wmm I .7 fc .1 Jt f 1 i I'Mj-'IL ,. .ffc li- , A rrmTffiJriM Afr toAiv&WAfflfftetoKr'r tat bAAtfcrtnB qiimmkb BKAfimm v'v 'uA'. : -IM v m '' v r w m m k wk m m m t mi m m .sh a. etM' v m w m- m f w w v .mr m m m m-m m ar a a , w m fe vv rrva' m -m. m z . a '. m'm. w m-L- tKtm vr aimm ar - . - r.-,:.yv"wyxrw ., .av.... .-, .. ..--.. .,---- -,,,,.,., . T - I .. . .m . . I I . I ' . - at av -mm Aa .. . - m. sm'W Ki.kar IlsliMl by the J. 15. Mnnlnratt Coin-1 n-n. mi nnnllmnt ttith teacher's eer- DrDIWfrrtn DnnrAWrCI . " nlVnRriK.IN Hit: I UN A AS P.Tlv a r i " tlflrnrp. Jill of (hi! UfJestlOnft In th.1 -""'-'-- wTrM-.-w Mggjygyjjjgjjajgaxt ..F.4fllW 9 't ' . J mi . ii ii jl Bk, BjaSf A m: .mr. vmkWi. Bam' 1 UAWAtZt' ' . V vPsr S2?J5i5ft5 Conservative lather .harlnc Orey. whose MM novel.; itW Uavgn," imwjunt been pue- Ml by pany, tells a story efn Kentucky meun- tUlllCPP fit tlm stvle . (tin! kit lin Lf'. Svplj portrayed In her iieVcl. The jnnn 'if-vJ v 1 l r ! ; f .. -l struggles and Supplied mere than the background for this charming "novel. The characters arereal Parisians known te the author. Thpj result i't a tinvrt vil 'Hiatl"itr. senai touch and familiar atmosphere" se delightful in fiction. It deal with a wa-disabled nobleman, sated with the emntiness of nrbfane love and his gles andsatnfices te rjnd his ideal, i ELINOR GLYN'S ' Most Satisfying Story MAN and MAID A "(tlynV novel that is different. It pleases , by Its wit and rich human wisdom $2.00 At All Bookstore NJ. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY jC s y m PPw II ' n.Mi QP KfP II exnmtnntlen wan Hew frequently ene xhetild bathe fe lif nlth and cleanllncshV The Hhswer wnn twice it year. During n tnlk with the nppllcant the county upcrlntcmlntnekc te. him about lilj anwcr. "Well," unld the man, "I timl- half a notion te sny once a month, hut then I theuilit that would be Spreading it en tee thick.' A "LBMck"Ulhtlnm'$gattxM In Iht wtldemmta trtt tht upptr feltagt mhkh hat htm eat mean luring tint tf hm nahjtd hranthti te point tht trail "Wells at htt beat" THE SECRET PLACES OF THE HEART ' A new novel by H. G. Wells $1.75 at all bookstores he story is a cerebral tour de force in crisp and colorful Eng- M. .In sustamea Driuiancy et Night it is Air. wens' nncst 1 of recent years." Phlla. trth American. V O r t r e m F. P. A., in the iV. I'. iPerW: "Read The Secret Places of the Heart,' of II. G. Wells, and found it full of deep wisdom and the sort of candor I se admire of him." 44l Fifth Ate, l- THE'MACMILLAN COMPANY New Yerk M i 5S5S3BBaBlBg - m IDBSnCK TRAIL By Dengla$ Diirkin f ONELY trails-, racing deg Lu teams, fearless men ana splendid women action and stirring .conflict. You'll find them all in this big outdoor story of l6ve and adventure in the Hud Hud eon's Bay country. A. C. McCLURG & CO, PubUthrs i All Bookstores lS Interlaken Liiraiy ( MAKE it a point te examine the binding en each book you purchase. In' a few years from new, the appearance of your library as a whole Will depend upon the wearing qualities of the bindings you select today. Apropos of this, since the following editions of note are bound in.lNTERLAKEN, you can purchase any one of them with perfect assurance that their bindings, will wear satisfactorily. A PORTRAIT, QEC.. GEORGE MOORE .IN A STUDY OF HIS WORK'" by Jehn Freemaif- A combined blegriphy and Ittertrr cittnute -which fully reveiU the ptnenallty ind tht literify ittef the diitinguUhed Iriih nevellit D. APPLETON 6l COMPANY NEW YORK THE GRAND STRATEGY OF EVOLUTION by William Patten "One of the most ljnlficim end eriginil contribution! te tenenl theoretical bloleiv that hat appeared In yeara." Ravmend FcarLProfeuer of Biometry, Jehn, Hepkins Univct.lty RICHARD G. BADGER COMPANY . BOSTON BUNNS HOUSE by E. M. Walktr At charming aa the imiling Engliih country ilde which forma the letting for Ita princi pal action, Ii thii captivating atery of a Cockney youth, born and bred in fog wrapped Londen. Net $2.00 BENZ1GER BROTHERS, NEW YORK HURRICANE WILLIAMS by Corden Yeung HURRICANE WILLIAMS la remarkable romantic conception and Gerdrn Yeung wrltea like an eyc-wltneia of thee tenie aeanei of pinion and energy. Net $1.75 THE BOEBS-MERRH.l- COMPANY NEW YORK INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN GOVERN. MENT by Frtdtric A. Ogg and P. Orman Ray Net only dcictibea our National. State and local levernmenr, but alie dlicuuei its defect! and problems, and political Ideta and principles of gevcrment in general. $3.73 THB CENTURY COMPANY NEW YORK THE OPEN ROAD TO MIND TRAINING by WingfitldStratferd A cemprehenilve and rractlcal lyitem em bodying the mret recent piycholeglcal te lurch. Net $1,7$ THOMAS Y. CROWELL COMPANY NEW YORK THE IMMIGRATION PROBLEM hjtremiah H.Jech, Ph.D., LL.D., and W. Jett Lauck; Rtvhtd.by Rufut D. Smith, M.A. R,V'J'3i!VJ cenPa wok en Immigration. anH k. LVhoieunV 'vned. enlirsed nd brought down te date. Nst $3.00 FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY NEW YORK IMMORTALITY AND THE MODERN MID ( by Kirsopp Lake A laoreut ..... -- 9....... , jinerr.li.uT"! " ,nc ue"me or im. "nettslliy n preient day terms. $1.00 HARVAnDA,VERSVTYPRESS ,1 u CANNIBAL.LAND by Martin Jehnsen A' thrilling aceountBTadrcntirreaameng the rannieais In the unknown parts cf the New Hebrides. Illustrated with reproductions of 26 photographs taken by the author. $3.00 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY BOSTON ROBINSON CRUSOE by Daniel Defee A beautiful illustrated edition of this peren nially popular story of adventure. $1.50 GEORGE W. JACOD9 & COMPANY PHILADELPHIA BERLFS SELF CULTURE by A. A. Berte A systematic plan of reading for children Including Rhymes, Jir.glcs, Fairy Tales. Char acter Building Stories, Animal Stories, Ex ploration, Travel. Biography, Clvki. Sclenct . Poetry, Music, Fine Arts, and Drama. 10 Volumes FERD. P. KAISER PUBLISHING CO. CHICAGO HAY FEVER AND ASTHMA ' by Dr. Seheppegrell Boek for the phyiiclsn and grneral public care, prevention and treatment LEA& FEBIGEB. PHILADELPHIA' THE FOREMAN AND HIS JOB by Charles R. Allen Information, plans, and mctHeda of Ineiti mable value te every man in charge of ethtr men. A much needed book, by the author rf "TSi- Instructor, the Man and the Jeb." $3.50 J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PHILADELPHIA MEETING YOUR' CHILD'S PROBLEMS by Miriam Finn Seett Tatents will find this new volume, by the tither of "Hew Te Knew Your Child," an Illuminating book en their handling of t.Klr chlldrtn. $2.00 LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY BOSTON -PEGGY PRETEND by Millicent Eriton A book of Idve and liujhter whose charm ing young heroine Is a eritable Jey Uirl, juitifyln. her whirelcal nickname "fesay Pretend" , LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO. BOSTON BEYOND THE ROCKS by Eliner Glyn A Aiming romance as only the author of THRLE WEEKS could write it; as only Olerla Swansea with daahlng Rodelph Valentine playing the lever could mike it the in all Ita ardent iplender v THE MACAULAY COMPANY IStW YORK THROUGH THE SHADOWS by Cyril Alington "Delightful and Joyem feeling" at a teuie. rariy "One of the lunnlcst boela 1 have read fera long time d.l.ciouilyhumeroua." . fhik-Jciprtui futhc LcJttt THE- MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK ACROSS THE MESA h J"fi' tialf ' A big breeiy atety of the Southwest, full of Incident and thrills, and with a plot and love story that will held anyone te-the end. Net $1.75 , . . THE PENN PUBLISHING COMPANY PHILADELPHIA LONG-TERM LAND LEASEHOLDS by. Stanley L. Michael Covets exhaustively for the firsr time, every phase of the99-year lease and similar long term forma which are growing in popularity with realtors. $3.00 PRENTICE-HALL. INC.. NEW YORK THE ODDS AND OTHER STORIES by Ethel M. Dell As her readers knew, a short ttety by Ethel M. Dell contains all the qualltiea of the average novel. In thii new volume there are aeven G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, NEW YORK EVANGELISTIC SERMONS by J. Wilbur Chapman, D.D. Edited and compiled Eh Edgar Whitaker Werk, D.D. Streng, fervid gospel addresses, eminently characteristic of one of the great eangellita of till time. $1.50 FLEMING H. REVEI.L COMPANY NEW YORK PHYSIOLOGY OF MIND by F. X. Dercum, M.D. This werk'dlacussei mind from the biologic, morphologic, physical, and chemical view points. It is a summery of the author-'a many yeara' experieme W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY PHILADELPHIA THE MINDS AND MANNERS OF WILD ANIMALS by Wm. T. Hornaday , : meit intereitina book about wild animals by the human ceirg mest intimate with them, the curator of the werld'i great- cit collection of wild anlmali In captivity CHARLES SCRIDNER'S SONS NEW YORK Th: A FLOWER OF , MONTEREY by Katlterine R. Piper A beautiful and artistic romance of the California! THE PAGE COMPANY, BOSTON A VAGRANT TUNE by Bryan T. Helland A grandien of Mn. Gaikcll, author of CRANFORD writes thii itery of distinc tion, of simple folk, of pathei, humor, aorrew, joy. Net $1.75 SMALL, MAYNARD & COMPANY BOSTON ASPECTS OF AMERICANIZATION by Edward Hale Bitrstadt An unprejudiced study of some of the mere Important phesea et immigrant !je in mi. erica. Net $2.00 STEWART & KIDD COMPANY CINCINNATI FIRST YEA'R MATHEMATICS FOR SECONDARY .SCHOOLS by Ernest R. Breslich A text which cetrelstrs the tsslet'end mete rencrrte portions el ilfebra and f.eemeiry. The first of five elums employing the correlated rneilieJ. Nit $1,50 UNIVERSITY Ob- CHICAGO PRESJ CHICAGO v i wur oeoic dealer will be glad te lupply you with any one e' he a'?eve editions. Call upon him. s V 1NTERLAKEN MILLS, Providence, M.ede Uland Interlakpn Boek Cleth 7h9 standard sine 1885 H j There's Nothing but the Story in 'Unspeakable Gentleman' Nd Meral, Ne Propaganda Itemancc, undiluted romance, tnat swishes along te the flash of swords- te their glint In duels te mad Tides along dark reads te the flavor of ml- lady's perfume and the powder of the", wnue wic or "xne unsneAK&B e uam- tlemnn," sueh Is J. P. Marquand'.s con-, triDinien vln Bcrlbners te these wne would loiter and read. U In "The Unspeakable Oentlenuth'1 there Is nothing except the story, There Is no covert attempt' at se'vlng any ntx the multifarious problems of the human race. And fet this much thanks te Mr. Marquand. j The (here and narrator finds hint self at odds with the "Unspeakable Gentleman" his father who in turn Is forced te ue IiIh wltN nnd his sword against a horde of the followers or in a -po'ten. It nil happens In America In the geed old days of wig and sllk hrpcches that Is when the'-men were both. , t Tlie'UnspeakaWe One, Isn't halL-se bad at the last, but that his merits are net discovered until the story's end Is a tribute te Marquand as a story tel'er and a deft drawer of character. . And he Is able te give an illusive rather than merely allusive atmosphere of the peri wigged period which he peoples -with characters, who are, much mere than puppets. Isak's Prototypes , That Knut Hamsun's character Isak in "Orewih of the Seil" had a protu pretu tvnc In llfp Is flistrlnxed in a dlsnatch from Norway which states, that the original protagonist of the book, whose name was Peder .TehahneMn; Is dead. It had besn generally known previously tnat iinmsun had nad an actual com munity, where he had snent some time, In mind when he described. Sellanraa and its neighboring farms. WHBB..BB BBBBBBBBBBBBBkI jMIBjBBBBStli HRbbIHbbbbH fBSsjjfiaZrv t HggggggggggggggggggggggggggggsgK BWarTf w-iisgtBWBBBBBBBBBK VuWfJi'&z -IPMbbbI vbbb';': CtIVbwbvbvbvK IBBrA ;' TBrBBBBBBj0 rBVw i.. ,Vi-'.'TBBBBBBy BBByHf r '? 7 ? f ' V iBBBK VBBBBllBSK'';:y'i''' 'ifssWt' HBli:":i,v'A BBB tSSWaB !sBBBW9BbI (stBBBBBVaBS?9lBBSt1 ?bbbbbbbbbbbs9SsWTbbbbS1 BBBHBBBBBBBKaBSVBBBVi. BBBBI'EBaisBBBBBBal&IQKBBBHfe Cilbert Frankau Writes Frank Nevel of Shattered Conventions v ELINOR GLYN Who. in "Man and Maid." lias written another novel about the re lation of (he sexes One Man in His Time By ELLEN GLASGOW is a Nevel of Courage The New Yerk Times says: "She writes only when she has something; te say arid has determined precisely hew she wants te say it. There are no snap judgments, no heedless assertions; one of these rare stimulating novels. . . ." At Every Bookstore, $S Deubledsy, Page & Ce. Garden City, New Yerk r Seven Geed Beeks' for $1.05 Clearance aala" et hundred of bonks by popular author taken oft our library (helves. 15c, 20c, 25c each Plek cut at atfpplr far rear xiummer borne or vacation. , a. Womrath's Library 15 S. Thirteenth St. Philadelphia g A TO KNOW hew much is truth and hew much speculation in the marvelous tales about the work of ductless glands read GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE By BENJAMIN HARROW Auther of "Vitamines" t2M. At any bookstore. E. P. Oattsa k Ce., 681 Stk Ave, N. Y. "A novel of fine Qualities in conception, construction and detail.' Bosten Herald. v By MARGARET RIVERS LARMINIE SEARCH ELINOR'S "MAN AND MAID" ALL THERE AND ALL GLYN . The new book by Eliner Glyn will please her admirers. "Man and Maid" (J. II. Llnnlnrntt ftamnnnvV In rich In these casualties which have put the .authoress' previous novels en the best- selling lists. Again she draws a picture of what the jacket of the novel calls "XUc War of the Hexes." Needless te add. that Mrs. Olyn writes the old line romance of passion. She Is net one of thesp fictlenlsts, like I. H. Lawrence, who base their stories en the Freudian rcyelnriens which blame nearly every thing en sexual impulses and Inhibi tions. Ner does she carry characteriza tien te attenuated subtilizatlen of psychology. All of which rellcves her BtOneS Of n burden of iuumln.slnnri rand much propaganda. in "jian and .Meld" the former is Sir .Nicholas Thormende and the latter Is hi girl secretory. He is war weary and temporarily disabled by wounds in curred in the great cli,sh of the nations. She begins as a bemcwhnt nondescript person whose potentialities of beauty are concealed behind rimmed spectacles hnd unfashionable raiment. But her real beauty cannot, be masked by any such camouflage and it Isn't long before the ennuled. hand some, enllant baronet finds himself stricken with another wound, and in the heart this time. He gives up all the gay, insouciant feminine friends who are called "The Fluffies," but who ha-e net served te ktep boredom out of his luxurious Paris apartment. The alluring, pi-overativc girl becretary dis places them. And she has avill and a character of her own,. She is just, as determined as the nobleman who U turned from employer te pursuer, or better, suitor. Of course, the path of impassioned love docs net run rapturously smooth. Things Might as bickerings and as big as jealousies have te be surmounted. mutual misunderstandings eased, and many n Hazardous adjustment made in the intricate situations devised by the writer who is se skilled in this sort of thing. . Aristocratic breeding, fervid" dia legue, hectic situations, and much luxury of surroundings are all found in tne new iyn novel. Who would ex pect a Glyn novel te be Glvnnish enough without them? Or without vast luxurieusncss of words? They're all nere ana tneyre all ulyn. "The Dippers" Dramatized At the Cert Theatre, Liverpool, Eng land, a dramatization of "The Dip pers," by Ben Travers. was recently produced with Cyril Maude featured. "The Dinner;;" is n &rnrr nt .-m of American dancers in England, and was first published In book form in the autumn of 1B20 by Jehn Lane Company. HEY WOOD BROUN t "The best murder story we have read since Sherlock Helmes shut up shop." RED HOUSE MYSTERY By A. A. MILNE, Auther of "The Dever Read," etc. Among books which have captured the whole public and sold like wildfire are Hugh . Conway's "Called Back" and Cenan Deyle's "Sherlock Helmes." Milne has gene the authors of these great books one better and has in "Red Heuse Mys tery" given us a new kind of murder story and sprink led it generously with his own brand of humor. HILDEGARDE HAWTHORNE: "The perfect detective story." At ant) bookstore. $2.00 E. P. Dutten ft Ce., 681 Stb Arc, N. Y. ' Gilbert Frankau has set reading Eng land'thinklBf deeply about its divorce laws and customs, and new that "The Leve Story of Allettu liruaten" (Cen tury Company) bat made its bow en this' aide of the water the pros and cons are certain te be at It het and heavy .en the meet question 6f the fate of re mance unhallowed by tne nook and beu. Mr. Frankau Mews In A'lttte a con ventional, well-bred English woman, married, te a typical business man of routine' ldMia. ribbed UD.bv the con ventiens of east and family ties. Fer several years before; the story opens the union of the Brunteha baa been in name only, the wife rebelling when she heart of Infidelities: of her husband, a famous barrister, looked en as conventional when committed by' the male.- Inte'ber life comes sudden romance tn a meet ing with a young barrister. She throws ronventlen te the winds, leaves her husband. Hies in the face of outraged secletr when her husband. refuses a di verce,,. and Insists en. a continuation-of their platonic.. ir that, relationship. It is the batt'e of the romance -seek-in wife te shatter the walls of con ventien that makes up the bulk of the story. In depicting The mental tribu lations, of 'the venturlng-all wife. Mr. Frankau . has set forth several telling blows at tee ties that continue te bind mlsmated pairs. But in the end he bpws te the. lnevlteb'e and the erring husband is Killed en and belated wed ding bells ring for the voyagers Inte the streams 'of romance. The story is treated in a spirit of frankness without tee much of patent propaganda,' although the denouement Is Sljpped in with an air of "Oh; well, it -had te be this way te suit Mrs. Grundy;" 'ANTOINE, AMUSANT , His "Adventures" the Waggish - Escapades of a Parisian Yellow Journalist , of humor the bank What ether novel of tlie year has had such praise? ADRIENNE TONER Anne Douglas Sedgwick 'IvJfV eat lnd sJK"iflcant book, a most important event in English and American letters. It cuts free from the past, there has been nothing like it One Sii2eeJ1fli?0f8l?e eE,es of the raedern nel which point definitely toward the novel of tomorrow." Zena "Out of the troop of a year's books comes 'Adrienne Tener' a very pearl of a nevel.''-ffate Douglas WiggFn. freiX!!;anLnary 5k ; TIe br,eath of ,ife emanates from the pages, and it is intoxication te breathe it. ' Httdegard Hawthorne in the New Yerk Herald. "Rare beauty and dignity. . . . Miss Sedgwick has had the courage andf the art te carry through triumphSStly a lfSSSsffCB W in C?Vn& Adr"e w compa'r cempa'r &clXSlin ?r0dUC,n Shar" "- $:.00 at all bookstores. HOUGHTON MIFFUN COMPANY Anreine i.eiret had a rense and a system for breaking: at Mente Carle. But he did net have the 20,000 francs necessary for the functioning of the "system." . Se when Antoine finds hlmse'f with 30,000 intrusted te, him by vhls em ployer he wanders off te the home of the Goddess of Chance. Irate fellow empleyes, left without their weekly nay. fellow him and arrive just after the "system" has failed an9 Antoine in desperation Is throwing his few remaining francs wildly about the table all system discarded. They ar rive' te see Antoine raking in geld in fabulous chunks. They go back te Paris, Antoine buys the newspaper they have been working en and "The Ad Ventures of Antoine (McCann Publish ing Company.) are really under way. H. Colllnsen Owen has developed in Antoine a lovable, irrepressible char acter who saunters through adventures saiere. The newspaper world of Paris is the locale, and fortune always perches en Antoine's banners although frequently alter nard Dames. The book is a series of connected short stories, each bubbllnc ever with geed nature and interest. Antoine starts out te show Paris what real "yellow journalism is. Ills success is worth reading and premises an enter taining evening tQ all who seek It out. THREE-GREAT MA51WIECES OF MODERN SPANISH DRAMA Se many of the foreign plays which find their way-in translated form te this country belong te the type generally known as erotic, and are Interesting only from the angle et oddity, or in a comparative sense with the better known English works, that it Is agreat relief te find a volume of solid substantial plays, all of them actable, tinged with literary flavor and still robustly practicable. Such a volume is the new edition of "Masterpieces of Modern Snanlah Drama," edited by liarrett II. Clark (Stewart Kidd Cemnanr). whleh ran. tains three plays, "The Great Galeote." by Jese Echegaray ; "The Duchess of Han Quentln," by Uenite Perez-Galdes. and "Danicla," by Angel Guimera. A new preface has been added bv Mr. Clark in which he comments en the fact that since 1017. when the first edition appeared, another of the authors rep resented (Galdes) has died, and the entire dramatic epoch, of which these three dramatists were a part, has be come it thing, net of the present, but of the past. He points out quite rightly, however, that while the word modern, In one sense, no longer applies, there is no reason why these three men, who "teos up arms In the greut dramatic movement throughout Europe that followed close upon the heels of "Ibsen" should be "deemed te oblivion." The reader of the present volume fullv concurs with the editor liv this belle'f when he has finished these finished nnd polished play. They belong, net n Spain alone, nor te uny one period, but te the dramatic history of all time and of all nations, 'A SON OF THE' SAHARA" SHRIEKS .WITH SHEIK1NESS When "The Sheik" brought dollars and fame te ita Instigators, novelists galore rushed te their apartments, looked up. an Arabic lexicon te learn new t0, "Pell "burnoose" and te get some "first-hand" atmosphere. And then the deluge started. Arabs te east of you. Arabs te west of you. Arab everywhere. All must be handsome, daring, rich and have a harem or two. Drag In a beautiful Caucasian maiden. Draw from the box of hazardous situ ations and there you are! I,euisc Gerard has done jiut this In "A Sen of the Sahara" (Macaulay). Out In the trackless desert a wild chieftain runs off with the wife of a French officer captures 10r "vi et aims' during a desert battle. Her chid becomes the new f.ltan when his father Is killed by English soldiers and he starts out for revenge. Years later 1iA iiiaaSe nii.I a11 I.. t .... English a.l,-. rich and beautiful, who succumbs te his lusty desert levemaklnsr inen sue learns of his Arab bleed and discards h in. He lures her te his desert father as well. captures her and her Oh. well, of ceurte. h nii,. .... ,..,.. the son of the old sultan, se love has ita way after lets of sand battles and harm scenes that reck "mere of Baedeker than of Caire. But "The Sbelk" tinl will get a modicum of Interest out' of "A Sen of the Sahara," Nevel by a Nebel Prlzs Winner i- ,, i J,uu. "lgynlsts," the first English translation of a work by Curl Splttcler. the wtuuer of the Nebel prise ttevt V - : . " j r ,-. (I. V l i 'V 4 " Y'S ' t KXsan! ,t?n x? f "Kfi let8 J M-T Nr.S &$r e'VE-, eS" t&V i- .am esaHBiKKissssssssa irjUlUlS 1ARIY RAZOR Jl C anJlest icks Make Nice Wedding Gifts jA UMBER 083 is a candle 3fh stick with a base of wrought iron supporting an electric candle end parchment-like shade,- as illustrated. Glear crystal drops provide the artist!:, finishing touch. Very moderately priced. Lighting Fixtures BIDDLE-GAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. Take Ne, 10 Car tn Subway Open Sat. Till IS o'cleelr (nean) SPIsan BARIns 070 -Mayer Moere Solicits Ce-operation of Citizens in Enforcing Law ' Liquor-law violations reported te this league will be investigated and turned ever by us te the prosecuting authorities. Prompt action is prom- ised upon, affidavits of two witnesses. Protect your family and home by telling us of violators who come within your knowledge. This is every citizen's duty. THE LAW ENFORCEMENT LEAGUE 915-16 LAND TITLE BUILDING JOSEPH M. STEELE, President EDWARD H. BOXSAI.I,, Treasurer , - WILLIAM-H. NICHOLSON, JR., Secretary This Little Burner Takes the Place of the Ceal Pile Het water, without coal, ashes, work or dirt, is assured if you have a Gas Water Heater. The heater here shown is the Circulating type which is connected te the kitchen boiler. A mere highly developed heater is the Auto matic Storage type, new being demonstrated at all our Showrooms. Term Payments. .4 representative ttrill call upon request THE UNJTED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. OALT LAKE CITY is the hub of a - Tast scenic wheel, whose sweep of 500-mile radius corers 12 National Parks. All directly accessible by meter or rail from this strategic tourists' bass. Paik-te-Park Highway maps ghe thb recognition. ttWkmwEmBI99XK2ii. '-affBWrt BaniPiaHMajki Ow Three Jbtnarchs jgSajflBprTpss Zion national ParKj Sr Scenic America m eJWfffllirl Astvssfl . nsiii CtrwivtM Tmmnt 1 Vi ,1 ri "tttn-i uTMC s -is Sthtir aJsT -iTtS'VtSimsM 6fe2SS Unique in historic interest! excelling n picturesque beauty, orearessive in civic and social movements Salt Lake City is awarded mere national conven tions than any American city of equal sire. Wlttther for a week's risit, a month's sojourn or a lifetime of prosperous Ire iag Salt Lake City welcomes ytit Write for Illustrated Booklets Scsi Mining, Agriculture. m ; m a. . J.J m .. 'Otsm., i fr- ifM!:, . fly. V M A3 -(. -tew;' .m-Bmx:A a.' dari ..!-, :i- i fwvitiivu ujr mc UQtUe