Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 14, 1922, Night Extra, Travel and Resort Section, Page 18, Image 50

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r -$&" ) 1 -III
Adirondack Hotels Ready
1 Is te he found another Indication of the
tendency te make of the Adirondack!!
resort bj wan of Saratoga and Olcns
lage. The entertainment committee of
the club Is planning many new features
for the summer. . ,,
T.alie Geerge Is noted for the purity
of Its wnters. The limitation laws arc
strict and even the steamboats en the
lake have te carry their ashen ashore
nnd dump them there.
Fishing is geed nleng the entire length
of the lake, a distance of thlrty-slx
Anether feature (tint ml tin much te
the fame of this lake Is the bathing.
Ilftllreatl accommodations going Inte
and out of Lake Geerge Terminal of
the Delaware and Hudsen Company arc
geed, nnd through 1'iiUinnii trains are
operated between here nnd New Yerk.
Fast steamers connect with the traWis at
Lake Geerge Terminal for points all
along the lake. .... .,
Twe of the most desirable months
here arc .Tune nnd September, although
the majority of the vacatienists select
the rush months of July and August
te visit here.
There arc many regattas en the lake
during the season and seme spirited
contests are witnessed between high
powered motorboats.
The hotel accommodations here, al
though somewhat llti.ltedt nre of the
best, and reservations may be secured
In advance at practically ell of them.
rails, ever line macadam reads. A
beautiful automobile drive I the mac-
inhiin read deven the Jtolten read te
1 te ten I.aiidlnc. This reatl has been
called ".Illllellnire.s, mad," owing te
, the fact that se niady of the show places
of the lake are te be seen along ItH
1 length.
tin all-year resort section, llctijatnln '
liar Hmrber, Me., Junle 14. i
r. Hletsen, proprietor, has lind the Inn
t . ?, s rr i r- ri
Gateway of the Lnfayctte Natlft!i(l
PrV Tinl- lTnt.hH,. HI. . T?1-.!
.S( rer i neir mggest season ;;
uippeii iiiroiiRiient with ctenm neat. 1
ue.niit in tut; nertliern portion
the eastern stone of the Atllren-
turcsquely located and combines tii'
lure of the rock-bound const, the meua!
tnlns nnd tne sea, .while Inland tea
Kcbe Valley Club golf links offer i
clghtecn-hele course for golfers
Bar Harber has Its Huildlng of Art.
where concerts by noted artists heH
sway In wimmer, n peel nnd tenaii
courts at the various clubs, while til
lakes abound In trout nnd salmon
i - - - , .,n
tlneks are In hetter condition than ever I
V . ' 1
"HA, ' , t -, . t . . . ,. 1 I'lliui;, mm I 111 1 1 ."Mill I ;, I Hill' I lllllll-
w eurpnscs instere for Visitors te I arums Resort Centers. ' pimn at niufr point ami liett-i asiiiic
vj. 'I' fluism nf tlin fiiiniula 'Vn..ntnlln nf tlm
before, nnd I'lntt.btirtf, Hetel Cham-
' "I'rlewest," which will be occupied
,IP1, , , . .. .1 . 1 this summer by Governer Nathan Ii.
"Playground Of North" Has Miller, Is two miles out of Lnke Geerge
ixA:5 Prn.tnpr.ti HP. Guests llir.llirle Mntlv Prntnimutt , East" have made nrrnncdnr-nts for tlip
SP--V5' . entertainment of nri Ini'ieu'etl iiumber
!S-S3f l)l.:l,lll.: of l,inlnrit
Many Attractions for
Outdoor Life
village nn this reatl
' ",u" In ii.ltlltten te meter travel, PlatM-J
The I.akft-Georee Club, whofe weens
I tmrir, Hetel nuiiiipmin at lllilff relnt
nrA n delight te the golf enthusiasts of
the cottage colony here, Is located fix
miles north from Lake Geerge vil
ViiJf , ,1,. t. 1 11 1 .1 mm iiiuvi -nip.inic iHi'm iu ne i-uiivti
milt. T- .. . . v x- T "''' T"n. nml will sp-iiij the Ma5eiipim this r-ensen te ..ntertnln many
Wi. J v Adirondack Mountain. N. V, .Tune tarn'. fripml .if n.nn d. (.. fiim' rniinrv
f,'sJ,.-F,' the lnnny rhllnilolphlntie who Members of the fnmllv of Grew If. ' Training C'atr.p. which will open at
wIH Knen.l this summer In the AiUren- fr'rle anil Dr. unci Mrs. Grew 1'nlei . I'lattMnire en AiiBH.t a imilfr the reiu-
',VX T- , 1 1 1 linker are nnieiic tin caiiin.'rn frmn "mini "f 0 one ( I). ltehntH, t. S.
j- a . dMks there are numerous MirprUea In i.illa.l..l7,,a niid ft- "il.iii b" CvlH. us'. A. In ronnc.-llen with the .-amp will
Gelf Club Planning Series of
Matches Reads Ideal for
ere ni tne vanmii rcerr rciurrt wiumc mij urrive e.irly at their ramps en the "' " nnnieer 01 sni'ini event at me
they have spent mi ninny ilellchtful mm- St. IcVd eliiiiii ( UU'. delus mucli n'nrb.v hotels.
fill i rl n initie ilm-lti.r ttm .i ..
' mr.r spftsetiH in tin imst. .new reiiu "; : '; "" " -.mi"
EVENING PUBLIC iilDGEH-PHI&BELPHIA, TO&MnA& "SB li 1&22 - . ty ' 'A-'.j
- , T ... . --""--' ,
.1 ff
MKR OKOROE, N. V. .AKK OEORCIE, X. Y. I1KE tihOKtIK. w. T, 7 '
. - - I '
ran I M j -v . ."s- i ,i ! -l l.j! : : I . r - . .-; ,.... ...'-,: . . .
' ' I aW "aVT Trir aT WTA TtmXT' KT : T TtAU W XaTaCJTT' rv'.c'rv;?.,5M
have been built and old ones impreved: u "''" "' W; ,r ' ln W '! Buffa, Bl" Weapons In Museum mamuBiiinB i IVJJlUVWl - VXXfCl lilV-" K-AJL XX JUU4 XV,V XtJl.Aafeyvl
made as Reed tis n-w. m..'.,. N ih.- mm, mev nt .1,.. Wd,r N.IPin, ei-utalns the kmiV ill, whirl, ' I.he (ieerge. X. Y.. June M.-Thls -r fillrSni, "( 1 1) J ' & ' ? '''- M.v. tiialM'W'rTHBHB
Development- .-...tins - !h heti-N ;.,',"':'' , i fM; , n,"' t,lKr" n' ;"' Ci....nel Only srnlped Yellow Hand. I he ' resort has become known as The I'lav- itfP MlWl tefC L. V 1 V kt V''"'4
nttraet nttenitun In l.W- m,.,,.,,.-,. ,.. ' , ' ,,,,,., 1' 1! U T"n u iix elilef. after the (Wr ma-Miere. ; greiin.l of the- Xnrtl..; and il Is visited MffiM WMllfelm W -B - ' - V- mmBU-mKll n18PriaWPllaW
... Jt.... .:: b m w m ,b i m r m r iii mm ,w m ih tL r m m v. v vs mr n v Mi.r,," vyv 't '")
I '
V"0 words can desi'riln 110 bru.-h can paint
t 1 the ir.yi-iad and nuimfuiil attiaitinit!5 the
Ailirentlui'k rcjiun ujsm sm'v. Tht,1 Ki'iintl pnno pnne
lama tif cvL'r-i'liantxinjr. alwuys-cliarinini; sccneiy
i-aptivates anil subjuuratvs th'f admiration of tin
visitor nml instills a st-nsu of a new it anil better
life. Tli ere livitiir bcruine a realistic dream of
(.'.. "1K.,.v I. .111.11, In 11, ...til (jV JiiJ. l . 11. . mi t. hi
' i'HIi'I ' ll,' ' I ..!! T K.. , el, J,-S .il.ll 1
1 ' I .n't 1 ! Aii '-.ii !. ii.ii.iu -. I-
Ui illllK l.ilv - 1
u.iliii. .;.'1mhI'. piii s
H..,,IU..t luldis
I'.illl niilli'. N. .
' 1. -,, ' II ,
I.li;.il.flhli.uii. N. .
1 - II ,. .
!i '. 'I- :
Ill ...1 I'll
ilinmii I iKf. ". V.
' H ifff
I : ,.!, Cl'lb
(.tin r.iii.. s v.
1 -
" ii'i 1-
uruilM'. S. V.
1 - 1 t -I liKa
I. iti iU 111 km. V V.
I U'. , H II
II..--- ' ,. 1.
t..i! 1 ." .1 1 m
Kil'lt's I'lilllt, . V.
I'l,.- I ..r II -!
Mflniirt. N. V.
U,.... ! .
IllUK III.. . V .
In- :...k, 1
I 11rriif, N. .
Wk- - .1- ll
Kmi-iii, , .
11- nr 11. . 1
t. IIiiI.iti'-.. N .
S'l ..b , . j'.
I'lai telitiruli. . v.
M'XlTll IL.'-I
' II .!-. 1.111,1 II I
M ilmie, N. .
V ,1, iiriti ll,.,l
u ali!i. f li.niii, N.
'j .'-,1hi' ."'I, 1 -in li ,t.
.iriin-n- .n,i, ,
ltn.t.. Inn
I' lUI. . II ...1
lllull I'lillil c,M-l..il,e,
t ll.lllliil.llll. . y,
M t.'l ' I, Mill, ..in,
ir.iiuL-.t irlni:. s,v
I'i.. U i.i,., .
'I''-. 'ii-i. nn
'"! I'l.iuil. N. .
. 1 . J i..ii.
1 1 1.1 I . r
'..:.-,. 1 1.,.
-N it'i ..,.! 1 11
p'i. II-.. 11,
II..- I'..
Nrviiiiinl,, . .
I" II. .Ml. !.' J.l "
l.i... II ,! II , ...
I lli-.l. s. .
11. : 1 . ,
lullli I..1I.1-, ,s. .
1 1,- .. . .- 11 -.
Irlrlill' I ,lki' N. J
Ml- 1 - II ',..
Mli III. .N. V.
1 1." ! i:. it
ViliriiiiiliH'l,. N. .
u I'l' Ui-lv Hetel
-limy Crrrk, N. V,
Th.- l.aUi Jl.iusn
Trl1.11 l.iil.r. V. V.
I 1 lii I-.iK.j l.uucn
i,llrr- nn-. .. 1.
I'll"- Will" lluUe
Munlri'iil. t'lili.iilii
Cid. e im-r ll.ilel
JSlt-' I'.lull lleicl
1 r ll.iti-l
!.,.. WH".i K Hetfl
"'.' llf".n.l':"'';l"ll"",'l-l1",',r l,Mlr " "' M"l I'utiir iii- nml Ili-lluliifiii .u Iniir tl'ifiiLiiii Mii;Iiii llulirr Hlliiiiie,
I in- IIII.IIMI l Iv ll,,kli nml liif.irin 1I11111 aiiv In 1. 1. II. U. ItVA.N, rt ri-luri . I'l I I lit Kil II . . .
I i,r Miiinri-il una l'rulinr vl llilrlilf luur lluuKlil mill lllfiirin llli.n iipplj n Tnllli-I.' I III ran 11 lit .MiMlln-.ll. !lll!) Ni-U lllrk.
' ?!SYt' . A' '"-""' '"" "Mown. .etiil. -n,,, teurlHt by auion.ehlle enters this ffSlSmamWU " ' ATliMiHHHI
" .20(1 room en m k,i up ., ,l " : : : T-. CShYh SmWlZ'TI ,i &' tj" , ) V 7I.HbLBBLBBBBBBHI
aire of the fernii'i' AiiiItsiiiii llu, ,.i, si MMI.H Itlxild- SIMMr.lt IlKsflltl Nt'.MMi:it hiniiiith ;. -?kTJmZZZZ il - -ZmC.. iBjm,v-,s -n' .-...y . '- "" 'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLMI
" lull, .Ii BIIWIiWII. JJBWWBiWWMWgaWilMil3MiiMMiaMBBBBiaMWWMaJMiaM,aMWWaa 'r- mm'lTLr5f--jkl "MBT "r "--"" M - .m HHi.
i&-- ..... ,n . 1 r -ri
Montreal, Province of Uuebeciewrs LjE ' v JL!wxiA
jU-qwiBP Lew ' ...
the shore nf the beautiful l.nvver S,n
nnae Lake Gemge II. Gnzb. of New
Yerk, repreM'in.H the hotel int.ret
hack of this new Adireiithiek iimler
taking. The grening ilt'ii.riniiiutieii of Vdi-
relltlaek heteltnell In Illlike of Hie riKlim
an all-year re.-ort is nlsn evldeneed ut
Lake l'lneld. when, tlie (iinnd View
lletcl, which wa ircntlj 'old. will be
kept open during the .-nniinr : i - .
from dune 'JI te the lese nf September
and will nKiiiu ',. uptmd each wintet
for n period of two and one -ha I'
months whiln the l.nl.e l'laeid n int.-i
sports are In presres.-..
Extensive IinppiMiueais hn" lictn
made upon the muTtm- di iat,..ii-. .t
the Grand View, an, I eveia! iminva iminva
tlens caleuliiteil tn mid (., t In- ninifmi if
guests are hems nimle aluiiii tin. pi. .
erty. In fact. Improvements aie ;!.
rule at me't of the l.aki. l'laeid In,;. -
A t... n..l -1 .....I. .1
r IPCS AIUUIlt( IH'I I'l illllll'UI ...i ll.illi- .11 II
WkJ. Stevens Heiivn I a bit; adtlitlnii in -i
dining-room ineli)ed in sins'".
One of the renrt at l.aki- l'la.-nl
most popular vith I'lilitiilelpliiuiis m
Whltcface Inn. nil ihe wi-tem hnre ..
tha beautiful lake t'l-uin ehi.'h the vil
lage '.tikes lis name. Whitefue.- Im.
continues under th m:i iiiii-iuiiit nf
J. J. SWeticy. of Sim nrk. an i
Aiken, S. ('.. white he is th.. iiiaiiaii
of the Highland Park hotel Mr-. .1,.-
areh Scheiick. -Mr. .lesidi S. hen, k. ,li
and family: Mr. und Mr. II. A. Seim
fu&s and Mr. S V. lltu-k ami ttmr
are among some of tlie-r lunn I'hi'uii.-
phla who aiiuualU spi'ini nn- v,:iv,,u .l,
th Inn, and will arrive earlv.
T. A. I.eahj. uiaii:ig-r of' l.akesl.
Inn. Lake l'laeid. Ini m-,: , i.ii,'lu,l-,
ll Improvements at tl.nt i...it'lar heiil.
Amenc tll00 With eettnues ii- S-iv.
- r " ... i... .... .";.. "...
" annc aiih vviiu urn in.ii.ni: innu ri.na-
tCtH " neiyuiu ini mu ciiaun art.- uenrv II
TO-'"I Firth, the Rev. nnd Mrs. A. ll Ilm
Mil and Mr. and Mrs. .1. Winner Itnld
nna lamny. mt. ami .vir, Henry 1- raer
Harrld and famllv. m" Ilaiteii. dies-.
nut Hill, ha.-e reserved one of ti.e 'arnps
Village of
Lake Geerge
Unili-.,...! Inrniinliu C.llt... IT nitll-ilt 111 111 fOUtl SV.tem Ot till' A(lll'(lll(IHCkS
ami north. Historic battleKreuiuls. All sports and pastimes. All lake i
beats start from here. 4 ! must noieis anti uearuniK nuuses. rtimm.- ,
Semi for free booklet, list et Hotels nnd ueartnnp; is one et tne most attractive ne.sieiries aujuceni te tne AtiirentiaciCj
luiiisi.s. liistiirienl .ketch and reatl num. Address:
Secretary Beard of Trade
Lake Geerge, N. Y.
Lake Geerge
N. Y.
Most beautiful location en the lake. Adjoins the
new Country and Yacht Club. Gelf and Tennis
Tournaments. Large, airy rooms with private baths.
All steamers land in front of Hetel. Garage.
lac, ji a nun;, mnimti, i mum. i
HjM - uti'it " mi a- " louts " " milts - l?
Mm . - . . sl-
Slili'l "'. ' i
KJ. a,'K.-r!AwM .fS.H M!r m&Jg-iMt.ltSttvjft&rAS KxS iJl ., 5 itwa Ban ncj ,.(W." - -;iC, a f , i 33
BBWff vmWFm88?J&& If?! )S'.7rirgSCiS'5&71 ri ' flVi'ft M SA B;ia e,a -s-S-A-w.,.--. JJ g , I. k mereant e Die t e.-
RHU aM,aatgaMali 111 - '
II laaaiaKll!WfWlwl RyjAOirM
v ;iHWBEiMM-t ' ........
mm 'aBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBBHiESSa!aSaM?IVlPlIt i "'''''' f' iU'rutetl bedklct und rules
M'ti BBBBBBBBBBHHJanS.50jfi55fiiMMfSlWi?I l-ci7r.n t. Mimin
ill :aaaaaaaaaaaaSPSfcfel nn.raTLL
IS allBHililil ii j e u nni i .1
Mf .iStllM-'MW read. Fine bass fishing. Beats. I ,
A- --.'- irt.fcy- .--iy.-iij r. A;'; ,w.y'- '.v'.,..vi-r.5f'Wywv r.t Ha . nt a
" ' 'vsMW Open may I te Nev. I
':-, 'V'iX'Jf S"1
itMi' 5. -is . X.. sx'Hrt, . iyJ
Queen Of
American lakes
. Situated in the Foothills
of the Adirondacks
T AKE GEORGE is indeed a spot of wondrous beauty and is
1 ' especially favored by a dry, healthful climate. Here is
the site of the old Indian trails and battlegrounds of history.
Clean, hard bathing beaches of diversified nature; geed beat con
nections te any point en the Lake; perfect macadam meter reads; boat beat
ing, fishing, golf, dancing and many ether forms of entertainment. Excel
lent railroad accommodations.
Fer further information, write any of the follewing:
Bolten Landing, N. Y.
"All of Lake Geerge Accessible'
Beating Mountain Trails Bridle Paths
Lake and Stream Fishing
Geed Hotels and Bearding Houses
Fer Information Apply
crrurTADV rii!,...' i ...n. Rifnn i a: m v
s UL.bLtinil, Vlliiiviis UVgUI,f !& MWIUlllg) 1.
At the Head of Lake Geerge j 7rri?pqnrrF , ,,,
The -'Quern vf American bake"' H iriiiif' Hit I Pit K
lw.mluel.-u V ft. 11 " '' KJ
100 rooms,
Our new hotel commands a view of 12 niiler en the lake.
electric liirhts.
Hunnihc water in every room; private baths. Fine beach. Beats. June
is the ideal month here. The fishing is best and rates the lowest.
Xe Dull Days at Huletfs! Xew Open. U.oeklct.
A. H. WYATT, P. O. Hulett's Landing, N. Y.
THE MsnA7lreraa
Bolten-on-Lake Geerge, N. Y.
a select modem hotel, where rtnncd j at Uncas-en-Lake Geerge, N.Y.
I JH'UI'K Mlil IVVl ill llUlllf, lllt'ill IUUI- , rpi ., . , ,
I tleu en the shore of Bolten Way. Quiet lhc UcHt Menls and Service
'nni homelike, but net dull. Kxcellent I n the Lake
lulsliu- und nen'lce. Klcctrlelty. Het , . . . . .
nnd cold water imthH. Bathinir. beat- 0"hestra Beats Aute Trips
Iiik, llslilnic. U'linK dancing, lilllianls.
$'.'n te $an per veelv. I'udcr nann
nisinaiteiiifiil. "'id neasen.
Select Patronage
Come here by beat or by auto ever
Feuimere Cooper Trail
Hillside PHOENIX
': '..- -'.i ft
5- t- - ! Elf"'.-
j- s ii'?S'.?A.:xTivs'j?,a'-i4- . tsssrtiiisf .. cw- tf" : -.
vnyrt ii .i'i iMr.wtfir ii- tt rT.'frrrriT-n jiiir iMJtnatrni -r r .n- t-'h- ' 1 1 1 rti-r '-r" "r". .rr rr i. TrnH-"-"-"'''lrfir -ir-T v -TVi. .v -"-nff! rj .iii. r.-irw
iifAiii.iAijJi'ij.. .. - a. ,... '. . '""'""'aaaaBiBwiBaaa
- j -V -- . i . ...... .. .... v,. .. , .... ...,., j
B. A. CLIFTON, Prep.
Hague-en-Lake Geerge, N. Y.
Caldwell's Restaurant
INt. Ii'i-'liI lllns in .. Vr-'i-Mi il
mil II ulittin ll. .lln . inu-rli nf" r-iiiiiii
nl 'I . i N. .- I It '1' , -4 .'111.
i ut: (.i.iiKi. i:, s. i.
Uncas-en-Lake Gee-ge, N. Y.
I in.- -!' ' i.uur Mini th li.iin I A iiiin,iiu.. u;, iiir.ii;,. ..i,.,.in,
.l.i- u. . I ie.ii.-. lln.- -.mil lii-iii Ii f.n- Imilrtiu 'Ii- .1- miiii. 'iiiih.'k ,. . ,,.
,. in k ..r i.lislit. ilft IIIiIiik iiii'l luti'iiiK ".I i'h '.K.i .-i.iIiik u.it.r nun f.irin
1 I .-,iil'll 1,1'n.lUlts
AM t. aim r tup Hi ti.i- l-l.-il.i i I uur nil i. Mm.. i ,i .-iiur ilnl
ll HI HI'' l"-' .'...' ' .,.....- u.. UMI.I,, ,USI Uu lll(t. t
I'll VUI 111111 l.i. ' ...- ' ' v ..." .- l .Ullt- U Ml . Ull.t " l.iMl
-I'l.i'l W. ll !'!' i nil M ' l 'I ilt I.U.llll vS
Immediately en lake front. Aeuum- Haguc-en-Lake Geerge, N. Y.
medates 100. Xew maniiKemenl. eA'V mi t.' i-imw
Rei-nt'y remotlelctl. On mnvadum rLS AU' IHh ' hAN
liitlhway. ' '-entrally leeatctl as te stores,
1 churches, dcek and peslnftlce. Heuse
H'iv7 fnv ItritPt overlooks the Bay of Haue, scene
i i" it. "f the a,,llual Luke Geerge Rejratta,
ana hOOKU't and the best fishing grounds en en
tire lake. Ta'ile furnished from
THOMAS BOLTON & SON our (nv Karden. Rates $11.00 per
" "- N' V' ""'M'c. D."TER
reinf Heuse
i -m-hil
e Hammend
iij-si iiiUiiHfd tiiMl rt-me'iclM. Uinim
v . i luniiin wtittr !thl irt,ttr l.ith
lit-liM I, it f"l Juiu uu .New uU-
.... tK.tl M U; ' v. - Ann li.m mi'l 1 uiu
an pliin. t'uuldet
i,:mvE gkergic, x. v.
Lakeside Inn
Canoes Sixldlf Horses
All Lake Sports
Kelts: SI 8 te $Tt
Hulett's Landing, N. Y.
Every eomfeit ami convenience.
All sports. iJight en water front;
bread pia: za. Capacity 75.
Same management- for -10 years.
Sei'ial rates till July leth,
Lcke Geerge, N. Y.
Censit'iiied tine of the finest loca
tions en Luke Geerge. Accommo
dates .'15. Heme cooking; reason
able rates; bathing, beating, etc.
MRS. A. McCABE, Prep.
.Sabbath D y Point
en Lake Geerge, X. Y.
Rising Heuse Treiat Heuse
Hague-en-Lake Geerge, N. Y.
Ilagtie-on-L.-ke Geerge, X. Y.
A modern hotel, incomparable
muse commands one of the finest location. Even-thing te make
mews en i.iike iieerge; high alti-' your stay pleasant. Full erclies-
J..WJ-, in i: i-uu , uu eiusitit! room
Write ter iufermatitn.
tiu. All outdoor a"il indoor
Owner uid I'mprieiur
amusements. Garage.
rates for June nn;l Se ie.ul.er.
L'tlHUI ll.lt.M-tl Ol'U nf l,
ii Heme u.uldr;', huiji
hlKhway and ,0t lam
l . L. ULHM, Proprietor, Cleverdale (en Lake Geerge), N. Y.
llO Illl.P. U1fl.nl .,. ...... . .... .. ml
(Iran Hnum ,,ii L. . ' "" ' '""niaiitJ. (,iitrK( It ) ft'PHltf !""
V. :U1" ". ."i- .h.UI" M "narb farm,. All -.iiiM.m.n. IMw bum. rr...
;:":'. "1 "u,l '"""". Jlatm moderate. Iloeklet.
di. -Jk
1 Lt
kt X .
r....i, wJ'MM-jlJA
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