Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 21

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-"- . ,'."' 1' y.ii j
Wit it f -" i i ju . T" ' ill ii 1 li uli 1H1 m .11' .111 f 1 LalA ah 11 1il r 1
ffl-ili ' IL ' i'.' 'j'i rTT!"' I1 ,'" I,1 . a i ji 1 1 4 .'ija!
MVVt MJU aY afltwflfliT iRkWI" ii ak. ,--' - ' ' J1 '211'1 III4 T '
Jl'Ula ' M . la MMm Mill K. .,"' W1 III'.
nvv u - . innn aw m.Mk imaib. .
, miUiw iimiv.-.uy eh nail vuuc
AnOutspeken Mevlni Studv of Deep Sex Problem by die Noted Authar of "Trie,
Ifinxmart." "The" Decmiter." "1Ti Eternal City." "1Ti. Weman TTieu Gvet Me." Etc.
te, tERSOtia Or THB.BTOKt
i fcW 8TOWStfChUt'iult.et th fat
u 7'Vif-- r innnlnl 0 mutual Mttien
i. M na te irar nr fetiUtnn wer Iftl
!' IT-mi . a,l iMcll relation uith ,
MttltP COILISTBRA handntmt ffatant
V niuf'U Miitencrd te death. Bit love Vie
iAWA rjlum.
3iiP ODLUAertab out' emeiehat
I A JflWi K''10 pcrvnaavv mim fe vrirein
' . n.n.lr' fa Aim.
iiWlW BTASLttYA ercattiearUl and
' rallf fflrl with rtdt'ertefd rfa en
j Human's riehlt. who it M Jove with Victer
J1 4 tie tell It her. flie becemtt Uettie'a
1 trim.'
f,ffNBED3 no skill te wound tle dc
:'4l ftnselcss. and for the next few
Trtlhiite Tanbman seemed te glory in
1 the Merelse of his power.
TrlMWr nr me ear," lie said.
, "wmi have confessed ,te the crime of
lMklnc prison te effect the eseane
S from, custody e a young woman you
''tad first debauched and then nban-
'Ir hns been snld en venr hha1f
('tmnfelr rndujjti.by the. nubile sfer.
I tint tthese duty It wns.'te arraign you)
' tint your confession was Voluntary.
' Netnms 01 tnc Kina. it wnsmaae when
tie hand 01 tne taw wa,upen you,
iwhen the warrant for' the arrest of nn
Tinnnccnt man was about te be issued.
Ilmd you were face -te; face .wlthtlie
(rtrtalnty of exposure and, punish-
.laent." ' 'r' '.
"Ha!" . ' ; ,
"it lia" nlse been said that the con
1 fmlen of your private sinshew's the
, Mfttlnn nf venr. ennnrlnnrdJ Pnf
I your conscience would have been better
, employed ft hen yeu'sat' in" judgment en
your own viuiim u uruuenue encnse
that Is probably Avltheut precedent in
11 tnr nifiur; in cniuiitni jurispruaencc.
I "Flnnlly It has been argued that
' your high position and family cennec
tiens eugiii 10 miiigBie your puntsii
isent. On the contrary, they ought'
l .
Arms were raised against him. He
felt himself being pushed and pulled
by the pollne threugh1 the open gate
phcre of the van, -with the thunderous
rumble of the reef nhnve lilin nml ihn
track of the driver's whip outside. He
new every mile or the way. When
the van swuns round nt n tilrn nt Hm
reqd, or the borscs'slewcd down at the
feet of,ii hill,' thq memory of some mo
ment in his. drive wltlrFcncllH come
back te hltni and he told himself hew
ier incy nau still te go.
. At .length they werecntcrlnit Castle-
te Increase it, as showing your dis- ,ewn: H.e k,Jcw. thnt by the hollow
krtfird of jour responsibilities, and " eund ,u"?-er ,,hc. horses' hoofs ns they
v -- Intl.- .,. InoretUn.la l Ik. U .1 I Crossed the bridge nver Ihn linrhni.
riDeeinllv your inaratitude te the head
of the judiciary, his Excellency" (here
Tsubmnn bowed te" the Governer),
"whose favors you have se 111 requited."
"l'Qiir crime ils clear,. -;It Is without
t particle of justification.- Teu have
disgraced your name, your profession
and your island. Therefore the Court
fs only inarkrfTsense of the ctfermlty
of your offense by inflicting the max!
Imam penalty prescribed by the law
"two, years' imprisonment in Castle
Hard v bail the last words been
upoken when the spectators broke into
frenzied shouts of approval. Neither
the police nor the Judge made nnv
'attempt te repress them. The Gever
nor rose hnstlly nnd hurried off the
bench, and Tmibman, gathering up his
papers, his spectacles "and his two
walking-sticks, nebbled after him.
The shouting went en. It surged
about Stewcll ns-hc stepped out of the
'deck and passed with slew stride
through the deer that led down te the
prison, ihe deadened sound of it "fol
lowed htm while he descended the stairs,
and when he reached the cell it mingled
with yet wilder sheutlne from the
streets, where a tumultuous crowd had
been waiting for the verdict. The delight
of the mob seemed delirious. Seme
women from the meaner streets by the
quay were dancing en the pavement.
Meantime in bis roblng-reom with
the Governer. Taubman was cencrat-
ulatlng himself en his travesty of jus
tice. Taking his wit; off bis' stubbly
,iny hair, he said :" v -
"i tninK i save mv eentieman bin
deserts for his bad treatment of your
ExwlfRy;i.-Kh?r..Wbat?''T , - . ! -
Ana then tne Uoverner sneke for tbe
first time that day.
"Maybe se," he said, "but all the
sami you are net fit te wine his beets.
Early next Aiernlnr Etewell was re-
I toertd la-Castle Itushen. '
, There 'was a rumor (probably ln-piredl-hy'
the iiellce) that he would
travel liiv the 7 o'clock trnln HiPre.
fore, at half-past C the railway sta
tien and Its approaches were full of a
noisy xrewd. nut nt ten minutes te
wren the prison van, drawn by two
ierseej irev up a the back deer under
the court-house nnd Stowell was
huntled into It.
"Come. Pl-t In. niHnlr " dI.I H.n
chief constable (all his former defer-
nee gene), and then the van rolled
way. Stowell being shut up in the
lndelet, eoujpertment within, while
nc, (ntable and his inspector
Of PellCP OCCIllllOfl llin niftnfl. nn, iflfh
the grill.
C'resslni: n Mivinchrlilvn whlnh
Pnned the top of the harbor, they
Cllmbftl tlllt tmin . til A linn.l ..Kll
Jjify feiichcd the cliff read, and had
the town behind them under a veil of
morn tip miut n..,t n. ,. .
ireat. There had been wind overnight,
and n fin.... .. i.i..i '...a. z
"j nun mm UIII2IUK Dili- ei n
nerc? hky Ilk., the riii llvht frnm Ihe
open (oef of a furnace.
Ntrm.,11 I.. I.,.. , .
,-..-,.., , ls ,mrK cnnipartment,
nau net vet tihk-iil hlmoeif mi, t,.
"K?InB. The feeling of exaltation,
m i.'iB,a. Ulv,ne,y "('Pointed duty.
iriii ,m(1 bl,ycd ,,lm P during the
inai. una .in... . ,,,..- i..t .
M. ;, ",,,""" sf. iiie nuiury 01
fi ,i I ?', ,hc hopelessness of the
kin ""1,1.cft l,lm wlt' tbe sense of
ln.i,r, ., : .." """' "' lira years
IS ,,,e1b'"l walls of the Castle
Hush,,,,, while the sun shone and the
5 ,r? grDW all(1 iU birds sang outside,
ana the world went en without him
ew could he live through It?
At ICllZt I. I.nvlc n .n,n n -1 I 1
CI OR HP IrltllBl. RIlffnM linn h
lannd iinii.ii.. .I i.i.. .i a ..',"',.",
Whir. I. '" "t!x "1. HUH nSKCU,
nll. i. . " :nis iiibi ue
""! have a brenth nf nlr
kkM.0rlnlni'-v, net'" sai(J tbe chief
?rf'.."ml '?. larfM-U the deer
"-.hit se, tneugbt Stowell.
HO llArl nnt,Hl., -1. ..
cens r,:i,i""" , ' . "raP"" 0I ..ine
Vrrn ii. ' ". "KW wnere tney
ESuLtll0,!?c5f Bl,,clf n,0"K which he
"a driven with Fen no pfie- he n,
"i"ng at Castletown. '
llln Innmniui l !.-..
te hu, ii ' Ul ",ai aai cnie pack
crossed the bridge ever the harbor
iue pnage irem winch Icnclla had
looked back nnd waved her hand te the
crowd about the rastle gnte who hnd
raised tbe deafening shout "Lene live'
thcnew Deemster,, hip, hip, hip!" ',
Greaning audibly, digging with his
fingernails deep trenches In lila" pnlma.
praying for strength of spirit, he'wnited
for the ordeal which he felt was before
Anether crowd hnd gathered about
the castle gate that, morning.
Telegrams bad been received from
Douglas savinir thnt Sinwr.ll -,,
traveling by read, se hnlf the people of
Castletown hnd come down te the quay
as te 'a funeral te see the Inst of the
wuupinneu man Dctere lie was burled
in uiH uring temD.
They were of two classes. The larger
and noisier class consisted of raw
youths and young men te whom the
trial or the Deemster had been mainly
a subject for lewd jests about Bessie
One of them, with the small eyes of
a sew and the thick lips of a cod, were
a butcher b apron nnd n steel attached
te a belt about his waist. This was
Jehn Oualtrniitrh funn nt n.. .1.-
lusty ruffian wIiekp kVhII im,i hn.n i.
ed in his boyhood by the blew from the
Stick- Which had hen lnfnnrlr.,1 tnr.
Allck Gell.
The-castle walls were low hv i,
Wte, nnd off the shoulders of n com
rade Qualtreuzh clamhui-KH In n m,t
"n "e DBiriemcnts. rem that eleva
tion Jie beguiled the time. of waiting by
conducting a chords of b,ls companions
en the ground, using his steel for baton.
ue selected tne crudest of the old
Mnnx ditties, and "amid- shrieks of
laughter, he emphasized the doubtful
lines by frequent repetition.
The" ether class, consisting chiefly of
women, demure and svere, occupied
themselves with serious talk ' about
Fcnella. -That splendid young woman !
It was sheckinc the wnv Sin'n hnd
treated her worse than the ethir in
a manner of speaking.
iney re teuinjr. jn she wasn't at
tbe trial ,ln Douglas yesterday."
"What winder if she wasn't, peer
thing!. I wouldn't trust hut shn'tl
never show her face in public again."
"It's no use talking, the man has
brought shame en the let of us and is a
uisgiace te tne name of n.. Manxman."
Suddenly, ever the loud clamor there
came a wild bIieiu from the battlements.
"Here he Is!"
The prison van was seen te cress
the bridge, and as it came up te tha
gate, it was received with a howl of
Stowell heard it. In his dark com.
"partment the surging of the crowd
around tne outside of the van was like
the breaking of a tidal wave en n
sleeping town in the middle of the night.
The van stepped with ft sickening jolt,
nnd he heard the' inspector of police
"Stand back I Make way I" '
Then there was a fash of daylight
and the voice of the chief constable
raying perempterily: ,
"Come, get eutl Be quick about It'."
At the next moment he was en the
ground with n rear of hearse voices
and a rush of contorted faces around
him. There were screams of lewd
laughter and veils of merciless derision.
Arms were raised as if te strike him.
He felt himself' being pushed and
pulled by the police through the open
gate and up the passage way te the
portcullis. .
The crowd, net yet appeased, tried te
force their' wav peat the Jailer and hli
turnkeys as If te lynch him, But they
were checked by anN-unexpected sight.
A young woman, In .the costume -of a
nurse; with heaving breait, quivering
nostrils., and flamlna es. rushed
through the gate with outstretched arms
to'sfep them: '" ' .
They recegnised her Instantly, but It
was 'net that alone that cowed them.
There la something In a brave act which
pierces the noisiest crowd te tbe core
of its cruel soul. Certainly this crowd
fell back and its uproar died down.
Then in a voice which vibrated with
contempt and acorn ,v Fcnella tried te
speak te them. .
"Yeu you yeuT "-'she be
gan, but further .words would net come,
nnd returning te 'the caatle she clashed
Its iron-studded 'gate in 'the people's
faces, - v - '1 -
The crowd broke up rapidly and slank
away, subdued and ashamed. , ,
"Morning, men!"
"Morning 1" ,. i
Within two minutes nearly alt were
gene. The, open space in' front of .the
rastle fate was empty, ave tot two
old women with little black shawls ever
their heads, who were wiping their eyes
en their Cotten aprons.
"Dld'theu-.Hfe thatylBella?" .
"'DeedJ did. though.''
, "I belave'ln'jny. heart It was the
girl herself the one they say he has
done se bad.tb."' '
"AW well,-If a' woman Isn't wllljng
tp stand up for her "man whatever he
has dehe'-what fs'sheanyy'ay?"
.Te be'contlnBed'temorrow
(Copyright, tut, ttmaenH Jtaeatim Ce.)
New Cabinet Will Devote Effert te
Conciliating 8un Yat Sen ,
Pddnr. June 18. (Bv. A. P.)
Whether Dr. Wu Tine-Fanar. former
minister ie Washington nnd prc80.1t
lereign minister in -tne Seuth China
Government of v8un Ynt Sen, would
accept the premiership of the new Cen
tral Government was considered doubt
ful today, Li Yuang Hun, who has re
sumed the presidency from which he
was ousted in 1917. bas proffered the
chief position in kthe cabinet te Dr.
Wu, but the .'latter. s answer had net
been received today-.'
Dr, Wellington Koe. nlse an ex
minister te the United Stnlca and new
ambassador te England, is slated for
tereign minister.
It is expected the new Cabinet will
be composed almost entirely of English-speaking
ministers. Indications arc
it will devote its immediate energies
te conciliating the Canten Government
of Sun Yat Sen, which is'hefd te be the
principal stumbling block In the way of
a unified China. ..'
The effort 'te make ."Wit -T,n.r,n.ii.
Prime Minister of the Peking Govern
ment is designed te absorb rapidly the
influence of the Canten Government.
Londen, .Tune !. A dispatch re
ceived here from Peking says that Dr.
t. r. J.KU, lunner verrign minister,
.Mn utcu ujjiiuiuiku j-rcmicr.
A dispateli te the Times from Peking
says it is understood that as Dr. Yen
has accepted the premiership, no offer
will be made te Wu Ting-Fang.
Ward of Aid Society Leave With
Farmer' Hene and Wagen
4. Lancaster. Pa., June 13. Fer the
third time since he lias been farmed out
by the Children's Aid Society of Phila
delphia, Michael Melevick, fifteen, has
disappeared, this time teklng a horse
nnd wagon belonging te Jehn Byer. a
&, ' !! Cbestyr County.
. ..w uuiB iiuvb ueeu ubkcq te nnd aim.
mtr -BL
. yj'; .
HiLK " '
yry j i
Above I a typical storage battery
for lighting atldlen bulta. Te the
right, in the upper lltastrikUen, are
four dry cells renaectee? .in
"series," Belew then are fenr
cells connected In "parallel,"
Belew that te the left Is the Hind
of dry cell used In amall pocket
flash uunps, and te the right la a
typical little "B" battery, aude up
of a number of these cells' eaabeMed
In an, Inanlatlng substance
!2bw WeVsiStprage and "B" Batteries
In the last article we said that volts
in electricity might ue likened te, the
"head" of water in a pipe from a tank
in ether words, the distance.) it falls,
which governs the pressure behind It.
Se volts mean pressure of electric force.
Amperage; we al'd, was like the size
of the plpe in the water system, nnd
is, for practical purposes of explana
tion, a measure of the quantity with
out reference te ;hc force behind It.
The ordinary dry cell, of which J en
will find eight In the picture accemr
ranying this article, has a pressure or
force of one nnd a halt-volts between
the positive binding pest nnd ,tne nega
tive binding pest. TeMtse que water
supply illustration, the positive pest
might be called the tank in the ntHe
tfrld the negative pest might be called
tbe sp'.xet from which the water is
drawn, and the voltage Js like the
"head" of the water.
As we have the four dry cells con
nected In the upper picture we call
this connected in "serjes" It might W
likened te tbe water systetn through the
various fleer, of the house. Tue nrst
j' Today's Programs
Philadelphia Station (WFl)
(Strawbrlitc ft Clothier)
1:1ft P. M. Public Lsoesn riille nw
bullrtlm. . . .. ,
8:80 le :30 P. M. Concert bv V fitraw
brldae ft Clothier Male Quartet Mehn OWMs.
tfnyfed Ixwls. Hareld Slmends nd. Jehn
Vandtreloet). A varied prearam. inciuains
vocal and Inatrumental aolea.
e:30 le 0 I'. 3.I. uaaeDnii core.
, rhUadelphla Station (W1P) , '
(Olrebel nrewiernj ,
1:4S P. M. Varied mimical MlMtlms.
2:."9 P. M. rcBtie LitDQiB radio bulletin.
a r. M, D.nc mualc.
7:05 P. M. Final, baaebail scores.
8 te 8:30 P. M. also 0:30 te 10 .
Dane muile by Charlie Kerr'jnreadws.v
Entertalnere. plajrlna at the lAIlen, Cafe.
Special land wires maka. tbl pesatble.
Newark. K. J.. Station (W!
10 A. M. "Bodely of Electrical Devslep-
m7n,p. S.JJfflirtaTTiaia" .ru...
NV3eVU "i'i'Seiltl. and the Wertcln.
wJmen." by Ml. Ida M. Tarbell. wall
known writer en economic subject!. Courtesy
National Tuberctileeli AsAH?11 v m
7j4B P. M.r-i "Balesrnaninlp.V by K. M(
wlfffifteV: of Aetna Arfllatel genwmv -,,
Tnn . M.M-'uraBacs.uiv ...
by Berth Bralnard; 'ti .J'.V-'t.ij .,., jit v
8. P.. M. The opera ''CavaHerla Rultl-
cSf.' 'Z "?,,r" "imitation of America's
fimnui leir birds by Edarar Arlit.
- t Flttsbursh Station (KDKA)
8J0 P. M and at nfteen-nrmwte Intervali
thereafter Baaebail seeree.
7--.Baiaball acerea: newe: weekly talk en
dreia: "necent Development In Cement." by
Colonel II. C. Boyden, rertiana uemeni Ai-
aoclatlen. , . , .
7:48 Government market report and a
report of the New Terli Bleck Ejchana.
8 Baaebnll ecere: "De Teu Knew Tour
Cot?" by Jame T. McLan. national direc
tor of th Induatrlal Cot A,eclat10fii "Old
aieiy' Birthday Fly Your FU; and Put
Your Heart into nnd Behind- bV William
T. Kerr, president of thu American 'Rlar Day
Alfoelatlon. .. ... .... '
8:ae "Arndt'a Night Underground." a
bedtime eterv for the children: Uncle Wl
ally' bedtime itery.
ou ' iiecirigiiy" iw"ver or otetnii ey
C. S. Cook, seneral manaser Duquesne Usbt
company, i'lueDuran, ia.
10 Baaebail acere.
10:86 'Arlington time slsnala; muile pro pre
gram: E. C. Hennlr, cello; 8. B. Duncan,
tener: Helen M. Butter, aoerano: Oliver v.
Evan, piano; Alma Burns, contralto.
(General Electric Company)
Early stock market quota-
12:30 P. M.-
He la Hiinnnntnil fA Ka lwi.tiM a. !,'
Steelton, his old home. The bev will 6 Produce and tock marlet quotations.'
net KHiv nr nnv hi. .i.i K-'J bawball re.ult; new bu letln.
the heciety.
7:45 Concert nrezrtm n:ui.m .i.mi..,
time). '- .
The Coach
'Pa.ii i
f:nrjinR Harm
KwWh 1.'Pr gfcam.,n eyeB: he C0U,J'
all rlM I'pntralte voice as they
presence by bis. side;
glcamlnc eyes : he enuM
I" could i
tSi JI il!? v?,c' .th.ey
a bclmv ! nr:. "S.?1-"?
frhend: ' "ca-rewi
's "e ffP ''? 'or me,
-, hhiye iieainai"
memories! What reareta!
WrBewJiiT,1 w.Rnt refreta
nellHdJ!.e k?w .new necessary
tfthenT. i . i . K" .l0 mm only new,
y.0ni'!lJO8th'- He felt like a!
a i rermcr existence.
"7 -"-""-
llllSrfl IiraWsiHBslBBl SB aaaaafam-s.kkVaw-L.JBa!
hi KKuHEniflL BHMflsy.vB4U
"NobedM Man"
V Tfiw Story Thursday
It Alse Has Hudsen's
New Moter
Ti!C CeJHch iu be-utiful closed car, costing less
than 6 above the price of open models.
New it adds the attraction of the new Super.
Six meter.
Performance is wholly altered a glorious
senBe of motion, free as flight. It is a revela
tion" even te Super-Six owners.
See the Coach today. Examine the closed car
advantages offered at; this price. And learn
the charm of this greater Super-Six meter in
- a.nde.- ;
i, 138-140 Werth Bread Snria, Stati , 2400.14 Market St.
Phaetep $1693
7-pass. Phaeton . . 1745
Cabrjelet 2295
Coupe ... 2570
Sedan. ............ 2050
' "Fnlght mnd TM r
Salts Ri
cell jives one and a half volts .(force) ;
the second cell, which relht be railed
tne llper below, gives another one and
a half volts, inakinr three volts at this
yelnt. The third cell adds a further
force of one and a half volts, making a
total force of four and a half volts. And
the last cell is the spigot in the cellar,
and when we open this we get the full
effect of the drop, which, In electrical
Each of these cells has a certain am
perage. In the ordinary dry cell of this
type there arcpthirty ampere. Con Cen
jiccted ns the cells ere in the tipper Il
lustration, the amperage is net nf
feetcd, hut the voltage is added, just as
it would be in a water system if the
Pipe going from the attic through the
different floors te the cellar were all
ene and.n half Inches in diameter. The
stream which ramc out of the spigot it,
the cellar would have the full tlead of
the tank, but would still be only one
and a half inches in diameter.
Thus connecting electrical batteries in
"series ' adds the voltage, but does net
affect the amperes.
The four cells just below the upper
ones arc connected In what we call
parallel" or "multiple"; that is, all
the positive binding pests are connected
te each Other anrl nil th nuirnttcn rtlnit.
ing pests are connected with eneh ether.
Wc can Illustrate the effect of this
b,y again considering our water system
und remembering that in the upper Il
lustration we used each cell te repre-
i LLfur nuiricni uuiniiiK lurui eaa uuihik i i i w-ws ia
means that, we go only one fleer below
II.A ImmI. ki.fr ln.tAfl.1 ,. Ifllrltt ntt tflA
water through ene1 pint, r, We use four
pipe and open them all at once. This
means that, while the, force or water
ns it leaves the spigots Is net very
great tecaitee It has flowed only one
sterj, wa'are getting four tirees n.t, much
water because- we are using. four 'pities
Thua connecting electric batteries In
parallel adds the amperage or quantity,
but leaves the voltage, or force; the
Tlic great difference between n stor
age battery arid a 'dry cell Is that, in
the storage battery, the electricity is
Made by a combining of varlcu chemi
cal elements which are In the solution,
nnd the advantage is that when Ihcsn
element are nil combined. and there Is
no mere electricity te be made, we can
Introduce a charge of electricity from
tin cutslde source Inte the soliitlen. nnd
(his breaks tbe elements up ngnln into
tbclr original form until, when the bat
tery 1 fully charged, all the elements
are prepared, when called upon, te stnrl
combining all ever again, and thus make
mere electricity.
Tbe usual sterage1 battery has u force
or power of six volts, nnd the different
size are rated in "nmpere-heurs"
thnt is, the number of hours for which
the battery will deliver n steady cur
rent with the quantity of one nmper.
Dry' cells, which arc of nbetif thirty
ampere capacity, will really net deliver
an ampere for thirty hours en a steady
flew. They are built for frequent peri
ods of short service and, onto they are
Olsrharged, they cannot lie lechnrRcd.
He we use a storage battery for the
steady lighting of our nudien bulb.
The "B" battery is simply a collec
tion of amall dry crllr usually nil
mounted Inte a block of some insulat
ing material. They are connected te
the part of the nudien bull) known ns
the plate, nnd the operation of the
plate, while requiring a high voltage re
quire very little amperage In fnct,
only about one-fiftieth of nn ampere.
In our water Illustration it might ut
most be likened te a tank plnred til the
top of the Eiffel Tower, but connected
te the ground by a pipe only the size of
tbe tube of a thermometer.
CtHftieht, tttt, bu Pubtle Ledger Company
Lee Brln Among ,ManyV Stars
Who Will Receive Diploma
Thirteen is an' unlucky number
especially for the athletic teams at the
Ht. Jeseph's Prep Scheel, for that is
the', total of athletes Including come
of the best ever, te attend the school
that Will be graduated from the InstltU;
ion next week. "
le Ureslln, wln,nenef three letters;
is ntneng thefc who wiff be graduated.
itreratinna tala fMf. He all
outfield Doeltten'on the HiM
Frank DeneeVaWl MmMl
be lest te the football team all
llreslin. while Heae'v'als will I
by the basketball. quintet.. , '
VUWUKlll Ul lllfr iMmwi mmMtriw9m
II - Ik. L.'lk.lWll k 'afaVl--,aaA
Mk iv wit- pnimiMii tVM9 wfs"il,l, V(,l
Gannon, first base; Blase and Daftw . ' .' , ,
nnlft,1nri nnA MATVaeff UMld ha '
yu,..ri..v.n, ..w '.xs . x..v,. wVV.
win no niisscti tiy tne nine nest
' The track tenm 'wlll"lee B:
Burns, Milan and Benedette,
id M&$& '1
see our
All Makes, Lewest Prices
COLLINS, 831 Chestnut St.
rhene: Walnut 3173
An Important
of the Each-Cummins Railroad Act of 1920 aims
te provide, an alert and accelerated service through
the perpetuation of normal rivalry and for the
reason that competition cannot but encourage fit
ness as .against a monopolistic system permitting
a comfortable assurance that business must come a
certain way whetherdeserved or net.
This Ideal of the Future
the business men of Philadelphia (insofar as Tele
phone service is concerned) arc ENJOYING NOW
The Keystone
Telephone service is extraordinarily excellent
Saves time Saves money.
Our unmeasured service rates provide this service
at nominal cost and enables you te call as often as
you want. Ne discussion about additional calls.
Keystone Telephone Ce.
135 Se. 2nd Street
Call Mr. Blah; Race 06, for full information call can 6s
made from any one of our ever 6000 pay ttatient without
it. 'd.
T5 ti'.fl
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mMSXfr" v-flLNaraaaaaati
mmJSfSI!SSnimiwmumtltkWrSjMnBmiu. .avfJj.? tiilttidlVnlBFBlSB
rwBfHirnni!niTmTafc" - --r-r nmrwmmm'mTmikr
,-rriVi a aiiiuiiiiiaiaaaaTJaMaBWwlPr
.lUallllaiBBBBBHaUsiBaiaVHBt .
". ,m
i t fi".!
. . . t.r.
in Buying Ice Cream
Remember This
Yeu may 'jmd ether ice creams that taste
as geed as SUPPLEE ICE- CREAM.
leu may find ether
as carefully mixer, frnm
i .ii , ux "cat nuns, ni
bernes, vanilla beans. rKnolei- -
CREAM Sanitary Way' as is SUPPLEE ICE
creams that
1 C
eest rruits, nuts,
But when it comes te
gradient there is one irp
contains GOLD MEDAL
the eream- the principal in-
cream, and one alrm f-ke
DAyI r rCtrJL-":
GOLDMRriAr itii7 .1 i rrem i)UiJh'LEE:
excellence, in c:.?nne jnany me
TK. ;0 ,.tL ViT6llJrs et ether milks.
ie winner of many medals for
This is why SUPPLEE ICE CRFam Lther mi,k8'
n.v-r JLnJ r 1L KEAM is seldom eaualed
never excelled.
1 1
notice tie JStnxrf'
One pf the SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES Product
. j J
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t $m ft
iiafafitaaistt . . 'SBSUk
r,V! j. iuV .. . (t i. ,
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LJ?W . .M'AfeVit PTWiicm
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