&&?. ?' """V JW. 'Y,TJ..' iw IT' 1' f. 6 if k 'i Li 1 w i 1 V h iv terSil' lrft;r vVillhT : ' ' TVlAr fTXT-mt l A T fTtl Df Tn I ihl in i tl Tl ihAfctftft, ml.eank before ,Jiie companion., Ar- ,rRp(l ankle and -tfcompjen ferta miinPt -AtfOMMfrAldraDH 'VASlfll'I'lJre kill III I - J AJJNrULDIWG THE HEALTH BUD Ulil Inn V f UIJfllftliY thurMomer.nnd1 n Kemheir. c,uid 3rWniii;iiith him,' . fslt!S:sSS, ", 'MWrr.v111 i'-fflffil f IMLLLUl U'llUlll lN$ . .A ' wVv' -- ' JV " t ' ' JIULIUfll IIIIIUIIUV Aahcraftwas a Junier In the Woodbury a eiWd thai' had packed l.thy beach i , :'"e',J' . ... f. h.wL...,. ' !il2LiS2E ? ,"""" 7- ,. - . ..-j, .,v, ,. .,; ,, ... m ..'F ., w . .:;!rt-J..a(r.ik High Scheel. 4 lnr crirlr morn nx watched the at- It charged that Dr. HalUmann, FlMMmllflMfMf' '!.. -.... at f AIM Alir A MgBJMijiipjpjpjtjB gMMM nfBr. rAllt4 -krkiMIJII frhllTa iron of ftundar afternoon iimt te feacue Mulhell.ml. A Vnn who in an Instigator for the Sta a , iu-iiAilgifite tlIMItti and MboFeyol Collide ?lirte IV.V1"" Roosevelt Boulevard laK en and Three Lese Uvea IfjCHILD FATALLY INJURED $ .Week-end automobile accident In W"w,lln1clDhla reunited In the death. of tf'T fllllflIvii.,--rtrf'frtfll Hr leu 'Mi-Inn,. vt war icr"" --:---'-- 1 ' Three wove killed nml live etliera In-. Vr fared, one prebabljr ..fatally, in a fcel- ' lUlen ycAtcnla, morning ,bctwen n mcf m "'...J nn.l nn automobile en the f1 Sftesevctt Boulevard hear Dyer iitrcet. TAn automobile killed a flve-year-eld bef nr his home nt Fifteenth and. La- v.ftteiui streets. m These killed In the Iloesevelt Boulc- tard-crash were: v 'rtr Geerge row. hua nenn sairnui f street, driver "of the. motorcycle. North Falrhlll street, a daughter (of Print. t Ckiries.Eckstrem, 2848 .erth Eighth street. . The Injured arc: Frederick Prln. eleven years old, 3021 North Fnlrhlll street, who is In a frieus condition In tlie Samaritan Hos pital. His skull Is fractured. Myrtle Eckstrom, 2848 North Eighth 'street, lacerations of the scalp; taken te St.sLuke'8 Hospital. Germain tl. Branchl. 1231 Dickinsen treet, the driver of ,the auto; .treated for cuts at the Samaritan' Hospital. Sin. Isellna MarechJ, 1044 Seuth Isemlnger street. , 4 Florence Reil, eleven years old, 1040 Beuth Thirteenth street. ' Branchl Is being held pending the action of the Corener. The Mnrechls and. three members of the Ressi family were invited , by Branchl Saturday night te ride in his new machine, according 'te Catherine Ressi. After leaving the Ressi dwell ing. Brenchi headed for the Boulevard. He turned te take the group back te their homes when a heavy downpour of, rain began te fall. , ' Machines Crash The concourse was wet with rain when Brenchi's car approached Oxford Circle, nnd when Print, who was driv ing1 the inoteroycio suddenly swerved the smaller vchlcle around -one of the irten safety aisles nnd turned sharply 4ate n straightaway, a celllsjpn was unsveidnble. Three occupants of the motorcycle were thrown twenty feet,, while Prinz was jammed between the wrecked cycle und thr front of llranchl's machine.' ..When a ball he was playing with rolled into the street. Jeseph Wright, fire years old, 16.'W' La'tena street, wslked into the path of nn automobile driven by Curl Steed, of 22U7 Ells Ells eorth street. The child wns thrown under the. machine and died almost In stantly. Steed wns arrested. THOUSANDS bELAYED BY TIE-UP ON TACONY LINE P. R. T. Denlea One-Man Cara ) Caused Slack Trelley 8ervice "Tr61!ey cars' en tle P. It. T. Cpm- pnny's Tnceny llrte, running from Frankfnrd avenup nild Orthodox strec,t, en delayed n hnlf hour early today when thousand!) of men were en their wsy te work. The V. 11. T. Company reported that tlin delay wns caused by a coMlslen between n enr nnd a truck which cut across Torrcsdale avenue at Wnkcling Mreet. Ne ene was hurt, but it wns necessary te jack the' car up te make rcnalrt. The crowds waiting at Orthodox and Mnrgaretta streets, the two points nienu trankreril nvenue Mherc most of the riders beard the cars, an crlbcd the delay te the fnct that yesterday the company substituted, the new "ene-mun cars" for the two-man cars which had been In service en the line. Many riders cemplnined of delay in making change nnd leading the cars. In numerous instances the riders stop step ped trucks and motorcars and bargained for a ride te the steel mills in Tacony, the destination of most of the passen gers. The P. It. T. Company denied thnt the one-man cars had anything te de with the delay. LEAPS FROM R. R. BRIDGE Mines Electric Wires, but Frac tures Skull in Attempted Sulclda i'j'atLl,roe,tB' n Negro, twenty years old 420 Winona uvenue, nttemptcd julclde laM. night by jumping from n linage at Merris and Coulter streets te he Pennsylvania Ilallread trackB, thirty feet below. Brooks narrowly escaped the elec tric wires In his full. He was rescued Hy peeple who saw him jump, and was token te the Germnntewn IIos IIes P ,: , w.ncre i,0 B Buffering from a possible fracture of the skull nnd ether injuries. HELD AS DRUG 'ADDICT Camden Negro Ran Amuck In Streets Before Capture Le lley Banten, 741 Baxter street, tJn . ",' ,n Negro. Avas committed te Jail n default of $500 ball by Recorder ataekheuse today en n charge of having a narcotic drug in his possession. "nnten sprang backward from a sec- J ery w'ndw Saturday night when 5..7tcm.pt wns mnu" te'nrwst him for ffi" ir.".H nml m,l mck in the .W' b"'"B n mnn en" the arm nnd, . 1 ? ," '."mn en tl,e Jw Mera he W,B mbdiie d by patrolman Crouch. SCORNS POLICE STATION lnrepld Bandit Robs i Drug Stere In Shadow of .''Hoeaegow" tel,c,5,,ber,lll? Pollce station held no lerrers for n lilghwiiyman wlie robbed liuttinA ".J,.,!'..t Tenth and "uttonweod streets, last nlghl. .-. mill) wax alenn nt i..t.. i.n ,..; t ---... UIVL lliailll -. . hen 1 man nii....i ...i .,-.: ,-. .. and fwfH" ,e,'' reclttcr, Ile.toel aw a pestui money order nnd ck-, con- took 10 aped. 8ecend Arrest for -NoV-8uppert Tin nn,!.'! 5J"b'.r' f'l.v; .vciU'.i.Qld, 1000 tVl n" rrc l C'1'. wa commit cemmit lav n..jmUi,rtf,V,Pkr. 'lf- to te ttret v V , ft f,l"l8''W u ?:WK bend us Yie7r, '. 'V'' ' W M . 0ilili. a we.J ""A VcrBOn. 'Jrret. CnniUen, en . n t,,c wnrt bferc ' .Hecerder liar rcv.,i0U? ?cens'l nnd ordered te & .""lt J, )vecl(', without a today ' hnd ,,,w ar"cstcd again it wnFKHJ!.1' T'"RH te Miiflii huMitfJ1' !," wnrin or aoeu.- The wert .?wa -: -rs 'iwii Ii.RV."f ".'. : vay f yqU .It i ...- I1H BIX DftVASl fir MWYlIB t fuBllIX ft? . trad 'St HuiwJav Pmi.ici ttiu. iiiiHiiHialiiiHH Ov1.- SIMM'' IHiilliSiiiiiHfl gB ''ikliWMA ' I1B HillllllllH"!!''-v:' '- pfeik illlilllllllVllH IS IllllllBai 't vis ii i ziPS " " 'IllllllllllH 11B iH kkkkkkkkkkkr --V-'llikkkkkkkHlkH kH kkk9kkHEkV:';-J'''" 'iikkkkkkkkkH kH HH HBmHUlllll' ' ' 'dHHHllllllllllllllllllH HH ilBPillllllkv: V'-'-'lillllllllllllllllllllllllHilH -HH uHlllllll&''V' :-;&3iillllllllllllllllllllHHilH' - BBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB t 'VANCE AND RELAXfURGES MEW HEALTH CUbtf APOSTLE CatsfjCaterpillars, Bugs and ' Energy: Conservation-Theory ,. , v "It nll.fn matter pf. .relaxation," says Miss Alice Kraft, who regulates her lle,enthS tliedVy that' the cultiva tion of 'that art Is "one of the most Important"-things in the world. "Many persons can't understand it, nnd think it in nonsense, but by teach ing classes of nurses and business women the art of relaxing I have en abled ninny of them ite de better work and have better health." Her rcddlsh-ycllew hale wns bound with two narrow banks of blnc-grecn ribbon, and her dancing costume of shades of pale purple, b'uc, bronze green nnd lavender fluttered around her as a breeze strayed in from thef win dow. : ,"lt!s like. this." and. with the slow est, graceful raising nnd lowering of arms shelllustrated the famous cater plllur movement, ns bcr head dropped and her body slowly bent downward. "Yeu can't express it In pictures. Yeu cau.hardly tell hriy one nbput It." she said. "It is something you. have te fee'. 1'eu 'n'ppenl'te the creative sense and Hie' imagination, nnd the individual gets the quality of the work. "We call it the cntcrpll'nr movement te get the -simile the animal rhythms nre all usci! as similes. Don't you see the effect It has en the mind? Yeu speak of n caterpillar nnd immediately you picture it folding up, slewing und gracefully curling uj lit iierfcct relaxa tion. "There is nothing funny about it at all. It is net only a serious matter, but an art. Rhythmic expression is nn im- SOLOIST TO ASSIST BAND Miss Katherlne Grey, Seprano, te Sing at Concerts Miss Katherlne Grey, soprano, will he one of the soloists who will naelst the Philadelphia Hand which will give the firpt of its nightly concerts tonight nt'the City Hall Plaza, under the direc tion of Pasquule ntanculli. This is Mr. Hinnculli's first season ns conductor of the band. He hns been connected with the Victer Talking Machine Ce. MIsh Grejv. Is nn old favorite of Philadelphia music levers. Her repor reper repor telrc includes all the dramatic .nnd lyric operatic arias in various lan guages ; oratories, and folk and art Benus. Every Thursday evening Miss Mar guerite Wnls, Philadelphia's only po licewoman, and Harry T. Baxter, Chief of the Bureau of City Property, will supervise the dnnrlng en the Park way." The music will be furnished by the Police Band. " THIEVES RANSACK HOUSE Meanest Robbers Even Loet the Baby's Bank Thieves broke Inte the home of Abe Kupinn, 2509 Xertli Twenty-eighth street, during the absence of the family Saturday afternoon, nnd Ktelc $2000 worth of jewelry nnd $380 in cash. They hud three fur coats bundled up ready te rry away when- the ringing of the telephone bell scured them off.- The house was left In disorder by the robbers. They ' ransacked bureau drawers, looking for valuables, and. threw the contents ever the floors. They broke into Kaplan's desk, scattered papers about, nnd, found $850 he had saved te pny property taxes. They found 32 which belonged te Kaplan's daughter, n music teacher, and even took along $4 from n child's bank. v DISAPPEARS AFTER RUN Jehn Scott Falls te Return After Marathon ' Jehn Scott, twentyone years old, a 'cgre, has been missing front home, the, police learned today, since. Satur vday'a vAmerlcan Legien mnratheh run from Ylllnnevn te City Hall. Hcett set euc, wun urn runners, dui dld'net' flnishi Ne ene saw him drop out en th-e way,' re fur ns the pollce lmvcbeen nble te learn, and his family have had no word from him. City Hall Guard Dies Suddenly William CraUir sixty-three yrnra old. 2312, Greenwich (.freer, n (!ty Unll guuid, , dlcdSuihleiily Inst night nt Juniper unU.larKet. strvetc. im, Kun.-dvwH going oft duty em . l-.l Uvltli ft uiiililnn. nltHpl.' nf llllll'KH. i He died before he ceuiu be initcn te a hospital. Heart dtcate;is believed (e have 'caused' his death. -.,. .,.,... ......-..!-.... .. ......... Fire DairiegesfCandy Stere A lire (.liglilly.. damaged the candy store of Henry ei. nt IH4. North Plllll Birrrn i j.,iw u n i meaning. Welse. wha'hnd net yet i tired, sinelled sinolie and turned .lu b'lfth slreetj nt ia:iiu o'eieeg uus rv an ftllM AUee Kraft, ;Mtiwtle dancer f the IMwral surgical tltaUe ef the UbI; .reriltr '. Ba- ylTMila. Heaettal, vhe 1eJa Hnea f' Imhiets M the weaiea rety te health hjr teaehlag (hem tedhwee aarelax. She la ahevrt here is m Aanee later pn tlag the opening ' efa flower Nn''' ' f FlowersCenfirm Alice Kraft's pertanVfactbr in health. Dr. Edward Mnrtin. State ''Health'' Commissioner, Mni?.i-tf..lii-,Jlll1flh1l." 1 fl '.-- - .1.a la an Afiflllkftr dnnccr. is .also .head of the general surgical 'cllnle' nt '-the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, and, it Is due, te her ability te relax. that she thinks she hns been ablc te continue that work eight yerfrs. " ..'T'.. , Mlt-lN-.strenueus," she smiled, "and maliyliave net'becn nble te stand it. but I'-have never.-hnU the least trouble." Hhe can re'ax at a moment's notice and. she is teaching many persons the same thing. .' t . , "Fer Instance, I often start with telling them ef.n rag de!l or a scare crow a scarecrow with arras loose,, she waved her arms grncefully as they hung limply down, "legs loose and head bent. Or I tell them of the sawdust dell whose sawdust is leaking out, and as It leaks the dell must get llmpcr and llmper" slje begnn te droop "until she 1h lying en the fleer,". and with a soft movement she crumpled up with her head, en her arm. "Or you speak of -a cat stretching." and here she threw .qut her arms In abandon, her hend tilted back, "and you see the idea it conveys te the imagina tion. Or the flowers unfolding," ns she grncefully fluttered her arms in and out. "Many children suffer from nervous temperaments," Fnld Miss Kraft, "which can be corrected by teaching them these games until they uncon sciously relax. I never give them defi nite exercises. It is all taught in a spirit of play." SAVED BY RARE OPERATION Bullet Removed Frem Brain of Would-Be 8ulclde A remarkable operation performed by n surgeon at Jeffersen Hospital has saved n would-be suicide. Kudelpb Mater, of Stene Harber, N. .!., from wbnt appeared te be certain death. On Thursdny rooming Maicr was given three hours te lire. He had nt tempted suicide a few days befcrr. fol fel fol lewlnga quarrel with his wife at Stene Harber, and a bullet had ledged In his brain. He was paralysed nnd uncon scious when the. operation wns begun. By careful probing with the aid of delicate, instruments the bullet was drnwn from the brain and pressure re lieved. Today he is reported te be doing well anil his complete recovery is ex pected. 'BAND CONCERT TONIGHT The Municipal Band will play to night at Heward and Hancock streets. lt' toasted. -'This enxtr precass . eIvbs a rara and dBllflhtful quality Impesslbla te duplicate. ' Ctiarantetd by If you aim te make sure "'""yOUr next -, - v catalog is delivered en timei have your photo-engravings done new. Re member, they're net perish able. Thi CH.yTOjr.AREET luckt IIstrikeJ BBBBBlkisiBflBBBr Cigarette Hk9 saa i 1 1 aa k XNORdOTNO Urt'c III I 1 ."S T..r. aTTJ1 - vr .mm mmmme , tl SEE FOUR BPffl Twe WeUld.lt Rwcu!1 Nariy - Let.Liv at Torrid al , Bathlnf achv, " - GIRL i ;hm$ ipflMS Fenr persons-were 'drowned' InjPlill' adelpbia, and- vicinity, yesterday., wuue en outings with . friends, . ttro'ef them I very nearly .Costing the uvea's of' per- sons who made rain effei-ta te rescue them. Seized wltlf cramps while, awlmmlnsj in Timber Creek,, near Uuiuiemede, N. J., Gerald Gallagher,' eighteen .years old, of Kunnemede, . drowned before Heward Victer, of fTepth nd Fed eral atrects, Camden, ,whe;.iwam te his assistance, could .reach-hfra,v Adrian Ashcraft,. eighteen', .step.een of Carl. Crlsten,. wealthy. NbaBkerv of Swedesboro, N. J.." drewnedln Lake Narrltlcen near Bwedeaberd.' With two companions he hd.SwUBl',acresithe llakc, but returning became-exhausted rr Giving the laugh te warm weather h . y Athletic underwear! Coel comfort! S 1 e e v e 1 es s and knee lenth ; union .suits dr'twe- piece garments ' ' FERRO. & GJDMPANY Rogers Peet 'Clethes Chestnut" Str at Juniper S H.A.WEYMANN&SON VICTROLAS Why delay? Once you realize hew easy and convenient it 'is te own a Victrela, you will have one. Come in and let us show you our selec- lien of Victrelas. Our payment plan is made for you. -""TSS&BT" U08 ChtrtxiutSi. ' ! mYMAHN JACOB EEED S SONS 1424-20 CHESTNUT. SX Ing. bench, Frank Mulhellnnd, Wern-, rath, nnd Salem afreets, Krankferd, was drowned despite the efforts of two companions te. save blm after hid canoe upset In midstream. . Before Mulhelland's body was lest sght of Pellcemait AVlllIam, Vnn Oaten, M' the Tacony station, detailed te the biach for Sunday duty, made a thrill ing, effort at rescue.- He Jumped Inte the rlvep and swflm fiOO' yards te the spirit where Mulhelland fell' in. ' - - sllekert Thompson, 1650 Kuan street, and Jeseph Yegt, 428510rchard street, comnaniens of the drowned youth, risked' their lives1 trying, te save.Mui-. hellarid, and were barely able' te make the sherei Neither is nn experienced swimmer.' Thomnren verv nearly lest his own life when Mulhelland grasped hla ankle and started te drag blm dewnj He had been holding en te the help less man when ecixed with n.cramp'aa he started shoreward. Thompson was forced te relinquish his haluv Mulhelland l" THE "POLISHED M08 Has been pronounced "Supreme" for Quality by the Highest Authorities The r Pennsylvania Station NEW YORK is warmed by American Radiators Yeu merely pass through a station, but you live a long time in a home Before you rent or buy. be sure that the house is warmed by the boilers and radiators which have been specified by eminent architects in famous buildings all ever the world. A card or teleohene call will bring you heat ing counsel based en AMERICAN PADIATOR COMPANY Ideal Boilers anMMXjCAifidiatorsJer every netting i 1711 Chestnut Street The First Savings ((,FIMT)J 1343 Chestnut 21st and Bainbridge Over 44,000 persons are saving their pen 'nies (yes, and their nickels, dimes, quar ters, halves and. dollars) with us. They are putting in their money then receiving 4 interest as a reward for saving ! Saving isn't a hardship, is itwhen you are paid for saving? Open your account today. JOHN WANAMAKER, President. Av) Deposits $10,191,002.27 T0 Yeu Knew Reed's U Clothing? J Seme men are still skeptical as te the possi bility of being properly fitted in Readv-te-Wear Clothing. J Unfortunately, some of them have had un pleasant experiences because they did net "get in the right shop," and were sold from inadequate assortments or perhaps received indifferent or unintelligent service. (J Our wide range of models and sizes will provide satis factorily for practically every man. This, coupled with the fact that our salespeople are well informed and actuated by a desire te please, gives us a tremen dous advantage ever the facilities afforded by many ether clothiers. J If you have net had the proper kind. of service else where, or have net tried wearing High-Class Ready-te-Wear Clothing, we invite you te sec us. J Prices for Spring and Summer Suits are $30 and upward, with especial features at $40, $5 and $50. ing the flret-'.crr for. help, cneera arose as the, bytand6r watched him cut ting 'through 'the water with awlft, powerful crdke. He Is well known g swimmer and, served overseas with the' Infantry' detachment during the World War; .,,.,.. .. , The 'ether drowning was that of Katharine .Erlckaen, Beebling, N. J., whefell Inte the .river' when her canoe upset abete Burlington. Wnltcr Me Cabe, alae of Beebling, who was with Mlsa-Erickaen, rte.de a valiant attempt te rescue' her, but thewavesj driven by the high wind, made It Impossible te ret her ashore. He was exhausted when, spectators went te his aid. , imiue iid cave nnnTA ACCUSED OF EXTORTION i ., Dr. L. A, taltzmann Aiserta He Was TrX,'nt t0 'Tr"P' Chlropractera Dr. Leuis A. Saltxmnnri, 15.10 Seuth Fifth street, who Is under $1000 ball en 'GIRDLE DIAMOND' ' thirty yean experience. Philadelphia, Pa. 4 Penny S Bank 1(aT.alliliH M r imt m) the chiropractors for "protection" against the results of any unfavorable legislation, The arrest was the wirid-up of a long and bitter fight, between Baltr mann and the chiropractors. Haltxmann admits he took the money nnd that he asked for a great deal mere. . He' asserts he was trying te make friends with the chiropractors te dis cover their plans , te push legislation which would take jurisdiction ever them out of the hands of tlic.Stote Medical Beard. ' JUST AH IT nAPPKKKD A nicium rain,, n.rr imrv ntA ... plctura inikri every story mere vjnclnf bcau of the evidence It beam of reiir.rv. Wfien veu hava th. iv.altt. . eight pitta of pictured world evente, celeb- riuei. localities, your newapmper ) doubly Inter.itlnt. Teu will enjoy the Rotecravura Rectlen of the Hundny Polie LtMti, Make It a Ji&eit." Atv. , ..... . This is an Era . of Big Things and this big, progressive store, conducted en a constantly growing scale, is helping you te dress better than ever before and-at a marked saving. The old idea' of selling a few clothes at a large profit cannet compete with the Perry Super-Value idea of selling thousands at a small profit. Men buy where they get the best values. """ PERRY'S t Over 1200 PALM BEACH SUITS at the Super-Value price of $1 14 Fine Quality Suits quality in the fit quality in the finish quality in the style. Other Super-Values in Palm Beach Suits $17. Silky Mehairs in light, dark and medium shades, with or without harmonizing stripes. Exqui sitely trimmed. Shoulders lined with feather-weight silk. Super-Value price $18 and $2 Fine Qualities in . Featherweight Tropical Worsteds Coel, comfortable and exceedingly hand some. The fine fabrics weigh but eight or nine ounces te the yard. Twe-piece Suits, but some with vests. All silk trimmed. Our Super-Value Prices $25 and $28 White Flannel Trousers of finest quality white flannel. Our Super-Value Price, $8.25 There are no exceptions te the Perry Super Value rule of saving you money. It applies te every article in this great store. Ask a courteous Perry salesman te explain it te you. Perry 16th and .SUPER - in Clethes fer.Mt Weed. M'tMJbTcttrifrUflrtWMi until ner relatives can oe kxwwv,.. jw She was first noticed ,ytnlJr(:fe:, ernoen. walking along rmw'jmmm street by a patrolman.. HbV MOB BaBB' Mie llvwl in the vicinity w.iBMW.'aM.M; JcfTrren streets and be directed jm t4 ".""" . . I .. I. . m. MB- . . ( 71.." B trolley car. aniijnirnwm anrj ir.a.v patrolman at Eighth aad JafMM('4, Btrreta, who turned herterer tetWift' matron of the .Frent and MeatersttllWfc utntinn. '1'iw ti - r- ! u. of P. Italian Grade Meneratl ! n I Circele Itallane will aire a ceaeyfc':.v mwl ilrinrv tntiicht at the IIOURtOB EktM-fXt!?.' Thlrty-Mxth and. Spruce ktreete, )IL'i honor of the Italian sraduateti wtiWmvm I ,m'M) naa at lie ITnlverntlv n( Piaa.t'i'fZi nylvanla. The concert will be t&mM by members of-the club. ",. U. Miaaaaaaa' Wl 4 A 30 & Chestnut VALUES Cn - - 'V-.t-i5JJ !. M f,'s WW.. fJ 11 Hl1 R 'til ,V: -i$m 4; tO,i 6) olldeh ff p. IfrVji" i w T t ?J "1 -f - t MX ' VM 9 t i ISlWi !A- , a -'. tJ.fit "h.m !i " T.JT. I... I . aK? ..-:.. am.l ITU W '" . .V e M ,' - a.. ' 1 , , .i.Tk ' '-- , ki'V V 71 ;?. 7 VV) niWpKV-iis !b.iLiffl&ufa.Jti&l Vtev T r i in an rT .' Jl.i'av t iii WM .!( ,.