jTf&r MEJ RW ..' BP LET H" I imfr t IA r r I I ,- i m trhwmmm IV.. it ,. St . tw- '- A M w w Virtually All Midsummer Fea tures of Resort Life New in Evidence or A COM mm ASBURY PARK ;V Asltiiry r.irl(, .lime 1 1 A-hmj lik frwIllRH Inte Lie nmlitii eiltPiiaintii.' thniiMimti and with n m.mv attt.ii limn HViint," ni were only prevleu-lv te lie cnjexeil n month liitei. Virtually all of the tniiNummer fen turet of report life are new in e !! in- . the formal week-end bnll at il. larger hntel, the tn il.tnnnt and inn'.. Informal fimetiens at the .mnlb'r liouei. the weird eneoplieny of fi' Juvenile reeri'iitlmi eentiiw ind 1I1" vnrlett" lleaidwall; attractien'' Here one find" that i b-al eeinbinntu 11 of cllv, enliere and leiinni :i r n'. n'. qiicMtennbly i net te be found am where ele en the pent. Te the eu-t is the ten. mere variable than liiunvi moods and a elinncins; te the enth - bewitching We-b'.v Lake, with its d rated tn(i and at ttisht it -iiisuu condellers; te tin1 'eiithwest i tl beautiful epnne of the Aburj l'ai' Gelf and C'etiiitr Club and it- .rtniii of llehN and woedland: te the we' tin lower ren'hc of l'nnl Lake and a iot iet .tngc and Imiicilew MTtimi built en we1" nnd shadeii tri'i't. te the euth tie jnnln beih of I'enl Lake, .md -lint 11111s little Siin-ef I.ik" AkIihi l'.iru's new rnilr.ad -tntlen Is the ut of 111 1 in notable .uinnn - liients te . .1 1. Ii t.ie (jr. Th- loird leird ing nbeur the hnndeuii new -triiitui--was taken down earlv in the week, revealing for the tirt tune its archi tectural beauty Anether netable Improvement 1 the partial reconstruction of the long tih ing pier. The pier wa hnrd hit by u storm lnt winter that took away much of iti middle planking ever it- entire width. ' In its reconstructed form the pier l ' xtended beyond its previous extern extremity bv the addition of a -paclniis i casting reservitlen that will comfort cemfort comfert nble accommodate mere than a bundled fishermen, protecting them from crowd went te crowd tee cle'-ely about when a fish Is landed thu- interfering with the sport of every hapless sport-man ' nearby who might de-Ire te ca-i ns.iiii Without endangering the -pcrtnter. Frem the fenre about t" ie-ervatieii It will -fill be pe idle te see e;lrU at very elne range everj uituement in the landing of a ti-h. without twins 111 jeepardv from either lljing hook or lead. Th fi-1 In? -ea-en here had an e.irlj opening this jear. nnd impretes dail. AVhlb- the run of (i-h ha- Ik en tremely varied shifting in 11 -Ingle twentj -four hours through tleiiaib-r-llng, deg -Murk- and -katea. -e,i rob bing, nnd ba.-k again te ling, wl'hn.' any dunl run of -peeics ether than tr mixed -harks and -kates, there i- nue -of pert in riiti'l.lns a deg -hark than a ling, nnd old tHiermen knew thet fie despi-cd 'oa-rebbin. or blewf.sh, 1- one of the best iu the -ea Night fi'hing is new fuellltate,) , the light from the reading pawlieii en the pier, and this will be augmented phertly by cepnt-ctinn of tliepier .mht- The l"-plunade Keiiew, everlu Altn: the Uenrdwitlk at approximately it- c-cntrnl point, and 'he -mailer pavilions are notable for their eu-j hair- and .strategic locations commanding at once I 1 the Itenrihvalk and a sweep of the -ea 1 s The. A-bur Purl: Pl-lilng Club 1ms , moved from the old fibius pier le. atien fKll! IU 41 ll.lUU-Olll. 14, , 1VU11I.- .U .11, ft'.-.,. Wen! Lake flume It is well worth 1-1f- ?'Bf?i! '"' ''' n' ,nur,y rar ani' h-indseine tfflM-- species caiisht in all part- of the -1 v.-u Jifwy -was by club member- may be -11 te band-eine new home at the Ileal The Onondaga JiT'1' l"v OI)I I ertf. X. . 1800 fi-ft lati n t'r klnc !ai en flepa of Onendact .Mi. imp 'te wltheui ihe In nv-ri td v I nmuwmtn" rta'eH $1'. 'j f." nk lioekif JAMKS A a MII'LAH ri'iTK s.i; s( . v. SARANAC M in the Heart of the Adirondack NOW OPEN uhi: i.i.iiuii N. . Diamond Pint Heuse en r MlllS I ki: f rt ml ' l.l'.OItl.i: ninni i, A I lii klis .il livery r un norm it.L II ITK.K I KI n . PRINCE ALBERT tupphh 1 nr. HtStO UUt'i r ..l NY ''ti 'ukr, shore aril j Urn thrniiiihuu' I .-st f teatlns l. 'hinK, llshinc t nnii. tabln uuin 1 v Tlaeklet II. K. KLWIIUfJ f. nil IU Innilv, Y. N. Y. I'llltr JKIIMS, The Charlanna Hetel and Poultry Farm; lelined resort; modern improvements; excellent Jewish table, farm prod ucts; beatinp, bnthinjr, lishintr, tennis, dancintT. Rates reason able; booklet. Chas. Krinsky, Pert Jervis, N. Y. PINK CUM' I'AKMx. I'nrt .erls. N. Y en Pel.luurr r1n111t11111l11lrs I3tli iiiuiUrm boeklrt. (.. V. e(M.i):( "DESMOND SHORE HOUSE i.ki:iih. ki:i:ni: co n. y. On Hie banks nf Cutpknl 1 ippK I r. wlnimliis Instruction, beallns. bans tiih Ins. Larue niry runiin U.iriice uiiemnilj. tlens, Truthful lioeklc fij.cn Jlay u Oct 1 PHILIP WAHSIIAW l'rep; .MIINTIC'KI.I.II. N. . 1 MONTICELLO INN A. strictly modern hetPl Accominedntps 800. On HiiiIh read ls;iPin Niw Yerk nil IllnRliHinten n.tMilleii "nOU fei t Famnun for itii i-ulln nml pprw. p upeii tlw eur reunil lleukb 1 uii n-ej. n (I. MACII'tON, Mentieellu N mist in:, hi 1.1. i an te., n. Mountain Spring Heuse Rosceo, Sullian Ce., N. Y. A modern Ituuse with all liurretpmcnts mid en a real funn Fun 11 products, crime water, neme -oenc. Hates en application. IILNRY MILLKK. Prow. , Tlie new Ineatlen jivrs the 11 -her- 1 1 PB ! Wjt FeiitTH i.ki:. out rettdi n. . nt s 1.. 1 men were opportunity for cnllng In lunrtlcc fur tlie bis nutluiinl tmirnii Mi'in- ii Aup'it iiinl t'i' ctir tin' I hi. ti -nu in mull ipnt ii i nf mi rill lil Ml' 1 tll m lull) 'i(s rw-it. Ii" iiriuui-mtMit niT uiult- win fin ri it Hi I'llllli lull t-tl'llt I ) ncilllt llltn I'lllll- I 'tiiniii the Aiiii-iinni. lli-il 1-h. An. in urn nin .V.iinl. Seuth Aft m, t"iniis. The AiiiPi'li-tm town will iln lt i-nt- 1111: lii-re, tlnihiiii! iibruiiil nnd it .Win; In cubic tin' results In cid-Ii i-w-nf. MANY MORE USE SARATOGA BATHS M . m . ,, . . .... Ferest Trails and Aute Highways Popular at N. Y. Resort Nii';itin:;i springs, N. ,, dune H - It w.l- long before nil of us were bem that Saratoga Spring- bfg.in te be fameu- as n health and iccroaflen te--ort Te he meri evacf. It wa- In ITU" flint Sir William .lohn-en. lngllti bar onet mnl pioneer, lir-t ilte, Snrntegn Sptiiig- and took 'the cure " bronchi here h his faithful Mohawk Indian tlleiul- It we- net until I'.'OH. heweei, that the -prlng- were "redl-ceveted" In one of it- iitUen-, lldgar T. I'l-iikett who wa- then a New Yetk State Setui Setui ter. lie introduced a bill iu the State Legislature . and argued It through t . Ilnal pa age. 1-y which ewner-hiii of must of tie pilucipal mineral -pring" here, together w'th -cveral hundred iicrc- of land aili.uent te thein weie aispilreil b the State of New Yerk thu- etuis) nine t lutuie geuprntiens the lien-''; 1 -11 tiueinll prevideil b na ture. Mere tlan He Oik) lia'lis wen adm'ti-i-tirni here l.i-t -eisen. with 111 In f reuse -his -eas.ei fiein Aiuil 1." te .June I. M lii," p- 1 I'll' nii'i tin- -nine pi 01J in l'i-J1 I!ut 1I1, u.itiiial -i .iti-i - ami hntlis ire let nil of this famous result Ter nearh a )entur if I. as been ipute sis popular with the seasonal acntienist, the plensure-.seeker. the lever of out-of-deer sports, rs with thoe seeking rest and iccuperntlen. The ludlui "forest trails" lending te the "Medi cine Springs" from all directions, have lone .since become superb State high ways, and annually are trnercd by h.ippv .lUtomebile partle-j from far and wide. Automobiles have been actually listed here in a single season from tbirt three of our States, the District of Columbia, two ptevlnces of Canada. Cuba atid several l'urepcan count-les and Seuth Ameiica. Saratoga Springs has -ome of the largest hotels in Ainericn. and nianv equnlU il inning smaller utie-. with n large ti imber of ecellent bearding houses The line-t inci'track In Ahicr h .1 ,s i-.ki-.' i-e located Iipic, with rac ing d K.ng .ill of August. MMMT.lt HT.-OKT.1 I KU l'l.( II). V . THE PINES 'ap i lift Superior feed and s.t" ' 1 Med ran v priced Alse ttnii tiii 1 1 unpul' ws iirchcstru, da-it tie, 'enms, peel Garage THE HOMESTEAD s. r.' nn 1 'h hntli. every room running water I.'xi-ellent table Open all jear Ileuklrt. t. r. nei.AMi BELMONT HOTEL i r r a 'i hi Tenn tn f riahinsr ik 'Jai -ncr- ( 'pn Mav K te Oct. K JOHN SHATZ, Prep. reitr kknt n . LAKESIDE INN I'ORT KK.NT.N. Y. ' r It In ,i- I , n I.uUn i-hain- It ii.is Ii.i(Miib tlsl.lntf OnruB') SI i ir 1 up Vrlt- MKS. M. j. RENXKLL, Manager ii.MiMii(tv. x. . White Face Mountain Heuse WONDERI-TL VIEW OF OLD AVII1TE FACE i i i i i I I J MuiWn, liiiim-IIUi J imrtics uteri il te, f semi for ItneMet. liur.iRe, etc. ! F R F.VFRF.ST. Prnn. ! I Wll MINI. ION. .N. . I I.Ki: I'LAC'ID. N. Y. LAKESEIDE INN I.AhK l'LAI III. N. w r ii'i:v jioeKi.irr I.KAHV Mcr IIMNIN CM.I -s, .. , UPLAND FARM " S II il Will f ' 1 T n r M f r il i i1' II I a I s II LLIid. I'mii.. Ilnlnrs lulls. N . ( T-KII.I M'l N Mr . .,1 i ' jCr7 yywpy-"ytri tm '"yj-jjiis""" 1 w HtaaWr '.Wfesa u 111 II HaWHaw -v'VI1v MT mB'j!K-&ftE9kWMi')m.M99Lt t WkW. tiwi. 1 ltssnMa3WSWByirT IflaU. IvMra Vr"",' EVENING PUBLIC FISHING AT STAMFORD Mj'inreiil.tn-tl'p-CnJsUIIIs. N. ,, .lime H. inn nppiiiiij; nf tltp ill-kill Mountain sitnum'.' ivca-en iiinN inure Wstl. in jlie iPKiini ilian umuII ate , , ..,.,, ., i .... fun ..I nt lius Mine of the iir. Mnnj "f thriii dip 1 1 out lishi'inieii it ml llielr families, who ute leniulns from etieri etieri etiee tlnit lu.iltli nnd enjejiueiit are mere easily obtained bj begltinlng as 1 nil us pe Ible seii'e outdoor exet- ei-e. the mnt plen-urilble and betiellcial ailetj of winch at this time Is angling. Supn'eiiiciitlug thee ale tin tilelin- tain i-luli iiieinbers and tin- leltugei-s ic ' O- """ " ' till'. 111' " ".I'lh" ' ' 11)m the lute of the iiieun.aliis ul- w.i.vs Is iiiespiit. who pnhi net eiii flic cool breezes which m-ike suiuiuer a delight, but 11K0 the brl-k mid biaeing ntiniispheii' of a belated spring, or late autumn. Tieut fishing in the Cnt-kilN necr has furnished -uch satif.i.ig results as it has this ear. 'Hits 1- the normal result of the action of numeieus lecul tish nnd game nssm mtietis throughout St MMTtl ItTsilltTS Ut:( IIVTrlU. N ai n crz s: g Cattbtli ileuntatu eusie ON THE RIP VAN WINKLE TRAIL BEACHVIEW NEW YORK The Most Ideally Situated Mountain Resort in This Country. OPENS JUNE 23TII Spend your summer nt this thoroughly modern hotel overlook in the Beautiful Hudsen River Vnllcy for many miles, 3000 ncres of forests. Twe beautiful lakes. Many private baths, het nnd cold runn np water, electric lights. Tennis, beating, fishing. Clubhouse with bowling and billinrds. Daily concerts nnd dnnc inft every evening Carnge Booklet nnd rend map en request, cr Public Ledger Resort Bureau. FAR FAMED FOR ITS EXCELLENT TABLE AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Special season rates for families and ethers making long stay. JOHN K. VAN WAGONEN. Manager W XORTIt MIIITK I.AKK. X. Y. ITS THE KENMORE North White Lake, Sullivan Ce., N. Y. The attractions of mountain and seashore combined. A modern hotel en the shore of beautiful White Lake. Every room with het and cold water. Accommodates 300. Orchestra, Dancing, Beating, Fishing, Bathing, Tennis, Riding, Etc. refined Jewish clientele. II 'us rated booklet en request. MAX BLOCH, Owner L. SII.VKRMAN and 1). M. JACOBS, Mgrs. v. - -. i.zziy n t-JsVaMi ill 1 1 sai fiKJl I 1 JfSZBim Ek&fiv&tXM U 1 JT t-V AiNiM. mwsterzz- Hern the I.aki-s S' renin?. Ferest Trails Terfect Ileads flelt l.lnhs, TennW Courts nnd ail ether forms et rccreat en and dnoren3 eom eem bine te make the r-nl and Idfal eutinp for the action hcke- I.AKF. PLACID Iih jone ft. altl tudr: N rcnclifd li w YmU ( rntral Linen unit Drlawarr d lludnun System, nml Is direct route of the 1000-MIU liiternii tlnnul Aute Tour. Fer BseRlet ani Informmlen stout II tl C'Hmps arJ ruttaxm MU.trs UAMIIKK Of fOMMKIICK l.nke rUild. N. Y. Lake Placid The Ucmity Spot of .'IP .IdiretrfncA's Comfy Camps Cozy Collages Choice Locations Reasonable Rents NOEL FELDSTEIN Lake Placid, New Yerk NOItril HIIITi: LAKK. N. Y. HOTEL RITA North White Lake, Sullivan Ce., N. Y. Modern house, ideally located. Ac-i-otnineilates 80. BeatiiiKi b.-itli-int;. tishinpr, etc. Ve;et:ible.', mill; and cream from our farm. Near Cathelic: church; ether churches convenient. Iloeklct. T. DRISCOLL ARLINGTON HOTEL I' i ni I i n I w Jtr rnrh r i n m Ik. ' ere lln.ltlliR I r i -t s'i ! t Ilei.Kli-t 'AMI '. N r-n N l. 'r l.aUe. M'li..n i ( 1KILL .MTi V. AMI SM M -I i . 1 1). i, i II ,11. a. i r , . . Y m H m m m msV m r m t hsy " w rf. . t lu wu v s u " -r Jt. j m ATSKIL.L, Mountains Outdber sperth in the great Catskill vacation land will mean mere te you than they have ever meant before. Auto Aute Auto mebiling, canoeing, fishing, golf, tennis, horseback riding and back of it all, the picturesque panorama of the rolling hills and the biaeing air that puts zip nnd ni"2er into you. Make your plans today for a nloriein vacation in this WSiVV1 vr v.Yfr.aty'f paj liEDGEK PfellADELPHIA, WlSfeNESDAtf? tfNE 14, 1922 tlir rcttlen, which pach yenr for a con - Kiilrnibli' ihtIeiI linve ilimrlbntf (1 in tlic rirpkH Mini Iiumi,;h which iibeiiinl In the tiieiititallis liiiniheils of tliiiusaniN f dniit fr.s mill IlimrrllllK winch are raised in tln Slate liiilelicripv. , 11'11'll,,'1 ,,,'".",!,l f,""i", V"""'1 !',' ""' t'"1" k'll Mettiitaiiii. whli'li would eater ex- ,.nvUl.j, , ,.in,SH ,,f ptrenase. re- linpil n" well iu lensenlal. n leMirt where one eiuihl lie insured thnt no mi- de-lrablc cleinent would be found, liu- lesulteil in Stamford, 1 In this region of luwns and wood weod woed binds, imp can breathe pure, dry nlr, I'lije cool, res fu' nights and e-cupe hiimldlt. The wnlks and ill Ives In mid llbeilt Stillllfeld tire p.ltticillltll lK'lllltl fill, iiiiicmlmii nuids ladlutiiiK Iu ever dtrcclieii, thus iiffeidlng lliduccincni for wall. lug, uioteiliig and driving along the rllildlng mountain In-oeks and llireiiirli the pictty woedeil glens. On the ciestj of t't-n iiiitlm Meiitilalu, easily reached In -i geed meter toad. Is an ebservn- , ter from whli-h I'd, 000 Mimre miles of , mountain ti'r.rItery. incluillng thirty 1 prominent peaks nnd portions offeur Kta es, tuny he seen, Ne jilace in the entire CaUkllls ban M-MMi:n ijinnTs nii.vc iivit.w. x. v. u i 1 W ii -W r ' wrn NOHTII WHITE I.XKK, X. ,Y. WAUKESHA r fv 1 ft from the IhK, r"(! rnm!,i -., ...,..t -.( Il-'lll'- '-rlli VIU'IIJI lintiTli I Itfsfisfl I lull t I . . l.in i.inb n r. I ' nA,1 I iir 111. Winn. iiii nri nixe tinin.- I Mlts. V. HLAl.i:AMti:it. Meml). X.Y. I.I.I.AIII-.TIIinWN, X. V. BEN STETSON'S Deer's Head Inn and Cottages In the heart of the Adiron dack. A thoroughly up-te-date hotel for people who desire the best. Reems with bath, runninpr water, cte. Tabic supplied from own faun. Write for lates.. Benjamin F. Stetson Proprietor MOMII-r.l.l.d. N. V. ROSEMARY FARMS Monticello, Sullivan Ce., N. Y. i Outdoor Sleepintr in Mountain-. for Health or Recreation a t't.i-i: ni rr.itiNe tiii: .m .m-i.i:s tir .--iMiM i:. Nvri'itAi. i.ivixd i-njr- lil.MJl) WITH 1'flti: A III 1'tT.i: reun A.s'n yrn.T. Thi- fanieijs ri'Juvi-nllii.'j spul. wIiti- r I'l" an- 111 -I ally ni.nl" hpi. in.iili- ! fc-1 li'iiltli. Iinarty jihI Jnful 1 let Imtli ui b ml . 1.1 nm ha. i li Iv tun,. r ml ' rei. K' rv facility Iit fur fiiJuir.K life in tiii- niii'ii -J' nilli s frnrn IIIike DunK.ilnus fur uuulnur Mi-i-Mni.', or rm m In main Lullilinir with iirhaif purilr- at tnn,!.ni Irnpreviniriil"). 'lemfllkrt rnvlren. mints Kriiil w hnli Heme fueil, ilrnMii mi,t lerms Me.l..rai ll.inKiet Mrs. Adelaide G. Ackland llll. MHOMJ N Y. WATERMAN'S CAMP I'd-, nis ttaier en IllK Moeso I..1U0 1 1 rnm 1" biili ili'iiii li lit h bre.nl truili-t fn Iecs ninl irm' tirhlnr Iiei.hl I. II. VTl:it.lN, IIIB ,, - TsKII.I, ITS. N. , 1 'W ' '" ' ' I t, healthful mountain region. TI1rc111r.l1 Irnlns d.illj from unit tn N'ew Aerli In iimncctlun Mltli Wmt Miere It. It. Alse connrc cennrc timi nlth lliiu'sen Illur Ilur Hue nt Klncntun I'lilnt, "( Httklll .Mountain .Special," with I'lillmnn curs, l)iuldi uitillllenal aerike dull, eicept Sunday, brtinnlni July 1, Fer Hetel 0111I floardlne lleuie Mil, addrest T. W. ri.KM.MINO, TTHfflc Manafer Kliifaten, N, Y, ULSTEIand Delaware RAILROAD -m yK'v-"li mnemmBtmxiAx. .wmrru i mmm h 'wiv'1 ,r v w '.k' ti.t.i .'iv i sii.T- .- r.- at .;. r:ruir.aj T n mere hcnltliful climate tlmn Rtanv i ford. It Is above the mnlarln unit niiiMiiIte lip t. ninl tltp brnclni! nlr, tlir i I ....i I i.n....li..u ..f il,.. ,111110" ..11. 11.11 ill n i I'liiin i, r. ... ..... reitiiMi, nil leMilt In fitnrab!e eeli'-ld- eiiilhm by the theiianiN who W"Jt, w-nr after w-ur. this veritable fair) Innil. .11 UVJJ y,il3TfL IIKUII.AM). ri.H-ri:it te. , CAMP HIGHLAND Highland.Uls,er County N.Y. A cetnliliicil hotel ami camp with nil the mlwmtngcs of both, leented en Lake Cliedlkcc. Three littiulrcd nntl fiftv-nlnc acres of weeds nnd bills Hnrsebnck llldlnir. Tennis, Diinclnff, X et young Jewish folks. Write for descriptive booklet. 1G9 CATMtll.f.. X. V. THE B1ENN HOUSE .Mi'Uk. SiCSwVW.ft. IVj IlltW. .J WM. BIENN, Prep., Catskill, N. Y. HAIXIM r.w.i.s. X. Y, HAIIHES fflfjf.vwwwMiM'iyiui'WWftiylii.iiiwjijjiiMii xrJ 13 8 ' L "1 :afa s. -3 Pi & & .vkk. "H "r w iw. ft Srf 3 J&' Jvif' Opens June 20. In the midst of a magnificent restrict w private parK. Accommodates Z3U. enlendid eeuinmrnt. Many rooms with private baths. THE FINEST HOTEL IN THE CATSKILLS HIGHEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATION i'.fie ffet i-IcMitlet. An ixhllirntlnit clinnB- of a r fur theup who ilc nar tlif ses I j r.l Hriiad Mrhtnt-js ceiiirnanilliiB a .v of 3D tn miles nt niennt.iln m.fnery. Music Twice Daily. Dancing Orchestra. Gelf, Tennis, Bowling Billiards, Benting, Fishing. Delightful Secial Diversions. It at-nnniilp Term. Special IMim for 7'.ur.iU-s unit Seapen Rucstn. C. H. BECKER, Prep., 1180 !LS-Hr7lTT-M inr.iiMei xt, x. v. JNTHE OT;lULfl LJflftll 1 Ul IILI t l I Yv'$isl&MiKs?W ffrAlpRi'Ml w wk HHiiH BSElaii If"JiTT"iTii'i J j5iniH v'AyjjtKJtUiiivi!!'" "' J .? jCiiviul'iiii ti,u TI I sMstJ rniuiliiiili' mi i lJtJlBiUiJiUW.'S,?B)tsttistitfifi','''l't' iswlnsWI ' sLriilyemJlA" '.!nOSJBtteiW8tAliafS?TOniriiriiiiiii)i,M,iuitK'7l ?xCBSEr . t dslvMKwV&itfiMlrarslHtl & fisssssriMrWmMwS'f y-1 irmrT ' Jid iMMsjg; i WWMV iiiiiilfcliP'iTtiassssBMairsWfnaaCBSiaEhaMB UKAM) IIOTEI STATION HIGHMOUNT, N. Y. Ven lli.fii. I Inest In tlir CntsUllls. i:iriillen IIIIIIO feft. I iirnlshlni: n Cnsninpelltan Itrsurt Llfe I'unrquiilril Klsenhrrr. w lloeldiiK Itrsprjiitlens fur .lull ltd, llellill.i . Wi-rk-Knil ll.illf CentcrtM ami Itani lnj,-i drill! Hntrlr Ilelits. ne rei-iN. urn renrrele oulileor kulmnilni; luiel nltli rentliiiiiiiu riiniilnc sprlnit Muter. Jilli Illrliirv l,nu, lllisrrtrd siierl.il .In no mt)-s. Arltf for HeiiKlft nml Kiitrs. K lt,M SKIDIA Prep NORTH MIIITK LAKH. N. Y. . ........ ..... . . .j, wv 1 THE EMPIRE NORTH WHITE LAKE, SULLIVAN CO., N. Y. A modern hotel en lake front and en State read. Acentnmnrlntrw ;i50. Het and cold water in every room. Orchestra, "Tokie Five," e direct from Broadway. Dancinp;, lishinpr, tennis, radio concerts, etc. Unsurpassed Kosher Hungarian cuisine. Illustrated booklet it 11 3 en request. !-l CALVIN I1ROS.. Preps. F. ZIMAX, Mgr. 1 :i HAINF.S FALLS. N. Y. RenneiJs Mountain Inn Olinc Hie Kntlre e.ir li..nii'd tci thu liaeler ami tourist. riiinus for Knetl fciy.1 anl pih r.il 1 imf.it 1 ilnr.k-M atttii'.icil It. W ItCNN'KIt BELLE-VUE HOUSE AMI ciirTxi.t-.. .mtiserni-nis, .iiii.s, .i,-itrcii n, 1,1:11a IIhunk mmlnrn. Het anil cnld b.itliH .Niar uiliellc A I'lutcKluiit churcliOH rieui tiilile. COE'S HOTEL !' rt fourth )-piiioeI, ( lj 11 ul, .. Hi inn with Imh fin (In, .MeIik.iii Trail Hi- npiile meter leutn nf nil Amrna rite t -r rnti-s ni il boeUht. e it cm:, i'itni Windham. N Y srxMieitn. n. y. NEW GRANT HOUSE y AND COTTAGES Stamford-in-the-Catskills, N. Y. famous for its select clientele, home atmeaphere and cuisine. Reems with or without bath. Orchestra, golf, tni. ills, saddle horses, swimming peel. Nc.ir nil churches, Accomedates 11)0. hpecul rates for June and September. Booklet tin request. K. L. JONES, Prep. v;; Celd Spring Farm Inn Maiiiferil-ln-llic-t'iiti-klllh. N. Y. NrfJSSij ,T" Acpii-ninediitc-s ly.l. A inmleni hotel with Httulll '.Kill. lirlMlte liithw 1 II . leialpd en u rml farm of L"iO ucren. On trunk line rilftln read from New Yerk te llulfalu, Nnar Htamferd Gelf Club. Opun Muy 1 te Nev. 15. Wrltn for rules and boeW't . 0. D, MAHK, Prep. '' II1.INJV. (MtLLNLlCO.. ;. Y" " I WJ, !!ar"KV WZUZ CENTRAL VIEW HOUSE i-fniTiNe. , fnM1.' n.Vi.r'uSciJrndniirt.nn,,1': I f,i-pne Ce Mirpassp.l t .1 lI oerv 1 iimr.nl.V,... ... " v v Am m KxppI teble. ; Il.tl i.MiniII -het nml c.,1,1 , n,Z Vp'clpitr c JESS? 1. 111H ) mrl ImuPblll nM. IPnr rlliir !,.. PtP .IpwIhIi ,p, -ult(,s n,v.it., 1 Si !' ml nmut. mentH. Illis. I.klt. W.M. VIZM.Ii: , m. . WO ll..ekpt. Pinatu batlia , l.sillllll. .. I, 1 ' i " m'sk fTiW ', - jijii : ",, im at. vet . r.i i - a - -,. TeurliU Spent $35,000,000 Colerado, with a population of t.- .null lliwi I,,.. I.ii f Unit 111:111 v run '" ."'.'.'.'. -- . .,,tli iiii-IIh in lli'Jl who lemnlupii ;, , ,,,.., ..0(k., and fpent I 'r"m ,,m '" ,lir" " ,.f:i.,(ili(l.(i(Hi. HTJlMJKUJil,'fl KTS . MKilll.AMt, TI.STTIl TO. JuVJi Hewling, Hnntlball, Unsketbnll, Fishing, Heat- Inp, Canoeing. A beautiful plncc and n congenial crowd Si IRVING GROSSMAN, less:e East 34th St., New Yerk City Htilte 33ft. TTsKtt,I.. X. Y. Ideal summer re sort. Accommedntei 150. Modern im provements. Electric lights. Vegetables from our own farm. Geed trout fishing, bathing and all amusements. Illus trated booklets. 1IAIXKB FALLS. X. Y. mm T SH .' Broadway, New Yerk""1- s" " &tmwsi&ywim!m"JM'J'.!xt'V.! IlKillMnrXT. X. Y. A CITY ITSELF NORTH WIIITK LAKK. N. Y. . . .ji . JJJ n .....11r, - COLUMBIA HAINKSFALI.S. N. Y. ROCKLAND FARM n!e.itlun -J.-no ffi-t. Ace. 7.-.. .MoJern lm-, i'i.iMiieini, j.i-iBheit tloern; brenil ernnilas. ' THE ANTLERS ! JIAl.MIS l-Al.l.S. (irei-tiu 1-eunJv. N sciiNinwina LOX-HURST Oppenltp ISelf t. nnls, te- boeklPt. TiMllclit and Sun..-t faiks lelcKiaph. idiene, L-.ir.ii.-p, ' A. .MAItTI pnd STAMrmtl). N. v. "-- -i-rn-i-i rr -iin) u T T KENDALL PLACE ON STATE HIGHWAY Open May 1st te Nev. 1st. noe.ii with bath, special ACCOMODATIONS TOR TOUR. ISrS. CAPACITY, 85. NEAR ALL CHURCHES. WRITE FOR BOOKLET K. P. KENDALL, .Mgr. Stamferd-in-the-Catskilli, N. Y. Slamferd-in-the-Catki!ls, N. Y. "In the Heart of Activity" Capacity 1150. .looms en suite and with bath. Under new man man uucment. Entitely renovated. Excellent table. Catholic man aBument. On State Jlead. Season May te October. Iloeldet. I Ut'llltmil fitnlli- I. ,,.,! I.. . i. ... . . .. V Maple Ave. Farm "i"feru, n. , All inodern Improvements.'" il'hady,,,l!lil, bread verandas, bathlnir, Karaie t.r,'. veEOtables, etc., frum own farm' jffl!' F. W. VAN DUHEN. ' STF ? jbc Eit ir i-a'-i 's . " .vaj:,v t HPW!HK KKHOKTR STAMFORD. N. V. .A'!.', OT,rw 2000 ft wmt 'iaifi5f.'abevcijL.' .. J'Sealevcl' te;t4h-- -r- its w JL1TO-1MGL LEwriES .iJT-.nr j,cUK ., 'wwmmmKjeLyp'- v A RESORT beyond compare, whose very i X name spells complete summer delight-x fulness. .Within moterinft or walking distance one will find inspiration in tlia mag nificent scenery about Stamford. Mountains. etc. Capar Iv Cierrhill Hall . , llrry Court Inn . . . . Wp.thelm . . Yp OI.Ip llplaware Inn Hetel llnbana .... S-prurelamls . . ( nateau dp Kavarra , Maple Kelt MlfwIM Kenwood Hill Crest . . ... . . d'j new i.pxmrrp X . k . M lij I old S.irmtr 1 arm Inn KrniUll I'inpp , . , Hie Atcliln..m . . . . Ilroeklyn Hall KlmwiKi I . . . . 10 . 10 . 10 . 20 llla Jelfer.en Manle Avenue farm Valley View , . (iilmere CoIIrke . . Villa II, lid Air. Belvedere Farm Heuse .0 Jaclilvn farm lleu.e Grand View Farm Heue 20 l.lurieu, 7.ieiir aule trip from Piv erW or Phila.lelphla all Male readi, ever Mebiean jrBii,f.ierm ivm iiiitwaj. ami mp tan winkle Iran. 5 Veun from flew Yerk w riianoreel Ulilir iiei. it. 11. ( 1 nreugk rullman Srrvlcr) and lludlen RiYrr Dar .- CA ....!.- Ir .! ec e 1 rt . ' .j i ui luiuici uuiiriiiuiiuii 01 ouiiineni anil uettages rr. iiir i,.iii. iiniiiv r.. i .muni e or iiiirff , .. . , rl.., . .....m., u. s..in,ni.,. I I S.IW 1 II s - ' - wm. 1- . viASStr a? m k liiijUliWWa2KasrVa ''Tmmm A I II1I0IV2 ;9f!Xt? J.i-'.V...-vakMiri'i.-r. YZhvttS 7neiwK r. "tKS fx ., AstfjKSfc : . i.x. ri? ... "tzz& it v.- ..;. e-J A rFisOTirWi V-aVlHJJL, H.H.IiASE.Manag ngDIractei asonetoluralynn, A. S s Mismi FU. )elbh'l .JP.-PM, PcNEWREXMEREl & STAMFORDintKeCATSKILLS i r..-.., 1..1.. i .. i-ei, .. . Iwiicusji.ijrisi. I JU UOOiriS. Suites. Cuisine and Hcr ici-ii Outdoor I -iwiiiiiiiiiiL- PntiLCn X IliMtinr', Orchestra, Daniiiip, etc. Hueklets upon rt-queet. low iioealn-al liae llriUi.a, N or siaaifurd, N. , V. (.. M, i ;i,v.fw 'r ii I? I A I -;-je1.,.Til -g wf -ii-ini.ii i khhi-ei;, N. Y i , i, "'iiiiiiiiii.il) ;;n l..i I),. 1 1 r.i i.ii i.rr WtlMMKB HKHQTll eiM HOSreB. N. V. ( ROhCOK. ? V. ftJW FARM INN' ROHCOK. N; Y. I&G&COE W.YJ A CHARMING SUMMER HOME IN THE MOUNTAINS THE OS5LEST RESORT' IN NEW YORK. STATE. .2700FEET ELEVATION Ne Mosejiitos Ne Black. Flies Only 120 Miles Frem New Yerk ' " FOREST PRESER.VE-PR1VATELAKE MODEL DAIR-Y FARM AMD GARDEN' .MODERN HOTEL 'RESIDENT PHYSICIAN GOLF v ' within' easy metering distance SADDLE HORSES' GARAGE- ORCHESTRA DANCING 'BILLIARDS BOWLINGS TENNIS .PLAYROOM - LIBRARY WATER SPORTS Open May 26 P te Oct 10l-hH.I:Bassett,Ms72-.r STAMFORD, -. -n fAMCINGl ipiMtn'ra-a 'rjTPOOR IilFEl, m ISKII-JGl SltriTAiilJSI if! NY.I y&,K v 1: i- r h Hely Cress Be$tbatt Ttam valleys, weeds, lakes and streams have been se situated by nature te entitle Stamford te be classed as one of the Beauty Spots of America. Famous also for its exhilarating air. se necessary for the complete en joyment of the many outdoor attractiens: Tennis, Baseball (Hely lress leitn), Canoeing, I'ishing, Mountain Climbing, Metering, Ridinz, vuxieui sniiiiimiiu in,,, 1. iiui'ic, ii.iiiiinir, leiirnamenis, etc. ... ., A Sl'OUTY 18-HOI.i: : fiOM' uuitsi: The Attnclite Club lleui. it the Country Club 1, l'i (ruler et mrjtl ctllll. tTpt "Oile tlerr f.r.linitnj it cut l.nir. r Ip.,. Allimr.SS ANY (Ir IlllSh llulisrs loll TtHMS Capaeily Canarttv . . TO . . ,)i . . .100 . . .M . . .(0 . . .40 . . .41 . . .30 . . .25 . . .S . . .2.1 . . .t) tnirleslile New Grant Heuse; , Mailtflen Ivanhunit . . Terla ile Cuba . . , Snnfenl 1 eilite . li". 100 . r.e .40 30 .re .n in 20 nusp ).ettai;v Ti rry Homestead . The Vlrulnlan . . . Ilunnie View Craft Tarm Houas Kar View ileula , , . 1. Mt. Utaayanthal-armlnn 1M VVS. iui iuiu, ujiiuy id VyllAMULKOr ijOMMERCE. J'' '&' f mSW CHURCHIIL HMM STAMFOnDmiKcCATSKllLSJy. New Open. 250 Reems. 100 Bathroom 11 Suites. Iiallroem. Orchestra concerts, if IC-helc Gelf Course and Club Heuse. J Outdoor Swimming Peel, Tennis Courts, etc, Booklets en request. New bueUng at 1180 Broadway, New Yerk Cur or Stamford, N, Y. ItHsf'OK. N. Y. 'M-M-W-WK-M-W-M-M-J-W mmm:mmmm ;--..",tn-wewn.M j .irassaa3gflCBErB3 mvmv ssesSBsean -. i ll 1 1 TuSB!x5t3rf11r5Iic9l l,VlW- TT'sjaeC3 7-?3gS3 r VI3 BI 1'l'AtrVa v m .. i p .i m ' .a.f' fllraB X J.TTS. - -'sr 1 1 ,- r. 'i, 7,mwm Z'.mvyy ( thL.Km NY iltPm&uiW mm , H.H-iaaai k m bi iiiiiiriiem KfiPt'y!U3BiiSlSmSrWi li lexcellL-d. Y.fh3SJtiSs3 ' -- f. Tennis, JffffVWfntfn, Liincerts, VL wajpWBjBlaatcfi MI.I.KIN. Manar iM-?L"., '! "T. .-..-i.'fiSSa 1 .TiW. s.- ,1 ' . -I Tennanah Lake Heuse Rescoe, Sullivan Ce., N. Y. nin.V.",'.1,' i.;'!-.''" .f."'. lKlimlly fhtiiblislK.l in 1858. New a truly ,.,,." V" '..1". V" .'. I nt ami c-ulil luiiiiliiK wntci- In caci eii(lrrtul Hociiery, The Teuniinali ihiV. ...n , '" 'ly atir.ii nun nf a n-.il nciit en. The la w, ' ''"'.."..'V.'.'K .".'"I .A "HI- wide. Ih III,, tiUi.ii ts" w Ik from tin- tli iieiiV.H V ..,"",., "'' '"'"""K nml llshliuf. LarKe iiuuiher of tui'ilH."'" fW';:u,,5' C-eU "t- te rent by day or week. Law.. tiates ?20 te $25- ANTHONY W. WOLFF, Prep. 1 sr'M-X-Xj(KjM5M. - - "ST 'K'f I h . 1 .J . - i'"',?'?'!-'--, I r.M. , - . -lit,-, x'-st s.',4'j-,'r :r,Ak.ts..i, Ai x N Ate