here, nnd flowers of bright hue nnd unusunl shape also are suitable Things You'll Leve te Make BFACH ?Nntm r.L.KeUn t-J6 1 A unique accesser) te u bench suit I a TASSELED BEACH I'AUASOL. like the one pictured above. Any null nary silk parasol can he used "as the body. Mnke long tassels of wool or silk, the brighter the color the moie stunning the parasol. Tie one of these gay tassels te the end of each rib. Tep off this dashing TASSELED BEACH I'AUASOL with a brightly coleied pem-I"- I'LOUA. Cc7t Yeu Tell? Iiy It. .. mj A. TV. Iledmcr Why Laughter Aids Digestion We haw often been told tint a bene fit is te be deiived from being cheeifu! while eating our minis and of the help that laughter is te our digestion. Strange as it may seem laughter does md digis digis tlen. The stomach lies Immediately beneath the diaphragm, which is a thin mus- ular partition dividing the stomach from the heart. In breathing tlie dm pliingm mines the stomach up and down. When we breath deeplj thK churning motion becomes mere vio lent. When we laugh we, of course, m m cicuse the action of the diaphragm upon the stemnch. This causes the "tum-ich te perform its duty of digesting and passing the feed en te the intestines in a meie igoieus milliner, cniistiining b ss time than if we were eating nleui und in perfect silence. The feed tnhi n nun our stomachs Is passed en into the intest nes by a scries of wermlll.e , ,,n- ll.lctieils. The meie slowly nnd supct t'u inlK we breathe the mere slowly our lned dl g'sts, while laughing iticrea-es the u, lien of tin' il aphrugm upon the siemncn ns well us putting us In a cheerful ami nenlthy state of mind. The time required for the complete digestion of a mixed meal, in, the indigestible and unusable mattei re mainlng bus been can led into the colon or large intestine, is from e'ght te eight ind one-halt hours Tomorrow Wluit It tlie Meaning of I lie Cresses en Hip British FLis? i & fVilV Ml v ' m Bened CHICKE Fer fifty years, discriminating housewives have kept a few tins of R 6c R Bened Chicken en their pantry shelves for use in emergencies. Fer fifty years, experienced campers have included it in their list of supplies. All the work of preparation is ours, the convenience is yours. i iaiai5 lB--fl-9ii-KSCIBfe-3E3SMHBBHHHK - hi. rf r a4JE-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I- Please Tell Me What te De ny CYNTHIA "Jehn Smith" Has Made a Hit Denr Cynthia Just n few lines for "Jehn Smith." Johnny, mv boy, you are n peach. Veu knew "us glrl9" nre panned se much that It really Is refreshing te hear u geed word new nnd then. I am nineteen, have bobbed hair, wenr enrrlngH and I smoke cigarettes (nnd Inhale them, tee). I don't consider my self .Immoral by nny mean and I de lime n Reed time. I'd lee te meet "Mlml." She sounds like n sour old maid with stringy hair nnd pasty skin Ne offense, Mlml, old dear. Hut It li almost time wiu're wakened Trv a little rouge anil powder and a man might leek at veu. Thank", Cynthia, I feel better new. ; A FLAPPnil. Has Her Own Style of Drcs3lng Dear C.witlila Many base been my temptations te write te your column I. tee. have been readltiK your column eveij ecning, and I think It very In terest inc. and new I must tell Jehn Smith Just what I think et tils' opinion. I think he Is erv sensible; In fact, one of the most sensible who linve ever writ ten lencemlnc the dress and habits, as he states, of our American Rlrls. Ve. I bine no be eed hair, de net rouge and uni considered no "Mapper." 1 de net wear my ilressts Ieiir; no, far from It. but neither de I wear them at whit I would consider ii disrespectful height Hut because I don't T de net feel ii" theucr'i I wire privileged te con demn .-UN who i'.c. Ta'tes differ, jeu idem, nml we s'aeuld net condemn Hie tl ippi t tvpe. fir the reason that It does net please us or because we would net cn It eiusehe" oil are rsV, "Jehn," girls try te Plense the men every one of us nnd I nm gHd te hear that the men try te please us. Mv st)le Is ns It Is, because I thlnU the upe'ef man 1 like Is pleased wltb It, and se ether mrls try te please tile npn thev like. Hew uninteresting nm monotonous this weild would be If we were nil alike ' Oh. bow I would like te shall I say choice" some of the young men whe tnte cpinllllcitlrins for a girl or wire Te me line Is evervthlng, but, oil, hew crv few men would agree with me. f like jour letter ever se much, "Jehn " nml I hope we Will see mere of Hum In this column I wish you luck wltb your relumn, Cynthia, and hope you will net find my lettir tee long te print. JUNE. She Is Se Lonely Drnr Cnthla I have, Just read Sunset's' letter, and she sure Is In ee Pint m trouble Is thnt I enn't ilnd am body te love. I can't make unself Known. I am always quiet. Is that the i eat en why no one bothers with ne" Of course, I menn the male sis I have lets et girl friends, but no be frlendt 1 can dance, play the piine nnd sing n little, but with all these things the de net bring m felliw". or, I suppose, filcnds would sound better There are many things going en it our c hutch, nnd te tell the r i nt li 1 neer attend thive seclnl. Ob, ('within, I nm lonceme. Why can't 1 be llke ether girls Mnny people have leli me that my leeks nre geed, but latelj 1 wear glnsses, and 1 suppose thc'are, the fatal thine that keips tne bae'lt My heait Is heivj, and 1 really can t tell what's the matter with me I hae (lately) a. headache and heart ache all the time. I want snme cue te low- in" l liae had a friend (boy) some time age, but. deal Cjnthla, after I found I lrnl loved him he had gene. At first he leed me, but I didn't care for him, and new that It's tee late I find that 1 leve him se much. My heart Is healing from that scar new. Won't seme one write n frlcndlv letter te me through Cynthia's column? I nm longing for snme one, but that seme one han't nrrUed yet Dear friend, what is stronger In happiness or heart ache -than love' Why don't seme et ou fellows cheer jour girls? They iieed It, and I knew' I'm net the only ene that's lonesome. Flense, boys, wmi't you write te me? Alse answer one question. Why de you kls a girl when jeu drn't menu It? Seme "amps" like te be kissed and they think nothing mere of It, but ethcts he only for tlmt no'er-fergottcn kiss I'lcasie, Homebody, write te peer LONESOME Why don't jeu go te the affairs at the church, dear? That Is where jeu will meet boys of j-eur own age OlrN who piny the piano nnd sing nre ver mui h in demand at such panics Iieu't weiiy about tlie glasses, either. N'o N'e N'o lied) else notices them se much as jeu ppect them ica Don't be discouraged Seiiubnilv will ceme nleng some daj who will like your quietness nnd mod med ist better thnn anything he has ever nn t before In his whole life. Tiy te be linpps with jour glil friends until he tin ns up from somewhere. It will mily make mhi mere unhappy If jeu keep lcuklng for him all the time. The Weman's Exchange Becoming a Secretary Te the V.ilUnr nt ll'emnti's Pae: Dear Madam Will you kindly tell me where I can obtain a prhate course In social secretarj' work? M n R. ITnl3s ycru go te ene of the business "i hoels In the city T would advise jeu te consult the Heard cf niuentlun, N'me teetith and Chestnut streets as te u tuteting in bookkeeping This is nbeut thu enlv thing you would have te take .1 spi ,.,il ceuibu liu and. If jeu ate able te lulance acceui.l.s etlleienth . tnal.e out i heckH unci dci nuv ether suit of work like that veu won't-even new! this An ability te wilte n ruihI letter, answer Invitations und taki thai go of nnj affairs her implever uiav wish her te Is required of the social "ecKtul j-. I5ut she d jes net need i knowledge of stenegiapbv and tpe. wrltliiK. such us the regular secretin) needs. She should, however, lmve a plf isant voice nnd mnnner. Tn ndditirrn te this, when geed common sensa gives ber nn understanding of what is ex pected of her in different situations, she is bound te be successful. The' tin contains tender chicken meat, solidly packed, from which you can make in a jiffy any one of a dozen appetizing dishes requirin"; chicken. It's economical, tee A standard product with grocers and delicatessens. - JUNE 16, 1922 Who's te Blame When a Girl Deesnt Knew Her Behavior Is Wrong? She Would Surely Knew What Was Right and What Wasn't, Even if She Didn't Care if Her Parents Had Teught Her THE girl whose letter nbeut picking up the usher at the movies wns dis cussed jesterday siigRcMn another question, tee. Fer no doubt her mother Is one of these who nre wondering what this world Is retnlng te nnjhew. with chil dren behaving lis t hey de. This girl Is seienteen nnd In the hnblt of going te the movies ulenc nt night for the purpose of talking te n geed-looking usher whom she had never met. Most of the person" who discuss the children nnd jeung people of today In such shocked tones are the ettcs who forget the ery Imperlnnt fact that the behavior of children nlwnys reflects right straight back upon their parents nnd their bringing up. If thev hnc bad mnnners, why nre they allowed te keep them nnd use themV . If they de strange, wild things, whose fault Is it thnt thev are nblc le de this and get away with It? YOl'K fir"t thought upon hearing of thl" girl who went te the movies at night alone Is "What kind of n We are jl values in this 1 ASCO S.M; "t" t' vTT ASCO ftyaBWtTWT'lWIgMII-i',1 U-.'-..iflrS!aSiSr - One blend One price One grade The best cup you ever drank 'i jIcH xite&&j fnmlly enn she hnp thnt they nllew her te behave like thnt?" Slip could never de I lint kind of thing if her parents hntl n careful wntch nnd control ever her. In the first place, hew would she ncceuut for tnlng se lenp If she went out "just tn mall n letter." or "Just around te MeIIIp'n," or wherever she gnvp ns an excuse, If they really leek an Interest in the matter? In the second plncc, hew would she Introduce nnd account for the jeung man who wnlked home with her from the movies? Taking the matter entirely from the girl's viewpoint, It nultl be n difficult stunt te manage. If her family thought an) thing nbeut hew she was behaving, where she wns going and what she wns doing BET aside from nny nnd all of thnt, ft she had been properly brought up. nnd hnd hntl the necessity of being a lady in the finest sense thoroughly bred In her. she would never have dnrcd go le the movies nlene nt night, much less nllew the usher, geed-looking or net. te spenk te her. Even the bet of mothers cannot drill "ML&IBPS" exerting every effort te make the service equal the sale and we thank the enormeut crowds that have miea this shop every day this We eh ter their geed-will and co-operation. asffsSssrrW'V'v-'t.j? 'A flOW ASCO ft pBWSSWSMSW m 1 In a class by itself ZJ BsB (SSW COFFEE 29 i The rich rare aroma and unusually deli cious flavor of Asce Coffee will prove te you with the first cup that it is really in a class by itself. There are several reasons for this: First, it is a combination of high-grade coffees from the best cultivated plantations of the tropics Second, it is blended by our coffee experts, men who knew coffee like ji book Third, it is roasted in our own big modern roasting plants by our own special proems Fourth, we sell it te you ever our own counters, direct from our roasters thus in Hunng you fresh roasted coffee at all times, with the maximum of flavor. Try a cup of this golden brown brew of goodness. ?? A H A fC?f a You'll taste the difference! Sold where you see this nameplate en the window ILst6re$c6.1 "gggmmmmmmmmmmmmm their daughter in every MluniiM. may arise In the course e "heftjf There are bound te be wme 2 gcnclcs which they must meet !r armed only with. he training thnt S hnve hnd en ether occasions ' But that's nil they need If iK become instinctive. r " ' Vi C0Anc? , U.,e,p nl(J Mers v BSM" "'"" "' b"" 'W Hut this girl net only let it,, i. with her and then tak'H her trni also seemed te take the whole Zd tiucc ns a matter of course p " As If It were quite the nnturnl tin for a man she didn't knew t , '?' n friendly conversation with her Indeed hhc wns Indignant !,. did the snmc with some e c " Le ,? . her out In the cold. u"cc"nndi N 'OW, this proves that the fault i net With the irlrl niiui.. Slip didn't knew It wni wremr lndyllkc, improper, te let Hrni?,.' that she wns will ng te tnlk tn i.tlr That, Isn't ber; V.'m', mother's fnult ,,ml ' If her mother hnfn't tausht b.. te "pickup" Mra.,gPbe),:,ftn'ttr' place nnd I hm ham't take,, "no, Interest In her te knew wherp ', . or te see that her friends urc bren. in and introduced te the family. $ then the mother need net bc surnli at any strnnge nnd dreadful thin- her daughter does. " Yes, It reflects back eerv time Is only natural te say "Hew muM u de It If they hnd the right kind ?' cuts.' i Continuing Our RE-BUILDING SALE at Of Seeth Thirteenth St. Entire Stock Without Reservation! Absolutely Unprecedented Values! "Among the Sports Togs' A Suits Dresses Three-Piece Costumes 510$15 Values $25 $29.75 $39.75 $45 j Dresses '25$29d239$45 I Values $50 $65 $75 $89.75 $125 Blouses $ JJjO $1.95 $2' 95 $JT9S Values $2 te $15 Ha tS Values $10 & $12.50 $4. 75 Newest Summer Medels lit Seuth Thirteenth Street K xKKTV .t V ASCO 1 FI m p ' tl cib i i tinwiiivnu aew'nstnirtt. illl up llllil f Jf !-"? Tomorrow ' 'I Iov Much Tal leni ? " WWWIPBW ASCO V - v., -'. )'-.. M Vs: w-v: ,f.. , U-? A.' . is ,. frt,"l l! . i&0J .nr.Vi,V,ftfrtn. ,.. . .. .-v.NKMlksieS5i5y-2 !5MMSSf) M JtrVftVJ'f' .-. f'-' '..M.,it. . rt a ,.... . ,r " " ."""T ..mi'-AiA t'rJ!i'