KFTWWlWWJftIW',MBWHIW IWilKZvr i'&Mmww& wwm mw EFWTW'TL . TyjEA. WtT 'i75Ti."'irerTJ"TOW 7f,aVII,Tl1ii.( wwisv ? wm?MM?rr ' r ' ' "Js '-1 JfiiiaZSiii, ' ii ti4 W.AwkTTrrv' mtfrheMrfvAV.,' iTrrwia ' IK. 1022 l v EJVJSNJJNi JfUUlilU jjjjiuwjfijv irxiiJxyix.j x...., , Careful Attention Should Be Given te Small Child's Menu, Says Mrs. Wilsen V And Specifies What the Three-Year-Old Persen Should and Should Net Eat, With Sevcrrf Attractive Recipes te Illustrate ' i All Br RIBS. M. A. WILSON CMtriiM. litt.iu.htri. M. A, Wiljc " ' rjahts reieruce mHE approach of the summer season X brings te the mother's mind that alie desires te odd variety te the child's diet, and often for this reason she i innleus te make special seasonable illihcs. Then It is that the tlienuht irises in her mind. "Will this dish be suitable for my child?" Physicians knew that the most im portant time is the first five years of be child's life, for It is then that hublts are formed which often remain lth the child through life. Among tlie most important of these arc the feed habits of the child. Hew inconsistently Mme mothers really regard the needs of the chihl ! If you were te note the feed he child is jclven,.yeu would net be surprised at the condition of the child. The menu of the adult will nottfe for the young and growing child. It is orcrscasened and does net carry the needed elements in sufficient propor tions te furnish him with mntcrlnls te make him grew and at the siimc time Minplv the needed amount of energy for his constant and abundant activi ties Milk Is the child's ideal feed from i.irth n nd until the tenth month, for ",""., .j....-i, in imethU ,ii,,t i " vurjr iiiiMiriiiu, nnu mi" wise meiner fe Uu A tench the baby and the growing ether feeds. Gradually the stomach de-I ,.,,,, . , , .... ,,.,,. vtleps the stnrcli-tiigesting enzymes, nnu ere the methods of cooking. Milk should piny n large part of nil children's diet. Se for this reason it Is wise te cook the vegetables nnd the ccrenls In milk in place of water, as tha child Is usually unnble te drink lnrnc quantities 0f tultk wiien no cms etner feeds. Wlicn the (iticstien of money nrlfes in the home the mother immediately ruts down and sometimes eliminates milk en tirely from the small child's diet, and it may be only after n spell of serious sicknes that she finds this out. rrcMi fiults and ugetnblcs arc need ed in the child's diet for furnishing the needed mineral elements for n.aklng bone nnd teeth structure. They nre also laxative In eflect nnd supply the tissues with the needed elements that help them te keep up their tone. It is best te give small children the fruits that tliey nre permitted te have at least one-half hour before the regular meal. Tlie ciuestien of meat for tlie child Is always Important and should be Elven special attention. Toe much meal Is just as harmful ns net enough, Xoi Is It wlse te give children such meats ns Hamburg stenk or meat bulls, fried meats or perk products or veal. llecf, chicken nnd lamb nrc the enlv meats tlint should be glen te the sn.all child, with fresh fish, either baked or boiled, for variety. The bread question is very important, and tlie wise mother i child te linve n real liking for whole- Things Yeull Leve te Make KIDDV5 BUOzFROCKw Tv Jtr' XIvMi KmiJj LALt-il V5 i0Pt. .; n nntl. Vl.e I mhv lnl le ' ",,(,nt br,'n' "t i one or two days old ' & ?""' tX . "jftb I .n.?JS' Whple.hPnt bread contains many Mil. SVrShJWlm'Sltt SKint n,n,Crial fr I am going te suggest the following t00j" Kl,,,(-rC' .lUiiea te ndd variety te tnc menu The fruits the child of this nge maji have ere Juice of nn orange, Stewed seeded inisins, rubbed through a sletc, linked apple, without the skin. Prune pulp, rubbed through a slexe, Ilttle pineapple juice. The following vegetables: Spinach, cooked until tender and rnbbcd through n sieve. Carrots, mashed and creamed. Turnips, mnslicd and creamed, I'cas, mashed and creamed, Asparagus tips, linked potato, rincly shredded lettuce. The cream soups con be made fiem the follewing: Petate. Spinach, Celery, Lettuce. , Carret, ' Turnip. New, while the small baby jii"t be ginning te ent may have the jelk of nn Mf, the child three and four jenrs old should have tlie whole eg?. Coddled, . feft boiled. In omelet mid in custard I Seme suggestive recipe Oatmeal Custard Place in snucepan One cup of unlet; Otic cp of milk. Urine te a bell nnd add One-half cup of oatmeal. One-quarter teaspoon of salt. Cook slowly for one hour. New strain through a sieve and ndd One-half cup of milk. One tablespoon of sugar. Tin ii pinch of nutmeg, Yolk of one egy, One uhelc egg. Bent well te mix nnd turn in well buttered cuMnrd cutis. Hake In mod erate even until the cutnrd is firm. Place ci'stards In pnn nnd fill with cold water te about two-thirds the i depth of the custaids. Trunp Souffle Place in snucepan One cup nf milk, Thice tahlripemn of flour. Stir with fork te dissolve and bring te a bell. Cook slowly for five minutes, then add Yelhi of tue egii. A KIDDY'S DUO-FKOCK will give n great deal of service. Make n sim ple foundation strnlght-llne frock. Em broider or plcet two silts In the front of the frock, just below the waistline. Make cellar, cuffs nnd sash of some dainty dotted or figured material. Lin Lin brelder n large flower between the silts nnd smnllcr ones en tlie cuffs nnd col cel lar. Tlie little one can wear her KIDDY'S DUO-FROCK, ns shown en the first figure. When she wishes a change, or soils the front of It. have an arrangement like thnt shown In the second sketch. It consists of n deep. round cellar of a fancy or ciess-bar material, with a plaited pnncl attached, and cuffs and snsh te match. The edges of these are plceted. FLOHA. One-half teaspoon of vanilla. One cup of prune pulp made from cooked prunes that have been rnhheil through a sieve, s Four tablespoons of sugar. Heat te Mend and then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the two eggs nn.l turn ttiln well-blltiercd CUSttrd cups and bake as for custards, . The natural whole grain rice slieuiu be used for the child. Tlie miie urew.. i n. i... ..,nin .iimnt'Mi when nc fOlll. Ulltl. l .i""" 'V" " ,- .1.1 makes tlie lice snow wane """""'":" .!.... ... H, n.nln Itll VfllllnlllO mM crnt clement and the natural fat of tne grain. MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS Mrs. Wilsen Will you give recipe for coconut mnenroens? MRS. 31. Place In mixing bowl tlie whlte of two egg", bent until stiff nnd then whip In one cup of granulated sugar, cut ami fold in the following . Our ami one-half cupt nf corn flakes, One-half cup of coconut, One, teaspoon of flavoring. I.-...,.. I,. Imllti llm elzp nf tt WOlntlt niid place en a baking sheet that has been covered with n well -groaned nil floured paper. IMace the macaroons about two inches npart and bake in slew even for twenty minutes. Mrs. Wilsen Will you givereclpe for light layer enke? Layer Coke Place ... i TArcc and one-half cupt of pastry flour, . . ,, Twe level lablcipoent of baking pew- in sifter and sift five limes. ew place in mixing bow I One (Did one-half cups of supar. Twe-thirds cup of shortening. Crcnm well and add yolks of four eggs and cream again ; new add the prepared flour and en" nnd one-half cups of wnter or milk nnd beat te smooth batter, add one teaspoon of flavoring desired, nnd cut nnd fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the five eggs; turn in well -greased and floured deep layer enke pans nnd bake in het even for thirty minutes. SUMMER NEEDS iT Women's BATHING SUITS 1 SOc Fine ribbed, well in a d c, neat design. Extra value. Cap Shown en . Figure, THE REAL PLAY SHOE White Rubber Sele for 'Women & Children. Ooed, heay and well mnde. 89c a pair Mary Jane Slipper Wen derful &J Mlue nil flB lent!- ABPRy Peg-Tep ROMPERS Large nrlety of cheeked ginghams In all colors nnd combinations. 59 C JL J Wt TRAWTrn 92 Market street e 1. IjIBi 1 VU. Next te Postoffice tokitctMtpeedUtc(CItAFE-NUTSi)( Klffiff tkatul putdrBelltti&itstfcr u irteHfS . s . LJ.f. f? Power for you, tee! FOOD for the human body is like fuel for the modern en en gineeoth are converted into power. Seme feeds are mere effec tive than ethers in developing energy without overtaxing the system during the het summer days. Grape-Nuts is a skilfully pre pared feed for human power. It contains the necessary ele ments for strength and energy, and it supplies this power lightly and smoothly, with no burden te the digestion. Grape-Nuts is a go-ahead "There's a Reason" GrapeNuts feed, made from whole wheat flour and malted barley, skilfully blended and processed, and slowly baked for twenty hours. Ready te eat with cream or milk a complete feed. There's a delicious charm of crispness and flavor in Grape Nuts, and a great aid te health and efficiency in its well-rounded nourishment. Travel light and travel strong with Grape-Nuts as a regular part of your breakfast, lunch or supper. EverJ' member of the family will enjoy it. Order from your grocer today! Made by Pestum Cereal Ce., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. WANAMAKER'S JUNE 15, 1922 WANAMAKER'S. The Wanamaker Down Stairs Sten Ji s Vl Wf Men's All -Weel Two-TreUser Suits at $30 Blue serges and wool mixtures in conservative and semi-conservative suits, carefully tailored. Among them are durable serges that will keep their color; the dark blue coats are fine te wear with white flannel trousers. And two pair of trousers make each suit almost equal te two suits! Palm Beach Suits, $14.50 Mohair Suits, $16.50 (Ouller.r, Miirkef) $4.50 $3 $10 $5.50 The Summer Charm of Gingham $3 te $10 Women's dresses of gingham are in particular favor this year, and women who appreciate the youthful charm and freshness of gingham are glad. Various geed grades of material are used throughout, even in the $3 dresses, and the $10 frocks are of imported gingham se fine and soft that it feels like silk. Such Clear-Celared Checks and se many delightful styles! Our grandmothers would be amazed te see hew many places gingham gees nowadays. The Gingham Frecks Sketched are but a few of the hundreds of dresses available at these prices in all the styles of the season. Beys' Camp Suits Sizes 2V2 te 8 years, ,$2 Sizes 8 te 18 years, $2.50 What Reed times tlicy signify! Hiking, fishing, "roughing it," nnd all the things thnt boys love! All the boys want them, and parents find it wise te get several suits for each of the boys who are going camping. They are made of sulphur-dyed khaki jean, which means dui ability nnd geed color. Sleeves are short and tne open neck is cool and com fortable. Cellars are self-faced. The gen erous yokes across the back are double. Seams are all closed stand a let of strain. Shirts have two breast pockets sizable ones. $2 suits arc button-en style and c can be worn with or without the v eO khaki-colored belt. $2.50 suits havp regular shirts. "shorts" such as the English Bey Scouts wear, and webbing belts with slip buckles (fJiillery. .Miirl-t) P A l I $2 Z& S3 this excellent straight-line dress is well tailored and its lines make for slimness in appeal ance. In pink, brown or blue small block checks. $4.50 the gingham in this model is a club check in navy-and-red, pink-and-grcen or bluc-and-tan and the organdie trim ming is fresh and cool looking. $10 beautifully fine is this gingham, in brown, navy or red checks. The style is youthful and pretty and the white organdie is sheer, s-moeth and crisp. Dotted Swiss Frecks at $5 and $5.50 The one at $5.50 that is sketched is in brown, dark blue or red, mostly with uhite dots. The snowy organdie vestee is tiimmcd with little bows of I ubben. (Market) Women's Tan Pole Coats $12.50 Practical vacation coats, as they haimenize with anything and will stand a great deal of hard wear. In a tailored style with an inverted pleat down the back of each, four pockets and a buckled belt. Tan or Navy Blue Gabardine Wraps, $20 A conservative Summer wrap, silk lined throughout, and topped with a cowl cellar faced with satin navy facing en the tan coats, Copenhagen en the navy blue ones. CamePs Hair Coats Reduced A little gathering of silk-lined tan camel's hair coats which have become soiled. All price-leweied te $28.50. (Muikd) Gemini le Black Enamel Suitcases, $3.50 Four Sizes Unlike most black enamel suitcases of moderate jirice, these cases are made of enam eled fabric with a black back ing, a point of great superi ority, as rubs and scratches de net show en such cases nearly as quickly as en cases witli white backing. These are strongly made, have leather corners and two leather straps aciess the top. Handles are durable and there is a pocket inside the lid. All arc attractively lined. 18, 20, 22 and 21 inch sizes, suitable for men or women. Hat Bexes, $5 Round boxes have tan or black bindings nnd handles; square boxes have black leather corners. Beth are prettily lined and have inside pockets as well a spaces for two hats. 18 inches across. ((I'litrul) Organdie Trimmings 10c and 12V2c Prettiest and newest trimmings for Summer frocks and blouses. Organdie fageting is a ciiss-cres of murew strips, in all about an inch wide, while loop trimming, for edgings, is about one-half inch wide. Organdie loop trimmings, 10c yard. Orgnndie fageting, 12'sc yard. (Central) ! Remnants of Household i Linens, Half Price A geed opportunity te add te i the household supplv of tablo table j cloths, towels, etc. Geed lengths of cotton and linen toweling, j bleached and unbleached muslin, i cotton and linen tabic damask at just half their regular selling ' prices. Net Corsets, $1.50 I and $2 I Se light and airy that they give the desired support and are I yet practically free from all the ' Summer discomfort. Imitation Ivery Toilet Articles 25c te $2.50 Lew prices en a wide as sortment of manicure pieces, puir boxes, hair receivers, combs, miners and photograph frames. Seme have colored edges, ethers are plain white. Most of thee pieces are per fect, but there me some "sec "sec endc'' among them. Cm trnl) Heuse Dresses Pretty Enough for Anywhere $3 Smart frocks of checked ging ham arc pretty enough for Sum mer afternoons. Thc-j'ie gay with crisp organdie plcatings or cellars and cuffs of ecru eyelet embroidery. Seven diffnent styles te cheese from in chee chee ef lavender, red, black, blue, pink or geld. Sizes 36 te 4G $3. In Extra Sizes at $3 A gingham dress in two-tone check comes in sizes 4S te 54. Breakfast Sets, 75c Of light printed peicale, each set consists of a slip-eer jumpei nnd a skiit, tiimmed with white pipings. w mm 'ai 4.i " itrj t; 3! (Outrun Sale of "Wara" Straw Rugs 27x54 inches 75c 6x9 feet $3.50 36x72 inches $1 J 8x10 feet S5 4.6x7.6 feet $2.50 9x12 feet $6 This is the last shipment this season of "Wara" straw rugs and a whole Summer's service is ahead. "Wara" rugs are made of first-quality rice straw and are fresh from Japan, where they were made especially for us. Stenciled with oil paint blue, green or brown and bound all around, they are in various pretty designs. We Emphasize the Freshness of "Wara" rugs because you can gauge the service of straw rugs bv their freshness. rut one et tnese lreshly made rugs of "live" straw en the fleer iirvi- it- n All? niiii n swrt ;-..-. ; A- . i c ,,, . ,,u aBimi yivu it a reasonable amount of care and see hew long it will last. .$(5 is the price of a large rug. You'll never get such service, such satisfaction out of S(S oxnendoH fm- nn,. ti, k.-,,,i , ...t , ...vufc,lwt nmvi of fleer covering. "War a" Rugs Are Suitable Almest Anywhere They make splendid perch rugs. Small sizes are nice for canoes and camps and they can be easily rolled up and taken along. Yet "Wara rugs are dignified enough for rooms where there is beautifu e d furniture especially the rugs with Chinese center designs or plain band borders. b (i:unt ,lle mill Climlmit) 12-Butten Milanese Silk Gloves, $1.25 (Iifid qu,ili'. -ilk f,leis, double linger tipped for extra .eriec, in whiti, bliul, mode and mastic. lO-buttmi length in thi' Ninv quality and colors. ?l,-n. ' ( ( i lit r u 1 1 A Dainty New Dotted Swiss Freck for Juniors 1.75 nf we the h.i c piettic-t hid this One drese season. It is of sheer, dainty Swiss in 1)1 own, led, joie, Jeaf green ei orange dotted n white. Fleweis of white oigan eigan die mark the wai-tline, while a big fly-away sash of white eigaiuiic ties m a bow in the back. Yeke and cuffs aie of the organdie, adorned with a sciell of Swiss. 15 te 17 car sizes Other Delightful Summer Dresses aie of sheer dimities, eiles, lawns, organdies, sturdy ginghams and pongees all new. all nrettv and all charmingly youthful. Prices Lf range from $1.50 te $15. (Market) & I , ."V? 1 Ribbed Silk Vests, $2 White, pink, orchid and peach. Of ery fine nbbed silk with jut a litt'e fiber mixture te give them "body" and durability; made in bodice-top style, with pretty shoulder stiaps. (Regular and extra size-.) Ribbed Lisle Vests, 25c White bodice-top style, or pink or white built-up sheuldet style. Beth "seconds" but extra geed ones. (( rnlrel) Linen Napkins 25c Each Irish linen napkins, fully ble idle 1 and in seeial pretty patterns. These a,n hemmed and ready for ue; they aerage 15 inches square. Other Linen Napkins at Lew Prices lS-inch sie, $.'5.7.j dozen. UO-mch "IO, S1.50 de.en. 21-inch Me, Se. 50 dozen. (( i-ntriil) "vM W tv'l J !' S: ? V I' t s ill 14 3 a i 'O LJ r 1 1 w i V y i '. . tAui it lit.-. - it tmyiitinvy ut (, ii&&&i L l!1 alJf.i-' .. . fM -i m -'-"':-