ivji" ite ic k r. Pf" . - v i 3E" f V i Efl kKJ- M Ml wM nx r i ... 1 ." VJk 1 W""' rilu. r,ii Jin. ' E SV E8wjMtL..i ir 3 r-SsOT t W ,f T$fW..lm ; j ;wi Kffit'1 1- Vt58EtV'' -J i tiwrcnr JWMIJV ivr . MJlfiS? 'n f;i uj WA.V A' Hflmp y 1 VI .IK mWUIUil JMHMHIHU1IM lUHPrWPI mmwmmmmmmMmiir . - . fjvr, , -v EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILABELPHll, MONDAY, TONE 12, 1922 Pnr n SKnrf TVir nr Ocean Voyage $14.75 A regular $25 00 value. Only 25 In tlie let 36-lneh vulcanized fiber covered, flve-ply veneer box, full cloth lined, one tray. 3. III! CHESTNU1 .ST. Xcxt te Keith's Theatre EMBRYO JACKS "CHAMPIONS" BOB UP AT EVERY CORNER Here Are a Couple Mere Ex pert Bouncers Who Arc After Mildred Burke They Insist That She Will Net Wear "Allums'' Crown in Philadelphia Fer Graduation Give your boy or girl the gift that will help them all their lives a Corena typewriter. $2 down. Easy monthly '.payments.. LIBERTY TYPEWRITER CO, 1021) Chestnut St.. rmie.. r&. MAIL THIS COUPON I im Interested In Corena. riene send me mere Infor mation, without obligation. .Ifame... Address The jacks championship of the city li net going te be n matter easily do de , ciiled. I There Is going te be lets of com 'petition, mid a 6truggle for the honor , en the pnrt of many llttle girls who 'think they nre ns expert at the game n Mildred Nurk, Ruth Altman or Helen nIcrle. '.r.T!10 RtC3t contestant Is a cousin of Mildred. "I can shake a poed jack myself," snld pretty llttle Jennette Friedman, and I can beat them nil en the corner. She is tlin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leuis Friedman, CD0O Lanhwoed arcnue. "I have played with Mildred teti of times, she declared. "I hne beaten her lets of times, but then nhe has beaten me, tee. I don't knew any of the ether girls," but from the deter mined cllnt In her grnv-bluc eye little Mis Friedman is looking forward with great pleasure te the time when she can meet them as opponents in a final test at her favorite game. "This ball isn't a very geed bouncer," she raid ns she threw it up and down several times. "There!" and with a fiuttnr of her yellow-and-whlte checked dres she rushed ncres the room and picked up a larger blue ball from the table. 'This U better." "I de leve te play, and I like the nil-urns best. There are lets of nll tims. There nre seme of them " and she proceeded te demenstrate her skill, f K. &mUNmu H ""' Mil' f t " ' SSWl' . ''D i I v. '' JsiH '' H, TRUSSES ALL KINDS Expert Fitting Kitmlnatlen and attvtc fr. Cemptnt iiiar Kiinani ter woman na cnuart D. twienDi crifti. PHILA. ORTHOPEDIC CO. 49 Ne. 13th St.. Phil., P. OUR STORE ORDERS Buy Anything Anywhere Onr CiiMemrra an net eenflned te tlie dleek of nnr one Mere, but may illrlde their ptirehimm among the If ildlnic ftnren of I'lilla., thiu (fettlns the bent vilnM. Fer llftr j-enrn we've been extrndlnr eredll te thetiMind of antlnfled cuatemtr. WRITE FOR DETAILS TONIGHT Marriett Bres. 1118 CHESTNUT $TREET .IKANKTTE FHIKDMAN FKAXCKS EISKNHFKO ns up rIic the her fut little hands fhing bounced the b.ill and pkked jatK-4 in (ui k sucvevoieti. Jennette is only eight .ears old, and she plns jacks with her cousin, her small sisters and her friends. "Frances can piny awful geed," she Bald, generously. "Frances" is the daughter of Mrs. A. Fl-enberg, who lives at fi017 Larch Larch weed iicnuc. She is ten jenrs old and has dark hair and Minpplng black ejes and n lee for plu.ing jacks. JURY WILL QUIZ DIER CLIENTS MAY ' CATLO nr i inn nnnwr niinirTiiin! mincn ur vvhiu. rnuvL Duuitiiiitii . j i Scratching is dangerous ana increases; the itching. Resinol steps it There is nothing better te relieve the torment of ? eczema and restore skin health Resinol Seap is ideal iur mt cumpiexien RESINOL 5oethinq &ndHe&linq At all drulsts ZjB Baker Expected te Be en Hand ' Statements Said te Reveal Ex Fer Women and Misses Who demand the Very 'Best SWIMMING SUITS e FINE PURE VIRGIN WOOL for Examination at To morrow's Hearing istence of Ring Here and Elsewhere GET ANONYMOUS LETTER FIRM'S LEDGER PROBED New Yerk. June 12. A score or mero of itnees hae been summoned te appear before the Wctchc-ter County's May Grand .Tur.v In White Plains tomorrow and tell whnt thev knew about the killing of Clarence Peters by Walter S. Wnrd and the alleged blackmailing plot that Ward New Yerk. .Tun" 12 FWitr or mere of the teetnt fintemers of the defunct brektngt (inn of F. II T)Ut & Ce. will np'ietr nt District Atteinev Tlnn Tlnn len'. eiii tedi when eomnltte .tnte incnfs i 111 be taken from i-mi h en nil thnt thev knew of the operations of the Dier concern. Most of these eusfemeis pie veikln? people, neceunng te Acting DNtiict At- gave as his excuse for sheeting Peters ' ternev Pein. mid manv of them are BfWSQsk m four weeks nge ' Most impertnnt of thec witnesses will be Ward's father and brother C-eorge S. Ward, president of the Ward linking Ceinp.mv, nnd Rilph I Ward its l(e president Subpoenas for their appearance were Usited Frldav and italpli A.ird has been scrcd Wnrd. -men and metal Many people think of "The Rend ing" In teims of monster loco motives nnd hundred-pound rails. Hint's only part of the picture. It h real MCN that make the test of It Yeu will find the men of The Heading" reprtscnt the best of railroad tindltlen. These men of The ItendlnB" leek like rail road men. net like railroad men, AUi: lailtend men. They are one of the hlK p .-ts of the thing that Is calkil ' eadlng Sen Ice." Philadelphia & Reading System Atlantic City Railroad Ei Sr . is returning in Ms automobile from Hertford prin's. Pa., whete h at tinIei a hnkers convention. I District Atterncv Weeks), of Whl i Plains, slid last night thnt If the ti- denee wan anted he would nsk th" '(it.tnd Jur te tetiirn nn iudli tnient mrainst Ward fur inuider in the lust dcree I New evidence te be submitted K iald te include nn anoinineiis litter relntln: 'te the case, which has been melted b the county authorities Among theM- who have hetn sorted with subpoenas s M.idclutie, or Ziegler, the Fren h ceterniss, fermerlt empleted by the nrd. Madeleine, who disatipenreil a few dat. nftei the bating of Peter, was found jestiiilnt in the home of Mtutin Tntler, nt Nisst Nisst (I'lee, N Y . ns -in euiplete. She sail the went te bed about ! or 10 o'clock en 'ie nUlif of the shueting, ndding she (nuld glte no infm mntieii in le Hie tlme which tl.e bridge tuirtt, snid te women. A peiullirltv about the owlets of these custnmeis is that none of them i exceeds SfiOO, Fifteen of these customers were ex- ninlned '-ntuulay. nnd it is mid that in in 'femmtinn wiis reteiilid in the stnti. ments taken from cieh hntlng an im im ,peitiint honing en (he trail of -etei ll men whom .VsMant District Attorney I Sehrieber d dares owned a bucket simp rlntr in this nnd ether (ities. The n.itute of tlm stutements w II be l.i pt wrct until the custnmeis re Pnllt (1 ti n iinmii l.f f me !... r-. i Air Sp hi i In i iU intej .l.. t t ; - i tiii eun'iiri' I nt'innst the hut ket sjie)) tin-.' had been elitninn whllf thet weie deltin" in'e , Jlu henU f j; j) in, r (.()i jj Indlinted tint ringleader, of the nn,' made it a prn tice te employ fernn r I clerks in tlie tiimiiclnl district te m - . gini7e hrekuace linns and nesi. ns the Fifl ettnets s0 that ilie lenders of the rln .tfiihl use them for bucketing purpose 1 It was tep.irt.,1 tm tlf. Assistant Distmr ttenift found an Iinpmtint had in his que-t for the men bplutid te be In ml of the ting ftmn the ln-t leiU'er of the Diir linn, epem-d lnr Nut'inbir which show id the nuipt of etdeis ht the H i in up te a few d.its hifuie the failure. 1 1 25 B It Takes a Millien Years te Make a Lump of Ceal iy i.uut1&nBup.n li the WnnIs tlJl,S DIAZ FORMS "GOVERNMENT" Hut it takes only a second te taste it. It is well at all times te think of the thousands of years Natuie &pcnd& in giting te us the product se necessary te health and tomfeit; se vital a factor in the manufac ture of our necessities, our com cem com fertb and our luxuries. K HALF OF PRICE OF BREAD IS COST OF DISTRIBUTION (I l lustra; a) FINE, PURE WOOL ei.c-j4t.,.c inthmg suit ttith attached tiht,, V-neck, and half shields. In tan, back or heather ttith van-colored giy stripes. 11.25 Other Pure Jf'oel "Bathing Suits for II 'omen 1701 CHESTNUT STREET ' Tiur 17th S r,( t Pnsten .san 1'ian j Yeik Ch u. mm UTXXNCa BSPUDUG PR0PXST7) Natural Alkaliu Water Unexcelled for Table Use I Repert te Congress Says Wheat Is 1 Only 30 Per Cent of Ceat I Washington. June ll'.ll'.v A. P ) A lenf of lirind, the y lnt Censres- sleti.il 1! mil mi Airic iltu't! lneui't .ild in ii pn llmiii tij tepnrt niib'l-he t.xlaj , efTc s 'i striking e mil n of mt hiippeus te the farnur's ptediief in the I wu of nists and nietits in ferij it reaches the famllt tabli . About lift (tuts .nit of each dollar the consumer pins fur bri'id Is abse-hed in cost of dlsttlhutlen. The f timer I gets only 21) (I cents in the li.ml nnrkt 1 I for the wlunt neednl te piednee It , survey shnttdl that the iiMinse eet of 1 getting the win nt lCTdt for tin- baking stage was s I i..nt while the inerane e-t of initti'lf 11 tnnng It Inte hre id win 10 It! cents it tlie dollar paid hj the rind bujer. "A tetisldei ii. 1 f-uter in t'ie hiker's -t of il sin mtii n w yi) mn. nCm 1 7J cuts of tin (eiisiiini r's del'ar Is e sertlic element." said tlie 11 pert. "Our imiulrt d,..s net indicate tllnt the nmnuf.K tilling linker lias exnetel an undue jirelit 111 taking tlie ," S cents from the fenuiiii s dollar for tnnnu facturlng bread nnd distributing It te , the retailer." RONALD TRUE NOT TITLED WOMAN'S SON, FACTS SHOW Mexican Revolutionist Leader Names New President and Cabinet 1 F:i IMs'. Te., June 12. (i A P ) I - Mnnifi tes issued tedat in Fl Iiis(l "t.r tie n ime of Felix Din, new In Ni oil, for a 1 enfen nee w ith b mli 1 I nl'ii. Ic iiMn rt tnliitli.il irt fn-. fiens sit fur the names of the Pm.j. di nt iml of the Cabinet of the Pro Pre vision il (ieteilllllillt wlmli it ,i s,id he liurp'ses te establish. l'rincisie I.uin tie It Ham w nil hi 1 ii'isji,uu 1 1. sin. or inner e iilltites would be; Secielntt of IX-' iirmr Itilatiens. Den lhmlie Itnhiisn : I I iiu tier, Hoilelfu lletes i,e j I Mndrid : War and Nnty, ;(nernl Manuel I'.ilne?. new in I,n, Augiles;! Tniisur. Totihle Fs,ui7,. 1 Mircen! new in New Yerk' Ceiintiiinieatiniis, . Manuel Cnlere, new in ,V 01 k : , Agin ulture, Dr. Frnuuti., Yiiiuiue. l.eiiie?. new ill I.es ngelrv; Indnstrv and C Miimcrt'e, Mnnin 1 t.-irt Aldape nevt in New Yerk; Public Instruction I.eises. I.epi z. But it is particularly pertinent that we should think of it new in the midst of the dual coal strike. Let us all buy wisely enough for the present season's needs use wisely, and conserve wisely. Our customers will always find us just as anxious te advise them "hew te save coal" as we are te advise hew and where te buy it. ZTmdrism COAL AMERICAN ICE COMPANY 11 AMntict inn (.11mv or 1 iu.n? IInr I'nlrrVl I uslmrn u.u uj author 1 nn Antl'iultv of Jlun nin tin' hum 111 h t feunil In Iowa irn ihn I'nlii. 1 "it n, run tiOTut the verld k "e lt In nb.tani ' Tteul thli IntereHtlnic nrtiLiH in it" Takii rlrn .Serllen 'f tin Suni'nj Plum. L1.WI.11 'Make 11 a iiaeu v,ie. S Known and pre scribed by the Medical Profession for many years as possessing (treat Msdicinal Properties ey ' Bottled at the Spring 'Tft&vn, miw TRWVTOItS 91 MILTJS1 CO, ETiC Suggestion That Mether Married Peer Is Unfounded Illldiill, .lime 1J lily A. P ) Tlie facts thus fur hinu.Mit te liglit In the case of M ijer Itemild True, rout lend hlu.ter of (ieitrud Yates, Imte failed te bhetv any basis for the widely published reports) thut he is the bon of a titled woman. IIin birth certificate, nh published by the Sundnj FxpieHs, gives his mother's name a.s Annabel True, fermcrl Angus, whose unmarried Hlster was a wltnesH at True'a trial. Ills father is denciibed In the certlllcate ns u "Journalistic artist." The suggestion that his mother subso subse uuenth inarrkd a peer in unsubstentl. 1 uted. 'Ihe newspapers ceii'Inue te criticize IIoiue Hccietnry Shmtt becaiihe Majer Tiue was committed te an institution for criminal lindane. Seme papers cull for Mr. Shout's resignation. The AVestmliifter (Jniette contends that "the loose miners of seciul liillu liillu ence In favor of True were K't en feet merely te account fer.nn assumed in. juatice," and acquits iJecretury Bhertt of any action beyond tMe responsible ex- fc.VtV.t..rt -W -.. ...,SW . rr "-'-. if.m.rAn:ifjMJ: - m muskmmmmniuMJUi.. m.v.i&u ..uiMjk.jc-7 f I . fat' TSbe cAiaine rtesiaurani ana cenet et)ep Yej are Just m welcome If you wnnt only n iwntt vlch - nn ou would b' for the table d hete dinner, Qua'ity feed Veil J.r;icnslie HlhKhci nulls SI i f?i fA 'iA- Get a Geed Spenge ami enjoy the tifalth-ulvlne com fort of the nuinm. r liatli Our mode never wan morn complete All ahapta, kIzimi unil textures. I'rlcen laiiBO from SOe te J2S. 1'nulne tnAmlruknn wear IniiKeat, he ap) cheatft In tha enj. Mjll urders promptly fllled LLEWELLYN'S Dilladelphla'a Btandard Uruc El ter 1518 Chaatnut Strt Imported OomMtle Bath Eeapi SMSS A LL aboard for Vaca- tienland ! Before bearding the train for your favorite summer recreation place, be sure te arrange te have the Evening Public Ledger mailed te you every day. The Evening Public Ledger prints en an aver age of from one te two mere pages of late news and entertaining features than any ether Philadel phia evening newspaper. Telenhone or send in your summer subscription new, for one, two or three months, the period ou will pe away, nnrl recclve your favorite newspaper reg uluily with your dally mall, Summer Subscription Rates 1 me. 2 mm. 3 met. Public Ledftr (Mern's) 60c $1.20 $1.80 Public Ledger (Evening) 50c 1.00 1.S0 Public Ledger (Sund.r) 50c 1.00 1.S0 Summer mibscrlptlens mnr b entered by tha week. Forward your Summer Subscription with remittance te Circulation Depart ment, I'ublle ledger Company, Independ ence Square, PbtUdelphlav.,. ji , m h&&&&&&k This Great Rebuilding Sale Is Still Great in Opportunities H We have been selling a tremendous quantity of Furniture, mere than, we have sold at this season in years because the reductions are great beyond comparison. It is only once in a long time .that a Rebuilding Sale like this is held. Putting up a four-acre structure en the site of seven of our demolished buildings is net only crowding us for room, but it is keeping us en the jump te procure sufficient space te conduct our regular daily business. That's why we have made sweeping reductions en almost everything in our entire stock. Just new new shipments have again temporarily handicapped us in our work. But it won't be long befern the present congestion result ing from the recent influx of furniture will be cleared. In the meantime we must keep the Furniture going out as fast as it comes in because we have no place te put it. This means that the opportu nity te buy Furniture at the savings that characterize this Rebui'ding Sale cannot be equaled, we believe, in the United States and cannot last much longer. That is why we urge all our customers te sup ply their Furniture needs mew S SSS a ,,. nnm .,.., ., . . VUS SUITE LUSTRATED FROM OUR SALESFLOORS lt blub mm UtV TlPr suit. 1 ,J"i ,l,e c.mbrdn,'t ,"' ur '""J urtice. The perfectly bailment linen 11 ml tlie Hne embellishment emplitmlie Cleeet ml handsome nuffe? li?u". V "l"'.'1 '! ,,u" 'n ""." N".t,, the llHmenl..hupe lnla In the cabinet Ue.irH of the dignified Chlnn llncl 01 iv hire and like ewr J .iU.tW ulnut teuc,VH '11 "" HixiiHeiianeee of the hulte. A ImniUeme u irreup of Furniture us you could iinu en w litre, unu, like everything else en our hnlesfluers, priced lower than any pluce geed Furniture Is held. BEDROOM Mnhefrnny-flnlsh Suite, 4 plcoes... MnlieEinv.rlnlsh Suite. 4 pieces. . lltiBllsh AlnheBiiny Suite, 4 pIccch. .uiiiu .-juue, 1 pieces SOME REBUILDING SALE VALUES LIVING ROOM .moo 00 .$147.00 s.'s-v.ne 3in.ne ibbi) 00 J.ngllsh JIulieBaiiy Uodreom Suite. .? l'UCOS Jt.flll.OO 3C1G Mnhecr. tJUfcn Annn .st.il.. 7 np, ji an Hrevvn Mahecr. Leuis XV Suite , 7 pc.s.8t4eYM $775 Combination Maheg Suite, 8 pes. sn7S.ne $785 M.thetr Leuis XVI Suite, 8 pes. $723.00 $1510 00 pieces Walnut Leula XV Suite. 7 Kinoe.no aiahOEnnv-nnrt-r'.ine Suite. 1 pieces. . .nao.-se $16j no OveiHtuffeil loose. cushion Suite, t.prln; enVi?' .T,,,KS,ry r"e""l. ' Plecen... StlSli.ne $25 Mnhei,Hny-iiml-( .me Suite, 3 pes. 117.1.00 Ovetstuif (1 loon -cushion Suite, cprlnR HentH cut tied with Dlue Vdeur 3 pes. 2lsoe $Jno 00 Oterstuffed loesi-oushlon Suite, 8iulnK beats cev iteI with Tapestry. 3 pes , jsos.ne OterntuftVci loec.-cushon Suite, Bprlng seats. Iavtn-coler Velour. 3 pieces 7330 06 Oterhtuffcd loose-cushion Suite, snrlne heats ceveieu with Hrevvn Mohair. 3 pes, 940H.nn WICKER FURNITURE THAT COMBINES ART AND COMFORT-- Overstuffed loesp-cushlon Suite, 3 pes , HSS3.00 OterRtuffed loose-cushion Suite, cetercd vvlth I-'ltrurtd Jlehuir. 3 pieces., 8733.30 Hundreds of Easy, Overstuffed and Windser Chairs for Living Roem and Hall at Wonderful Savings. Equally Great Savings in Dining' Roem Furniture. ture Department has grown by leaps and bounds, because, we bel tail uc xuuiiu 111 mi; iwe OUUeS, The popularity of ieve we have handsomer and mere luxurious Furniture than rim nnurnut- .,n,i ,in;n c.!.i.... A. . ; . """s.au...i.i unu luuiu luxurious r urniiure man exemplify dignity and chiimln addition, the savings are en a par with' iKS rTucTiZ X'Tc.LI.H 1 - ....I--.. 1 1 .1, ,.j , , , - --- .' h(i4UU(jiUUb VilU tJbUlU COOL and CHEERFUL SUMMER RUGS The best, the handsomest and the most colorful nvrnw nf c.,. . .. choice se wide and delightfully varied that veu can rhoeso fiem n,nn,V -ii.. :?. Vevcri"Ks we have ever assembled. With a rtMvincf in wnnvn illlrnl-il n.l nli. li 1 t 1 r , t- . v. vlL domestic weaves. Durable and artistic Colonial and Plaited Oval Grass Rutrs. be made any size; Weel-Fiber and Klearfiax Linen Rugs in rich plain colerinir Inuinr rhnn we have known n vnnn ,l" toering, "8; 'mP"tatina as well as the most ' attractive rtistic Jannnnsn Ovnl Ic,, R ' C' .Z?2. :",jv,.u. .""J'onauens a Rugs, Rush and Foimeba Split Bam ir.w'", .i:,0 ,Gl.usi ?u. Kcversible Art Rugs, d Klearflax Linen Rut's in rich ii .i-T " " """" i pain una two-color effects that can s. a wonderful selection, and best of all at prices BIG SAVINGS ON THESE HANDSOME DOMESTIC RIGS n our legular .stock. Seamless Velvet Rugs, size 9 x 12 ft $34.50 Ri wftn UgS' 8ize 8'3 x 10'6 ft" $67'50 Koyal Wilten Rugs, size 9x12 ft $69.00 rci-irai. k, viy ivinu wu iiunuie, anu an uiKen from our legular .stock xmin8ier sTvua, siu o.e a jlu.e ii tpeLQU Axminster Rugs, size 9 x 12 ft $32.50 Seamless Velvet Rugs, size 8.3x10.6 ft. . . .$32.50 Mi SPECIAl VALUES IN LACE CURTAINS SplentlW ter &1 llrer, '." lV nnd three pair leta. locks ... vu,ul. including tie Vi L'5 Filet Net Desks of the Better Kind Desks that will glva jour office te no and thnracter. Qunllty Desks M prices) below current market Miluea. Flat-Tep Desks in Oak from $17.50 te $195.00, and in Ma hogany finish, and Mahogany from $29.25 te $272.00. Office Furniture of All Kinds Made te Order. Uecks Kepairea-;-".?'"" tJieTnAl r American or foreign manufacture (In the rfpiTr S which we epeclallxe), we will mend It properly and return iiranm iv Ii uilth Tt('UL 1U11HI ETl&IB. ' " -- i 4 . , ,.-- --"-" ".,.-.1r wfc t uiillLUrH fl ' i TTiprirn wniiA inmi . nn..i .. - OUR EXPERTS ARE ALWAYS QLAD te ArW; .;--"!. "'I':"" ''H C0,nferti' '' advantaffea ' w w.wi,i..ne jri raihH nn nr.AB..A.. .. .... .w.. fc.wwn i lurtl An m.i. Cllrtlilna Z.'.X ?.. s'ttMV.n,, ..". 'ou l""r rtr,.. ..i .7 l "" U EKES Attractite Scotch Ma Ma ""'er: Mt I "'..."?.,,.. ..... ' nrr P.l "" iiiHimine woven utsigns, ImJ1""110 J,ll,Irns ln a wa'"l color iV.OO jinlr Neat de- $3.50 piilr .'llt'I I'fltf.iirnu ...A ..... :.:. T-.- -- sIkh finmV, Yii ..v." "" """I'K woven in ue- en . ,H AJIMOCKS With upholstered adjust- HirfnKHnLli'Un,eh1,mt,,,J Win n"ttie8s, geed fabrle 1 n?i?: I2" '.,l,r,B' 'n KhnUl or tlray. only. . . .S19.7J Other modela priced trem ......:. .7a ii 183.00 with exceptional care. JruSei;,C?! Make Convenient Arrangements nSnSVtfirtt for If In regular pay. fin V(i) me.Mi acive M AVITI.'Ar"I'ITII'IC! nmnii'ii.,,.,. . - IWIADVCT esrw n ' i-iiiU" AiNU "JAILERS MARKET STREET FERRY CAMnFM m i I HtU JtTHf. CM Cimisn 210 .". 5ir'" F,TP Mte ,. - ua urp$ui'5tQt CUut M St JO f. M. CowMcdeiu J fitu Jtruj, Cell Ctmitn UO iiMriisflsssMfas.? isMMssMiri iUi j it'll I" in '-' -?t -Llililli'Jh &, . t i"v.w.ri,?j,'N Ibtlt&iibAsifJks&.A