((iPP'plBlFPPWWPwIiBI 0!mWfPfwmMrffm' ( ! Jy-s :i EVENING PUBLIC (LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY JUNE 16, 1922 15 T fST GOSSIPjABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Speaks of a Dinner-Dance and a Picnic Today She Tells of Several At Hemes and of the Delan-Thayer Wedding Tomorrow MR. AND Mn9. OEOnOB RAN D(UPH PACKAIID jvlll give dinner-dance tonight for their daughter, Btith Pncknrd, who mnde her debut le yenrs age. The dance will be ft their nttrnctlve country plnce, the Meadows, nt VUlaneva. The second party for today will be n nlcnlc which Miss Helen Morten and Mr" Arthur Morten will glve for their niece, Clair Glttlnn, who wlU make he, debut In the fall. At the picnic, which Is te be ntBroemnll, there will be tennis, swimming and dancing In the barn, se every one will hare a wonderful ' Thli afternoon Mrs. Edward Osgood neccrt. wife of Lieutenant Begert, U. H " of the Navy Yard, will give the second of her at homes, the first of which 'yesterday. Mrs. Begert was Esther Jean Bechman, daughter of Mr. nn 1 Mrs. Charles F. Bechman, of 135 Seuth Eighteenth street, you remember. Yesterday I went te the at home ulileh Mr. and Mrs. Heward B. French and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr! nnd Mrs. Edgar h. McKak, gave nt their house. Aldcrbroek, nt Kadner. U Is (he old place of the Celkcts Mrs. McKalg's grandmother wbb a Miss Celkct nnd has n beautiful view of the Velley Forge hills. It was a lovely day for a tea an lets of people were there, among them seme of Mr. anil Mrs. French's relations. Including the Cancr, Enrle nnd Graham connections. POLLY THAYER is te be married tomorrow, and I knew she will be a radiant bride. The wedding will take place at the Church of the Redeemer, firm Mawr, and, of course, It will be most unusual. Pelly, as you knew, Is ,n accomplished violinist, and at the csremeny her teacher, Frahk O"telsen, has offered te play. He will be a the church at 3 :30 the wedding will take plflCe et 4Mrs. Thayer Is asking peo ple te ceme early te hear him. lONNIE" McILHENNY Is home tm vileirK. T saw her vestcr- thv en Chestnut street shopping, and fhe looked very well in a -small dark blue hat nnd a dark blue dress with dull red georgette sleeves. She came home nevcrnl days age nnd 'en Saturday Bhe Is going abroad te join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn D. Mcllhcnny, who have been In Europe for some time. "Bennie" or Bernlce, which Is her real nnme. came out at a tea last spring and then went te college in the fall. IN SPITE of the popularity of auto mobiles, lets of people still ride a great deal. One of the smallest and most enthusiastic riders la little Charlie Morgan, the four-year-old en of Mr. nnd Mrs. Reed Morgan, of Chestnut Hill. I saw him early one morning with the riding mnster along the Wissa-' hlcken. He has blue eyes nnd light hair nnd Is verv cute. His sister, Llbby Morgan, who Is another cute person, Is reralng out in the autumn and will fiirely have a geed time, an she Is se llTely. NANCY WYNNE. "Bc SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Amencr the guests who attended the luncheon which Mrs. Jolln O. Piatt, of Falrflelds. Pnell, paM) yesterday In honor of Mlhs Jane Bell Yeatman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pope Yeat man, of Chestnut Hill, were Miss Lor Ler raine Dls'ten, Miss Anna Lewis, Miss Carollne Barclay. Mlsn Anne Wlster Hnrclav, Miss Rita Heekaeher. Miss Mary I.cnerlnpr, Miss Elizabeth Thomp son nnd Miss Mary E. Tyler. The mar rlape of Miss Yeatman and Mr. Emest C. Sa.iKe will take place en June 28, Mrs Plntt 'will attend Miss Yeatman as one et her bridesmaids. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Sewell Clark, et Cedten, Indian Queen lane, German German ten n, are receiving1 congratulations en the hlrtli et a son, Clarence Steuart Clark, en May 31. Mrs. Clark was Ml3 Mai caret Anzlaa de Turenne, of Montreal, Can. Mr. nnd Mrs. William S. Godfrey, of Woedforde. Ardmore, hae been forced te withdraw their Invitations te lunch eon en Sunday next te meet Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whitney, of New Haven, en account of the Illness of Mrs. Whit ney. The marriage of Miss Jane Bell Teatman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peps Yeatman, of 1118 Spruce street and Chestnut Hill, and Ernest C. Sav Sav age, Fen of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Savage, of Chestnut Hill, will be sol. emnlzed at 6 o'clock In St. Paul's Prot estant Eplsoepal Church en Wednesday, June 28. Miss Georgian P. Yeatman will attend her elster as maid of honor anl the bridesmaids will Include Mrs. Themas Plerrepent Hazard, of Syracuse, N. Y. i Mrs. Jehn O. Piatt, Miss Pauline d T. Savage, a elster of the bride groom! MUa Careline Stecker Barclay, Mlis Ruth Faulkner, of Bosten, and Miss Louise Hedges, of Washington. "We Are Oyer Child's Restaurant" Greatest Wnnualjnn Sale everheldatWie boste: SAMPLE SHOE SHOP t&W.COR lOftatid MARKET SB., .OVER CHILD'S RESTAURANT 1ND FLOOR. with every white , purchase today r tomorrow. Featured are: H' Kid. ttlilte in?i9,0,h' latent t eltHUIn. null 1 rrmii l.'i.t ...; i'i!,'.'ln' a Whiie v... r(i-. 45 SPTs95 $1 QC M jJ $2-9s md 3.9S $4.95 A Recent Bride Mr. William Lyttleton Savage will act as best man for hln brother, anil the ushers will be Mr. Chnrles C. Savnrj. Jr t nd Mr. Henry L. Savanc, also brethera of tha bridegroom Mr, Pep Yrutman. Jr., a brother of the b.-ltle ( Mr. Lewis N. Lukens, Jr., Mr, William A. B. Paul. Mr. Edward McC. Galllard, Mr. Jehn Milne, of Fall River, and T. Blair Lee, of Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Dechert, who are spending their wedding trip, abroad, are at present In Glasgow, Mrs. Dechert. before her recent marriage, was Miss Helen Hepe Wilsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Wilsen, of 1841 Spruce street nnd Pear Greve Heuse, VUlaneva. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Starr nnd their daughter, Miss Sarah Legan Starr, of Olney avenue. Germantown, will leave early next month bv meter for Neva Scotia, where they will spend the sum mer. Miss Harriet F. Zimmerman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Edward Zim merman, of Chestnut Hill, will leave en Snturday, June 24, for a visit te Newport, R. I., te attend the wedding of Miss Margaret Thayer Graham, daugh ter pf Mrs. Heward Speneer Graham, of 1532 Locust street, and Mr. Dcvcreux Celt Josephs, of Baltimore which will take place en Monday, June 28, nt Whet, stone, the summer home of the brlde'a mother. Miss Zimmerman will attend Miss Graham as one of her brides maids. Mrs Ernest Heward Hunter, of Chest nut Hill, will leave en Friday for Cape May, where she will occupy her cottage for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans Norten nnd their daughtcrn. Miss Nancy Evnns Norten nnd Mlis Careline Harper Nor Nor eon, of Falcon Hill, Rosemont, who re cently sailed for Eurepe, have nrrlved In Paris, where they will spend some tlme. Miss Julia Rush, of Wynnewecrd. Is spending June as the guest of Mrs. William A. Piatt at Penllyn. Miss Rush Will be the guest of Mrs. Arthur Ryer eon, of this city and Chicago, at her country place at Coepcrstown, N. Y., during July. Mr. Herbert W. Warden, Jr.. of Gelf Heuse read, Haverford, was among the ushers at true marriage of Miss Lucy Buckley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed win M. Buckley, of Englewood, N, J and his cousin, Mr. Charles R, Erdman, Jr., of Princeton, N. J., which took place In the Englewood Presbyterian Church en Wcdnesdny. Mr. Rederick Kellett and Mr. Arneld Jennings, both of this city, nlse acted ns ushers. The mnrrlage of Miss Dorethv Ely," daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Newbold Ely, of Chestnut Hill, nnd Mr. Warden will take place en June 21, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Breckenrldge and Miss Margaret Brcckenrldge have left for their summer studio at East Gloucester, Mass, where they will re main until October. Mr. Craig Wright Muckle. of 2023 Walnut strcet. will leave today for Ed monton, Northwest Canada, te spend the summer en the ranch et his uncle, Mr. W. D. Craig Wright. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn Gustlne, of Wood Weod Woed bine avenue, Overbroek, will entertain at dinner tomorrow evening nt the Philadelphia Country Club before the dance nt the club. Miss Frances Chapman, of Fresterly. Doylestown, Pa., will shortly occupy her cottage at Pecene Maner. Mr. and Mrs. Rellln Henry Wilbur, of Old Stone Heuse, St. Davids, have returned from nn extended trip abroad. Mrs. Frederick C. Fearing, of 2112 De Lancey place, and her mother, Mrs. J. Blddle Perter, of Washington, left en Monday for Bar Harber, Me , where they will ecupy Wyandotte, Mrs. Por Per ter's estate, until the autumn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman, of S35 Seuth Sixteenth street, and her daugh ters, Miss Helen Chapman, Miss Hen rietta P. Chapman, and son, Mr. Jeseph 55. C. Chapman, will leuve en July 1 for Lake Placid, N. Y,, where they have taken a cettage for the summer. Miss Helen Chapman, who will attend Smith College In the autumn, will make her debut at a tea te be given by her parents en New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlea M. McCloud, of 1705 Spruce stieet, will leave early In July for Jnmestewn, R. I., where they v.111 ecupy their place, the Band Bex, for the summer. The marriage of Mrn. J. Bertram Mitchell, of this city, and Mr. Henry Sherman Hewes, of Bosten, took place en Wednesday, June 7, at the home et the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reb- P:J(F 11 L HsSH ' '' !?? ; ;" v ",fi tVv ",'; t 'VbsssssssssbsbH Mrs. FVnnk IlalUnnn, who was MIm Katherine E. Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn J. Ryan, of Ardmore, before her marriage- en Wednesday last ert Marshall, of Fall River, Mans. The Rev. T. S. Devltt officiated. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hewes snlled for Europe en June 10, where they will remain for two months. Upen their return they v.111 live at 8S Beacon street, Bosten. Miss Edith Allen Selberllng, daughter of Dr. and Mrs .7. Dallas Selbeillng, et 330 Seuth Eighteenth street. Is the guest of Miss Einltle Kelchner, of Seuth Somerset avenue, Ventner, N. J. The Delta Phi Sorority will go en a trip te Washington en June 18. The members of the club are Miss Florence Breckman, Miss Emma Deutch, Miss Fay Getzene, Miss Irene Glazier, Miss Pauline Jacobs, Miss Esther Jacobs, Miss Slyvla Merris, Miss Beatrice Resenzwelg and Miss Charlette Sagrans, of Legan. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. ,Ven-Tuger Slmenskl, of the Wlssahlckcn Apart ments, will sail for Europe tomorrow. They will remain en the Continent until September. Mr. nnd Mrs. Marcellus McD. Heppe and family have returned te their home, 402 East Mount Airy avenue, Mount Airy. They spent the winter In Atlantic City. Mrs. Jehn F. Normlle nnd her family, of 1739 East Chelten avenue, will lave this week for their summer home at Spring Lake Beach, N. J., where they will remain until October. N. J. They will entertain a party ever the week-end In honor of Miss Linda Shertz. The marrlage of Miss Theresa B. Goell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goell, of New Yerk, and Mr. Cyrus Levlnthal, sen of Rabbi and Mrs. B. L. Levlnthal, of 716 Pine street, will take place en Tuesday evening next at the Hetel Aster. New Yerk. Tomorrow morning Rabbi Levlnthal will preach nt the Bnal Abraham Synagogue, Sixth and Lembard streets, nt services for the Immedlate famines and guests. Rabbi and Mrs. Levlnthal will be at home en Saturday afternoon. Miss Goell Is finishing a course at Had cllffe College, at Cambridge. Mr. Levln thal Is ft graduate of the Wharten Scheel of the University of Pennsyl. vnnlft. where he wns nresldent of the Menorah Society. He Is also a graduate- of eratz school and of ucnirai mgn Scheel. He Is actively Interested in , Zionism. Mr. Levlnthal and his bride vvllt leave en June 27 for an extended wedding trip te Eurepe and Palestine. FRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Tracy, of Adams street, recently celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary at their home. There were thirty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greenwood, of 1416 Orthodox street, have left for their cottage In Allantle City, where they will remain for the summer. Miss Harriet Geyer, of Arrett street, spent the week-end In Wlldwoed as the guest of Mrs, Jame3 Fetterman at her cottage. Mr. C. U Feet, of 1305 Orthodox street, has been spending some time nt Ocean City. MOORESTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Gladhlll enter tained as their guests recently a number of friends from Allentown, Pa. Mr. nnd Mrs Rebert Stackheuse and their family hae geno te epend the summer at their cottage at Strathmere, N. J. Miss Fanny Hay and Bliss Jean Hay, of Pittsburgh, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frehlck. of East Second Btreet. Master Tayler Brlggs, of West Main street, entertained a few friends re cently at a birthday party. YARDLEY Mrs. William M. Welch and Mrs. S. Tayler, of Philadelphia, will spend the summer with Mr. nnd Mrs. Rebert W. welch. They arrived last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mills, Miss Ire land nnd Mr, Charles Watsen, of Phila delphia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Barnes recently. Miss Linda Bassett, daughter of Dr. and Mrs H. Linn Bassett. who has been attending the Byren King Scheel of Oratory at Pittsburgh, has returned te her home. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Jehn B. Coady, of 4507 Springfield avenue, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mlsa Katherine O. Coady, nnd Dr. W. McGlll Burne, of Brooklyn, N. Y Mr. and Mrs. Herace. C. Beltzel and their daughter, Miss Carel Beltzel, and their son, Mr. Herace C. BMtzcl. Jr., have left their home, 4530 Pine street, for Morrlstewn. N. J where they will live. Mrs. Beltzel's mother. Mrs. Wil liam Worrell Slean, will make her home with them. Mr. Jehn Spitz, of B904 Cobbs Creek parkway, railed en June 13 en the steamship Reliance for an extended tour through Europe. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Merris D. Neuman nnd Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Leeb, of the Hetel Majcotle. will leave this week for their summer home en Summit avenue, Jcnklntewn. Miss Sara V. Seherzer, of 1642 Dla mend street, and MIfs Flera B. Loven Leven stcln will sail en June 24 en the steamer Ryndnm te spend the summer traveling through Eurepe. Mrs. L, Essllnger and her daughter will leave for New Yerk today. They will sail tomorrow te spend the sum mer In Europe. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn J. Fltr.harrls nnd their niece. Miss Viela Wilsen, of 'i Snyder avenue, have opened their rot ret rot tage at Wlldwoed Crest for the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shertz, of Pnrk slde, formerly of Seuth Bread street, have opened their cettage In Ventner, Jr4Hr7,J7iv. - 32Hm8tf T TELLER & CQ James Shep WLNUT AT THIRTEENTH FOR SATURDAY Exceptional Values CORSETS & BRASSIERES Satin Waist-line Corsets 4.95 Value 12.00 A fine quality satin fashions this model especially designed for women desiring the corseted feeling. Medium boning, garters at back te prevent slip ping and lace trimming at top are notes of interest. Jeune Fille Summer Corset 4.95 Lightly boned corset of drop-stitch tricot designed te provide comfort and cyoelness for Sports and general wear. Narrow band of elastic at top. Satin-Striped Brassieres Brassieres of pink satin-striped fabric of medium weight, trimmed with lace edg ing. All sizes te 44. Exceptional value. 1.00 Checked Gingham Brassieres New models cut especially long te come Well ever topless corsets; trimmed with cluny lace. Pink, blue, lavender, red. Fer Sweaters and Sports Wear. Formerly 2.50. 1.50 Custom-Made Brassieres Of pink or white satin or white linene, tailored and especially well fitting. Regtlarly 5.00 te 7.00. 2.95 IT What Clubwemen Will De Tomorrow Mrs. Rebert White Steel, et Merris avenue, Hryn Mnwr, Is hostess te the Philadelphia Mothers' Club party for the children. A cherry festival, ns arranged by the Secial Activities Committee of the New Century Guild, from 2 te 11 o'clock, offers n period of plea sure the while being a way for in creasing the guild roef-furnlsblng fund. The last of the six garden days arranged in Interest of the Scheel of Horticulture for Women gives privi lege or choice of visiting three gardens. DELAWARE COUNTY Miss netty Walter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Walter, of Swarth Swarth mere, who graduated this year from Vassar, Is spending a fortnight at Camp Aloha, at Falrlee, Vt. Dr. Cernelia B. Inglls, of Swarthmore, who has recently returncd from a visit te Princeton, N. J., Is entertaining Mrs. Maud Yerkes, of California, who will remain for several weeks. NORRI8TOWN The marrlage of Mist Katherine V. Burk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Uurk. of 2tn East Marshall Btreet, nnd Mr. Jehn Kelly, of Atlantic City, son of Mr. James Kelly, of Green street, took place en Wednesday evening In St. Pat rick's Church. The Rev. W. P. Twehlg efllclated. Miss Mary Burk, sister of the bride, was maid of honor nnd her two small cousins, Miss Eleaner Kleck nrr nnd Miss Elvn Klcckner, et Ger Ger jnantewn, were the flower girls. The best man waa Mr. William Burns, of Atlantic City, nnd the ushers Include. Mr. Jeseph Mlnter. Mr. James en,n',V. and Mr. Isadore Weinberg. Upen their return from a wedding trip te the Dela ware Water Gap, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will llve in Atlantic City. The bride has been prominent In amateur theatri cals In Norrlstewn. Hughes Buckingham The marrlage of Miss Eunice Bucking ham, 2222 Seuth Twenty-third street, and MnJamcs A. Hughes, of 2533 Ellswerth street, took place en Wednesday. Mon Men Mon slgner Oreenslll, of St. Edmend's Church, officiated. The bride, who was given In marriage by her brother-in-law. Mr. Grever C. Lawyer, was ntUndcd by Miss Jenn O'Malley. Mr. clarence L. Skcmngten acted ns groomsman. After a wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes left en an extended wedding trip, KAERCHER BECKER A pretty wedding took Place In St. Stephen's Lutheran Church, Fortieth street nntll Powelton nvenue, last night, nt 7 o'clock, when Miss lima R. Becker, ,i.,..v,,.. At rti-. nml Mrn. Henrv Breker, of 5034 Walnut street, became the brl W of Mr. Frederick W, Kacrcher, Jr.. of 4326 North Fifteenth street The kbv. L. U Wertz officiated. The hrlde, who was given In marriage by her uncle. Mr. William Wnre, were a gown of white satin, with a veil of tulle mid lace nrraneed In n cap shape and caught with orange blossoms She carried n shower bouquet of white roses, white orchids, lilies of the alley and sweet peas, Mrs. F. S. Wylle, of Fleetwood, Pa., sister of the bride, was the matron of honor nnd the bridesmaids Included Mrs. C. L. Masser, Mrs. Eugene Schlles kle. Miss Leis p. Tayler and Mrs. Geerge W. Floed Mls Helen Geslln was the flower girl. Mr. Ciarles Kacr cher acted ns best man for his brother nnd the ushers Included Mr. Rowland C. Hnsser, Mr Eugene P. Schllesklr, Mr. Heward Kner.-hcr and Mr. Geerge W. Floed. CONVEY McALEER An attractive wedding took plnce en Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock In .the Church of St. Edmend, Twenty-third nnd Mltflln streets, when Miss Margaret McAIeer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James J. McAIeer, of 2084 Mercy street, became the bride of Mr. James Convey, of 1700 Seuth Frent street. The Rev. Father Conway officiated. The cere mony was solemnized with a nuptial mars. CARNER FLANEOAN The marriage of Mlse Marlen Slean Flancgan, daughter of the Rev, and Mrs. Henry D. Flanegan, of 4827 Wal Wal eon aenue, nnd Mr. Charles F. Carner, of wiuiarnspert, Pa., took place en Wednesday at nean nt the home of the brlde. The Rev. Mr. Flancgan, father or the brldp, officiated, assisted by the Rev. Dr. William S Mitchell, naster of the Calvary M. H. Church. The bride were a gown e? Spanish lace ever duchesse satin and a veil trimmed with orange blossoms She carried a shower beuquet of bridal roes and lilies of the valley. , Miss Madge Carner, lster of the groom, was the maid of honor and Mr. Henry R. Flanegan, brother of the bride, acted ns best man. McCANN GREENE An attractive wedding took place en i Wednesday morning at 10 e'clcjk In St. Ellrabeth's Catholic Church, when Miss , Mary Elizabeth Greene, daughter of Mr I and Mrs. Jehn T. Greene, of 2228 West Diamond street, became the bride of i Mr. Martin J) McCann. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, were a gown of white satin with a long I court train nnd a veil trimmed with orange blossoms and lilies of the valley. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Cecilia M. Greene, as maid of honor nnd Miss Annn T, Greene and Miss Jean Dugan ns bridesmaids. A brother of the groom, Mr Patrick McCann, was the best man. and the ushers Included Mr. James O'Nell, Mr. Jeseph Burchell, Mr Jeseph Greene find Mr. Jehn T. Green". Jr. After September 1 Mr. nnd Mrs McCann will be at home at 2651 North Talor street. DlreeUea BUnlty Company tt ?:sm r.'fiA ... .. . .... JwrM ' MIMWTBTKNTH AND MAlUkOtA 11, 1:30. s:30. e:se, t:su, " Imported. OrXandie l" M 1 rsjtfv - Ratine' Dresses Vr Fleer Location p is the means of I Saving every Customer p A Ivecotendellaw KX rrn all Yier I WlK Rirchases IZ- Purchases 113 S.132 ) Sir- ttt (inn .v.. tJ MOTQ. Cettemerii ICE PALACE OPENS TONIGHT 4STH AND MARKET STREETS DANCING SKATING ROLLER L.UXI Fineif Fleer Ladiet, 35c Gentlemen, 55c Couples, 75c Wardrobe Free Refreshment! 1 0RSHE5TIIA New Skates Skating, 8J0 te 10 Dancing, 8.30 te 11 JO Skate Hire, 25c Every Evening Except Tuesday I COOLEST PLACE IN PHILADELPHIA LAST MATINKK TOMOIl.. Mfl TO M.00 LAST 2 NIGHTS A Remance of Youth wiTn CARROLL McCOMAS "A l'lay Tint Will Appeal Te Women. Nert'i Amerlcn "MU MeCemas firerrd a Triumph " Ev. L.etRtr Constance Talmadft in a new ncTunn ' "POLLY T?r F0LLH&' jcSn Jungle Adventurti Mtt.'-e Pirre, Metropolitan lUrltene NFYT WFFK OEorier. Mrci.reKD nr.Ai wc.civrAnAMenNT,,,c.ruRH "The Weman n with Who Walked DKBJ52L SiffiT Alene" Wandn HawUy' 10 A.. If.. ia. 2, 4. 0, s 10 P.M. M t 4 llrend anil Chmtntlt Nerma Talmadge in "SMILIN' THROUGH" lltTH AND MARKET .4f. A M. te 11 r. M. "KUL1NO PASSION" fj .P? Jr " PALACE GEORGE ARLISS ADPAniA 10TH . CHUHTNUT AKLAU1A ie a. m. te it-is p. m. Jack Helt & Bebe Danieli In "SOUTH OF TUB I1H1 (inA.NDB" rirTtyD A NINTH AND JTAIIUET Viv 1 UK1A e a. m te 1 1 in p. m. "Th Three Muaheteare" Douglas Fairbanks GLOBE ALDINE nirertlen M. K. Kelt Chestnut fat. nt 101 1 Ccntln. HAM. te UP M. "THE SPLENDID LIE" With OBACi: DAVISON MI33 DAVISON APPHAKS IN PnitSON DAILY. AT 3. 8 AND 10 P. II. Willow Greve Park CONWAY AND HIS BAND Are a CentUr.t Se irre et Delight le Muplc-Ier8 TONIOIIT HANCn CONTEST IN IANCKI.AM LONG ACRE ROOF, Men., 8 :30 P.M. Psyche-Analysis by Rebert Melville sntK. fj nnil SI. Phene Spruce 500 LArllvIL 10 a. m ie u ir. p. m. DnrntriV Dalten '"lm' CUIM30N oremy "wwn riiAt.i.v:NnK" JL'NIPCK AND MAHKET VAUDEVILLE . rONTINI'Ot'S 11 TO 11 CROSS KEYS N.i-A.Wr MAllne V'1r"'1iv nnrl Saturiliy, 2M5 MAE DESMOND r'SS up in MAm't. s roejr" St Wk. "Trnll of the r.onfeme Pln" I GARDEN DAYS it iiiiv .ifsi: it 'j no !) r, 30 Mr III.MlV IVI.KR-OI.I. I4r('ir.hem Tile ' te ii)rln Heup larn Unlit te -NreKenn RiiikI Pemljii. 1 t H Ml., MIIIIUM! si.NK!,i:it nethlehem I ' p I te sklppirk Pike te VieHf I. ana: turn rlcht te rate Ambler i1 &. H. Mr. A Mr. ISVtC T. 'TAItlt Mew Orev ac iK't t h 'i hln l.i.retK p. &. R. .PKf IAI, NOIIOF! The. Cirdan of Mil AM) MP.. I'.IIWABD I T STOTI.MI! H "III net hi n:-n June IT. i AdnunYlnn .'i0 enrh K.ir in I Infnnnt "i lr nt .'O.lfl PenefU Scheel or Horticulture Ambler. Pa. EITH'S THEATRfc PEGGY WOOD "V, tt Y T"niir KttrlI(i IInT-rtlf4 T m "SENATOR" F0SD from Michifaa nn".r n-ii,ji s t co. wfAvi r. np.ea . ernrns: and Reter-IMHOr - CGRFENE-Marctll "IN A PCST HOUSE" I- DeBrunner 8r Emery, Inc. Announce the Beginning of A June Clearance Sale SUMMER SHOES ?coo iiF23f&m 8 Snl 5 All the Binnrt tiimmcr effects In Mnry Janes, Snort Oxferda and Strap Pumps tlip wanted latts, izes, oemmnatlons and leathers. Full Fashioned SILK HOSIERY, tee, at $1.75 31 Seuth 15th Street On ll.e Second Fleer Ggsr SJ jO umimmmmmm&mmMmmM3&M&wimkm&&mm$m. iiu'ertms. DEstaynns and makers of ive.wc.vs and cmrsjrtivrs apparel OF TUU UIQUEST CUARACTCR FOR UORU TUAN TWRXTY.SIX YEARS APPAREL OF THE BETTER KIND wf -rilOl A DIFFERENT KIND OF STORE Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Special Dress Values Tub silk, striped silks, foulards, printed srepe and Canten crope in navy, black and white. Splendid range of colors all sizes. SECOND FL.OOU 16 New Mid Summer Frecks Of imported gingham, dotted Swiss and Shantung. SKCOND FLOOR g.oe te IQ.50 Finest Gowns Drastic Reductions Our entire selection of high-class Gowns imported models, exquisite copies and adaptations. second fleer Sports Suits Plain tailored models in rainbow tweed and trelainc. Seme lined, ethers unlincd unusunl values. All sizes, but net all sizes in every stv!c. Extra Size Suits lA te y2 off 12 .00 Formerly te id.50 Cut extra full en slenderizing lines. sizes te 54. THIRD FLOOR All 15 .00 Formerly te 39.50 Skirts 6.50 Brocaded and plain baronet satin, sunshine silk nnd the crepe weaves in nil high colors, plenty of black nnd white. f THIRD FLOOR te Summer Frecks for Juveniles 2.50 te 10.00 An array of dainty and very practical styles for nges (! te 1G. Including hand - embroidered dotted Swiss, pretty mpertcd checked ginghams, tissue ginghams and the popular voiles nnd organdies, in all colors. 2.95 te S.95 Fer Sizes 2 te 6 Included are imported ginghams, dotted Swiss, voile, organdie and tiuc ginghams. FOURTH FLOOR FIRST FLOOR SPECIALS White Silk Stockings, 1.95 In a very excellent qual ity bilk full fashioned. Seme with clocks. & m w . IE & S 3SC Sweaters, 2.95 Slip-en models, in all the most desirable summer shades. Light m weight. Tuxedo model priced at 3.9:.. Dimity Blouses 1.95 .it 18.50 I WE, SPECIAUZE IN AfPAREL THAT SLENDERIZES THE LARGER WOMAlN i Of fine, sheer dimity in a diversity of dainty models, trimmed with pretty edgings of lace. Peter Pan, shawl and roll cellars. Sv Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Jun lYi e ry .1111 Greatly Underpriced Fer this week-end sale The Lewest Prices in Many Years en All Our Fine Hats Remarkable Values at $5.00 te $10.00 Sale of Children's Trimmed Hats Yeu can cheese as low as $3.00 A Summer Sale of Hosiery & Underwear for 53.75 e a pair e ier Se.50 .) a pair ."0 a pair PURE SILK FASHION-MADE HOSE. $1.35 a pair, 3 In all colors, plc.iiy of White SEMI-FASHIONED DROP STITCH AND TVU.TO.NE SILK HOST? Si Reduced from $l.i.l $2.30 rULL-FASHIONED PURE SILK HOSE. $1.95 a paii hi all colors, plcrt of 'hi!t $2.30 FULL-FASHIONED GORDON SILK HOSE $2 In all colors, plenty of M'ln'c $2.75 FULL-FASHIONED VAN RAAIIE SILK HOSE $2 In all colors, plmhi nf V,utr IMPORTED CHIFFON WEIGHT SILK HOSE. VALUES TO $5.00, NOW $2.50 In all colets except Wlvic, some i'i'h Freieli Cled: FANCY LISLE HOSE 75c a pair. 3 for $2.00 In (,. U'!'-tc and Bcfjc J.L'a VANITY FAIR SILK VESTS Bodice top; geed p ality hta-y mlk LISLE VESTS v.:,c each. 3 for Rcyular and bodice tops LADIES' LIGHT COTTON TIGHTS. vi ere 75c, new 50c each With oe?c tiylit l,iu e" ANNETTE KELLERMANN BATHING TIGHTS, $2.75 3 oz. Bettle of Cery's French Toilet Water, Very Special at $2.25 We are ab'e te efTr-i Cots fumeu. toilet waters in fve of the best-liked oders: l.'Ongan, JareuemtnU, L'Kf.lciirt, Styt nnd Puris, at the lowest price ut wluJi mc npj.ar toilet .iters have ever been quoted. lu! e e. bctt.e, 51'.2j. 51. i.) $1.00 We Have Bought the Entire Stock of M. J. LEWIS 1206 Chestnut Street Everything will go en sale at 1214 Chestnut Street Watch for Announcements in the Daily Paper Hjtt l -I., .,VJ ' .,,,. fjfL..ii..Ai;';-' tj MDivyfJlrtHs.Mj .-Tfjiilft risCtf Mv-r'f. sifa&j